1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright 2014-2020 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
8#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14# limitations under the License.
16# Author: Qiming Sun <osirpt.sun@gmail.com>
19import sys
21from functools import reduce
22import numpy
23from pyscf import lib
24from pyscf.lib import logger
25from pyscf import gto
26from pyscf import scf
27from pyscf import ao2mo
28from pyscf import fci
29from pyscf.mcscf import addons
30from pyscf import __config__
32WITH_META_LOWDIN = getattr(__config__, 'mcscf_analyze_with_meta_lowdin', True)
33LARGE_CI_TOL = getattr(__config__, 'mcscf_analyze_large_ci_tol', 0.1)
34PENALTY = getattr(__config__, 'mcscf_casci_CASCI_fix_spin_shift', 0.2)
37if sys.version_info < (3,):
38    RANGE_TYPE = list
40    RANGE_TYPE = range
43def h1e_for_cas(casci, mo_coeff=None, ncas=None, ncore=None):
44    '''CAS sapce one-electron hamiltonian
46    Args:
47        casci : a CASSCF/CASCI object or RHF object
49    Returns:
50        A tuple, the first is the effective one-electron hamiltonian defined in CAS space,
51        the second is the electronic energy from core.
52    '''
53    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = casci.mo_coeff
54    if ncas is None: ncas = casci.ncas
55    if ncore is None: ncore = casci.ncore
56    mo_core = mo_coeff[:,:ncore]
57    mo_cas = mo_coeff[:,ncore:ncore+ncas]
59    hcore = casci.get_hcore()
60    energy_core = casci.energy_nuc()
61    if mo_core.size == 0:
62        corevhf = 0
63    else:
64        core_dm = numpy.dot(mo_core, mo_core.conj().T) * 2
65        corevhf = casci.get_veff(casci.mol, core_dm)
66        energy_core += numpy.einsum('ij,ji', core_dm, hcore).real
67        energy_core += numpy.einsum('ij,ji', core_dm, corevhf).real * .5
68    h1eff = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_cas.conj().T, hcore+corevhf, mo_cas))
69    return h1eff, energy_core
71def analyze(casscf, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, verbose=None,
72            large_ci_tol=LARGE_CI_TOL, with_meta_lowdin=WITH_META_LOWDIN,
73            **kwargs):
74    from pyscf.lo import orth
75    from pyscf.tools import dump_mat
76    from pyscf.mcscf import addons
77    log = logger.new_logger(casscf, verbose)
79    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = casscf.mo_coeff
80    if ci is None: ci = casscf.ci
81    nelecas = casscf.nelecas
82    ncas = casscf.ncas
83    ncore = casscf.ncore
84    nocc = ncore + ncas
85    mocore = mo_coeff[:,:ncore]
86    mocas = mo_coeff[:,ncore:nocc]
88    label = casscf.mol.ao_labels()
89    if (isinstance(ci, (list, tuple, RANGE_TYPE)) and
90        not isinstance(casscf.fcisolver, addons.StateAverageFCISolver)):
91        log.warn('Mulitple states found in CASCI/CASSCF solver. Density '
92                 'matrix of the first state is generated in .analyze() function.')
93        civec = ci[0]
94    else:
95        civec = ci
96    if getattr(casscf.fcisolver, 'make_rdm1s', None):
97        casdm1a, casdm1b = casscf.fcisolver.make_rdm1s(civec, ncas, nelecas)
98        casdm1 = casdm1a + casdm1b
99        dm1b = numpy.dot(mocore, mocore.conj().T)
100        dm1a = dm1b + reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas, casdm1a, mocas.conj().T))
101        dm1b += reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas, casdm1b, mocas.conj().T))
102        dm1 = dm1a + dm1b
103        if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG2:
104            log.info('alpha density matrix (on AO)')
105            dump_mat.dump_tri(log.stdout, dm1a, label, **kwargs)
106            log.info('beta density matrix (on AO)')
107            dump_mat.dump_tri(log.stdout, dm1b, label, **kwargs)
108    else:
109        casdm1 = casscf.fcisolver.make_rdm1(civec, ncas, nelecas)
110        dm1a = (numpy.dot(mocore, mocore.conj().T) * 2 +
111                reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas, casdm1, mocas.conj().T)))
112        dm1b = None
113        dm1 = dm1a
115    if log.verbose >= logger.INFO:
116        ovlp_ao = casscf._scf.get_ovlp()
117        # note the last two args of ._eig for mc1step_symm
118        occ, ucas = casscf._eig(-casdm1, ncore, nocc)
119        log.info('Natural occ %s', str(-occ))
120        mocas = numpy.dot(mocas, ucas)
121        if with_meta_lowdin:
122            log.info('Natural orbital (expansion on meta-Lowdin AOs) in CAS space')
123            orth_coeff = orth.orth_ao(casscf.mol, 'meta_lowdin', s=ovlp_ao)
124            mocas = reduce(numpy.dot, (orth_coeff.conj().T, ovlp_ao, mocas))
125        else:
126            log.info('Natural orbital (expansion on AOs) in CAS space')
127        dump_mat.dump_rec(log.stdout, mocas, label, start=1, **kwargs)
128        if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG2:
129            if not casscf.natorb:
130                log.debug2('NOTE: mc.mo_coeff in active space is different to '
131                           'the natural orbital coefficients printed in above.')
