1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //            Copyright (C) 2004-2011 by The Allacrost Project
3 //            Copyright (C) 2012-2016 by Bertram (Valyria Tear)
4 //                         All Rights Reserved
5 //
6 // This code is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2. It is free software
7 // and you may modify it and/or redistribute it under the terms of this license.
8 // See https://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html for details.
9 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
11 /** ****************************************************************************
12 *** \file    map_mode.h
13 *** \author  Tyler Olsen, roots@allacrost.org
14 *** \author  Yohann Ferreira, yohann ferreira orange fr
15 *** \brief   Header file for map mode interface.
16 ***
17 *** This file contains the interface for map mode, active when the player is
18 *** exploring town or dungeon maps. The map environments are
19 *** quite extensive, thus this code is responsible for processing many things.
20 *** This includes handling all tile images, objects, sprites, map events,
21 *** dialogue, and more.
22 ***
23 *** Each individual map is represented by it's own object of the MapMode class.
24 *** It is our intention in the future to retain more than one map in memory at
25 *** once to reduce or eliminate loading times when the player transitions
26 *** between maps.
27 *** ***************************************************************************/
29 #ifndef __MAP_HEADER__
30 #define __MAP_HEADER__
32 #include "engine/mode_manager.h"
33 #include "engine/system.h"
35 #include "map_utils.h"
36 #include "map_minimap.h"
37 #include "map_status_effects.h"
39 #include "engine/audio/audio_descriptor.h"
41 namespace vt_defs {
42 void BindModeCode();
43 }
45 namespace vt_global {
46 class GlobalEnemy;
47 class GlobalObject;
48 }
50 //! All calls to map mode are wrapped in this namespace.
51 namespace vt_map
52 {
54 //! The stamina maximum value.
55 const uint32_t STAMINA_FULL = 10000;
57 //! An internal namespace to be used only within the map code. Don't use this namespace anywhere else!
58 namespace private_map
59 {
60 class MapDialogueSupervisor;
61 class EventSupervisor;
62 class Light;
63 class MapObject;
64 class MapSprite;
65 class EnemySprite;
66 class MapZone;
67 class Minimap;
68 class ObjectSupervisor;
69 class PhysicalObject;
70 class SoundObject;
71 class TileSupervisor;
72 class TreasureObject;
73 class TreasureSupervisor;
74 class EscapeSupervisor;
75 struct MapLocation;
76 } // namespace private_map
78 /** ****************************************************************************
79 *** \brief Handles the game execution while the player is exploring maps.
80 ***
81 *** This class contains all of the structures that together compose each map.
82 *** Each map has a Lua script file in which the map data is permanently retained
83 *** and various script subroutines exist that modify the map's behavior. Keep in
84 *** mind that this class alone does not represent all of the data nor all of the
85 *** code that is used in a particular map, as the map's Lua file likely retains
86 *** additional information about the map that is not represented in this class.
87 ***
88 *** Maps are composed by a series of tiles and objects. Tiles are 32x32 pixel
89 *** squares that are adjacent to one another on a map, and together make up the
90 *** map's background environment. Objects are variable sized entities that are
91 *** usually living, animated creatures (sprites), but may be something static
92 *** such as a large tree. Tiles and objects are drawn in multiple interwieving
93 *** layers to emulate a 3D environment for the game. Additionally each map has
94 *** a collision grid composed of 16x16 pixel elements that determine which
95 *** quadrants of each tile may be occupied by sprites or other objects.
96 ***
97 *** Another important concept to MapMode is that of contexts. Each map has at
98 *** least one context and can have up to a maximum of 32 contexts. Every context
99 *** has its own collision grid and its own set of tiles. Map objects and sprites
100 *** exist in one of these context and may change their context at any time.
101 *** Objects and sprites can not interact with one another when they are not
102 *** within the same context, and typically only objects that are in the same
103 *** context as the map camera are visible on the screen. You can think of each
104 *** context as essentially its own map, and the set of contexts as a set of maps
105 *** that work with one another to create a cohesive environment.
