1 /* This file is part of the GNU libxmi package.
3    Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, X Consortium.  For an
4    associated permission notice, see the accompanying file README-X.
6    GNU enhancements Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2005, Free Software
7    Foundation, Inc.
9    The GNU libxmi package is free software.  You may redistribute it
10    and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
11    published by the Free Software foundation; either version 2, or (at your
12    option) any later version.
14    The GNU libxmi package is distributed in the hope that it will be
15    useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17    General Public License for more details.
19    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
20    with the GNU plotutils package; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
21    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St., Fifth Floor,
22    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */
24 /* Original author:  Bob Scheifler, MIT X Consortium, mid 1980s.
25    Hacked by Robert S. Maier <rsm@math.arizona.edu>, 1998-99 */
27 /* Derived from:
28  * "Algorithm for drawing ellipses or hyperbolae with a digital plotter"
29  * by M. L. V. Pitteway
30  * The Computer Journal, November 1967, Volume 10, Number 3, pp. 282-289
31  */
33 /* This module contains the miZeroPolyArc() function and its reentrant
34    counterpart miZeroPolyArc_r.  They draw single-pixel (Bresenham)
35    polyarcs, either solid or dashed.  A fast integer algorithm is used.
37    A polyarc is a list of arcs, which may or may not be contiguous.  An
38    `arc' is an elliptic arc, i.e., a segment of an ellipse.  The principal
39    axes of the ellipse must be aligned with the coordinate axes.
41    The cap mode and join mode in the graphics context are ignored.
43    All painting goes through the low-level MI_COPY_AND_PAINT_SPANS() and
44    MI_PAINT_SPANS() macros. */
46 #include "sys-defines.h"
47 #include "extern.h"
49 #include "xmi.h"
50 #include "mi_spans.h"
51 #include "mi_gc.h"
52 #include "mi_api.h"
53 #include "mi_arc.h"
54 #include "mi_zerarc.h"
56 #define FULLCIRCLE (360 * 64)
57 #define OCTANT (45 * 64)
58 #define QUADRANT (90 * 64)
59 #define HALFCIRCLE (180 * 64)
60 #define QUADRANT3 (270 * 64)
62 /* trig functions, angle specified in 1/64 degrees */
63 #define Dsin(d)	((d) == 0 ? 0.0 : ((d) == QUADRANT ? 1.0 : \
64 				   ((d) == HALFCIRCLE ? 0.0 : \
65 				    ((d) == QUADRANT3 ? -1.0 : sin((double)d*(M_PI/11520.0))))))
67 #define Dcos(d)	((d) == 0 ? 1.0 : ((d) == QUADRANT ? 0.0 : \
68 				   ((d) == HALFCIRCLE ? -1.0 : \
69 				    ((d) == QUADRANT3 ? 0.0 : cos((double)d*(M_PI/11520.0))))))
71 #define EPSILON45 64
73 typedef struct
74 {
75   bool skipStart;
76   bool haveStart;
77   miPoint startPt;
78   bool haveLast;
79   bool skipLast;
80   miPoint endPt;
81   int dashNum;
82   int dashIndex;
83   int dashOffset;
84   int dashNumInit;
85   int dashIndexInit;
86   int dashOffsetInit;
87 } miDashInfo;
89 static const miZeroArcPt _oob_arc_pt = {INT_MAX, INT_MAX, 0};
91 /* forward references */
92 static bool miZeroArcSetup (const miArc *arc, miZeroArc *info, bool ok360);
93 static miPoint * miZeroArcPts (const miArc *arc, miPoint *pts);
94 static void miZeroArcDashPts (const miGC *pGC, const miArc *arc, miDashInfo *dinfo, int maxPts, miPoint **pts);
97 /*
98  * This is the reentrant version, miZeroPolyArc_r.  The non-reentrant
