1 /*M///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //
4 //
5 //  By downloading, copying, installing or using the software you agree to this license.
6 //  If you do not agree to this license, do not download, install,
7 //  copy or use the software.
8 //
9 //
10 //                           License Agreement
11 //                For Open Source Computer Vision Library
12 //
13 // Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Intel Corporation, all rights reserved.
14 // Copyright (C) 2009, Willow Garage Inc., all rights reserved.
15 // Third party copyrights are property of their respective owners.
16 //
17 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
18 // are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
19 //
20 //   * Redistribution's of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
21 //     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
22 //
23 //   * Redistribution's in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
24 //     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
25 //     and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
26 //
27 //   * The name of the copyright holders may not be used to endorse or promote products
28 //     derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
29 //
30 // This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors "as is" and
31 // any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied
32 // warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed.
33 // In no event shall the Intel Corporation or contributors be liable for any direct,
34 // indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages
35 // (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services;
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39 // the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
40 //
41 //M*/
46 #ifndef __cplusplus
47 #  error opengl.hpp header must be compiled as C++
48 #endif
50 #include "opencv2/core.hpp"
51 #include "ocl.hpp"
53 namespace cv { namespace ogl {
55 /** @addtogroup core_opengl
56 This section describes OpenGL interoperability.
58 To enable OpenGL support, configure OpenCV using CMake with WITH_OPENGL=ON . Currently OpenGL is
59 supported only with WIN32, GTK and Qt backends on Windows and Linux (MacOS and Android are not
60 supported). For GTK backend gtkglext-1.0 library is required.
62 To use OpenGL functionality you should first create OpenGL context (window or frame buffer). You can
63 do this with namedWindow function or with other OpenGL toolkit (GLUT, for example).
64 */
65 //! @{
67 /////////////////// OpenGL Objects ///////////////////
69 /** @brief Smart pointer for OpenGL buffer object with reference counting.
71 Buffer Objects are OpenGL objects that store an array of unformatted memory allocated by the OpenGL
72 context. These can be used to store vertex data, pixel data retrieved from images or the
73 framebuffer, and a variety of other things.
75 ogl::Buffer has interface similar with Mat interface and represents 2D array memory.
77 ogl::Buffer supports memory transfers between host and device and also can be mapped to CUDA memory.
78  */
79 class CV_EXPORTS Buffer
80 {
81 public:
82     /** @brief The target defines how you intend to use the buffer object.
83     */
84     enum Target
85     {
86         ARRAY_BUFFER         = 0x8892, //!< The buffer will be used as a source for vertex data
87         ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER = 0x8893, //!< The buffer will be used for indices (in glDrawElements, for example)
88         PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER    = 0x88EB, //!< The buffer will be used for reading from OpenGL textures
89         PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER  = 0x88EC  //!< The buffer will be used for writing to OpenGL textures
90     };
92     enum Access
93     {
94         READ_ONLY  = 0x88B8,
95         WRITE_ONLY = 0x88B9,
96         READ_WRITE = 0x88BA
97     };
99     /** @brief The constructors.
101     Creates empty ogl::Buffer object, creates ogl::Buffer object from existed buffer ( abufId
102     parameter), allocates memory for ogl::Buffer object or copies from host/device memory.
103      */
104     Buffer();
106     /** @overload
107     @param arows Number of rows in a 2D array.
108     @param acols Number of columns in a 2D array.
109     @param atype Array type ( CV_8UC1, ..., CV_64FC4 ). See Mat for details.
110     @param abufId Buffer object name.
111     @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
112     */
113     Buffer(int arows, int acols, int atype, unsigned int abufId, bool autoRelease = false);
115     /** @overload
116     @param asize 2D array size.
117     @param atype Array type ( CV_8UC1, ..., CV_64FC4 ). See Mat for details.
118     @param abufId Buffer object name.
119     @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
120     */
121     Buffer(Size asize, int atype, unsigned int abufId, bool autoRelease = false);
123     /** @overload
124     @param arows Number of rows in a 2D array.
125     @param acols Number of columns in a 2D array.