106 ***
107 *** Because this game mode is so complex, the MapMode class shares its
108 *** responsibilities with several small singleton classes that manage a
109 *** particular area of map code, such as tiles or objects. These sub-manager
110 *** classes should be viewed as extensions of the MapMode class.
111 *** ***************************************************************************/
112 class MapMode : public vt_mode_manager::GameMode
113 {
114     friend void vt_defs::BindModeCode();
116 public:
117     //! \param data_filename The name of the Lua file that retains all data about the map to create
118     //! \param script_filename The name of the Lua file that retains all data about script to load
119     //! \param stamina The amount of stamina the map character sprite will start with.
120     //! \param permit_autosave Whether an autosave can happen at map load time.
121     //! \note the last parameter is usually set to carry the current stamina value from one map to another.
122     MapMode(const std::string &data_filename, const std::string& script_filename,
123             uint32_t stamina = STAMINA_FULL, bool permit_autosave = true);
125     ~MapMode();
127     //! \brief Resets appropriate class members. Called whenever the MapMode object is made the active game mode.
128     void Reset();
130     //! \brief Called when a map mode is deactivated.
131     //!  Note that this is called twice when doing a battle transition.
132     void Deactivate();
134     //! \brief Updates the game and calls various sub-update functions depending on the current state of map mode.
135     void Update();
137     //! \brief The highest level draw function that will call the appropriate lower-level draw functions
138     void Draw();
140     //! \brief The highest level draw function for stuff unaffected by light and fade effects.
141     void DrawPostEffects();
143     // The methods below this line are not intended to be used outside of the map code
145     //! \brief Empties the state stack and places an invalid state on top
146     void ResetState();
148     /** \brief Pushes a state type to the top of the state stack, making it the active state
149     *** \param state The state to push onto the stack
150     **/
151     void PushState(private_map::MAP_STATE state);
153     //! \brief Removes the highest item in the state stack
154     void PopState();
156     /** \brief Retrieves the current map state
157     *** \return The top-most item on the map state stack
158     **/
159     private_map::MAP_STATE CurrentState();
161     //! \brief Removes an object from memory
162     void DeleteMapObject(private_map::MapObject* obj);
164     //! \brief Vectors containing the save points animations (when the character is in or not).
165     std::vector<vt_video::AnimatedImage> active_save_point_animations;
166     std::vector<vt_video::AnimatedImage> inactive_save_point_animations;
168     //! \brief Vectors containing the escape points animations (when the character is in or not).
169     vt_video::AnimatedImage active_escape_point_anim;
170     vt_video::AnimatedImage inactive_escape_point_anim;
172     //! \brief Class member accessor functions
173     //@{
CurrentInstance()174     static MapMode *CurrentInstance() {
175         return _current_instance;
176     }
GetMapHudName()178     const vt_utils::ustring &GetMapHudName() const {
179         return _map_hud_name.GetString();
180     }
GetStamina()182     uint32_t GetStamina() const {
183         return _run_stamina;
184     }
SetStamina(uint32_t new_stamina)186     void SetStamina(uint32_t new_stamina) {
187         _run_stamina = new_stamina;
188     }
IsStaminaUnlimited()190     bool IsStaminaUnlimited() const {
191         return _unlimited_stamina;
192     }
SetUnlimitedStamina(bool unlimited)194     void SetUnlimitedStamina(bool unlimited) {
195         _unlimited_stamina = unlimited;
196     }
IsRunningEnabled()198     bool IsRunningEnabled() const {
199         return _running_enabled;
200     }
SetRunningEnabled(bool enabled)202     void SetRunningEnabled(bool enabled) {
203         _running_enabled = enabled;
204     }
206     // Note: The map script is only valid while in loading the map file.
207     // The file is closed afterward to permit the save menu to open it, for instance.
