1$nyquist plug-in
2$version 4
3$type analyze
4;i18n-hint: Name of effect that labels sounds
5$name (_ "Label Sounds")
6$manpage "Label_Sounds"
7$debugbutton false
8;; As this is a new plug-in (Jan2021), display errors if they occur.
9$debugflags trace
10$author (_ "Steve Daulton")
11$release 3.0.4
12$copyright (_ "GNU General Public License v2.0 or later")
14;; Released under terms of the GNU General Public License v2.0 or later:
15;; http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
17;; For information about writing and modifying Nyquist plug-ins:
18;; https://wiki.audacityteam.org/wiki/Nyquist_Plug-ins_Reference
21$control threshold (_ "Threshold level (dB)") float "" -30 -100 0
22$control measurement (_ "Threshold measurement") choice (("peak" (_ "Peak level"))
23                                                         ("avg" (_ "Average level"))
24                                                         ("rms" (_ "RMS level"))) 0
25$control sil-dur (_ "Minimum silence duration") time "" 1 0.01 3600
26$control snd-dur (_ "Minimum label interval") time "" 1 0.01 7200
27$control type (_ "Label type") choice (("before" (_ "Point before sound"))
28                                       ("after" (_ "Point after sound"))
29                                       ("around" (_ "Region around sounds"))
30                                       ("between" (_ "Region between sounds"))) 2
31$control pre-offset (_ "Maximum leading silence") time "" 0 0 nil
32$control post-offset (_ "Maximum trailing silence") time "" 0 0 nil
33;i18n-hint: Do not translate '##1'
34$control text (_ "Label text") string "" (_ "Sound ##1")
37(setf threshold (db-to-linear threshold))
38(setf max-labels 10000)  ;max number of labels to return
40(defun format-time (s)
41  ;;; format time in seconds as h m s.
42  ;;; (Only used for error message if selection > 2^31 samples.)
43  (let* ((hh (truncate (/ s 3600)))
44         (mm (truncate (/ s 60))))
45  ;i18n-hint: hours minutes and seconds. Do not translate "~a".
46  (format nil (_ "~ah ~am ~as")
47      hh (- mm (* hh 60)) (rem (truncate s) 60))))
49(defun parse-label-text (txt)
50  ;;; Special character '#' represents an incremental digit.
51  ;;; Return '(digits num pre-txt post-txt) for
52  ;;; (number-of-digits, initial-value, text-before-number, text-after-number),
53  ;;;  or NIL.
54  ;;; 'initial-value' is a positive integer or zero (default).
55  ;;; Only the first instance of #'s are considered 'special'.
56  (let ((hashes 0)
57        (num nil)
58        (negative nil)
59        (pre-txt "")
60        (post-txt "")
61        ch)
62    (dotimes (i (length txt))
63      (setf ch (char txt i))
64      (cond
65        ((and (string= post-txt "") (char= ch #\#))
66            (incf hashes))
67        ((and (> hashes 0) (string= post-txt ""))
68            (cond
69              ((digit-char-p ch)
70                (if num
71                    (setf num (+ (* num 10) (digit-char-p ch)))
72                    (setf num (digit-char-p ch))))
73              ((and (not num)(char= ch #\-))
74                (setf negative t))
75              (t (setf post-txt (string ch)))))
76        ((= hashes 0) ;special '#' not yet found
77            (string-append pre-txt (string ch)))
78        (t ;run out of #'s and digit characters.
79            (string-append post-txt (string ch)))))
80      (when negative
81        (setf num (- num)))
82      ;; Replace string literal hash characters.
83      (when (and (> hashes 0) (not num))
84        (dotimes (i hashes)
85          (string-append pre-txt "#")))
86      (list hashes num pre-txt post-txt)))
88(defun pad (n d)
89  ;;; Return string, int 'n' padded to 'd' digits, or empty string.
90  ;;; Used in formatting label text.
91  (cond
92    (n
93      (let ((negative (minusp n))
94            (n (format nil "~a" (abs n))))
95        (while (< (length n) d)
96          (setf n (format nil "0~a" n)))
97        (if negative
98            (format nil "-~a" n)
99            n)))
100    (t "")))
102(defun to-mono (sig)
103  ;;; Coerce sig to mono.
104  (if (arrayp sig)
105      (s-max (s-abs (aref sig 0))
106             (s-abs (aref sig 1)))
107      sig))
109(defun to-avg-mono (sig)
110  ;;; Average of stereo channels
111  (if (arrayp sig)
112      (mult 0.5 (sum (aref sig 0)(aref sig 1)))
113      sig))
115(defun reduce-srate (sig)
116  ;;; Reduce sample rate to (about) 100 Hz.
117  (let ((ratio (round (/ *sound-srate* 100))))
118    (cond
119      ((= measurement 0)  ;Peak
120        (let ((sig (to-mono sig)))
121          (snd-avg sig ratio ratio OP-PEAK)))
122      ((= measurement 1)  ;Average absolute level
123        (let ((sig (to-avg-mono (s-abs sig))))
124          (snd-avg sig ratio ratio OP-AVERAGE)))
125      (t  ;RMS
126        (if (arrayp sig)
127            ;; Stereo RMS is the root mean of all (samples ^ 2) [both channels]
128            (let* ((sig (mult sig sig))
129                   (left-mean-sq (snd-avg (aref sig 0) ratio ratio OP-AVERAGE))
130                   (right-mean-sq (snd-avg (aref sig 1) ratio ratio OP-AVERAGE)))
131              (s-sqrt (mult 0.5 (sum left-mean-sq right-mean-sq))))
132            (rms sig))))))
134(defun find-sounds (sig selection-start srate)
135  ;;; Return a list of sounds that are at least 'snd-dur' long,
136  ;;; separated by silences of at least 'sil-dur'.