99  * version, miZeroPolyArc, simply calls this version, using an in-library
100  * `rasterized ellipse' cache. */
102 void
miZeroPolyArc_r(miPaintedSet * paintedSet,const miGC * pGC,int narcs,const miArc * parcs,miEllipseCache * ellipseCache)103 miZeroPolyArc_r (miPaintedSet *paintedSet, const miGC *pGC, int narcs, const miArc *parcs, miEllipseCache *ellipseCache)
104 {
105   const miArc *arc;
106   miDashInfo dinfo;
107   int j;
109   if (pGC->lineStyle != (int)MI_LINE_SOLID)
110     /* initialize structure used in dashing */
111     {
112       dinfo.haveStart = false;
113       dinfo.skipStart = false;
114       dinfo.haveLast = false;
115       dinfo.dashIndexInit = 0;
116       dinfo.dashNumInit = 0;
117       dinfo.dashOffsetInit = 0;
118       /* perform initial offsetting into the dash array */
119       miStepDash (pGC->dashOffset, &dinfo.dashNumInit, &dinfo.dashIndexInit,
120 		  pGC->dash, pGC->numInDashList, &dinfo.dashOffsetInit);
121     }
123   for (arc = parcs, j = narcs; --j >= 0; arc++)
124     {
125       if (!MI_CAN_ZERO_ARC(arc))
126 	/* Too large an arc for integer algorithm to perform properly, so
127 	   hand it off to floating-point wide polyarc algorithm, which can
128 	   do zero-width polyarcs too. */
129 	/* N.B. This handoff is lame.  If dashing, dash pattern won't be
130            carried over from arc to contiguous arc.  */
131 	miPolyArc_r (paintedSet, pGC, 1, arc, ellipseCache);
133       else
134 	/* not unusually large, use integer Bresenham algorithm */
135 	{
136 	  miPoint **ptsInit, **pts;
137 	  int maxPts = 0, numPts, i, n;
138 	  int numPixels = pGC->numPixels;
140 	  if (arc->width > arc->height)
141 	    maxPts = arc->width + (arc->height >> 1);
142 	  else
143 	    maxPts = arc->height + (arc->width >> 1);
144 	  if (maxPts == 0)
145 	    continue;
147 	  /* max points produced by Bresenham algorithm (overestimate?) */
148 	  numPts = 4 * maxPts;
150 	  /* generate points (note that if dashing, dash pattern will carry
151 	     over from arc to contiguous arc) */
152 	  ptsInit =
153 	    (miPoint **)mi_xmalloc(numPixels * sizeof(miPoint *));
154 	  pts =
155 	    (miPoint **)mi_xmalloc(numPixels * sizeof(miPoint *));
156 	  if (pGC->lineStyle == (int)MI_LINE_SOLID)
157 	    {
158 	      for (i = 0; i < numPixels; i++)
159 		{
160 		  if (i == 1)
161 		    ptsInit[i] = (miPoint *)mi_xmalloc(numPts * sizeof(miPoint));
162 		  else		/* `solid' uses paint type #1 only */
163 		    ptsInit[i] = (miPoint *)NULL;
164 		  pts[i] = ptsInit[i];
165 		}
166 	      /* compute points, return pointer to slot after
167                  last-generated point */
168 	      pts[1] = miZeroArcPts (arc, ptsInit[1]);
169 	    }
170 	  else			/* on/off dashed or double-dashed */
171 	    {
172 	      for (i = 0; i < numPixels; i++)
173 		{
174 		  ptsInit[i] = (miPoint *)mi_xmalloc(numPts * sizeof(miPoint));
175 		  pts[i] = ptsInit[i];
176 		}
178 	      /* compute points, return ptrs to ones after last-generated */
179 	      dinfo.skipLast = (i == 0 ? false : true);
180 	      miZeroArcDashPts (pGC, arc, &dinfo, maxPts, pts);
181 	      dinfo.skipStart = true;
182 	    }
184 	  /* paint all generated points (except if not double-dashing,
185 	     don't paint points in paint type #0) */
186 	  for (i = 0; i < numPixels; i++)
187 	    {
188 	      if (ptsInit[i] == (miPoint *)NULL)
189 		continue;
190 	      if (i == 0 && pGC->lineStyle != (int)MI_LINE_DOUBLE_DASH)
191 		{