GetMapScript()208     vt_script::ReadScriptDescriptor &GetMapScript() {
209         return _map_script;
210     }
212     /** \brief Opens the map tablespace of the map script
213     *** \param use_global Has the same effect as in ReadScriptDescriptor#OpenTable
214     *** \returns whether the tablespace opening was successful.
215     **/
216     bool OpenMapTablespace(bool use_global = false) {
217         return _map_script.OpenTable(_map_script_tablespace, use_global);
218     }
GetMapScriptFilename()220     const std::string& GetMapScriptFilename() const {
221         return _map_script_filename;
222     }
GetTileSupervisor()224     private_map::TileSupervisor* GetTileSupervisor() const {
225         return _tile_supervisor;
226     }
GetObjectSupervisor()228     private_map::ObjectSupervisor* GetObjectSupervisor() const {
229         return _object_supervisor;
230     }
GetEventSupervisor()232     private_map::EventSupervisor* GetEventSupervisor() const {
233         return _event_supervisor;
234     }
GetDialogueSupervisor()236     private_map::MapDialogueSupervisor* GetDialogueSupervisor() const {
237         return _dialogue_supervisor;
238     }
GetTreasureSupervisor()240     private_map::TreasureSupervisor* GetTreasureSupervisor() const {
241         return _treasure_supervisor;
242     }
GetEscapeSupervisor()244     private_map::EscapeSupervisor* GetEscapeSupervisor() const {
245         return _escape_supervisor;
246     }
GetMapFrame()248     const private_map::MapFrame& GetMapFrame() const {
249         return _map_frame;
250     }
GetCamera()252     private_map::VirtualSprite* GetCamera() const {
253         return _camera;
254     }
SetCamera(private_map::VirtualSprite * sprite)256     void SetCamera(private_map::VirtualSprite* sprite) {
257         _camera = sprite;
258     }
260     void SetCamera(private_map::VirtualSprite* sprite, uint32_t duration);
262     void MoveVirtualFocus(float loc_x, float loc_y);
264     void MoveVirtualFocus(float loc_x, float loc_y, uint32_t duration);
266     bool IsCameraOnVirtualFocus();
IsCameraMoving()268     bool IsCameraMoving() {
269         return _camera_timer.IsRunning();
270     }
IsCameraXAxisInMapCorner()272     bool IsCameraXAxisInMapCorner() const {
273         return _camera_x_in_map_corner;
274     }
IsCameraYAxisInMapCorner()276     bool IsCameraYAxisInMapCorner() const {
277         return _camera_y_in_map_corner;
278     }
280     /** \brief Tells the object supervisor that the given sprite pointer
281     *** is the party member object.
282     *** This later permits to refresh the sprite shown based on the battle
283     *** formation front party member.
284     **/
285     void SetPartyMemberVisibleSprite(private_map::MapSprite* sprite);
287     /** \brief Changes the state of every registered enemy sprite to 'dead'
288     *** Typically used just before a battle begins so that when the player returns to the map, they
289     *** are not swarmed by nearby enemies and quickly forced into another battle. This applies to enemies
290     *** on all object layers and in any context. Exercise caution when invoking this method.
291     **/
292     void SetAllEnemyStatesToDead();
294     //! \brief Returns the virtual focus sprite.
GetVirtualFocus()295     private_map::VirtualSprite* GetVirtualFocus() {
296         return _virtual_focus;
297     }
IsShowGUI()299     bool IsShowGUI() const {
300         return _show_gui;
301     }
SetShowGUI(bool state)303     void SetShowGUI(bool state) {
304         _show_gui = state;
305     }
GetDialogueIcon()307     const vt_video::AnimatedImage &GetDialogueIcon() const {
308         return _dialogue_icon;
309     }
GetMapImage()311     const vt_video::StillImage &GetMapImage() const {
312         return _map_image;
313     }
315     //! \brief Tells whether a battle can start
316     bool AttackAllowed();
318     //! \brief Applies a potential malus when the map stamina is low.