126     @param atype Array type ( CV_8UC1, ..., CV_64FC4 ). See Mat for details.
127     @param target Buffer usage. See cv::ogl::Buffer::Target .
128     @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
129     */
130     Buffer(int arows, int acols, int atype, Target target = ARRAY_BUFFER, bool autoRelease = false);
132     /** @overload
133     @param asize 2D array size.
134     @param atype Array type ( CV_8UC1, ..., CV_64FC4 ). See Mat for details.
135     @param target Buffer usage. See cv::ogl::Buffer::Target .
136     @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
137     */
138     Buffer(Size asize, int atype, Target target = ARRAY_BUFFER, bool autoRelease = false);
140     /** @overload
141     @param arr Input array (host or device memory, it can be Mat , cuda::GpuMat or std::vector ).
142     @param target Buffer usage. See cv::ogl::Buffer::Target .
143     @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
144     */
145     explicit Buffer(InputArray arr, Target target = ARRAY_BUFFER, bool autoRelease = false);
147     /** @brief Allocates memory for ogl::Buffer object.
149     @param arows Number of rows in a 2D array.
150     @param acols Number of columns in a 2D array.
151     @param atype Array type ( CV_8UC1, ..., CV_64FC4 ). See Mat for details.
152     @param target Buffer usage. See cv::ogl::Buffer::Target .
153     @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
154      */
155     void create(int arows, int acols, int atype, Target target = ARRAY_BUFFER, bool autoRelease = false);
157     /** @overload
158     @param asize 2D array size.
159     @param atype Array type ( CV_8UC1, ..., CV_64FC4 ). See Mat for details.
160     @param target Buffer usage. See cv::ogl::Buffer::Target .
161     @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
162     */
163     void create(Size asize, int atype, Target target = ARRAY_BUFFER, bool autoRelease = false);
165     /** @brief Decrements the reference counter and destroys the buffer object if needed.
167     The function will call setAutoRelease(true) .
168      */
169     void release();
171     /** @brief Sets auto release mode.
173     The lifetime of the OpenGL object is tied to the lifetime of the context. If OpenGL context was
174     bound to a window it could be released at any time (user can close a window). If object's destructor
175     is called after destruction of the context it will cause an error. Thus ogl::Buffer doesn't destroy
176     OpenGL object in destructor by default (all OpenGL resources will be released with OpenGL context).
177     This function can force ogl::Buffer destructor to destroy OpenGL object.
178     @param flag Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
179      */
180     void setAutoRelease(bool flag);
182     /** @brief Copies from host/device memory to OpenGL buffer.
183     @param arr Input array (host or device memory, it can be Mat , cuda::GpuMat or std::vector ).
184     @param target Buffer usage. See cv::ogl::Buffer::Target .
185     @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
186      */
187     void copyFrom(InputArray arr, Target target = ARRAY_BUFFER, bool autoRelease = false);
189     /** @overload */
190     void copyFrom(InputArray arr, cuda::Stream& stream, Target target = ARRAY_BUFFER, bool autoRelease = false);
192     /** @brief Copies from OpenGL buffer to host/device memory or another OpenGL buffer object.
194     @param arr Destination array (host or device memory, can be Mat , cuda::GpuMat , std::vector or
195     ogl::Buffer ).
196      */
197     void copyTo(OutputArray arr) const;
199     /** @overload */
200     void copyTo(OutputArray arr, cuda::Stream& stream) const;
202     /** @brief Creates a full copy of the buffer object and the underlying data.
204     @param target Buffer usage for destination buffer.
205     @param autoRelease Auto release mode for destination buffer.
206      */
207     Buffer clone(Target target = ARRAY_BUFFER, bool autoRelease = false) const;
209     /** @brief Binds OpenGL buffer to the specified buffer binding point.
211     @param target Binding point. See cv::ogl::Buffer::Target .
212      */
213     void bind(Target target) const;
215     /** @brief Unbind any buffers from the specified binding point.
217     @param target Binding point. See cv::ogl::Buffer::Target .
