1 /****************************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) 2007 Ian Monroe <ian@monroe.nu>                                        *
3  * Copyright (c) 2008 Seb Ruiz <ruiz@kde.org>                                           *
4  * Copyright (c) 2008 Soren Harward <stharward@gmail.com>                               *
5  * Copyright (c) 2009,2010 Téo Mrnjavac <teo@kde.org>                                   *
6  *                                                                                      *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under        *
8  * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software        *
9  * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) version 3 or        *
10  * any later version accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved  *
11  * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy defined in Section 14 of  *
12  * version 3 of the license.                                                            *
13  *                                                                                      *
14  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY      *
15  * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A      *
16  * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.             *
17  *                                                                                      *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with         *
19  * this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                           *
20  ****************************************************************************************/
25 #include "UndoCommands.h"
26 #include "amarok_export.h"
27 #include "core/meta/forward_declarations.h"
28 #include "core/playlists/Playlist.h"
30 #include <QObject>
32 class QUndoStack;
34 namespace Playlist
35 {
36 class AbstractModel;
38 /**
39  * No options means: append at the end of the playlist (without touching playing
40  * state)
41  */
42 enum AddOption
43 {
44     Replace = 1, ///< replaces the playlist instead of default appending (or queueing)
45     Queue = 2, ///< inserts media into the queue after the currentTrack instead of default
46                ///  appending to the end of the playlist
47     PrependToQueue = Queue | 4, ///< prepends media to the queue (after current track), implies Queue
48     DirectPlay = PrependToQueue | 8, ///< start playback of the first item in the list, implies PrependToQueue
49     RemotePlaylistsAreStreams = 16, ///< treat remote urls pointing to playlists as streams.
50                                     ///  only has sense for methods that accept urls or playlists
51     StartPlayIfConfigured = 32, ///< start playing the first added track if Amarok is
52                                 ///  configured so and nothing else is already playing
54     // following are "consistency convenience enums" so that it is easy for us to make the
55     // bahaviour of similarly-looking UI elements the same. These enums are the preferred
56     // ones on calling sites. Feel free to add a new one if you find another UI element
57     // that appears on multiple places. Prefix these with On*.
58     OnDoubleClickOnSelectedItems = StartPlayIfConfigured,
59     OnMiddleClickOnSelectedItems = DirectPlay,
60     OnReturnPressedOnSelectedItems = StartPlayIfConfigured, // append, should be kept same as double-click
62     OnPlayMediaAction = DirectPlay,
63     OnAppendToPlaylistAction = 0, // double-click is always available, so don't add StartPlayIfConfigured here
64     OnReplacePlaylistAction = Replace | StartPlayIfConfigured,
65     OnQueueToPlaylistAction = Queue | StartPlayIfConfigured,
66 };
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(AddOptions,AddOption)67 Q_DECLARE_FLAGS( AddOptions, AddOption )
69 /** The Playlist::Controller allows to add, remove or otherwise change tracks to the playlist.
70     Instead of directly talking to The::Playlist or PlaylistModelStack this object
71     should be used. It will take care of correctly placing the tracks (even
72     if the playlist is sorted) and will handle undo and redo operations.
73 */
74 class AMAROK_EXPORT Controller : public QObject
75 {
76     Q_OBJECT
78 public:
79     /**
80      * Accessor for the singleton pattern.
81      * @return a pointer to the only instance of Playlist::Controller.
82      */
83     static Controller *instance();
85     /**
86      * Singleton destructor.
87      */
88     static void destroy();
90 public Q_SLOTS:
91     /**
92      * Handles the insertion of one single track into the playlist, considering a set of
93      * options that handle the specifics of the operation.
94      * @param track the track to be inserted.
95      * @param options the set of options to be applied to the operation.
96      * @see enum AddOptions.
97      */
98     void insertOptioned( Meta::TrackPtr track, AddOptions options = 0 );
100     /**
101      * Handles the insertion of one or more tracks into the playlist, considering a set of
102      * options that handle the specifics of the operation.
103      * @param list the list of tracks to be inserted.
104      * @param options the set of options to be applied to the operation.
105      * @see enum AddOptions.
106      */
107     void insertOptioned( Meta::TrackList list, AddOptions options = 0 );
108     void insertOptioned( Playlists::PlaylistPtr playlist, AddOptions options = 0 );
109     void insertOptioned( Playlists::PlaylistList list, AddOptions options = 0 );
110     void insertOptioned( const QUrl &url, AddOptions options = 0 );
111     void insertOptioned( QList<QUrl> &urls, AddOptions options = 0 );
113     /**
114      * Handles the insertion of one or more tracks into the playlist on a specific row.