319     //! This is applied as an active status effect on stamina.
320     void ApplyPotentialStaminaMalus();
322     //! \brief Returns in standard screen coordinates (1024x768),
323     //! the x position of a tile position on the X axis.
324     // NOTE: We round the value to a multiple of the current pixel size.
325     // See MapMode::_UpdateMapFrame() for a better explanation.
326     float GetScreenXCoordinate(float tile_position_x) const;
328     //! \brief Returns in standard screen coordinates (1024x768),
329     //! the x position of a tile position on the Y axis.
330     // NOTE: We round the value to a multiple of the current pixel size.
331     // See MapMode::_UpdateMapFrame() for a better explanation.
332     float GetScreenYCoordinate(float tile_position_y) const;
334     //! \brief Returns the tile offset x value,
GetMapXOffset()335     float GetMapXOffset() const {
336         return _map_frame.screen_edges.left;
337     }
339     //! \brief Returns the tile offset y value,
GetMapYOffset()340     float GetMapYOffset() const {
341         return _map_frame.screen_edges.top;
342     }
344     //! \brief Returns the map x size in tiles,
345     uint16_t GetMapWidth() const;
347     //! \brief Returns the map y size in tiles,
348     uint16_t GetMapHeight() const;
350     //! \brief Gives the current map pixel lengths.
351     //! Used to properly place sprites and avoid glitches.
352     //! \see _UpdateMapFrame() for a better explanation.
GetMapPixelXLength()353     float GetMapPixelXLength() const {
354         return _pixel_length.x;
355     }
GetMapPixelYLength()357     float GetMapPixelYLength() const {
358         return _pixel_length.y;
359     }
361     //! \brief toggles visibility of the minimap
362     //! \param the new state of the minimap visibility
ShowMinimap(bool visibility)363     void ShowMinimap(bool visibility) {
364         _show_minimap = visibility;
365     }
367     //! \brief Tells the system to load a custom minimap image.
SetMinimapImage(const std::string & filename)368     void SetMinimapImage(const std::string& filename) {
369         _minimap_custom_image_file = filename;
370         // Force reloading the minimap at the end of map load time
371         if (_minimap) {
372             delete _minimap;
373             _minimap = nullptr;
374         }
376         // This also implies the minimap will be shown
377         ShowMinimap(true);
378     }
380     //! \brief A function telling the engine the minimap should be reloaded if visible.
ReloadMinimap()381     void ReloadMinimap() {
382         if (_show_minimap && !_minimap)
383             _CreateMinimap();
384     }
386     //! \brief Sets whether the menu mode is available from the map mode.
SetMenuEnabled(bool enabled)387     void SetMenuEnabled(bool enabled) {
388         _menu_enabled = enabled;
389     }
391     //! \brief Tells whether the menu mode is available from the map mode.
IsMenuEnabled()392     bool IsMenuEnabled() const {
393         return _menu_enabled;
394     }
396     //! \brief Sets whether the map points are enabled in the map mode.
SetMapPointsEnabled(bool enabled)397     void SetMapPointsEnabled(bool enabled) {
398         _map_points_enabled = enabled;
399     }
401     //! \brief Tells whether the map points are enabled in the map mode.
AreMapPointsEnabled()402     bool AreMapPointsEnabled() const {
403         return _map_points_enabled;
404     }
406     //! \brief Sets whether the auto-save is enabled.
SetAutoSaveEnabled(bool enabled)407     void SetAutoSaveEnabled(bool enabled) {
408         _auto_save_enabled = enabled;
409     }
411     //! \brief Tells whether the auto-save is enabled.
GetAutoSaveEnabled()412     bool GetAutoSaveEnabled() const {
413         return _auto_save_enabled;
414     }
416     //! \brief Sets whether the status effects can run in the map mode.
