2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
10      module meshsubs
12      implicit none
14      public :: initMesh      ! initialises the mesh
15      public :: initAtomMesh  !   " atom info on the mesh
16      public :: sameMeshAndAtoms  ! have the mesh or atoms changed?
17      public :: PartialCoreOnMesh ! partial core density on the mesh
18      public :: NeutralAtomOnMesh ! neutral atom potential on mesh
19      public :: LocalChargeOnMesh ! local (positive ion) charge
20      public :: ModelCoreChargeOnMesh ! model core charge for Bader
21      public :: PhiOnMesh     ! Orbital values on the mesh
22      public :: setupExtMesh  ! Sets up extended mesh
23      public :: distriPhiOnMesh  ! Sets up data distribution
25      private
27      CONTAINS
29      subroutine InitMesh( na, cell, norb, iaorb, iphorb, isa,
30     &                     rmax, G2max, G2mesh, nsc, nmpl,
31     &                     nm, nml, ntm, ntml, ntpl, dvol)
33!  Modules
34      use precision,     only : dp, i8b
35      use parallel,      only : Node, Nodes
36      use parallelsubs,  only : HowManyMeshPerNode, GlobalToLocalMesh
37      use moreMeshSubs,  only : initMeshDistr, setMeshDistr
38      use moreMeshSubs,  only : UNIFORM
39      use alloc,         only : re_alloc, de_alloc
40      use mesh,          only : ne, mop, nmeshg, nmsc, nsm, nsp
41      use mesh,          only : cmesh, rcmesh, xdsp, nmuc, nusc
42      use siesta_cml
43      use cellsubs,      only : reclat  ! Finds reciprocal unit cell
44      use cellsubs,      only : volcel  ! Finds unit cell volume
45#ifdef MPI
46      use mpi_siesta
49! Passed arguments
50      integer, intent(in):: na           ! Number of atoms in supercell
51      real(dp),intent(in):: cell(3,3)    ! Unit cell vectors
52      integer, intent(in):: norb         ! Total number of basis
53                                         ! orbitals in supercell
54      integer, intent(in):: iaorb(norb)  ! Atom to which orbitals belong
55      integer, intent(in):: iphorb(norb) ! Orbital index (within atom)
56                                         ! of each orbital
57      integer, intent(in):: isa(na)      ! Species index of each atom
58      real(dp),intent(in):: rmax         ! Maximum orbital radius
59      integer, intent(in):: nsc(3)       ! Number of unit-cells in each
60                                         ! supercell direction
61      real(dp),intent(inout):: G2max     ! Effective planewave cutoff
62                                         ! On input : Value required
63                                         ! On output: Value used, which
64                                         ! may be larger
65      real(dp),intent(out):: G2mesh      ! Planewave cutoff of mesh used
66                                         ! (same as G2max on output)
67      integer, intent(out):: nmpl        ! Number of mesh points stored
68                                         ! by my processor
69      integer, intent(out):: nm(3)       ! Number of mesh divisions of
70                                         ! each unit cell vector
71      integer, intent(out):: nml(3)      ! Sizes of my processor's box
72                                         ! of mesh points
73      integer, intent(out):: ntm(3)      ! Mesh divisions of each unit
74                                         ! cell vector, incl. subpoints
75      integer, intent(out):: ntml(3)     ! Sizes of my processor's mesh
76                                         ! box, including subpoints
77      integer, intent(out):: ntpl        ! Mesh points stored by my
78                                         ! processor, incl. subpoints
79!!OLD      integer, intent(out):: ntopl       ! Total number of nonzero
80                                         ! orbital points stored by my
81                                         ! processor
82      real(dp),intent(out):: dvol        ! Volume per mesh (super)point
84C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
85C Internal variables and arrays:
86C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
87C real*8  dx(3)         : Vector from atom to mesh sub-point
88C real*8  dxp(3)        : Vector from atom to mesh point
89C integer i             : General-purpose index
90C integer ia            : Looping variable for number of atoms
91C integer i1,i2,i3      : Mesh indexes in each mesh direction
92C integer is            : Species index
93C integer isp           : Sub-Point index
94C integer j             : General-porpose index
95C integer j1,j2,j3      : Mesh indexes in each mesh direction
96C integer nep           : Number of extended-mesh points
97C integer nmp           : Number of mesh points in unit cell
98C real*8  pldist        : Distance between mesh planes
99C real*8  r             : Distance between atom and mesh point
100C real*8  vecmod        : Vector modulus
101C real*8  volume        : Unit cell volume
102C logical within        : Is a mesh point within orbital range?
103C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
104C Units :
105C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
107C Energies in Rydbergs
108C Distances in Bohr
111C     Local variables
112      integer                 :: i, ia, i1, i2, i3, io, iphi, is, isp,
113     &                           ity, j, nep, j1, j2, j3, indi
114      integer(i8b)            :: ntp
115      real(dp)                :: dx(3), dxp(3), pldist, r,
116     &                           volume
117      logical                 :: within
118C     Functions
119      real(dp), external      :: dismin
120!--------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
121#ifdef DEBUG
122      call write_debug( '      PRE InitMesh' )
125! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
126! Mesh initialization
127! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
128      ! determines ntm
129      call get_mesh_sizes(cell,G2max,nsm,ntm,G2mesh)
131! Save some numbers
132!     nmeshg in module array
133      nm(:) = ntm(:) / nsm
134      nmsc(:) = nm(:) * nsc(:)
135      nmeshg(:) = ntm(:) ! Total number of mesh points, incl. subpoints
136      nmuc(:) = nm(:)    ! Mesh points in each unit cell vector
137      nusc(:) = nsc(:)   ! Unit cells in each supercell direction
139! Find number of mesh points in unit cell.
140! Note needed integer*8 !
141!!AG** Check proper kind name
143      ntp = product(INT(ntm,kind=i8b))
145C     Create the first mesh distribution
146      call initMeshDistr( oDistr=UNIFORM, nm=nm )
148C     Find and sets local number of Mesh points of each kind
149!     Sets nml, nmpl, ntml and ntpl
150      call setMeshDistr( UNIFORM, nsm, nsp, nml, nmpl, ntml, ntpl )
152C     Find volume of unit cell and of mesh cell
153      volume = volcel( cell )
154      dvol = volume / ntp
156C     Output current mesh dimensions and cut-off
157      if (Node.eq.0) then
158        write(6,'(/,a,3(i6,a),i12)') 'InitMesh: MESH =',
159     &        ntm(1),' x',ntm(2),' x',ntm(3),' =', ntp
160        write(6,'(a,3(i6,a),i12)') 'InitMesh: (bp) =',
161     &        nm(1),' x',nm(2),' x',nm(3),' =', product(INT(nm,8))
162        write(6,'(a,2f10.3,a)')
163     &        'InitMesh: Mesh cutoff (required, used) =',
164     &        G2max, G2mesh, ' Ry'
165      endif
166      if (cml_p) then
167        call cmlStartPropertyList(mainXML)
168        call cmlAddProperty(xf=mainXML, value=ntm,
169     .       dictref='siesta:ntm', title='Mesh',
170     .       units='cmlUnits:countable')
171        call cmlAddProperty(xf=mainXML, value=G2max,
172     .       units='siestaUnits:Ry',
173     .       dictref='siesta:g2max', title='Requested Cut-Off')
174        call cmlAddProperty(xf=mainXML, value=G2mesh,
175     .       units='siestaUnits:Ry',
176     .       dictref='siesta:g2mesh', title='Actual Cut-Off')
177        call cmlEndPropertyList(mainXML)
178      endif
179      G2max = G2mesh
181C     Find mesh-cell vectors
182      do i = 1,3
183        do j = 1,3
184          cmesh(j,i) = cell(j,i) / nm(i)
185        enddo
186      enddo
188C     Find reciprocal mesh-cell vectors (not multiplied by 2*pi)
189      call reclat( cmesh, rcmesh, 0 )
191! Find number ne(:) of extended-mesh intervals for each cell vector.