132            if with_meta_lowdin:
133                c = reduce(numpy.dot, (orth_coeff.conj().T, ovlp_ao, mo_coeff))
134                log.debug2('MCSCF orbital (expansion on meta-Lowdin AOs)')
135            else:
136                c = mo_coeff
137                log.debug2('MCSCF orbital (expansion on AOs)')
138            dump_mat.dump_rec(log.stdout, c, label, start=1, **kwargs)
140        if casscf._scf.mo_coeff is not None:
141            addons.map2hf(casscf, casscf._scf.mo_coeff)
143        if (ci is not None and
144            (getattr(casscf.fcisolver, 'large_ci', None) or
145             getattr(casscf.fcisolver, 'states_large_ci', None))):
146            log.info('** Largest CI components **')
147            if isinstance(ci, (list, tuple, RANGE_TYPE)):
148                if hasattr(casscf.fcisolver, 'states_large_ci'):
149                    # defined in state_average_mix_ mcscf object
150                    res = casscf.fcisolver.states_large_ci(ci, casscf.ncas, casscf.nelecas,
151                                                           large_ci_tol, return_strs=False)
152                else:
153                    res = [casscf.fcisolver.large_ci(civec, casscf.ncas, casscf.nelecas,
154                                                     large_ci_tol, return_strs=False)
155                           for civec in ci]
156                for i, civec in enumerate(ci):
157                    log.info('  [alpha occ-orbitals] [beta occ-orbitals]  state %-3d CI coefficient', i)
158                    for c,ia,ib in res[i]:
159                        log.info('  %-20s %-30s %.12f', ia, ib, c)
160            else:
161                log.info('  [alpha occ-orbitals] [beta occ-orbitals]            CI coefficient')
162                res = casscf.fcisolver.large_ci(ci, casscf.ncas, casscf.nelecas,
163                                                large_ci_tol, return_strs=False)
164                for c,ia,ib in res:
165                    log.info('  %-20s %-30s %.12f', ia, ib, c)
167        if with_meta_lowdin:
168            casscf._scf.mulliken_meta(casscf.mol, dm1, s=ovlp_ao, verbose=log)
169        else:
170            casscf._scf.mulliken_pop(casscf.mol, dm1, s=ovlp_ao, verbose=log)
171    return dm1a, dm1b
173def get_fock(mc, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, eris=None, casdm1=None, verbose=None):
174    r'''
175    Effective one-electron Fock matrix in AO representation
176    f = \sum_{pq} E_{pq} F_{pq}
177    F_{pq} = h_{pq} + \sum_{rs} [(pq|rs)-(ps|rq)] DM_{sr}
179    Ref.
180    Theor. Chim. Acta., 91, 31
181    Chem. Phys. 48, 157
183    For state-average CASCI/CASSCF object, the effective fock matrix is based
184    on the state-average density matrix.  To obtain Fock matrix of a specific
185    state in the state-average calculations, you can pass "casdm1" of the
186    specific state to this function.
188    Args:
189        mc: a CASSCF/CASCI object or RHF object
191    Kwargs:
192        mo_coeff (ndarray): orbitals that span the core, active and external
193            space.
194        ci (ndarray): CI coefficients (or objects to represent the CI
195            wavefunctions in DMRG/QMC-MCSCF calculations).
196        eris: Integrals for the MCSCF object. Input this object to reduce the
197            overhead of computing integrals. It can be generated by
198            :func:`mc.ao2mo` method.
199        casdm1 (ndarray): 1-particle density matrix in active space. Without
200            input casdm1, the density matrix is computed with the input ci
201            coefficients/object. If neither ci nor casdm1 were given, density
202            matrix is computed by :func:`mc.fcisolver.make_rdm1` method. For
203            state-average CASCI/CASCF calculation, this results in the
204            effective Fock matrix based on the state-average density matrix.
205            To obtain the effective Fock matrix for one particular state, you
206            can assign the density matrix of that state to the kwarg casdm1.
208    Returns:
209        Fock matrix
210    '''
212    if ci is None: ci = mc.ci
213    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = mc.mo_coeff
214    nmo = mo_coeff.shape[1]
215    ncore = mc.ncore
216    ncas = mc.ncas
217    nocc = ncore + ncas
218    nelecas = mc.nelecas
220    if casdm1 is None:
221        casdm1 = mc.fcisolver.make_rdm1(ci, ncas, nelecas)
222    if getattr(eris, 'ppaa', None) is not None:
223        vj = numpy.empty((nmo,nmo))
224        vk = numpy.empty((nmo,nmo))
225        for i in range(nmo):
226            vj[i] = numpy.einsum('ij,qij->q', casdm1, eris.ppaa[i])
227            vk[i] = numpy.einsum('ij,iqj->q', casdm1, eris.papa[i])
228        mo_inv = numpy.dot(mo_coeff.conj().T, mc._scf.get_ovlp())
229        fock = (mc.get_hcore() +
230                reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_inv.conj().T, eris.vhf_c+vj-vk*.5, mo_inv)))
231    else:
232        dm_core = numpy.dot(mo_coeff[:,:ncore]*2, mo_coeff[:,:ncore].conj().T)
233        mocas = mo_coeff[:,ncore:nocc]
234        dm = dm_core + reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas, casdm1, mocas.conj().T))
235        vj, vk = mc._scf.get_jk(mc.mol, dm)
236        fock = mc.get_hcore() + vj-vk*.5
237    return fock
239def cas_natorb(mc, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, eris=None, sort=False,
240               casdm1=None, verbose=None, with_meta_lowdin=WITH_META_LOWDIN):
241    '''Transform active orbitals to natrual orbitals, and update the CI wfn
242    accordingly
244    Args:
245        mc : a CASSCF/CASCI object or RHF object
247    Kwargs:
248        sort : bool
249            Sort natural orbitals wrt the occupancy.
251    Returns:
252        A tuple, the first item is natural orbitals, the second is updated CI
253        coefficients, the third is the natural occupancy associated to the
254        natural orbitals.
255    '''
256    from pyscf.lo import orth
257    from pyscf.tools import dump_mat
258    from pyscf.tools.mo_mapping import mo_1to1map
259    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = mc.mo_coeff
260    if ci is None: ci = mc.ci
261    log = logger.new_logger(mc, verbose)
262    ncore = mc.ncore
263    ncas = mc.ncas
264    nocc = ncore + ncas
265    nelecas = mc.nelecas
266    nmo = mo_coeff.shape[1]
267    if casdm1 is None:
268        casdm1 = mc.fcisolver.make_rdm1(ci, ncas, nelecas)
269    # orbital symmetry is reserved in this _eig call
270    cas_occ, ucas = mc._eig(-casdm1, ncore, nocc)
271    if sort:
272        casorb_idx = numpy.argsort(cas_occ.round(9), kind='mergesort')
273        cas_occ = cas_occ[casorb_idx]
274        ucas = ucas[:,casorb_idx]
276    cas_occ = -cas_occ
277    mo_occ = numpy.zeros(mo_coeff.shape[1])
278    mo_occ[:ncore] = 2
279    mo_occ[ncore:nocc] = cas_occ
281    mo_coeff1 = mo_coeff.copy()
282    mo_coeff1[:,ncore:nocc] = numpy.dot(mo_coeff[:,ncore:nocc], ucas)
283    if getattr(mo_coeff, 'orbsym', None) is not None:
284        orbsym = numpy.copy(mo_coeff.orbsym)
285        if sort:
286            orbsym[ncore:nocc] = orbsym[ncore:nocc][casorb_idx]
287        mo_coeff1 = lib.tag_array(mo_coeff1, orbsym=orbsym)
288    else:
289        orbsym = numpy.zeros(nmo, dtype=int)
291    # When occupancies of active orbitals equal to 2 or 0, these orbitals
292    # need to be canonicalized along with inactive(core or virtual) orbitals
293    # using general Fock matrix. Because they are strongly coupled with
294    # inactive orbitals, the 0th order Hamiltonian of MRPT methods can be
295    # strongly affected. Numerical uncertainty may be found in the perturbed
296    # correlation energy.
