1 /* -*- Mode:C++; c-file-style:"gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2005,2006,2007 INRIA
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
17  *
18  * Author: Mathieu Lacage <mathieu.lacage@sophia.inria.fr>
19  * Contributions: Timo Bingmann <timo.bingmann@student.kit.edu>
20  * Contributions: Gary Pei <guangyu.pei@boeing.com> for fixed RSS
21  * Contributions: Tom Hewer <tomhewer@mac.com> for two ray ground model
22  *                Pavel Boyko <boyko@iitp.ru> for matrix
23  */
28 #include "ns3/object.h"
29 #include "ns3/random-variable-stream.h"
30 #include <map>
32 namespace ns3 {
34 /**
35  * \defgroup propagation Propagation Models
36  *
37  */
39 class MobilityModel;
41 /**
42  * \ingroup propagation
43  *
44  * \brief Models the propagation loss through a transmission medium
45  *
46  * Calculate the receive power (dbm) from a transmit power (dbm)
47  * and a mobility model for the source and destination positions.
48  */
49 class PropagationLossModel : public Object
50 {
51 public:
52   /**
53    * Get the type ID.
54    * \brief Get the type ID.
55    * \return the object TypeId
56    */
57   static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
59   PropagationLossModel ();
60   virtual ~PropagationLossModel ();
62   /**
63    * \brief Enables a chain of loss models to act on the signal
64    * \param next The next PropagationLossModel to add to the chain
65    *
66    * This method of chaining propagation loss models only works commutatively
67    * if the propagation loss of all models in the chain are independent
68    * of transmit power.
69    */
70   void SetNext (Ptr<PropagationLossModel> next);
72   /**
73    * \brief Gets the next PropagationLossModel in the chain of loss models
74    * that act on the signal.
75    * \returns The next PropagationLossModel in the chain
76    *
77    * This method of chaining propagation loss models only works commutatively
78    * if the propagation loss of all models in the chain are independent
79    * of transmit power.
80    */
81   Ptr<PropagationLossModel> GetNext ();
83   /**
84    * Returns the Rx Power taking into account all the PropagationLossModel(s)
85    * chained to the current one.
86    *
87    * \param txPowerDbm current transmission power (in dBm)
88    * \param a the mobility model of the source
89    * \param b the mobility model of the destination
90    * \returns the reception power after adding/multiplying propagation loss (in dBm)
91    */
92   double CalcRxPower (double txPowerDbm,
93                       Ptr<MobilityModel> a,
94                       Ptr<MobilityModel> b) const;
96   /**
97    * If this loss model uses objects of type RandomVariableStream,
98    * set the stream numbers to the integers starting with the offset
99    * 'stream'. Return the number of streams (possibly zero) that
100    * have been assigned.  If there are PropagationLossModels chained
101    * together, this method will also assign streams to the
102    * downstream models.
103    *
104    * \param stream
105    * \return the number of stream indices assigned by this model
106    */
107   int64_t AssignStreams (int64_t stream);
109 private:
110   /**
111    * \brief Copy constructor
112    *
113    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
114    */
115   PropagationLossModel (const PropagationLossModel &);
116   /**
117    * \brief Copy constructor
118    *
119    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
120    * \returns
121    */
122   PropagationLossModel &operator = (const PropagationLossModel &);
124   /**
125    * Returns the Rx Power taking into account only the particular
126    * PropagationLossModel.
127    *
128    * \param txPowerDbm current transmission power (in dBm)
129    * \param a the mobility model of the source
130    * \param b the mobility model of the destination
131    * \returns the reception power after adding/multiplying propagation loss (in dBm)
132    */
133   virtual double DoCalcRxPower (double txPowerDbm,
134                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> a,
135                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> b) const = 0;
137   /**
138    * Subclasses must implement this; those not using random variables
139    * can return zero
140    */
141   virtual int64_t DoAssignStreams (int64_t stream) = 0;
143   Ptr<PropagationLossModel> m_next; //!< Next propagation loss model in the list
144 };
146 /**
147  * \ingroup propagation
148  *
149  * \brief The propagation loss follows a random distribution.
