1 /*!\file
2  * \author Matthias Elf
3  * \brief the master of the optimization.
4  *
5  * \par License:
6  * This file is part of ABACUS - A Branch And CUt System
7  * Copyright (C) 1995 - 2003
8  * University of Cologne, Germany
9  *
10  * \par
11  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
13  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
14  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15  *
16  * \par
17  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  * \par
23  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
24  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
25  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
26  *
27  * \see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
28  */
30 #pragma once
32 #include <ogdf/lib/abacus/global.h>
33 #include <ogdf/lib/abacus/optsense.h>
35 #include <ogdf/lib/abacus/hash.h>
36 #include <ogdf/basic/Stopwatch.h>
39 class OsiSolverInterface;
41 namespace abacus {
44 class Sub;
45 class BranchRule;
46 class Variable;
47 class Constraint;
49 class History;
50 class OpenSub;
51 class FixCand;
52 class LpMasterOsi;
54 template<class BaseType, class CoType> class StandardPool;
57 //! The master of the optimization.
58 /**
59  * As the name already indicates, the class Master is the central
60  * object of the framework. The most important tasks of the class Master
61  * is the management of the implicit enumeration. Moreover, it provides already
62  * default implementations for constraints, cutting planes, and
63  * variables pools. The class Master also stores various parameter
64  * settings and compiles statistics about the solution process.
65  *
66  * The class Master is an abstract class from which a problem specific
67  * master has to be derived.
68  */
69 class OGDF_EXPORT Master : public AbacusGlobal {
71 	friend class Sub;
72 	friend class FixCand;
74 public:
76 	//! The various statuses of the optimization process.
77 	enum STATUS {
78 		Optimal,		/*!< The optimization terminated with an error and without reaching
79 						 *   one of the resource limits. If there is a feasible solution then the
80 						 *   optimal solution has been computed. */
81 		Error,			/*!< An error occurred during the optimization process. */
82 		OutOfMemory,
83 		Unprocessed,    /*!< The initial status, before the optimization starts. */
84 		Processing,		/*!< The status while the optimization is performed. */
85 		Guaranteed,		/*!< If the optimal solution is not determined but the required guarantee
86 						 *   is reached, then the status is \a Guaranteed. */
87 		MaxLevel,		/*!< The status, if subproblems are ignored since the maximum enumeration level is exceeded. */
88 		MaxCpuTime,		/*!< The status, if the optimization terminates since the maximum cpu time is exceeded. */
89 		MaxNSub,		/*!< The status, if the optimization terminates since the maximum number of subproblems is reached. */
90 		MaxCowTime,		/*!< The status, if the optimization terminates since the maximum wall-clock time is exceeded. */
91 		ExceptionFathom /*!< The status, if at least one subproblem has been fathomed according to a
92 						 *   problem specific criteria determined in the function Sub::exceptionFathom(). */
93 	};
95 	//! Literal values for the enumerators of the corresponding enumeration type.
96 	/**
97 	 * The order of the enumerators is preserved (e.g., <tt>STATUS_[0]=="Optimal"</tt>).
98 	 */
99 	static const char* STATUS_[];
102 	//! The enumeration defining the different enumeration strategies for the branch and bound algorithm.
103 	enum ENUMSTRAT {
104 		BestFirst,		/*!< Best-first search, i.e., select the subproblem with best dual
105 						 *   bound, i.e., the subproblem having minimal dual bound for a minimization
106 						 *   problem, or the subproblem having maximal dual bound for a maximization problem. */
107 		BreadthFirst,	/*!< Breadth-first search, i.e., select the subproblem with minimal level in the enumeration tree. */
108 		DepthFirst,		/*!< Depth-first search, i.e., select the subproblem with maximal level in the enumeration tree. */
109 		DiveAndBest		/*!< As long as no primal feasible solution is known the next subproblem is selected according
110 						 *   to the depth-first search strategy, otherwise the best-first search strategy is applied. */
111 	};
113 	//! Literal values for the enumerators of the corresponding enumeration type.
114 	/**
115 	 * The order of the enumerators is preserved (e.g., <tt>ENUMSTRAT_[0]=="BestFirst"</tt>).
116 	 */
117 	static const char *ENUMSTRAT_[];
119 	//! This enumeration defines the two currently implemented branching variable selection strategies.
121 		CloseHalf,			/*!< Selects the variable with fractional part closest to 0.5. */
122 		CloseHalfExpensive	/*!< Selects the variable with fractional part close to 0.5 (within some
123 							 *   interval around 0.5) and has highest absolute objective function coefficient. */
124 	};
126 	//! Literal values for the enumerators of the corresponding enumeration type.
127 	/**
128 	 * The order of the enumerators is preserved (e.g., <tt>BRANCHINGSTRAT_[0]=="CloseHalf"</tt>).
129 	 */
130 	static const char *BRANCHINGSTRAT_[];
132 	//! This enumeration provides various methods for the initialization of the primal bound.
133 	/**
134 	 * The modes \a OptimalPrimalBound and \a OptimalOnePrimalBound can be useful in the testing phase.
135 	 * For these modes the value of an optimum solution must stored in the file given
136 	 * by the parameter <tt>OptimumFileName</tt> in the parameter file.
137 	 */
139 		NoPrimalBound,	/*!< The primal bound is initialized with \f$-\infty\f$ for maximization problems and
140 						 *   \f$\infty\f$ for minimization problems, respectively. */
141 		Optimum,		/*!< The primal bound is initialized with the value of the optimum solution. */
142 		OptimumOne		/*!< The primal bound is initialized with the value of optimum solution minus 1 for maximization problems
143 						 *   and with the value of the optimum solution plus one for minimization problems, respectively. */
144 	};
146 	//! Literal values for the enumerators of the corresponding enumeration type.
147 	/**
148 	 * The order of the enumerators is preserved (e.g., <tt>PRIMALBOUNDMODE_[0]=="None"</tt>).
149 	 */
150 	static const char* PRIMALBOUNDMODE_[];
152 	//! The way nodes are skipped for the generation of cuts.
154 		SkipByNode,	/*!< Cuts are only generated in every <tt>SkipFactor</tt> subproblem, where
155 					 *   <tt>SkipFactor</tt> can be controlled with the parameter file <tt>.abacus</tt>. */
156 		SkipByLevel	/*!< Cuts are only generated in every <tt>SkipFactor</tt> level of the enumeration tree. */
157 	};
159 	//! Literal values for the enumerators of the corresponding enumeration type.
160 	/**
161 	 * The order of the enumerators is preserved (e.g., <tt>SKIPPINGMODE_[0]=="None"</tt>).
162 	 */
163 	static const char* SKIPPINGMODE_[];
165 	//! This enumeration defines the ways for automatic constraint elimination during the cutting plane phase.
166 	enum CONELIMMODE {
167 		NoConElim,	/*!< No constraints are eliminated. */
168 		NonBinding,	/*!< Nonbinding constraints are eliminated. */
169 		Basic		/*!< Constraints with basic slack variable are eliminated. */
170 	};
173 	//! Literal values for the enumerators of the corresponding enumeration type.
174 	/**
175 	 * The order of the enumerators is preserved (e.g., <tt>CONELIMMODE_[0]=="None"</tt>).
176 	 */
177 	static const char* CONELIMMODE_[];
179 	//! This enumeration defines the ways for automatic variable elimination during the column generation algorithm.
180 	enum VARELIMMODE {
181 		NoVarElim,	/*!< No variables are eliminated. */
182 		ReducedCost	/*!< Variables with high absolute reduced costs are eliminated. */
183 	};
185 	//! Literal values for the enumerators of the corresponding enumeration type.
186 	/**
187 	 * The order of the enumerators is preserved (e.g., <tt>VARELIMMODE_[0]=="None"</tt>).
188 	 */
189 	static const char* VARELIMMODE_[];
191 	//! This enumeration defines what kind of output can be generated for the VBCTOOL.
