2;; init.scm -- contains lots of common scheme utilities
3(load "init.scm")
5;; Result codes (these belong here because they are tied to kernel values, see
6;; result.h)
7(define result-ok          0)
8(define result-no-target   1)
9(define result-no-effect   2)
10(define result-no-hostiles 3)
11(define result-lacks-skill 4)
12(define result-failed      5)
13(define result-not-here    6)
14(define result-critical-fail 7)
15(define result-not-now     8)
17;; Test if a result code indicates that the action was not completed
18(define (abortive-result? result)
19  (or (eq? result result-no-target)
20      (eq? result result-not-here)))
22;; Override the default error hook to warn the loader when the interpreter
23;; encounters any errors during evaluation.
24(define (my-error-hook . x)
25  (kern-interp-error x)
26  (apply throw x))
27(define *error-hook* my-error-hook)
29;; kern-load -- loads a file but also tells the kernel to make a note of it so
30;; that saved sessions will know to use the file, too.
31(define (kern-load fname)
32  (kern-include fname)
33  (load fname))
35(define nil '())
37;; safe-eval -- evaluates an expression; bad expressions evaluate to '()
38;; instead of causing an interpreter error
39(define (safe-eval expr)
40  (cond ((null? expr) '())
41        ((symbol? expr)
42         (if (defined? expr)
43             (eval expr)
44             '()))
45        (eval expr)))
47;; filter -- filter-in elements from a list
48(define (filter pred seq)
49  (cond ((null? seq) nil)
50        ((pred (car seq))
51         (cons (car seq)
52               (filter pred (cdr seq))))
53        (else (filter pred (cdr seq)))))
55;; simple, non-prioritized, generic search (not very efficient, so don't try
56;; it on large search spaces)
57(define (search here? next start maxdepth)
58  (define (do-search queue visited depth)
59    (if (or (= depth 0) (null? queue)) nil
60        (let ((loc (car queue)))
61          (if (here? loc) loc
62              (do-search (append (cdr queue)
63                                 (filter (lambda (v) (not (member v visited)))
64                                         (next loc)))
65                         (append (list loc) visited)
66                         (- depth 1))))))
67  (do-search (list start) nil maxdepth))
69;; similar to search, but a) it's exhaustive and b) it runs a procedure on
70;; every entry (warning: not sure if or how well this works)
71(define (bfs-apply start next proc)
72  (define (do-search queue visited)
73    (if (null? queue) nil
74        (let ((loc (car queue)))
75          (proc loc)
76          (do-search (append (cdr queue)
77                             (filter (lambda (v) (not (member v visited)))
78                                     (next loc)))
79                     (append (list loc) visited)))))
80  (do-search (list start) nil))
82;; Set element k of list x to val (zero-indexed)
83(define (list-set-ref! x k val)
84  (if (zero? k)
85      (set-car! x val)
86      (list-set-ref! (cdr x) (- k 1) val)))
88;; Check if a list contains an element.
89(define (in-list? elem lst)
90  (foldr (lambda (a b) (or a (eqv? b elem)))
91         #f
92         lst))
94(define (in-text-list? elem lst)
95  (foldr (lambda (a b) (or a (equal? b elem)))
96         #f
97         lst))
99;; Check if a location is passable to a character
100(define (passable? loc kobj)
101  (kern-place-is-passable loc kobj))
103(define (obj-is-char? kobj) (kern-obj-is-being? kobj))
104(define (is-being? kobj) (kern-obj-is-being? kobj))
106;; Check if a location is occupied by a character or party
107(define (occupied? loc)
108  (foldr (lambda (val kobj) (or val (obj-is-char? kobj)))
109         #f
110         (kern-get-objects-at loc)))
112(define (get-beings-at loc)
113  (filter kern-obj-is-being?
114          (kern-get-objects-at loc)))
116;; Given a starting location, search outward for a passable, unoccupied place
117;; to put a character.
118(define (pick-loc origin char)
119  (search (lambda (loc) (and (kern-is-valid-location? loc)
120									(passable? loc char)
121									(not (occupied? loc))))
122          neighbors
123          origin
124          10))
126;; Generic proc to summon other beings. Used by spells and some special
127;; effects.
128(define (summon origin mk-critter faction count)
129  (define (run-loop n)
130    (if (= n 0) nil
131        (let* ((critter (kern-obj-set-temporary (kern-being-set-base-faction
132                                                 (mk-critter)
133                                                 faction)
134                                                #t))
135               (loc (pick-loc origin critter)))
136          (cond ((null? loc) nil)
137                (else
138                 (kern-obj-put-at critter loc)
139                 (run-loop (- n 1)))))))
140  (run-loop count))
142;; Like summon but the beings are permanent, not temporary.
143(define (psummon origin mk-critter count)
144  ;;;(display "psummon")(newline)
145  (define (run-loop n)
146    (if (= n 0) nil
147        (let* ((critter (kern-obj-inc-ref (mk-critter)))
148               (loc (pick-loc origin critter)))
149          (cond ((null? loc) (kern-obj-dec-ref critter))
150               (else
151                (kern-obj-put-at critter loc)
152                (kern-obj-dec-ref critter)
153                (run-loop (- n 1)))))))
154  (run-loop count))
156;; check if klooker can see kobj
157(define (can-see? klooker kobj)
158  (let ((from (kern-obj-get-location klooker))
159        (to (kern-obj-get-location kobj)))
160    (and (kern-in-los? from to)
161         (<= (kern-get-distance from to)
162             (kern-obj-get-vision-radius klooker))
163         (kern-obj-is-visible? kobj))))
165;; check if klooker can can see anything in the list kobs
166(define (can-see-any? klooker kobjs)
167  (if (null? kobjs)
168      #f
169      (or (can-see? klooker (car kobjs))
170          (can-see-any? klooker (cdr kobjs)))))
172;; check if knpc can see any of the player party members
173(define (any-player-party-member-visible? knpc)
174  (can-see-any? knpc
175                (kern-party-get-members (kern-get-player))))
177;; gets location of player character (not party- ie 'works' in temporary map)
178(define (player-member-loc)
179  (let ((loc (kern-obj-get-location (car (kern-party-get-members (kern-get-player))))))
180    (if (null? loc)
181        nil
182        (loc-place loc))))
184(define (num-player-party-members)
185  ;;(display "num-player-party-members")(newline)
186  (length (kern-party-get-members (kern-get-player))))
188(define (is-only-living-party-member? kchar)
189  (and (is-alive? kchar)
190       (is-player-party-member? kchar)
191       (not (foldr (lambda (found kchar2)
192                     (println  found " " (kern-obj-get-name kchar2))
193                     (or found
194                         (and (not (eqv? kchar kchar2))
195                              (is-alive? kchar2))))
196                   #f
197                   (kern-party-get-members (kern-get-player))))
198       ))
200;; Check if an object is hostile toward a character
201(define (is-hostile? kbeing kobj)
202  (and (is-being? kobj)
203       (kern-being-is-hostile? kbeing kobj)))
205;; Check if an object is allied with a character
206(define (is-ally? kbeing kobj)
207  (kern-being-is-ally? kbeing kobj))
209;; Find all characters hostile to the given character
210(define (all-hostiles kchar)
211  (filter (lambda (kobj) (is-hostile? kchar kobj))
212          (kern-place-get-beings (loc-place (kern-obj-get-location kchar)))))
214;; Find all friendlies
