1 //---
2 //
3 // License: MIT
4 //
5 // Author: Ken Melero
6 //
7 // Description: This class provides manipulation of filenames.
8 //
9 //---
10 // $Id$
12 #ifndef ossimFilename_HEADER
13 #define ossimFilename_HEADER 1
15 #include <ossim/base/ossimConstants.h>
16 #include <ossim/base/ossimString.h>
18 class ossimLocalTm;
20 class OSSIM_DLL ossimFilename : public ossimString
21 {
22 public:
23    enum AccessModes
24    {
25       OSSIM_READ_WRITE = 6,
26       OSSIM_READ       = 4,
27       OSSIM_WRITE      = 2,
28       OSSIM_EXE	       = 1, // The PC docs say that this is ignored
29       OSSIM_EXIST      = 0
30    };
31    ossimFilename();
32    ossimFilename(const ossimFilename& src);
33    ossimFilename(const ossimString& src);
34    ossimFilename(const std::string& src);
35    ossimFilename(const char* src);
36    const ossimFilename& operator=(const ossimFilename& f);
38    template <class Iter> ossimFilename(Iter s, Iter e);
40    static const ossimFilename NIL;
42    bool operator == (const ossimFilename& rhs)const;
44    bool operator == (const ossimString& rhs)const;
45    bool operator == (const char* rhs)const;
47    /** @brief Writes f to the output stream os. */
48 //    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
49    //                                const ossimFilename& s);
51    // void convertBackToForwardSlashes();
52    // void convertForwardToBackSlashes();
54    bool setTimes(ossimLocalTm* accessTime,
55                  ossimLocalTm* modTime,
56                  ossimLocalTm* createTime)const;
57    bool getTimes(ossimLocalTm* accessTime,
58                  ossimLocalTm* modTime,
59                  ossimLocalTm* createTime)const;
60    /**
61     * @brief Time in seconds since last accessed.
62     *
63     * @return The number of seconds since last accessed or -1 if file does not
64     * exist.
65     */
66    ossim_int64 lastAccessed() const;
68    bool touch()const;
70    /**
71     * Method to do file name expansion.
72     *
73     * Like: ~/docs will be expanded to /home/user/docs
74     *
75     * @return The expanded file name.
76     *
78     */
79    ossimFilename expand() const;
81    // Methods to test ossimFilename for various states.
82    bool        exists()       const;
83    bool        isFile()       const;
84    bool        isDir()        const;
85    bool        isReadable()   const;
86    bool        isUrl()        const;
87    bool        isWriteable()  const;
88    bool        isExecutable() const;
90    ossim_int64 fileSize()     const;
92    // Methods to access parts of the ossimFilename.
94    /**
95     * @return "tif" if file is "/data/images/t1.tif".
96     *
97     * @note The '.' (dot) is not returned.
98     */
99    ossimString   ext() const;
101    /**
102     * @return @return "/data/images" if file is "/data/images/t1.tif".
103     */
104    ossimFilename path() const;
106    /**
107     * @return @return "c:" if file is "c:\data\images\t1.tif".
108     */
109    ossimFilename drive() const;
111    /**
112     * @return @return "t1.tif" if file is "/data/images/t1.tif".
113     */
114    ossimFilename file() const;
116    /**
117     * @return @return "t1" if file is "/data/images/t1.tif".
118     */
119    ossimFilename fileNoExtension() const;
121    /**
122     * @return @return "/data/images/t1" if file is "/data/images/t1.tif".
123     *
124     * @note  The '.' (dot) is not returned.
125     */
126    ossimFilename noExtension() const;
128    /**
129     * Sets the extension of a file name.
130     *
131     * Given:
132     * ossimFilename f = "foo";
133     * f.setExtension("tif");
134     * f now equals "foo.tif"
135     *
136     * Given:
137     * ossimFilename f = "foo.jpg";
138     * f.setExtension("tif");
139     * f now equals "foo.tif"
140     *
141     * Given:
142     * ossimFilename f = "foo.jpg";
143     * f.setExtension(".tif");
144     * f now equals "foo.tif"
145     *
146     * Given:
147     * ossimFilename f = "foo.";
148     * ossimFilename f2;
149     * f2 = f.setExtension("tif");
150     * f now equals "foo.tif"
151     * f2 now equals "foo.tif"
152     *
153     * @param e Extension to add or replace.