192 	enum VBCMODE {
193 		NoVbc,	/*!< No output for the tree interface. */
194 		File,	/*!< Output for the tree interface is written to a file. */
195 		Pipe	/*!< Output for the tree interface is pipeed to the standard output. */
196 	};
198 	//! Literal values for the enumerators of the corresponding enumeration type.
199 	/**
200 	 * The order of the enumerators is preserved (e.g., <tt>VBCMODE_[0]=="None"</tt>).
201 	 */
202 	static const char* VBCMODE_[];
205 	//! This enumeration defines which solvers can be used to solve the LP-relaxations.
206 	/**
207 	 * These are all solvers supported by OSI, see https://projects.coin-or.org/Osi .
208 	 */
209 	enum OSISOLVER { Cbc, Clp, CPLEX, DyLP, FortMP, GLPK, MOSEK, OSL, SoPlex, SYMPHONY, XPRESS_MP, Gurobi, Csdp };
211 	//! Array for the literal values for possible Osi solvers.
212 	static const char* OSISOLVER_[];
214 	//! The constructor.
215 	/**
216 	 * The members \a primalBound_ and \a dualBound_ stay uninitialized
217 	 * since this can only be done when the sense of optimization
218 	 * (minimization or maximization) is known. The initialization
219 	 * is performed automatically in the function \a optimize().
220 	 *
221 	 * \param problemName The name of the problem being solved. Must not be a 0-pointer.
222 	 * \param cutting     If \a true, then cutting planes can be generated if the function
223 	 *                    Sub::separate() is redefined.
224 	 * \param pricing     If \a true, then inactive variables are priced in, if the function
225 	 *                    Sub::pricing() is redefined.
226 	 * \param optSense    The sense of the optimization. The default value is OptSense::Unknown.
227 	 *                    If the sense is unknown when this constructor is called, e.g., if it is
228 	 *                    read from a file in the constructor of the derived class, then it must
229 	 *                    be initialized in the constructor of the derived class.
230 	 * \param eps         The zero-tolerance used within all member functions of objects which
231 	 *                    have a pointer to this master (default value \a 1.0e-4).
232 	 * \param machineEps  The machine dependent zero tolerance (default value \a 1.0e-7).
233 	 * \param infinity    All values greater than \a infinity are regarded as "infinite big",
234 	 *                    all values less than \a -infinity are regarded as "infinite small"
235 	 *                    (default value \a 1.0e30).
236 	 * \param readParamFromFile If true, then the parameter file <tt>.abacus</tt> is read,
237 	 *                    otherwise the parameters are initialized with default values (default \a true).
238 	 */
239 	Master(const char *problemName, bool cutting, bool pricing,
240 		OptSense::SENSE optSense = OptSense::Unknown,
241 		double eps = 1.0e-4, double machineEps = 1.0e-7,
242 		double infinity = 1.0e30,
243 		bool readParamFromFile = false);
245 	//! The destructor.
246 	virtual ~Master();
248 	//! Performs the optimization by branch-and-bound.
249 	/**
250 	 * \return The status of the optimization.
251 	 */
252 	STATUS optimize();
254 	/*! @name Bounds
255 	 *
256 	 * In order to embed both minimization and maximization problems in this
257 	 * system we work internally with primal bounds, i.e., a value which
258 	 * is worse than the best known solution (often a value of a feasible
259 	 * solution), and dual bounds, i.e., a bound
260 	 * which is better than the best known solution. Primal and dual bounds
261 	 * are then interpreted as lower or upper bounds according to the
262 	 * sense of the optimization.
263 	 *
264 	 */
265 	//@{
267 	//! Returns the value of the global lower bound.
268 	double lowerBound() const;
270 	//! Returns the value of the global upper bound.
271 	double upperBound() const;
273 	//! Returns the value of the primal bound.
274 	/**
275 	 * I.e., the \a lowerBound() for a maximization problem and the
276 	 * \a upperBound() for a minimization problem, respectively.
277 	 */
primalBound()278 	double primalBound() const { return primalBound_; }
280 	//! Sets the primal bound to \a x and makes a new entry in the solution history.
281 	/**
282 	 * It is an error if the primal bound gets worse.
283 	 *
284 	 * \param x The new value of the primal bound.
285 	 */
286 	void primalBound(double x);
288 	//! Returns the value of the dual bound.
289 	/**
290 	 * I.e., the \a upperBound() for a maximization problem and the
291 	 * \a lowerBound() for a minimization problem, respectively.
292 	 */
dualBound()293 	double dualBound() const { return dualBound_; }
295 	//! Sets the dual bound to \a x and makes a new entry in the solution history.
296 	/**
297 	 * It is an error if the dual bound gets worse.L
298 	 *
299 	 * \param x The new value of the dual bound.
300 	 */
301 	void dualBound(double x);
303 	//! Returns true if \a x is better than the best known dual bound; false otherwise.
304 	/**
305 	 * \param x The value being compared with the best know dual bound.
306 	 */
307 	bool betterDual(double x) const;
309 	//! Can be used to compare a value with the one of the best known primal bound.
310 	/**
311 	 * If the objective function values of all feasible solutions are
312 	 * integer, then we do not have to be so carefully.
313 	 *
314 	 * \param x The value being compared with the primal bound.
315 	 *
316 	 * \return true If \a x is not better than the best known primal bound, false otherwise.
317 	 */
318 	bool primalViolated(double x) const;
320 	//! Can be used to check if a value is better than the best know primal bound.
321 	/**
322 	 * \param x The value compared with the primal bound.
323 	 *
324 	 * \return true If \a x is better than the best known primal bound, false otherwise.
325 	 */
326 	bool betterPrimal(double x) const;
328 	//! Returns the dual bound at the root node.
rootDualBound()329 	double rootDualBound() const { return rootDualBound_; }
331 	//! We use this function, e.g., to adapt the enumeration strategy in the \a DiveAndBest-Strategy.
332 	/***
333 	 * This function is only correct if any primal bound better than plus/minus infinity corresponds
334 	 * to a feasible solution.
335 	 *
336 	 * \return true If a feasible solution of the optimization problem has been found, false otherwise.
337 	 */
338 	bool feasibleFound() const;
339 	//@}
341 	//! Returns the enumeration strategy.
enumerationStrategy()342 	ENUMSTRAT enumerationStrategy() const { return enumerationStrategy_; }
344 	//! Changes the enumeration strategy to \a strat.
345 	/**
346 	 * \param strat The new enumeration strategy.
347 	 */
enumerationStrategy(ENUMSTRAT strat)348 	void enumerationStrategy(ENUMSTRAT strat) { enumerationStrategy_ = strat; }
350 	/**
351 	 * Analyzes the enumeration strategy set in the parameter file <tt>.abacus</tt>
352 	 * and calls the corresponding comparison function for the subproblems
353 	 * \a s1 and \a s2. This function should be redefined for application
354 	 * specific enumeration strategies.
355 	 *
356 	 * \return  1 If \a s1 has higher priority than \a s2;
357 	 * \return -1 if \a s2 has higher priority it returns -1; and
358 	 * \return  0 if both subproblems have equal priority.
359 	 *
360 	 * \param s1 A pointer to a subproblem.
361 	 * \param s2 A pointer to a subproblem.
362 	 */
363 	virtual int enumerationStrategy(const Sub *s1, const Sub *s2);
365 	//! Can be used to check if the guarantee requirements are fulfilled.
366 	/**
367 	 * I.e., the difference between upper bound and the lower bound in respect to the lowerBound
368 	 * is less than this guarantee value in percent.
369 	 *
370 	 * If the lower bound is zero, but the upper bound is nonzero,
371 	 * we cannot give any guarantee.
372 	 *
373 	 * \warning A guarantee for a solution can only be given if the
374 	 * pricing problem is solved exactly or no column generation is performed
375 	 * at all.
376 	 *
377 	 * \return true If the guarantee requirements are fulfilled, false otherwise.
378 	 */
379 	bool guaranteed() const;
381 	//! Can be used to access the guarantee which can be given for the best known feasible solution.
382 	/**
383 	 * It is an error to call this function if the lower bound is zero, but the upper bound
384 	 * is nonzero.