215(define (all-allies kchar)
216  (filter (lambda (kobj) (is-ally? kchar kobj))
217          (kern-place-get-beings (loc-place (kern-obj-get-location kchar)))))
220;; Count the number of hostiles
221(define (num-hostiles kchar)
222  (length (all-hostiles kchar)))
224;; Count the number of friendlies
225(define (num-allies kchar)
226  (length (all-allies kchar)))
228;; Find all beings hostile
229(define (all-visible-hostiles kbeing)
230  (kern-being-get-visible-hostiles kbeing))
232(define (any-visible-hostiles? kchar)
233  (> (length (all-visible-hostiles kchar)) 0))
235(define (nearest-visible-hostile kchar)
236  (nearest-obj kchar (all-visible-hostiles kchar)))
238;; Find all allies
239(define (all-visible-allies kbeing)
240  (kern-being-get-visible-allies kbeing))
242;; Count the number of visible friendlies
243(define (num-visible-allies kchar)
244  (length (all-visible-allies kchar)))
246;; Count the number of hostiles
247(define (num-visible-hostiles kchar)
248  (length (all-visible-hostiles kchar)))
251;; Find all the characters in a place
252(define (all-chars kplace)
253  (kern-place-get-beings kplace))
255;; Check if an object is in the given range of the origin point
256(define (in-range? origin radius kobj)
257  (<= (kern-get-distance origin
258                         (kern-obj-get-location kobj))
259      radius))
261;; Check if a character's target is in range
262(define (can-hit? kchar ktarg range)
263  ;;(println "can-hit: " range)
264  (in-range? (kern-obj-get-location kchar)
265             range
266             ktarg))
268;; Filter objects out of range
269(define (all-in-range origin radius objlst)
270  (filter (lambda (kobj)
271            (<= (kern-get-distance origin
272                                   (kern-obj-get-location kobj))
273                radius))
274          objlst))
276;; Return a list of all hostiles in range of the given location
277(define (get-hostiles-in-range-of-loc kchar range loc)
278  (all-in-range loc
279                range
280                (kern-being-get-visible-hostiles kchar)))
282;; Return a list of all hostiles in range of the kchar's current location
283(define (get-hostiles-in-range kchar range)
284  (get-hostiles-in-range-of-loc kchar
285                                range
286                                (kern-obj-get-location kchar)))
288;; Return a list of beings within the given range
289(define (get-beings-in-range kobj range)
290  (let ((loc (kern-obj-get-location kobj)))
291  (all-in-range loc
292                range
293                (kern-place-get-beings (loc-place loc)))))
295;; Convenience proc for rolling dtables by hand
296(define (dtable-row . cols) cols)
298(define (distance kobj-a kobj-b)
299  (let ((loc-a (kern-obj-get-location kobj-a))
300        (loc-b (kern-obj-get-location kobj-b)))
301  (kern-get-distance loc-a loc-b)))
303;; Inefficient code to find nearest obj from a list
304(define (nearest-obj kobj klist)
305  (if (null? klist) nil
306      (foldr (lambda (a b) (if (< (distance kobj a) (distance kobj b)) a b))
307             (car klist) (cdr klist))))
309;; Inefficient code to find nearest location from a list
310(define (nearest-loc kobj klist)
311  (println "nearest-loc: " klist)
312  (if (null? klist)
313      nil
314      (let ((kloc (kern-obj-get-location kobj)))
315        (foldr (lambda (a b)
316                 (if (< (loc-city-block-distance kloc a)
317                        (loc-city-block-distance kloc b))
318                     a
319                     b))
320               (car klist)
321               (cdr klist)))))
323;; Move an object one step along a path to a destination.
324(define (old-pathfind kobj dest)
325  ;;;;(display "pathfind")(newline)
326  (define (follow-path path)
327    (if (not (null? path))
328        (let ((coords (car path))
329              (origin (kern-obj-get-location kobj)))
330          ;;;;(display "pathfind:coords=");;(display coords)(newline)
331          (let ((dx (- (car coords) (loc-x origin)))
332                (dy (- (cdr coords) (loc-y origin))))
333            (kern-obj-move kobj dx dy)))))
334  (let ((path (kern-obj-find-path kobj dest)))
335    ;;;;(display "pathfind:path=");;(display path)(newline)
336    (if (not (null? path))
337        ;; skip the first location in the path
338        (follow-path (cdr path)))))
340;; pathfind - use the built-in kernel call that uses cached paths and tries to
341;; handle blocking mechanisms
342(define (pathfind kobj kdest)
343  ;;(println "pathfind(" (kern-obj-get-name kobj) "," kdest ")")
344  (and (kern-obj-is-being? kobj)
345       (kern-being-pathfind-to kobj kdest)))
347(define (can-pathfind? kobj dest)
348  (println "can-pathfind?")
349  (or (loc-8-adjacent? dest
350                     (kern-obj-get-location kobj))
351      (not (null? (kern-obj-find-path kobj dest)))))
353(define (notnull? val) (not (null? val)))
355(define (being-at? loc)
356  (not (null? (filter kern-obj-is-being? (kern-get-objects-at loc)))))
358(define (get-being-at loc)
359  (let ((beings (filter kern-obj-is-being? (kern-get-objects-at loc))))
360    (if (null? beings)
361        nil
362        (car beings))))
364(define (is-dead? kchar)
365  (kern-char-is-dead? kchar))
367(define (is-alive? kchar)
368  (not (is-dead? kchar)))
370(define (has-ap? kobj)
371  (> (kern-obj-get-ap kobj) 0))
373(define (has-ap-debt? kobj)
374  (< (kern-obj-get-ap kobj) 0))
376(define (has-skill? kchar kskill)
377  (in-list? kskill
378            (kern-char-get-skills kchar)))
380(define (flee kchar)
381  ;;;(display "flee")(newline)
382  (kern-char-set-fleeing kchar #t))
384(define (wander kchar)
385  (kern-obj-wander kchar))
387(define (weakest kchar-a kchar-b)
388  (if (< (kern-char-get-hp kchar-a)
389         (kern-char-get-hp kchar-b))
390      a
391      b))
393(define (join-player kchar)
394  (kern-char-join-player kchar))
396(define (random-select list)
397  (if (or (null? list)
398          (= 0 (length list)))
399      nil
400      (list-ref list (modulo (random-next) (length list)))))
402(define (taunt kchar ktarg taunts)
403  (say kchar (random-select taunts)))
405;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
406;; search-rect -- apply a procedure to every location in a rectangular region
407;; and return a list of its non-nil results.
408;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
409(define (search-rect kplace x y w h proc)
410  (filter notnull? (map proc (loc-enum-rect kplace x y w h))))
412;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
413;; foldr-rect -- similar to search-rect above, but the procedure must
414;; accumulate its own results. Faster because it doesn't have to run the
415;; filter.
416;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
417(define (foldr-rect kplace x y w h proc ival)
418  (foldr proc ival (loc-enum-rect kplace x y w h)))
421;; Return a list of locations with matching terrain
423(define (find-terrain kplace x y w h kter)
424  (define (check loc)
425    (if (eqv? (kern-place-get-terrain loc) kter)
426        loc
427        nil))
428  (search-rect kplace x y w h check))
430(define (on-terrain? kobj kter)
431  (eqv? kter (kern-place-get-terrain (kern-obj-get-location kobj))))
433(define (all-visible-terrain-of-type kobj kter)
434  (filter (lambda (x)
435            (eqv? kter
436                  (kern-place-get-terrain x)))
437          (kern-being-get-visible-tiles kobj)))
439(define (find-nearest-visible-terrain-of-type kobj kter)
440  (nearest-loc kobj (all-visible-terrain-of-type kobj kter)))
442(define (hidden? kchar)
443  ;;(println "hidden?")
