1 /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
3  Header:       FGGain.h
4  Author:       Jon Berndt
5  Date started: 1998 ?
7  ------------- Copyright (C) 1998 by Jon S. Berndt, jon@jsbsim.org -------------
9  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
10  the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
11  Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
12  later version.
14  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
15  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
16  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
17  details.
19  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
20  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
21  Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
23  Further information about the GNU Lesser General Public License can also be
24  found on the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org.
27 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
31 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/
33 #ifndef FGGAIN_H
34 #define FGGAIN_H
36 /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
38 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/
40 #include "FGFCSComponent.h"
42 /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
44 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/
46 namespace JSBSim {
48 class FGFCS;
49 class Element;
50 class FGTable;
52 /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
54 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/
56 /** Encapsulates a gain component for the flight control system.
57     The gain component merely multiplies the input by a gain. The
58     <b>pure gain</b> form of the component specification is:
60     @code
61     <pure_gain name="name">
62       <input> {[-]property} </input>
63       <gain> {property name | value} </gain>
64       [<clipto>
65         <min> {property name | value} </min>
66         <max> {property name | value} </max>
67       </clipto>]
68       [<output> {property} </output>]
69     </pure_gain>
70     @endcode
72     Example:
74     @code
75     <pure_gain name="Roll AP Wing Leveler">
76       <input>fcs/attitude/sensor/phi-rad</input>
77       <gain>2.0</gain>
78       <clipto>
79         <min>-0.255</min>
80         <max>0.255</max>
81       </clipto>
82     </pure_gain>
83     @endcode
85     Note: the input property name may be immediately preceded by a minus sign to
86     invert that signal.
88     The <b>scheduled gain</b> component multiplies the input by a variable gain
89     that is dependent on another property (such as qbar, altitude, etc.). The
90     lookup mapping is in the form of a table. This kind of component might be
91     used, for example, in a case where aerosurface deflection must only be
92     commanded to acceptable settings - i.e at higher qbar the commanded elevator
93     setting might be attenuated.  The form of the scheduled gain component
94     specification is:
96     @code
97     <scheduled_gain name="name">
98       <input> {[-]property} </input>
99       <table>
100         <tableData>
101           ...
102         </tableData>
103       </table>
104       [<clipto>
105         <min> {[-]property name | value} </min>
106         <max> {[-]property name | value} </max>
107       </clipto>]
108       [<gain> {property name | value} </gain>]
109       [<output> {property} </output>]
110     </scheduled_gain>
111     @endcode
113     Example:
115     @code
116     <scheduled_gain name="Scheduled Steer Pos Deg">
117         <input>fcs/steer-cmd-norm</input>
118         <table>
119             <independentVar>velocities/vg-fps</independentVar>
120             <tableData>
121                 10.0        80.0
122                 50.0        15.0
123                 150.0       2.0
124             </tableData>
125         </table>
126         <gain>0.017</gain>
127         <output>fcs/steer-pos-rad</output>
128     </scheduled_gain>
129     @endcode
131     An overall GAIN may be supplied that is multiplicative with the scheduled
132     gain.
134     Note: the input property name may be immediately preceded by a minus sign to
135     invert that signal.
137     In the example above, we see the utility of the overall gain value in
138     effecting a degrees-to-radians conversion.
140     The <b>aerosurface scale</b> component is a modified version of the simple
141     gain component.  The purpose for this component is to take control inputs
142     from the domain minimum and maximum, as specified (or from -1 to +1 by
143     default) and scale them to map to a specified range. This can be done, for
144     instance, to match the component outputs to the expected inputs to a flight
145     control system.
147     The zero_centered element dictates whether the domain-to-range mapping is
148     linear or centered about zero. For example, if zero_centered is false, and
149     if the domain or range is not symmetric about zero, and an input value is
150     zero, the output will not be zero. Let's say that the domain is min=-2 and
151     max=+4, with a range of -1 to +1. If the input is 0.0, then the "normalized"
152     input is calculated to be 33% of the way from the minimum to the
153     maximum. That input would be mapped to an output of -0.33, which is 33% of
154     the way from the range minimum to maximum.  If zero_centered is set to true
155     (or 1) then an input of 0.0 will be mapped to an output of 0.0, although if
156     either the domain or range are unsymmetric about 0.0, then the scales for
157     the positive and negative portions of the input domain (above and below 0.0)
158     will be different. The zero_centered element is true by default. Note that
159     this feature may be important for some control surface mappings, where the
160     maximum upper and lower deflections may be different, but where a zero
161     setting is desired to be the "undeflected" value, and where full travel of
162     the stick is desired to cause a full deflection of the control surface.
164     The form of the aerosurface scaling component specification is:
166     @code
167     <aerosurface_scale name="name">
168       <input> {[-]property name} </input>
169       <domain>
170         <min> {value} </min>   <!-- If omitted, default is -1.0 ->
171         <max> {value} </max>   <!-- If omitted, default is  1.0 ->
172       </domain>
173       <range>
174         <min> {value} </min>   <!-- If omitted, default is 0 ->
175         <max> {value} </max>   <!-- If omitted, default is 0 ->
176       </range>
177       <zero_centered< value </zero_centered>
178       [<clipto>
179         <min> {[-]property name | value} </min>
180         <max> {[-]property name | value} </max>
181       </clipto>]
182       [<gain> {property name | value} </gain>]
183       [<output> {property} </output>]
184     </aerosurface_scale>
185     @endcode
187     Note: the input property name may be immediately preceded by a minus sign to
188     invert that signal.
190     For instance, the normal and expected ability of a pilot to push or pull on
191     a control stick is about 50 pounds.  The input to the pitch channel block
192     diagram of a flight control system is often in units of pounds.  Yet, the
193     joystick control input usually defines a span from -1 to +1. The
194     aerosurface_scale form of the gain component maps the inputs to the desired
195     output range. The example below shoes a simple aerosurface_scale component
196     that maps the joystick input to a range of +/- 50, which represents pilot
197     stick force in pounds for the F-16.
199     @code
200     <aerosurface_scale name="Pilot input">
201       <input>fcs/elevator-cmd-norm</input>
202       <range>
203         <min> -50 </min>   <!-- If omitted, default is 0 ->
204         <max>  50 </max>   <!-- If omitted, default is 0 ->
205       </range>
206     </aerosurface_scale>
207     @endcode
209     @author Jon S. Berndt
210     @version $Revision$
211 */
213 /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
215 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/
217 class FGGain  : public FGFCSComponent
218 {
219 public:
220   FGGain(FGFCS* fcs, Element* element);
221   ~FGGain();
223   bool Run (void) override;
225 private:
226   FGTable* Table;
227   FGParameter_ptr Gain;
228   double InMin, InMax, OutMin, OutMax;
229   bool ZeroCentered;
231   void Debug(int from) override;
232 };
233 }
234 #endif