385 	 *
386 	 * \return The guarantee for best known feasible solution in percent.
387 	 */
388 	double guarantee() const;
390 	//! Writes the guarantee nicely formated on the output stream associated with this object.
391 	/**
392 	 * If no bounds are available, or the lower bound is zero, but the
393 	 * upper bound is nonzero, then we cannot give any guarantee.
394 	 */
395 	void printGuarantee() const;
397 	//! Can be used to control the correctness of the optimization if the value of the optimum solution has been loaded.
398 	/**
399 	 * This is done, if a file storing the optimum value is specified with
400 	 * the parameter <tt>OptimumFileName</tt> in the configuration file
401 	 * <tt>.abacus</tt>.
402 	 *
403 	 * \return true If the optimum solution of the problem is known and equals the primal bound,
404 	 *         false otherwise.
405 	 */
406 	bool check() const;
408 	/**
409 	 * Opens the file specified with the parameter <tt>OptimumFileName</tt> in the configuration
410 	 * file <tt>.abacus</tt> and tries to find a line
411 	 * with the name of the problem instance (as specified in the
412 	 * constructor of Master) as first string.
413 	 *
414 	 * \param optVal If the return value is \a true, then \a optVal holds the
415 	 *               optimum value found in the line with the name of the problem instance
416 	 *               as first string. Otherwise, \a optVal is undefined.
417 	 *
418 	 * \return true If a line with \a problemName_ has been found, false otherwise.
419 	 */
420 	bool knownOptimum(double &optVal) const;
422 	//! Does nothing but can be redefined in derived classes for output before the timing statistics.
output()423 	virtual void output() const { }
425 	/**
426 	 * \return true If \a cutting has been set to \a true in the call of the
427 	 *         constructor of the class Master, i.e., if cutting
428 	 *         planes should be generated in the subproblem optimization;
429 	 *         false otherwise.
430 	 */
cutting()431 	bool cutting() const { return cutting_; }
433 	/**
434 	 * \return true If \a pricing has been set to true in the call of the
435 	 *         constructor of the class Master, i.e., if a columns
436 	 *         should be generated in the subproblem optimization;
437 	 *         false otherwise.
438 	 */
pricing()439 	bool pricing() const { return pricing_; }
441 	//! Returns a pointer to the object holding the optimization sense of the problem.
optSense()442 	const OptSense *optSense() const { return &optSense_; }
444 	//! Returns a pointer to the object storing the solution history of this branch and cut problem.
history()445 	History *history() const { return history_; }
447 	//! Returns a pointer to the set of open subproblems.
openSub()448 	OpenSub *openSub() const { return openSub_; }
450 	//! Returns a pointer to the default pool storing the constraints of the problem formulation.
conPool()451 	StandardPool<Constraint, Variable> *conPool() const { return conPool_; }
453 	//! Returns a pointer to the default pool for the generated cutting planes.
cutPool()454 	StandardPool<Constraint, Variable> *cutPool() const { return cutPool_; }
456 	//! Returns a pointer to the default pool storing the variables.
varPool()457 	StandardPool<Variable, Constraint> *varPool() const { return varPool_; }
459 	//! Can be used to access the root node of the branch-and-bound tree.
460 	/**
461 	 * \return  A pointer to the root node of the enumeration tree.
462 	 */
root()463 	Sub *root() const { return root_; }
465 	/**
466 	 * \return A pointer to the root of the remaining branch-and-bound tree,
467 	 *   i.e., the subproblem which is an ancestor of all open
468 	 *   subproblems and has highest level in the tree.
469 	 */
rRoot()470 	Sub *rRoot() const { return rRoot_; }
472 	//! Returns the status of the Master.
status()473 	STATUS status() const { return status_; }
475 	//! Returns the name of the instance being optimized (as specified in the constructor of this class).
problemName()476 	const string &problemName() const { return problemName_; }
478 	//! Returns a pointer to the timer measuring the total wall clock time.
totalCowTime()479 	const ogdf::StopwatchWallClock *totalCowTime() const { return &totalCowTime_; }
481 	//! True, if an approximative solver should be used.
solveApprox()482 	inline bool solveApprox() const { return solveApprox_; }
484 	//! returns a pointer to the timer measuring the total cpu time for the optimization.
totalTime()485 	const ogdf::StopwatchCPU *totalTime() const { return &totalTime_; }
487 	//! Returns a pointer to the timer measuring the cpu time spent in members of the LP-interface.
lpTime()488 	const ogdf::StopwatchCPU *lpTime() const { return &lpTime_; }
490 	//! Return a pointer to the timer measuring  the cpu time required by the LP solver.
lpSolverTime()491 	const ogdf::StopwatchCPU *lpSolverTime() const { return &lpSolverTime_; }
493 	//! Returns a pointer to the timer measuring the cpu time spent in the separation of cutting planes.
separationTime()494 	const ogdf::StopwatchCPU *separationTime() const { return &separationTime_; }
496 	//! Returns a pointer to the timer measuring the cpu time spent in the heuristics for the computation of feasible solutions.
improveTime()497 	const ogdf::StopwatchCPU *improveTime() const { return &improveTime_; }
499 	//! Returns a pointer to the timer measuring the cpu time spent in pricing.
pricingTime()500 	const ogdf::StopwatchCPU *pricingTime() const { return &pricingTime_; }
502 	//! Returns a pointer to the timer measuring the cpu time spent in finding and selecting the branching rules.
branchingTime()503 	const ogdf::StopwatchCPU *branchingTime() const { return &branchingTime_; }
505 	//! returns the number of generated subproblems.
nSub()506 	int nSub() const { return nSub_; }
508 	//! Returns the number of optimized linear programs (only LP-relaxations).
nLp()509 	int nLp() const { return nLp_; }
511 	//! Returns the highest level in the tree which has been reached during the implicit enumeration.
highestLevel()512 	int highestLevel() const { return highestLevel_; }
514 	//! Returns the number of root changes of the remaining branch-and-cut tree.
nNewRoot()515 	int nNewRoot() const { return nNewRoot_; }
517 	//! Returns the number of subproblems which have already been selected from the set of open subproblems.
nSubSelected()518 	int nSubSelected() const { return nSubSelected_; }
520 	//! Writes all parameters of the class Master together with their values to the global output stream.
521 	void printParameters() const;
523 	//! Returns the branching strategy.
branchingStrategy()524 	BRANCHINGSTRAT branchingStrategy() const { return branchingStrategy_; }
526 	//! Changes the branching strategy to \a strat.
527 	/**
528 	 * \param strat The new branching strategy.
529 	 */
branchingStrategy(BRANCHINGSTRAT strat)530 	void branchingStrategy(BRANCHINGSTRAT strat) { branchingStrategy_ = strat; }
532 	//! returns the Lp Solver.
defaultLpSolver()533 	OSISOLVER defaultLpSolver() const { return defaultLpSolver_; }
535 	//! Changes the default Lp solver to \a osiSolver.
536 	/**
537 	 * \param osiSolver The new solver.
538 	 */
defaultLpSolver(OSISOLVER osiSolver)539 	void defaultLpSolver(OSISOLVER osiSolver) { defaultLpSolver_ = osiSolver; }
lpMasterOsi()541 	LpMasterOsi *lpMasterOsi() const { return lpMasterOsi_; }
543 	//! Returns the number of variables that should be tested for the selection of the branching variable.
nBranchingVariableCandidates()544 	int nBranchingVariableCandidates() const { return nBranchingVariableCandidates_; }
546 	//! Sets the number of tested branching variable candidates to \a n.
547 	/**
548 	 * \param n The new value of the number of tested variables for
549 	 *          becoming branching variable.
550 	 */
551 	void nBranchingVariableCandidates(int n);
553 	//! The number of simplex iterations that are performed when testing candidates for branching variables within strong branching.
nStrongBranchingIterations()554 	int nStrongBranchingIterations() const { return nStrongBranchingIterations_; }
556 	//! Sets the number of simplex iterations that are performed when testing candidates for branching variables within strong branching.
557 	/**
558 	 * \param n The new value of the number of simplex iterations.
