1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
2 /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
3 /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
4  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
5  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
7 /* A template class for tagged unions. */
9 #include <new>
11 #include "mozilla/Alignment.h"
12 #include "mozilla/Assertions.h"
13 #include "mozilla/Move.h"
15 #ifndef mozilla_Variant_h
16 #define mozilla_Variant_h
18 namespace mozilla {
20 template<typename... Ts>
21 class Variant;
23 namespace detail {
25 // MaxSizeOf computes the maximum sizeof(T) for each T in Ts.
27 template<typename T, typename... Ts>
28 struct MaxSizeOf
29 {
30   static const size_t size = sizeof(T) > MaxSizeOf<Ts...>::size
31     ? sizeof(T)
32     : MaxSizeOf<Ts...>::size;
33 };
35 template<typename T>
36 struct MaxSizeOf<T>
37 {
38   static const size_t size = sizeof(T);
39 };
41 // The `IsVariant` helper is used in conjunction with static_assert and
42 // `mozilla::EnableIf` to catch passing non-variant types to `Variant::is<T>()`
43 // and friends at compile time, rather than at runtime. It ensures that the
44 // given type `Needle` is one of the types in the set of types `Haystack`.
46 template<typename Needle, typename... Haystack>
47 struct IsVariant;
49 template<typename Needle>
50 struct IsVariant<Needle>
51 {
52   static const bool value = false;
53 };
55 template<typename Needle, typename... Haystack>
56 struct IsVariant<Needle, Needle, Haystack...>
57 {
58   static const bool value = true;
59 };
61 template<typename Needle, typename T, typename... Haystack>
62 struct IsVariant<Needle, T, Haystack...> : public IsVariant<Needle, Haystack...> { };
64 // TagHelper gets the given sentinel tag value for the given type T. This has to
65 // be split out from VariantImplementation because you can't nest a partial template
66 // specialization within a template class.
68 template<size_t N, typename T, typename U, typename Next, bool isMatch>
69 struct TagHelper;
71 // In the case where T != U, we continue recursion.
72 template<size_t N, typename T, typename U, typename Next>
73 struct TagHelper<N, T, U, Next, false>
74 {
75   static size_t tag() { return Next::template tag<U>(); }
76 };
78 // In the case where T == U, return the tag number.
79 template<size_t N, typename T, typename U, typename Next>
80 struct TagHelper<N, T, U, Next, true>
81 {
82   static size_t tag() { return N; }
83 };
85 // The VariantImplementation template provides the guts of mozilla::Variant. We create
86 // an VariantImplementation for each T in Ts... which handles construction,
87 // destruction, etc for when the Variant's type is T. If the Variant's type is
88 // not T, it punts the request on to the next VariantImplementation.
90 template<size_t N, typename... Ts>
91 struct VariantImplementation;
93 // The singly typed Variant / recursion base case.
94 template<size_t N, typename T>
95 struct VariantImplementation<N, T> {
96   template<typename U>
97   static size_t tag() {
98     static_assert(mozilla::IsSame<T, U>::value,
99                   "mozilla::Variant: tag: bad type!");
100     return N;
101   }
103   template<typename Variant>
104   static void copyConstruct(void* aLhs, const Variant& aRhs) {
105     new (aLhs) T(aRhs.template as<T>());
106   }
108   template<typename Variant>
109   static void moveConstruct(void* aLhs, Variant&& aRhs) {
110     new (aLhs) T(aRhs.template extract<T>());
111   }
113   template<typename Variant>
114   static void destroy(Variant& aV) {
115     aV.template as<T>().~T();
116   }
118   template<typename Variant>
119   static bool
120   equal(const Variant& aLhs, const Variant& aRhs) {
121       return aLhs.template as<T>() == aRhs.template as<T>();
122   }
124   template<typename Matcher, typename ConcreteVariant>
125   static typename Matcher::ReturnType
126   match(Matcher& aMatcher, ConcreteVariant& aV) {
127     return aMatcher.match(aV.template as<T>());
128   }
129 };
131 // VariantImplementation for some variant type T.
132 template<size_t N, typename T, typename... Ts>
133 struct VariantImplementation<N, T, Ts...>
134 {
135   // The next recursive VariantImplementation.
