1# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
2# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
3# a copy of the License at
5#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
8# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
9# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
10# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
11# under the License.
13from openstack.baremetal.v1 import _common
14from openstack.baremetal.v1 import allocation as _allocation
15from openstack.baremetal.v1 import chassis as _chassis
16from openstack.baremetal.v1 import conductor as _conductor
17from openstack.baremetal.v1 import deploy_templates as _deploytemplates
18from openstack.baremetal.v1 import driver as _driver
19from openstack.baremetal.v1 import node as _node
20from openstack.baremetal.v1 import port as _port
21from openstack.baremetal.v1 import port_group as _portgroup
22from openstack.baremetal.v1 import volume_connector as _volumeconnector
23from openstack.baremetal.v1 import volume_target as _volumetarget
24from openstack import exceptions
25from openstack import proxy
26from openstack import utils
29class Proxy(proxy.Proxy):
31    retriable_status_codes = _common.RETRIABLE_STATUS_CODES
33    def _get_with_fields(self, resource_type, value, fields=None):
34        """Fetch a bare metal resource.
36        :param resource_type: The type of resource to get.
37        :type resource_type: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource`
38        :param value: The value to get. Can be either the ID of a
39                      resource or a :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource`
40                      subclass.
41        :param fields: Limit the resource fields to fetch.
43        :returns: The result of the ``fetch``
44        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.resource.Resource`
45        """
46        res = self._get_resource(resource_type, value)
47        kwargs = {}
48        if fields:
49            kwargs['fields'] = _common.fields_type(fields, resource_type)
50        return res.fetch(
51            self,
52            error_message="No {resource_type} found for {value}".format(
53                resource_type=resource_type.__name__, value=value),
54            **kwargs)
56    def chassis(self, details=False, **query):
57        """Retrieve a generator of chassis.
59        :param details: A boolean indicating whether the detailed information
60                        for every chassis should be returned.
61        :param dict query: Optional query parameters to be sent to
62            restrict the chassis to be returned. Available parameters include:
64            * ``fields``: A list containing one or more fields to be returned
65              in the response. This may lead to some performance gain
66              because other fields of the resource are not refreshed.
67            * ``limit``: Requests at most the specified number of items be
68              returned from the query.
69            * ``marker``: Specifies the ID of the last-seen chassis. Use the
70              ``limit`` parameter to make an initial limited request and
71              use the ID of the last-seen chassis from the response as
72              the ``marker`` value in a subsequent limited request.
73            * ``sort_dir``: Sorts the response by the requested sort direction.
74              A valid value is ``asc`` (ascending) or ``desc``
75              (descending). Default is ``asc``. You can specify multiple
76              pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters. If
77              you omit the sort direction in a pair, the API uses the
78              natural sorting direction of the server attribute that is
79              provided as the ``sort_key``.
80            * ``sort_key``: Sorts the response by the this attribute value.
81              Default is ``id``. You can specify multiple pairs of sort
82              key and sort direction query parameters. If you omit the
83              sort direction in a pair, the API uses the natural sorting
84              direction of the server attribute that is provided as the
85              ``sort_key``.
87        :returns: A generator of chassis instances.
88        """
89        return _chassis.Chassis.list(self, details=details, **query)
91    def create_chassis(self, **attrs):
92        """Create a new chassis from attributes.
94        :param dict attrs: Keyword arguments that will be used to create a
95             :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.chassis.Chassis`.
97        :returns: The results of chassis creation.
98        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.chassis.Chassis`.
99        """
100        return self._create(_chassis.Chassis, **attrs)
102    def find_chassis(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True):
103        """Find a single chassis.
105        :param str name_or_id: The ID of a chassis.
106        :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``, an exception of
107            :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
108            when the chassis does not exist.  When set to `True``, None will
109            be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent chassis.
110        :returns: One :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.chassis.Chassis` object
111            or None.
112        """
113        return self._find(_chassis.Chassis, name_or_id,
114                          ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
116    def get_chassis(self, chassis, fields=None):
117        """Get a specific chassis.
119        :param chassis: The value can be the ID of a chassis or a
120            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.chassis.Chassis` instance.
121        :param fields: Limit the resource fields to fetch.
123        :returns: One :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.chassis.Chassis`
124        :raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no
125            chassis matching the name or ID could be found.
126        """
127        return self._get_with_fields(_chassis.Chassis, chassis, fields=fields)
129    def update_chassis(self, chassis, **attrs):
130        """Update a chassis.
132        :param chassis: Either the ID of a chassis, or an instance
133            of :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.chassis.Chassis`.
134        :param dict attrs: The attributes to update on the chassis represented
135            by the ``chassis`` parameter.
137        :returns: The updated chassis.
138        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.chassis.Chassis`
139        """
140        return self._update(_chassis.Chassis, chassis, **attrs)
142    def patch_chassis(self, chassis, patch):
143        """Apply a JSON patch to the chassis.
145        :param chassis: The value can be the ID of a chassis or a
146            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.chassis.Chassis` instance.
147        :param patch: JSON patch to apply.
149        :returns: The updated chassis.
150        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.chassis.Chassis`
151        """
152        return self._get_resource(_chassis.Chassis, chassis).patch(self, patch)
154    def delete_chassis(self, chassis, ignore_missing=True):
155        """Delete a chassis.
157        :param chassis: The value can be either the ID of a chassis or
158            a :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.chassis.Chassis` instance.
159        :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``, an exception
160            :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
161            when the chassis could not be found. When set to ``True``, no
162            exception will be raised when attempting to delete a non-existent
163            chassis.
165        :returns: The instance of the chassis which was deleted.
166        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.chassis.Chassis`.
167        """
168        return self._delete(_chassis.Chassis, chassis,
169                            ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
171    def drivers(self, details=False, **query):
172        """Retrieve a generator of drivers.
174        :param bool details: A boolean indicating whether the detailed
175            information for every driver should be returned.
176        :param kwargs query: Optional query parameters to be sent to limit
177            the resources being returned.
178        :returns: A generator of driver instances.
179        """
180        # NOTE(dtantsur): details are available starting with API microversion
181        # 1.30. Thus we do not send any value if not needed.
182        if details:
183            query['details'] = True
184        return self._list(_driver.Driver, **query)
186    def get_driver(self, driver):
187        """Get a specific driver.
189        :param driver: The value can be the name of a driver or a
190            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.driver.Driver` instance.
192        :returns: One :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.driver.Driver`
193        :raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no
194            driver matching the name could be found.
195        """
196        return self._get(_driver.Driver, driver)
198    def list_driver_vendor_passthru(self, driver):
199        """Get driver's vendor_passthru methods.
