2// (c) Copyright by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project
4// All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors.
5// Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details.
6// $Id$
8function wikiplugin_userlist_info()
10	return [
11		'name' => tra('User List'),
12		'documentation' => 'PluginUserList',
13		'description' => tra('Display a list of registered users'),
14		'prefs' => [ 'wikiplugin_userlist' ],
15		'body' => tra('Login Filter'),
16		'iconname' => 'group',
17		'introduced' => 3,
18		'params' => [
19			'sep' => [
20				'required' => false,
21				'name' => tra('Separator'),
22				'description' => tra('Separator to use between users in the list. Default: comma'),
23				'since' => '3.0',
24				'default' => ', ',
25				'advanced' => true,
26			],
27			'max' => [
28				'required' => false,
29				'name' => tra('Maximum'),
30				'description' => tra('Result limit'),
31				'since' => '3.0',
32				'default' => '',
33				'filter' => 'digits',
34				'advanced' => true,
35			],
36			'sort' => [
37				'required' => false,
38				'name' => tra('Sort order'),
39				'description' => tra('Set to sort in ascending or descending order'),
40				'since' => '3.0',
41				'default' => '',
42				'filter' => 'alpha',
43				'options' => [
44					['text' => '', 'value' => ''],
45					['text' => tra('Ascending'), 'value' => 'asc'],
46					['text' => tra('Descending'), 'value' => 'desc'],
47				],
48			],
49			'layout' => [
50				'required' => false,
51				'name' => tra('Layout'),
52				'description' => tra('Set to table to display results in a table'),
53				'since' => '3.0',
54				'default' => '',
55				'filter' => 'alpha',
56				'options' => [
57					['text' => '', 'value' => ''],
58					['text' => tra('List'), 'value' => ''],
59					['text' => tra('Table'), 'value' => 'table'],
60				],
61			],
62			'link' => [
63				'required' => false,
64				'name' => tra('Link'),
65				'description' => tra('Make the user names listed links to different types of user information'),
66				'since' => '3.0',
67				'default' => '',
68				'filter' => 'alpha',
69				'options' => [
70					['text' => '', 'value' => ''],
71					['text' => tra('User info'), 'value' => 'userinfo'],
72					['text' => tra('User page'), 'value' => 'userpage'],
73					['text' => tra('User pref'), 'value' => 'userpref'],
74				],
75			],
76			'realname' => [
77				'required' => false,
78				'filter' => 'alpha',
79				'name' => tra('Real Name'),
80				'description' => tra('Display the user\'s real name (when available) instead of login name'),
81				'since' => '4.0',
82				'default' => '',
83				'options' => [
84					['text' => '', 'value' => ''],
85					['text' => tra('Yes'), 'value' => 'y'],
86					['text' => tra('No'), 'value' => ''],
87				],
88			],
89			'group' => [
90				'required' => false,
91				'name' => tra('Group'),
92				'description' => tra('Filter on a group'),
93				'since' => '5.0',
94				'filter' => 'groupname',
95				'default' => '',
96			],
97		],
98	];
101function wikiplugin_userlist($data, $params)
103	global $prefs, $tiki_p_admin, $tiki_p_admin_users, $user;
104	$userlib = TikiLib::lib('user');
105	$tikilib = TikiLib::lib('tiki');
107	extract($params, EXTR_SKIP);
109	if (! isset($sep)) {
110		$sep = ', ';
111	}
112	if (! isset($max)) {
113		$numRows = -1;
114	} else {
115		$numRows = (int) $max;
116	}
118	$from = '';
119	if ($data) {
120		$mid = '`login` like ?';
121		$findesc = '%' . $data . '%';
122		$bindvars = [$findesc];
123	} else {
124		$mid = '1';
125		$bindvars = [];
126	}
127	$pre = '';
128	$post = '';
129	if (isset($layout)) {
130		if ($layout == 'table') {
131			$pre = '<table class=\'sortable\' id=\'' . $tikilib->now . '\'><tr><th>' . tra('users') . '</th></tr><tr><td>';
132			$sep = '</td></tr><tr><td>';
133			$post = '</td></tr></table>';
134		}
135	}
136	if (isset($group)) {
137		$from .= ", users_usergroups uug";
138		$mid .= ' and uug.`groupName` = ? and uu.`userId` = uug.`userId`';
139		$bindvars[] = $group;
140	}
141	if (isset($sort)) {
142		$sort = strtolower($sort);
143		if (($sort == 'asc') || ($sort == 'desc')) {
144			$mid .= ' ORDER BY `login` ' . $sort;
145		}
146	}
148		$query = "select `login`, uu.`userId` from `users_users` uu $from where $mid";
149	$result = $tikilib->query($query, $bindvars, $numRows);
150	$ret = [];
152	while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {
153		$res = '';
154		if (isset($link)) {
155			if ($link == 'userpage') {
156				if ($prefs['feature_wiki_userpage'] == 'y') {
157					$wikilib = TikiLib::lib('wiki');
158					$page = $prefs['feature_wiki_userpage_prefix'] . $row['login'];
159					if ($tikilib->page_exists($page)) {
160						$res = '<a href="' . $wikilib->sefurl($page) . '" title="' . tra('Page') . '">';
161					}
162				}
163			} elseif (isset($link) && $link == 'userpref') {
164				if ($prefs['feature_userPreferences'] == 'y' && ($tiki_p_admin_users == 'y' || $tiki_p_admin == 'y')) {
165					$res = '<a href="tiki-user_preferences.php?userId=' . $row['userId'] . '" title="' . tra('Preferences') . '">';
166				}
167			} elseif (isset($link) && $link == 'userinfo') {
168				if ($tiki_p_admin_users == 'y' || $tiki_p_admin == 'y') {
169					$res = '<a href="tiki-user_information.php?userId=' . $row['userId'] . '" title="' . tra('User Information') . '">';
170				} else {
171					$user_information = $tikilib->get_user_preference($row['login'], 'user_information', 'public');
172					if ($user_information != 'private' && $row['login'] != $user) {
173						$res = '<a href="tiki-user_information.php?userId=' . $row['userId'] . '" title="' . tra('User Information') . '">';
174					}
175				}
176			}
177		}
178		$displayName = $row['login'];
179		if ($params['realname']) {
180			$realName = $tikilib->get_user_preference($row['login'], 'realName');
182			if ($realName) {
183				$displayName = $realName;
184			}
185		}
187		$ret[] = $res . $displayName . ($res ? '</a>' : '');
188	}
189	return $pre . implode($sep, $ret) . $post;