136   using Next = VariantImplementation<N + 1, Ts...>;
138   template<typename U>
139   static size_t tag() {
140     return TagHelper<N, T, U, Next, IsSame<T, U>::value>::tag();
141   }
143   template<typename Variant>
144   static void copyConstruct(void* aLhs, const Variant& aRhs) {
145     if (aRhs.template is<T>()) {
146       new (aLhs) T(aRhs.template as<T>());
147     } else {
148       Next::copyConstruct(aLhs, aRhs);
149     }
150   }
152   template<typename Variant>
153   static void moveConstruct(void* aLhs, Variant&& aRhs) {
154     if (aRhs.template is<T>()) {
155       new (aLhs) T(aRhs.template extract<T>());
156     } else {
157       Next::moveConstruct(aLhs, aRhs);
158     }
159   }
161   template<typename Variant>
162   static void destroy(Variant& aV) {
163     if (aV.template is<T>()) {
164       aV.template as<T>().~T();
165     } else {
166       Next::destroy(aV);
167     }
168   }
170   template<typename Variant>
171   static bool equal(const Variant& aLhs, const Variant& aRhs) {
172     if (aLhs.template is<T>()) {
173       MOZ_ASSERT(aRhs.template is<T>());
174       return aLhs.template as<T>() == aRhs.template as<T>();
175     } else {
176       return Next::equal(aLhs, aRhs);
177     }
178   }
180   template<typename Matcher, typename ConcreteVariant>
181   static typename Matcher::ReturnType
182   match(Matcher& aMatcher, ConcreteVariant& aV)
183   {
184     if (aV.template is<T>()) {
185       return aMatcher.match(aV.template as<T>());
186     } else {
187       // If you're seeing compilation errors here like "no matching
188       // function for call to 'match'" then that means that the
189       // Matcher doesn't exhaust all variant types. There must exist a
190       // Matcher::match(T&) for every variant type T.
191       //
192       // If you're seeing compilation errors here like "cannot
193       // initialize return object of type <...> with an rvalue of type
194       // <...>" then that means that the Matcher::match(T&) overloads
195       // are returning different types. They must all return the same
196       // Matcher::ReturnType type.
197       return Next::match(aMatcher, aV);
198     }
199   }
200 };
202 } // namespace detail
204 /**
205  * # mozilla::Variant
206  *
207  * A variant / tagged union / heterogenous disjoint union / sum-type template
208  * class. Similar in concept to (but not derived from) `boost::variant`.
209  *
210  * Sometimes, you may wish to use a C union with non-POD types. However, this is
211  * forbidden in C++ because it is not clear which type in the union should have
212  * its constructor and destructor run on creation and deletion
213  * respectively. This is the problem that `mozilla::Variant` solves.
214  *
215  * ## Usage
216  *
217  * A `mozilla::Variant` instance is constructed (via move or copy) from one of
218  * its variant types (ignoring const and references). It does *not* support
219  * construction from subclasses of variant types or types that coerce to one of
220  * the variant types.
221  *
222  *     Variant<char, uint32_t> v1('a');
223  *     Variant<UniquePtr<A>, B, C> v2(MakeUnique<A>());
224  *
225  * All access to the contained value goes through type-safe accessors.
226  *
227  *     void
228  *     Foo(Variant<A, B, C> v)
229  *     {
230  *       if (v.is<A>()) {
231  *         A& ref = v.as<A>();
232  *         ...
233  *       } else {
234  *         ...
235  *       }
236  *     }
237  *
238  * Attempting to use the contained value as type `T1` when the `Variant`
239  * instance contains a value of type `T2` causes an assertion failure.
240  *
241  *     A a;
242  *     Variant<A, B, C> v(a);
243  *     v.as<B>(); // <--- Assertion failure!
244  *
245  * Trying to use a `Variant<Ts...>` instance as some type `U` that is not a
246  * member of the set of `Ts...` is a compiler error.
247  *
248  *     A a;
249  *     Variant<A, B, C> v(a);
250  *     v.as<SomeRandomType>(); // <--- Compiler error!
251  *
252  * Additionally, you can turn a `Variant` that `is<T>` into a `T` by moving it
253  * out of the containing `Variant` instance with the `extract<T>` method:
254  *
255  *     Variant<UniquePtr<A>, B, C> v(MakeUnique<A>());
256  *     auto ptr = v.extract<UniquePtr<A>>();
257  *
258  * Finally, you can exhaustively match on the contained variant and branch into
259  * different code paths depending which type is contained. This is preferred to
260  * manually checking every variant type T with is<T>() because it provides
261  * compile-time checking that you handled every type, rather than runtime
262  * assertion failures.
263  *
264  *     // Bad!
265  *     char* foo(Variant<A, B, C, D>& v) {
266  *       if (v.is<A>()) {
267  *         return ...;
268  *       } else if (v.is<B>()) {
269  *         return ...;
270  *       } else {
271  *         return doSomething(v.as<C>()); // Forgot about case D!
272  *       }
273  *     }
274  *
275  *     // Good!
276  *     struct FooMatcher
277  *     {
278  *       using ReturnType = char*;
279  *       ReturnType match(A& a) { ... }
280  *       ReturnType match(B& b) { ... }
281  *       ReturnType match(C& c) { ... }
282  *       ReturnType match(D& d) { ... } // Compile-time error to forget D!
283  *     }
284  *     char* foo(Variant<A, B, C, D>& v) {
285  *       return v.match(FooMatcher());
286  *     }
287  *
288  * ## Examples
289  *
290  * A tree is either an empty leaf, or a node with a value and two children:
291  *
292  *     struct Leaf { };
293  *
294  *     template<typename T>
295  *     struct Node
296  *     {
297  *       T value;
298  *       Tree<T>* left;
299  *       Tree<T>* right;
300  *     };
301  *
302  *     template<typename T>
303  *     using Tree = Variant<Leaf, Node<T>>;
304  *
305  * A copy-on-write string is either a non-owning reference to some existing
306  * string, or an owning reference to our copy:
307  *
308  *     class CopyOnWriteString
309  *     {
310  *       Variant<const char*, UniquePtr<char[]>> string;
311  *
312  *       ...