201        :param driver: The value can be the name of a driver or a
202            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.driver.Driver` instance.
204        :returns: One :dict: of vendor methods with corresponding usages
205        :raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no
206            driver matching the name could be found.
207        """
208        driver = self.get_driver(driver)
209        return driver.list_vendor_passthru(self)
211    def call_driver_vendor_passthru(self, driver,
212                                    verb: str, method: str, body=None):
213        """Call driver's vendor_passthru method.
215        :param driver: The value can be the name of a driver or a
216            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.driver.Driver` instance.
217        :param verb: One of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE,
218            depending on the driver and method.
219        :param method: Name of vendor method.
220        :param body: passed to the vendor function as json body.
222        :returns: Server response
223        """
224        driver = self.get_driver(driver)
225        return driver.call_vendor_passthru(self, verb, method, body)
227    def nodes(self, details=False, **query):
228        """Retrieve a generator of nodes.
230        :param details: A boolean indicating whether the detailed information
231                        for every node should be returned.
232        :param dict query: Optional query parameters to be sent to restrict
233            the nodes returned. Available parameters include:
235            * ``associated``: Only return those which are, or are not,
236              associated with an ``instance_id``.
237            * ``conductor_group``: Only return those in the specified
238              ``conductor_group``.
239            * ``driver``: Only return those with the specified ``driver``.
240            * ``fault``: Only return those with the specified fault type.
241            * ``fields``: A list containing one or more fields to be returned
242              in the response. This may lead to some performance gain
243              because other fields of the resource are not refreshed.
244            * ``instance_id``: Only return the node with this specific instance
245              UUID or an empty set if not found.
246            * ``is_maintenance``: Only return those with ``maintenance`` set to
247              ``True`` or ``False``.
248            * ``limit``: Requests at most the specified number of nodes be
249              returned from the query.
250            * ``marker``: Specifies the ID of the last-seen node. Use the
251              ``limit`` parameter to make an initial limited request and
252              use the ID of the last-seen node from the response as
253              the ``marker`` value in a subsequent limited request.
254            * ``provision_state``: Only return those nodes with the specified
255              ``provision_state``.
256            * ``resource_class``: Only return those with the specified
257              ``resource_class``.
258            * ``sort_dir``: Sorts the response by the requested sort direction.
259              A valid value is ``asc`` (ascending) or ``desc``
260              (descending). Default is ``asc``. You can specify multiple
261              pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters. If
262              you omit the sort direction in a pair, the API uses the
263              natural sorting direction of the server attribute that is
264              provided as the ``sort_key``.
265            * ``sort_key``: Sorts the response by the this attribute value.
266              Default is ``id``. You can specify multiple pairs of sort
267              key and sort direction query pa rameters. If you omit the
268              sort direction in a pair, the API uses the natural sorting
269              direction of the server attribute that is provided as the
270              ``sort_key``.
272        :returns: A generator of :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node`
273        """
274        return _node.Node.list(self, details=details, **query)
276    def create_node(self, **attrs):
277        """Create a new node from attributes.
279        :param dict attrs: Keyword arguments that will be used to create a
280             :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node`.
282        :returns: The results of node creation.
283        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node`.
284        """
285        return self._create(_node.Node, **attrs)
287    def find_node(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True):
288        """Find a single node.
290        :param str name_or_id: The name or ID of a node.
291        :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``, an exception of
292            :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
293            when the node does not exist.  When set to `True``, None will
294            be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent node.
295        :returns: One :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` object
296            or None.
297        """
298        return self._find(_node.Node, name_or_id,
299                          ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
301    def get_node(self, node, fields=None):
302        """Get a specific node.
304        :param node: The value can be the name or ID of a node or a
305            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
306        :param fields: Limit the resource fields to fetch.
308        :returns: One :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node`
309        :raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no
310            node matching the name or ID could be found.
311        """
312        return self._get_with_fields(_node.Node, node, fields=fields)
314    def update_node(self, node, retry_on_conflict=True, **attrs):
315        """Update a node.
317        :param node: The value can be the name or ID of a node or a
318            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
319        :param bool retry_on_conflict: Whether to retry HTTP CONFLICT error.
320            Most of the time it can be retried, since it is caused by the node
321            being locked. However, when setting ``instance_id``, this is
322            a normal code and should not be retried.
323        :param dict attrs: The attributes to update on the node represented
324            by the ``node`` parameter.
326        :returns: The updated node.
327        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node`
328        """
329        res = self._get_resource(_node.Node, node, **attrs)
330        return res.commit(self, retry_on_conflict=retry_on_conflict)
332    def patch_node(self, node, patch, reset_interfaces=None,
333                   retry_on_conflict=True):
334        """Apply a JSON patch to the node.
336        :param node: The value can be the name or ID of a node or a
337            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
338        :param patch: JSON patch to apply.
339        :param bool reset_interfaces: whether to reset the node hardware
340            interfaces to their defaults. This works only when changing
341            drivers. Added in API microversion 1.45.
342        :param bool retry_on_conflict: Whether to retry HTTP CONFLICT error.
343            Most of the time it can be retried, since it is caused by the node
344            being locked. However, when setting ``instance_id``, this is
345            a normal code and should not be retried.
347        See `Update Node
348        <https://docs.openstack.org/api-ref/baremetal/?expanded=update-node-detail#update-node>`_
349        for details.
351        :returns: The updated node.
352        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node`
353        """
354        res = self._get_resource(_node.Node, node)
355        return res.patch(self, patch, retry_on_conflict=retry_on_conflict,
356                         reset_interfaces=reset_interfaces)
358    def set_node_provision_state(self, node, target, config_drive=None,
359                                 clean_steps=None, rescue_password=None,
360                                 wait=False, timeout=None, deploy_steps=None):
361        """Run an action modifying node's provision state.
363        This call is asynchronous, it will return success as soon as the Bare
364        Metal service acknowledges the request.
366        :param node: The value can be the name or ID of a node or a
367            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
368        :param target: Provisioning action, e.g. ``active``, ``provide``.
369            See the Bare Metal service documentation for available actions.
370        :param config_drive: Config drive to pass to the node, only valid
371            for ``active` and ``rebuild`` targets. You can use functions from
372            :mod:`openstack.baremetal.configdrive` to build it.
373        :param clean_steps: Clean steps to execute, only valid for ``clean``
374            target.
375        :param rescue_password: Password for the rescue operation, only valid
376            for ``rescue`` target.
377        :param wait: Whether to wait for the node to get into the expected
378            state. The expected state is determined from a combination of
379            the current provision state and ``target``.
380        :param timeout: If ``wait`` is set to ``True``, specifies how much (in
381            seconds) to wait for the expected state to be reached. The value of
382            ``None`` (the default) means no client-side timeout.