218      */
219     static void unbind(Target target);
221     /** @brief Maps OpenGL buffer to host memory.
223     mapHost maps to the client's address space the entire data store of the buffer object. The data can
224     then be directly read and/or written relative to the returned pointer, depending on the specified
225     access policy.
227     A mapped data store must be unmapped with ogl::Buffer::unmapHost before its buffer object is used.
229     This operation can lead to memory transfers between host and device.
231     Only one buffer object can be mapped at a time.
232     @param access Access policy, indicating whether it will be possible to read from, write to, or both
233     read from and write to the buffer object's mapped data store. The symbolic constant must be
234     ogl::Buffer::READ_ONLY , ogl::Buffer::WRITE_ONLY or ogl::Buffer::READ_WRITE .
235      */
236     Mat mapHost(Access access);
238     /** @brief Unmaps OpenGL buffer.
239     */
240     void unmapHost();
242     //! map to device memory (blocking)
243     cuda::GpuMat mapDevice();
244     void unmapDevice();
246     /** @brief Maps OpenGL buffer to CUDA device memory.
248     This operation doesn't copy data. Several buffer objects can be mapped to CUDA memory at a time.
250     A mapped data store must be unmapped with ogl::Buffer::unmapDevice before its buffer object is used.
251      */
252     cuda::GpuMat mapDevice(cuda::Stream& stream);
254     /** @brief Unmaps OpenGL buffer.
255     */
256     void unmapDevice(cuda::Stream& stream);
258     int rows() const;
259     int cols() const;
260     Size size() const;
261     bool empty() const;
263     int type() const;
264     int depth() const;
265     int channels() const;
266     int elemSize() const;
267     int elemSize1() const;
269     //! get OpenGL opject id
270     unsigned int bufId() const;
272     class Impl;
274 private:
275     Ptr<Impl> impl_;
276     int rows_;
277     int cols_;
278     int type_;
279 };
281 /** @brief Smart pointer for OpenGL 2D texture memory with reference counting.
282  */
283 class CV_EXPORTS Texture2D
284 {
285 public:
286     /** @brief An Image Format describes the way that the images in Textures store their data.
287     */
288     enum Format
289     {
290         NONE            = 0,
291         DEPTH_COMPONENT = 0x1902, //!< Depth
292         RGB             = 0x1907, //!< Red, Green, Blue
293         RGBA            = 0x1908  //!< Red, Green, Blue, Alpha
294     };
296     /** @brief The constructors.
298     Creates empty ogl::Texture2D object, allocates memory for ogl::Texture2D object or copies from
299     host/device memory.
300      */
301     Texture2D();
303     /** @overload */
304     Texture2D(int arows, int acols, Format aformat, unsigned int atexId, bool autoRelease = false);
306     /** @overload */
307     Texture2D(Size asize, Format aformat, unsigned int atexId, bool autoRelease = false);
309     /** @overload
310     @param arows Number of rows.
311     @param acols Number of columns.
312     @param aformat Image format. See cv::ogl::Texture2D::Format .
313     @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
314     */
315     Texture2D(int arows, int acols, Format aformat, bool autoRelease = false);
317     /** @overload
318     @param asize 2D array size.
319     @param aformat Image format. See cv::ogl::Texture2D::Format .
320     @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
321     */
322     Texture2D(Size asize, Format aformat, bool autoRelease = false);
324     /** @overload
325     @param arr Input array (host or device memory, it can be Mat , cuda::GpuMat or ogl::Buffer ).
326     @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
327     */
328     explicit Texture2D(InputArray arr, bool autoRelease = false);
330     /** @brief Allocates memory for ogl::Texture2D object.
332     @param arows Number of rows.
333     @param acols Number of columns.
334     @param aformat Image format. See cv::ogl::Texture2D::Format .
335     @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
336      */
337     void create(int arows, int acols, Format aformat, bool autoRelease = false);
338     /** @overload
339     @param asize 2D array size.
340     @param aformat Image format. See cv::ogl::Texture2D::Format .