559 	 */
560 	void nStrongBranchingIterations(int n);
562 	//! The guarantee specification for the optimization.
requiredGuarantee()563 	double requiredGuarantee() const { return requiredGuarantee_; }
565 	//! Changes the guarantee specification tp \a g.
566 	/**
567 	 * \param g The new guarantee specification (in percent).
568 	 *          This must be a nonnative value. Note, if the guarantee specification is changed
569 	 *          after a single node of the enumeration tree has been
570 	 *          fathomed, then the overall guarantee might differ from
571 	 *          the new value.
572 	 */
573 	void requiredGuarantee(double g);
575 	//! Returns the maximal depth up to which the enumeration should be performed.
576 	/**
577 	 *  By default the maximal enumeration depth is \a INT\_MAX.
578 	 */
maxLevel()579 	int maxLevel() const { return maxLevel_; }
581 	//! This version of the function \a maxLevel() changes the maximal enumeration depth.
582 	/**
583 	 * If it is set to 1 the branch-and-cut algorithm becomes a pure cutting plane algorithm.
584 	 *
585 	 * \param ml The new value of the maximal enumeration level.
586 	 */
587 	void maxLevel(int ml);
589 	//! Returns the maximal number of subproblems to be processed.
590 	/**
591 	 * By default this number is \a INT\_MAX.
592 	 */
maxNSub()593 	int maxNSub() const { return maxNSub_; }
595 	//! Changes the maximal number of subproblems to \a ml.
596 	/**
597 	 * If it is set to 1 the branch-and-cut algorithm becomes a pure cutting plane algorithm.
598 	 *
599 	 * \param ml The new value of the maximal enumeration level.
600 	 */
601 	void maxNSub(int ml);
603 	//! Returns the maximal cpu time (in seconds) which can be used by the optimization.
maxCpuTime()604 	int64_t maxCpuTime() const { return maxCpuTime_; }
606 	//! Returns the maximal cpu time (as string <tt>hh:mm:ss</tt>) which can be used by the optimization.
607 	string maxCpuTimeAsString() const;
609 	//! Sets the maximally allowed cpu time for the optimization to \a t.
610 	/**
611 	 * \param t The new value of the maximal cpu time in the form <tt>hh:mm:ss</tt>.
612 	 */
613 	void maxCpuTime(const string &t);
615 	//! Sets the maximally allowed cpu time to \a seconds.
maxCpuTime(int64_t seconds)616 	void maxCpuTime(int64_t seconds) { maxCpuTime_ = seconds; }
618 	//! Sets the maximally allowed cpu time for the optimization to \a hour, \a min, \a sec.
619 	void maxCpuTime(int hour, int min, int sec);
621 	//! Returns the maximal wall-clock time (in seconds) which can be used by the optimization.
maxCowTime()622 	int64_t maxCowTime() const { return maxCowTime_; }
624 	//! Returns the maximal wall-clock time (as string <tt>hh:mm:ss</tt>) which can be used by the optimization.
625 	string maxCowTimeAsString() const;
627 	//! Sets the maximally allowed wall-clock time to \a seconds.
maxCowTime(int64_t seconds)628 	void maxCowTime(int64_t seconds) { maxCowTime_ = seconds; }
630 	//! Sets the maximally allowed wall-clock time for the optimization to \a t.
631 	/**
632 	 * \param t The new value of the maximal cpu time in the form <tt>hh:mm:ss</tt>.
633 	 */
634 	void maxCowTime(const string &t);
636 	//! If true then we assume that all feasible solutions have integral objective function values.
objInteger()637 	bool objInteger() const { return objInteger_; }
639 	//! Sets the assumption that the objective function values of all feasible solutions are integer.
640 	/**
641 	 * \param b The new value of the assumption.
642 	 */
objInteger(bool b)643 	void objInteger(bool b) { objInteger_ = b; }
645 	//! Returns the number of linear programs considered in the tailing off analysis.
tailOffNLp()646 	int tailOffNLp() const { return tailOffNLp_; }
648 	//! Sets the number of linear programs considered in the tailing off analysis to \a n.
649 	/**
650 	 * This new value is only
651 	 * relevant for subproblems activated <b>after</b> the change of this value.
652 	 *
653 	 * \param n The new number of LPs for the tailing off analysis.
654 	 */
tailOffNLp(int n)655 	void tailOffNLp(int n) { tailOffNLp_ = n; }
657 	//! Returns the minimal change of the dual bound for the tailing off analysis in percent.
tailOffPercent()658 	double tailOffPercent() const { return tailOffPercent_; }
660 	//! Sets the minimal change of the dual bound for the tailing off analysis to \a p.
661 	/**
662 	 * This change is only
663 	 * relevant for subproblems activated <b>after</b> calling this function.
664 	 *
665 	 * \param p The new value for the tailing off analysis.
666 	 */
667 	void tailOffPercent(double p);
669 	//! Returns true if the number of optimizations \a nOpt of a subproblem exceeds the delayed branching threshold, false otherwise.
670 	/**
671 	 * \param nOpt The number of optimizations of a subproblem.
672 	 */
673 	bool delayedBranching(int nOpt) const;
675 	//! Sets the number of optimizations of a subproblem until sons are created in Sub::branching().
676 	/**
677 	 * If this value is 0, then a branching step is performed at the
678 	 * end of the subproblem optimization as usually if the subproblem
679 	 * can be fathomed. Otherwise, if this value is strictly positive,
680 	 * the subproblem is put back for a later optimization. This can be
681 	 * advantageous if in the meantime good cutting planes or primal bounds
682 	 * can be generated. The number of times the subproblem is put back
683 	 * without branching is indicated by this value.
684 	 *
685 	 * \param threshold The new value of the delayed branching threshold.
686 	 */
dbThreshold(int threshold)687 	void dbThreshold(int threshold) { dbThreshold_ = threshold; }
689 	//! Returns the number of optimizations of a subproblem until sons are created.
690 	/**
691 	 * For further detatails we refer to \a dbThreshold(int).
692 	 */
dbThreshold()693 	int dbThreshold() const { return dbThreshold_; }
695 	//! Returns the maximal number of rounds, i.e., number of subproblem optimizations, a subproblem is dormant.
696 	/**
697 	 * I.e., it is not selected from the set
698 	 * of open subproblem if its status is \a Dormant, if possible.
699 	 */
minDormantRounds()700 	int minDormantRounds() const { return minDormantRounds_; }
702 	//! Sets the number of rounds a subproblem should stay dormant to \a nRounds.
703 	/**
704 	 * \param nRounds The new minimal number of dormant rounds.
705 	 */
minDormantRounds(int nRounds)706 	void minDormantRounds(int nRounds) { minDormantRounds_ = nRounds; }
708 	//! Returns the mode of the primal bound initialization.
pbMode()709 	PRIMALBOUNDMODE pbMode() const { return pbMode_; }
711 	//! Sets the mode of the primal bound initialization to \a mode.
712 	/**
713 	 * \param mode The new mode of the primal bound initialization.
714 	 */
pbMode(PRIMALBOUNDMODE mode)715 	void pbMode(PRIMALBOUNDMODE mode) { pbMode_ = mode; }
717 	//! Returns the number of linear programs being solved between two additional pricing steps.
718 	/**
719 	 * If no additional pricing steps should be
720 	 * executed this parameter has to be set to 0.
721 	 * The default value of the pricing frequency is 0. This parameter
722 	 * does not influence the execution of pricing steps which are
723 	 * required for the correctness of the algorithm.
724 	 */
pricingFreq()725 	int pricingFreq() const { return pricingFreq_; }
727 	//! Sets the number of linear programs being solved between two additional pricing steps to \a f.
728 	/**
729 	 * \param f The pricing frequency.
730 	 */
731 	void pricingFreq(int f);
733 	//! Returns the frequency of subproblems in which constraints or variables should be generated.
skipFactor()734 	int skipFactor() const { return skipFactor_; }
736 	//! Sets the frequency for constraint and variable generation to \a f.
737 	/**
738 	 * \param f The new value of the frequency.