444  ;; Just check if the 8 neighbors are all los-blocking
445  (let ((loc (kern-obj-get-location kchar)))
446    (foldr-rect (loc-place loc)
447                (- (loc-x loc) 1) (- (loc-y loc) 1)
448                3 3
449               (lambda (val neighbor)
450                 ;;(println neighbor " neighbor? " (equal? neighbor loc) " blocks? " (kern-place-blocks-los? neighbor))
451                 (and val
452                      (or (eq? neighbor loc)
453                          (kern-place-blocks-los? neighbor))))
454                #t
455                )))
457;; kobj-is-type -- check if the object is of the given type
458(define (kobj-is-type? kobj ktype)
459  (eqv? (kern-obj-get-type kobj)
460        ktype))
462;; kplace-get-objects-of-type -- return a list of all objects of the given type
463;; in the given place
464(define (kplace-get-objects-of-type kplace ktype)
465  (filter (lambda (kobj) (kobj-is-type? kobj ktype))
466          (kern-place-get-objects kplace)))
469;; find-objects -- return a list of locations with the given object on them
471(define (find-objects kplace x y w h ktype)
472  (define (check loc)
473    (define (scanobjlst lst)
474      (foldr (lambda (a b)
475               (or a (kobj-is-type? b ktype)))
476             #f
477             lst))
478    (if (scanobjlst (kern-get-objects-at loc))
479        loc
480        nil))
481  (search-rect kplace x y w h check))
483(define (in-inventory? kchar ktype)
484  ;;(println (kern-type-get-name ktype))
485  (define (hasit? item inv)
486    (cond ((null? inv) #f)
487          ((eqv? item (car (car inv))) #t)
488          (else
489           ;;(println " " (kern-type-get-name (car (car inv))))
490           (hasit? item (cdr inv)))))
491  (hasit? ktype (kern-char-get-inventory kchar)))
493(define (num-in-inventory kchar ktype)
494  (define (count-em item inv)
495    ;;;(display "inv: ");;(display inv)(newline)
496    (cond ((null? inv) 0)
497          ((eqv? item (car (car inv))) (cdr (car inv)))
498          (else (count-em item (cdr inv)))))
499  (count-em ktype (kern-char-get-inventory kchar)))
501(define (any-in-inventory? kchar lst)
502  (foldr (lambda (v k)
503           (or v
504               (in-inventory? kchar k)))
505         #f
506         lst))
508(define (all-in-inventory? kchar lst)
509  (foldr (lambda (v k)
510           (and v
511               (in-inventory? kchar k)))
512         #t
513         lst))
515;; Note: I commented out the remove-from-inventory call because the things
516;; should remove themselves (eg, potions do)
517(define (use-item-from-inventory-on-self kchar ktype)
518  ;;(kern-obj-remove-from-inventory kchar ktype 1)
519  ;;;(display "using")(newline)
520  (apply (kern-type-get-gifc ktype) (list 'use ktype kchar))
521  (kern-log-msg (kern-obj-get-name kchar)
522                " uses 1 "
523                (kern-type-get-name ktype))
524  #t)
527;; Modulo system procedures -- useful on wrapping maps
529(define (madd a b R) (modulo (+ a b) R))
530(define (msub a b R) (modulo (- a b) R))
531(define (minc a R) (modulo (+ a 1) R))
532(define (mdec a R) (modulo (- a 1) R))
535;; mdist - find the distance between two numbers in a modulo system. There are
536;; always 2 distances (additive and subtractive). This picks the shortest
537;; distance..
539(define (mdist a b R) (min (msub a b R) (msub b a R)))
541;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
542;; Turn on/off verbose scheme garbage collection. Useful if you think scheme is
543;; gc'ing some of your code behind your back.
544;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
545(gc-verbose #t)
547(define (profile proc . args)
548  (let ((t (kern-get-ticks))
549        (result (apply proc args)))
550    ;;(display "*** TIME: ");;(display (- (kern-get-ticks) t)) ;;(display " ms")
551    (newline)
552    result))
554;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
555;; find-object-types-at -- return a list of objects of the given type which can
556;; be found at the given location
557;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
558(define (find-object-types-at loc ktype)
559  (filter (lambda (a) (kobj-is-type? a ktype))
560          (kern-get-objects-at loc)))
562;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
563;; is-object-type-at? -- check for an object (by type) at a location
564;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
565(define (is-object-type-at? loc ktype)
566  (foldr (lambda (a b) (or a (kobj-is-type? b ktype)))
567         #f
568         (kern-get-objects-at loc)))
570;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
571;; any-object-types-at? -- returns #t iff one or more objects at loc is of one
572;; of the given types
573;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
574(define (any-object-types-at? loc ktypes)
575  (foldr (lambda (a b) (or a (is-object-type-at? loc b)))
576         #f
577         ktypes))
579;; is-player-party-member? -- #t iff kchar is in player party
580(define (is-player-party-member? kchar)
581  (in-list? kchar
582            (kern-party-get-members (kern-get-player))))
584;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
585;; kobj-get -- remove an object from the map and put it into another object
586;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
587(define (kobj-get kobj kchar)
588  (if (kern-obj-put-into kobj kchar)
589      (begin
590        (if (not (is-player-party-member? kchar))
591            (kern-log-msg (kern-obj-get-name kchar)
592                          " gets "
593                          (kern-obj-get-name kobj)))
594        (kern-obj-inc-ref kobj)
595        (kern-obj-remove kobj)
596        (kern-obj-dec-ref kobj)
597        (kern-obj-dec-ap kchar (/ norm 5))
598        (kern-map-repaint))))
600;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
601;; kobj-get-at -- get an object of a specific type from the location
602;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
603(define (kobj-get-at kchar loc ktype)
604  (let ((objs (find-object-types-at loc ktype)))
605    (if (notnull? objs)
606        (kobj-get (car objs) kchar))))
608;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
609;; place-random-corner -- randomly select a corner and return it as a location
610;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
611(define (place-random-corner kplace)
612  (case (kern-dice-roll "1d4")
613    ((1) (mk-loc kplace  0  0))
614    ((2) (mk-loc kplace  0  (- (kern-place-get-width kplace 1))))
615    ((3) (mk-loc kplace  (- (kern-place-get-height kplace) 1) 0))
616    ((4) (mk-loc kplace
617                 (- (kern-place-get-height kplace) 1)
618                 (- (kern-place-get-width kplace) 1)))))
620;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
621;; do-or-goto -- if the location is adjacent then the proc, otherwise have
622;; the char pathfind to it
623;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
624(define (do-or-goto kchar coords proc)
625  ;;;(display "do-or-goto")(newline)
626  (if (or (loc-4-adjacent? (kern-obj-get-location kchar) coords)
627          (eq? coords (kern-obj-get-location kchar)))
628      (proc kchar coords)
629      (pathfind kchar coords)))
631;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
632;; evade -- simple alg for evading melee foes
634;; Simple approach: each foe's coordinates forms a vector to the char's
635;; coordinates. Take the sum of these coordinates to get the evasion
636;; vector. "Normalize" the vector components by rounding them to the nearest 0,
637;; 1 or -1. This is the dx/dy to move. If the terrain is impassable in the
638;; preferred direction then try zeroing out the non-zero components and
639;; moving. This will give two backup vectors to try.
641;; ADDENDUM: I don't want to allow diagonal evasion, so the "normalized" vector
642;; must be skipped if it's a diagonal, thus causing us to try the fallbak
643;; vector(s).