137  (let ((snd-list ())
138        (sample-count 0)
139        (sil-count 0)
140        (snd-count 0)
141        (snd-start 0)
142        (label-count 0)
143        ;convert min sound duration to samples
144        (snd-dur (* snd-dur srate))
145        (sil-dur (* sil-dur srate)))
146    ;;Ignore samples before time = 0
147    (when (< selection-start 0)
148      (setf sample-count (truncate (* (abs selection-start) srate)))
149      (dotimes (i sample-count)
150        (snd-fetch sig)))
151    ;;Main loop to find sounds.
152    (do ((val (snd-fetch sig) (snd-fetch sig)))
153        ((not val) snd-list)
154      (cond
155        ((< val threshold)
156            (when (and (>= sil-count sil-dur)(>= snd-count snd-dur))
157              ;convert sample counts to seconds and push to list.
158              (push (list (/ snd-start srate)
159                          (/ (- sample-count sil-count) srate))
160                    snd-list)
161              (incf label-count)
162              (when (= label-count max-labels)
163                (format t (_ "Too many silences detected.~%Only the first 10000 labels added."))
164                (return-from find-sounds snd-list))
165              (setf snd-count 0)) ;Pushed to list, so reset sound sample counter.
166            (when (> snd-count 0) ;Sound is shorter than snd-dur, so keep counting.
167              (incf snd-count))
168            (incf sil-count))
169        ;; Above threshold.
170        (t  (when (= snd-count 0) ;previous sound was push, so this is a new sound.
171              (setf snd-start sample-count))
172            (setf sil-count 0)
173            (incf snd-count)))
174      (incf sample-count))
175    ;; Check for final sound
176    (when (> snd-count 0)
177      (push (list (/ snd-start srate)
178                  (/ (- sample-count sil-count) srate))
179            snd-list))
180    snd-list))
183(defun return-labels (snd-list)
184  (setf text (parse-label-text text))
185  ; Selection may extend before t=0
186  ; Find t=0 relative to selection so we can ensure
187  ; that we don't create hidden labels.
188  (setf t0 (- (get '*selection* 'start)))
189  (setf t1 (- (get '*selection* 'end)))
190  (let ((label-start t0)
191        (label-end t1)
192        (label-text "")
193        (labels ())
194        (final-sound (if (= type 3) 1 0)) ;type 3 = regions  between sounds.
195        ;; Assign variable to parsed label text
196        (digits (first text))
197        (num (second text))
198        (pre-txt (third text))
199        (post-txt (fourth text)))
200    ;snd-list is in reverse chronological order
201    (do ((i (1- (length snd-list)) (1- i)))
202        ((< i final-sound) labels)
203      (case type
204        (3  ;;label silences.
205            (setf start-time (second (nth i snd-list)))
206            (setf end-time (first (nth (1- i) snd-list)))
207            ;don't overlap next sound
208            (setf label-start (min end-time (+ start-time pre-offset)))
209            ;don't overlap previous sound
210            (setf label-end (max start-time (- end-time post-offset)))
211            ;ensure end is not before start
212            (when (< (- label-end label-start) 0)
213              (setf label-start (/ (+ label-end label-start) 2.0))
214              (setf label-end label-start)))
215        (t  ;; labelling sounds
216            (setf start-time (first (nth i snd-list)))
217            (setf end-time (second (nth i snd-list)))
218            ;don't overlap t0 or previous sound.
219            (setf label-start (max t0 label-start (- start-time pre-offset)))
220            (setf label-end (+ end-time post-offset))
221            ;; Don't overlap following sounds.
222            (when (> i 0)
223              (setf label-end (min label-end (first (nth (1- i) snd-list)))))))
224      (setf label-text (format nil "~a~a~a"
225                               pre-txt
226                               (pad num digits)
227                               post-txt))
228      (case type
229        (0 (push (list label-start label-text) labels)) ;point label before sound
230        (1 (push (list label-end label-text) labels))   ;point label after sound
231        (2 (push (list label-start label-end label-text) labels)) ;sound region
232        (t (push (list label-start label-end label-text) labels)));silent region
233      ;Earliest allowed start time for next label.
234      (setf label-start end-time)
235      ;num is either an int or nil
236      (when num (incf num)))))
239;;  Bug 2352: Throw error if selection too long for Nyquist.
240(let* ((sel-start (get '*selection* 'start))
241       (sel-end (get '*selection* 'end))
242       (dur (- sel-end sel-start))
243       (samples (* dur *sound-srate*))
244       (max-samples (1- (power 2 31))))
245  (if (>= samples max-samples)
246      ;i18n-hint: '~a' will be replaced by a time duration
247      (format nil (_ "Error.~%Selection must be less than ~a.")
248              (format-time (/ max-samples *sound-srate*)))
249      ;; Selection OK, so run the analyzer.
250      (let ((sig (reduce-srate *track*)))
251        (setf *track* nil)
252        (setf snd-list (find-sounds sig sel-start (snd-srate sig)))
253        (cond
254          ((= (length snd-list) 0)
255            (format nil (_ "No sounds found.~%Try lowering the 'Threshold' or reduce 'Minimum sound duration'.")))
256          ((and (= type 3) (= (length snd-list) 1))
257            (format nil (_ "Labelling regions between sounds requires~%at least two sounds.~%Only one sound detected.")))
258          (t
259            (return-labels snd-list))))))