1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2008 INRIA
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
17  *
18  * Authors: Mathieu Lacage <mathieu.lacage@sophia.inria.fr>
19  */
20 #ifndef OBJECT_BASE_H
21 #define OBJECT_BASE_H
23 #include "type-id.h"
24 #include "callback.h"
25 #include <string>
26 #include <list>
28 /**
29  * \file
30  * \ingroup object
31  * ns3::ObjectBase declaration and
32  * NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED() madro definition.
33  */
35 /**
36  * \ingroup object
37  * \brief Register an Object subclass with the TypeId system.
38  *
39  * This macro should be invoked once for every class which
40  * defines a new GetTypeId method.
41  *
42  * If the class is in a namespace, then the macro call should also be
43  * in the namespace.
44  */
45 #define NS_OBJECT_ENSURE_REGISTERED(type)               \
46   static struct Object ## type ## RegistrationClass     \
47   {                                                     \
48     Object ## type ## RegistrationClass () {            \
49       ns3::TypeId tid = type::GetTypeId ();             \
50       tid.SetSize (sizeof (type));                      \
51       tid.GetParent ();                                 \
52     }                                                   \
53   } Object ## type ## RegistrationVariable
56 /**
57  * \ingroup object
58  * \brief Explicitly instantiate a template class and register the resulting
59  *        instance with the TypeId system.
60  *
61  * This macro should be invoked once for every required instance of a template
62  * class which derives from the Object class and defines a new GetTypeId method.
63  *
64  * If the template class is in a namespace, then the macro call should also be
65  * in the namespace.
66  */
67 #define NS_OBJECT_TEMPLATE_CLASS_DEFINE(type,param)                    \
68   template class type<param>;                                          \
69   template <> std::string DoGetTypeParamName<type<param> > ()          \
70   {                                                                    \
71     return #param;                                                     \
72   }                                                                    \
73   static struct Object ## type ## param ## RegistrationClass           \
74   {                                                                    \
75     Object ## type ## param ## RegistrationClass () {                  \
76       ns3::TypeId tid = type<param>::GetTypeId ();                     \
77       tid.SetSize (sizeof (type<param>));                              \
78       tid.GetParent ();                                                \
79     }                                                                  \
80   } Object ## type ## param ## RegistrationVariable
83 namespace ns3 {
85 /**
86  * \brief Helper function to get the name (as a string) of the type parameter
87  *        of a template class
88  * \return the name of the type parameter as a string
89  *
90  * A specialization of this function is defined by the
92  */
93 template <typename T>
94 std::string DoGetTypeParamName (void);
96 /**
97  * \brief Helper function to get the name (as a string) of the type parameter
98  *        of a template class
99  * \return the name of the type parameter as a string
100  */
101 template <typename T>
GetTypeParamName(void)102 std::string GetTypeParamName (void)
103 {
104   return DoGetTypeParamName<T> ();
105 }
107 class AttributeConstructionList;
109 /**
110  * \ingroup object
111  *
112  * \brief Anchor the ns-3 type and attribute system.
113  *
114  * Every class which wants to integrate in the ns-3 type and attribute
115  * system should derive from this base class. This base class provides:
116  * - A way to associate an ns3::TypeId to each object instance.
117  * - A way to set and get the attributes registered in the ns3::TypeId.
118  */
119 class ObjectBase
120 {
121 public:
122   /**
123    * Get the type ID.
124    * \return The object TypeId.
125    */
126   static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
128   /**
129    * Virtual destructor.
130    */
131   virtual ~ObjectBase ();
133   /**
134    * Get the most derived TypeId for this Object.
135    *
136    * This method is typically implemented by ns3::Object::GetInstanceTypeId
137    * but some classes which derive from ns3::ObjectBase directly
138    * have to implement it themselves.
139    *
140    * \return The TypeId associated to the most-derived type
141    *          of this instance.
142    */
143   virtual TypeId GetInstanceTypeId (void) const = 0;
145   /**
146    *
147    * Set a single attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful.
148    *
149    * This will either succeed at setting the attribute
150    * or it will raise NS_FATAL_ERROR() on these conditions:
151    *
152    *   - The attribute doesn't exist in this Object.
153    *   - The attribute can't be set (no Setter).
154    *   - The attribute couldn't be deserialized from the AttributeValue.
155    *
156    * \param [in] name The name of the attribute to set.
157    * \param [in] value The name of the attribute to set.
158    */
159   void SetAttribute (std::string name, const AttributeValue &value);
160   /**
161    * Set a single attribute without raising errors.
162    *
163    * If the attribute could not be set this will return \c false,
164    * but not raise any errors.
165    *
166    * \param [in] name The name of the attribute to set.