154     *
155     * @returns a reference to this.
156     */
157    ossimFilename& setExtension(const ossimString& e);
159    /**
160 	* Sets the file path and drive.
161 	* Input: the drive to be set (this should come from the user's preferences)
162 	* Example: "x:"
163 	* Given: "/filepath/file.ext"
164     * @return @return "c:\filepath\file.ext".
165     */
166    ossimFilename& setDrive(const ossimString& d);
167    ossimFilename& setPath(const ossimString& p);
168    ossimFilename& setFile(const ossimString& f);
170    void split(ossimString& drivePart,
171               ossimString& pathPart,
172               ossimString& filePart,
173               ossimString& extPart)const;
175    void merge(const ossimString& drivePart,
176               const ossimString& pathPart,
177               const ossimString& filePart,
178               const ossimString& extPart);
179    /*!
180     * Returns file appended onto this string. Path seperator is always placed
181     * between this and file.  Returns file if this string is empty.
182     * Given: this = /foo  and file  = bar output  = /foo/bar
183     * Given: this = /foo/ and file  = bar output  = /foo/bar
184     */
185    ossimFilename dirCat(const ossimFilename& file) const;
187    /*!
188     */
189    bool createDirectory(bool recurseFlag=true,
190                         int perm=0775)const;
192    /*!
193     * @brief Removes pathname from filesystem if supported by platform.
194     *
195     * If pathname is a directory it will only be removed if empty. If supported
196     * will set errno and output equivalent string if one occurs.
197     *
198     * @return true on success, false on error.
199     */
200    static bool remove(const ossimFilename& pathname);
202    /**
203     * Will use a wildcard remove.  NOTE:  This is in
204     * a regular expression format so if you want all
205     * files with prefix myfile to be erased then you would give
206     * it <path>/myfile.*
207     *
208     * The . here is a regular expression '.' character which says any character
209     * and the * "is any number of"
210     *
211     */
212    static bool wildcardRemove(const ossimFilename& pathname);
214    bool rename(const ossimFilename& destFile, bool overwriteDestinationFlag=true)const;
216    bool remove()const;
217    bool wildcardRemove()const;
219    /**
220     * @brief Copies this file to output file.
221     *
222     * Copies this to output file. If output file is a directory, this->file() is
223     * appended to output file.
224     *
225     * @param outputFile File name to copy to.
226     *
227     * @return True on success, false on error.
228     */
229    bool copyFileTo(const ossimFilename& outputFile) const;
231    /**
232     * @brief Checks whether file name is relative or absolute.
233     *
234     * @return true if file name has a relative path, false if absolute.
235     *
236     * @note This will return true if file name is empty.
237     */
238    bool isRelative() const;
240    /**
241     * @brief Method to check if expansion is needed.
242     *
243     * This checks if file isRelative() first if isRelative is false (has
244     * absolute path) it then walks the file and looks for '$'.
245     *
246     * @return true if file name is relative or has environment vars.
247     *
248     * @note This will return false if file name is empty.
249     */
250    bool needsExpansion() const;
252    /** @return The path separator. */
253    char getPathSeparator() const;
255    /**
256     * Convenience method to append a generic timestamp to the base-name portion of the filename.
257     * This is useful for establishing rolling names for temporary files and logs. Returns this.
258     */
259    ossimFilename& appendTimestamp();
261    /**
262     * Convenience method to append a string to the base-name portion of the filename. Returns this.
263     */
264    ossimFilename& append(const ossimString& append_this_to_filename);
266    /**
267     * @return This as a string converted to native slashes.
268     */
269    std::string native() const;
271 protected:
273    /**
274     * @brief Converts slashes of this to internal '/' format.
275     */
276    void converPathSeparator();
278    //    void convertToNative();
280    /*!
281     * since windows uses \ for path separation
282     * and unix / we need to be consistent.
283     */
284    static const char OSSIM_NATIVE_PATH_SEPARATOR;
285    static const char OSSIM_FILENAME_PATH_SEPARATOR;
286 };
288 // inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const ossimFilename& f)
289 // {
290 //   return os << f.string().c_str();
291 // }
293 #endif