192      do i = 1,3
193        ! pldist is the distance between mesh planes
194        pldist = 1.0_dp / sqrt(dot_product(rcmesh(:,i),rcmesh(:,i)))
195        ! Find number of planes spanned by rmax
196        ne(i) = rmax / pldist
197      enddo ! i
199! For an atom at x=0, ne=rmax/pldist is the last mesh point within rmax.
200! But an atom at mesh cell ix=0 can be almost at x=dx. Therefore we have
201! to go up to ne+1. And subpoints in mesh cell ix=-ne-1 can be almost at
202! x=-ne*dx. Therefore we have to go up to -ne-1 to the left. Thus, we
203! just increase ne and forget about these two effects from now on.
204      ne(:) = ne(:) + 1
206C     Find sub-points
207!$OMP parallel default(shared), private(i1,i2,i3,i,isp)
209!$OMP do
210      do i3 = 0, nsm-1
211        isp = i3 * nsm ** 2
212        do i2 = 0, nsm-1
213          do i1 = 0, nsm-1
214            isp = isp + 1
215            do i = 1,3
216              xdsp(i,isp) = ( cmesh(i,1) * i1 +
217     &                        cmesh(i,2) * i2 +
218     &                        cmesh(i,3) * i3 ) / nsm
219            enddo
220          enddo
221        enddo
222      enddo
223!$OMP end do
225! Find number of points within rmax (orbital points)
226!$OMP single ! Only used for OpenMP
227      mop = 0
228!$OMP end single
229!$OMP do private(dxp,within,dx,r), reduction(+:mop)
230      do i3 = -ne(3), ne(3)    ! Loop over neighbor (super) points
231        do i2 = -ne(2), ne(2)
232          do i1 = -ne(1), ne(1)
233            dxp(:) = cmesh(:,1) * i1 +  ! (Super) point coordinates
234     .               cmesh(:,2) * i2 +
235     .               cmesh(:,3) * i3
236            ! Find if any subpoint can be within rmax of an atom that
237            ! is in the origin's mesh cell
238            within = .false.
239            do isp = 1,nsp  ! Loop over sub-points
240              dx(1:3) = dxp(1:3) + xdsp(1:3,isp)  ! Subpoint coords.
241              ! Find distance from point to the mesh cell at the origin
242              ! (since the atom might be at any point of the mesh cell)
243              r = dismin( cmesh, dx )
244              if ( r .lt. rmax ) within = .true.
245            enddo ! isp
246            if ( within ) then
247              mop = mop + 1      ! Total number of points within rmax
248            endif ! (within)
249          enddo ! i1
250        enddo ! i2
251      enddo ! i3
252!$OMP end do nowait
254!$OMP end parallel
256C     Create extended mesh arrays for the first data distribution
257      call setupExtMesh( UNIFORM, rmax )
259#ifdef DEBUG
260      call write_debug( '      POS InitMesh' )
262!----------------------------------------------------------------------- END
263      end subroutine InitMesh
266      subroutine get_mesh_sizes(cell,G2max,nsm,ntm,RealCutoff)
267      ! Computes the mesh dimensions ntm for a given cell
268      ! and mesh cutoff, making them multiples of the big-point
269      ! sampling size nsm.
271      use precision,     only : dp
272      use cellsubs,      only : reclat  ! Finds reciprocal unit cell
273      use m_chkgmx,      only : chkgmx  ! Checks planewave cutoff of a mesh
274      use fft1d,         only : nfft    ! Finds allowed value for 1-D FFT
275      use fdf
276      use sys,           only : die, message
278      real(dp), intent(in)  :: cell(3,3)
279      real(dp), intent(in)  :: G2max
280      real(dp), intent(out) :: RealCutoff
281      integer, intent(in)   :: nsm
282      integer, intent(out)  :: ntm(3)
284      real(dp)  :: rcell(3,3), vecmod
285      integer   :: i, itmp
286      real(dp), parameter     :: k0(3) = (/ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 /)
288      type(block_fdf)            :: bfdf
289      type(parsed_line), pointer :: pline
291      ! Find reciprocal cell vectors (multiplied by 2*pi)
292      call reclat( cell, rcell, 1 )
294! Find number of mesh intervals for each cell vector.
295! The reciprocal vectors of the mesh unit cell (cell/ntm)
296! are rcell*ntm, and must be larger than 2*G2max
297      do i = 1,3
298        vecmod = sqrt(dot_product(rcell(:,i),rcell(:,i)))
299        ntm(i) = 2 * sqrt(G2max) / vecmod + 1
300      enddo
302! Impose that mesh cut-off is large enough
303      impose_cutoff: do
305        ! Require that ntm is suitable for FFTs and a multiple of nsm
306        do i = 1,3
307          impose_fft: do
308            ! nfft increases ntm to the next integer suitable for FFTs
309            call nfft( ntm(i) )
310            if ( mod( ntm(i), nsm )==0 ) exit impose_fft
311            ntm(i) = ntm(i) + 1
312          end do impose_fft
313        enddo ! i
315        ! Check that effective cut-off is large enough as for non-right
316        ! angled unit cells this is not guaranteed to be the case.
317        ! If cut-off needs to be larger, increase ntm and try again.
318        ! chkgmx decreases G2mesh to the right cutoff value of the mesh
319        RealCutoff = huge(1.0_dp)
320        call chkgmx( k0, rcell, ntm, RealCutoff )
321        if (RealCutoff >= G2max) then
322          exit impose_cutoff
323        else
324          ntm(1:3) = ntm(1:3) + 1
325        end if
327      end do impose_cutoff
330!     Let the user manually decide the mesh-box size
331!     This option may be useful when testing Mesh.SubDivisions
332!     for performance.
333!     NOTE/TODO: manual specification is not checked with respect
334!                to nfft (allowed integers). I don't know if this should
335!                forced or not?
336      if ( fdf_block('Mesh.Sizes',bfdf) ) then
338        if ( fdf_bline(bfdf, pline) ) then
339           ntm(1) = fdf_bintegers(pline,1)
340           ntm(2) = fdf_bintegers(pline,2)
341           ntm(3) = fdf_bintegers(pline,3)
342        else
343           call die('initmesh: ERROR in Mesh.Sizes block')
344        endif
345        call fdf_bclose(bfdf)
347        ! Calculate the actual meshcutoff from the grid
348        RealCutoff = huge(1.0_dp)
349        call chkgmx( k0, rcell, ntm, RealCutoff )
351      else if ( fdf_islist('Mesh.Sizes') ) then
353        i = -1
354        call fdf_list('Mesh.Sizes', i, ntm)
355        if ( i /= 3 )
356     &      call die('initmesh: ERROR in Mesh.Sizes list')
357        ! Do the actual read of the mesh sizes
358        call fdf_list('Mesh.Sizes', i, ntm)
360        ! Calculate the actual meshcutoff from the grid
361        RealCutoff = huge(1.0_dp)
362        call chkgmx( k0, rcell, ntm, RealCutoff )
364      end if
366!     Issue a warning if the mesh sizes are smaller than
367!     the requested mesh cutoff
368      if ( RealCutoff < G2max ) then
369        call message("WARNING","Read mesh sizes give a smaller"
370     $      // " cutoff than requested")
371      end if
373!     Check whether the resulting mesh sizes are multiples
374!     of nsm.