645;; Now allowing diagonals, since that factor has changed
647;; TODO: probably shouldnt flee over dangerous terrains
649;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
650(define (evade kchar foes)
651  (let* ((tloc (kern-obj-get-location kchar))
652         (v (loc-canonical
653				(foldr
654					(lambda (accum thisfoe)
655						(loc-sum accum
656							(loc-diff (kern-obj-get-location thisfoe) tloc)
657						))
658					(mk-loc (loc-place tloc) 0 0)
659					foes)
660				))
661			)
662		(define (move dx dy)
663			(if (kern-place-is-passable
664					(loc-sum
665						(mk-loc (loc-place tloc) dx dy)
666						tloc)
667					kchar)
668				(kern-obj-move kchar dx dy)
669				#f))
670		(define (evade-on-normal)
671				(move (loc-x v) (loc-y v)))
673		(or (evade-on-normal)
674			(and (not (eq? 0 (loc-y v)))
675				(move (loc-x v) 0))
676			(and (not (eq? 0 (loc-x v)))
677				(move 0 (loc-y v))))
678		))
681;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
682;; closest-obj -- given an origin and a list of objects, return the object from
683;; the list that is closest (in city-block distance) to the origin
684;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
685(define (closest-obj origin lst)
686  (if (null? lst) nil
687      (foldr (lambda (a b)
688               (if (loc-closer? (kern-obj-get-location a)
689                                (kern-obj-get-location b)
690                                origin)
691                   a
692                   b))
693               (car lst)
694               (cdr lst))))
696;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
697;; blit-maps -- blit multiple maps to a single target map
698;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
699(define (blit-maps kmap . blits)
700  (define (blit dstx dsty srcmap srcx srcy w h)
701    (kern-blit-map kmap dstx dsty srcmap srcx srcy w h))
702  (foldr (lambda (a b) (apply blit b))
703         kmap
704         blits))
706(define (fill-terrain-prob kter kplace ox oy ow oh prob)
707  (define (fill x y w h)
708    (if (> h 0)
709        (if (> w 0)
710            (begin
711              (if (<= (modulo (random-next)
712                              100)
713                      prob)
714                  (kern-place-set-terrain (list kplace x y) kter))
715              (fill (+ x 1) y (- w 1) h))
716            (fill ox (+ y 1) ow (- h 1)))))
717  (fill ox oy ow oh))
719(define (fill-terrain kter kplace ox oy ow oh)
720  (fill-terrain-prob kter kplace ox oy ow oh 100))
723;; rect
725(define (mk-rect x y w h) (list x y w h))
726(define (rect-x r) (car r))
727(define (rect-y r) (cadr r))
728(define (rect-w r) (caddr r))
729(define (rect-h r) (cadddr r))
730(define (rect-ex r) (+ (rect-x r) (rect-w r)))
731(define (rect-ey r) (+ (rect-y r) (rect-h r)))
732(define (x-in-rect? x r)
733  (and (>= x (rect-x r))
734       (< x (rect-ex r))))
735(define (y-in-rect? y r)
736  (and (>= y (rect-y r))
737       (< y (rect-ey r))))
738(define (xy-in-rect? x y r)
739  (and (x-in-rect? x r)
740       (y-in-rect? y r)))
741(define (rect-in-rect? a b)
742  (and (xy-in-rect? (rect-x a) (rect-y a) b)
743       (xy-in-rect? (rect-ex a) (rect-ey a) b)))
744(define (loc-in-rect? loc rect)
745  (xy-in-rect? (loc-x loc)
746               (loc-y loc)
747               rect))
748(define (rect-random rect)
749  (list (+ (rect-x rect) (modulo (random-next) (rect-w rect)))
750        (+ (rect-y rect) (modulo (random-next) (rect-h rect)))))
752;;;; (define original-load load)
753;;;; (define (load file)
754;;;;    (display (kern-get-ticks))
755;;;;    (display " loading ")
756;;;;    (display file)(newline)
757;;;;    (original-load file))
759(define (put obj x y) (list obj x y))
761;; lookup-spell-by-handler -- find a spell in the list of all spells
762(define (lookup-spell handler)
763  (define (search-spells slist)
764    (if (null? slist)
765        nil
766        (let ((spell (car slist)))
767          (if (eqv? (spell-handler spell)
768                    handler)
769              spell
770              (search-spells (cdr slist))))))
771  (search-spells spells))
773;; generic lookup
774(define (lookup this? slist)
775  (if (null? slist)
776      nil
777      (if (this? (car slist))
778          (car slist)
779          (lookup this? (cdr slist)))))
781;; can-cast -- check if a char has enough mana to cast a spell
782(define (can-cast? kchar handler)
783  (let ((spell (lookup-spell handler)))
784    (if (null? spell)
785        #f
786        (and (>= (kern-char-get-mana kchar)
787                 (spell-cost spell))
788             (>= (kern-char-get-level kchar)
789                 (spell-level spell))))))
791;; cast0 - cast a spell which requires no args if possible, assumes kchar has
792;; enough mana
793(define (cast0 kchar spell)
794  (apply (spell-handler spell) (list kchar))
795  (kern-char-dec-mana kchar (spell-cost spell))
796  (kern-obj-dec-ap kchar (spell-ap spell))
797  (kern-log-msg (kern-obj-get-name kchar)
798                " casts "
799                (spell-name spell)))
801;; cast1 - cast a spell which requires one arg if possible, assumes kchar has
802;; enough mana
803(define (cast1 kchar spell ktarg)
804  ;;;(display "cast1: ");;(display spell)(newline)
805  (apply (spell-handler spell) (list kchar ktarg))
806  (kern-char-dec-mana kchar (spell-cost spell))
807  (kern-obj-dec-ap kchar (spell-ap spell))
808  (kern-log-msg (kern-obj-get-name kchar)
809                " casts "
810                (spell-name spell)
811                " on "
812                (kern-obj-get-name ktarg)
813                "!"))
815;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
816;; terrain-ok-for-field? -- check if the terrain at a given location will allow
817;; a field to be dropped on it. Terrains with passability class equivalent to
818;; Grass, trees and forest are ok, everything else is not.
819;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
820(define (terrain-ok-for-field? loc)
821  (let ((kter (kern-place-get-terrain loc)))
822    (println "kter: " kter)
823    (if (null? kter)
824        #f
825        (let ((pclass (kern-terrain-get-pclass kter)))
826          (foldr (lambda (a b) (or a (= pclass b)))
827                 #f
828                 (list pclass-grass pclass-trees pclass-forest))))))
830(define (get-8-neighboring-tiles loc)
831  (let ((kplace (loc-place loc))
832        (x (loc-x loc))
833        (y (loc-y loc)))
834    (filter kern-is-valid-location?
835            (map (lambda (offset) (mk-loc kplace
836                                          (+ (car offset) x)
837                                          (+ (cdr offset) y)))
838                 (list (cons -1 -1)
839                       (cons  0 -1)
840                       (cons  1 -1)
841                       (cons -1  0)
842                       (cons  1  0)
843                       (cons -1  1)
844                       (cons  0  1)
845                       (cons  1  1))))))
847(define (get-4-neighboring-tiles loc)
848  (let ((kplace (loc-place loc))
849        (x (loc-x loc))
850        (y (loc-y loc)))
851    (filter kern-is-valid-location?
