2// (c) Copyright by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project
4// All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors.
5// Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details.
6// $Id$
8function wikiplugin_sharethis_info()
10	return [
11		'name' => tra('ShareThis'),
12		'documentation' => 'PluginSharethis',
13		'description' => tra('Add a ShareThis button'),
14		'prefs' => [ 'wikiplugin_sharethis' ],
15		'iconname' => 'sharethis',
16		'introduced' => 3,
17		'tags' => [ 'basic' ],
18		'params' => [
19			'sendsvcs' => [
20				'required' => false,
21				'name' => tra('Send Services'),
22				'description' => tr('By default, %0email%1, %0aim%1 and %0sms%1 are available. Input one or two of the
23					services separated by a %0|%1 to limit the choice of send services.', '<code>', '</code>'),
24				'since' => '3.2',
25				'default' => '',
26				'advanced' => true,
27				'separator' => '|',
28				'filter' => 'word',
29				'options' => [
30					['text' => '', 'value' => ''],
31					['text' => tra('AIM'), 'value' => 'aim'],
32					['text' => tra('AIM and Email'), 'value' => 'aim|email'],
33					['text' => tra('AIM and SMS'), 'value' => 'aim|sms'],
34					['text' => tra('Email'), 'value' => 'email'],
35					['text' => tra('Email and SMS'), 'value' => 'email|sms'],
36				]
37			],
38			'style' => [
39				'required' => false,
40				'name' => tra('Button Style'),
41				'description' => tra('Set button style.'),
42				'since' => '5.0',
43				'default' => '',
44				'filter' => 'word',
45				'options' => [
46					['text' => tra(''), 'value' => ''],
47					['text' => tra('Horizontal'), 'value' => 'horizontal'],
48					['text' => tra('Vertical'), 'value' => 'vertical'],
49					['text' => tra('Rotate'), 'value' => 'rotate']
50					]
51			],
52			'rotateimage' => [
53				'required' => false,
54				'name' => tra('Rotate Image'),
55				'description' => tr('A value of %0y%1 (Yes) will cause the button icon to rotate every 3 seconds between
56					a few icons, cycling through twice before stopping.', '<code>', '</code>'),
57				'since' => '3.2',
58				'default' => '',
59				'filter' => 'alpha',
60				'options' => [
61					['text' => '', 'value' => ''],
62					['text' => tra('Yes'), 'value' => 'y'],
63					['text' => tra('No'), 'value' => 'n']
64				]
65			],
66			'multiple' => [
67				'required' => false,
68				'name' => tra('Multiple Icons'),
69				'description' => tr(
70					'Enter pipe-separated list of services, e.g., %0.',
71					'<code>email|facebook|twitter|sharethis</code>'
72				),
73				'since' => '5.0',
74				'separator' => '|',
75				'filter' => 'word',
76				'default' => '',
77			],
78			'postfirst' => [
79				'required' => false,
80				'name' => tra('First Services Shown'),
81				'description' => tr('Input a list of post services (like %0Facebook|Myspace|Digg%1, etc.) separated by a
82					%0|%1 to customize the services that are shown in the opening panel of the widget.', '<code>', '</code>'),
83				'since' => '3.2',
84				'separator' => '|',
85				'filter' => 'word',
86				'advanced' => true,
87				'default' => '',
88			],
89			'buttontext' => [
90				'required' => false,
91				'name' => tra('Button Text'),
92				'description' => tra('Custom link text for the button.'),
93				'since' => '3.2',
94				'filter' => 'text',
95				'default' => '',
96			],
97			'headertitle' => [
98				'required' => false,
99				'name' => tra('Header Title'),
100				'description' => tra('Optional header title text for the widget.'),
101				'since' => '3.2',
102				'filter' => 'text',
103				'default' => '',
104			],
105			'headerbg' => [
106				'required' => false,
107				'name' => tra('Header Background'),
108				'description' => tra('HTML color code (not color name) for the background color for the header if an