375      if ( any(mod(ntm,nsm) /= 0) ) then
376        call die("initmesh: Read mesh sizes are not multiples of nsm")
377      end if
379!     Check that the numbers are divisible with the FFT algorithms
380      do i = 1, 3
381        itmp = ntm(i)
382        call nfft( itmp )
383        if ( itmp /= ntm(i) ) then
384          call die("initmesh: Read mesh sizes are not compatible "
385     &        // "with the FFT algorithm: % [2, 3, 5] == 0")
386        end if
387      end do
389      end subroutine get_mesh_sizes
393      subroutine SameMeshAndAtoms(na, xa, ucell, rmax, G2max, G2mesh,
394     &                            samesh, samexa)
396C Checks whether anything has changed that requires the mesh to be
397C reinitialised or quantities relating to the atoms relative to
398C the mesh.
400C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
401C Input :
402C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
403C integer na           : Number of atoms in the supercell
404C real*8  xa(3,na)     : Coordinates of the atoms in the supercell
405C real*8  ucell(3,3)   : Current unit cell vectors
406C real*8  rmax         : Maximum orbital radius
407C real*8  G2max        : Requested mesh cut-off
408C real*8  G2mesh       : Mesh cut-off from last call
409C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
410C Output :
411C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
412C logical samesh       : If .true. then the mesh must be reinitialised
413C logical samexa       : If .true. then atom related quantities need
414C                      : to be recalculated
415C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
416C Internal :
417C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
418C integer lastna       : Number of atoms from last call
419C real*8  lastxa(3,na) : Position of atoms from last call
420C real*8  lastra       : Rmax from last call
421C real*8  lastc(3,3)   : Unit cell from last call
422C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
423      use precision,     only : dp
424      use alloc,         only : re_alloc, de_alloc
425      implicit none
426C     Passed arguments
427      integer,    intent(in)  :: na
428      real(dp),   intent(in)  :: G2max, G2mesh
429      real(dp),   intent(in)  :: rmax
430      real(dp),   intent(in)  :: ucell(3,3)
431      real(dp),   intent(in)  :: xa(3,na)
432      logical,    intent(out) :: samesh, samexa
433C     Local variables
434C     Saved
435      integer,           save :: lastna     = 0
436      real(dp),          save :: tiny       = 1.0e-12_dp,
437     &                           lastc(3,3) = 0.743978657912656e50_dp,
438     &                           lastra     = 0.0_dp
439C     non-saved
440      integer                 :: i, ia, j
441      real(dp), pointer, save :: lastxa(:,:)
443!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
444C     If number of atoms has changed then deallocate lastxa
445      if (na.ne.lastna) then
446        call re_alloc(lastxa, 1, 3, 1, na, 'lastxa', 'SameMeshAndAtoms')
447        lastxa(1:3,1:na) = 0.0_dp
448        lastxa(1,1) = 0.987654321273567e50_dp
449      endif
451C     Find if mesh has to be changed due to unit cell
452      samesh = .true.
453      do i = 1,3
454        do j = 1,3
455          if ( ucell(j,i) .ne. lastc(j,i) ) samesh = .false.
456          lastc(j,i) = ucell(j,i)
457        enddo
458      enddo
460C     Find if mesh has to be changed due to unit cell
461      if ( G2max .gt. G2mesh * (1.0_dp + tiny) ) samesh = .false.
463C     Find if mesh has to be changed due to rmax
464      if (rmax .ne. lastra) samesh = .false.
465      lastra = rmax
467C     Find if atoms have moved having checked the number of atoms first
468      samexa = (na.eq.lastna)
469      if (samexa) then
470        do ia = 1,na
471          do i = 1,3
472            if ( xa(i,ia) .ne. lastxa(i,ia) ) samexa = .false.
473          enddo
474        enddo
475      endif
477C     Copy the number of atoms and coordinates to save for next call
478      lastna = na
479      lastxa(1:3,1:na) = xa(1:3,1:na)
481C     If cell has changed then it is necessary to reinitialise coordinates
482      if (.not.samesh) samexa = .false.
484!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
485      end subroutine SameMeshAndAtoms
487! subroutine InitAtomMesh
488! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
489! Initialises the atom information relating to the mesh for a given data
490! distribution. It creates and initialise ipa. This arrays is allocated
491! inside a meshDisType structure and can be accesed by pointers of the
492! mesh module.
494! Only necesary for those data distributions who needs to use the
495! extended mesh.
497! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
498! Input :
499! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
500! integer  distr        : Used data distribution
501! integer  na           : number of atoms
502! integer  xa(3,na)     : Atomic coordinates
503! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
504! Output :
505! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
506! All output quantities are in the mesh and moreMeshSubs modules.
507! The ipa array is stored in moreMeshSubs but accessed using the mesh
508! module pointer.
511      subroutine InitAtomMesh( distr, na, xa )
512      use precision, only: dp
513      use mesh, only: ipa      ! atoms' mesh points within my Extended mesh
514      use mesh, only: dxa      ! atom's position relative to mesh point
515      use mesh, only: cmesh    ! Mesh cell vectors
516      use mesh, only: meshLim  ! My processor's box of mesh points
517      use mesh, only: ne       ! Points in rmax along each lat. vector
518      use mesh, only: nmsc     ! Mesh points in each supercell vector
519      use mesh, only: rcmesh   ! Reciprocal mesh cell vectors
520      use mesh, only: iatfold  ! Supercell vector that keeps track of the
521                               ! of the folding of the atomic coordinates
522                               ! in the mesh
523      use alloc,only: re_alloc ! (Re)allocation routine
524      use moreMeshSubs, only : allocIpaDistr
525      implicit none
526!     Input parameters
527      integer,       intent(in) :: na        ! Number of atoms in supercell
528      real(dp),      intent(in) :: xa(3,na)  ! Atomic coordinates
529      integer,       intent(in) :: distr     ! Used data distribution
530!     Local variables
531      character(len=*),parameter:: myName = 'InitAtomMesh '
532      integer,             save :: lastna = 0  ! Number of atoms on last call
533      integer                   :: ia, ixa(3), jsc(3), jxa(3), nem(3),
534     &                             j1, j2, j3, myBox(2,3), myExtBox(2,3)
535      integer                   :: ixabeffold(3)
536      real(dp)                  :: cxa(3)
538#ifdef DEBUG
539      call write_debug( '      PRE InitAtomMesh' )
541!     (Re)allocate atom-mesh arrays
542      call allocIpaDistr( distr, na )
543      if (na.ne.lastna) then
544        call re_alloc( dxa, 1,3, 1,na, myName//'dxa' )
545        call re_alloc( iatfold, 1,3, 1,na, myName//'iatfold' )
546      endif
547      lastna = na
549      myBox(:,:) = meshLim(:,:) - 1
551!     Add 'wings extensions' to myBox of mesh points, containing all points
552!     within the orbital spheres that may intersect myBox. Thus, wings must
553!     be one diameter wide.
