1<?php // -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
2// (c) Copyright by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project
4// All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors.
5// Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details.
6// Parameters:
8// lang=xx    : only translates language 'xx',
9//              if not given all languages are translated
11// comments   : generate all comments (equal to close&module)
13// close      : look for similar strings that are already translated and
14//              generate a comment if a 'match' is made
16// module     : generate comments that describe in which .php and/or .tpl
17//              module(s) a certain string was found (useful for checking
18//              translations in context)
20// patch      : looks for the file 'language.patch' in the same directory
21//              as the corresponding language.php and overrides any strings
22//              in language.php - good if a user does not agree with
23//              some translations or if only changes are sent to the maintainer
25// spelling   : generates a file 'spellcheck_me.txt' that contains the
26//              words used in the translation. It is then easy to check this
27//              file for spelling errors (corrections must be done in
28//              'language.php, however)
30// groupwrite : Sets the generated files permissions to allow the generated
31//              language.php also be group writable. This is good for
32//              translators if they do not have root access to tiki but
33//              are in the same group as the webserver. Please remember
34//              to have write access removed when translation is finished
35//              for security reasons. (Run script again without this
36//              parameter)
38// Examples:
39// http://www.neonchart.com/get_strings.php?lang=sv
40// Will translate language 'sv' and (almost) avoiding comment generation
42// http://www.neonchart.com/get_strings.php?lang=sv&comments
43// Will translate language 'sv' and generate all possible comments.
44// This is the most usefull mode when working on a translation.
46// http://www.neonchart.com/get_strings.php?lang=sv&nohelp&nosections
47// These options will only provide the minimal amout of comments.
48// Usefull mode when preparing a translation for distribution.
50// http://www.neonchart.com/get_strings.php?nohelp&nosections
51// Prepare all languages for release
54// ### Note for translators about translation of text ending with punctuation
55// ###
56// ### The current list of concerned punctuation can be found in 'lib/init/tra.php'
57// ### On 2009-03-02, it is: (':', '!', ';', '.', ',', '?')
58// ### For clarity, we explain here only for colons: ':' but it is the same for the rest
59// ###
60// ### Short version: it is not a problem that string "Log In:" has no translation. Only "Log In" needs to be translated.
61// ###
62// ### Technical justification:
63// ### If a string ending with colon needs translating (like "{tr}Login:{/tr}")
64// ### then TikiWiki tries to translate 'Log In' and ':' separately.
65// ### This allows to have only one translation for "{tr}Login{/tr}" and "{tr}Login:{/tr}"
66// ### and it still allows to translate ":" as "&nbsp;:" for languages that
67// ### need it (like french)
69$lang = array(
70// ### Start of unused words
71// ### Please remove manually!
72// ### N.B. Legitimate strings may be marked// ### as unused!
73// ### Please see http://tiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=UnusedWords for further info
74"categorize" => "categorizar",
75"Set prefs" => "Definir preferências",
76"creation date" => "data de criação",
77"last modification time" => "data da última modificação",
78"Invalid old password or unknown user" => "Senha antiga inválida ou usuário desconhecido",
79"Contributions by author" => "Contribuições por autor",
80// ### end of unused words
82// ### start of untranslated words
83// ### uncomment value pairs as you translate
84// "Kalture Video" => "Kalture Video",
85// "Communication error" => "Communication error",
86// "Invalid response provided by the Kaltura server. Please retry" => "Invalid response provided by the Kaltura server. Please retry",
87// "Delete comments" => "Delete comments",
88"Approved Status" => "Aprovado",
89// "Queued" => "Queued",
90// "The file is already locked by %s" => "The file is already locked by %s",
91// "Warning: The file is used in" => "Warning: The file is used in",
92// "You do not have permission to edit this file" => "You do not have permission to edit this file",
93// "Not modified since" => "Not modified since",
94// "Test special \"characters\" escaping" => "Test special \"characters\" escaping",
95// ### end of untranslated words
96// ###
98// ###
99// ### start of possibly untranslated words
100// ###
102"Non-existent user" => "Usuário inexistente",
103"No banner indicated" => "Nenhum banner indicado",
104"No blog indicated" => "Nenhum blog indicado",
105"No cache information available" => "Informação de cache não disponível",
106"No faq indicated" => "Nenhum faq indicado",
107"You do not have permission to remove someone else\\'s post!" => "Você não pode remover a mensagem postada por outra pessoa!",
108"No thread indicated" => "Nenhuma seqüência indicada",
109"A SheetId is required." => "Id da planilha é necessário.",
110"That tracker does not use extras." => "Aquele formulário não usa extras.",
111"Aborted" => "Abortado",
112"Remove" => "Novo remover",
113"Top pages" => "Páginas mais populares",
114"Last pages" => "Páginas recentes",
115"Tiki RSS feed for the wiki pages" => "Fonte RSS para páginas wiki",
116"Latest wiki page changes." => "Últimas modificações no wiki.",
117"There was an error deleting the file" => "Erro ao deletar o arquivo",
118"The page is empty" => "A página está vazia",
119"You do not have permission to view maps" => "Você não possui permissões para ver os mapas",
120"Second test special \"characters\" escaping" => "Alguma tradução \"characters\"",
121"Should escape \"double quotes\" in the source string" => "Deve escapar \"aspas duplas\" na string original",
122"Something" => "Algo",
123"Trying to insert malicious PHP code back to the language.php file" => "asff\"); echo 'teste'; \$dois = array('',\"",