341     @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
342     */
343     void create(Size asize, Format aformat, bool autoRelease = false);
345     /** @brief Decrements the reference counter and destroys the texture object if needed.
347     The function will call setAutoRelease(true) .
348      */
349     void release();
351     /** @brief Sets auto release mode.
353     @param flag Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
355     The lifetime of the OpenGL object is tied to the lifetime of the context. If OpenGL context was
356     bound to a window it could be released at any time (user can close a window). If object's destructor
357     is called after destruction of the context it will cause an error. Thus ogl::Texture2D doesn't
358     destroy OpenGL object in destructor by default (all OpenGL resources will be released with OpenGL
359     context). This function can force ogl::Texture2D destructor to destroy OpenGL object.
360      */
361     void setAutoRelease(bool flag);
363     /** @brief Copies from host/device memory to OpenGL texture.
365     @param arr Input array (host or device memory, it can be Mat , cuda::GpuMat or ogl::Buffer ).
366     @param autoRelease Auto release mode (if true, release will be called in object's destructor).
367      */
368     void copyFrom(InputArray arr, bool autoRelease = false);
370     /** @brief Copies from OpenGL texture to host/device memory or another OpenGL texture object.
372     @param arr Destination array (host or device memory, can be Mat , cuda::GpuMat , ogl::Buffer or
373     ogl::Texture2D ).
374     @param ddepth Destination depth.
375     @param autoRelease Auto release mode for destination buffer (if arr is OpenGL buffer or texture).
376      */
377     void copyTo(OutputArray arr, int ddepth = CV_32F, bool autoRelease = false) const;
379     /** @brief Binds texture to current active texture unit for GL_TEXTURE_2D target.
380     */
381     void bind() const;
383     int rows() const;
384     int cols() const;
385     Size size() const;
386     bool empty() const;
388     Format format() const;
390     //! get OpenGL opject id
391     unsigned int texId() const;
393     class Impl;
395 private:
396     Ptr<Impl> impl_;
397     int rows_;
398     int cols_;
399     Format format_;
400 };
402 /** @brief Wrapper for OpenGL Client-Side Vertex arrays.
404 ogl::Arrays stores vertex data in ogl::Buffer objects.
405  */
406 class CV_EXPORTS Arrays
407 {
408 public:
409     /** @brief Default constructor
410      */
411     Arrays();
413     /** @brief Sets an array of vertex coordinates.
414     @param vertex array with vertex coordinates, can be both host and device memory.
415     */
416     void setVertexArray(InputArray vertex);
418     /** @brief Resets vertex coordinates.
419     */
420     void resetVertexArray();
422     /** @brief Sets an array of vertex colors.
423     @param color array with vertex colors, can be both host and device memory.
424      */
425     void setColorArray(InputArray color);
427     /** @brief Resets vertex colors.
428     */
429     void resetColorArray();
431     /** @brief Sets an array of vertex normals.
432     @param normal array with vertex normals, can be both host and device memory.
433      */
434     void setNormalArray(InputArray normal);
436     /** @brief Resets vertex normals.
437     */
438     void resetNormalArray();
440     /** @brief Sets an array of vertex texture coordinates.
441     @param texCoord array with vertex texture coordinates, can be both host and device memory.
442      */
443     void setTexCoordArray(InputArray texCoord);
445     /** @brief Resets vertex texture coordinates.
446     */
447     void resetTexCoordArray();
449     /** @brief Releases all inner buffers.
450     */
451     void release();
453     /** @brief Sets auto release mode all inner buffers.
454     @param flag Auto release mode.
455      */
456     void setAutoRelease(bool flag);
458     /** @brief Binds all vertex arrays.
459     */
460     void bind() const;
462     /** @brief Returns the vertex count.