554      myExtBox(1,:) = myBox(1,:) - 2*ne(:)
555      myExtBox(2,:) = myBox(2,:) + 2*ne(:)
557!     Find number of extended-box points.
558      nem(:) = myExtBox(2,:) - myExtBox(1,:) + 1
560!     Find atomic positions relative to mesh
561      do ia = 1,na
563!       Find atomic coordinates in mesh basis vectors
564        cxa(:) = matmul( xa(:,ia), rcmesh(:,:) )
565        ixabeffold(:) = floor(cxa(:))
566        ! fix: Make sure we consider equivalent positions
567        !      inside the cell, even if some atoms are outside.
568        cxa(:) = modulo( cxa(:), real(nmsc(:),dp) )
570!       Find indexes of mesh cell in which atom is
571        ixa(:) = floor(cxa(:))
572        iatfold(:,ia) = ( ixa(:) - ixabeffold(:) ) / nmsc(:)
574!       Find atom position within mesh cell
575        cxa(:) = cxa(:) - ixa(:)                  ! Mesh coordinates
576        dxa(:,ia) = matmul( cmesh(:,:), cxa(:) )  ! Cartesian coords
578!       Find atom's mesh index within myExtBox, but only if the
579!       (periodic) atomic sphere (of width ne) can intersect myBox.
580!       Otherwise, make ipa=0. nem is the width of myExtBox.
581!       nmsc is the width of the supercell.
582!       Notice that, even if several periodic images of the same
583!       atom may fit within myExtBox, only one must be considered,
584!       since the points within its sphere, once folded into myBox,
585!       will be equivalent to those of any other periodic image.
586        ipa(ia) = 0
587        sc: do j3 = -1,1   ! Loop on neighbor supercells
588            do j2 = -1,1
589            do j1 = -1,1
590              jsc(:) = (/j1,j2,j3/)
591              jxa(:) = ixa(:) + jsc(:)*nmsc(:)
592              if ( all(jxa(:)>=myBox(1,:)-ne(:)) .and.
593     &             all(jxa(:)<=myBox(2,:)+ne(:)) ) then
594                jxa(:) = jxa(:) - myExtBox(1,:)
595                ipa(ia) = 1 + jxa(1) + nem(1)*jxa(2)
596     &                      + nem(1)*nem(2)*jxa(3)
598                iatfold(1,ia) = iatfold(1,ia) + j1
599                iatfold(2,ia) = iatfold(2,ia) + j2
600                iatfold(3,ia) = iatfold(3,ia) + j3
602                exit sc
603              end if
604            end do    ! j1
605          end do      ! j2
606        end do sc     ! j3
607      enddo ! ia
609#ifdef DEBUG
610      call write_debug( '      POS InitAtomMesh' )
612      end subroutine InitAtomMesh
614      subroutine PartialCoreOnMesh( na, isa, ntpl, rhopcc, indxua,
615     &                              nsd, dvol, volume, Vscf, Vaux,
616     &                              fal, stressl, Forces, Stress )
618C Finds the partial-core-correction energy density on the mesh
620C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
621C Input :
622C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
623C integer na            : Number of atoms in supercell
624C integer isa(na)       : Species index of all atoms in supercell
625C integer ntpl          : Number of mesh Total Points in unit cell
626C                       : (including subpoints) locally
627C integer indxua        : Index of equivalent atom in unit cell
628C integer nsd           : Number of diagonal spin values (1 or 2)
629C real*8  dvol          : Mesh-cell volume
630C real*8  volume        : Unit cell volume
631C real*4  Vscf(ntpl)    : Hartree potential of SCF density
632C real*4  Vaux(ntpl)    : Auxiliary potential array
633C logical Forces        : Are the forces to be calculated?
634C logical Stress        : Are the stresses to be calculated?
635C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
636C Output : (non-gradient case)
637C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
638C real*4  rhopcc(ntpl)  : Partial-core-correction density for xc
639C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
640C Output : (gradient case)
641C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
642C real*8  fal(3,:)     : Local copy of atomic forces
643C real*8  stressl(3,3)  : Local copy of stress tensor
644C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
645      use precision, only: dp, grid_p
646      use atmfuncs,  only: rcore, chcore_sub
647      use mesh,      only: dxa, idop, indexp, ipa, mop, nsp, xdop, xdsp
648      implicit none
649C     Passed arguments
650      integer,      intent(in)  :: na, isa(na), ntpl
651      integer,      intent(in)  :: indxua(*)
652      integer,      intent(in)  :: nsd
653      real(dp),     intent(in)  :: dvol, volume
654      real(grid_p), intent(in)  :: Vscf(ntpl,*)
655      real(grid_p), intent(in)  :: Vaux(ntpl)
656      logical,      intent(in)  :: Forces
657      logical,      intent(in)  :: Stress
658      real(grid_p), intent(out) :: rhopcc(ntpl)
659      real(dp),   intent(inout) :: fal(3,*)
660      real(dp), intent(inout)   :: stressl(3,3)
661C     Internal variables
662      integer                   :: i, ia, iop, ip, ip0, is, isp,
663     &                             ispin, iua
664      real(dp)                  :: dfa(3), dx(3), grrho(3), r, ra,
665     &                             rhop, vxc
666      real(dp),            save :: tiny
667      logical                   :: Gradients
668      data tiny / 1.0e-12_dp /
670!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
671#ifdef DEBUG
672      call write_debug( '      PRE PartialCoreOnMesh' )
674C     Find out whether this is a gradient run based on the arguments passed
675      Gradients = ( Forces .or. Stress )
677C     Initialise array to zero
678      if (.not.Gradients) rhopcc(1:ntpl) = 0.0_dp
680      do ia = 1,na
681        if (ipa(ia)==0) cycle ! Atomic sphere does not intersec my Box
682        iua = indxua(ia)
683        is = isa(ia)
684        ra = rcore( is )
685        if (ra .gt. tiny) then
686C         Loop over mesh points inside rmax
687          do iop = 1,mop
688            ip0 = indexp( ipa(ia) + idop(iop) )
689            if (ip0 .gt. 0) then
690C             Loop over sub-points
691              do isp = 1,nsp
692                dx(1:3) = xdop(1:3,iop) + xdsp(1:3,isp) - dxa(1:3,ia)
693                r = sqrt(dot_product(dx,dx))
694C               if (r .lt. ra .and. r .gt. tiny) then
695                if (r .lt. ra) then
696                  ip = isp + nsp * (ip0 - 1)
697                  call chcore_sub( is, dx, rhop, grrho )
698                  if (Gradients) then
699C                   Calculate gradients of PCC
700                    do ispin = 1,nsd
701                      vxc = Vscf(ip,ispin) - Vaux(ip)
702                      do i = 1,3
703                        dfa(i) = dvol * vxc * grrho(i) / nsd
704                        if (Forces) fal(i,iua) = fal(i,iua) + dfa(i)
705                        if (Stress) stressl(1:3,i) = stressl(1:3,i) +
706     &                    dx(1:3)*dfa(i)/volume
707                      enddo
708                    enddo
709                  else
710C                   Calculate density due to PCC
711                    rhopcc(ip) = rhopcc(ip) + rhop
712                  endif
713                endif
714              enddo
715            endif
716          enddo
717        endif
718      enddo
719#ifdef DEBUG
720      call write_debug( '      POS PartialCoreOnMesh' )
722!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
723      end subroutine PartialCoreOnMesh
725      subroutine NeutralAtomOnMesh( na, isa, ntpl, vna,
726     &                              indxua, dvol, volume,
727     &                              drho, fal, stressl,
728     &                              Forces, Stress )
730C Finds the potential due to the neutral atoms on the mesh
732C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
733C Input :
734C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
735C integer na            : Number of atoms in supercell
736C integer isa(na)       : Species index of all atoms in supercell
737C integer ntpl          : Number of mesh Total Points in unit cell
738C                       : (including subpoints) locally
739C integer indxua        : Index of equivalent atom in unit cell
740C real*8  dvol          : Mesh-cell volume
741C real*8  volume        : Unit cell volume
742C real    drho(ntpl)    : SCF density difference
743C logical Forces        : Should the forces be calculated?