192 		  free (ptsInit[i]);
193 		  continue;
194 		}
196 	      n = pts[i] - ptsInit[i];
197 	      if (n > 0)
198 		{
199 		  unsigned int *widths;
200 		  int k;
202 		  widths = (unsigned int *)mi_xmalloc(n * sizeof(unsigned int));
203 		  for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
204 		    widths[k] = 1;
205 		  miQuickSortSpansY (ptsInit[i], widths, n);
206 		  MI_PAINT_SPANS(paintedSet, pGC->pixels[i], n, ptsInit[i], widths)
207 	       }
208 	    } /* end of drawing loop over paint types */
210 	  /* free arrays of pointers to storage */
211 	  free (pts);
212 	  free (ptsInit);
214 	} /* end of integer Bresenham algorithm applied to a single arc */
215     } /* end of loop over arcs */
216 }
219 void
miZeroPolyArc(miPaintedSet * paintedSet,const miGC * pGC,int narcs,const miArc * parcs)220 miZeroPolyArc (miPaintedSet *paintedSet, const miGC *pGC, int narcs, const miArc *parcs)
221 {
222   if (_mi_ellipseCache == (miEllipseCache *)NULL)
223     _mi_ellipseCache = miNewEllipseCache ();
224   miZeroPolyArc_r (paintedSet, pGC, narcs, parcs, _mi_ellipseCache);
225 }
229 #define Pixelate(pts, xval, yval) \
230 { \
231     pts->x = xval; \
232     pts->y = yval; \
233     pts++; \
234 }
236 #define DoPix(pts, mask, idx, xval, yval) \
237 	if (mask & (1 << idx)) Pixelate(pts, xval, yval);
239 /* Generate points that make up a solid zero-width arc, and write them to
240    pre-allocated storage; return pointer to miPoint after last-generated
241    point.  Storage supplied by caller, should be sufficiently large. */
242 static miPoint *
miZeroArcPts(const miArc * arc,miPoint * pts)243 miZeroArcPts (const miArc *arc, miPoint *pts)
244 {
245   miZeroArc info;
246   int x, y, a, b, d;
247   unsigned int mask;
248   int k1, k3, dx, dy;
249   bool do360;
251   do360 = miZeroArcSetup(arc, &info, true);
252   MIARCSETUP(info, x, y, k1, k3, a, b, d, dx, dy);
253   mask = info.initialMask;
254   if (!(arc->width & 1))	/* even width */
255     {
256       DoPix (pts, mask, 1, info.xorgo, info.yorg);
257       DoPix (pts, mask, 3, info.xorgo, info.yorgo);
258     }
259   if (!info.end.x || !info.end.y)
260     {
261       mask = info.end.mask;
262       info.end = info.altend;
263     }
264   if (do360 && (arc->width == arc->height) && !(arc->width & 1))
265     /* full circle, even diameter */
266     {
267       int yorgh = info.yorg + info.h;
268       int xorghp = info.xorg + info.h;
269       int xorghn = info.xorg - info.h;
271       for ( ; ; )
272 	{
273 	  Pixelate(pts, info.xorg + x, info.yorg + y);
274 	  Pixelate(pts, info.xorg - x, info.yorg + y);
275 	  Pixelate(pts, info.xorg - x, info.yorgo - y);
276 	  Pixelate(pts, info.xorg + x, info.yorgo - y);
277 	  if (a < 0)
278 	    break;
279 	  Pixelate(pts, xorghp - y, yorgh - x);
280 	  Pixelate(pts, xorghn + y, yorgh - x);
281 	  Pixelate(pts, xorghn + y, yorgh + x);
282 	  Pixelate(pts, xorghp - y, yorgh + x);
283 	  MIARCCIRCLESTEP(x, y, a, b, d, k1, k3, ;);
284 	}
285       if (x > 1 && pts[-1].x == pts[-5].x && pts[-1].y == pts[-5].y)
286 	pts -= 4;
287       x = info.w;
288       y = info.h;
289     }
290   else if (do360)
291     /* full ellipse */
292     {
293       while (y < (int)info.h || x < (int)info.w)
294 	{
295 	  MIARCOCTANTSHIFT(info, x, y, dx, dy, a, b, d, k1, k3, ;);
296 	  Pixelate(pts, info.xorg + x, info.yorg + y);
297 	  Pixelate(pts, info.xorgo - x, info.yorg + y);
298 	  Pixelate(pts, info.xorgo - x, info.yorgo - y);