297    # See issue https://github.com/pyscf/pyscf/issues/1041
298    occ2_idx = numpy.where(2 - cas_occ < FRAC_OCC_THRESHOLD)[0]
299    occ0_idx = numpy.where(cas_occ < FRAC_OCC_THRESHOLD)[0]
300    if occ2_idx.size > 0 or occ0_idx.size > 0:
301        fock_ao = mc.get_fock(mo_coeff, ci, eris, casdm1, verbose)
303        def _diag_subfock_(idx):
304            c = mo_coeff1[:,idx]
305            fock = reduce(numpy.dot, (c.conj().T, fock_ao, c))
306            w, c = mc._eig(fock, None, None, orbsym[idx])
307            mo_coeff1[:,idx] = mo_coeff1[:,idx].dot(c)
309        if occ2_idx.size > 0:
310            log.warn('Active orbitals %s (occs = %s) are canonicalized with core orbitals',
311                     occ2_idx, cas_occ[occ2_idx])
312            full_occ2_idx = numpy.append(numpy.arange(ncore), ncore + occ2_idx)
313            _diag_subfock_(full_occ2_idx)
314        if occ0_idx.size > 0:
315            log.warn('Active orbitals %s (occs = %s) are canonicalized with external orbitals',
316                     occ0_idx, cas_occ[occ0_idx])
317            full_occ0_idx = numpy.append(ncore + occ0_idx, numpy.arange(nocc, nmo))
318            _diag_subfock_(full_occ0_idx)
320    # Rotate CI according to the unitary coefficients ucas if applicable
321    fcivec = None
322    if getattr(mc.fcisolver, 'transform_ci_for_orbital_rotation', None):
323        if isinstance(ci, numpy.ndarray):
324            fcivec = mc.fcisolver.transform_ci_for_orbital_rotation(ci, ncas, nelecas, ucas)
325        elif (isinstance(ci, (list, tuple)) and
326              all(isinstance(x[0], numpy.ndarray) for x in ci)):
327            fcivec = [mc.fcisolver.transform_ci_for_orbital_rotation(x, ncas, nelecas, ucas)
328                      for x in ci]
329    elif getattr(mc.fcisolver, 'states_transform_ci_for_orbital_rotation', None):
330        fcivec = mc.fcisolver.states_transform_ci_for_orbital_rotation(ci, ncas, nelecas, ucas)
332    # Rerun fcisolver to get wavefunction if it cannot be transformed from
333    # existed one.
334    if fcivec is None:
335        log.info('FCI vector not available, call CASCI to update wavefunction')
336        mocas = mo_coeff1[:,ncore:nocc]
337        hcore = mc.get_hcore()
338        dm_core = numpy.dot(mo_coeff1[:,:ncore]*2, mo_coeff1[:,:ncore].conj().T)
339        ecore = mc.energy_nuc()
340        ecore+= numpy.einsum('ij,ji', hcore, dm_core)
341        h1eff = reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas.conj().T, hcore, mocas))
342        if getattr(eris, 'ppaa', None) is not None:
343            ecore += eris.vhf_c[:ncore,:ncore].trace()
344            h1eff += reduce(numpy.dot, (ucas.conj().T, eris.vhf_c[ncore:nocc,ncore:nocc], ucas))
345            aaaa = ao2mo.restore(4, eris.ppaa[ncore:nocc,ncore:nocc,:,:], ncas)
346            aaaa = ao2mo.incore.full(aaaa, ucas)
347        else:
348            if getattr(mc, 'with_df', None):
349                aaaa = mc.with_df.ao2mo(mocas)
350            else:
351                aaaa = ao2mo.kernel(mc.mol, mocas)
352            corevhf = mc.get_veff(mc.mol, dm_core)
353            ecore += numpy.einsum('ij,ji', dm_core, corevhf) * .5
354            h1eff += reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas.conj().T, corevhf, mocas))
357        # See label_symmetry_ function in casci_symm.py which initialize the
358        # orbital symmetry information in fcisolver.  This orbital symmetry
359        # labels should be reordered to match the sorted active space orbitals.
360        if sort and getattr(mo_coeff1, 'orbsym', None) is not None:
361            mc.fcisolver.orbsym = mo_coeff1.orbsym[ncore:nocc]
363        max_memory = max(400, mc.max_memory-lib.current_memory()[0])
364        e, fcivec = mc.fcisolver.kernel(h1eff, aaaa, ncas, nelecas, ecore=ecore,
365                                        max_memory=max_memory, verbose=log)
366        log.debug('In Natural orbital, CASCI energy = %s', e)
368    if log.verbose >= logger.INFO:
369        ovlp_ao = mc._scf.get_ovlp()
370        # where_natorb gives the new locations of the natural orbitals
371        where_natorb = mo_1to1map(ucas)
372        log.debug('where_natorb %s', str(where_natorb))
373        log.info('Natural occ %s', str(cas_occ))
374        if with_meta_lowdin:
375            log.info('Natural orbital (expansion on meta-Lowdin AOs) in CAS space')
376            label = mc.mol.ao_labels()
377            orth_coeff = orth.orth_ao(mc.mol, 'meta_lowdin', s=ovlp_ao)
378            mo_cas = reduce(numpy.dot, (orth_coeff.conj().T, ovlp_ao, mo_coeff1[:,ncore:nocc]))
379        else:
380            log.info('Natural orbital (expansion on AOs) in CAS space')
381            label = mc.mol.ao_labels()
382            mo_cas = mo_coeff1[:,ncore:nocc]
383        dump_mat.dump_rec(log.stdout, mo_cas, label, start=1)
385        if mc._scf.mo_coeff is not None:
386            s = reduce(numpy.dot, (mo_coeff1[:,ncore:nocc].conj().T,
387                                   mc._scf.get_ovlp(), mc._scf.mo_coeff))
388            idx = numpy.argwhere(abs(s)>.4)
389            for i,j in idx:
390                log.info('<CAS-nat-orb|mo-hf>  %d  %d  %12.8f',
391                         ncore+i+1, j+1, s[i,j])
392    return mo_coeff1, fcivec, mo_occ
394def canonicalize(mc, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, eris=None, sort=False,
395                 cas_natorb=False, casdm1=None, verbose=logger.NOTE,
396                 with_meta_lowdin=WITH_META_LOWDIN):
397    '''Canonicalized CASCI/CASSCF orbitals of effecitive Fock matrix and
398    update CI coefficients accordingly.