744C logical Stress        : Should the stress be calculated?
745C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
746C Input/Output : (Output for non-gradient call, must be kept otherwise)
747C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
748C real    vna(ntpl)     : Sum of neutral-atom potentials
749C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
750C Output : (gradient call)
751C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
752C real*8  fal(3,:)     : Local copy of atomic forces
753C real*8  stressl(3,3)  : Local copy of stress tensor
754C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
755      use precision, only: dp, grid_p
756      use atmfuncs,  only: rcut, phiatm
757      use mesh,      only: dxa, idop, indexp, ipa, mop, nsp, xdop, xdsp
758      implicit none
759C    Passed arguments
760      integer,         intent(in) :: na, isa(na), ntpl
761      integer,         intent(in) :: indxua(*)
762      real(dp),        intent(in) :: dvol, volume
763      real(grid_p),    intent(in) :: drho(*)
764      logical,         intent(in) :: Forces, Stress
765      real(grid_p), intent(inout) :: vna(ntpl)
766      real(dp),     intent(inout) :: fal(3,*)
767      real(dp),     intent(inout) :: stressl(3,3)
768C     Internal variables
769      integer                     :: i, ia, iop, ip, ip0, is, isp, iua
770      real(dp)                    :: dx(3), grva(3), r, ra, va
771      logical                     :: Gradients
773#ifdef DEBUG
774      call write_debug( '      PRE NeutralAtomOnMesh' )
776C     Check whether forces and/or stress has been
777C     requested based on arguments
778      Gradients = (Forces.or.Stress)
780C Initialise array to zero if not computing gradients
781C If we are computing gradients, the current value of vna
782C must be kept. This is particularly important for grid-cell sampling...
784      if (.not.Gradients) vna(1:ntpl) = 0.0_dp
786      do ia = 1,na
787        if (ipa(ia)==0) cycle ! Atomic sphere does not intersec my Box
788        iua = indxua(ia)
789        is = isa(ia)
790        ra = rcut( is, 0 )
792C       Loop over mesh points inside rmax
793        do iop = 1,mop
794          ip0 = indexp( ipa(ia) + idop(iop) )
795          if (ip0 .gt. 0) then
796C           Loop over sub-points
797            do isp = 1,nsp
798              dx(1:3) = xdop(1:3,iop) + xdsp(1:3,isp) - dxa(1:3,ia)
799              r = sqrt(dot_product(dx,dx))
800              if (r .lt. ra) then
801                ip = isp + nsp * (ip0 - 1)
802                call phiatm( is, 0, dx, va, grva )
803                if (Gradients) then
804                  do i = 1,3
805                    grva(i) = dvol * grva(i) * drho(ip)
806                    if (Forces) fal(i,iua) = fal(i,iua) + grva(i)
807                    if (Stress) stressl(1:3,i) = stressl(1:3,i) +
808     &                dx(1:3) * grva(i) / volume
809                  enddo
810                else
811                  vna(ip) = vna(ip) + va
812                endif
813              endif
814            enddo
815          endif
816        enddo
817      enddo
818#ifdef DEBUG
819      call write_debug( '      POS NeutralAtomOnMesh' )
821!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
822      end subroutine NeutralAtomOnMesh
824      subroutine LocalChargeOnMesh( na, isa, ntpl, Chlocal, indxua )
826C Finds the diffuse ionic charge, whose electrostatic potential is equal
827C to Vlocal on the mesh
829C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
830C Input :
831C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
832C integer na            : Number of atoms in supercell
833C integer isa(na)       : Species index of all atoms in supercell
834C integer ntpl          : Number of mesh Total Points in unit cell
835C                       : (including subpoints) locally
836C integer indxua        : Index of equivalent atom in unit cell
837C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
838C Output :
839C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
840C real    Chlocal(ntpl)     : Sum of diffuse ionic charge densities
841C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
842      use precision, only: dp, grid_p
843      use atmfuncs,  only: rcut, psch
844      use atm_types, only: species
845      use radial,    only: rad_func
846      use mesh,      only: dxa, idop, indexp, ipa, mop, nsp, xdop, xdsp
847      implicit none
848C     Passed arguments
849      integer, intent(in)       :: na, isa(na), ntpl
850      integer, intent(in)       :: indxua(*)
851      real(grid_p), intent(out) :: Chlocal(ntpl)
852C     Internal variables
853      integer                   :: ia, iop, ip, ip0, is, isp, iua
854      real(dp)                  :: dx(3), grpsch(3), r, ra, pschloc
855      type(rad_func), pointer  :: func
857!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
858#ifdef DEBUG
859      call write_debug( '      PRE LocalChargeOnMesh' )
861C     Initialise array to zero
862      Chlocal(1:ntpl) = 0.0_grid_p
864      do ia = 1,na
865        if (ipa(ia)==0) cycle ! Atomic sphere does not intersec my Box
866        iua = indxua(ia)
867        is = isa(ia)
868        func => species(is)%chlocal
869        ra = func%cutoff
870C       Loop over mesh points inside rmax
871        do iop = 1,mop
872          ip0 = indexp( ipa(ia) + idop(iop) )
873          if (ip0 .gt. 0) then
874C           Loop over sub-points
875            do isp = 1,nsp
876              dx(1:3) = xdop(1:3,iop) + xdsp(1:3,isp) - dxa(1:3,ia)
877              r = sqrt(dot_product(dx,dx))
878              if (r .lt. ra) then
879                ip = isp + nsp * (ip0 - 1)
880                call psch( is, dx, pschloc, grpsch )
881                Chlocal(ip) = Chlocal(ip) + pschloc
882              endif
883            enddo
884          endif
885        enddo
886      enddo
887#ifdef DEBUG
888      call write_debug( '      POS LocalChargeOnMesh' )
890!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
891      end subroutine LocalChargeOnMesh
893      subroutine ModelCoreChargeOnMesh( na, isa, ntpl,
894     $                                  ModelCore, indxua )
896C     Constructs a model total core charge, useful for Bader analysis
898C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
899C Input :
900C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
901C integer na            : Number of atoms in supercell
902C integer isa(na)       : Species index of all atoms in supercell
903C integer ntpl          : Number of mesh Total Points in unit cell
904C                       : (including subpoints) locally
905C integer indxua        : Index of equivalent atom in unit cell
906C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
907C Output :
908C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
909C real    ModelCore(ntpl)     : Sum of model core charge densities
910C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
912      use precision,     only : dp, grid_p
913      use atmfuncs, only: izofis, zvalfis
914      use atm_types, only : species
915      use mesh,     only: dxa, idop, indexp, ipa, mop, nsp, xdop, xdsp
916      use fdf
917      use parallel, only: ionode
919      implicit none
922C Passed arguments
924      integer, intent(in)  :: na, isa(na), ntpl
925      integer, intent(in)  :: indxua(*)
926      real(grid_p),    intent(out) :: ModelCore(ntpl)
929C Internal variables
931      integer
932     .  ia, iop, ip, ip0, is, isp, iua
934      real(dp) dx(3), ra, charge_ratio, r
935      real(dp) core_charge
936      real(dp), parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793_dp
938        ! We want a total core charge of (Z-Zval), localized in a
939        ! region of around 1.0 bohr.