SetStatusEffectsEnabled(bool enabled)417     void SetStatusEffectsEnabled(bool enabled) {
418         _status_effects_enabled = enabled;
419     }
421     //! \brief Tells whether the status effects can run in the map mode.
AreStatusEffectsEnabled()422     bool AreStatusEffectsEnabled() const {
423         return _status_effects_enabled;
424     }
426     //! \brief Proxy function used to set up a character status effect from the map mode.
ChangeActiveStatusEffect(vt_global::GlobalCharacter * character,vt_global::GLOBAL_STATUS status_type,vt_global::GLOBAL_INTENSITY intensity,uint32_t duration)427     bool ChangeActiveStatusEffect(vt_global::GlobalCharacter* character,
428                                   vt_global::GLOBAL_STATUS status_type,
429                                   vt_global::GLOBAL_INTENSITY intensity,
430                                   uint32_t duration) {
431         return _status_effect_supervisor.ChangeActiveStatusEffect(character,
432                                                                   status_type,
433                                                                   intensity,
434                                                                   duration,
435                                                                   0, true);
436     }
438     //! \brief Proxy function used to obtain the currently applied intensity
439     //! of an active status effect applied on the character.
GetActiveStatusEffectIntensity(vt_global::GlobalCharacter * character,vt_global::GLOBAL_STATUS status_type)440     vt_global::GLOBAL_INTENSITY GetActiveStatusEffectIntensity(vt_global::GlobalCharacter* character,
441                                                                          vt_global::GLOBAL_STATUS status_type) const {
442         return _status_effect_supervisor.GetActiveStatusEffectIntensity(character, status_type);
443     }
445     //! \brief Remove any negative active status effect
RemoveNegativeActiveStatusEffects()446     void RemoveNegativeActiveStatusEffects() {
447         _status_effect_supervisor.RemoveNegativeActiveStatusEffects();
448     }
450     /** \brief Starts a enemy encounter battle or event with a given enemy
451     *** \param enemy The enemy sprite the character has collided or spoken with.
452     *** \param hero_init_boost Hero stamina boost applied when the team took the initiative to "talk" to enemy first.
453     *** \param enemy_init_boost Enemy stamina boost applied when the enemy sprite caught the heroes by surprise.
454     **/
455     void StartEnemyEncounter(vt_map::private_map::EnemySprite* enemy,
456                              bool hero_init_boost = false, bool enemy_init_boost = false);
457     //@}
459 private:
460     // ----- Members : Names and Identifiers -----
462     /** \brief A reference to the current instance of MapMode
463     *** This is used by other map classes to be able to refer to the map that they exist in.
464     **/
465     static MapMode* _current_instance;
467     //! Tells whether the mode is activated. It is true by calling Reset(),
468     //! and false when calling Deactivate(). This member exists to prevent
469     //! the triggering of deactivate more than once.
470     bool _activated;
472     //! \brief The name of the Lua file that contains the map data
473     std::string _map_data_filename;
475     /** \brief The map's data unique name as it is used to identify a Lua namespace table
476     *** To avoid Lua naming conflicts between multiple scripting files, all map data is encompassed within
477     *** a namespace (a Lua table) that is unique to each map.
478     **/
479     std::string _map_data_tablespace;
481     //! \brief The name of the Lua file that contains the map script
482     std::string _map_script_filename;
484     //! \brief The map's script unique name as it is used to identify a Lua namespace table
485     std::string _map_script_tablespace;
487     //! \brief The TextImages used to render the map hud names and subnames
488     vt_video::TextImage _map_hud_name;
489     vt_video::TextImage _map_hud_subname;
491     /** \brief The interface to the file which contains all the map's stored data and subroutines.
492     *** This class generally performs a large amount of communication with this script continuously.
493     *** The script remains open for as long as the MapMode object exists.