150  */
151 class RandomPropagationLossModel : public PropagationLossModel
152 {
153 public:
154   /**
155    * \brief Get the type ID.
156    * \return the object TypeId
157    */
158   static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
160   RandomPropagationLossModel ();
161   virtual ~RandomPropagationLossModel ();
163 private:
164   /**
165    * \brief Copy constructor
166    *
167    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
168    */
169   RandomPropagationLossModel (const RandomPropagationLossModel &);
170   /**
171    * \brief Copy constructor
172    *
173    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
174    * \returns
175    */
176   RandomPropagationLossModel & operator = (const RandomPropagationLossModel &);
177   virtual double DoCalcRxPower (double txPowerDbm,
178                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> a,
179                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> b) const;
180   virtual int64_t DoAssignStreams (int64_t stream);
181   Ptr<RandomVariableStream> m_variable; //!< random generator
182 };
184 /**
185  * \ingroup propagation
186  *
187  * \brief a Friis propagation loss model
188  *
189  * The Friis propagation loss model was first described in
190  * "A Note on a Simple Transmission Formula", by
191  * "Harald T. Friis".
192  *
193  * The original equation was described as:
194  *  \f$ \frac{P_r}{P_t} = \frac{A_r A_t}{d^2\lambda^2} \f$
195  *  with the following equation for the case of an
196  *  isotropic antenna with no heat loss:
197  *  \f$ A_{isotr.} = \frac{\lambda^2}{4\pi} \f$
198  *
199  * The final equation becomes:
200  * \f$ \frac{P_r}{P_t} = \frac{\lambda^2}{(4 \pi d)^2} \f$
201  *
202  * Modern extensions to this original equation are:
203  * \f$ P_r = \frac{P_t G_t G_r \lambda^2}{(4 \pi d)^2 L}\f$
204  *
205  * With:
206  *  - \f$ P_r \f$ : reception power (W)
207  *  - \f$ P_t \f$ : transmission power (W)
208  *  - \f$ G_t \f$ : transmission gain (unit-less)
209  *  - \f$ G_r \f$ : reception gain (unit-less)
210  *  - \f$ \lambda \f$ : wavelength (m)
211  *  - \f$ d \f$ : distance (m)
212  *  - \f$ L \f$ : system loss (unit-less)
213  *
214  * In the implementation,  \f$ \lambda \f$ is calculated as
215  * \f$ \frac{C}{f} \f$, where  \f$ C = 299792458\f$ m/s is the speed of light in
216  * vacuum, and \f$ f \f$ is the frequency in Hz which can be configured by
217  * the user via the Frequency attribute.
218  *
219  * The Friis model is valid only for propagation in free space within
220  * the so-called far field region, which can be considered
221  * approximately as the region for \f$ d > 3 \lambda \f$.
222  * The model will still return a value for \f$ d < 3 \lambda \f$, as
223  * doing so (rather than triggering a fatal error) is practical for
224  * many simulation scenarios. However, we stress that the values
225  * obtained in such conditions shall not be considered realistic.
226  *
227  * Related with this issue, we note that the Friis formula is
228  * undefined for \f$ d = 0 \f$, and results in
229  * \f$ P_r > P_t \f$ for \f$ d < \lambda / 2 \sqrt{\pi} \f$.
230  * Both these conditions occur outside of the far field region, so in
231  * principle the Friis model shall not be used in these conditions.
232  * In practice, however, Friis is often used in scenarios where accurate
233  * propagation modeling is not deemed important, and values of \f$ d =
234  * 0 \f$ can occur. To allow practical use of the model in such
235  * scenarios, we have to 1) return some value for \f$ d = 0 \f$, and
236  * 2) avoid large discontinuities in propagation loss values (which
237  * could lead to artifacts such as bogus capture effects which are
238  * much worse than inaccurate propagation loss values). The two issues
239  * are conflicting, as, according to the Friis formula,
240  * \f$\lim_{d \to 0 }  P_r = +\infty \f$;
241  * so if, for \f$ d = 0 \f$, we use a fixed loss value, we end up with an infinitely large
242  * discontinuity, which as we discussed can cause undesirable
243  * simulation artifacts.