940        ! Note that we put 1 electron (extra!) for Hydrogen atoms,
941        ! to provide the necessary "cuspy" behavior for the reference
942        ! file for Bader analysis. For H, the radius is 0.6 bohr
943       real(dp) :: radius_standard, radius_h
945        ! The model function is N*f(r/ra), where
946        !  f(x) = exp( - (sinh(2.0_dp*x)/sinh(1.0_dp))**2 )
947        !  f(1) is zero to within 10^-5
948        ! For normalization, we need \int_{0,1} { x*x*f(x) }, which is:
949        real(dp), parameter :: Integral = 0.0411548_dp
951        ! so that N above is Q/(4*pi*Integral*ra**3)
953        ! Note that this is quite a small confinement region, so
954        ! you might need a high cutoff (of the order of 300-500 Ry)
955        ! to represent it on the grid. It might be better to use
956        ! Denchar for this, rather than performing a Siesta calculation
957        ! (even if it reads the converged DM)
960      ! Initialise array to zero
961      ModelCore(1:ntpl) = 0.0_grid_p
963      radius_standard = fdf_get("bader-core-radius-standard",
964     $                      1.0_dp,"Bohr")
965      radius_h = fdf_get("bader-core-radius-hydrogen",
966     $                      0.6_dp,"Bohr")
968      if (ionode) then
969         write(6,"(a,2f6.3)") "Bader Analysis core-charge setup. " //
970     $                        "Radii (standard, H): ",
971     $                        radius_standard, radius_h
972      endif
974      do ia = 1,na
975        if (ipa(ia)==0) cycle ! Atomic sphere does not intersect my Box
976        is = isa(ia)
977        if (izofis(is) == 1) then
978           ra = radius_h
979           charge_ratio =  1.0_dp /
980     $             (4.0_dp*pi*Integral*ra**3.0_dp)
981        else
982           ra = radius_standard
983           charge_ratio =  (izofis(is)-zvalfis(is)) /
984     $             (4.0_dp*pi*Integral*ra**3.0_dp)
985        endif
988C Loop over mesh points inside rmax
989        do iop = 1,mop
990          ip0 = indexp( ipa(ia) + idop(iop) )
991          if (ip0 .gt. 0) then
993C Loop over sub-points
994            do isp = 1,nsp
995              dx(1:3) = xdop(1:3,iop) + xdsp(1:3,isp) - dxa(1:3,ia)
996              r = sqrt(dot_product(dx,dx))
997              if (r .lt. ra) then
998                ip = isp + nsp * (ip0 - 1)
999                core_charge = charge_ratio*model(r/ra)
1000                ModelCore(ip) = ModelCore(ip) + core_charge
1001              endif
1002            enddo
1004          endif
1005        enddo
1007      enddo
1009      CONTAINS
1011      function model(x)
1012      real(dp), intent(in) :: x
1013      real(dp)             :: model
1015      model = exp( - (sinh(2.0_dp*x)/sinh(1.0_dp))**2 )
1016      end function model
1018      end subroutine ModelCoreChargeOnMesh
1020      subroutine PhiOnMesh( nmpl, norb, iaorb, iphorb, isa, numphi )
1022C Calculates the values of the orbitals at the mesh points
1024C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1025C Input :
1026C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1027C integer nmpl          : Number of mesh points in unit cell locally
1028C integer norb          : Total number of basis orbitals in supercell
1029C integer iaorb(norb)   : Atom to which each orbital belongs
1030C integer iphorb(norb)  : Orbital index (within atom)
1031C integer isa(na)       : Species index of all atoms in supercell
1032C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1033C Output :
1034C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1035C All output quantities are in the module meshphi
1036C ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1038C Modules
1039      use precision, only : dp, grid_p
1040      use atmfuncs,  only : rcut, phiatm
1041      use mesh,      only : dxa, idop, indexp, ipa, mop, nsp, xdop,
1042     &                      xdsp, meshLim
1043      use meshphi,   only : directphi, nphi, phi, lstpht, listp2, endpht
1044      use meshphi,   only : resetMeshPhi
1045      use fdf,       only : fdf_get
1046      use parallel,  only : IONode
1047      use alloc,     only : re_alloc
1049      implicit none
1050C Passed arguments
1051      integer,    intent(in) :: nmpl, norb, iaorb(norb),
1052     &                          iphorb(norb), isa(*)
1054      ! This array was set in distriPhiOnMesh, and holds
1055      ! the pre-computed count of orbitals touching a given
1056      ! point. It is re-used and overwritten here.
1057      integer, intent(inout) :: numphi(nmpl)
1059C     Local variables
1060      integer                :: ia, io, iop, ip, ip0, iphi, is, isp, n,
1061     &                          nlist, nliste, nmax
1063      logical                :: within
1064      logical,          save :: firsttime = .true.
1065      real(dp)               :: dxsp(3,nsp), grphi(3), phip, r2o,
1066     &                          r2sp(nsp)
1068!--------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
1069#ifdef DEBUG
1070      call write_debug( '      PRE PhiOnMesh' )
1073      call timer( 'PHION', 1 )
1074C     On first call set the logical DirectPhi
1075      if (firsttime) then
1076        DirectPhi = fdf_get('DirectPhi', .false. )
1077        firsttime = .false.
1078      else
1079        ! reset the data structures in module meshphi
1080        call resetMeshPhi( )
1081      endif
1083C     Allocate memory related to nmpl
1084      nullify( endpht, phi, lstpht, listp2 )
1085      call re_alloc( endpht, 0, nmpl, 'endpht', 'PhiOnMesh' )
1087C     Initialise pointer array
1088      endpht(0) = 0
1089      do ip = 1,nmpl
1090        endpht(ip) = endpht(ip-1) + numphi(ip)
1091      enddo
1093C     Allocate phi if this is not a direct calculation
1094      nlist = endpht(nmpl)
1095      if (DirectPhi) then
1096        nphi = 1
1097      else
1098        nphi = nlist
1099        if (IONode) then
1100           write(6,"(a,i20)")
1101     $          "PhiOnMesh: Number of (b)points on node 0 = ", nmpl
1102           write(6,"(a,i20)")
1103     $          "PhiOnMesh: nlist on node 0 = ", nlist
1104        endif
1105      endif
1107C     Add an extra margin of error to nlist to minimise reallocations
1108      nliste = 1.01*nlist
1110C     Adjust dimensions of phi if necessary
1111      if (associated(phi)) then
1112        nmax = size(phi,2)
1113      else
1114        nmax = 0
1115      end if
1116      if (nphi.gt.nmax) then
1117        if (DirectPhi) then
1118          call re_alloc( phi, 1, nsp, 1, nphi, 'phi', 'PhiOnMesh' )
1119       else
1120          call re_alloc( phi, 1, nsp, 1, nliste, 'phi', 'PhiOnMesh' )
1121       endif
1122      endif
1124C     Adjust dimensions of list arrays if necessary
1125      if (associated(lstpht) .and. associated(listp2)) then
1126        nmax = min( size(lstpht), size(listp2) )
1127      else
1128        nmax = 0
1129      end if
1130      if (nlist.gt.nmax) then
1131        call re_alloc( lstpht, 1, nliste, 'lstpht', 'PhiOnMesh' )
1132        call re_alloc( listp2, 1, nliste, 'listp2', 'PhiOnMesh' )
1133      endif
1135C     Find indexes and values of atomic orbitals at mesh points
1136      numphi = 0
1137      do io = 1,norb
1138        ia = iaorb(io)
1139        if (ipa(ia)==0) cycle ! Atomic sphere does not intersect my Box
1140        iphi = iphorb(io)
1141        is = isa(ia)
1142        r2o = rcut(is,iphi)**2
1143        do iop = 1, mop
1144          ip0 = indexp( ipa(ia) + idop(iop) )
1145          if (ip0 .gt. 0) then
1146            within = .false.