383        :param deploy_steps: Deploy steps to execute, only valid for ``active``
384            and ``rebuild`` target.
386        :returns: The updated :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node`
387        :raises: ValueError if ``config_drive``, ``clean_steps``,
388            ``deploy_steps`` or ``rescue_password`` are provided with an
389            invalid ``target``.
390        """
391        res = self._get_resource(_node.Node, node)
392        return res.set_provision_state(self, target, config_drive=config_drive,
393                                       clean_steps=clean_steps,
394                                       rescue_password=rescue_password,
395                                       wait=wait, timeout=timeout,
396                                       deploy_steps=deploy_steps)
398    def set_node_boot_device(self, node, boot_device, persistent=False):
399        """Set node boot device
401        :param node: The value can be the name or ID of a node or a
402            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
403        :param boot_device: Boot device to assign to the node.
404        :param persistent: If the boot device change is maintained after node
405            reboot
406        :return: The updated :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node`
407        """
408        res = self._get_resource(_node.Node, node)
409        return res.set_boot_device(self, boot_device, persistent=persistent)
411    def set_node_boot_mode(self, node, target):
412        """Make a request to change node's boot mode
414        :param node: The value can be the name or ID of a node or a
415            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
416        :param target: Boot mode to set for node, one of either 'uefi'/'bios'.
417        """
418        res = self._get_resource(_node.Node, node)
419        return res.set_boot_mode(self, target)
421    def set_node_secure_boot(self, node, target):
422        """Make a request to change node's secure boot state
424        :param node: The value can be the name or ID of a node or a
425            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
426        :param target: Boolean indicating secure boot state to set.
427            True/False corresponding to 'on'/'off' respectively.
428        """
429        res = self._get_resource(_node.Node, node)
430        return res.set_secure_boot(self, target)
432    def wait_for_nodes_provision_state(self, nodes, expected_state,
433                                       timeout=None,
434                                       abort_on_failed_state=True,
435                                       fail=True):
436        """Wait for the nodes to reach the expected state.
438        :param nodes: List of nodes - name, ID or
439            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
440        :param expected_state: The expected provisioning state to reach.
441        :param timeout: If ``wait`` is set to ``True``, specifies how much (in
442            seconds) to wait for the expected state to be reached. The value of
443            ``None`` (the default) means no client-side timeout.
444        :param abort_on_failed_state: If ``True`` (the default), abort waiting
445            if any node reaches a failure state which does not match the
446            expected one. Note that the failure state for ``enroll`` ->
447            ``manageable`` transition is ``enroll`` again.
448        :param fail: If set to ``False`` this call will not raise on timeouts
449            and provisioning failures.
451        :return: If `fail` is ``True`` (the default), the list of
452            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instances that reached
453            the requested state. If `fail` is ``False``, a
454            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.WaitResult` named tuple.
455        :raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceFailure` if a node
456            reaches an error state and ``abort_on_failed_state`` is ``True``.
457        :raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceTimeout` on timeout.
458        """
459        log_nodes = ', '.join(n.id if isinstance(n, _node.Node) else n
460                              for n in nodes)
462        finished = []
463        failed = []
464        remaining = nodes
465        try:
466            for count in utils.iterate_timeout(
467                    timeout,
468                    "Timeout waiting for nodes %(nodes)s to reach "
469                    "target state '%(state)s'" % {'nodes': log_nodes,
470                                                  'state': expected_state}):
471                nodes = [self.get_node(n) for n in remaining]
472                remaining = []
473                for n in nodes:
474                    try:
475                        if n._check_state_reached(self, expected_state,
476                                                  abort_on_failed_state):
477                            finished.append(n)
478                        else:
479                            remaining.append(n)
480                    except exceptions.ResourceFailure:
481                        if fail:
482                            raise
483                        else:
484                            failed.append(n)
486                if not remaining:
487                    if fail:
488                        return finished
489                    else:
490                        return _node.WaitResult(finished, failed, [])
492                self.log.debug(
493                    'Still waiting for nodes %(nodes)s to reach state '
494                    '"%(target)s"',
495                    {'nodes': ', '.join(n.id for n in remaining),
496                     'target': expected_state})
497        except exceptions.ResourceTimeout:
498            if fail:
499                raise
500            else:
501                return _node.WaitResult(finished, failed, remaining)
503    def set_node_power_state(self, node, target, wait=False, timeout=None):
504        """Run an action modifying node's power state.
506        This call is asynchronous, it will return success as soon as the Bare
507        Metal service acknowledges the request.
509        :param node: The value can be the name or ID of a node or a
510            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
511        :param target: Target power state, one of
512            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.PowerAction` or a string.
513        :param wait: Whether to wait for the node to get into the expected
514            state.
515        :param timeout: If ``wait`` is set to ``True``, specifies how much (in
516            seconds) to wait for the expected state to be reached. The value of
517            ``None`` (the default) means no client-side timeout.
518        """
519        self._get_resource(_node.Node, node).set_power_state(
520            self, target, wait=wait, timeout=timeout)
522    def wait_for_node_power_state(self, node, expected_state, timeout=None):
523        """Wait for the node to reach the power state.
525        :param node: The value can be the name or ID of a node or a
526            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
527        :param timeout: How much (in seconds) to wait for the target state
528            to be reached. The value of ``None`` (the default) means
529            no timeout.
531        :returns: The updated :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node`
532        """
533        res = self._get_resource(_node.Node, node)
534        return res.wait_for_power_state(self, expected_state, timeout=timeout)
536    def wait_for_node_reservation(self, node, timeout=None):
537        """Wait for a lock on the node to be released.
539        Bare metal nodes in ironic have a reservation lock that
540        is used to represent that a conductor has locked the node
541        while performing some sort of action, such as changing
542        configuration as a result of a machine state change.
544        This lock can occur during power syncronization, and prevents
545        updates to objects attached to the node, such as ports.
547        Note that nothing prevents a conductor from acquiring the lock again
548        after this call returns, so it should be treated as best effort.
550        Returns immediately if there is no reservation on the node.
552        :param node: The value can be the name or ID of a node or a
553            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
554        :param timeout: How much (in seconds) to wait for the lock to be
555            released. The value of ``None`` (the default) means no timeout.
557        :returns: The updated :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node`
558        """
559        res = self._get_resource(_node.Node, node)
560        return res.wait_for_reservation(self, timeout=timeout)
562    def validate_node(self, node, required=('boot', 'deploy', 'power')):
563        """Validate required information on a node.
565        :param node: The value can be either the name or ID of a node or
566            a :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
567        :param required: List of interfaces that are required to pass
568            validation. The default value is the list of minimum required
569            interfaces for provisioning.