109					optional header title is used.'),
110				'since' => '3.0',
111				'advanced' => true,
112				'filter' => 'text',
113				'default' => '',
114			],
115			'headertxtcolor' => [
116				'required' => false,
117				'name' => tra('Header Text Color'),
118				'description' => tra('HTML color code (not color name) for the header text if an optional header title is used.'),
119				'since' => '3.2',
120				'advanced' => true,
121				'filter' => 'text',
122				'default' => '',
123			],
124			'linkfg' => [
125				'required' => false,
126				'name' => tra('Link text color for services'),
127				'description' => tra('HTML color code (not color name) for the link text for all send and post services shown in the widget'),
128				'since' => '3.0',
129				'advanced' => true,
130				'filter' => 'text',
131				'default' => '',
132			],
133			'popup' => [
134				'required' => false,
135				'name' => tra('Popup'),
136				'description' => tra('Set whether the widget will show in a popup window.'),
137				'since' => '3.0',
138				'advanced' => true,
139				'filter' => 'word',
140				'default' => '',
141				'options' => [
142					['text' => '', 'value' => ''],
143					['text' => tra('No'), 'value' => ''],
144					['text' => tra('Yes'), 'value' => 'true'],
145				]
146			],
147			'embed' => [
148				'required' => false,
149				'name' => tra('Embedded Elements'),
150				'description' => tra('Allow embedded elements (like flash) to be seen while iframe is loading.'),
151				'since' => '3.0',
152				'advanced' => true,
153				'filter' => 'word',
154				'default' => '',
155				'options' => [
156					['text' => '', 'value' => ''],
157					['text' => tra('No'), 'value' => ''],
158					['text' => tra('Yes'), 'value' => 'true'],
159				]
160			],
161		]
162	];
164function wikiplugin_sharethis($data, $params)
166	$headerlib = TikiLib::lib('header');
167	extract($params, EXTR_SKIP);
168	$sharethis_options = [];
169	$iconcode = '';
170	$sep = '&amp;';
171	$comma = '%2C';
172	$lb = '%23';
173	$sp = '%20';
175	// The following is the array that holds the default options for the plugin.
176	$sharethis_options['type'] = 'website';
177	$sharethis_options['sendsvcs'] = '';
178	$sharethis_options['style'] = '';
179	$sharethis_options['buttontext'] = '';
180	$sharethis_options['postfirst'] = '';
181	$sharethis_options['headertitle'] = '';
182	$sharethis_options['headerbg'] = '';
183	$sharethis_options['headertxtcolor'] = '';
184	$sharethis_options['linkfg'] = '';
185	$sharethis_options['popup'] = '';
186	$sharethis_options['embed'] = '';
188	// load setting options from $params
190	// set post services that appear upon widget opening
191	if (! empty($postfirst)) {
192		$sharethis_options['postfirst'] = str_replace('|', $comma, $postfirst);
193	}
194	// limit send services that will appear
195	if (! empty($sendsvcs)) {
196		$sharethis_options['sendsvcs'] = str_replace('|', $comma, $sendsvcs);
197	}
198	// set icon style
199	if (! empty($rotateimage) || ! empty($style)) {
200		if ($rotateimage == 'y' || $style == 'rotate') {
201			$sharethis_options['style'] = 'rotate';
202		} elseif ($style == 'horizontal') {
203			$sharethis_options['style'] = 'horizontal';
204		} elseif ($style == 'vertical') {
205			$sharethis_options['style'] = 'vertical';
206		}
207	}
208	if (! empty($multiple)) {
209		$headerlib->add_css('body {font-family:helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:12px;}');
210		$headerlib->add_css('a.stbar.chicklet img {border:0;height:16px;width:16px;margin-right:3px;vertical-align:middle;}');
211		$headerlib->add_css('a.stbar.chicklet {height:16px;line-height:16px;}');
212		$icons = explode('|', $multiple);
213		foreach ($icons as $icon) {
