3	{
4		name = "thickness",
5		label = "Thickness",
6		kind = "value",
7		description = "Visible portion of the border area in tiled modes",
8		hint = function() return
9			string.format("(0..%d px)", gconfig_get("borderw")) end,
10		validator = function(val)
11			return gen_valid_num(0, gconfig_get("borderw"))(val);
12		end,
13		initial = function() return tostring(gconfig_get("bordert")); end,
14		handler = function(ctx, val)
15			local num = tonumber(val);
16			gconfig_set("bordert", tonumber(val));
17			active_display():rebuild_border();
18			for k,v in pairs(active_display().spaces) do
19				v:resize();
20			end
21		end
22	},
23	{
24		name = "thickness_float",
25		label = "Thickness (Float)",
26		kind = "value",
27		description = "Visible portion of the border area in float mode",
28		hint = function() return
29			string.format("(0..%d px)", gconfig_get("borderw_float")) end,
30		validator = function(val)
31			return gen_valid_num(0, gconfig_get("borderw_float"))(val);
32		end,
33		initial = function() return tostring(gconfig_get("bordert_float")); end,
34		handler = function(ctx, val)
35			local num = tonumber(val);
36			gconfig_set("bordert_float", tonumber(val));
37			active_display():rebuild_border();
38			for k,v in pairs(active_display().spaces) do
39				v:resize();
40			end
41		end
42	},
43	{
44		name = "area",
45		label = "Area",
46		kind = "value",
47		hint = "(0..100 px)",
48		initial = function() return tostring(gconfig_get("borderw")); end,
49		validator = gen_valid_num(0, 100),
50		description = "Set the reserved (visible+nonvisible) border area",
51		handler = function(ctx, val)
52			gconfig_set("borderw", tonumber(val));
53			active_display():rebuild_border();
54			for wnd in all_windows(nil, true) do
55				wnd:resize(wnd.width, wnd.height);
56			end
57			for k,v in pairs(active_display().spaces) do
58				v:resize();
59			end
60		end
61	},
62	{
63		name = "area_float",
64		label = "Area (Float)",
65		kind = "value",
66		hint = "(0..100 px)",
67		initial = function() return tostring(gconfig_get("borderw_float")); end,
68		validator = gen_valid_num(0, 100),
69		description = "Set the reserved (visible+nonvisible) border area",
70		handler = function(ctx, val)
71			gconfig_set("borderw_float", tonumber(val));
72			active_display():rebuild_border();
73			for wnd in all_windows(nil, true) do
74				wnd:resize(wnd.width, wnd.height)
75			end
76			for k,v in pairs(active_display().spaces) do
77				v:resize();
78			end
79		end
80	},
81	{
82		name = "color",
83		label = "Color",
84		kind = "value",
85		hint = "(r g b)[0..255]",
86		widget = "special:colorpick_r8g8b8",
87		initial = function()
88			local bc = gconfig_get("border_color");
89			return string.format("%.0f %.0f %.0f", bc[1], bc[2], bc[3]);
90		end,
91		validator = suppl_valid_typestr("fff", 0, 255, 0),
92		description = "The color used as the active border color state",
93		handler = function(ctx, val)
94			local tbl = suppl_unpack_typestr("fff", val, 0, 255);
95			for wnd in all_windows(nil, true) do
96				image_color(wnd.border, tbl[1], tbl[2], tbl[3]);
97			end
98			gconfig_set("border_color", tbl);
99		end,
100	},