494     **/
495     vt_script::ReadScriptDescriptor _map_script;
497     // ----- Members : Supervisor Class Objects and Script Functions -----
499     //! \brief Instance of helper class to map mode. Responsible for tile related operations.
500     private_map::TileSupervisor* _tile_supervisor;
502     //! \brief Instance of helper class to map mode. Responsible for object and sprite related operations.
503     private_map::ObjectSupervisor* _object_supervisor;
505     //! \brief Instance of helper class to map mode. Responsible for updating and managing active map events.
506     private_map::EventSupervisor* _event_supervisor;
508     //! \brief Instance of helper class to map mode. Responsible for dialogue execution and display operations.
509     private_map::MapDialogueSupervisor* _dialogue_supervisor;
511     //! \brief Instance of helper class to map mode. Responsible for processing all information related to treasure discovery.
512     private_map::TreasureSupervisor* _treasure_supervisor;
514     //! \brief Handles escape map sub-menu.
515     private_map::EscapeSupervisor* _escape_supervisor;
517     /** \brief A script function which assists with the MapMode#Update method
518     *** This function implements any custom update code that the specific map needs to be performed.
519     *** The most common operation that this script function performs is to check for trigger conditions
520     *** that cause map events to occur
521     **/
522     luabind::object _update_function;
524     // ----- Members : Properties and State -----
526     //! \brief Retains information needed to correctly draw the next map frame
527     private_map::MapFrame _map_frame;
529     /** \brief Indicates whether we are in a map corner for one of the other axis,
530     *** thus disabling any sprite shifting parallax for this axis
531     *** since the map view won't move in that direction.
532     **/
533     bool _camera_x_in_map_corner;
534     bool _camera_y_in_map_corner;
536     //! \brief A pointer to the map sprite that the map camera will focus on
537     private_map::VirtualSprite* _camera;
539     /** \brief A "virtual sprite" that can serve as a focus point for the camera.
540     *** This sprite is not visible to the player nor does it have any collision
541     *** detection properties. Usually, the camera focuses on the player's sprite
542     *** rather than this object, but it is useful for scripted sequences and other
543     *** things.
544     **/
545     private_map::VirtualSprite* _virtual_focus;
547     //! \brief the camera position debug text
548     vt_video::TextImage _debug_camera_position;
550     //! \brief The direction the camera will move on next update
551     vt_common::Position2D _camera_move;
553     //! \brief A time for camera movement
554     vt_system::SystemTimer _camera_timer;
556     //! \brief The pixel length depending on the current resolution.
557     //! This is used to avoid seeing jumping objects when scrolling the map view
558     //! and/or sprite's vibrating edges by using only scrolling values which are
559     //! a multiple of the pixel size.
560     //! \note Those are computed once at the first map tile frame update
561     //! and kept in memory to avoid useless recomputations.
562     //! This also should be dropped once the map mode uses a standard coordinate system.
563     //! \see _UpdateMapFrame() for more info.
564     vt_common::Position2D _pixel_length;
566     //! \brief If true, the player is allowed to run.
567     bool _running_enabled;
569     //! \brief If true, the player's stamina will not drain for actions and the stamina bar will not be shown
570     bool _unlimited_stamina;
572     //! \brief When false, dialogue icons, stamina bar, and other GUI elements will not be drawn to the screen
573     bool _show_gui;
575     /** \brief A counter for the player's stamina
576     *** This value ranges from 0 to STAMINA_FULL. It takes twice as long to regenerate stamina as
577     *** it does to consume it when running.
578     **/
579     uint32_t _run_stamina;
581     /** \brief the alpha value used to create fade in/out of the map GUI when switching in
582     *** or out of the STATE_SCENE or DIALOGUE state.