739 	 */
740 	void skipFactor(int f);
742 	//! Sets the skipping strategy to \a mode.
743 	/**
744 	 * \param mode The new skipping strategy.
745 	 */
skippingMode(SKIPPINGMODE mode)746 	void skippingMode(SKIPPINGMODE mode) { skippingMode_ = mode; }
748 	//! Returns the skipping strategy.
skippingMode()749 	SKIPPINGMODE skippingMode() const { return skippingMode_; }
751 	//! Returns the mode for the elimination of constraints.
conElimMode()752 	CONELIMMODE conElimMode() const { return conElimMode_; }
754 	//! Changes the constraint elimination mode to \a mode.
755 	/**
756 	 * \param mode The new constraint elimination mode.
757 	 */
conElimMode(CONELIMMODE mode)758 	void conElimMode(CONELIMMODE mode) { conElimMode_ = mode; }
760 	//! Returns the mode for the elimination of variables.
varElimMode()761 	VARELIMMODE varElimMode() const { return varElimMode_; }
763 	//! Changes the variable elimination mode to \a mode.
764 	/**
765 	 * \param mode The new variable elimination mode.
766 	 */
varElimMode(VARELIMMODE mode)767 	void varElimMode(VARELIMMODE mode) { varElimMode_ = mode; }
769 	//! Returns the zero tolerance for the elimination of constraints by the slack criterion.
conElimEps()770 	double conElimEps() const { return conElimEps_; }
772 	//! Changes the tolerance for the elimination of constraints by the slack criterion to \a eps.
773 	/**
774 	 * \param eps The new tolerance.
775 	 */
conElimEps(double eps)776 	void conElimEps(double eps) { conElimEps_ = eps; }
778 	//! Returns the zero tolerance for the elimination of variables by the reduced cost criterion.
varElimEps()779 	double varElimEps() const { return varElimEps_; }
781 	//! Changes the tolerance for the elimination of variables by the reduced cost criterion to \a eps.
782 	/**
783 	 * \param eps The new tolerance.
784 	 */
varElimEps(double eps)785 	void varElimEps(double eps) { varElimEps_ = eps; }
787 	//! Returns the age for the elimination of variables by the reduced cost criterion.
varElimAge()788 	int varElimAge() const { return varElimAge_; }
790 	//! Changes the age for the elimination of variables by the reduced cost criterion to \a age.
791 	/**
792 	 * \param age The new age.
793 	 */
varElimAge(int age)794 	void varElimAge(int age) { varElimAge_ = age; }
796 	//! Returns the age for the elimination of constraints.
conElimAge()797 	int conElimAge() const { return conElimAge_; }
799 	//! Changes the age for the elimination of constraints to \a age.
800 	/**
801 	 * \param age The new age.
802 	 */
conElimAge(int age)803 	void conElimAge(int age) { conElimAge_ = age; }
805 	/**
806 	 * \return true  Then variables are fixed and set by reduced cost criteria.
807 	 * \return false Then no variables are fixed or set by reduced cost criteria.
808 	 */
fixSetByRedCost()809 	bool fixSetByRedCost() const { return fixSetByRedCost_; }
811 	//! Turns fixing and setting variables by reduced cost on or off.
812 	/**
813 	 * \param on If \a true, then variable fixing and setting by reduced
814 	 *           cost is turned on. Otherwise it is turned of.
815 	 */
fixSetByRedCost(bool on)816 	void fixSetByRedCost(bool on) { fixSetByRedCost_ = on; }
818 	/**
819 	 * \return true  Then the linear program is output every iteration of the subproblem optimization;
820 	 * \return false The linear program is not output.
821 	 */
printLP()822 	bool printLP() const { return printLP_; }
824 	//! Turns the output of the linear program in  every iteration on or off.
825 	/**
826 	 * \param on If \a true, then the linear program is output,
827 	 *           otherwise it is not output.
828 	 */
printLP(bool on)829 	void printLP(bool on) { printLP_ = on; }
831 	//! Returns the maximal number of constraints which should be added in every iteration of the cutting plane algorithm.
maxConAdd()832 	int maxConAdd() const { return maxConAdd_; }
834 	//! Sets the maximal number of constraints that are added in an iteration of the cutting plane algorithm.
835 	/***
836 	 * \param max The maximal number of constraints.
837 	 */
maxConAdd(int max)838 	void maxConAdd(int max) { maxConAdd_ = max; }
840 	//! Returns the size of the buffer for generated constraints in the cutting plane algorithm.
maxConBuffered()841 	int maxConBuffered() const { return maxConBuffered_; }
843 	//! Changes the maximal number of constraints that are buffered in an iteration of the cutting plane algorithm.
844 	/**
845 	 * \note This function changes only the default value for subproblems
846 	 * that are activated after its call.
847 	 *
848 	 * \param max The new maximal number of buffered constraints.
849 	 */
maxConBuffered(int max)850 	void maxConBuffered(int max) { maxConBuffered_ = max; }
852 	//! Returns the maximal number of variables which should be added in the column generation algorithm.
maxVarAdd()853 	int maxVarAdd() const { return maxVarAdd_; }
855 	//! Changes the maximal number of variables that are added in an iteration of the subproblem optimization.
856 	/**
857 	 * \param max The new maximal number of added variables.
858 	 */
maxVarAdd(int max)859 	void maxVarAdd(int max) { maxVarAdd_ = max; }
861 	//! Returns the size of the buffer for the variables generated in the column generation algorithm.
maxVarBuffered()862 	int maxVarBuffered() const { return maxVarBuffered_; }
864 	//! Changes the maximal number of variables that are buffered in an iteration of the subproblem optimization.
865 	/**
866 	 * \note This function changes only the default value for subproblems
867 	 * that are activated after its call.
868 	 *
869 	 * \param max The new maximal number of buffered variables.
870 	 */
maxVarBuffered(int max)871 	void maxVarBuffered(int max) { maxVarBuffered_ = max; }
873 	//! Returns the maximal number of iterations per subproblem optimization (-1 means no iteration limit).
maxIterations()874 	int maxIterations() const { return maxIterations_; }
876 	//! Changes the default value for the maximal number of iterations of the optimization of a subproblem.
877 	/**
878 	 * \note This function changes only this value for subproblems that
879 	 * are constructed after this function call. For already constructed
880 	 * objects the value can be changed with the function
881 	 * Sub::maxIterations().
882 	 *
883 	 * \param max The new maximal number of iterations of the subproblem
884 	 *            optimization (-1 means no limit).
885 	 */
maxIterations(int max)886 	void maxIterations(int max) { maxIterations_ = max; }
888 	/**
889 	 * \return true  Then we try to eliminate fixed and set variables from the linear program;
890 	 * \return false Fixed or set variables are not eliminated.
891 	 */
eliminateFixedSet()892 	bool eliminateFixedSet() const { return eliminateFixedSet_; }
894 	//! Turns the elimination of fixed and set variables on or off.
895 	/**
896 	 * \param turnOn The elimination is turned on if \a turnOn is \a true,
897 	 *               otherwise it is turned off.
898 	 */
eliminateFixedSet(bool turnOn)899 	void eliminateFixedSet(bool turnOn) { eliminateFixedSet_ = turnOn; }
901 	/**
902 	 * \return true  Then a new root of the remaining branch-and-bound tree is reoptimized
903 	 *               such that the associated reduced costs can be used for the fixing of variables;
904 	 * \return false A new root is not reoptimized.
905 	 */
newRootReOptimize()906 	bool newRootReOptimize() const { return newRootReOptimize_; }
908 	//! Turns the reoptimization of new root nodes of the remaining branch and bound tree on or off.
909 	/**
910 	 * \param on If \a true, new root nodes are reoptimized.
911 	 */
newRootReOptimize(bool on)912 	void newRootReOptimize(bool on) { newRootReOptimize_ = on; }
914 	//! Returns the name of the file that stores the optimum solutions.
optimumFileName()915 	const string &optimumFileName() const { return optimumFileName_; }
917 	//! Changes the name of the file in which the value of the optimum solution is searched.