299 	  Pixelate(pts, info.xorg + x, info.yorgo - y);
300 	  MIARCSTEP(x, y, dx, dy, a, b, d, k1, k3, ;, ;);
301 	}
302     }
303   else
304     /* hard case */
305     {
306       while (y < (int)info.h || x < (int)info.w)
307 	{
308 	  MIARCOCTANTSHIFT(info, x, y, dx, dy, a, b, d, k1, k3, ;);
309 	  if ((x == info.start.x) || (y == info.start.y))
310 	    {
311 	      mask = info.start.mask;
312 	      info.start = info.altstart;
313 	    }
314 	  DoPix (pts, mask, 0, info.xorg + x, info.yorg + y);
315 	  DoPix (pts, mask, 1, info.xorgo - x, info.yorg + y);
316 	  DoPix (pts, mask, 2, info.xorgo - x, info.yorgo - y);
317 	  DoPix (pts, mask, 3, info.xorg + x, info.yorgo - y);
318 	  if ((x == info.end.x) || (y == info.end.y))
319 	    {
320 	      mask = info.end.mask;
321 	      info.end = info.altend;
322 	    }
323 	  MIARCSTEP(x, y, dx, dy, a, b, d, k1, k3, ;, ;);
324 	}
325     }
326   if ((x == info.start.x) || (y == info.start.y))
327     mask = info.start.mask;
328   DoPix (pts, mask, 0, info.xorg + x, info.yorg + y);
329   DoPix (pts, mask, 2, info.xorgo - x, info.yorgo - y);
330   if (arc->height & 1)		/* odd height */
331     {
332       DoPix (pts, mask, 1, info.xorgo - x, info.yorg + y);
333       DoPix (pts, mask, 3, info.xorg + x, info.yorgo - y);
334     }
336   return pts;
337 }
340 #undef DoPix
341 #define DoPix(arcPts, mask, idx, xval, yval) \
342 if (mask & (1 << idx)) \
343 { \
344     arcPts[idx]->x = xval; \
345     arcPts[idx]->y = yval; \
346     arcPts[idx]++; \
347 }
349 /* Generate the points that make up a dashed zero-width arc, possibly
350    multicolored; write them to pre-allocated storage, indexed by paint
351    type. */
353 /* ARGS: dinfo = updated vars (e.g. dashNum, dashIndex),
354    	 pts[i] = storage for paint type #i */
355 static void
miZeroArcDashPts(const miGC * pGC,const miArc * arc,miDashInfo * dinfo,int maxPts,miPoint ** pts)356 miZeroArcDashPts (const miGC *pGC, const miArc *arc, miDashInfo *dinfo, int maxPts, miPoint **pts)
357 {
358   miZeroArc info;
359   int x, y, a, b, d;
360   unsigned int mask;
361   int k1, k3, dx, dy;
362   int dashRemaining, numPixels;
363   miPoint *points, *arcPts[4];
364   miPoint *startPts[5], *endPts[5];
365   int deltas[5];
366   miPoint *pt, *startPt, *lastPt;
367   int i, j, seg, startseg;
369   /* allocate temp storage, split into four pieces */
370   points = (miPoint *)mi_xmalloc(sizeof(miPoint) * 4 * maxPts);
371   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
372     arcPts[i] = points + (i * maxPts);
374   miZeroArcSetup (arc, &info, false);
375   MIARCSETUP(info, x, y, k1, k3, a, b, d, dx, dy);
376   mask = info.initialMask;
377   startseg = info.startAngle / QUADRANT;
378   startPt = arcPts[startseg];
379   if (!(arc->width & 1))
380     {
381       DoPix (arcPts, mask, 1, info.xorgo, info.yorg);
382       DoPix (arcPts, mask, 3, info.xorgo, info.yorgo);
383     }
384   if (!info.end.x || !info.end.y)
385     {
386       mask = info.end.mask;
387       info.end = info.altend;
388     }
389   while (y < (int)info.h || x < (int)info.w)
390     {
391       MIARCOCTANTSHIFT(info, x, y, dx, dy, a, b, d, k1, k3, ;);
392       if ((x == info.firstx) || (y == info.firsty))
393 	startPt = arcPts[startseg];
394       if ((x == info.start.x) || (y == info.start.y))
395 	{
396 	  mask = info.start.mask;
397 	  info.start = info.altstart;
398 	}
399       DoPix (arcPts, mask, 0, info.xorg + x, info.yorg + y);
400       DoPix (arcPts, mask, 1, info.xorgo - x, info.yorg + y);