1147            do isp = 1,nsp
1148              dxsp(1:3,isp) = xdop(1:3,iop)+xdsp(1:3,isp)-dxa(1:3,ia)
1149              r2sp(isp) = sum( dxsp(1:3,isp)**2 )
1150              if (r2sp(isp) .lt. r2o) within = .true.
1151            enddo
1152            if (within) then
1153              numphi(ip0) = numphi(ip0) + 1
1154              n = endpht(ip0-1) + numphi(ip0)
1155              lstpht(n) = io
1156              listp2(n) = iop
1157              if (.not.DirectPhi) then
1158                do isp = 1,nsp
1159                  if (r2sp(isp) .lt. r2o) then
1160                    call phiatm( is, iphi, dxsp(1,isp),
1161     &                           phip, grphi )
1162                    phi(isp,n) = phip
1163                  else
1164                    phi(isp,n) = 0.0_grid_p
1165                  endif
1166                enddo
1167              endif
1168            endif
1169          endif
1170        enddo
1171      enddo
1173      call timer( 'PHION', 2 )
1174#ifdef DEBUG
1175      call write_debug( '      POS PhiOnMesh' )
1177!------------------------------------------------------------------------ END
1178      end subroutine PhiOnMesh
1180      subroutine setupExtMesh( distr, rmax )
1181! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1182! Setup the extended mesh variables for a given data distribution.
1183! It creates and initialise indexp, xdop and idop. These arrays are
1184! allocated inside a meshDisType structure and can be accesed by pointers
1185! of the mesh module.
1187! Only necesary for those data distributions who needs to use the
1188! extended mesh.
1189! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1190! Input :
1191! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1192! integer  distr        : distribution number
1193! real(dp) rmax         : Maximum orbital radius
1195! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1196! Output :
1197! ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1198! All output quantities are in the mesh and moreMeshSubs modules.
1199! Data is stored in moreMeshSubs but accessed using the mesh module
1200! pointers.
1203      use precision, only : dp
1204      use parallel,  only : IONode
1205      use mesh,      only : meshLim  ! My processor's box of mesh points
1206      use mesh,      only : ne       ! Points in rmax along each lat. vector
1207      use mesh,      only : nem      ! Extended-mesh divisions in each direction
1208      use mesh,      only : nmsc     ! Mesh points in each supercell vector
1209      use mesh,      only : mop      ! Accumulated num. of orbital points
1210      use mesh,      only : nsp      ! Number of sub-points of each mesh point
1211      use mesh,      only : cmesh    ! Mesh cell vectors
1212      use mesh,      only : xdsp     ! Vector to mesh sub-points
1213      use mesh,      only : indexp   ! ranslation from extended to
1214                                     ! normal mesh index
1215      use mesh,      only : idop     ! Mesh-index span of points
1216                                     ! within an atomic sphere
1217      use mesh,      only : xdop     ! Coordinates of (super)points
1218                                     ! within an atomic sphere
1219      use moreMeshSubs, only : allocExtMeshDistr
1221      implicit none
1222C     Input parameters
1223      integer              :: distr
1224      real(dp)             :: rmax
1225C     Local parameters
1226      integer              :: i1, i2, i3, j1, j2, j3, k1, k2, k3,
1227     &                        i, j, k, nep, boxWidth(3), extWidth(3),
1228     &                        isp, myBox(2,3), myExtBox(2,3)
1229      real(dp)             :: r, dxp(3), dx(3)
1230      logical              :: within
1231C     Functions
1232      real(dp)             :: dismin
1234      ! Correspondence between JMS and RG box descriptors
1235      myBox(:,:) = meshLim(:,:) - 1
1237! Add 'wings extensions' to myBox of mesh points, containing all points
1238! within the orbital spheres that may intersect myBox. Thus, wings must
1239! be one diameter wide.
1240      myExtBox(1,:) = myBox(1,:) - 2*ne(:)
1241      myExtBox(2,:) = myBox(2,:) + 2*ne(:)
1243! Find number of extended-box points.
1244      nem(:) = myExtBox(2,:) - myExtBox(1,:) + 1
1245      nep = nem(1) * nem(2) * nem(3)
1247      if (IONode) then
1248         write(6,'(a,3(i6,a),i12)') 'ExtMesh (bp) on 0 =',
1249     &        nem(1),' x',nem(2),' x',nem(3),' =', nep
1250      endif
1252!     Allocate memory for indexp(nep), idop(mop) and xdop(3,mop) of
1253!     the current data distribution
1254      call allocExtMeshDistr( distr, nep, mop )
1256! Find relationship between extended and normal box points
1257      boxWidth(:) =    myBox(2,:)    - myBox(1,:) + 1
1258      extWidth(:) = myExtBox(2,:) - myExtBox(1,:) + 1
1259      do i3 = myExtBox(1,3),myExtBox(2,3)
1260        do i2 = myExtBox(1,2),myExtBox(2,2)
1261          do i1 = myExtBox(1,1),myExtBox(2,1)
1263            ! Find periodic indexes within first supercell
1264            j1 = modulo( i1, nmsc(1) )
1265            j2 = modulo( i2, nmsc(2) )
1266            j3 = modulo( i3, nmsc(3) )
1268            ! Find indexes relative to box origins
1269            j1 = j1 -    myBox(1,1)
1270            j2 = j2 -    myBox(1,2)
1271            j3 = j3 -    myBox(1,3)
1272            k1 = i1 - myExtBox(1,1)
1273            k2 = i2 - myExtBox(1,2)
1274            k3 = i3 - myExtBox(1,3)
1276            ! Find combined mesh indexes.
1277            j = 1 + j1 + boxWidth(1)*j2 + boxWidth(1)*boxWidth(2)*j3
1278            k = 1 + k1 + extWidth(1)*k2 + extWidth(1)*extWidth(2)*k3
1280            ! Find myExtBox -> myBox index translation
1281            if (j1>=0 .and. j1<boxWidth(1) .and.
1282     .          j2>=0 .and. j2<boxWidth(2) .and.