918 	/**
919 	 * \param name The new name of the file.
920 	 */
optimumFileName(const char * name)921 	void optimumFileName(const char *name) { optimumFileName_ = name; }
923 	/**
924 	 * \return true  Then the average distance of the fractional solution
925 	 *               from all added cutting planes is output every iteration
926 	 *               of the subproblem optimization.
927 	 * \return false The average cut distance is not output.
928 	 */
showAverageCutDistance()929 	bool showAverageCutDistance() const { return showAverageCutDistance_; }
931 	//! Turns the output of the average distance of the added cuts from the fractional solution on or off.
932 	/**
933 	 * \param on If \a true the output is turned on, otherwise it is turned off.
934 	 */
showAverageCutDistance(bool on)935 	void showAverageCutDistance(bool on) { showAverageCutDistance_ = on; }
937 	//! Returns the mode of output for the Vbc-Tool.
vbcLog()938 	VBCMODE vbcLog() const { return VbcLog_; }
940 	//! Changes the mode of output for the Vbc-Tool to \a mode.
941 	/**
942 	 * This function should only be called before the optimization is
943 	 * started with the function Master::optimize().
944 	 *
945 	 * \param mode The new mode.
946 	 */
vbcLog(VBCMODE mode)947 	void vbcLog(VBCMODE mode) { VbcLog_ = mode; }
949 	//! Sets solver specific parameters.
950 	/**
951 	 * The default does nothing.
952 	 *
953 	 * \return true if an error has occured, false otherwise.
954 	 */
955 	virtual bool setSolverParameters(OsiSolverInterface* interface, bool solverIsApprox);
957 protected:
959 	//! Sets up the default pools for variables, constraints, and cutting planes.
960 	/**
961 	 * \param constraints The constraints of the problem formulation
962 	 *                    are inserted in the constraint pool. The size
963 	 *                    of the constraint pool equals the number of
964 	 *                    \a constraints.
965 	 * \param variables The variables of the problem formulation are
966 	 *                  inserted in the variable pool.
967 	 * \param varPoolSize The size of the pool for the variables. If
968 	 *                    more variables are added the variable pool
969 	 *                    is automatically reallocated.
970 	 * \param cutPoolSize The size of the pool for cutting planes.
971 	 * \param dynamicCutPool If this argument is true, then the cut
972 	 *                       is automatically reallocated if more
973 	 *                       constraints are inserted than \a cutPoolSize.
974 	 *                       Otherwise, non-active constraints are removed
975 	 *                       if the pool becomes full.
976 	 *                       The default value is false.
977 	 */
978 	virtual void initializePools(
979 		ArrayBuffer<Constraint*> &constraints,
980 		ArrayBuffer<Variable*> &variables,
981 		int varPoolSize,
982 		int cutPoolSize,
983 		bool dynamicCutPool = false);
985 	//! Is overloaded such that also a first set of cutting planes can be inserted into the cutting plane pool.
986 	/**
987 	 * \param constraints The constraints of the problem formulation
988 	 *                    are inserted in the constraint pool. The size
989 	 *                    of the constraint pool equals the number of
990 	 *                    \a constraints.
991 	 * \param cuts The constraints that are inserted in the cutting
992 	 *             plane pool. The number of constraints in the buffer
993 	 *             must be less or equal than the size of the cutting
994 	 *             plane pool \a cutPoolSize.
995 	 * \param variables The variables of the problem formulation are
996 	 *                  inserted in the variable pool.
997 	 * \param varPoolSize The size of the pool for the variables. If
998 	 *                    more variables are added the variable pool
999 	 *                    is automatically reallocated.
1000 	 * \param cutPoolSize The size of the pool for cutting planes.
1001 	 * \param dynamicCutPool If this argument is true, then the cut
1002 	 *                       is automatically reallocated if more
1003 	 *                       constraints are inserted than \a cutPoolSize.
1004 	 *                       Otherwise, non-active constraints are removed
1005 	 *                       if the pool becomes full.
1006 	 *                       The default value is false.
1007 	 */
1008 	virtual void initializePools(
1009 		ArrayBuffer<Constraint*> &constraints,
1010 		ArrayBuffer<Constraint*> &cuts,
1011 		ArrayBuffer<Variable*> &variables,
1012 		int varPoolSize,
1013 		int cutPoolSize,
1014 		bool dynamicCutPool = false);
1016 	/**
1017 	 * Can be used to initialize the sense
1018 	 * of the optimization in derived classes, if this has not been already
1019 	 * performed when the constructor of Master has been called.
1020 	 *
1021 	 * \param sense The sense of the optimization (OptSense::Min or OptSense::Max).
1022 	 */
initializeOptSense(OptSense::SENSE sense)1023 	void initializeOptSense(OptSense::SENSE sense) { optSense_.sense(sense); }
1025 	//! Implements the best first search enumeration.
1026 	/**
1027 	 * If the bounds of both subproblems are equal, then
1028 	 * the subproblems are compared with the function \a equalSubCompare().
1029 	 *
1030 	 * \return -1 If subproblem \a s1 has a worse dual bound than \a s2,
1031 	 *            i.e., if it has a smaller dual bound for minimization or
1032 	 *            a larger dual bound for maximization problems.
1033 	 * \return 1  If subproblem \a s2 has a worse dual bound than \a s1.
1034 	 * \return 0  If both subproblems have the same priority in the enumeration strategy.
1035 	 *
1036 	 * \param s1 A subproblem.
1037 	 * \param s2 A subproblem.
1038 	 */
1039 	int bestFirstSearch(const Sub* s1, const Sub* s2) const;
1041 	/**
1042 	 * Is called from the function
1043 	 * \a bestFirstSearch() and from the function \a depthFirstSearch()
1044 	 * if the subproblems \a s1 and \a s2 have the same priority.
1045 	 *
1046 	 * If both subproblems were generated by setting a binary variable, then
1047 	 * that subproblem has higher priority of which the branching variable is
1048 	 * set to upper bound.
1049 	 *
1050 	 * This function can be redefined to resolve equal subproblems according
1051 	 * to problem specific criteria.
1052 	 * As the root node is compared with itself and has no branching rule,
1053 	 * we have to insert the first line of this function.
1054 	 *
1055 	 * \param s1 A subproblem.
1056 	 * \param s2 A subproblem.
1057 	 *
1058 	 * \return  0 If both subproblems were not generated by setting a
1059 	 *            variable, or the branching variable of both subproblems
1060 	 *            is set to the same bound.
1061 	 * \return  1 If the branching variable of the first subproblem
1062 	 *            is set to the upper bound.
1063 	 * \return -1 If the branching variable of the second subproblem
1064 	 *            is set to the upper bound.
1065 	 */
1066 	virtual int equalSubCompare(const Sub *s1, const Sub *s2) const;
1068 	//! Implements the depth first search enumeration strategy, i.e., the subproblem with maximum \a level is selected.
1069 	/**
1070 	 * If the level of both subproblems are equal, then
1071 	 * the subproblems are compared with the function \a equalSubCompare().
1072 	 *
1073 	 * \return -1 If subproblem \a s1 has higher priority,
1074 	 * \return 0  if both subproblems have equal priority,
1075 	 * \return 1  otherwise.
1076 	 *
1077 	 * \param s1 The first subproblem.
1078 	 * \param s2 The second subproblem.
1079 	 */
1080 	int depthFirstSearch(const Sub* s1, const Sub* s2) const;
1082 	//! Implements the breadth first search enumeration strategy, i.e., the subproblem with minimum \a level is selected.
1083 	/**
1084 	 * If both subproblems have the same \a level, the smaller
1085 	 * one is the one which has been generated earlier, i.e., the one with
1086 	 * the smaller \a id.
1087 	 *
1088 	 * \return -1 If subproblem \a s1 has higher priority,
1089 	 * \return  0 if both subproblems have equal priority,
1090 	 * \return  1 otherwise.
1091 	 *
1092 	 * \param s1 The first subproblem.
1093 	 * \param s2 The second subproblem.