571        :return: dict mapping interface names to
572            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.ValidationResult` objects.
573        :raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.ValidationException` if validation
574            fails for a required interface.
575        """
576        res = self._get_resource(_node.Node, node)
577        return res.validate(self, required=required)
579    def set_node_maintenance(self, node, reason=None):
580        """Enable maintenance mode on the node.
582        :param node: The value can be either the name or ID of a node or
583            a :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
584        :param reason: Optional reason for maintenance.
585        :return: This :class:`Node` instance.
586        """
587        res = self._get_resource(_node.Node, node)
588        return res.set_maintenance(self, reason)
590    def unset_node_maintenance(self, node):
591        """Disable maintenance mode on the node.
593        :param node: The value can be either the name or ID of a node or
594            a :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
595        :return: This :class:`Node` instance.
596        """
597        res = self._get_resource(_node.Node, node)
598        return res.unset_maintenance(self)
600    def delete_node(self, node, ignore_missing=True):
601        """Delete a node.
603        :param node: The value can be either the name or ID of a node or
604            a :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
605        :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``, an exception
606            :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
607            when the node could not be found. When set to ``True``, no
608            exception will be raised when attempting to delete a non-existent
609            node.
611        :returns: The instance of the node which was deleted.
612        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node`.
613        """
614        return self._delete(_node.Node, node, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
616    def ports(self, details=False, **query):
617        """Retrieve a generator of ports.
619        :param details: A boolean indicating whether the detailed information
620                        for every port should be returned.
621        :param dict query: Optional query parameters to be sent to restrict
622            the ports returned. Available parameters include:
624            * ``address``: Only return ports with the specified physical
625              hardware address, typically a MAC address.
626            * ``driver``: Only return those with the specified ``driver``.
627            * ``fields``: A list containing one or more fields to be returned
628              in the response. This may lead to some performance gain
629              because other fields of the resource are not refreshed.
630            * ``limit``: Requests at most the specified number of ports be
631              returned from the query.
632            * ``marker``: Specifies the ID of the last-seen port. Use the
633              ``limit`` parameter to make an initial limited request and
634              use the ID of the last-seen port from the response as
635              the ``marker`` value in a subsequent limited request.
636            * ``node``:only return the ones associated with this specific node
637              (name or UUID), or an empty set if not found.
638            * ``node_id``:only return the ones associated with this specific
639              node UUID, or an empty set if not found.
640            * ``portgroup``: only return the ports associated with this
641              specific Portgroup (name or UUID), or an empty set if not
642              found.  Added in API microversion 1.24.
643            * ``sort_dir``: Sorts the response by the requested sort direction.
644              A valid value is ``asc`` (ascending) or ``desc``
645              (descending). Default is ``asc``. You can specify multiple
646              pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters. If
647              you omit the sort direction in a pair, the API uses the
648              natural sorting direction of the server attribute that is
649              provided as the ``sort_key``.
650            * ``sort_key``: Sorts the response by the this attribute value.
651              Default is ``id``. You can specify multiple pairs of sort
652              key and sort direction query parameters. If you omit the
653              sort direction in a pair, the API uses the natural sorting
654              direction of the server attribute that is provided as the
655              ``sort_key``.
657        :returns: A generator of port instances.
658        """
659        return _port.Port.list(self, details=details, **query)
661    def create_port(self, **attrs):
662        """Create a new port from attributes.
664        :param dict attrs: Keyword arguments that will be used to create a
665             :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port.Port`.
667        :returns: The results of port creation.
668        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port.Port`.
669        """
670        return self._create(_port.Port, **attrs)
672    def find_port(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True):
673        """Find a single port.
675        :param str name_or_id: The ID of a port.
676        :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``, an exception of
677            :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
678            when the port does not exist.  When set to `True``, None will
679            be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent port.
680        :returns: One :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port.Port` object
681            or None.
682        """
683        return self._find(_port.Port, name_or_id,
684                          ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
686    def get_port(self, port, fields=None):
687        """Get a specific port.
689        :param port: The value can be the ID of a port or a
690            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port.Port` instance.
691        :param fields: Limit the resource fields to fetch.
693        :returns: One :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port.Port`
694        :raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no
695            port matching the name or ID could be found.
696        """
697        return self._get_with_fields(_port.Port, port, fields=fields)
699    def update_port(self, port, **attrs):
700        """Update a port.
702        :param port: Either the ID of a port or an instance
703            of :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port.Port`.
704        :param dict attrs: The attributes to update on the port represented
705            by the ``port`` parameter.
707        :returns: The updated port.
708        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port.Port`
709        """
710        return self._update(_port.Port, port, **attrs)
712    def patch_port(self, port, patch):
713        """Apply a JSON patch to the port.
715        :param port: The value can be the ID of a port or a
716            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port.Port` instance.
717        :param patch: JSON patch to apply.
719        :returns: The updated port.
720        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port.Port`
721        """
722        return self._get_resource(_port.Port, port).patch(self, patch)
724    def delete_port(self, port, ignore_missing=True):
725        """Delete a port.
727        :param port: The value can be either the ID of a port or
728            a :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port.Port` instance.
729        :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``, an exception
730            :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
731            when the port could not be found. When set to ``True``, no
732            exception will be raised when attempting to delete a non-existent
733            port.
735        :returns: The instance of the port which was deleted.
736        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port.Port`.
737        """
738        return self._delete(_port.Port, port, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
740    def port_groups(self, details=False, **query):
741        """Retrieve a generator of port groups.
743        :param details: A boolean indicating whether the detailed information
744                        for every port group should be returned.
745        :param dict query: Optional query parameters to be sent to restrict
746            the port groups returned. Available parameters include:
748            * ``address``: Only return portgroups with the specified physical
749              hardware address, typically a MAC address.
750            * ``fields``: A list containing one or more fields to be returned
751              in the response. This may lead to some performance gain
752              because other fields of the resource are not refreshed.
753            * ``limit``: Requests at most the specified number of portgroups
754              returned from the query.
755            * ``marker``: Specifies the ID of the last-seen portgroup. Use the
756              ``limit`` parameter to make an initial limited request and
757              use the ID of the last-seen portgroup from the response as
758              the ``marker`` value in a subsequent limited request.
759            * ``node``:only return the ones associated with this specific node
760              (name or UUID), or an empty set if not found.
761            * ``sort_dir``: Sorts the response by the requested sort direction.
762              A valid value is ``asc`` (ascending) or ``desc``
763              (descending). Default is ``asc``. You can specify multiple
764              pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters. If
765              you omit the sort direction in a pair, the API uses the
766              natural sorting direction of the server attribute that is
767              provided as the ``sort_key``.