463     */
464     int size() const;
465     bool empty() const;
467 private:
468     int size_;
469     Buffer vertex_;
470     Buffer color_;
471     Buffer normal_;
472     Buffer texCoord_;
473 };
475 /////////////////// Render Functions ///////////////////
477 //! render mode
478 enum RenderModes {
479     POINTS         = 0x0000,
480     LINES          = 0x0001,
481     LINE_LOOP      = 0x0002,
482     LINE_STRIP     = 0x0003,
483     TRIANGLES      = 0x0004,
484     TRIANGLE_STRIP = 0x0005,
485     TRIANGLE_FAN   = 0x0006,
486     QUADS          = 0x0007,
487     QUAD_STRIP     = 0x0008,
488     POLYGON        = 0x0009
489 };
491 /** @brief Render OpenGL texture or primitives.
492 @param tex Texture to draw.
493 @param wndRect Region of window, where to draw a texture (normalized coordinates).
494 @param texRect Region of texture to draw (normalized coordinates).
495  */
496 CV_EXPORTS void render(const Texture2D& tex,
497     Rect_<double> wndRect = Rect_<double>(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0),
498     Rect_<double> texRect = Rect_<double>(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0));
500 /** @overload
501 @param arr Array of privitives vertices.
502 @param mode Render mode. One of cv::ogl::RenderModes
503 @param color Color for all vertices. Will be used if arr doesn't contain color array.
504 */
505 CV_EXPORTS void render(const Arrays& arr, int mode = POINTS, Scalar color = Scalar::all(255));
507 /** @overload
508 @param arr Array of privitives vertices.
509 @param indices Array of vertices indices (host or device memory).
510 @param mode Render mode. One of cv::ogl::RenderModes
511 @param color Color for all vertices. Will be used if arr doesn't contain color array.
512 */
513 CV_EXPORTS void render(const Arrays& arr, InputArray indices, int mode = POINTS, Scalar color = Scalar::all(255));
515 /////////////////// CL-GL Interoperability Functions ///////////////////
517 namespace ocl {
518 using namespace cv::ocl;
520 // TODO static functions in the Context class
521 /** @brief Creates OpenCL context from GL.
522 @return Returns reference to OpenCL Context
523  */
524 CV_EXPORTS Context& initializeContextFromGL();
526 } // namespace cv::ogl::ocl
528 /** @brief Converts InputArray to Texture2D object.
529 @param src     - source InputArray.
530 @param texture - destination Texture2D object.
531  */
532 CV_EXPORTS void convertToGLTexture2D(InputArray src, Texture2D& texture);
534 /** @brief Converts Texture2D object to OutputArray.
535 @param texture - source Texture2D object.
536 @param dst     - destination OutputArray.
537  */
538 CV_EXPORTS void convertFromGLTexture2D(const Texture2D& texture, OutputArray dst);
540 /** @brief Maps Buffer object to process on CL side (convert to UMat).
542 Function creates CL buffer from GL one, and then constructs UMat that can be used
543 to process buffer data with OpenCV functions. Note that in current implementation
544 UMat constructed this way doesn't own corresponding GL buffer object, so it is
545 the user responsibility to close down CL/GL buffers relationships by explicitly
546 calling unmapGLBuffer() function.
547 @param buffer      - source Buffer object.
548 @param accessFlags - data access flags (ACCESS_READ|ACCESS_WRITE).
549 @return Returns UMat object
550  */
551 CV_EXPORTS UMat mapGLBuffer(const Buffer& buffer, AccessFlag accessFlags = ACCESS_READ | ACCESS_WRITE);
553 /** @brief Unmaps Buffer object (releases UMat, previously mapped from Buffer).
555 Function must be called explicitly by the user for each UMat previously constructed
556 by the call to mapGLBuffer() function.
557 @param u           - source UMat, created by mapGLBuffer().
558  */
559 CV_EXPORTS void unmapGLBuffer(UMat& u);
561 //! @}
562 }} // namespace cv::ogl
564 namespace cv { namespace cuda {
566 /** @brief Sets a CUDA device and initializes it for the current thread with OpenGL interoperability.
568 This function should be explicitly called after OpenGL context creation and before any CUDA calls.
569 @param device System index of a CUDA device starting with 0.