244  *
245  * To avoid these artifact, this implementation of the Friis model
246  * provides an attribute called MinLoss which allows to specify the
247  * minimum total loss (in dB) returned by the model. This is used in
248  * such a way that
249  * \f$ P_r \f$ continuously increases for \f$ d \to 0 \f$, until
250  * MinLoss is reached, and then stay constant; this allow to
251  * return a value for \f$ d  = 0 \f$ and at the same time avoid
252  * discontinuities. The model won't be much realistic, but at least
253  * the simulation artifacts discussed before are avoided. The default value of
254  * MinLoss is 0 dB, which means that by default the model will return
255  * \f$ P_r = P_t \f$ for \f$ d <= \lambda / 2 \sqrt{\pi} \f$. We note
256  * that this value of \f$ d \f$ is outside of the far field
257  * region, hence the validity of the model in the far field region is
258  * not affected.
259  *
260  */
261 class FriisPropagationLossModel : public PropagationLossModel
262 {
263 public:
264   /**
265    * \brief Get the type ID.
266    * \return the object TypeId
267    */
268   static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
269   FriisPropagationLossModel ();
270   /**
271    * \param frequency (Hz)
272    *
273    * Set the carrier frequency used in the Friis model
274    * calculation.
275    */
276   void SetFrequency (double frequency);
277   /**
278    * \param systemLoss (dimension-less)
279    *
280    * Set the system loss used by the Friis propagation model.
281    */
282   void SetSystemLoss (double systemLoss);
284   /**
285    * \param minLoss the minimum loss (dB)
286    *
287    * no matter how short the distance, the total propagation loss (in
288    * dB) will always be greater or equal than this value
289    */
290   void SetMinLoss (double minLoss);
292   /**
293    * \return the minimum loss.
294    */
295   double GetMinLoss (void) const;
297   /**
298    * \returns the current frequency (Hz)
299    */
300   double GetFrequency (void) const;
301   /**
302    * \returns the current system loss (dimension-less)
303    */
304   double GetSystemLoss (void) const;
306 private:
307   /**
308    * \brief Copy constructor
309    *
310    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
311    */
312   FriisPropagationLossModel (const FriisPropagationLossModel &);
313   /**
314    * \brief Copy constructor
315    *
316    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
317    * \returns
318    */
319   FriisPropagationLossModel & operator = (const FriisPropagationLossModel &);
321   virtual double DoCalcRxPower (double txPowerDbm,
322                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> a,
323                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> b) const;
324   virtual int64_t DoAssignStreams (int64_t stream);
326   /**
327    * Transforms a Dbm value to Watt
328    * \param dbm the Dbm value
329    * \return the Watts
330    */
331   double DbmToW (double dbm) const;
333   /**
334    * Transforms a Watt value to Dbm
335    * \param w the Watt value
336    * \return the Dbm
337    */
338   double DbmFromW (double w) const;
340   double m_lambda;        //!< the carrier wavelength
341   double m_frequency;     //!< the carrier frequency
342   double m_systemLoss;    //!< the system loss
343   double m_minLoss;       //!< the minimum loss
344 };
346 /**
347  * \ingroup propagation
348  *
349  * \brief a Two-Ray Ground propagation loss model ported from NS2
350  *
351  * Two-ray ground reflection model.
352  *
353  * \f$ Pr = \frac{P_t * G_t * G_r * (H_t^2 * H_r^2)}{d^4 * L} \f$
354  *
355  * The original equation in Rappaport's book assumes L = 1.
356  * To be consistent with the free space equation, L is added here.
357  *
358  * Ht and Hr are set at the respective nodes z coordinate plus a model parameter
359  * set via SetHeightAboveZ.
360  *
361  * The two-ray model does not give a good result for short distances, due to the
362  * oscillation caused by constructive and destructive combination of the two
363  * rays. Instead the Friis free-space model is used for small distances.
364  *
365  * The crossover distance, below which Friis is used, is calculated as follows:
366  *
367  * \f$ dCross = \frac{(4 * \pi * H_t * H_r)}{\lambda} \f$
368  *
369  * In the implementation,  \f$ \lambda \f$ is calculated as
370  * \f$ \frac{C}{f} \f$, where  \f$ C = 299792458\f$ m/s is the speed of light in
371  * vacuum, and \f$ f \f$ is the frequency in Hz which can be configured by
372  * the user via the Frequency attribute.