400    Effective Fock matrix is built with one-particle density matrix (see
401    also :func:`mcscf.casci.get_fock`). For state-average CASCI/CASSCF object,
402    the canonicalized orbitals are based on the state-average density matrix.
403    To obtain canonicalized orbitals for an individual state, you need to pass
404    "casdm1" of the specific state to this function.
406    Args:
407        mc: a CASSCF/CASCI object or RHF object
409    Kwargs:
410        mo_coeff (ndarray): orbitals that span the core, active and external
411            space.
412        ci (ndarray): CI coefficients (or objects to represent the CI
413            wavefunctions in DMRG/QMC-MCSCF calculations).
414        eris: Integrals for the MCSCF object. Input this object to reduce the
415            overhead of computing integrals. It can be generated by
416            :func:`mc.ao2mo` method.
417        sort (bool): Whether the canonicalized orbitals are sorted based on
418            the orbital energy (diagonal part of the effective Fock matrix)
419            within each subspace (core, active, external). If point group
420            symmetry is not available in the system, orbitals are always
421            sorted. When point group symmetry is available, sort=False will
422            preserve the symmetry label of input orbitals and only sort the
423            orbitals in each symmetry sector. sort=True will reorder all
424            orbitals over all symmetry sectors in each subspace and the
425            symmetry labels may be changed.
426        cas_natorb (bool): Whether to transform active orbitals to natual
427            orbitals. If enabled, the output orbitals in active space are
428            transformed to natural orbitals and CI coefficients are updated
429            accordingly.
430        casdm1 (ndarray): 1-particle density matrix in active space. This
431            density matrix is used to build effective fock matrix. Without
432            input casdm1, the density matrix is computed with the input ci
433            coefficients/object. If neither ci nor casdm1 were given, density
434            matrix is computed by :func:`mc.fcisolver.make_rdm1` method. For
435            state-average CASCI/CASCF calculation, this results in a set of
436            canonicalized orbitals of state-average effective Fock matrix.
437            To canonicalize the orbitals for one particular state, you can
438            assign the density matrix of that state to the kwarg casdm1.
440    Returns:
441        A tuple, (natural orbitals, CI coefficients, orbital energies)
442        The orbital energies are the diagonal terms of effective Fock matrix.
443    '''
444    from pyscf.mcscf import addons
445    log = logger.new_logger(mc, verbose)
447    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = mc.mo_coeff
448    if ci is None: ci = mc.ci
449    if casdm1 is None:
450        if (isinstance(ci, (list, tuple, RANGE_TYPE)) and
451            not isinstance(mc.fcisolver, addons.StateAverageFCISolver)):
452            log.warn('Mulitple states found in CASCI solver. First state is '
453                     'used to compute the natural orbitals in active space.')
454            casdm1 = mc.fcisolver.make_rdm1(ci[0], mc.ncas, mc.nelecas)
455        else:
456            casdm1 = mc.fcisolver.make_rdm1(ci, mc.ncas, mc.nelecas)
458    ncore = mc.ncore
459    nocc = ncore + mc.ncas
460    nmo = mo_coeff.shape[1]
461    fock_ao = mc.get_fock(mo_coeff, ci, eris, casdm1, verbose)
463    if cas_natorb:
464        mo_coeff1, ci, mc.mo_occ = mc.cas_natorb(mo_coeff, ci, eris, sort, casdm1,
465                                                 verbose, with_meta_lowdin)
466    else:
467        # Keep the active space unchanged by default.  The rotation in active space
468        # may cause problem for external CI solver eg DMRG.
469        mo_coeff1 = mo_coeff.copy()
470        log.info('Density matrix diagonal elements %s', casdm1.diagonal())
472    mo_energy = numpy.einsum('pi,pi->i', mo_coeff1.conj(), fock_ao.dot(mo_coeff1))
474    if getattr(mo_coeff, 'orbsym', None) is not None:
475        orbsym = mo_coeff.orbsym
476    else:
477        orbsym = numpy.zeros(nmo, dtype=int)
479    def _diag_subfock_(idx):
480        if idx.size > 1:
481            c = mo_coeff1[:,idx]
482            fock = reduce(numpy.dot, (c.conj().T, fock_ao, c))
483            # note the last argument orbysm is needed by mc1step_symm._eig
484            w, c = mc._eig(fock, None, None, orbsym[idx])
486            if sort:
487                sub_order = numpy.argsort(w.round(9), kind='mergesort')
488                w = w[sub_order]
489                c = c[:,sub_order]
490                orbsym[idx] = orbsym[idx][sub_order]
492            mo_coeff1[:,idx] = mo_coeff1[:,idx].dot(c)
493            mo_energy[idx] = w
495    mask = numpy.ones(nmo, dtype=bool)
496    frozen = getattr(mc, 'frozen', None)
497    if frozen is not None:
498        if isinstance(frozen, (int, numpy.integer)):
499            mask[:frozen] = False
500        else:
501            mask[frozen] = False
502    core_idx = numpy.where(mask[:ncore])[0]
503    vir_idx = numpy.where(mask[nocc:])[0] + nocc
504    _diag_subfock_(core_idx)
505    _diag_subfock_(vir_idx)
507    # orbsym is required only for symmetry-adapted methods. Here to use
508    # mo_coeff.orbsym to test if a symmetry-adapted calculation.
509    if getattr(mo_coeff, 'orbsym', None) is not None:
510        mo_coeff1 = lib.tag_array(mo_coeff1, orbsym=orbsym)
512    if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG:
513        for i in range(nmo):
514            log.debug('i = %d  <i|F|i> = %12.8f', i+1, mo_energy[i])
515# still return ci coefficients, in case the canonicalization funciton changed
516# cas orbitals, the ci coefficients should also be updated.