768            * ``sort_key``: Sorts the response by the this attribute value.
769              Default is ``id``. You can specify multiple pairs of sort
770              key and sort direction query parameters. If you omit the
771              sort direction in a pair, the API uses the natural sorting
772              direction of the server attribute that is provided as the
773              ``sort_key``.
775        :returns: A generator of port group instances.
776        """
777        return _portgroup.PortGroup.list(self, details=details, **query)
779    def create_port_group(self, **attrs):
780        """Create a new portgroup from attributes.
782        :param dict attrs: Keyword arguments that will be used to create a
783             :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port_group.PortGroup`.
785        :returns: The results of portgroup creation.
786        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port_group.PortGroup`.
787        """
788        return self._create(_portgroup.PortGroup, **attrs)
790    def find_port_group(self, name_or_id, ignore_missing=True):
791        """Find a single port group.
793        :param str name_or_id: The name or ID of a portgroup.
794        :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``, an exception of
795            :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
796            when the port group does not exist.  When set to `True``, None will
797            be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent port group.
798        :returns: One :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port_group.PortGroup`
799            object or None.
800        """
801        return self._find(_portgroup.PortGroup, name_or_id,
802                          ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
804    def get_port_group(self, port_group, fields=None):
805        """Get a specific port group.
807        :param port_group: The value can be the name or ID of a chassis or a
808            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port_group.PortGroup` instance.
809        :param fields: Limit the resource fields to fetch.
811        :returns: One :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port_group.PortGroup`
812        :raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no
813            port group matching the name or ID could be found.
814        """
815        return self._get_with_fields(_portgroup.PortGroup, port_group,
816                                     fields=fields)
818    def update_port_group(self, port_group, **attrs):
819        """Update a port group.
821        :param port_group: Either the name or the ID of a port group or
822            an instance of
823            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port_group.PortGroup`.
824        :param dict attrs: The attributes to update on the port group
825            represented by the ``port_group`` parameter.
827        :returns: The updated port group.
828        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port_group.PortGroup`
829        """
830        return self._update(_portgroup.PortGroup, port_group, **attrs)
832    def patch_port_group(self, port_group, patch):
833        """Apply a JSON patch to the port_group.
835        :param port_group: The value can be the ID of a port group or a
836            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port_group.PortGroup` instance.
837        :param patch: JSON patch to apply.
839        :returns: The updated port group.
840        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port_group.PortGroup`
841        """
842        res = self._get_resource(_portgroup.PortGroup, port_group)
843        return res.patch(self, patch)
845    def delete_port_group(self, port_group, ignore_missing=True):
846        """Delete a port group.
848        :param port_group: The value can be either the name or ID of
849            a port group or a
850            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port_group.PortGroup`
851            instance.
852        :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``, an exception
853            :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
854            when the port group could not be found. When set to ``True``, no
855            exception will be raised when attempting to delete a non-existent
856            port group.
858        :returns: The instance of the port group which was deleted.
859        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.port_group.PortGroup`.
860        """
861        return self._delete(_portgroup.PortGroup, port_group,
862                            ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
864    def attach_vif_to_node(self, node, vif_id, retry_on_conflict=True):
865        """Attach a VIF to the node.
867        The exact form of the VIF ID depends on the network interface used by
868        the node. In the most common case it is a Network service port
869        (NOT a Bare Metal port) ID. A VIF can only be attached to one node
870        at a time.
872        :param node: The value can be either the name or ID of a node or
873            a :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
874        :param string vif_id: Backend-specific VIF ID.
875        :param retry_on_conflict: Whether to retry HTTP CONFLICT errors.
876            This can happen when either the VIF is already used on a node or
877            the node is locked. Since the latter happens more often, the
878            default value is True.
879        :return: ``None``
880        :raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.NotSupported` if the server
881            does not support the VIF API.
882        """
883        res = self._get_resource(_node.Node, node)
884        res.attach_vif(self, vif_id, retry_on_conflict=retry_on_conflict)
886    def detach_vif_from_node(self, node, vif_id, ignore_missing=True):
887        """Detach a VIF from the node.
889        The exact form of the VIF ID depends on the network interface used by
890        the node. In the most common case it is a Network service port
891        (NOT a Bare Metal port) ID.
893        :param node: The value can be either the name or ID of a node or
894            a :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
895        :param string vif_id: Backend-specific VIF ID.
896        :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``
897                    :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be
898                    raised when the VIF does not exist. Otherwise, ``False``
899                    is returned.
900        :return: ``True`` if the VIF was detached, otherwise ``False``.
901        :raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.NotSupported` if the server
902            does not support the VIF API.
903        """
904        res = self._get_resource(_node.Node, node)
905        return res.detach_vif(self, vif_id, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
907    def list_node_vifs(self, node):
908        """List IDs of VIFs attached to the node.
910        The exact form of the VIF ID depends on the network interface used by
911        the node. In the most common case it is a Network service port
912        (NOT a Bare Metal port) ID.
914        :param node: The value can be either the name or ID of a node or
915            a :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
916        :return: List of VIF IDs as strings.
917        :raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.NotSupported` if the server
918            does not support the VIF API.
919        """
920        res = self._get_resource(_node.Node, node)
921        return res.list_vifs(self)
923    def allocations(self, **query):
924        """Retrieve a generator of allocations.
926        :param dict query: Optional query parameters to be sent to restrict
927            the allocation to be returned. Available parameters include:
929            * ``fields``: A list containing one or more fields to be returned
930              in the response. This may lead to some performance gain
931              because other fields of the resource are not refreshed.
932            * ``limit``: Requests at most the specified number of items be
933              returned from the query.
934            * ``marker``: Specifies the ID of the last-seen allocation. Use the
935              ``limit`` parameter to make an initial limited request and
936              use the ID of the last-seen allocation from the response as
937              the ``marker`` value in a subsequent limited request.
938            * ``sort_dir``: Sorts the response by the requested sort direction.
939              A valid value is ``asc`` (ascending) or ``desc``
940              (descending). Default is ``asc``. You can specify multiple
941              pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters. If
942              you omit the sort direction in a pair, the API uses the
943              natural sorting direction of the server attribute that is
944              provided as the ``sort_key``.
945            * ``sort_key``: Sorts the response by the this attribute value.
946              Default is ``id``. You can specify multiple pairs of sort
947              key and sort direction query parameters. If you omit the
948              sort direction in a pair, the API uses the natural sorting
949              direction of the server attribute that is provided as the
950              ``sort_key``.
952        :returns: A generator of allocation instances.
953        """
954        return _allocation.Allocation.list(self, **query)
956    def create_allocation(self, **attrs):
957        """Create a new allocation from attributes.