373  */
374 class TwoRayGroundPropagationLossModel : public PropagationLossModel
375 {
376 public:
377   /**
378    * \brief Get the type ID.
379    * \return the object TypeId
380    */
381   static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
382   TwoRayGroundPropagationLossModel ();
384   /**
385    * \param frequency (Hz)
386    *
387    * Set the carrier frequency used in the TwoRayGround model
388    * calculation.
389    */
390   void SetFrequency (double frequency);
392   /**
393    * \param systemLoss (dimension-less)
394    *
395    * Set the system loss used by the TwoRayGround propagation model.
396    */
397   void SetSystemLoss (double systemLoss);
398   /**
399    * \param minDistance the minimum distance
400    *
401    * Below this distance, the txpower is returned
402    * unmodified as the rxpower.
403    */
404   void SetMinDistance (double minDistance);
405   /**
406    * \returns the minimum distance.
407    */
408   double GetMinDistance (void) const;
410   /**
411    * \returns the current frequency (Hz)
412    */
413   double GetFrequency (void) const;
415   /**
416    * \returns the current system loss (dimension-less)
417    */
418   double GetSystemLoss (void) const;
419   /**
420    * \param heightAboveZ the model antenna height above the node's Z coordinate
421    *
422    * Set the model antenna height above the node's Z coordinate
423    */
424   void SetHeightAboveZ (double heightAboveZ);
426 private:
427   /**
428    * \brief Copy constructor
429    *
430    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
431    */
432   TwoRayGroundPropagationLossModel (const TwoRayGroundPropagationLossModel &);
433   /**
434    * \brief Copy constructor
435    *
436    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
437    * \returns
438    */
439   TwoRayGroundPropagationLossModel & operator = (const TwoRayGroundPropagationLossModel &);
441   virtual double DoCalcRxPower (double txPowerDbm,
442                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> a,
443                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> b) const;
444   virtual int64_t DoAssignStreams (int64_t stream);
446   /**
447    * Transforms a Dbm value to Watt
448    * \param dbm the Dbm value
449    * \return the Watts
450    */
451   double DbmToW (double dbm) const;
453   /**
454    * Transforms a Watt value to Dbm
455    * \param w the Watt value
456    * \return the Dbm
457    */
458   double DbmFromW (double w) const;
460   double m_lambda;        //!< the carrier wavelength
461   double m_frequency;     //!< the carrier frequency
462   double m_systemLoss;    //!< the system loss
463   double m_minDistance;   //!< minimum distance for the model
464   double m_heightAboveZ;  //!< antenna height above the node's Z coordinate
465 };
467 /**
468  * \ingroup propagation
469  *
470  * \brief a log distance propagation model.
471  *
472  * This model calculates the reception power with a so-called
473  * log-distance propagation model:
474  * \f$ L = L_0 + 10 n log_{10}(\frac{d}{d_0})\f$
475  *
476  * where:
477  *  - \f$ n \f$ : the path loss distance exponent
478  *  - \f$ d_0 \f$ : reference distance (m)
479  *  - \f$ L_0 \f$ : path loss at reference distance (dB)
480  *  - \f$ d \f$ : distance (m)
481  *  - \f$ L \f$ : path loss (dB)
482  *
483  * When the path loss is requested at a distance smaller than
484  * the reference distance, the tx power is returned.
485  *
486  */
487 class LogDistancePropagationLossModel : public PropagationLossModel
488 {
489 public:
490   /**
491    * \brief Get the type ID.
492    * \return the object TypeId
493    */
494   static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
495   LogDistancePropagationLossModel ();
497   /**
498    * \param n the path loss exponent.
499    * Set the path loss exponent.
500    */
501   void SetPathLossExponent (double n);
502   /**
503    * \returns the current path loss exponent.