852            (map (lambda (offset) (mk-loc kplace
853                                          (+ (car offset) x)
854                                          (+ (cdr offset) y)))
855                 (list (cons  0 -1)
856                       (cons -1  0)
857                       (cons  1  0)
858                       (cons  0  1)
859                       )))))
861(define (shake-map dur)
862  (if (> dur 0)
863      (begin
864        (kern-map-set-jitter #t)
865        (kern-map-repaint)
866        (shake-map (- dur 1)))
867      (begin
868        (kern-map-set-jitter #f)
869        (kern-map-repaint))))
871(define (random-vdir)
872  (random-select (list (cons -1 0)
873                       (cons 1 0)
874                       (cons 0 -1)
875                       (cons 0 1))))
877(define (random-neighbor-loc kobj)
878  (let ((vdir (random-vdir)))
879    (loc-sum (kern-obj-get-location kobj)
880             (mk-loc nil (car vdir) (cdr vdir)))))
882(define (push kobj dx dy dist)
883  (let* ((loc (loc-sum (kern-obj-get-location kobj)
884                       (mk-loc nil dx dy))))
885    (if (and (kern-place-is-passable loc kobj)
886             (not (occupied? loc)))
887        (begin
888          (kern-obj-relocate kobj loc nil)
889          #t)
890        #f)))
892(define (stagger kchar)
893  (let ((vdir (random-vdir)))
894    (push kchar (car vdir) (cdr vdir) 1)))
896(define (end-turn kobj)(kern-obj-set-ap kobj 0))
898(define (add-effect-multiple kobj keff fgob q)
899  (if (> q 0)
900      (begin
901        (kern-obj-add-effect kobj keff fgob)
902        (add-effect-multiple kobj keff fgob (- q 1)))))
904;; time procs for use with return value from kern-get-time:
905(define (time-mk yr mo we da hr mi)
906  (list yr mo we da hr mi))
907(define (time-year time) (list-ref time 0))
908(define (time-month time) (list-ref time 1))
909(define (time-week time) (list-ref time 2))
910(define (time-day time) (list-ref time 3))
911(define (time-hour time) (list-ref time 4))
912(define (time-minute time) (list-ref time 5))
914;; wants-healing? -- check if a char is <= 50% max hp
915(define (wants-healing? kchar)
916  (<= (kern-char-get-hp kchar)
917      (/ (kern-char-get-max-hp kchar) 2)))
919;; wants-healing? -- check if a char is <= 25% max hp
920(define (wants-great-healing? kchar)
921  (<= (kern-char-get-hp kchar)
922      (/ (kern-char-get-max-hp kchar) 4)))
924;; wants-mana? -- check if a char is <= 50% max mana
925(define (wants-mana? kchar)
926  (<= (kern-char-get-mana kchar)
927      (/ (kern-char-get-max-mana kchar) 2)))
929;; has-mana-potion? -- check if a char has a mana potion in inventory
930(define (has-mana-potion? kchar)
931  (in-inventory? kchar t_mana_potion))
933;; drink-mana-potion -- use a mana potion from inventory
934(define (drink-mana-potion kchar)
935  (use-item-from-inventory-on-self kchar t_mana_potion))
937;; has-heal-potion? -- check if a char has a heal potion in inventory
938(define (has-heal-potion? kchar)
939  (in-inventory? kchar t_heal_potion))
941;; drink-heal-potion -- use a heal potion from inventory
942(define (drink-heal-potion kchar)
943  (use-item-from-inventory-on-self kchar t_heal_potion))
945(define (set-max-hp kchar)
946  (kern-char-set-hp kchar
947                    (kern-char-get-max-hp kchar)))
949;; max-hp -- calc max hp given species, level and occ
950(define (max-hp sp occ lvl mod mult)
951  (+ (kern-species-get-hp-mod sp)
952     (if (null? occ) 0 (kern-occ-get-hp-mod occ))
953     mod
954     (* lvl
955        (+ (kern-species-get-hp-mult sp)
956           (if (null? occ) 0 (kern-occ-get-hp-mult occ))
957           mult))))
959;; max-mp -- calc max mp given species, level and occ
960(define (max-mp sp occ lvl mod mult)
961  (+ (kern-species-get-mp-mod sp)
962     (if (null? occ) 0 (kern-occ-get-mp-mod occ))
963     mod
964     (* lvl
965        (+ (kern-species-get-mp-mult sp)
966           (if (null? occ) 0 (kern-occ-get-mp-mult occ))
967           mult))))
970;; set-level -- set character to level and max out hp and mana (intended for
971;; new npc creation)
972(define (set-level kchar lvl)
973  (kern-char-set-level kchar lvl))
975;; use-potion? -- use potion on self if desired and available
976(define (use-potion? kchar)
977  (or (and (wants-healing? kchar)
978           (has-heal-potion? kchar)
979           (drink-heal-potion kchar))
980      (and (wants-mana? kchar)
981           (has-mana-potion? kchar)
982           (drink-mana-potion kchar))))
984(define (use-heal-spell-on-self? kchar)
985  ;;;;(display "use-heal-spell-on-self?")(newline)
986  (and (wants-healing? kchar)
987       (can-use-ability? heal-ability kchar)
988       (use-ability heal-ability kchar kchar)))
990(define (use-great-heal-spell-on-self? kchar)
991  ;;;;(display "use-great-heal-spell-on-self?")(newline)
992  (and (wants-great-healing? kchar)
993       (can-use-ability? great-heal-ability kchar)
994       (use-ability great-heal-ability kchar kchar)))
996(define (use-spell-on-self? kchar)
997  ;;;;(display "use-spell-on-self?")(newline)
998  (or (use-great-heal-spell-on-self? kchar)
999      (use-heal-spell-on-self? kchar)))
1001(define (avoid-melee? kchar)
1002  ;;;;(display "avoid-melee? kchar")(newline)
1003  (let ((nearby-foes (get-hostiles-in-range kchar 1)))
1004    (if (null? nearby-foes)
1005        #f
1006        (evade kchar nearby-foes))))
1008(define (dump-char kchar)
1009  (if (null? kchar)
1010      (println "nil")
1011      (begin
1012        (println "npc: " (kern-obj-get-name kchar)
1013                 "[" (kern-char-get-level kchar) "]"
1014                 " hp=" (kern-char-get-hp kchar) "/" (kern-char-get-max-hp kchar)
1015                 " mp=" (kern-char-get-mana kchar) "/" (kern-char-get-max-mana kchar)
1016                 " @[" (loc-x (kern-obj-get-location kchar))
1017                 "," (loc-y (kern-obj-get-location kchar)) "]"
1018                 ))))
1021(define (get-nearest-patient kchar)
1022  (let ((kloc (kern-obj-get-location kchar)))
1023    (foldr (lambda (kpatient ktarg)
1024             ;;(display "  checking ")(dump-char ktarg)
1025             (if (and (wants-healing? ktarg)
1026                      (or (null? kpatient)
1027                          (< (kern-get-distance kloc
1028                                                (kern-obj-get-location ktarg))
1029                             (kern-get-distance kloc
1030                                                (kern-obj-get-location kpatient)))))
1031                 ktarg
1032                 kpatient))
1033           nil
1034           (all-visible-allies kchar))))
1036;; This is for medics. A patient is an ally that needs healing. If a patient is
1037;; less than 2 tiles away then do nothing. If a patient is more than 2 tiles
1038;; away then pathfind toward it.
1039(define (move-toward-patient? kchar)
1040  (let ((patient (get-nearest-patient kchar)))
1041    (if (null? patient)
1042        #f
1043        (begin
1044          ;;(display "selected ")(dump-char patient)
1045          (if (in-range? (kern-obj-get-location kchar)
1046                         2
1047                         patient)
1048              #f
1049              (pathfind kchar (kern-obj-get-location patient)))))))
1051(define (prompt-for-key)
1052  (kern-log-msg "<Hit any key to continue>")
1053  (kern-ui-waitkey))
1055(define (ship-at? loc) (not (null? (kern-place-get-vehicle loc))))
1057(define (take-player-gold q)
1058  (kern-player-set-gold (- (kern-player-get-gold) q)))
1060(define (give-player-gold q)
1061  (kern-player-set-gold (+ (kern-player-get-gold) q)))
1063(define (player-has-gold? q)
1064  (>= (kern-player-get-gold) q))
1066;; services -- used with trade-service below
1067(define (svc-mk name price proc) (list name price proc))
1068(define (svc-name svc) (car svc))
1069(define (svc-price svc) (cadr svc))
1070(define (svc-proc svc) (caddr svc))
1072;; some standard healer services
1073(define (heal-service kchar knpc)
1074  ;;(display "heal-service")(newline)
1075  (let ((hp (- (kern-char-get-max-hp kchar)
1076               (kern-char-get-hp kchar))))
1077    (if (> hp 0)
1078        (begin
1079          (say knpc "VAS MANI! Be healed, "
1080               (kern-obj-get-name kchar))
1081          (kern-map-flash hp)
1082          (kern-obj-heal kchar hp)
1083          #t)
1084        (begin
1085          (say knpc (kern-obj-get-name kchar)
1086               " is not wounded!")
1087          (prompt-for-key)
1088          #f))))
1090(define (cure-service kchar knpc)
1091  ;;(display "cure-service")(newline)
1092  (if (is-poisoned? kchar)
1093      (begin
1094        (say knpc "AN NOX! You are cured, "
1095             (kern-obj-get-name kchar))
1096        (kern-map-flash 1)
1097        (kern-obj-remove-effect kchar ef_poison))
1098      (begin
1099        (say knpc (kern-obj-get-name kchar)
1100             " is not poisoned!")
