1# libaes_siv
3This is an [RFC5297](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5297)-compliant C
4implementation of AES-SIV written by Daniel Franke on behalf of
5[Akamai Technologies](https://www.akamai.com). It is published under
6the [Apache License
7(v2.0)](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).  It uses OpenSSL
8for the underlying
9[AES](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard) and
10[CMAC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One-key_MAC) implementations and
11follows a similar interface style.
13An AES_SIV implementation forked from libaes_siv has been [merged into
14the OpenSSL master branch](https://github.com/openssl/openssl/pull/3540).
15However, the two implementations are not API-compatible; see section
16"OpenSSL API Comparison" below.
18## Overview of SIV mode
20Synthetic Initialization Vector (SIV) mode is a [block cipher mode of
22for [authenticated encryption with associated
23data](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authenticated_encryption) designed
24to be maximally resistant to accidental
25[nonce](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptographic_nonce) reuse.  If
26two messages are accidentally encrypted using the same nonce and the
27same associated data, the attacker learns nothing except whether or
28not the plaintexts of the two messages are identical to each other.
29SIV mode also permits the nonce to be intentionally omitted, resulting
30in a [deterministic encryption
33Here are a couple common situations where AES-SIV may be an
34appropriate choice of AEAD scheme:
361. You can't count on the system doing the encrypting to reliably
37   generate a unique nonce for every message. For example, the system
38   may be an embedded device with no good entropy source, or may be a
39   VM subject to be snapshotted and restored.
412. You want your encryption to be deterministic so that an
42   intermediating party such as a caching proxy, provided only with
43   ciphertext, can perform deduplication.
45The drawback to SIV mode is that it requires two passes over its
46input. This makes it potentially clumsy for use with large messages
47since the entire message must be held in memory at one time. SIV mode
48is also a bit slower than most widely-used block cipher modes (but
49can still be quite fast — see performance numbers below).
51Be aware that with *any* encryption scheme, including SIV, repeating
52or omitting a nonce can still be [fatal to
53security](https://xkcd.com/257) if your plaintexts have low entropy,
54e.g., if each message consists only of a single bit.
56Keys for SIV mode are twice the length of the keys for the underlying
57block cipher. For example, keys for AES-128-SIV are 256 bits long,
58and keys for AES-256-SIV are 512 bits long.
60## Build instructions
62Build dependencies:
64* Any ISO C89 compiler (GCC or Clang recommended). No C99 language
65  features are required, however `<stdint.h>` must be available and
66  must define `uint64_t`. `char` must be 8 bits and arithmetic must be
67  two's complement.
68* [CMake](https://cmake.org) >= 3.1
69* [OpenSSL](https://openssl.org) >=1.0.1 (libcrypto only). A recent
70  release from the 1.0.2 branch or later is strongly recommended since
71  1.0.1 was EOL'ed at the end of 2016. Furthermore, OpenSSL versions prior
72  to 1.0.1n and 1.0.2b have known bugs which impact `libaes_siv` and
73  will cause failures in its test suite. LibreSSL is not supported.
74* [Asciidoc](http://asciidoc.org) (only required for building man pages)
76Running benchmarks requires a POSIX.1-2001 compliant OS, including
77the `clock_gettime` system call.
79To build and install on POSIX-like platforms:
81    cmake . &&
82    make &&
83    make test &&
84    sudo make install
87NOTE:  Out-of-source builds are allowed, but out-of-source manpage builds
88require a2x's -D option, which may provoke an apparently bogus warning from a2x.
90If you want to build on an OS X machine, install the Xcode development
91environment and the command line tools, then use either the Homebrew package
92manager or the MacPorts package manager to install cmake and OpenSSL.
94Homebrew (https://brew.sh/):
96    brew install cmake openssl &&
97    cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/opt/openssl . &&
98    make &&
99    make test &&
100    sudo make install
102MacPorts (https://www.macports.org/):
104    sudo port install cmake openssl &&
105    cmake . &&
106    make &&
107    make test &&
108    sudo make install
111To create a native Windows build, you will first need to build
112OpenSSL.  Install Visual Studio, CMake, ActiveState Perl, and NASM, and
113ensure that `nasm.exe` is somewhere in your `%PATH%`. From a VS developer
114command prompt, unpack the OpenSSL sources and run
116    perl Configure VC-WIN64A
117    nmake
119Then to build `libaes_siv`, run
121    cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=\path\to\openssl .
122    nmake
123    nmake test
126## Usage
128See the manual pages for API documentation, and the test vectors
129in `tests.c` for simple usage examples.  You can also use the `demo` command
130line program to encrypt and decrypt data.
132## OpenSSL API Comparison
134In December 2018, OpenSSL merged an AES-SIV implementation derived
135from libaes_siv. As of February 2019 this implementation has not been
136released yet; it will appear some time post-1.1.1. However, despite
137the two implementations' common ancestry, they are not API-compatible.
138The OpenSSL team had to make an ugly-but-necessary compromise in order
139to shoehorn SIV mode into OpenSSL's EVP API, which is a streaming API
140that was never designed to support SIV's two-pass operation. When used for
141SIV operations, the EVP API is forced to return an error if you invoke
142`EVP_(En|De)crypt_Update` more than once for the same message.
144When designing libaes_siv, I rejected this behavior as an unacceptable
145breakdown of the API contract and opted to dispense with the EVP
146abstraction altogether rather than permit it to leak. libaes_siv's API
147remains stylistically similar to EVP, but is nonetheless distinct and
148avoids the above pitfall.
150## Performance
152On the author's Intel Core i7-6560U laptop, libaes_siv can process
153approximately 796 MiB of plaintext or ciphertext or 963 MiB of
154associated data per second using 256-bit keys
155(i.e., AES-128). Encrypting a zero-byte message takes approximately
156990ns. To obtain numbers for your own system, run `make bench &&
159## Software assurance
161libaes_siv's test suite includes all test vectors from RFC 5297 and
162achieves 100% code coverage according to
163[gcov](https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Gcov.html). It produces
164clean output from [Valgrind](https://valgrind.org) and from Clang's
165[undefined behavior
167and is verified using [ctgrind](https://github.com/agl/ctgrind) to run
168in constant time.
170Nonetheless, libaes_siv should at present be considered beta-quality
171code. It has not yet been tested on platforms other than x86-64 Linux
172or benefited from any significant amount of user feedback, and
173the codebase is in need of additional review by cryptographers and
174expert C programmers.
176## Bugs and pull requests
178Use the GitHub issue tracker. For reporting sensitive security issues,
179contact the author directly. (Note: I no longer use PGP. Please
180request my Signal details if necessary).
182## A note on version numbers
184libaes_siv version numbers are of the form `<major>.<minor>.<patch>`
185and follow a semantic versioning scheme. The major version number
186will be incremented with any backward-incompatible ABI change. The
187minor version number will be incremented if new functionality is
188added without impacting ABI backward-compatibility. The patch
189version number will be incremented for releases that make no
190externally-visible changes.
192As a result of this scheme, on ELF platforms, the .so version will
193be the same as the release version.
195Version numbers indicate nothing about code quality or maturity.  No
196code known or suspected to be less suitable for production use than
197previous releases will ever be tagged with a version number.