504    */
505   double GetPathLossExponent (void) const;
507   /**
508    * Set the reference path loss at a given distance
509    * \param referenceDistance reference distance
510    * \param referenceLoss reference path loss
511    */
512   void SetReference (double referenceDistance, double referenceLoss);
514 private:
515   /**
516    * \brief Copy constructor
517    *
518    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
519    */
520   LogDistancePropagationLossModel (const LogDistancePropagationLossModel &);
521   /**
522    * \brief Copy constructor
523    *
524    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
525    * \returns
526    */
527   LogDistancePropagationLossModel & operator = (const LogDistancePropagationLossModel &);
529   virtual double DoCalcRxPower (double txPowerDbm,
530                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> a,
531                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> b) const;
532   virtual int64_t DoAssignStreams (int64_t stream);
534   /**
535    *  Creates a default reference loss model
536    * \return a default reference loss model
537    */
538   static Ptr<PropagationLossModel> CreateDefaultReference (void);
540   double m_exponent; //!< model exponent
541   double m_referenceDistance; //!< reference distance
542   double m_referenceLoss; //!< reference loss
543 };
545 /**
546  * \ingroup propagation
547  *
548  * \brief A log distance path loss propagation model with three distance
549  * fields. This model is the same as ns3::LogDistancePropagationLossModel
550  * except that it has three distance fields: near, middle and far with
551  * different exponents.
552  *
553  * Within each field the reception power is calculated using the log-distance
554  * propagation equation:
555  * \f[ L = L_0 + 10 \cdot n_0 log_{10}(\frac{d}{d_0})\f]
556  * Each field begins where the previous ends and all together form a continuous function.
557  *
558  * There are three valid distance fields: near, middle, far. Actually four: the
559  * first from 0 to the reference distance is invalid and returns txPowerDbm.
560  *
561  * \f[ \underbrace{0 \cdots\cdots}_{=0} \underbrace{d_0 \cdots\cdots}_{n_0} \underbrace{d_1 \cdots\cdots}_{n_1} \underbrace{d_2 \cdots\cdots}_{n_2} \infty \f]
562  *
563  * Complete formula for the path loss in dB:
564  *
565  * \f[\displaystyle L =
566 \begin{cases}
567 0 & d < d_0 \\
568 L_0 + 10 \cdot n_0 \log_{10}(\frac{d}{d_0}) & d_0 \leq d < d_1 \\
569 L_0 + 10 \cdot n_0 \log_{10}(\frac{d_1}{d_0}) + 10 \cdot n_1 \log_{10}(\frac{d}{d_1}) & d_1 \leq d < d_2 \\
570 L_0 + 10 \cdot n_0 \log_{10}(\frac{d_1}{d_0}) + 10 \cdot n_1 \log_{10}(\frac{d_2}{d_1}) + 10 \cdot n_2 \log_{10}(\frac{d}{d_2})& d_2 \leq d
571 \end{cases}\f]
572  *
573  * where:
574  *  - \f$ L \f$ : resulting path loss (dB)
575  *  - \f$ d \f$ : distance (m)
576  *  - \f$ d_0, d_1, d_2 \f$ : three distance fields (m)
577  *  - \f$ n_0, n_1, n_2 \f$ : path loss distance exponent for each field (unitless)
578  *  - \f$ L_0 \f$ : path loss at reference distance (dB)
579  *
580  * When the path loss is requested at a distance smaller than the reference
581  * distance \f$ d_0 \f$, the tx power (with no path loss) is returned. The
582  * reference distance defaults to 1m and reference loss defaults to
583  * ns3::FriisPropagationLossModel with 5.15 GHz and is thus \f$ L_0 \f$ = 46.67 dB.
584  */
585 class ThreeLogDistancePropagationLossModel : public PropagationLossModel
586 {
587 public:
588   /**
589    * \brief Get the type ID.
590    * \return the object TypeId
591    */
592   static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
593   ThreeLogDistancePropagationLossModel ();
595   // Parameters are all accessible via attributes.
597 private:
598   /**
599    * \brief Copy constructor
600    *
601    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
602    */
603   ThreeLogDistancePropagationLossModel (const ThreeLogDistancePropagationLossModel&);
604   /**
605    * \brief Copy constructor
606    *
607    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
608    * \returns
609    */
610   ThreeLogDistancePropagationLossModel& operator= (const ThreeLogDistancePropagationLossModel&);
612   virtual double DoCalcRxPower (double txPowerDbm,
613                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> a,
614                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> b) const;
615   virtual int64_t DoAssignStreams (int64_t stream);
617   double m_distance0; //!< Beginning of the first (near) distance field
618   double m_distance1; //!< Beginning of the second (middle) distance field.