1283     .          j3>=0 .and. j3<boxWidth(3)) then
1284              indexp(k) = j   ! Point is within myBox
1285            else
1286              indexp(k) = 0   ! Point is outside myBox
1287            endif ! (j>=myBox(1) and j<=myBox(2))
1289          enddo ! i1
1290        enddo ! i2
1291      enddo ! i3
1293! This loop is done for each distribution, and replicates
1294! the one in InitMesh, except that now we actually fill
1295! the data in the arrays. Note that mop does not depend
1296! on the distribution.
1298! Find points within rmax (orbital points)
1299      mop = 0
1300      do i3 = -ne(3), ne(3)
1301        do i2 = -ne(2), ne(2)
1302          do i1 = -ne(1), ne(1)
1303            dxp(:) = cmesh(:,1) * i1 +
1304     &               cmesh(:,2) * i2 +
1305     &               cmesh(:,3) * i3
1306            within = .false.
1307            do isp = 1,nsp
1308              dx(1:3) = dxp(1:3) + xdsp(1:3,isp)
1309              r = dismin( cmesh, dx )
1310              if ( r .lt. rmax ) within = .true.
1311            enddo
1312            if ( within ) then
1313              mop = mop + 1
1314              ! Store index-distance and vector-distance to point.
1315              idop(mop)     = i1 + nem(1)*i2 + nem(1)*nem(2)*i3
1316              xdop(1:3,mop) = dxp(1:3)
1317            endif ! (within)
1318          enddo ! i1
1319        enddo ! i2
1320      enddo ! i3
1322      end subroutine setupExtMesh
1325      subroutine distriPhiOnMesh( nm, nmpl, norb, iaorb,
1326     &                            iphorb, isa, numphi,
1327     &                            need_gradients_in_xc )
1329C Computes the number of orbitals that intersects every mesh point
1330C and calls initMeshDistr in order to compute a new data distribution
1331C based in the number of orbital intersections.
1332C ==================================================================
1334C INPUT:
1335C integer nm(3)         : Number of Mesh divisions of each cell vector
1336C integer nmpl          : Local number of mesh points
1337C integer norb          : Total number of basis orbitals in supercell
1338C integer iaorb(norb)   : Atom to which each orbital belongs
1339C integer iphorb(norb)  : Orbital index (within atom) of each orbital
1340C integer isa(na)       : Species index of all atoms in supercell
1341C logical need_gradients_in_xc :
1343C The output values are in the module moreMeshSubs (New limits of the mesh
1344C and the information needed to transfer data between data
1345C distributions)
1348C The amount of computation in every point of the mesh depends on the
1349C number of orbitals that intersecs in that mesh point. This can lead
1350C to unbalanced distributions in parallel executions. We want to
1351C compute a new data distribution, where the load is balanced among
1352C the several processes.
1354C In order to compute the number of orbitals that intersects in every
1355C mesh point, we loop in all orbitals of every atom and we increase the
1356C value of numphi in every point of the mesh that is inside of the
1357C radius of the current orbital.
1359C Finally, we call initMeshDistr that computes the new data distributions
1360C that will be used inside setup_hamiltonian. We are going to have 3
1361C different data distributions:
1362C  - Uniform:   Same amount of mesh in every process. Used in Poison
1363C  - Quadratic: The load in every point of the mesh is proporcional
1364C               to the square of the number of orbitals that intersects
1365C               in that point. Used in rhoofd and vmat.
1366C  - Lineal:    We try to distribute those points of the mesh that have
1367C               at least one orbital intersection. Used in cellxc.
1369C ==================================================================
1370      use mesh,         only: mop, ipa, idop, nsp, xdop, xdsp, dxa,
1371     &                        indexp, meshLim
1372      use precision,    only: dp, grid_p
1373      use atmfuncs,     only: rcut
1374      use parallel,     only: Nodes, node
1375#ifdef MPI
1376      use moreMeshSubs, only: initMeshExtencil
1378      use moreMeshSubs, only: initMeshDistr
1379      use moreMeshSubs, only: allocASynBuffer
1380      use moreMeshSubs, only: UNIFORM, QUADRATIC, LINEAR
1381      use alloc,        only: re_alloc, de_alloc
1383      implicit none
1384C     Passed arguments
1385      integer, intent(in)  :: nm(3), nmpl, norb, iaorb(norb),
1386     &                        iphorb(norb), isa(*)
1387      integer, intent(out) :: numphi(nmpl)
1388      logical, intent(in)  :: need_gradients_in_xc
1389C     Local variables
1390      integer              :: ii, io, ia, iphi, is, iop, ip0, isp
1391      real(dp)             :: r2o, dxsp(3,nsp), r2sp(nsp)
1392      logical              :: within
1393      integer,     pointer :: wload(:)
1394!------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN
1395#ifdef DEBUG
1396      call write_debug( '      PRE distriPhiOnMesh' )
1398      call timer( 'REMESH', 1 )
1400      do ii= 1, nmpl
1401        numphi(ii) = 0
1402      enddo
1404C     Find number of atomic orbitals at mesh points
1405      do io = 1,norb
1406        ia   = iaorb(io)
1407        if (ipa(ia)==0) cycle ! Atomic sphere does not intersec my Box
1408        iphi = iphorb(io)
1409        is   = isa(ia)
1410        r2o  = rcut(is,iphi)**2
1411C       Loop over mesh points inside rmax
1412        do iop = 1, mop
1413          ip0 = indexp( ipa(ia) + idop(iop) )
1414          if (ip0 .gt. 0) then
1415C           Loop over sub-points to find if point is within range
1416            within = .false.
1417            do isp = 1,nsp
1418              dxsp(1:3,isp) = xdop(1:3,iop)+xdsp(1:3,isp)-dxa(1:3,ia)
1419              r2sp(isp)     = sum( dxsp(1:3,isp)**2 )
1420              if (r2sp(isp) .lt. r2o) within = .true.
1421            enddo
1422C           If within range, add one to number of point orbitals
1423            if (within) numphi(ip0) = numphi(ip0) + 1
1424          endif
1425        enddo
1426      enddo
1428#ifdef MPI
1429      if (nodes.gt.1) then
1430        nullify( wload )
1431        call re_alloc( wload, 1, nmpl, 'wload', 'distriPhiOnMesh' )
1432        do ip0= 1, nmpl
1433          wload(ip0) = numphi(ip0)*(numphi(ip0)+1) + 1
1434        enddo
1435        call initMeshDistr( UNIFORM, QUADRATIC, nm, wload )
1437        do ip0= 1, nmpl
1438!         The computational work of a mesh point in cellxc is almost 0 when
1439!         when the charge density is zero. We use a proportion of 400/1.
1440          if (numphi(ip0).ne.0) then
1441            wload(ip0) = 400
1442          else
1443            wload(ip0) = 1
1444          endif
1445        enddo
1446        call initMeshDistr( UNIFORM, LINEAR, nm, wload )
1447        if (need_gradients_in_xc) call initMeshExtencil( LINEAR, nm )
1449C       Free local memory
1450        call de_alloc( wload, 'wload', 'distriPhiOnMesh' )
1452C       Allocate memory for asynchronous communications.
1453C       It does nothing if we use synchronous communications.
1454        call allocASynBuffer( LINEAR )
1455      endif
1458      call timer( 'REMESH', 2 )
1459#ifdef DEBUG
1460      call write_debug( '      POS distriPhiOnMesh' )
1462!--------------------------------------------------------------------------- END
1463      end subroutine distriPhiOnMesh
1465      end module meshsubs