1094 	 */
1095 	int breadthFirstSearch(const Sub* s1, const Sub* s2) const;
1098 	//! Performs depth-first search until a feasible solution is found, then the search process is continued with best-first search.
1099 	/**
1100 	 * \return -1 If subproblem \a s1 has higher priority,
1101 	 * \return  0 if both subproblems have equal priority,
1102 	 * \return  1 otherwise.
1103 	 *
1104 	 * \param s1 The first subproblem.
1105 	 * \param s2 The second subproblem.
1106 	 */
1107 	int diveAndBestFirstSearch(const Sub *s1, const Sub* s2) const;
1109 	/**
1110 	 * Is only a dummy. This function can be used to initialize parameters of derived classes
1111 	 * and to overwrite parameters read from the file <tt>.abacus</tt> by the
1112 	 * function \a \_initializeParameters().
1113 	 */
initializeParameters()1114 	virtual void initializeParameters() { }
1116 	//! Should return a pointer to the first subproblem of the optimization, i.e., the root node of the enumeration tree.
1117 	/**
1118 	 * This is a pure virtual function since
1119 	 * a pointer to a problem specific subproblem should be returned,
1120 	 * which is derived from the class Sub.
1121 	 */
1122 	virtual Sub *firstSub() = 0;
1124 	/**
1125 	 * The default implementation of \a initializeOptimization() does nothing.
1126 	 *
1127 	 * This virtual function can be used as an entrance point to perform
1128 	 * some initializations after \a optimize() is called.
1129 	 */
initializeOptimization()1130 	virtual void initializeOptimization() { }
1132 	/**
1133 	 * The default implementation of \a terminateOptimization() does nothing.
1134 	 *
1135 	 * This virtual function can be used as an entrance point
1136 	 * after the optimization process is finished.
1137 	 */
terminateOptimization()1138 	virtual void terminateOptimization() { }
1140 	//! Assigns the parameters that were read from a file to the member variables of the master.
1141 	virtual void assignParameters();
1143 private:
1145 	//! \brief Reads the parameter-file <tt>.abacus</tt>.
1146 	/**
1147 	 * This file is searched in the directory given by the
1148 	 * environment variable ABACUS_DIR, then the virtual function \a initializeParameters()
1149 	 * is called which can initialize parameters of derived classes and overwrite
1150 	 * parameters of this class.
1151 	 *
1152 	 * All parameters are first inserted together
1153 	 * with their values in a parameter table in the function \a readParameters().
1154 	 * If the virtual dummy function \a initializeParameters() is redefined
1155 	 * in a derived class and also reads a parameter file with the function
1156 	 * \a readParameters(), then already inserted parameters can be overwritten.
1157 	 *
1158 	 * After all parameters are input we extract with the function \a assignParameter()
1159 	 * all parameters. Problem specific parameters should be extracted in
1160 	 * a redefined version of \a initializeParameters().
1161 	 * extracted from this table
1162 	 */
1163 	void _initializeParameters();
1165 	void _createLpMasters();
1166 	void _deleteLpMasters();
1167 	void _initializeLpParameters();
1169 	//! Initializes the LP solver specific default parameters if they are not read from <tt>.abacus</tt>.
1170 	/**
1171 	 * This function is implemented in the file \a lpif.cc.
1172 	 */
1173 	void _setDefaultLpParameters();
1175 	//! \brief Prints the LP solver specific parameters.
1176 	/**
1177 	 * This function is implemented in the file \a lpif.cc.
1178 	 */
1179 	void _printLpParameters() const;
1181 	//! \brief Prints the LP solver specific statistics.
1182 	/**
1183 	 * This function is implemented in the file \a lpif.cc.
1184 	 */
1185 	void _outputLpStatistics() const;
1187 	//! \brief Returns a pointer to an open subproblem for further processing.
1188 	/**
1189 	 * If the set of open subproblems is empty or
1190 	 * one of the criteria for early termination of the optimization
1191 	 * (maximal cpu time, maximal elapsed time, guarantee) is
1192 	 * fulfilled 0 is returned.
1193 	 */
1194 	Sub   *select();
1196 	int initLP();
1198 	//! Writes the string \a info to the stream associated with the Tree Interface.
1199 	/**
1200 	 * A \$ is preceded if
1201 	 * the output is written to standard out for further pipelining.
1202 	 * If \a time is true a time string is written in front of the
1203 	 * information. The default value of \a time is \a true.
1204 	 */
1205 	void writeTreeInterface(const string &info, bool time = true) const;
1207 	/**
1208 	 * Adds the subproblem \a sub to the
1209 	 * stream storing information for graphical output of the enumeration
1210 	 * tree if this logging is turned on.
1211 	 */
1212 	void treeInterfaceNewNode(Sub *sub) const;
1214 	//! Assigns the \a color to the subproblem \a sub in the Tree Interface.
1215 	void treeInterfacePaintNode(int id, int color) const;
1217 	//! Passes the new lower bound \a lb to the Tree Interface.
1218 	void treeInterfaceLowerBound(double lb) const;
1220 	//! Passes the new upper bound \a ub to the Tree Interface.
1221 	void treeInterfaceUpperBound(double ub) const;
1223 	//! Updates the node information in the node with number \a id by writing the lower bound \a lb and the upper bound \a ub to the node.
1224 	void treeInterfaceNodeBounds(int id, double lb, double ub);
1226 	//! Registers a new subproblem which is on level \a level in enumeration tree.
1227 	/**
1228 	 * It is called each time a new subproblem is generated.
1229 	 */
1230 	void newSub(int level);
1232 	//! Increments the counter for linear programs and should be called in each optimization call of the LP-relaxation.
countLp()1233 	void countLp() { ++nLp_; }
1235 	//! Increments the counter of the number of fixed variables by \a n.
newFixed(int n)1236 	void newFixed(int n) { nFixed_ += n; }
1238 	//! Increments the counter for the total number of added constraints by \a n.
addCons(int n)1239 	void addCons(int n) { nAddCons_ += n; }
1241 	//! Increments the counter for the total number of removed constraints by \a n.
removeCons(int n)1242 	void removeCons(int n) { nRemCons_ += n; }
1244 	//! Increments the counter for the total number of added variables by \a n.
addVars(int n)1245 	void addVars(int n) { nAddVars_ += n; }
1247 	//! Increments the counter for the total number of removed variables by \a n.
removeVars(int n)1248 	void removeVars(int n) { nRemVars_ += n; }
1250 	//! Returns a pointer to the object storing the variables which are candidates for being fixed.
fixCand()1251 	FixCand *fixCand() const { return fixCand_; }
1253 	//! Sets the root of the remaining branch-and-cut tree to \a newRoot.
1254 	/**
1255 	 * If \a reoptimize is \a true a reoptimization of the
1256 	 * subproblem \a *newRoot is performed.
1257 	 * This is controlled via a function argument since it might not be
1258 	 * desirable when we find a new \a rRoot_ during the fathoming
1259 	 * of a complete subtree Sub::FathomTheSubtree().
1260 	 */
1261 	void rRoot(Sub *newRoot, bool reoptimize);
1263 	//! Sets the status of the Master.
status(STATUS stat)1264 	void status(STATUS stat) { status_ = stat; }
1266 	//! Updates the final dual bound of the root node.
1267 	/**
1268 	 * This function should be only called at the end of the root node optimization.
1269 	 */
1270 	void rootDualBound(double x);
1272 	void theFuture();
1274 	//! The name of the optimized problem.
1275 	string problemName_;
1277 	bool readParamFromFile_;
1279 	//! The sense of the objective function.
1280 	OptSense optSense_;
1282 	//! The root node of the enumeration tree.
1283 	Sub *root_;
1285 	//! The root node of the remaining enumeration tree.
1286 	Sub *rRoot_;
1288 	//! The set of open subproblems.
1289 	OpenSub *openSub_;
1291 	//! The solution history.
1292 	History *history_;
1294 	//! The enumeration strategy.
1295 	ENUMSTRAT enumerationStrategy_;
1297 	//! The branching strategy.