517    return mo_coeff1, ci, mo_energy
520def kernel(casci, mo_coeff=None, ci0=None, verbose=logger.NOTE):
521    '''CASCI solver
522    '''
523    if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = casci.mo_coeff
524    log = logger.new_logger(casci, verbose)
525    t0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter())
526    log.debug('Start CASCI')
528    ncas = casci.ncas
529    nelecas = casci.nelecas
531    # 2e
532    eri_cas = casci.get_h2eff(mo_coeff)
533    t1 = log.timer('integral transformation to CAS space', *t0)
535    # 1e
536    h1eff, energy_core = casci.get_h1eff(mo_coeff)
537    log.debug('core energy = %.15g', energy_core)
538    t1 = log.timer('effective h1e in CAS space', *t1)
540    if h1eff.shape[0] != ncas:
541        raise RuntimeError('Active space size error. nmo=%d ncore=%d ncas=%d' %
542                           (mo_coeff.shape[1], casci.ncore, ncas))
544    # FCI
545    max_memory = max(400, casci.max_memory-lib.current_memory()[0])
546    e_tot, fcivec = casci.fcisolver.kernel(h1eff, eri_cas, ncas, nelecas,
547                                           ci0=ci0, verbose=log,
548                                           max_memory=max_memory,
549                                           ecore=energy_core)
551    t1 = log.timer('FCI solver', *t1)
552    e_cas = e_tot - energy_core
553    return e_tot, e_cas, fcivec
556def as_scanner(mc):
557    '''Generating a scanner for CASCI PES.
559    The returned solver is a function. This function requires one argument
560    "mol" as input and returns total CASCI energy.
562    The solver will automatically use the results of last calculation as the
563    initial guess of the new calculation.  All parameters of MCSCF object
564    are automatically applied in the solver.
566    Note scanner has side effects.  It may change many underlying objects
567    (_scf, with_df, with_x2c, ...) during calculation.
569    Examples:
571    >>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
572    >>> mf = scf.RHF(gto.Mole().set(verbose=0))
573    >>> mc_scanner = mcscf.CASCI(mf, 4, 4).as_scanner()
574    >>> mc_scanner(gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1.1'))
575    >>> mc_scanner(gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1.5'))
576    '''
577    if isinstance(mc, lib.SinglePointScanner):
578        return mc
580    logger.info(mc, 'Create scanner for %s', mc.__class__)
582    class CASCI_Scanner(mc.__class__, lib.SinglePointScanner):
583        def __init__(self, mc):
584            self.__dict__.update(mc.__dict__)
585            self._scf = mc._scf.as_scanner()
587        def __call__(self, mol_or_geom, mo_coeff=None, ci0=None):
588            if isinstance(mol_or_geom, gto.Mole):
589                mol = mol_or_geom
590            else:
591                mol = self.mol.set_geom_(mol_or_geom, inplace=False)
593            # These properties can be updated when calling mf_scanner(mol) if
594            # they are shared with mc._scf. In certain scenario the properties
595            # may be created for mc separately, e.g. when mcscf.approx_hessian is
596            # called. For safety, the code below explicitly resets these
597            # properties.
598            for key in ('with_df', 'with_x2c', 'with_solvent', 'with_dftd3'):
599                sub_mod = getattr(self, key, None)
600                if sub_mod:
601                    sub_mod.reset(mol)
603            if mo_coeff is None:
604                mf_scanner = self._scf
605                mf_scanner(mol)
606                mo_coeff = mf_scanner.mo_coeff
607            if ci0 is None:
608                ci0 = self.ci
609            self.mol = mol
610            e_tot = self.kernel(mo_coeff, ci0)[0]
611            return e_tot
612    return CASCI_Scanner(mc)
615class CASCI(lib.StreamObject):
616    '''CASCI
618    Args:
619        mf_or_mol : SCF object or Mole object
620            SCF or Mole to define the problem size.
621        ncas : int
622            Number of active orbitals.
623        nelecas : int or a pair of int
624            Number of electrons in active space.
626    Kwargs:
627        ncore : int
628            Number of doubly occupied core orbitals. If not presented, this
629            parameter can be automatically determined.
631    Attributes:
632        verbose : int
633            Print level.  Default value equals to :class:`Mole.verbose`.
634        max_memory : float or int
635            Allowed memory in MB.  Default value equals to :class:`Mole.max_memory`.
636        ncas : int
637            Active space size.
638        nelecas : tuple of int
639            Active (nelec_alpha, nelec_beta)
640        ncore : int or tuple of int
641            Core electron number.  In UHF-CASSCF, it's a tuple to indicate the different core eletron numbers.
642        natorb : bool
643            Whether to transform natural orbitals in active space.
644            Note: when CASCI/CASSCF are combined with DMRG solver or selected
645            CI solver, enabling this parameter may slightly change the total energy.
646            False by default.
647        canonicalization : bool
648            Whether to canonicalize orbitals in core and external space
649            against the general Fock matrix.
650            The orbitals in active space are NOT transformed by default. To
651            get the natural orbitals in active space, the attribute .natorb
652            needs to be enabled.
653            True by default.
654        sorting_mo_energy : bool
655            Whether to sort the orbitals based on the diagonal elements of the
656            general Fock matrix.  Default is False.
657        fcisolver : an instance of :class:`FCISolver`
658            The pyscf.fci module provides several FCISolver for different scenario.  Generally,
659            fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver can be used for all RHF-CASSCF.  However, a proper FCISolver
660            can provide better performance and better numerical stability.  One can either use
661            :func:`fci.solver` function to pick the FCISolver by the program or manually assigen
662            the FCISolver to this attribute, e.g.
664            >>> from pyscf import fci
665            >>> mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 4, 4)
666            >>> mc.fcisolver = fci.solver(mol, singlet=True)
667            >>> mc.fcisolver = fci.direct_spin1.FCISolver(mol)
669            You can control FCISolver by setting e.g.::
671                >>> mc.fcisolver.max_cycle = 30
672                >>> mc.fcisolver.conv_tol = 1e-7
674            For more details of the parameter for FCISolver, See :mod:`fci`.
676    Saved results
678        e_tot : float
679            Total MCSCF energy (electronic energy plus nuclear repulsion)
680        e_cas : float
681            CAS space FCI energy
682        ci : ndarray
683            CAS space FCI coefficients
684        mo_coeff : ndarray
685            When canonicalization is specified, the orbitals are canonical
686            orbitals which make the general Fock matrix (Fock operator on top
687            of MCSCF 1-particle density matrix) diagonalized within each
688            subspace (core, active, external).  If natorb (natural orbitals in
689            active space) is specified, the active segment of the mo_coeff is
690            natural orbitls.
691        mo_energy : ndarray
692            Diagonal elements of general Fock matrix (in mo_coeff
693            representation).
