2    LimeSurvey
3    Copyright (C) 2007-2017 The LimeSurvey Project Team / Louis Gac
4    All rights reserved.
5    License: GNU/GPL License v2 or later, see LICENSE.php
6    LimeSurvey is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
7    to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
8    is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
9    other free or open source software licenses.
10    See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
14    (¯`·._.·(¯`·._.· Warnings  ·._.·´¯)·._.·´¯)
16    Show various warnings on top of the form
18    Error Html warnings can be:
19        - One or more mandatory questions have not been answered. You cannot proceed until these have been completed.
20        - One or more questions have not been answered in a valid manner. You cannot proceed until these answers are valid.
21        - One or more uploaded files are not in proper format/size. You cannot proceed until these files are valid.
23    The easiest way to change the text in the warnings is to create a new translation.
25    These warnings are complementary to the popup ones. If you're using popups (set in config file), and then don't want to show these alerts, you can uncomment the hiddenClass checker
28{# Preview mode warning #}
29{% if aSurveyInfo.active != 'Y' %}
30    <!-- Preview mode warning -->
31    <div class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.activealert }} alert alert-warning alert-dismissible fade in alert-dismissible" {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.activealert }} >
32        <button  {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.activealertbutton }} class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.activealertbutton }} close" ><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>
33        {{ gT("This survey is currently not active. You will not be able to save your responses.") }}
34    </div>
35{% endif %}
37{# Survey data policy not accepted warning #}
38{% if aSurveyInfo.datasecuritynotaccepted == true and aSurveyInfo.move != 'changelang' %}
39    <!-- Preview mode warning -->
40    <div class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.activealert }} alert alert-danger alert-dismissible fade in alert-dismissible" {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.activealert }} >
41        <button  {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.activealertbutton }} class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.activealertbutton }} close" ><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>
42        {{ aSurveyInfo.datasecurity_error }}
43    </div>
44{% endif %}
46{# Error Html warnings #}
47{% if aSurveyInfo.errorHtml.show %}
48    <p class=' {# Uncomment to hide when popup is on { aSurveyInfo.errorHtml.hiddenClass } #} fade in alert-dismissible alert alert-danger {{ aSurveyInfo.class.errorHtml }} ' role='alert'>
49        <button  {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.errorHtmlbutton }} class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.errorHtmlbutton }} close" ><span aria-hidden="true">×</span></button>
50    {% for aMessage in aSurveyInfo.errorHtml.messages  %}
51        <!-- Error Html warnings -->
52            {{ aMessage }}
53            <br/>
54    {% endfor %}
55    </p>
56{% endif %}