1101        (prompt-for-key)
1102        #f)))
1104(define (resurrect-service kchar knpc)
1105  ;;(display "resurrect-service")(newline)
1106  (if (is-dead? kchar)
1107      (begin
1108       (say knpc "IN MANI CORP! Arise, "
1109            (kern-obj-get-name kchar))
1110       (kern-map-flash 500)
1111       (resurrect kchar)
1112       (kern-obj-heal kchar 10))
1113      (begin
1114        (say knpc (kern-obj-get-name kchar)
1115             " is not dead!")
1116        (prompt-for-key)
1117        #f)))
1119;; trade-services -- take a list of services which operate on a party member
1120;; and prompt the player, check prices, and otherwise handle the transaction
1121(define (trade-services knpc kpc services)
1123  (define (list-services)
1124    (map (lambda (svc)
1125           (string-append (svc-name svc)
1126                          "..."
1127                          (number->string (svc-price svc))
1128                          " gold"))
1129         services))
1131  ;; line-name - convert a string like "Heal...30 gold" to "Heal"
1132  (define (line-name line)
1133    (define (extract l)
1134      (if (null? l)
1135          nil
1136          (if (char=? (car l) #\.)
1137              nil
1138              (cons (car l) (extract (cdr l))))))
1139    (if (null? line)
1140        nil
1141        (list->string (extract (string->list line)))))
1143  (define (lookup-svc line)
1144    (let ((name (line-name line)))
1145      (if (null? name)
1146          nil
1147          (lookup (lambda (svc)
1148                    (string=? name
1149                              (svc-name svc)))
1150                  services))))
1152  (define (choose-svc)
1153    (lookup-svc (apply kern-ui-select-from-list (list-services))))
1155  (let ((svc (choose-svc)))
1157    (define (can-pay?)
1158      (if (player-has-gold? (svc-price svc))
1159          #t
1160          (begin
1161            (say knpc "You don't have enough gold!")
1162            #f)))
1164    (define (apply-svc)
1165      (let ((kchar (kern-ui-select-party-member)))
1166        (if (null? kchar)
1167            #f
1168            (if (apply (svc-proc svc) (list kchar knpc))
1169                (begin
1170                  (take-player-gold (svc-price svc))
1171                  #t)))))
1173    (and (not (null? svc))
1174         (can-pay?)
1175         (apply-svc))))
1177;; player-out-of-sight -- no LOS between kobj and any party member
1178(define (player-out-of-sight? kobj)
1179  (define (can-see? members)
1180    (if (null? members)
1181        #f
1182        (or (kern-in-los? (kern-obj-get-location (car members))
1183                          (kern-obj-get-location kobj))
1184            (can-see? (cdr members)))))
1185  (not (can-see? (kern-party-get-members (kern-get-player)))))
1187(define (improve-relations kb1 kb2)
1188  (kern-dtable-inc (kern-being-get-current-faction kb1)
1189                   (kern-being-get-current-faction kb2)))
1191(define (harm-relations kb1 kb2)
1192  (kern-dtable-dec (kern-being-get-current-faction kb1)
1193                   (kern-being-get-current-faction kb2)))
1195(define (make-enemies kb1 kb2)
1196  (harm-relations kb1 kb2)
1197  (harm-relations kb1 kb2)
1198  (harm-relations kb1 kb2)
1199  (harm-relations kb1 kb2)
1200  )
1202(define (make-allies kb1 kb2)
1203  (improve-relations kb1 kb2)
1204  (improve-relations kb1 kb2)
1205  (improve-relations kb1 kb2)
1206  (improve-relations kb1 kb2)
1207  )
1209(define (is-bad-terrain-at? loc)
1210  (is-bad-terrain? (kern-place-get-terrain loc)))
1212;; put-random-stuff -- randomly generate locations within the given rectangle
1213;; and, if pred? is satisfied, pass the loc to ctor.
1214(define (put-random-stuff place rect pred? ctor n)
1215  (if (> n 0)
1216      (let ((loc (cons place (rect-random rect))))
1217        (if (pred? loc)
1218            (begin
1219              (ctor loc)
1220              (put-random-stuff place rect pred? ctor (- n 1)))
1221            (put-random-stuff place rect pred? ctor n)))))
1223(define (drop-random-corpses kplace n)
1224  (put-random-stuff kplace
1225                    (mk-rect 0 0
1226                             (kern-place-get-width kplace)
1227                             (kern-place-get-height kplace))
1228                    (lambda (loc)
1229                      (eqv? (kern-place-get-terrain loc)
1230                            t_grass))
1231                    (lambda (loc)
1232                      (kern-obj-put-at (mk-corpse-with-loot)
1233                                       loc))
1234                    n))
1236(define (webify kplace x y w h)
1237  (define (drop-web x loc)
1238    (let ((kter (kern-place-get-terrain loc)))
1239      (if (or (eqv? kter t_grass)
1240              (eqv? kter t_boulder))
1241          (kern-obj-put-at (kern-mk-obj F_web_perm 1)
1242                           loc))))
1243  (foldr-rect kplace x y w h drop-web nil))
1245;; Fill the rectangle with objects of the given type. If pred? is not null use
1246;; it to filter out unsuitable locations.
1247(define (rect-fill-with-npc kplace x y w h npct pred?)
1248  (define (drop-obj x loc)
1249    (if (or (null? pred?)
1250            (pred? loc))
1251        (kern-obj-put-at (kern-mk-obj ktype 1)
1252                         loc)))
1253(foldr-rect kplace x y w h drop-obj #f))
1255;; on-entry-to-dungeon-room -- generic place on-enty procedure for dungeon
1256;; rooms. When the player enters (or re-enters) a dungeon this looks for a
1257;; monster manager object and triggers it.
1258(define (on-entry-to-dungeon-room kplace kplayer)
1259  ;;(println "on-entry-to-dungeon-room")
1260  (map (lambda (kmm)
1261         ;;(println " signal")
1262         (signal-kobj kmm 'on kmm nil))
1263       (kplace-get-objects-of-type kplace t_monman))
1264  )
1266;; trigger anything with an 'on-entry' ifc
1267(define (on-entry-trigger-all kplace kplayer)
1268  (map (lambda (kobj)
1269         (signal-kobj kobj 'on-entry kobj))
1270       (kern-place-get-objects kplace))
1271  )
1274;; mk-dungeon-room -- make a 19x19 dungeon room (simplified form of
1275;; kern-mk-place)
1276(define (mk-dungeon-room tag name terrain . objects)
1277  (kern-mk-place tag
1278                 name
1279                 nil     ; sprite
1280                 (kern-mk-map nil 19 19 pal_expanded terrain)
1281                 #f      ; wraps
1282                 #t      ; underground
1283                 #f      ; large-scale (wilderness)
1284                 #f      ; tmp combat place
1285                 nil     ; subplaces
1286                 nil     ; neighbors
1288                 ;; objects -- automatically add a monster manager
1289                 (cons (put (mk-monman) 0 0)
1290                       objects)
1291                 (list 'on-entry-to-dungeon-room) ; hooks
1292                 nil     ; edge entrances
1293                 ))
1295(define (mk-combat-map tag . terrain)
1296  (kern-mk-map tag 19 19 pal_expanded terrain))
1298(define (mk-tower tag name terrain entrances . objects)
1299  (kern-mk-place tag
1300                 name
1301                 s_keep     ; sprite
1302                 (kern-mk-map nil 19 19 pal_expanded terrain)
1303                 #f      ; wraps
1304                 #f      ; underground
1305                 #f      ; large-scale (wilderness)
1306                 #f      ; tmp combat place
1307                 nil     ; subplaces
1308                 nil     ; neighbors
1310                 ;; objects -- automatically add a monster manager
1311                 (cons (put (mk-monman) 0 0)
1312                       objects)
1313                 (list 'on-entry-to-dungeon-room) ; hooks
1314                 entrances     ; edge entrances
1315                 ))
1317;; Just like mk-tower but make the sprite configurable
1318(define (mk-19x19-town tag name sprite terrain entrances . objects)
1319  (kern-mk-place tag
1320                 name
1321                 sprite
1322                 (kern-mk-map nil 19 19 pal_expanded terrain)
1323                 #f      ; wraps
1324                 #f      ; underground
1325                 #f      ; large-scale (wilderness)
1326                 #f      ; tmp combat place
1327                 nil     ; subplaces
1328                 nil     ; neighbors
1329                 ;; objects -- automatically add a monster manager
1330                 (cons (put (mk-monman) 0 0) objects)
1331                 (list 'on-entry-to-dungeon-room 'on-entry-trigger-all) ; hooks
1332                 entrances     ; edge entrances
1333                 ))
1336;; mk-dungeon-level -- given a 2d list of rooms, connect them up as neighbors
1337(define (mk-dungeon-level . rooms)
1338  (define (bind-dir r1 r2 dir)
1339    (if (and (not (null? r1))
1340             (not (null? r2)))
1341        (kern-place-set-neighbor dir r1 r2)))
1342  (define (bind-row top bot)
1343    (if (not (null? top))
1344        (begin
1345          (if (not (null? (cdr top)))
1346              (bind-dir (car top) (cadr top) east))
1347          (if (null? bot)
1348              (bind-row (cdr top) nil)
1349              (begin
1350                (bind-dir (car top) (car bot) south)
1351                (if (not (null? (cdr bot)))
1352                    (bind-dir (car top) (cadr bot) southeast))
1353                (if (not (null? (cdr top)))
1354                    (bind-dir (cadr top) (car bot) southwest))
1355                (bind-row (cdr top) (cdr bot)))))))
1356  (define (bind-rooms rooms)
1357    (if (not (null? rooms))
1358        (begin
1359          (bind-row (car rooms)
1360                    (if (null? (cdr rooms))
1361                        nil
1362                        (cadr rooms)))
1363          (bind-rooms (cdr rooms)))))
1364  (bind-rooms rooms))
1367(define (println . args)
1368  (map display args)
1369  (newline))
1372(define (is-bad-field-at? kchar loc)
1373  (define (is-bad-field? val ktype)
1374    (or val
1375        (and (is-field? ktype)
1376             (not (is-immune-to-field? kchar ktype)))))
1377  (foldr is-bad-field?