401       DoPix (arcPts, mask, 2, info.xorgo - x, info.yorgo - y);
402       DoPix (arcPts, mask, 3, info.xorg + x, info.yorgo - y);
403       if ((x == info.end.x) || (y == info.end.y))
404 	{
405 	  mask = info.end.mask;
406 	  info.end = info.altend;
407 	}
408       MIARCSTEP(x, y, dx, dy, a, b, d, k1, k3, ;, ;);
409     }
410   if ((x == info.firstx) || (y == info.firsty))
411     startPt = arcPts[startseg];
412   if ((x == info.start.x) || (y == info.start.y))
413     mask = info.start.mask;
414   DoPix (arcPts, mask, 0, info.xorg + x, info.yorg + y);
415   DoPix (arcPts, mask, 2, info.xorgo - x, info.yorgo - y);
416   if (arc->height & 1)
417     {
418       DoPix (arcPts, mask, 1, info.xorgo - x, info.yorg + y);
419       DoPix (arcPts, mask, 3, info.xorg + x, info.yorgo - y);
420     }
421   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
422     {
423       seg = (startseg + i) & 3;
424       pt = points + (seg * maxPts);
425       if (seg & 1)
426 	{
427 	  startPts[i] = pt;
428 	  endPts[i] = arcPts[seg];
429 	  deltas[i] = 1;
430 	}
431       else
432 	{
433 	  startPts[i] = arcPts[seg] - 1;
434 	  endPts[i] = pt - 1;
435 	  deltas[i] = -1;
436 	}
437     }
438   startPts[4] = startPts[0];
439   endPts[4] = startPt;
440   startPts[0] = startPt;
441   if (startseg & 1)
442     {
443       if (startPts[4] != endPts[4])
444 	endPts[4]--;
445       deltas[4] = 1;
446     }
447   else
448     {
449       if (startPts[0] > startPts[4])
450 	startPts[0]--;
451       if (startPts[4] < endPts[4])
452 	endPts[4]--;
453       deltas[4] = -1;
454     }
455   if (arc->angle2 < 0)
456     {
457       miPoint *tmps, *tmpe;
458       int tmpd;
460       tmpd = deltas[0];
461       tmps = startPts[0] - tmpd;
462       tmpe = endPts[0] - tmpd;
463       startPts[0] = endPts[4] - deltas[4];
464       endPts[0] = startPts[4] - deltas[4];
465       deltas[0] = -deltas[4];
466       startPts[4] = tmpe;
467       endPts[4] = tmps;
468       deltas[4] = -tmpd;
469       tmpd = deltas[1];
470       tmps = startPts[1] - tmpd;
471       tmpe = endPts[1] - tmpd;
472       startPts[1] = endPts[3] - deltas[3];
473       endPts[1] = startPts[3] - deltas[3];
474       deltas[1] = -deltas[3];
475       startPts[3] = tmpe;
476       endPts[3] = tmps;
477       deltas[3] = -tmpd;
478       tmps = startPts[2] - deltas[2];
479       startPts[2] = endPts[2] - deltas[2];
480       endPts[2] = tmps;
481       deltas[2] = -deltas[2];
482     }
483   for (i = 0; i < 5 && startPts[i] == endPts[i]; i++)
484     ;
485   if (i == 5)
486     return;
487   pt = startPts[i];
488   for (j = 4; startPts[j] == endPts[j]; j--)
489     ;
490   lastPt = endPts[j] - deltas[j];
491   if (dinfo->haveLast &&
492       (pt->x == dinfo->endPt.x) && (pt->y == dinfo->endPt.y))
493     startPts[i] += deltas[i];
494   else				/* not contiguous; restart dash pattern */
495     {
496       dinfo->dashNum = dinfo->dashNumInit;
497       dinfo->dashIndex = dinfo->dashIndexInit;
498       dinfo->dashOffset = dinfo->dashOffsetInit;
499     }
500   if (!dinfo->skipStart && (info.startAngle != info.endAngle))
501     {
502       dinfo->startPt = *pt;
503       dinfo->haveStart = true;
504     }
505   else if (!dinfo->skipLast && dinfo->haveStart &&
506 	   (lastPt->x == dinfo->startPt.x) &&
507 	   (lastPt->y == dinfo->startPt.y) &&
508 	   (lastPt != startPts[i]))
509     endPts[j] = lastPt;
510   if (info.startAngle != info.endAngle)
511     {