619   double m_distance2; //!< Beginning of the third (far) distance field.
621   double m_exponent0; //!< The exponent for the first field.
622   double m_exponent1; //!< The exponent for the second field.
623   double m_exponent2; //!< The exponent for the third field.
625   double m_referenceLoss; //!< The reference loss at distance d0 (dB).
626 };
628 /**
629  * \ingroup propagation
630  *
631  * \brief Nakagami-m fast fading propagation loss model.
632  *
633  * This propagation loss model implements the Nakagami-m fast fading
634  * model, which accounts for the variations in signal strength due to multipath
635  * fading. The model does not account for the path loss due to the
636  * distance traveled by the signal, hence for typical simulation usage it
637  * is recommended to consider using it in combination with other models
638  * that take into account this aspect.
639  *
640  * The Nakagami-m distribution is applied to the power level. The probability
641  * density function is defined as
642  * \f[ p(x; m, \omega) = \frac{2 m^m}{\Gamma(m) \omega^m} x^{2m - 1} e^{-\frac{m}{\omega} x^2}  \f]
643  * with \f$ m \f$ the fading depth parameter and \f$ \omega \f$ the average received power.
644  *
645  * It is implemented by either a ns3::GammaRandomVariable or a
646  * ns3::ErlangRandomVariable random variable.
647  *
648  * The implementation of the model allows to specify different values of the m parameter (and hence different fading profiles)
649  * for three different distance ranges:
650  * \f[ \underbrace{0 \cdots\cdots}_{m_0} \underbrace{d_1 \cdots\cdots}_{m_1} \underbrace{d_2 \cdots\cdots}_{m_2} \infty \f]
651  *
652  * For m = 1 the Nakagami-m distribution equals the Rayleigh distribution. Thus
653  * this model also implements Rayleigh distribution based fast fading.
654  */
655 class NakagamiPropagationLossModel : public PropagationLossModel
656 {
657 public:
658   /**
659    * \brief Get the type ID.
660    * \return the object TypeId
661    */
662   static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
664   NakagamiPropagationLossModel ();
666   // Parameters are all accessible via attributes.
668 private:
669   /**
670    * \brief Copy constructor
671    *
672    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
673    */
674   NakagamiPropagationLossModel (const NakagamiPropagationLossModel&);
675   /**
676    * \brief Copy constructor
677    *
678    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
679    * \returns
680    */
681   NakagamiPropagationLossModel& operator= (const NakagamiPropagationLossModel&);
683   virtual double DoCalcRxPower (double txPowerDbm,
684                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> a,
685                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> b) const;
686   virtual int64_t DoAssignStreams (int64_t stream);
688   double m_distance1; //!< Distance1
689   double m_distance2; //!< Distance2
691   double m_m0;        //!< m for distances smaller than Distance1
692   double m_m1;        //!< m for distances smaller than Distance2
693   double m_m2;        //!< m for distances greater than Distance2
695   Ptr<ErlangRandomVariable>  m_erlangRandomVariable; //!< Erlang random variable
696   Ptr<GammaRandomVariable> m_gammaRandomVariable;    //!< Gamma random variable
697 };
699 /**
700  * \ingroup propagation
701  *
702  * \brief Return a constant received power level independent of the transmit
703  *  power
704  *
705  * The received power is constant independent of the transmit power.  The user
706  * must set received power level through the Rss attribute or public
707  * SetRss() method.  Note that if this loss model is chained to other loss
708  * models via SetNext() method, it can only be the first loss model in such
709  * a chain, or else it will disregard the losses computed by loss models
710  * that precede it in the chain.
711  */
712 class FixedRssLossModel : public PropagationLossModel
713 {
714 public:
715   /**
716    * \brief Get the type ID.
