1 // This file is part of OpenMVG, an Open Multiple View Geometry C++ library.
3 // Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Pierre MOULON.
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
12 #include "openMVG/numeric/lm.hpp"
13 #include "openMVG/numeric/eigen_alias_definition.hpp"
15 namespace openMVG
16 {
17 namespace geometry
18 {
20 /** 3D rigid transformation estimation (7 dof)
21  * Compute a Scale Rotation and Translation rigid transformation.
22  * This transformation provide a distortion-free transformation
23  * using the following formulation Xb = S * R * Xa + t.
24  * "Least-squares estimation of transformation parameters between two point patterns",
25  * Shinji Umeyama, PAMI 1991, DOI: 10.1109/34.88573
26  *
27  * \param[in] x1 The first 3xN matrix of euclidean points
28  * \param[in] x2 The second 3xN matrix of euclidean points
29  * \param[out] S The scale factor
30  * \param[out] t The 3x1 translation
31  * \param[out] R The 3x3 rotation
32  *
33  * \return true if the transformation estimation has succeeded
34  *
35  * \note Need at least 3 points
36  */
37   bool FindRTS
38   (
39     const Mat &x1,
40     const Mat &x2,
41     double * S,
42     Vec3 * t,
43     Mat3 * R
44   );
46 /**
47 * @brief Eigen Levemberg-Marquardt functor to refine translation, Rotation and Scale parameter.
48 */
49 struct lm_SRTRefine_functor : Functor<double>
50 {
51   /**
52   * @brief Constructor
53   * @param inputs Number of inputs (nb elements to refine)
54   * @param values Number of samples
55   * @param x1 Input samples for first dataset
56   * @param x2 Input samples for second dataset
57   * @param S Scale
58   * @param R Rotation
59   * @param t Translation
60   */
61   lm_SRTRefine_functor( int inputs, int values,
62                         const Mat &x1, const Mat &x2,
63                         const double &S, const Mat3 & R, const Vec &t );
65   /**
66   * @brief Computes error given a sample
67   * @param x a Sample
68   * @param[out] fvec Error for each values
69   */
70   int operator()( const Vec &x, Vec &fvec ) const;
72   Mat x1_, x2_;
73   Vec3 t_;
74   Mat3 R_;
75   double S_;
76 };
79 /**
80 * @brief Eigen LM functor to refine Rotation.
81 */
82 struct lm_RRefine_functor : Functor<double>
83 {
84   /**
85   * @brief Constructor
86   * @param inputs Number of inputs (elements to refine)
87   * @param values Number of samples
88   * @param x1 Input samples for first dataset
89   * @param x2 Input samples for second dataset
90   * @param S Scale
91   * @param R Rotation
92   * @param t Translation
93   */
94   lm_RRefine_functor( int inputs, int values,
95                       const Mat &x1, const Mat &x2,
96                       const double &S, const Mat3 & R, const Vec &t );
98   /**
99    * @brief Computes error given a sample
100    * @param x a Sample
101    * @param[out] fvec Error for each values
102    */
103   int operator()( const Vec &x, Vec &fvec ) const;
105   Mat x1_, x2_;
106   Vec3 t_;
107   Mat3 R_;
108   double S_;
109 };
111 /** 3D rigid transformation refinement using LM
112  * Refine the Scale, Rotation and translation rigid transformation
113  * using a Levenberg-Marquardt opimization.
114  *
115  * \param[in] x1 The first 3xN matrix of euclidean points
116  * \param[in] x2 The second 3xN matrix of euclidean points
117  * \param[out] S The initial scale factor
118  * \param[out] t The initial 3x1 translation
119  * \param[out] R The initial 3x3 rotation
120  *
121  * \return none
122  */
123 void Refine_RTS
124 (
125   const Mat &x1,
126   const Mat &x2,
127   double * S,
128   Vec3 * t,
129   Mat3 * R
130 );
132 } // namespace geometry
133 } // namespace openMVG