583     **/
584     float _gui_alpha;
586     /** \brief Maintains a stack state for the different modes of operation that the map may be in
587     *** The top (back) of the stack is the active mode
588     **/
589     std::vector<private_map::MAP_STATE> _state_stack;
591     // ----- Members : Timing and Graphics -----
593     /** \brief A timer used for when the player first enters the map
594     *** This timer is set to 7000 ms (7 seconds) and is used to display the map's location graphic
595     *** and name at the top center of the screen. The graphic and text are faded in for the first
596     *** two seconds, drawn opaquely for the next three seconds, and faded out in the final two seconds.
597     **/
598     vt_system::SystemTimer _intro_timer;
600     //! \brief Freestyle art image of the current map
601     vt_video::StillImage _map_image;
603     //! \brief An icon graphic which appears over the heads of NPCs who have dialogue that has not been read by the player
604     vt_video::AnimatedImage _dialogue_icon;
606     //! \brief Image which underlays the stamina bar for running
607     //! \note This pointer is a reference handled by the GlobalMedia class, don't delete it!
608     vt_video::StillImage* _stamina_bar_background;
610     //! \brief The stamina bar representing the current stamina
611     //! \note This pointer is a reference handled by the GlobalMedia class, don't delete it!
612     vt_video::StillImage* _stamina_bar;
614     //! \brief Image which overlays the stamina bar to show that the player has unlimited running
615     //! \note This pointer is a reference handled by the GlobalMedia class, don't delete it!
616     vt_video::StillImage* _stamina_bar_infinite_overlay;
618     /** \brief A container for the various foes which may appear on this map
619     *** These enemies are kept at their initial stats. When they are passed to battle mode,
620     *** a copy of each enemy is made and initialized there.
621     **/
622     std::vector<vt_global::GlobalEnemy *> _enemies;
624     /**
625     *** Stores the first music filename loaded by the map.
626     *** Used to auto-play it at map startup.
627     *** NOTE: Other audio handling will have to be used through scripting.
628     **/
629     std::string _music_filename;
630     vt_audio::AUDIO_STATE _music_audio_state;
631     uint32_t _music_audio_sample;
633     //! \brief the minimap for the current map instance
634     private_map::Minimap* _minimap;
636     //! \brief flag that enables minimap rendering or not
637     bool _show_minimap;
639     //! \brief Stores the potential custom minimap image filename
640     std::string _minimap_custom_image_file;
642     //! \brief The character party status effects supervisor
643     private_map::MapStatusEffectsSupervisor _status_effect_supervisor;
645     //! \brief Tells whether the menu mode is available from the map mode.
646     bool _menu_enabled;
648     //! \brief Tells whether the map points are enabled in the map mode.
649     bool _map_points_enabled;
651     //! \brief Tells whether the status effects can run in the map mode.
652     bool _status_effects_enabled;
654     //! \brief Tells whether the auto save is allowed once the map mode has loaded.
655     bool _auto_save_enabled;
657     // ----- Methods -----
659     //! \brief Loads all map data contained in the Lua file that defines the map
660     bool _Load();
662     /** Triggers the minimap creation either by trying to load the minimap file given.
663     *** Or by creating a minimap procedurally.
664     **/
665     void _CreateMinimap();
667     //! \brief A helper function to Update() that is called only when the map is in the explore state
668     void _UpdateExplore();
670     //! \brief Update the map frame coordinates
671     void _UpdateMapFrame();
673     //! \brief Draws all visible map tiles and sprites to the screen
674     void _DrawMapLayers();
676     //! \brief Draws all GUI visuals, such as dialogue icons and the stamina bar
677     void _DrawGUI();
679     //! \brief Draws the stamina bar, part of DrawGUI()
680     void _DrawStaminaBar(const vt_video::Color &blending = vt_video::Color::white);
682     //! \brief Draws the map layer tile and collision grid.
683     void _DrawDebugGrid();
685     //! \brief Restores the music state on ::Reset() calls.
686     void _ResetMusicState();
688     //! \brief Inits map resources.
689     void _InitResources();
690 }; // class MapMode
692 } // namespace vt_map;
694 #endif