115      * The rows are always considered as topmost playlist model rows.
116      * @param topModelRow the insertion row in the topmost model.
117      * @param track the track to be inserted.
118      */
119     void insertTrack( int topModelRow, Meta::TrackPtr track );
120     void insertTracks( int topModelRow, Meta::TrackList list );
121     void insertPlaylist( int topModelRow, Playlists::PlaylistPtr playlist );
122     void insertPlaylists( int topModelRow, Playlists::PlaylistList playlists );
123     void insertUrls( int topModelRow, QList<QUrl> &urls );
125     /**
126      * Handles the removal of a single track from the playlist.
127      * The rows are considered as topmost playlist model rows.
128      * @param topModelRow the row to remove in the topmost model.
129      */
130     void removeRow( int topModelRow );
132     /**
133      * Handles the removal of tracks from the playlist.
134      * The rows are considered as topmost playlist model rows.
135      * @param topModelRow the row to remove in the topmost model.
136      * @param count the number of rows to remove.
137      */
138     void removeRows( int topModelRow, int count );
140     /**
141      * Handles the removal of a list of tracks from the playlist.
142      * The rows are considered as topmost playlist model rows.
143      * @param topModelRows the list of row numbers to remove.
144      */
145     void removeRows( QList<int>& topModelRows );
147     /**
148      * Removes unplayable and duplicate entries in the topmost playlist model, i.e.
149      * respects playlist filters.
150      */
151     void removeDeadAndDuplicates();
153     /**
154      * Moves a track from one row to another in the playlist.
155      * @param topModelFrom the row containing the track that is about to be moved.
156      * @param topModelTo the target row where the track should be moved.
157      */
158     void moveRow( int topModelFrom, int topModelTo );
160     /**
161      * Moves a list of tracks to a specified row in the playlist.
162      * This function returns the real starting location where the rows ended up.
163      * For example, if you start with the following playlist:
164      *   0 Alpha
165      *   1 Bravo
166      *   2 Charlie
167      *   3 Delta
168      *   4 Echo
169      *   5 Foxtrot
170      * and you call moveRows( [0,1,2], 4 ) then the playlist will end up with
171      *   0 Delta
172      *   1 Echo
173      *   2 Alpha
174      *   3 Bravo
175      *   4 Charlie
176      *   5 Foxtrot
177      * and the function will return 2, because that's where the rows really ended up.
178      * @param topModelFrom the list of rows containing the tracks that are about to be moved.
179      * @param topModelTo the target row where the tracks should be moved.
180      * @return the first row where the tracks ended up in the new list.
181      */
182     int moveRows( QList<int>& topModelFrom, int topModelTo );
184     /**
185      * Reorders tracks in the playlist. For each i, track at position
186      * topModelFrom[i] is moved to the position topModelTo[i]. Note that when track
187      * on position A is moved to the position B, the track from position B needs to
188      * be moved as well. As a consequence, every track position appearing
189      * in topModelFrom needs to appear in topModelTo.
190      * @param topModelFrom the list containing positions of tracks to be moved
191      * @param topModelTo the list containing positions the tracks should be moved to
192      */
193     void reorderRows( const QList<int> &topModelFrom, const QList<int> &topModelTo );
195     void undo();
196     void redo();
197     void clear();
200     void canRedoChanged( bool );
201     void canUndoChanged( bool );
203     void changed();
205     void replacingPlaylist();
207 private Q_SLOTS:
208     void slotLoaderWithOptionsFinished( const Meta::TrackList &tracks );
209     void slotLoaderWithRowFinished( const Meta::TrackList &tracks );
211 private:
212     Controller();
214     ~Controller() override;
216     static Controller *s_instance;       //!< Instance member.
218     /**
219      * Converts a row number in 'm_topModel' to a row in 'm_bottomModel', for purposes of
220      * insert. This is not useful for remove/move.
221      */
222     int insertionTopRowToBottom( int topModelRow );
224     /**
225      * Handles the insertion of a list of tracks into the playlist on a specific row.
226      * The row number is always in the *bottom* playlist model, in contrast to most other
227      * functions in this class.
228      * @param bottomModelRow the insertion row in the bottom model.
229      * @param tl the Meta::TrackList to be inserted.
230      */
231     void insertionHelper( int bottomModelRow, Meta::TrackList& tl );
233     AbstractModel* m_topModel;
234     AbstractModel* m_bottomModel;
236     QUndoStack* m_undoStack;
237 };
238 }
240 Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS( Playlist::AddOptions )
Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(Playlist::AddOptions)241 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE( Playlist::AddOptions )
243 namespace The
244 {
245     AMAROK_EXPORT Playlist::Controller* playlistController();
246 }
248 #endif