512       dinfo->haveLast = true;
513       dinfo->endPt = *lastPt;
514     }
516   /* iterate through generated points, updating dash information (e.g.,
517      dashNum and paint type), writing points in paint type `i' into
518      pre-allocated array pts[i] */
520   dashRemaining = (int)pGC->dash[dinfo->dashIndex] - dinfo->dashOffset;
521   numPixels = pGC->numPixels;
522   for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
523     {
524       int delta;
526       pt = startPts[i];
527       lastPt = endPts[i];
528       delta = deltas[i];
529       while (pt != lastPt)
530 	{
531 	  int dashNum, paintType;
533 	  /* use a paint type that cycles through 1..(numPixels-1) for
534 	     even-numbered dashes, and is 0 for odd-numbered ones */
535 	  dashNum = dinfo->dashNum;
536 	  paintType = (dashNum & 1) ? 0 : 1 + ((dashNum / 2) % (numPixels-1));
537 	  while ((pt != lastPt) && --dashRemaining >= 0)
538 	    {
539 	      *(pts[paintType]++) = *pt;
540 	      pt += delta;
541 	    }
543 	  if (dashRemaining <= 0)
544 	    /* on to next dash */
545 	    {
546 	      ++(dinfo->dashNum);
547 	      if (++(dinfo->dashIndex) == pGC->numInDashList)
548 		/* loop to beginning of dash array */
549 		dinfo->dashIndex = 0;
550 	      dashRemaining = (int)pGC->dash[dinfo->dashIndex];
551 	    }
552 	}
553     }
555   /* pass back amount left in now-current dash, so that dash pattern will
556      continue from arc to contiguous arc */
557   dinfo->dashOffset = (int)pGC->dash[dinfo->dashIndex] - dashRemaining;
559   /* free temp storage */
560   free (points);
561 }
564 /*
565  * (x - l)^2 / (W/2)^2  + (y + H/2)^2 / (H/2)^2 = 1
566  *
567  * where l is either 0 or .5
568  *
569  * alpha = 4(W^2)
570  * beta = 4(H^2)
571  * gamma = 0
572  * u = 2(W^2)H
573  * v = 4(H^2)l
574  * k = -4(H^2)(l^2)
575  *
576  */
578 /* Helper function called by ZeroArcPts() and ZeroArcDashPts() above.
579    Generates a miZeroArc struct for any specified arc. */
581 static bool
miZeroArcSetup(const miArc * arc,miZeroArc * info,bool ok360)582 miZeroArcSetup (const miArc *arc, miZeroArc *info, bool ok360)
583 {
584   int l, i;
585   int angle1, angle2;
586   int startseg, endseg;
587   int startAngle, endAngle;
588   miZeroArcPt start, end;
589   bool overlap;
591   l = arc->width & 1;
592   if (arc->width == arc->height) /* circular arc */
593     {
594       info->alpha = 4;
595       info->beta = 4;
596       info->k1 = -8;
597       info->k3 = -16;
598       info->b = 12;
599       info->a = (arc->width << 2) - 12;
600       info->d = 17 - (arc->width << 1);
601       if (l)
602 	{
603 	  info->b -= 4;
604 	  info->a += 4;
605 	  info->d -= 7;
606 	}
607     }
608   else if (arc->width == 0 || arc->height == 0)	/* degenerate arc */
609     {
610       info->alpha = 0;
611       info->beta = 0;
612       info->k1 = 0;
613       info->k3 = 0;
614       info->a = -(int)arc->height;
615       info->b = 0;
616       info->d = -1;
617     }
618   else				/* non-degenerate non-circular arc */
619     {
620       /* initial conditions */
621       info->alpha = (arc->width * arc->width) << 2;
622       info->beta = (arc->height * arc->height) << 2;
623       info->k1 = info->beta << 1;
624       info->k3 = info->k1 + (info->alpha << 1);
625       info->b = l ? 0 : -info->beta;
626       info->a = info->alpha * arc->height;
627       info->d = info->b - (info->a >> 1) - (info->alpha >> 2);
628       if (l)
629 	info->d -= info->beta >> 2;