959        :param dict attrs: Keyword arguments that will be used to create a
960             :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.allocation.Allocation`.
962        :returns: The results of allocation creation.
963        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.allocation.Allocation`.
964        """
965        return self._create(_allocation.Allocation, **attrs)
967    def get_allocation(self, allocation, fields=None):
968        """Get a specific allocation.
970        :param allocation: The value can be the name or ID of an allocation or
971            a :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.allocation.Allocation` instance.
972        :param fields: Limit the resource fields to fetch.
974        :returns: One :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.allocation.Allocation`
975        :raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no
976            allocation matching the name or ID could be found.
977        """
978        return self._get_with_fields(_allocation.Allocation, allocation,
979                                     fields=fields)
981    def update_allocation(self, allocation, **attrs):
982        """Update an allocation.
984        :param allocation: The value can be the name or ID of an allocation or
985            a :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.allocation.Allocation` instance.
986        :param dict attrs: The attributes to update on the allocation
987            represented by the ``allocation`` parameter.
989        :returns: The updated allocation.
990        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.allocation.Allocation`
991        """
992        return self._update(_allocation.Allocation, allocation, **attrs)
994    def patch_allocation(self, allocation, patch):
995        """Apply a JSON patch to the allocation.
997        :param allocation: The value can be the name or ID of an allocation or
998            a :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.allocation.Allocation` instance.
999        :param patch: JSON patch to apply.
1001        :returns: The updated allocation.
1002        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.allocation.Allocation`
1003        """
1004        return self._get_resource(_allocation.Allocation,
1005                                  allocation).patch(self, patch)
1007    def delete_allocation(self, allocation, ignore_missing=True):
1008        """Delete an allocation.
1010        :param allocation: The value can be the name or ID of an allocation or
1011            a :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.allocation.Allocation` instance.
1012        :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``, an exception
1013            :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
1014            when the allocation could not be found. When set to ``True``, no
1015            exception will be raised when attempting to delete a non-existent
1016            allocation.
1018        :returns: The instance of the allocation which was deleted.
1019        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.allocation.Allocation`.
1020        """
1021        return self._delete(_allocation.Allocation, allocation,
1022                            ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
1024    def wait_for_allocation(self, allocation, timeout=None,
1025                            ignore_error=False):
1026        """Wait for the allocation to become active.
1028        :param allocation: The value can be the name or ID of an allocation or
1029            a :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.allocation.Allocation` instance.
1030        :param timeout: How much (in seconds) to wait for the allocation.
1031            The value of ``None`` (the default) means no client-side timeout.
1032        :param ignore_error: If ``True``, this call will raise an exception
1033            if the allocation reaches the ``error`` state. Otherwise the error
1034            state is considered successful and the call returns.
1036        :returns: The instance of the allocation.
1037        :rtype: :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.allocation.Allocation`.
1038        :raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceFailure` if allocation
1039            fails and ``ignore_error`` is ``False``.
1040        :raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceTimeout` on timeout.
1041        """
1042        res = self._get_resource(_allocation.Allocation, allocation)
1043        return res.wait(self, timeout=timeout, ignore_error=ignore_error)
1045    def add_node_trait(self, node, trait):
1046        """Add a trait to a node.
1048        :param node: The value can be the name or ID of a node or a
1049            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
1050        :param trait: trait to remove from the node.
1051        :returns: The updated node
1052        """
1053        res = self._get_resource(_node.Node, node)
1054        return res.add_trait(self, trait)
1056    def remove_node_trait(self, node, trait, ignore_missing=True):
1057        """Remove a trait from a node.
1059        :param node: The value can be the name or ID of a node or a
1060            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
1061        :param trait: trait to remove from the node.
1062        :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``, an exception
1063            :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
1064            when the trait could not be found. When set to ``True``, no
1065            exception will be raised when attempting to delete a non-existent
1066            trait.
1067        :returns: The updated :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node`
1068        """
1069        res = self._get_resource(_node.Node, node)
1070        return res.remove_trait(self, trait, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
1072    def call_node_vendor_passthru(self, node, verb, method, body=None):
1073        """Calls vendor_passthru for a node.
1075        :param session: The session to use for making this request.
1076        :param verb: The HTTP verb, one of GET, SET, POST, DELETE.
1077        :param method: The method to call using vendor_passthru.
1078        :param body: The JSON body in the HTTP call.
1079        """
1080        res = self._get_resource(_node.Node, node)
1081        return res.call_vendor_passthru(self, verb, method, body)
1083    def list_node_vendor_passthru(self, node):
1084        """Lists vendor_passthru for a node.
1086        :param session: The session to use for making this request.
1087        """
1088        res = self._get_resource(_node.Node, node)
1089        return res.list_vendor_passthru(self)
1091    def set_node_traits(self, node, traits):
1092        """Set traits for a node.
1094        Removes any existing traits and adds the traits passed in to this
1095        method.
1097        :param node: The value can be the name or ID of a node or a
1098            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node` instance.
1099        :param traits: list of traits to add to the node.
1100        :returns: The updated :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.node.Node`
1101        """
1102        res = self._get_resource(_node.Node, node)
1103        return res.set_traits(self, traits)
1105    def volume_connectors(self, details=False, **query):
1106        """Retrieve a generator of volume_connector.
1108        :param details: A boolean indicating whether the detailed information
1109                        for every volume_connector should be returned.
1110        :param dict query: Optional query parameters to be sent to restrict
1111            the volume_connectors returned. Available parameters include:
1113            * ``fields``: A list containing one or more fields to be returned
1114              in the response. This may lead to some performance gain
1115              because other fields of the resource are not refreshed.
1116            * ``limit``: Requests at most the specified number of
1117              volume_connector be returned from the query.
1118            * ``marker``: Specifies the ID of the last-seen volume_connector.
1119              Use the ``limit`` parameter to make an initial limited request
1120              and use the ID of the last-seen volume_connector from the
1121              response as the ``marker`` value in subsequent limited request.
1122            * ``node``:only return the ones associated with this specific node
1123              (name or UUID), or an empty set if not found.
1124            * ``sort_dir``:Sorts the response by the requested sort direction.
1125              A valid value is ``asc`` (ascending) or ``desc``
1126              (descending). Default is ``asc``. You can specify multiple
1127              pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters. If
1128              you omit the sort direction in a pair, the API uses the
1129              natural sorting direction of the server attribute that is
1130              provided as the ``sort_key``.
1131            * ``sort_key``: Sorts the response by the this attribute value.
1132              Default is ``id``. You can specify multiple pairs of sort
1133              key and sort direction query parameters. If you omit the
1134              sort direction in a pair, the API uses the natural sorting
1135              direction of the server attribute that is provided as the
1136              ``sort_key``.