694        mo_occ : ndarray
695            Occupation numbers of natural orbitals if natorb is specified.
697    Examples:
699    >>> from pyscf import gto, scf, mcscf
700    >>> mol = gto.M(atom='N 0 0 0; N 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0)
701    >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol)
702    >>> mf.scf()
703    >>> mc = mcscf.CASCI(mf, 6, 6)
704    >>> mc.kernel()[0]
705    -108.980200816243354
706    '''
708    natorb = getattr(__config__, 'mcscf_casci_CASCI_natorb', False)
709    canonicalization = getattr(__config__, 'mcscf_casci_CASCI_canonicalization', True)
710    sorting_mo_energy = getattr(__config__, 'mcscf_casci_CASCI_sorting_mo_energy', False)
712    def __init__(self, mf_or_mol, ncas, nelecas, ncore=None):
713        if isinstance(mf_or_mol, gto.Mole):
714            mf = scf.RHF(mf_or_mol)
715        else:
716            mf = mf_or_mol
718        mol = mf.mol
719        self.mol = mol
720        self._scf = mf
721        self.verbose = mol.verbose
722        self.stdout = mol.stdout
723        self.max_memory = mf.max_memory
724        self.ncas = ncas
725        if isinstance(nelecas, (int, numpy.integer)):
726            nelecb = (nelecas-mol.spin)//2
727            neleca = nelecas - nelecb
728            self.nelecas = (neleca, nelecb)
729        else:
730            self.nelecas = (nelecas[0],nelecas[1])
731        self.ncore = ncore
732        singlet = (getattr(__config__, 'mcscf_casci_CASCI_fcisolver_direct_spin0', False)
733                   and self.nelecas[0] == self.nelecas[1])  # leads to direct_spin1
734        self.fcisolver = fci.solver(mol, singlet, symm=False)
735# CI solver parameters are set in fcisolver object
736        self.fcisolver.lindep = getattr(__config__,
737                                        'mcscf_casci_CASCI_fcisolver_lindep', 1e-10)
738        self.fcisolver.max_cycle = getattr(__config__,
739                                           'mcscf_casci_CASCI_fcisolver_max_cycle', 200)
740        self.fcisolver.conv_tol = getattr(__config__,
741                                          'mcscf_casci_CASCI_fcisolver_conv_tol', 1e-8)
744# don't modify the following attributes, they are not input options
745        self.e_tot = 0
746        self.e_cas = None
747        self.ci = None
748        self.mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff
749        self.mo_energy = mf.mo_energy
750        self.mo_occ = None
751        self.converged = False
753        keys = set(('natorb', 'canonicalization', 'sorting_mo_energy'))
754        self._keys = set(self.__dict__.keys()).union(keys)
756    @property
757    def ncore(self):
758        if self._ncore is None:
759            ncorelec = self.mol.nelectron - sum(self.nelecas)
760            assert ncorelec % 2 == 0
761            assert ncorelec >= 0
762            return ncorelec // 2
763        else:
764            return self._ncore
765    @ncore.setter
766    def ncore(self, x):
767        assert x is None or isinstance(x, (int, numpy.integer))
768        assert x is None or x >= 0
769        self._ncore = x
771    def dump_flags(self, verbose=None):
772        log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose)
773        log.info('')
774        log.info('******** CASCI flags ********')
775        ncore = self.ncore
776        ncas = self.ncas
777        nvir = self.mo_coeff.shape[1] - ncore - ncas
778        log.info('CAS (%de+%de, %do), ncore = %d, nvir = %d',
779                 self.nelecas[0], self.nelecas[1], ncas, ncore, nvir)
780        log.info('natorb = %s', self.natorb)
781        log.info('canonicalization = %s', self.canonicalization)
782        log.info('sorting_mo_energy = %s', self.sorting_mo_energy)
783        log.info('max_memory %d (MB)', self.max_memory)
784        if getattr(self.fcisolver, 'dump_flags', None):
785            self.fcisolver.dump_flags(log.verbose)
786        if self.mo_coeff is None:
787            log.error('Orbitals for CASCI are not specified. The relevant SCF '
788                      'object may not be initialized.')
790        if (getattr(self._scf, 'with_solvent', None) and
791            not getattr(self, 'with_solvent', None)):
792            log.warn('''Solvent model %s was found at SCF level but not applied to the CASCI object.
793The SCF solvent model will not be applied to the current CASCI calculation.
794To enable the solvent model for CASCI, the following code needs to be called
795        from pyscf import solvent
796        mc = mcscf.CASCI(...)
797        mc = solvent.ddCOSMO(mc)
799                     self._scf.with_solvent.__class__)
800        return self
802    def check_sanity(self):
803        assert self.ncas > 0
804        ncore = self.ncore
805        nvir = self.mo_coeff.shape[1] - ncore - self.ncas
806        assert ncore >= 0
807        assert nvir >= 0
808        assert ncore * 2 + sum(self.nelecas) == self.mol.nelectron
809        assert 0 <= self.nelecas[0] <= self.ncas
810        assert 0 <= self.nelecas[1] <= self.ncas
811        return self
813    def reset(self, mol=None):
814        if mol is not None:
815            self.mol = mol
816            self.fcisolver.mol = mol
817        self._scf.reset(mol)
818        return self
820    def energy_nuc(self):
821        return self._scf.energy_nuc()
823    def get_hcore(self, mol=None):
824        return self._scf.get_hcore(mol)
826    @lib.with_doc(scf.hf.get_jk.__doc__)
827    def get_jk(self, mol, dm, hermi=1, with_j=True, with_k=True, omega=None):
828        return self._scf.get_jk(mol, dm, hermi,
829                                with_j=with_j, with_k=with_k, omega=omega)
831    @lib.with_doc(scf.hf.get_veff.__doc__)
832    def get_veff(self, mol=None, dm=None, hermi=1):
833        if mol is None: mol = self.mol
834        if dm is None:
835            mocore = self.mo_coeff[:,:self.ncore]
836            dm = numpy.dot(mocore, mocore.conj().T) * 2
837# don't call self._scf.get_veff because _scf might be DFT object
838        vj, vk = self.get_jk(mol, dm, hermi)
839        return vj - vk * .5
841    def _eig(self, h, *args):
842        return scf.hf.eig(h, None)
844    def get_h2cas(self, mo_coeff=None):
845        '''Compute the active space two-particle Hamiltonian.
847        Note It is different to get_h2eff when df.approx_hessian is applied,
848        in which get_h2eff function returns the DF integrals while get_h2cas
849        returns the regular 2-electron integrals.
850        '''
851        return self.ao2mo(mo_coeff)
853    def get_h2eff(self, mo_coeff=None):
854        '''Compute the active space two-particle Hamiltonian.