717    * \return the object TypeId
718    */
719   static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
721   FixedRssLossModel ();
722   virtual ~FixedRssLossModel ();
723   /**
724    * \param rss (dBm) the received signal strength
725    *
726    * Set the received signal strength (RSS) in dBm.
727    */
728   void SetRss (double rss);
730 private:
731   /**
732    * \brief Copy constructor
733    *
734    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
735    */
736   FixedRssLossModel (const FixedRssLossModel &);
737   /**
738    * \brief Copy constructor
739    *
740    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
741    * \returns
742    */
743   FixedRssLossModel & operator = (const FixedRssLossModel &);
745   virtual double DoCalcRxPower (double txPowerDbm,
746                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> a,
747                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> b) const;
749   virtual int64_t DoAssignStreams (int64_t stream);
750   double m_rss; //!< the received signal strength
751 };
753 /**
754  * \ingroup propagation
755  *
756  * \brief The propagation loss is fixed for each pair of nodes and doesn't depend on their actual positions.
757  *
758  * This is supposed to be used by synthetic tests. Note that by default propagation loss is assumed to be symmetric.
759  */
760 class MatrixPropagationLossModel : public PropagationLossModel
761 {
762 public:
763   /**
764    * \brief Get the type ID.
765    * \return the object TypeId
766    */
767   static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
769   MatrixPropagationLossModel ();
770   virtual ~MatrixPropagationLossModel ();
772   /**
773    * \brief Set loss (in dB, positive) between pair of ns-3 objects
774    * (typically, nodes).
775    *
776    * \param a ma          Source mobility model
777    * \param b mb          Destination mobility model
778    * \param loss        a -> b path loss, positive in dB
779    * \param symmetric   If true (default), both a->b and b->a paths will be affected
780    */
781   void SetLoss (Ptr<MobilityModel> a, Ptr<MobilityModel> b, double loss, bool symmetric = true);
783   /**
784    * Set the default propagation loss (in dB, positive) to be used, infinity if not set
785    * \param defaultLoss the default proagation loss
786    */
787   void SetDefaultLoss (double defaultLoss);
789 private:
790   /**
791    * \brief Copy constructor
792    *
793    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
794    */
795   MatrixPropagationLossModel (const MatrixPropagationLossModel &);
796   /**
797    * \brief Copy constructor
798    *
799    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
800    * \returns
801    */
802   MatrixPropagationLossModel &operator = (const MatrixPropagationLossModel &);
804   virtual double DoCalcRxPower (double txPowerDbm,
805                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> a,
806                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> b) const;
808   virtual int64_t DoAssignStreams (int64_t stream);
809 private:
810   double m_default; //!< default loss
812   /// Typedef: Mobility models pair
813   typedef std::pair< Ptr<MobilityModel>, Ptr<MobilityModel> > MobilityPair;
815   std::map<MobilityPair, double> m_loss; //!< Propagation loss between pair of nodes
816 };
818 /**
819  * \ingroup propagation
820  *
821  * \brief The propagation loss depends only on the distance (range) between transmitter and receiver.
822  *
823  * The single MaxRange attribute (units of meters) determines path loss.
824  * Receivers at or within MaxRange meters receive the transmission at the
825  * transmit power level. Receivers beyond MaxRange receive at power
826  * -1000 dBm (effectively zero).
827 */
828 class RangePropagationLossModel : public PropagationLossModel
829 {
830 public:
831   /**
832    * \brief Get the type ID.
833    * \return the object TypeId
834    */
835   static TypeId GetTypeId (void);
836   RangePropagationLossModel ();
837 private:
838   /**
839    * \brief Copy constructor
840    *
841    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
842    */
843   RangePropagationLossModel (const RangePropagationLossModel&);
844   /**
845    * \brief Copy constructor
846    *
847    * Defined and unimplemented to avoid misuse
848    * \returns
849    */
850   RangePropagationLossModel& operator= (const RangePropagationLossModel&);
851   virtual double DoCalcRxPower (double txPowerDbm,
852                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> a,
853                                 Ptr<MobilityModel> b) const;
854   virtual int64_t DoAssignStreams (int64_t stream);
855 private:
856   double m_range; //!< Maximum Transmission Range (meters)
857 };
859 } // namespace ns3