214			$iconcode .= '<a id="ck_' . $icon . '" class="stbar chicklet" href="javascript:void(0);">'
215							. '<img src="https://ws.sharethis.com/chicklets/' . $icon . '.gif" style="margin-right:3px;" />';
216			if ($icon == 'sharethis') {
217				$iconcode .= 'ShareThis';
218			}
219			$iconcode .= '</a>';
220		}
221		$headerlib->add_js(
222			'	var shared_object = SHARETHIS.addEntry({
223						title: document.title,
224						url: document.location.href
225					});
227					shared_object.attachButton(document.getElementById("ck_sharethis"));
228					shared_object.attachChicklet("email", document.getElementById("ck_email"));
229					shared_object.attachChicklet("facebook", document.getElementById("ck_facebook"));
230					shared_object.attachChicklet("twitter", document.getElementById("ck_twitter"));'
231		);
232	}
234	// set button text
235	if (! empty($buttontext)) {
236		$sharethis_options['buttontext'] = $buttontext;
237	}
238	// set header title text. If header title is set by user, then set background color and text color
239	if (! empty($headertitle)) {
240		$sharethis_options['headertitle'] = str_replace(' ', $sp, $headertitle);
241		if (! empty($headerbg)) {
242			$sharethis_options['headerbg'] = $headerbg;
243		}
244		if (! empty($headertxtcolor)) {
245			$sharethis_options['headertxtcolor'] = $headertxtcolor;
246		}
247	} else {
248			$sharethis_options['headerbg'] = '';
249			$sharethis_options['headertxtcolor'] = '';
250	}
251	// set link text color for services shown in popup
252	if (! empty($linkfg)) {
253		$sharethis_options['linkfg'] = $linkfg;
254	}
255	// set popup
256	if (! empty($popup)) {
257		$sharethis_options['popup'] = $popup;
258	}
259	// set embed
260	if (! empty($embed)) {
261		$sharethis_options['embed'] = $embed;
262	}
264	// put all the options together
266	$sharethiscode = "~hc~ ))ShareThis(( Bookmark Button BEGIN ~/hc~";
267	$sharethiscode .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ws.sharethis.com/button/sharethis.js#';
268	$sharethiscode .= "type=" . $sharethis_options['type'];
270	if (! empty($sharethis_options['buttontext'])) {
271		$sharethiscode .= $sep . "buttonText=" . $sharethis_options['buttontext'];
272	}
273	if (! empty($sharethis_options['popup'])) {
274		$sharethiscode .= $sep . "popup=" . $sharethis_options['popup'];
275	}
276	if (! empty($sharethis_options['embed'])) {
277		$sharethiscode .= $sep . "embeds=" . $sharethis_options['embed'];
278	}
279	if (! empty($sharethis_options['style'])) {
280		$sharethiscode .= $sep . "style=" . $sharethis_options['style'];
281	}
282	if (! empty($sharethis_options['sendsvcs'])) {
283		$sharethiscode .= $sep . "send_services=" . $sharethis_options['sendsvcs'];
284	}
285	if (! empty($sharethis_options['postfirst'])) {
286		$sharethiscode .= $sep . "post_services=" . $sharethis_options['postfirst'];
287	}
288	if (! empty($sharethis_options['headertxtcolor'])) {
289		$sharethiscode .= $sep . "headerfg=" . $lb . $sharethis_options['headertxtcolor'];
290	}
291	if (! empty($sharethis_options['headerbg'])) {
292		$sharethiscode .= $sep . "headerbg=" . $lb . $sharethis_options['headerbg'];
293	}
294	if (! empty($sharethis_options['linkfg'])) {
295		$sharethiscode .= $sep . "linkfg=" . $lb . $sharethis_options['linkfg'];
296	}
297	if (! empty($sharethis_options['headertitle'])) {
298		$sharethiscode .= $sep . "headerTitle=" . $sharethis_options['headertitle'];
299	}
300	if (! empty($iconcode)) {
301		$sharethiscode .= ';button=false';
302	}
303	$sharethiscode .= "\"></script>\n";
304	if (! empty($iconcode)) {
305		$sharethiscode .= $iconcode;
306	}
307	$sharethiscode .= "~hc~ ))ShareThis(( Bookmark Button END ~/hc~";
309	$result = $sharethiscode;
311	return $result;