856        Note It is different to get_h2cas when df.approx_hessian is applied.
857        in which get_h2eff function returns the DF integrals while get_h2cas
858        returns the regular 2-electron integrals.
859        '''
860        return self.ao2mo(mo_coeff)
862    def ao2mo(self, mo_coeff=None):
863        '''Compute the active space two-particle Hamiltonian.
864        '''
865        ncore = self.ncore
866        ncas = self.ncas
867        nocc = ncore + ncas
868        if mo_coeff is None:
869            ncore = self.ncore
870            mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff[:,ncore:nocc]
871        elif mo_coeff.shape[1] != ncas:
872            mo_coeff = mo_coeff[:,ncore:nocc]
874        if self._scf._eri is not None:
875            eri = ao2mo.full(self._scf._eri, mo_coeff,
876                             max_memory=self.max_memory)
877        else:
878            eri = ao2mo.full(self.mol, mo_coeff, verbose=self.verbose,
879                             max_memory=self.max_memory)
880        return eri
882    get_h1cas = h1e_for_cas = h1e_for_cas
884    def get_h1eff(self, mo_coeff=None, ncas=None, ncore=None):
885        return self.h1e_for_cas(mo_coeff, ncas, ncore)
886    get_h1eff.__doc__ = h1e_for_cas.__doc__
888    def casci(self, mo_coeff=None, ci0=None, verbose=None):
889        return self.kernel(mo_coeff, ci0, verbose)
890    def kernel(self, mo_coeff=None, ci0=None, verbose=None):
891        '''
892        Returns:
893            Five elements, they are
894            total energy,
895            active space CI energy,
896            the active space FCI wavefunction coefficients or DMRG wavefunction ID,
897            the MCSCF canonical orbital coefficients,
898            the MCSCF canonical orbital coefficients.
900        They are attributes of mcscf object, which can be accessed by
901        .e_tot, .e_cas, .ci, .mo_coeff, .mo_energy
902        '''
903        if mo_coeff is None:
904            mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff
905        else:
906            self.mo_coeff = mo_coeff
907        if ci0 is None:
908            ci0 = self.ci
909        log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose)
911        self.check_sanity()
912        self.dump_flags(log)
914        self.e_tot, self.e_cas, self.ci = \
915                kernel(self, mo_coeff, ci0=ci0, verbose=log)
917        if self.canonicalization:
918            self.canonicalize_(mo_coeff, self.ci,
919                               sort=self.sorting_mo_energy,
920                               cas_natorb=self.natorb, verbose=log)
921        elif self.natorb:
922            # FIXME (pyscf-2.0): Whether to transform natural orbitals in
923            # active space when this flag is enabled?
924            log.warn('The attribute .natorb of mcscf object affects only the '
925                     'orbital canonicalization.\n'
926                     'If you would like to get natural orbitals in active space '
927                     'without touching core and external orbitals, an explicit '
928                     'call to mc.cas_natorb_() is required')
930        if getattr(self.fcisolver, 'converged', None) is not None:
931            self.converged = numpy.all(self.fcisolver.converged)
932            if self.converged:
933                log.info('CASCI converged')
934            else:
935                log.info('CASCI not converged')
936        else:
937            self.converged = True
938        self._finalize()
939        return self.e_tot, self.e_cas, self.ci, self.mo_coeff, self.mo_energy
941    def _finalize(self):
942        log = logger.Logger(self.stdout, self.verbose)
943        if log.verbose >= logger.NOTE and getattr(self.fcisolver, 'spin_square', None):
944            if isinstance(self.e_cas, (float, numpy.number)):
945                ss = self.fcisolver.spin_square(self.ci, self.ncas, self.nelecas)
946                log.note('CASCI E = %.15g  E(CI) = %.15g  S^2 = %.7f',
947                         self.e_tot, self.e_cas, ss[0])
948            else:
949                for i, e in enumerate(self.e_cas):
950                    ss = self.fcisolver.spin_square(self.ci[i], self.ncas, self.nelecas)
951                    log.note('CASCI state %d  E = %.15g  E(CI) = %.15g  S^2 = %.7f',
952                             i, self.e_tot[i], e, ss[0])
953        else:
954            if isinstance(self.e_cas, (float, numpy.number)):
955                log.note('CASCI E = %.15g  E(CI) = %.15g', self.e_tot, self.e_cas)
956            else:
957                for i, e in enumerate(self.e_cas):
958                    log.note('CASCI state %d  E = %.15g  E(CI) = %.15g',
959                             i, self.e_tot[i], e)
960        return self
962    as_scanner = as_scanner
964    @lib.with_doc(cas_natorb.__doc__)
965    def cas_natorb(self, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, eris=None, sort=False,
966                   casdm1=None, verbose=None, with_meta_lowdin=WITH_META_LOWDIN):
967        return cas_natorb(self, mo_coeff, ci, eris, sort, casdm1, verbose,
968                          with_meta_lowdin)
969    @lib.with_doc(cas_natorb.__doc__)
970    def cas_natorb_(self, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, eris=None, sort=False,
971                    casdm1=None, verbose=None, with_meta_lowdin=WITH_META_LOWDIN):
972        self.mo_coeff, self.ci, self.mo_occ = cas_natorb(self, mo_coeff, ci, eris,
973                                                         sort, casdm1, verbose)
974        return self.mo_coeff, self.ci, self.mo_occ
976    def get_fock(self, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, eris=None, casdm1=None,
977                 verbose=None):
978        return get_fock(self, mo_coeff, ci, eris, casdm1, verbose)
980    canonicalize = canonicalize
982    @lib.with_doc(canonicalize.__doc__)
983    def canonicalize_(self, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, eris=None, sort=False,
984                      cas_natorb=False, casdm1=None, verbose=None,
985                      with_meta_lowdin=WITH_META_LOWDIN):
986        self.mo_coeff, ci, self.mo_energy = \
