1Report on the various status markers of the server itself. The return value is
2a STRUCT with the following members:
4        Key         Type     Value
6        host        STRING   Name of the (possibly virtual) host name to which
7                             requests are sent.
8        port        INT      TCP/IP port the server is listening on.
9        name        STRING   The name of the server software, as it identifies
10                             itself in transport headers.
11        version     STRING   The software version. Note that this is defined as
12                             a STRING, not a DOUBLE, to allow for non-numeric
13                             values.
14        path        STRING   URL path portion, for use when sending POST
15                             request messages.
16        date        ISO8601  The current date and time on the server, as an
17                             ISO 8601 date string.
18        date_int    INT      The current date as a UNIX time() value. This is
19                             encoded as an INT rather than the dateTime.int
20                             type, so that it is readable by older clients.
21        started     ISO8601  The date and time when the current server started
22                             accepting connections, as an ISO 8601 string.
23        started_int
24                    INT      The server start-time as a UNIX time() value. This
25                             is also encoded as INT for the same reasons as
26                             the "date_int" value above.
27        total_requests
28                    INT      Total number of requests served thus far
29                             (including the current one). This will not include
30                             requests for which there was no matching method,
31                             or HTTP-HEAD requests.
32        methods_known
33                    INT      The number of different methods the server has
34                             registered for serving requests.
36If this method is called with a single boolean value, that value determines
37whether the current call should be counted against the value of the
38"total_requests" field. This is also handled at the server level. Setting
39this boolean value to a "true" value causes the server (and the resulting
40data structure returned) to not count this call. This feature allows external
41tools (monitors, etc.) to check the status regularly without falsely running
42up the value of "total_requests".