630       info->a -= info->b;
631       /* take first step, d < 0 always */
632       info->b -= info->k1;
633       info->a += info->k1;
634       info->d += info->b;
635       /* octant change, b < 0 always */
636       info->k1 = -info->k1;
637       info->k3 = -info->k3;
638       info->b = -info->b;
639       info->d = info->b - info->a - info->d;
640       info->a = info->a - (info->b << 1);
641     }
643   info->dx = 1;
644   info->dy = 0;
645   info->w = (arc->width + 1) >> 1;
646   info->h = arc->height >> 1;
647   info->xorg = arc->x + (arc->width >> 1);
648   info->yorg = arc->y;
649   info->xorgo = info->xorg + l;
650   info->yorgo = info->yorg + arc->height;
651   if (arc->width == 0)
652     {
653       if (arc->height == 0)
654 	{
655 	  info->x = 0;
656 	  info->y = 0;
657 	  info->initialMask = 0;
658 	  info->startAngle = 0;
659 	  info->endAngle = 0;
660 	  info->start = _oob_arc_pt;
661 	  info->end = _oob_arc_pt;
662 	  return false;
663 	}
664       info->x = 0;
665       info->y = 1;
666     }
667   else
668     {
669       info->x = 1;
670       info->y = 0;
671     }
673   angle1 = arc->angle1;
674   angle2 = arc->angle2;
675   if ((angle1 == 0) && (angle2 >= FULLCIRCLE))
676     {
677       startAngle = 0;
678       endAngle = 0;
679     }
680   else
681     {
682       if (angle2 > FULLCIRCLE)
683 	angle2 = FULLCIRCLE;
684       else if (angle2 < -FULLCIRCLE)
685 	angle2 = -FULLCIRCLE;
686       if (angle2 < 0)
687 	{
688 	  startAngle = angle1 + angle2;
689 	  endAngle = angle1;
690 	}
691       else
692 	{
693 	  startAngle = angle1;
694 	  endAngle = angle1 + angle2;
695 	}
696       if (startAngle < 0)
697 	startAngle = FULLCIRCLE - (-startAngle) % FULLCIRCLE;
698       if (startAngle >= FULLCIRCLE)
699 	startAngle = startAngle % FULLCIRCLE;
700       if (endAngle < 0)
701 	endAngle = FULLCIRCLE - (-endAngle) % FULLCIRCLE;
702       if (endAngle >= FULLCIRCLE)
703 	endAngle = endAngle % FULLCIRCLE;
704     }
706   info->startAngle = startAngle;
707   info->endAngle = endAngle;
708   if (ok360 && (startAngle == endAngle) && arc->angle2
709       && arc->width && arc->height)
710     {
711       info->initialMask = 0xf;
712       info->start = _oob_arc_pt;
713       info->end = _oob_arc_pt;
714       return true;
715     }
716   startseg = startAngle / OCTANT;
717   if (!arc->height || (((startseg + 1) & 2) && arc->width))
718     {
719       start.x = (int)(Dcos(startAngle) * ((arc->width + 1) / 2.0));
720       if (start.x < 0)
721 	start.x = -start.x;
722       start.y = -1;
723     }
724   else
725     {
726       start.y = (int)(Dsin(startAngle) * (arc->height / 2.0));
727       if (start.y < 0)
728 	start.y = -start.y;
729       start.y = info->h - start.y;
730       start.x = INT_MAX;
731     }
732   endseg = endAngle / OCTANT;
733   if (!arc->height || (((endseg + 1) & 2) && arc->width))
734     {
735       end.x = (int)(Dcos(endAngle) * ((arc->width + 1) / 2.0));
736       if (end.x < 0)
737 	end.x = -end.x;
738       end.y = -1;
739     }
740   else
741     {
742       end.y = (int)(Dsin(endAngle) * (arc->height / 2.0));
743       if (end.y < 0)
744 	end.y = -end.y;
745       end.y = info->h - end.y;
746       end.x = INT_MAX;
747     }
748   info->firstx = start.x;
749   info->firsty = start.y;
750   info->initialMask = 0;
751   overlap = ((arc->angle2 != 0) && (endAngle <= startAngle)) ? true : false;
752   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
753     {
754       if (overlap ?