1378         #f
1379         (kern-get-objects-at loc)))
1381(define (is-bad-loc? kchar loc)
1382  (or
1383   (is-bad-terrain-at? loc)
1384   (is-bad-field-at? kchar loc)
1385   ))
1387(define (is-good-loc? kchar loc)
1388  ;;(println "is-good-loc?")
1389  (and (passable? loc kchar)
1390       (not (occupied? loc))
1391       (not (is-bad-loc? kchar loc))))
1393(define (get-off-bad-tile? kchar)
1394  ;;(println "get-off-bad-tile")
1396  (define (choose-good-tile tiles)
1397    ;;(display "choose-good-tile")(newline)
1398    (if (null? tiles)
1399        nil
1400        (if (is-good-loc? kchar (car tiles))
1401            (car tiles)
1402            (choose-good-tile (cdr tiles)))))
1404  (define (move-to-good-tile)
1405    ;;(display "move-to-good-tile")(newline)
1406    (let* ((curloc (kern-obj-get-location kchar))
1407           (tiles (get-4-neighboring-tiles curloc))
1408           (newloc (choose-good-tile tiles)))
1409      (if (null? newloc)
1410          #f
1411          (begin
1412            ;;(display "moving")(newline)
1413            (kern-obj-move kchar
1414                           (- (loc-x newloc) (loc-x curloc))
1415                           (- (loc-y newloc) (loc-y curloc)))
1416            #t))))
1418  (and
1419   (is-bad-loc? kchar (kern-obj-get-location kchar))
1420   (move-to-good-tile)))
1422(define (move-away-from-foes? kchar)
1423  ;;(println "move-away-from-foes?")
1424  (evade kchar (all-visible-hostiles kchar)))
1426;; random-loc -- choose a random location
1427(define (random-loc kplace x y w h)
1428  (mk-loc kplace
1429          (+ x (modulo (random-next) w))
1430          (+ y (modulo (random-next) h))))
1432;; random-loc -- choose a random location anywhere in the given place
1433(define (random-loc-in-place kplace)
1434  (random-loc kplace
1435              0
1436              0
1437              (kern-place-get-width kplace)
1438              (kern-place-get-height kplace)))
1440;; random-loc-place-iter -- try up to n times to find a random location which
1441;; satisfies pred?
1442(define (random-loc-place-iter kplace pred? n)
1443  (if (<= n 0)
1444      nil
1445      (let ((loc (random-loc-in-place kplace)))
1446        (if (pred? loc)
1447            loc
1448            (random-loc-place-iter kplace pred? (- n 1))))))
1450(define (is-floor? loc)
1451  (let ((kter (kern-place-get-terrain loc)))
1452    (or (eqv? kter t_flagstones)
1453        (eqv? kter t_cobblestone))))
1455(define (loc-is-empty? loc)
1456  (null? (kern-get-objects-at loc)))
1458(define (mean-player-party-level)
1459  (let ((members (kern-party-get-members (kern-get-player))))
1460    (if (= 0 (length members))
1461        1
1462        (/ (foldr (lambda (sum kchar)
1463                    ;;(println "level:" (kern-char-get-level kchar))
1464                    (+ sum (kern-char-get-level kchar)))
1465                  0
1466                  members)
1467           (length members)))))
1469(define (calc-level)
1470  (max 1
1471       (+ (mean-player-party-level)
1472          (num-player-party-members)
1473          (kern-dice-roll "1d5-3"))))
1475(define (get-mech-at loc)
1476  (let ((mechs (filter kern-obj-is-mech?
1477                       (kern-get-objects-at loc))))
1478    (if (null? mechs)
1479        nil
1480        (car mechs))))
1482(define (handle-mech-at loc kchar)
1483  (let ((kmech (get-mech-at loc)))
1484    (if (null? kmech)
1485        #f
1486        (signal-kobj kmech 'handle kmech kchar))))
1488(define (get-place kobj)
1489  (loc-place (kern-obj-get-location kobj)))
1491;; xp to reach the given level
1492(define (power base exp)
1493  (if (= 0 exp)
1494      1
1495      (* base (power base (- exp 1)))))
1497(define (lvl-xp lvl)
1498  (power 2 (+ 5 lvl)))
1500(define (random-faction)
1501  (modulo (random-next) faction-num))
1503(define (get-target-loc caster range)
1504  (kern-ui-target (kern-obj-get-location caster)
1505                  range))
1508;; code for opening a moongate, warping in a monster, and re-closing it
1509(define (open-moongate loc)
1510  (let ((kgate (mk-moongate nil)))
1511    (kern-obj-relocate kgate loc nil)
1512    (moongate-animate kgate moongate-stages)
1513    kgate))
1514(define (close-moongate kgate)
1515  (moongate-animate kgate (reverse moongate-stages))
1516  (moongate-destroy kgate))
1517(define (warp-in kchar loc dir faction)
1518  (display "warp-in")(newline)
1519  (kern-char-set-schedule kchar nil)
1520  (kern-obj-inc-ref kchar)
1521  (kern-obj-remove kchar)
1522  (kern-obj-relocate kchar loc nil)
1523  (kern-obj-dec-ref kchar)
1524  (kern-map-repaint)
1525  (kern-sleep 250)
1526  (kern-obj-relocate kchar (loc-offset loc dir) nil)
1527  (kern-being-set-base-faction kchar faction)
1528  (kern-map-repaint))
1531;; re-mk-composite-sprite -- combine all the sprites into one layered sprite,
1532;; cloning ALL BUT the first sprite. Useful for re-decorating base sprites that
1533;; have already been cloned.
1534(define (re-mk-composite-sprite sprites)
1535  (foldr (lambda (s1 s2) (kern-sprite-append-decoration s1 s2))
1536         (car sprites)
1537         (cdr sprites)))
1540;; mk-composite-sprite -- combine all the sprites into one composite sprite,
1541;; cloning all the sprites in the list.
