1 //*******************************************************************
2 //
3 // License:  See top level LICENSE.txt file.
4 //
5 // Author: Garrett Potts (gpotts@imagelinks.com)
6 //
7 // Description:
8 //
9 // Contains class declaration for OssimDatum.  This is a class wrapper
10 // for Geotrans datum.  For more thorough description of each function
11 // look at the datum.h file.
12 //*******************************************************************
13 //  $Id: ossimDatum.h 19793 2011-06-30 13:26:56Z gpotts $
14 #ifndef ossimDatum_HEADER
15 #define ossimDatum_HEADER
16 #include <ossim/base/ossimConstants.h>
17 #include <ossim/base/ossimString.h>
18 #include <ossim/base/ossimGpt.h>
19 #include <ossim/base/ossimEllipsoid.h>
20 #include <ossim/base/ossimObject.h>
22 class OSSIMDLLEXPORT ossimDatum : public ossimObject
23 {
24    friend class ossimDatumFactory;
26 public:
27    /**
28     *   @param alpha_code     new OSSIM/Geotrans datum code.                (input)
29     *   @param name           Name of the new datum                         (input)
30     *   @param SigmaX         Standard error in X in meters                 (input)
31     *   @param SigmaY         Standard error in Y in meters                 (input)
32     *   @param SigmaZ         Standard error in Z in meters                 (input)
33     *   @param southLatitude  Southern edge of validity rectangle in radians(input)
34     *   @param northLatitude  Northern edge of validity rectangle in radians(input)
35     *   @param westLongitude  Western edge of validity rectangle in radians (input)
36     *   @param eastLongitude  Eastern edge of validity rectangle in radians (input)
37     */
38     ossimDatum(const ossimString &alpha_code, const ossimString &name,
39               const ossimEllipsoid* anEllipsoid,
40               ossim_float64 sigmaX, ossim_float64 sigmaY, ossim_float64 sigmaZ,
41               ossim_float64 westLongitude, ossim_float64 eastLongitude,
42               ossim_float64 southLatitude, ossim_float64 northLatitude);
44    // Argument holds the source point and datum.  Returns another
45    // point with this datum.
46    //
47    virtual ossimGpt shift(const ossimGpt    &aPt)const=0;
48    //utility functions to shift to and from the standard coordinates.
49    //Users should use the shift instead!!!
50    //
51    virtual ossimGpt       shiftToWgs84(const ossimGpt &aPt)const = 0;
52    virtual ossimGpt       shiftFromWgs84(const ossimGpt &aPt)const = 0;
55    virtual bool  isTheSameAs(const ossimDatum *aDatum)const
56       {return this == aDatum;}
57    virtual const ossimString& code()const{return theCode;}
58    virtual const ossimString& name()const{return theName;}
59    virtual ossim_uint32 epsgCode()const{return theEpsgCode;}
60    virtual const ossimEllipsoid* ellipsoid()const{return theEllipsoid;}
61    virtual ossim_float64 sigmaX()const{return theSigmaX;}
62    virtual ossim_float64 sigmaY()const{return theSigmaY;}
63    virtual ossim_float64 sigmaZ()const{return theSigmaZ;}
65    virtual ossim_float64 westLongitude()const{return theWestLongitude;}
66    virtual ossim_float64 eastLongitude()const{return theEastLongitude;}
67    virtual ossim_float64 southLatitude()const{return theSouthLatitude;}
68    virtual ossim_float64 northLatitude()const{return theNorthLatitude;}
70    virtual ossim_float64 param1()const=0;
71    virtual ossim_float64 param2()const=0;
72    virtual ossim_float64 param3()const=0;
73    virtual ossim_float64 param4()const=0;
74    virtual ossim_float64 param5()const=0;
75    virtual ossim_float64 param6()const=0;
76    virtual ossim_float64 param7()const=0;
78    virtual bool isInside(ossim_float64 latitude, ossim_float64 longitude)const
79    {
80       return ((theSouthLatitude <= latitude) &&
81               (latitude <= theNorthLatitude) &&
82               (theWestLongitude <= longitude) &&
83               (longitude <= theEastLongitude));
84    }
86    bool operator==(const ossimDatum& rhs) const;
88    bool operator!=(const ossimDatum& rhs)const
89    {
90       return (!(*this == rhs));
91    }
92    virtual bool isEqualTo(const ossimObject& obj, ossimCompareType compareType=OSSIM_COMPARE_FULL)const;
94 protected:
95    //! Only friend ossimDatumFactory is permitted to delete
96    virtual ~ossimDatum(){};
98    /*!
99     * This is directly from Geotrans:
100     * Begin Molodensky_Shift
101     * This function shifts geodetic coordinates using the Molodensky method.
102     *
103     *    a         : Semi-major axis of source ellipsoid in meters  (input)
104     *    da        : Destination a minus source a                   (input)
105     *    f         : Flattening of source ellipsoid                 (input)
106     *    df        : Destination f minus source f                   (input)
107     *    dx        : X coordinate shift in meters                   (input)
108     *    dy        : Y coordinate shift in meters                   (input)
109     *    dz        : Z coordinate shift in meters                   (input)
110     */
111    virtual void    molodenskyShift( double a,
112                                     double da,
113                                     double f,
114                                     double df,
115                                     double dx,
116                                     double dy,
117                                     double dz,
118                                     double Lat_in,
119                                     double Lon_in,
120                                     double Hgt_in,
121                                    double &Lat_out,
122                                    double &Lon_out,
123                                    double &Hgt_out)const;
124    bool withinMolodenskyRange(const ossimGpt& pt)const
125       {
126          double lat = pt.latd();
128          return ((lat < 89.75) && (lat > -89.75));
129       }
132 protected:
133    ossimString           theCode;
134    ossim_uint32          theEpsgCode;
135    ossimString           theName;
136    const ossimEllipsoid *theEllipsoid;
138    ossim_float64        theSigmaX;
139    ossim_float64        theSigmaY;
140    ossim_float64        theSigmaZ;
142    ossim_float64        theWestLongitude;
143    ossim_float64        theEastLongitude;
144    ossim_float64        theSouthLatitude;
145    ossim_float64        theNorthLatitude;
148 };
150 #endif