755 	  ((i * QUADRANT <= endAngle) || ((i + 1) * QUADRANT > startAngle)) :
756 	  ((i * QUADRANT <= endAngle) && ((i + 1) * QUADRANT > startAngle)))
757 	info->initialMask |= (1 << i);
758     }
759   start.mask = info->initialMask;
760   end.mask = info->initialMask;
761   startseg >>= 1;
762   endseg >>= 1;
763   overlap = (overlap && (endseg == startseg)) ? true : false;
764   if (start.x != end.x || start.y != end.y || !overlap)
765     {
766       if (startseg & 1)
767 	{
768 	  if (!overlap)
769 	    info->initialMask &= ~(1 << startseg);
770 	  if (start.x > end.x || start.y > end.y)
771 	    end.mask &= ~(1 << startseg);
772 	}
773       else
774 	{
775 	  start.mask &= ~(1 << startseg);
776 	  if (((start.x < end.x || start.y < end.y) ||
777 	       (start.x == end.x && start.y == end.y && (endseg & 1))) &&
778 	      !overlap)
779 	    end.mask &= ~(1 << startseg);
780 	}
781       if (endseg & 1)
782 	{
783 	  end.mask &= ~(1 << endseg);
784 	  if (((start.x > end.x || start.y > end.y) ||
785 	       (start.x == end.x && start.y == end.y && !(startseg & 1))) &&
786 	      !overlap)
787 	    start.mask &= ~(1 << endseg);
788 	}
789       else
790 	{
791 	  if (!overlap)
792 	    info->initialMask &= ~(1 << endseg);
793 	  if (start.x < end.x || start.y < end.y)
794 	    start.mask &= ~(1 << endseg);
795 	}
796     }
797   /* take care of case when start and stop are both near 45 */
798   /* handle here rather than adding extra code to pixelization loops */
799   if (startAngle &&
800       ((start.y < 0 && end.y >= 0) || (start.y >= 0 && end.y < 0)))
801     {
802       i = (startAngle + OCTANT) % OCTANT;
803       if (i < EPSILON45 || i > OCTANT - EPSILON45)
804 	{
805 	  i = (endAngle + OCTANT) % OCTANT;
806 	  if (i < EPSILON45 || i > OCTANT - EPSILON45)
807 	    {
808 	      if (start.y < 0)
809 		{
810 		  i = (int)(Dsin(startAngle) * (arc->height / 2.0));
811 		  if (i < 0)
812 		    i = -i;
813 		  if ((int)info->h - i == end.y)
814 		    start.mask = end.mask;
815 		}
816 	      else
817 		{
818 		  i = (int)(Dsin(endAngle) * (arc->height / 2.0));
819 		  if (i < 0)
820 		    i = -i;
821 		  if ((int)info->h - i == start.y)
822 		    end.mask = start.mask;
823 		}
824 	    }
825 	}
826     }
827   if (startseg & 1)
828     {
829       info->start = start;
830       info->end = _oob_arc_pt;
831     }
832   else
833     {
834       info->end = start;
835       info->start = _oob_arc_pt;
836     }
837   if (endseg & 1)
838     {
839       info->altend = end;
840       if (info->altend.x < info->end.x || info->altend.y < info->end.y)
841 	{
842 	  miZeroArcPt tmp;
843 	  tmp = info->altend;
844 	  info->altend = info->end;
845 	  info->end = tmp;
846 	}
847       info->altstart = _oob_arc_pt;
848     }
849   else
850     {
851       info->altstart = end;
852       if (info->altstart.x < info->start.x ||
853 	  info->altstart.y < info->start.y)
854 	{
855 	  miZeroArcPt tmp;
856 	  tmp = info->altstart;
857 	  info->altstart = info->start;
858 	  info->start = tmp;
859 	}
860       info->altend = _oob_arc_pt;
861     }
862   if (!info->start.x || !info->start.y)
863     {
864       info->initialMask = info->start.mask;
865       info->start = info->altstart;
866     }
867   if (!arc->width && (arc->height == 1))
868     {
869       /* kludge! */
870       info->initialMask |= info->end.mask;
871       info->initialMask |= info->initialMask << 1;
872       info->end.x = 0;
873       info->end.mask = 0;
874     }
875   return false;
876 }