1542(define (mk-composite-sprite sprites)
1543  (re-mk-composite-sprite (cons (kern-sprite-clone (car sprites)
1544                                                   nil)
1545                                (cdr sprites))))
1547;   (foldr (lambda (s1 s2) (kern-sprite-append-decoration s1 s2))
1548;          (kern-sprite-clone (car sprites) nil)
1549;          (cdr sprites)))
1551(define (kchar-in-vehicle? kchar)
1552  (let ((kparty (kern-char-get-party kchar)))
1553    (if (null? kparty)
1554        #f
1555        (not (null? (kern-party-get-vehicle kparty))))))
1557;; is-in-darkness? -- #t iff light on this object's tile is less than the
1558;; threshold for "dark"
1559(define (is-in-darkness? kobj)
1560  (< (kern-place-get-light (kern-obj-get-location kobj))
1561     64))
1563;; Convenience wrapper for kern-obj-add-to-inventory
1564(define (give kpc ktype quantity)
1565  (kern-obj-add-to-inventory kpc ktype quantity))
1567;; Convenience wrapper for kern-obj-remove-from-inventory
1568(define (take kobj ktype quantity)
1569  (kern-obj-remove-from-inventory kobj ktype quantity))
1571;; Return #t iff object has at least that many in inventory
1572(define (has? kobj ktype quantity)
1573  (>= (num-in-inventory kobj ktype) quantity))
1575;; Safely if a character is in the player party. char-tag should be the
1576;; character's quoted scheme variable name, for example 'ch_dude.
1577(define (in-player-party? kchar-tag)
1578  (println "in-player-party? " kchar-tag)
1579  (and (defined? kchar-tag)
1580       (let ((kchar (eval kchar-tag)))
1581         (and (is-alive? kchar)
1582              (is-player-party-member? kchar)))))
1584(define (set-wind-north)
1585  (println "set-wind-north")
1586  (kern-set-wind north 10))
1588;; block-teleporting takes a place and a list of strings that looks
1589;; suspiciously like a terrain map, and uses the map to apply blocking
1590;; mechanisms to the place. Every "x#" entry in the map will cause a blocking
1591;; mechanism to be placed on that location. All other entries are ignored. The
1592;; blocking mechanisms prevent spells like blink from letting the player break
1593;; the fiction of a simulated multi-story place.
1594(define (block-teleporting kplace map)
1595  (define (doline y lines)
1596    (define (docol x tokens)
1597      (cond ((null? tokens) nil)
1598            (else
1599             (if (and (char=? #\x (car tokens))
1600                       (char=? #\# (cadr tokens)))
1601                 (begin
1602                   (kern-obj-put-at (mk-blocker) (list kplace x y))
1603                 ))
1604             (docol (+ x 1) (cdddr tokens)))))
1605    (cond ((null? lines) nil)
1606          (else
1607           (docol 0 (string->list (car lines)))
1608           (doline (+ y 1) (cdr lines)))))
1609    (doline 0 map))
1611;; Find the visible object of the given type nearest to the kchar.
1612(define (find-nearest kchar ktype)
1613  (let ((objects (filter (lambda (kobj)
1614                           (and (kobj-is-type? kobj ktype)
1615                                (can-see? kchar kobj)))
1616                         (kern-place-get-objects (loc-place (kern-obj-get-location kchar))))))
1617    (cond ((null? objects) nil)
1618          (else
1619           (nearest-obj kchar objects)))))
1621;; Return an integer describing the sign of x
1622(define (sgn x)
1623  (cond ((> x 0) 1)
1624        ((< x 0) -1)
1625        (else 0)))
1627;; Return a list of (x . y) pairs that constitute a line between two
1628;; points. Uses Bresenhaum's line-drawing algorithm.
1629(define (line x1 y1 x2 y2)
1630  (let* ((dx (- x2 x1))
1631         (dy (- y2 y1))
1632         (adx (abs dx))
1633         (ady (abs dy))
1634         (sdx (sgn dx))
1635         (sdy (sgn dy))
1636         (x (/ ady 2))
1637         (y (/ adx 2))
1638         (px x1)
1639         (py y1))
1640    (define (f1 i)
1641      ;;(println "f1 i=" i " px=" px " py=" py)
1642      (cond ((>= i adx)
1643             nil)
1644            (else
1645             (set! y (+ y ady))
1646             (cond ((>= y adx)
1647                    (set! y (- y adx))
1648                    (set! py (+ py sdy))))
1649             (set! px (+ px sdx))
1650             (cons (cons px py)
1651                   (f1 (+ 1 i))))))
1652    (define (f2 i)
1653      ;;(println "f2 i=" i " px=" px " py=" py)
1654      (cond ((>= i ady)
1655             nil)
1656            (else
1657             (set! x (+ x adx))
1658             (cond ((>= x ady)
1659                    (set! x (- x ady))
1660                    (set! px (+ px sdx))))
1661             (set! py (+ py sdy))
1662             (cons (cons px py)
1663                   (f2 (+ 1 i))))))
1664    (cond ((>= adx ady)
1665           (cons (cons x1 y1) (f1 0)))
1666          (else
1667           (cons (cons x1 y1) (f2 0))))))
1669;; Utility for generating dice from numbers easily
1671(define (mkdice dice size)
1672	(let ((numstr (if (number? dice)
1673						(number->string dice)
1674						dice))
1675			(sizestr (if (number? size)
1676						(number->string size)
1677						size)))
1678			(string-append numstr "d" sizestr)))
1680;; output for effects that should only be noted if visible
1682(define (msg-log-visible loc . args)
1683	(if (kern-place-is-visible? loc)
1684		(apply kern-log-msg args)
1685		)
1686	)
1688;; Print dots across the console (similar to the u4 shrine meditation)
1689(define (log-dots n delay)
1690  (define (dots n)
1691    (cond ((> n 0)
1692           (kern-log-continue ".")
1693           (kern-log-flush)
1694           (kern-sleep delay)
1695           (dots (- n 1)))))
1696  (kern-log-begin)
1697  (dots n)
1698  (kern-log-end)
1699  )
1701(define (find-first fn? lst)
1702  (if (null? lst)
1703      nil
1704      (if (fn? (car lst))
1705          (car lst)
1706          (find-first fn? (cdr lst)))))
1708(define (append! lst val)
1709  (cond ((null? lst) nil)
1710        ((null? (cdr lst)) (set-cdr! lst val))
1711        (else (append! (cdr lst) val))))
1713(define (repeat fn n)
1714  (if (> n 0)
1715      (begin
1716        (fn)
1717        (repeat fn (- n 1)))))
1719(define (string-lower str)
1720  (list->string (map char-downcase (string->list str))))
1722(define (!= a b)
1723  (not (= a b)))
1725(define (rect-x r) (car r))
1726(define (rect-y r) (cadr r))
1727(define (rect-w r) (caddr r))
1728(define (rect-h r) (cadddr r))
1730(define (rect-down r v)
1731  (list (rect-x r) (+ v (rect-y r)) (rect-w r) (rect-h r)))
1733(define (rect-crop-down r v)
1734  (list (rect-x r) (+ v (rect-y r)) (rect-w r) (- (rect-h r) v)))
1736(define (rect-offset r x y)
1737  (list (+ x (rect-x r)) (+ y (rect-y r)) (rect-w r) (rect-h r)))
1739(define (rect-crop-offset r x y)
1740  (list (+ x (rect-x r)) (+ y (rect-y r)) (- (rect-w r) x) (- (rect-h r) y)))
1742(define (1- x) (- x 1))
1743(define (1+ x) (+ x 1))
1745;; Standard dc vs 1d20 + bonus, with a perfect roll granting automatic success.
1746(define (check-roll dc bonus)
1747  (let ((roll (kern-dice-roll "1d20")))
1748    (or (= 20 roll)
1749        (> (+ roll bonus) dc))))