313  *     };
314  */
315 template<typename... Ts>
316 class Variant
317 {
318   using Impl = detail::VariantImplementation<0, Ts...>;
319   using RawData = AlignedStorage<detail::MaxSizeOf<Ts...>::size>;
321   // Each type is given a unique size_t sentinel. This tag lets us keep track of
322   // the contained variant value's type.
323   size_t tag;
325   // Raw storage for the contained variant value.
326   RawData raw;
328   void* ptr() {
329     return reinterpret_cast<void*>(&raw);
330   }
332 public:
333   /** Perfect forwarding construction for some variant type T. */
334   template<typename RefT,
335            // RefT captures both const& as well as && (as intended, to support
336            // perfect forwarding), so we have to remove those qualifiers here
337            // when ensuring that T is a variant of this type, and getting T's
338            // tag, etc.
339            typename T = typename RemoveReference<typename RemoveConst<RefT>::Type>::Type,
340            typename = typename EnableIf<detail::IsVariant<T, Ts...>::value, void>::Type>
341   explicit Variant(RefT&& aT)
342     : tag(Impl::template tag<T>())
343   {
344     new (ptr()) T(Forward<T>(aT));
345   }
347   /** Copy construction. */
348   Variant(const Variant& aRhs)
349     : tag(aRhs.tag)
350   {
351     Impl::copyConstruct(ptr(), aRhs);
352   }
354   /** Move construction. */
355   Variant(Variant&& aRhs)
356     : tag(aRhs.tag)
357   {
358     Impl::moveConstruct(ptr(), Move(aRhs));
359   }
361   /** Copy assignment. */
362   Variant& operator=(const Variant& aRhs) {
363     MOZ_ASSERT(&aRhs != this, "self-assign disallowed");
364     this->~Variant();
365     new (this) Variant(aRhs);
366     return *this;
367   }
369   /** Move assignment. */
370   Variant& operator=(Variant&& aRhs) {
371     MOZ_ASSERT(&aRhs != this, "self-assign disallowed");
372     this->~Variant();
373     new (this) Variant(Move(aRhs));
374     return *this;
375   }
377   ~Variant()
378   {
379     Impl::destroy(*this);
380   }
382   /** Check which variant type is currently contained. */
383   template<typename T>
384   bool is() const {
385     static_assert(detail::IsVariant<T, Ts...>::value,
386                   "provided a type not found in this Variant's type list");
387     return Impl::template tag<T>() == tag;
388   }
390   /**
391    * Operator == overload that defers to the variant type's operator==
392    * implementation if the rhs is tagged as the same type as this one.
393    */
394   bool operator==(const Variant& aRhs) const {
395     return tag == aRhs.tag && Impl::equal(*this, aRhs);
396   }
398   /**
399    * Operator != overload that defers to the negation of the variant type's
400    * operator== implementation if the rhs is tagged as the same type as this
401    * one.
402    */
403   bool operator!=(const Variant& aRhs) const {
404     return !(*this == aRhs);
405   }
407   // Accessors for working with the contained variant value.
409   /** Mutable reference. */
410   template<typename T>
411   T& as() {
412     static_assert(detail::IsVariant<T, Ts...>::value,
413                   "provided a type not found in this Variant's type list");
414     MOZ_ASSERT(is<T>());
415     return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(&raw);
416   }
418   /** Immutable const reference. */
419   template<typename T>
420   const T& as() const {
421     static_assert(detail::IsVariant<T, Ts...>::value,
422                   "provided a type not found in this Variant's type list");
423     MOZ_ASSERT(is<T>());
424     return *reinterpret_cast<const T*>(&raw);
425   }
427   /**
428    * Extract the contained variant value from this container into a temporary
429    * value.  On completion, the value in the variant will be in a
430    * safely-destructible state, as determined by the behavior of T's move
431    * constructor when provided the variant's internal value.
432    */
433   template<typename T>
434   T extract() {
435     static_assert(detail::IsVariant<T, Ts...>::value,
436                   "provided a type not found in this Variant's type list");
437     MOZ_ASSERT(is<T>());
438     return T(Move(as<T>()));
439   }
441   // Exhaustive matching of all variant types no the contained value.
443   /** Match on an immutable const reference. */
444   template<typename Matcher>
445   typename Matcher::ReturnType
446   match(Matcher& aMatcher) const {
447     return Impl::match(aMatcher, *this);
448   }
450   /**  Match on a mutable non-const reference. */
451   template<typename Matcher>
452   typename Matcher::ReturnType
453   match(Matcher& aMatcher) {
454     return Impl::match(aMatcher, *this);
455   }
456 };
458 } // namespace mozilla
460 #endif /* mozilla_Variant_h */