1138        :returns: A generator of volume_connector instances.
1139        """
1140        if details:
1141            query['detail'] = True
1142        return _volumeconnector.VolumeConnector.list(self, **query)
1144    def create_volume_connector(self, **attrs):
1145        """Create a new volume_connector from attributes.
1147        :param dict attrs: Keyword arguments that will be used to create a
1148            :class:
1149            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_connector.VolumeConnector`.
1151        :returns: The results of volume_connector creation.
1152        :rtype::class:
1153            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_connector.VolumeConnector`.
1154        """
1155        return self._create(_volumeconnector.VolumeConnector, **attrs)
1157    def find_volume_connector(self, vc_id, ignore_missing=True):
1158        """Find a single volume connector.
1160        :param str vc_id: The ID of a volume connector.
1162        :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``, an exception of
1163            :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
1164            when the volume connector does not exist.  When set to `True``,
1165            None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent
1166            volume connector.
1167        :returns: One :class:
1168            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volumeconnector.VolumeConnector`
1169            object or None.
1170        """
1171        return self._find(_volumeconnector.VolumeConnector, vc_id,
1172                          ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
1174    def get_volume_connector(self, volume_connector, fields=None):
1175        """Get a specific volume_connector.
1177        :param volume_connector: The value can be the ID of a
1178            volume_connector or a :class:
1179            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_connector.VolumeConnector
1180            instance.`
1181        :param fields: Limit the resource fields to fetch.`
1183        :returns: One
1184            :class:
1185            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_connector.VolumeConnector`
1186        :raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no
1187            volume_connector matching the name or ID could be found.`
1188        """
1189        return self._get_with_fields(_volumeconnector.VolumeConnector,
1190                                     volume_connector,
1191                                     fields=fields)
1193    def update_volume_connector(self, volume_connector, **attrs):
1194        """Update a volume_connector.
1196        :param volume_connector:Either the ID of a volume_connector
1197        or an instance of
1198        :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_connector.VolumeConnector.`
1199        :param dict attrs: The attributes to update on the
1200        volume_connector represented by the ``volume_connector`` parameter.`
1202        :returns: The updated volume_connector.
1203        :rtype::class:
1204            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_connector.VolumeConnector.`
1205        """
1206        return self._update(_volumeconnector.VolumeConnector,
1207                            volume_connector, **attrs)
1209    def patch_volume_connector(self, volume_connector, patch):
1210        """Apply a JSON patch to the volume_connector.
1212        :param volume_connector: The value can be the ID of a
1213            volume_connector or a :class:
1214            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_connector.VolumeConnector`
1215            instance.
1216        :param patch: JSON patch to apply.
1218        :returns: The updated volume_connector.
1219        :rtype::class:
1220            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_connector.VolumeConnector.`
1221        """
1222        return self._get_resource(_volumeconnector.VolumeConnector,
1223                                  volume_connector).patch(self, patch)
1225    def delete_volume_connector(self, volume_connector,
1226                                ignore_missing=True):
1227        """Delete an volume_connector.
1229        :param volume_connector: The value can be either the ID of a
1230            volume_connector.VolumeConnector or a
1231            :class:
1232            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_connector.VolumeConnector`
1233            instance.
1234        :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``, an exception
1235            :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
1236            when the volume_connector could not be found.
1237            When set to ``True``, no exception will be raised when
1238            attempting to delete a non-existent volume_connector.
1240        :returns: The instance of the volume_connector which was deleted.
1241        :rtype::class:
1242            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_connector.VolumeConnector`.
1243        """
1244        return self._delete(_volumeconnector.VolumeConnector,
1245                            volume_connector, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
1247    def volume_targets(self, details=False, **query):
1248        """Retrieve a generator of volume_target.
1250        :param details: A boolean indicating whether the detailed information
1251                        for every volume_target should be returned.
1252        :param dict query: Optional query parameters to be sent to restrict
1253            the volume_targets returned. Available parameters include:
1255            * ``fields``: A list containing one or more fields to be returned
1256              in the response. This may lead to some performance gain
1257              because other fields of the resource are not refreshed.
1258            * ``limit``: Requests at most the specified number of
1259              volume_connector be returned from the query.
1260            * ``marker``: Specifies the ID of the last-seen volume_target.
1261              Use the ``limit`` parameter to make an initial limited request
1262              and use the ID of the last-seen volume_target from the
1263              response as the ``marker`` value in subsequent limited request.
1264            * ``node``:only return the ones associated with this specific node
1265              (name or UUID), or an empty set if not found.
1266            * ``sort_dir``:Sorts the response by the requested sort direction.
1267              A valid value is ``asc`` (ascending) or ``desc``
1268              (descending). Default is ``asc``. You can specify multiple
1269              pairs of sort key and sort direction query parameters. If
1270              you omit the sort direction in a pair, the API uses the
1271              natural sorting direction of the server attribute that is
1272              provided as the ``sort_key``.
1273            * ``sort_key``: Sorts the response by the this attribute value.
1274              Default is ``id``. You can specify multiple pairs of sort
1275              key and sort direction query parameters. If you omit the
1276              sort direction in a pair, the API uses the natural sorting
1277              direction of the server attribute that is provided as the
1278              ``sort_key``.
1280        :returns: A generator of volume_target instances.
1281        """
1282        if details:
1283            query['detail'] = True
1284        return _volumetarget.VolumeTarget.list(self, **query)
1286    def create_volume_target(self, **attrs):
1287        """Create a new volume_target from attributes.
1289        :param dict attrs: Keyword arguments that will be used to create a
1290            :class:
1291            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_target.VolumeTarget`.
1293        :returns: The results of volume_target creation.
1294        :rtype::class:
1295            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_target.VolumeTarget`.
1296        """
1297        return self._create(_volumetarget.VolumeTarget, **attrs)
1299    def find_volume_target(self, vt_id, ignore_missing=True):
1300        """Find a single volume target.
1302        :param str vt_id: The ID of a volume target.
1304        :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``, an exception of
1305            :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
1306            when the volume connector does not exist.  When set to `True``,
1307            None will be returned when attempting to find a nonexistent
1308            volume target.
1309        :returns: One :class:
1310            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volumetarget.VolumeTarget`
1311            object or None.
1312        """
1313        return self._find(_volumetarget.VolumeTarget, vt_id,
1314                          ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
1316    def get_volume_target(self, volume_target, fields=None):
1317        """Get a specific volume_target.