570 @ingroup core_opengl
571  */
572 CV_EXPORTS void setGlDevice(int device = 0);
574 }}
576 //! @cond IGNORED
578 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
579 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
580 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
582 inline
Buffer(int arows,int acols,int atype,Target target,bool autoRelease)583 cv::ogl::Buffer::Buffer(int arows, int acols, int atype, Target target, bool autoRelease) : rows_(0), cols_(0), type_(0)
584 {
585     create(arows, acols, atype, target, autoRelease);
586 }
588 inline
Buffer(Size asize,int atype,Target target,bool autoRelease)589 cv::ogl::Buffer::Buffer(Size asize, int atype, Target target, bool autoRelease) : rows_(0), cols_(0), type_(0)
590 {
591     create(asize, atype, target, autoRelease);
592 }
594 inline
create(Size asize,int atype,Target target,bool autoRelease)595 void cv::ogl::Buffer::create(Size asize, int atype, Target target, bool autoRelease)
596 {
597     create(asize.height, asize.width, atype, target, autoRelease);
598 }
600 inline
rows() const601 int cv::ogl::Buffer::rows() const
602 {
603     return rows_;
604 }
606 inline
cols() const607 int cv::ogl::Buffer::cols() const
608 {
609     return cols_;
610 }
612 inline
size() const613 cv::Size cv::ogl::Buffer::size() const
614 {
615     return Size(cols_, rows_);
616 }
618 inline
empty() const619 bool cv::ogl::Buffer::empty() const
620 {
621     return rows_ == 0 || cols_ == 0;
622 }
624 inline
type() const625 int cv::ogl::Buffer::type() const
626 {
627     return type_;
628 }
630 inline
depth() const631 int cv::ogl::Buffer::depth() const
632 {
633     return CV_MAT_DEPTH(type_);
634 }
636 inline
channels() const637 int cv::ogl::Buffer::channels() const
638 {
639     return CV_MAT_CN(type_);
640 }
642 inline
elemSize() const643 int cv::ogl::Buffer::elemSize() const
644 {
645     return CV_ELEM_SIZE(type_);
646 }
648 inline
elemSize1() const649 int cv::ogl::Buffer::elemSize1() const
650 {
651     return CV_ELEM_SIZE1(type_);
652 }
654 ///////
656 inline
Texture2D(int arows,int acols,Format aformat,bool autoRelease)657 cv::ogl::Texture2D::Texture2D(int arows, int acols, Format aformat, bool autoRelease) : rows_(0), cols_(0), format_(NONE)
658 {
659     create(arows, acols, aformat, autoRelease);
660 }
662 inline
Texture2D(Size asize,Format aformat,bool autoRelease)663 cv::ogl::Texture2D::Texture2D(Size asize, Format aformat, bool autoRelease) : rows_(0), cols_(0), format_(NONE)
664 {
665     create(asize, aformat, autoRelease);
666 }
668 inline
create(Size asize,Format aformat,bool autoRelease)669 void cv::ogl::Texture2D::create(Size asize, Format aformat, bool autoRelease)
670 {
671     create(asize.height, asize.width, aformat, autoRelease);
672 }
674 inline
rows() const675 int cv::ogl::Texture2D::rows() const
676 {
677     return rows_;
678 }
680 inline
cols() const681 int cv::ogl::Texture2D::cols() const
682 {
683     return cols_;
684 }
686 inline
size() const687 cv::Size cv::ogl::Texture2D::size() const
688 {
689     return Size(cols_, rows_);
690 }
692 inline
empty() const693 bool cv::ogl::Texture2D::empty() const
694 {
695     return rows_ == 0 || cols_ == 0;
696 }
698 inline
format() const699 cv::ogl::Texture2D::Format cv::ogl::Texture2D::format() const
700 {
701     return format_;
702 }
704 ///////
706 inline
Arrays()707 cv::ogl::Arrays::Arrays() : size_(0)
708 {
709 }
711 inline
size() const712 int cv::ogl::Arrays::size() const
713 {
714     return size_;
715 }
717 inline
empty() const718 bool cv::ogl::Arrays::empty() const
719 {
720     return size_ == 0;
721 }
723 //! @endcond
725 #endif /* OPENCV_CORE_OPENGL_HPP */