167    * \param [in] value The value to set it to.
168    * \return \c true if the requested attribute exists and could be set,
169    *         \c false otherwise.
170    */
171   bool SetAttributeFailSafe (std::string name, const AttributeValue &value);
172   /**
173    * Get the value of an attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful.
174    *
175    * This will either succeed at setting the attribute
176    * or it will raise NS_FATAL_ERROR() on these conditions:
177    *
178    *   - The attribute doesn't exist in this Object.
179    *   - The attribute can't be read (no Getter).
180    *   - The attribute doesn't support string formatting.
181    *   - The attribute couldn't be serialized into the AttributeValue.
182    *
183    * \param [in]  name The name of the attribute to read.
184    * \param [out] value Where the result should be stored.
185    */
186   void GetAttribute (std::string name, AttributeValue &value) const;
187   /**
188    * Get the value of an attribute without raising erros.
189    *
190    * If the attribute could not be read this will return \c false,
191    * but not raise any errors.
192    *
193    * \param [in]  name The name of the attribute to read.
194    * \param [out] value Where the result value should be stored.
195    * \return \c true if the requested attribute was found, \c false otherwise.
196    */
197   bool GetAttributeFailSafe (std::string name, AttributeValue &value) const;
199   /**
200    * Connect a TraceSource to a Callback with a context.
201    *
202    * The target trace source should be registered with TypeId::AddTraceSource.
203    *
204    * \param [in] name The name of the target trace source.
205    * \param [in] context The trace context associated to the callback.
206    * \param [in] cb The callback to connect to the trace source.
207    * \returns \c true on success, \c false if TraceSource was not found.
208    */
209   bool TraceConnect (std::string name, std::string context, const CallbackBase &cb);
210   /**
211    * Connect a TraceSource to a Callback without a context.
212    *
213    * The target trace source should be registered with TypeId::AddTraceSource.
214    *
215    * \param [in] name The name of the target trace source.
216    * \param [in] cb The callback to connect to the trace source.
217    * \returns \c true on success, \c false if TraceSource was not found.
218    */
219   bool TraceConnectWithoutContext (std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb);
220   /**
221    * Disconnect from a TraceSource a Callback previously connected
222    * with a context.
223    *
224    * The target trace source should be registered with TypeId::AddTraceSource.
225    *
226    * \param [in] name The name of the target trace source.
227    * \param [in] context The trace context associated to the callback.
228    * \param [in] cb The callback to disconnect from the trace source.
229    * \returns \c true on success, \c false if TraceSource was not found.
230    */
231   bool TraceDisconnect (std::string name, std::string context, const CallbackBase &cb);
232   /**
233    * Disconnect from a TraceSource a Callback previously connected
234    * without a context.
235    *
236    * The target trace source should be registered with TypeId::AddTraceSource.
237    *
238    * \param [in] name The name of the target trace source.
239    * \param [in] cb The callback to disconnect from the trace source.
240    * \returns \c true on success, \c false if TraceSource was not found.
241    */
242   bool TraceDisconnectWithoutContext (std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb);
244 protected:
245   /**
246    * Notifier called once the ObjectBase is fully constructed.
247    *
248    * This method is invoked once all member attributes have been
249    * initialized. Subclasses can override this method to be notified
250    * of this event but if they do this, they must chain up to their
251    * parent's NotifyConstructionCompleted method.
252    */
253   virtual void NotifyConstructionCompleted (void);
254   /**
255    * Complete construction of ObjectBase; invoked by derived classes.
256    *
257    * Invoked from subclasses to initialize all of their
258    * attribute members. This method will typically be invoked
259    * automatically from ns3::CreateObject if your class derives
260    * from ns3::Object. If you derive from ns3::ObjectBase directly,
261    * you should make sure that you invoke this method from
262    * your most-derived constructor.
263    *
264    * \param [in] attributes The attribute values used to initialize
265    *        the member variables of this object's instance.
266    */
267   void ConstructSelf (const AttributeConstructionList &attributes);
269 private:
270   /**
271    * Attempt to set the value referenced by the accessor \pname{spec}
272    * to a valid value according to the \c checker, based on \pname{value}.
273    *
274    * \param [in] spec The accessor for the storage location.
275    * \param [in] checker The checker to use in validating the value.
276    * \param [in] value The value to attempt to store.
277    * \returns \c true if the \c value could be validated by the \pname{checker}
278    *          and written to the storage location.
279    */
280   bool DoSet (Ptr<const AttributeAccessor> spec,
281               Ptr<const AttributeChecker> checker,
282               const AttributeValue &value);
284 };
286 } // namespace ns3
288 #endif /* OBJECT_BASE_H */