1319        :param volume_target: The value can be the ID of a
1320            volume_target or a :class:
1321            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_target.VolumeTarget
1322            instance.`
1323        :param fields: Limit the resource fields to fetch.`
1325        :returns: One
1326            :class:
1327            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_target.VolumeTarget`
1328        :raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no
1329            volume_target matching the name or ID could be found.`
1330        """
1331        return self._get_with_fields(_volumetarget.VolumeTarget,
1332                                     volume_target,
1333                                     fields=fields)
1335    def update_volume_target(self, volume_target, **attrs):
1336        """Update a volume_target.
1338        :param volume_target:Either the ID of a volume_target
1339        or an instance of
1340        :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_target.VolumeTarget.`
1341        :param dict attrs: The attributes to update on the
1342        volume_target represented by the ``volume_target`` parameter.`
1344        :returns: The updated volume_target.
1345        :rtype::class:
1346            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_target.VolumeTarget.`
1347        """
1348        return self._update(_volumetarget.VolumeTarget,
1349                            volume_target, **attrs)
1351    def patch_volume_target(self, volume_target, patch):
1352        """Apply a JSON patch to the volume_target.
1354        :param volume_target: The value can be the ID of a
1355            volume_target or a :class:
1356            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_target.VolumeTarget`
1357            instance.
1358        :param patch: JSON patch to apply.
1360        :returns: The updated volume_target.
1361        :rtype::class:
1362            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_target.VolumeTarget.`
1363        """
1364        return self._get_resource(_volumetarget.VolumeTarget,
1365                                  volume_target).patch(self, patch)
1367    def delete_volume_target(self, volume_target,
1368                             ignore_missing=True):
1369        """Delete an volume_target.
1371        :param volume_target: The value can be either the ID of a
1372            volume_target.VolumeTarget or a
1373            :class:
1374            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_target.VolumeTarget`
1375            instance.
1376        :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``, an exception
1377            :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` will be raised
1378            when the volume_target could not be found.
1379            When set to ``True``, no exception will be raised when
1380            attempting to delete a non-existent volume_target.
1382        :returns: The instance of the volume_target which was deleted.
1383        :rtype::class:
1384            `~openstack.baremetal.v1.volume_target.VolumeTarget`.
1385        """
1386        return self._delete(_volumetarget.VolumeTarget,
1387                            volume_target, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
1389    def deploy_templates(self, details=False, **query):
1390        """Retrieve a generator of deploy_templates.
1392        :param details: A boolean indicating whether the detailed information
1393                        for every deploy_templates should be returned.
1394        :param dict query: Optional query parameters to be sent to
1395                           restrict the deploy_templates to be returned.
1397        :returns: A generator of Deploy templates instances.
1398        """
1399        if details:
1400            query['detail'] = True
1401        return _deploytemplates.DeployTemplate.list(self, **query)
1403    def create_deploy_template(self, **attrs):
1404        """Create a new deploy_template from attributes.
1406        :param dict attrs: Keyword arguments that will be used to create a
1407                :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.deploy_templates.DeployTemplate`.
1409        :returns: The results of deploy_template creation.
1410        :rtype:
1411                :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.deploy_templates.DeployTemplate`.
1412        """
1413        return self._create(_deploytemplates.DeployTemplate, **attrs)
1415    def update_deploy_template(self, deploy_template, **attrs):
1416        """Update a deploy_template.
1418        :param deploy_template: Either the ID of a deploy_template,
1419                                or an instance of
1420                                :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.deploy_templates.DeployTemplate`.
1421        :param dict attrs: The attributes to update on
1422                           the deploy_template represented
1423                           by the ``deploy_template`` parameter.
1425        :returns: The updated deploy_template.
1426        :rtype::class:
1427                       `~openstack.baremetal.v1.deploy_templates.DeployTemplate`
1428        """
1429        return self._update(_deploytemplates.DeployTemplate,
1430                            deploy_template, **attrs)
1432    def delete_deploy_template(self, deploy_template,
1433                               ignore_missing=True):
1434        """Delete a deploy_template.
1436        :param deploy_template:The value can be
1437                               either the ID of a deploy_template or a
1438        :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.deploy_templates.DeployTemplate`
1439                instance.
1441        :param bool ignore_missing: When set to ``False``,
1442            an exception:class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
1443            will be raised when the deploy_template
1444            could not be found.
1445            When set to ``True``, no
1446            exception will be raised when attempting
1447            to delete a non-existent
1448            deploy_template.
1450        :returns: The instance of the deploy_template which was deleted.
1451        :rtype::class:
1452                        `~openstack.baremetal.v1.deploy_templates.DeployTemplate`.
1453        """
1455        return self._delete(_deploytemplates.DeployTemplate,
1456                            deploy_template, ignore_missing=ignore_missing)
1458    def get_deploy_template(self, deploy_template, fields=None):
1459        """Get a specific deployment template.
1461        :param deploy_template: The value can be the name or ID
1462            of a deployment template
1463            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.deploy_templates.DeployTemplate`
1464            instance.
1466        :param fields: Limit the resource fields to fetch.
1468        :returns: One
1469                  :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.deploy_templates.DeployTemplate`
1470        :raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound`
1471                        when no deployment template matching the name or
1472                        ID could be found.
1473        """
1474        return self._get_with_fields(_deploytemplates.DeployTemplate,
1475                                     deploy_template, fields=fields)
1477    def patch_deploy_template(self, deploy_template, patch):
1478        """Apply a JSON patch to the deploy_templates.
1480        :param deploy_templates: The value can be the ID of a
1481            deploy_template or a
1482            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.deploy_templates.DeployTemplate`
1483            instance.
1485        :param patch: JSON patch to apply.
1487        :returns: The updated deploy_template.
1488        :rtype::class:
1489                        `~openstack.baremetal.v1.deploy_templates.DeployTemplate`
1490        """
1491        return self._get_resource(_deploytemplates.DeployTemplate,
1492                                  deploy_template).patch(self, patch)
1494    def conductors(self, details=False, **query):
1495        """Retrieve a generator of conductors.
1497        :param bool details: A boolean indicating whether the detailed
1498            information for every conductor should be returned.
1500        :returns: A generator of conductor instances.
1501        """
1503        if details:
1504            query['details'] = True
1505        return _conductor.Conductor.list(self, **query)
1507    def get_conductor(self, conductor, fields=None):
1508        """Get a specific conductor.
1510        :param conductor: The value can be the name of a conductor or a
1511            :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.conductor.Conductor` instance.
1513        :returns: One :class:`~openstack.baremetal.v1.conductor.Conductor`
1515        :raises: :class:`~openstack.exceptions.ResourceNotFound` when no
1516            conductor matching the name could be found.
1517        """
1518        return self._get_with_fields(_conductor.Conductor,
1519                                     conductor, fields=fields)