987                canonicalize(self, mo_coeff, ci, eris,
988                             sort, cas_natorb, casdm1, verbose, with_meta_lowdin)
989        if cas_natorb:  # When active space is changed, the ci solution needs to be updated
990            self.ci = ci
991        return self.mo_coeff, ci, self.mo_energy
993    analyze = analyze
995    @lib.with_doc(addons.sort_mo.__doc__)
996    def sort_mo(self, caslst, mo_coeff=None, base=1):
997        if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff
998        return addons.sort_mo(self, mo_coeff, caslst, base)
1000    @lib.with_doc(addons.state_average.__doc__)
1001    def state_average_(self, weights=(0.5,0.5)):
1002        addons.state_average_(self, weights)
1003        return self
1004    @lib.with_doc(addons.state_average.__doc__)
1005    def state_average(self, weights=(0.5,0.5)):
1006        return addons.state_average(self, weights)
1008    @lib.with_doc(addons.state_specific_.__doc__)
1009    def state_specific_(self, state=1):
1010        addons.state_specific(self, state)
1011        return self
1013    def make_rdm1s(self, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, ncas=None, nelecas=None,
1014                   ncore=None, **kwargs):
1015        '''One-particle density matrices for alpha and beta spin on AO basis
1016        '''
1017        if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff
1018        if ci is None: ci = self.ci
1019        if ncas is None: ncas = self.ncas
1020        if nelecas is None: nelecas = self.nelecas
1021        if ncore is None: ncore = self.ncore
1023        casdm1a, casdm1b = self.fcisolver.make_rdm1s(ci, ncas, nelecas)
1024        mocore = mo_coeff[:,:ncore]
1025        mocas = mo_coeff[:,ncore:ncore+ncas]
1026        dm1b = numpy.dot(mocore, mocore.conj().T)
1027        dm1a = dm1b + reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas, casdm1a, mocas.conj().T))
1028        dm1b += reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas, casdm1b, mocas.conj().T))
1029        return dm1a, dm1b
1031    def make_rdm1(self, mo_coeff=None, ci=None, ncas=None, nelecas=None,
1032                  ncore=None, **kwargs):
1033        '''One-particle density matrix in AO representation
1034        '''
1035        if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff
1036        if ci is None: ci = self.ci
1037        if ncas is None: ncas = self.ncas
1038        if nelecas is None: nelecas = self.nelecas
1039        if ncore is None: ncore = self.ncore
1041        casdm1 = self.fcisolver.make_rdm1(ci, ncas, nelecas)
1042        mocore = mo_coeff[:,:ncore]
1043        mocas = mo_coeff[:,ncore:ncore+ncas]
1044        dm1 = numpy.dot(mocore, mocore.conj().T) * 2
1045        dm1 = dm1 + reduce(numpy.dot, (mocas, casdm1, mocas.conj().T))
1046        return dm1
1048    def fix_spin_(self, shift=PENALTY, ss=None):
1049        r'''Use level shift to control FCI solver spin.
1051        .. math::
1053            (H + shift*S^2) |\Psi\rangle = E |\Psi\rangle
1055        Kwargs:
1056            shift : float
1057                Energy penalty for states which have wrong spin
1058            ss : number
1059                S^2 expection value == s*(s+1)
1060        '''
1061        fci.addons.fix_spin_(self.fcisolver, shift, ss)
1062        return self
1063    fix_spin = fix_spin_
1065    def density_fit(self, auxbasis=None, with_df=None):
1066        from pyscf.mcscf import df
1067        return df.density_fit(self, auxbasis, with_df)
1069    def sfx2c1e(self):
1070        from pyscf.x2c import sfx2c1e
1071        self._scf = sfx2c1e.sfx2c1e(self._scf).run()
1072        self.mo_coeff = self._scf.mo_coeff
1073        self.mo_energy = self._scf.mo_energy
1074        return self
1075    x2c = x2c1e = sfx2c1e
1077    def nuc_grad_method(self):
1078        from pyscf.grad import casci
1079        return casci.Gradients(self)
1081scf.hf.RHF.CASCI = scf.rohf.ROHF.CASCI = lib.class_as_method(CASCI)
1082scf.uhf.UHF.CASCI = None
1087if __name__ == '__main__':
1088    from pyscf import mcscf
1089    mol = gto.Mole()
1090    mol.verbose = 0
1091    mol.output = None#"out_h2o"
1092    mol.atom = [
1093        ['O', ( 0., 0.    , 0.   )],
1094        ['H', ( 0., -0.757, 0.587)],
1095        ['H', ( 0., 0.757 , 0.587)],]
1097    mol.basis = {'H': 'sto-3g',
1098                 'O': '6-31g',}
1099    mol.build()
1101    m = scf.RHF(mol)
1102    ehf = m.scf()
1103    mc = mcscf.CASCI(m, 4, 4)
1104    mc.fcisolver = fci.solver(mol)
1105    mc.natorb = 1
1106    emc = mc.kernel()[0]
1107    print(ehf, emc, emc-ehf)
1108    #-75.9577817425 -75.9624554777 -0.00467373522233
1109    print(emc+75.9624554777)
1111#    mc = CASCI(m, 4, (3,1))
1112#    #mc.fcisolver = fci.direct_spin1
1113#    mc.fcisolver = fci.solver(mol, False)
1114#    emc = mc.casci()[0]
1115#    print(emc - -75.439016172976)
1117#    mol = gto.Mole()
1118#    mol.verbose = 0
1119#    mol.output = "out_casci"
1120#    mol.atom = [
1121#        ["C", (-0.65830719,  0.61123287, -0.00800148)],
1122#        ["C", ( 0.73685281,  0.61123287, -0.00800148)],
1123#        ["C", ( 1.43439081,  1.81898387, -0.00800148)],
1124#        ["C", ( 0.73673681,  3.02749287, -0.00920048)],
1125#        ["C", (-0.65808819,  3.02741487, -0.00967948)],
1126#        ["C", (-1.35568919,  1.81920887, -0.00868348)],
1127#        ["H", (-1.20806619, -0.34108413, -0.00755148)],
1128#        ["H", ( 1.28636081, -0.34128013, -0.00668648)],
1129#        ["H", ( 2.53407081,  1.81906387, -0.00736748)],
1130#        ["H", ( 1.28693681,  3.97963587, -0.00925948)],
1131#        ["H", (-1.20821019,  3.97969587, -0.01063248)],
1132#        ["H", (-2.45529319,  1.81939187, -0.00886348)],]
1134#    mol.basis = {'H': 'sto-3g',
1135#                 'C': 'sto-3g',}
1136#    mol.build()
1138#    m = scf.RHF(mol)
1139#    ehf = m.scf()
1140#    mc = CASCI(m, 9, 8)
1141#    mc.fcisolver = fci.solver(mol)
1142#    emc = mc.casci()[0]
1143#    print(ehf, emc, emc-ehf)
1144#    print(emc - -227.948912536)
1146#    mc = CASCI(m, 9, (5,3))
1147#    #mc.fcisolver = fci.direct_spin1
1148#    mc.fcisolver = fci.solver(mol, False)
1149#    mc.fcisolver.nroots = 3
1150#    emc = mc.casci()[0]
1151#    print(emc[0] - -227.7674519720)