1298 	BRANCHINGSTRAT branchingStrategy_;
1300 	//! The number of candidates that are evaluated for branching on variables.
1301 	int nBranchingVariableCandidates_;
1303 	//! The number of simplex iterations that are performed when testing a branching variable candidate within strong branching.
1304 	int nStrongBranchingIterations_;
1306 	//! The default LP-Solver.
1307 	OSISOLVER defaultLpSolver_;
1309 	LpMasterOsi *lpMasterOsi_;
1311 	//! The default pool with the constraints of the problem formulation.
1312 	StandardPool<Constraint, Variable> *conPool_;
1315 	//! The default pool of dynamically generated constraints.
1316 	StandardPool<Constraint, Variable> *cutPool_;
1318 	//! The default pool with the variables of the problem formulation.
1319 	StandardPool<Variable, Constraint> *varPool_;
1321 	//! The best known primal bound.
1322 	double primalBound_;
1324 	//! The best known dual bound.
1325 	double dualBound_;
1327 	//! The best known dual bound at the end of the optimization of the root node.
1328 	double rootDualBound_;
1330 	//! The variables which are candidates for being fixed.
1331 	FixCand *fixCand_;
1333 	//! If \a true, then constraints are generated in the optimization.
1334 	bool cutting_;
1336 	//! If \a true, then variables are generated in the optimization.
1337 	bool pricing_;
1339 	//! If \a true, then an approximative solver is used to solve linear programs
1340 	bool solveApprox_;
1342 	//! The number of subproblems already selected from the list of open subproblems.
1343 	int nSubSelected_;
1345 	//! Ouput for the Tree Interface is generated depending on the value of this variable.
1346 	VBCMODE VbcLog_;
1348 	//! A pointer to the log stream for the VBC-Tool.
1349 	std::ostream *treeStream_;
1351 	//! The guarantee in percent which should be reached when the optimization stops.
1352 	/**
1353 	 * If this value is 0.0, then the optimum solution is determined.
1354 	 */
1355 	double requiredGuarantee_;
1357 	//! The maximal level in enumeration tree.
1358 	/**
1359 	 * Up to this level subproblems are considered in the enumeration.
1360 	 */
1361 	int maxLevel_;
1363 	//! The maximal number of subproblems to be processed.
1364 	/**
1365 	 * Up to this number subproblems are considered in the enumeration.
1366 	 */
1367 	int maxNSub_;
1369 	//! The maximal available cpu time.
1370 	int64_t maxCpuTime_;
1372 	//! The maximal available wall-clock time.
1373 	int64_t maxCowTime_;
1375 	//! \a true, if all objective function values of feasible solutions are assumed to be integer.
1376 	bool objInteger_;
1378 	//! The number of LP-iterations for the tailing off analysis.
1379 	int tailOffNLp_;
1381 	//! The minimal change of the LP-value on the tailing off analysis.
1382 	double tailOffPercent_;
1384 	//! The number of optimizations of an Sub until branching is performed.
1385 	int dbThreshold_;
1387 	/**
1388 	 * The minimal number of rounds, i.e., number of subproblem optimizations,
1389 	 * a subproblem is dormant, i.e., it is not selected from the set
1390 	 * of open subproblem if its status is \a Dormant, if possible.
1391 	 */
1392 	int minDormantRounds_;
1394 	//! The mode of the primal bound initialization.
1397 	//! The number of solved LPs between two additional pricing steps.
1398 	int pricingFreq_;
1400 	//! The frequency constraints or variables are generated depending on the skipping mode.
1401 	int skipFactor_;
1403 	/**
1404 	 * Either constraints are generated only every \a skipFactor_ subproblem
1405 	 * (\a SkipByNode) only every \a skipFactor_ level (\a SkipByLevel).
1406 	 */
1407 	SKIPPINGMODE skippingMode_;
1409 	//! If \a true, then variables are fixed and set by reduced cost criteria.
1410 	bool fixSetByRedCost_;
1412 	//! If \a true, then the linear program is output every iteration.
1413 	bool printLP_;
1415 	//! The maximal number of added constraints per iteration of the cutting plane algorithm.
1416 	int maxConAdd_;
1418 	//! The size of the buffer for generated cutting planes.
1419 	int maxConBuffered_;
1421 	//! The maximal number of added variables per iteration of the column generation algorithm.
1422 	int maxVarAdd_;
1424 	//! The size of the buffer for generated variables.
1425 	int maxVarBuffered_;
1427 	//! The maximal number of iterations of the cutting plane/column generation algorithm in the subproblem.
1428 	int maxIterations_;
1430 	//! If \a true, then nonbasic fixed and set variables are eliminated.
1431 	bool eliminateFixedSet_;
1433 	/**
1434 	 * If \a true, then an already earlier processed node is reoptimized
1435 	 * if it becomes the new root of the remaining branch-and-bound tree.
1436 	 */
1437 	bool newRootReOptimize_;
1439 	//! The name of a file storing a list of optimum solutions of problem instances.
1440 	string optimumFileName_;
1442 	/**
1443 	 * If \a true then the average distance of the added cutting planes
1444 	 * is output every iteration of the cutting plane algorithm.
1445 	 */
1446 	bool showAverageCutDistance_;
1448 	//! The way constraints are automatically eliminated in the cutting plane algorithm.
1449 	CONELIMMODE conElimMode_;
1451 	//! The way variables are automatically eliminated in the column generation algorithm.
1452 	VARELIMMODE varElimMode_;
1454 	//! The tolerance for the elimination of constraints by the mode \a NonBinding/
1455 	double conElimEps_;
1457 	//! The tolerance for the elimination of variables by the mode \a ReducedCost.
1458 	double varElimEps_;
1460 	//! The number of iterations an elimination criterion must be satisfied until a constraint can be removed.
1461 	int conElimAge_;
1463 	//! The number of iterations an elimination criterion must be satisfied until a variable can be removed.
1464 	int varElimAge_;
1466 	//! The current status of the optimization.
1467 	STATUS status_;
1469 	//! The timer for the total elapsed time.
1470 	ogdf::StopwatchWallClock totalCowTime_;
1472 	//! The timer for the total cpu time for the optimization.
1473 	ogdf::StopwatchCPU totalTime_;
1475 	//! The timer for the cpu time spent in the LP-interface.
1476 	ogdf::StopwatchCPU lpTime_;
1478 	ogdf::StopwatchCPU lpSolverTime_;
1480 	//! The timer for the cpu time spent in the separation
1481 	ogdf::StopwatchCPU separationTime_;
1483 	//! The timer for the cpu time spent in the heuristics for the computation of feasible solutions.
1484 	ogdf::StopwatchCPU improveTime_;
1486 	//! The timer for the cpu time spent in pricing.
1487 	ogdf::StopwatchCPU pricingTime_;
1489 	//! The timer for the cpu time spent in determining the branching rules.
1490 	ogdf::StopwatchCPU branchingTime_;
1492 	//! The number of generated subproblems.
1493 	int nSub_;
1495 	//! The number of solved LPs.
1496 	int nLp_;
1498 	//! The highest level which has been reached in the enumeration tree.
1499 	int highestLevel_;
1501 	//! The total number of fixed variables.
1502 	int nFixed_;
1504 	//! The total number of added constraints.
1505 	int nAddCons_;
1507 	//! The total number of removed constraints.
1508 	int nRemCons_;
1510 	//! The total number of added variables.
1511 	int nAddVars_;
1513 	//! The total number of removed variables.
1514 	int nRemVars_;
1516 	//! The number of changes of the root of the remaining branch-and-bound tree.
1517 	int nNewRoot_;
1519 	Master(const Master &rhs);
1520 	const Master &operator=(const Master& rhs);
1521 };
lowerBound()1524 inline double Master::lowerBound() const
1525 {
1526 	if (optSense_.max()) return primalBound_;
1527 	else                 return dualBound_;
1528 }
upperBound()1530 inline double Master::upperBound() const
1531 {
1532 	if (optSense_.max()) return dualBound_;
1533 	else                 return primalBound_;
1534 }
1536 }