1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<templates id="template" xml:space="preserve">
4    <t t-name="Orderline" owl="1">
5        <li t-on-click="selectLine" class="orderline" t-att-class="addedClasses">
6            <span class="product-name">
7                <t t-esc="props.line.get_full_product_name()"/>
8                <span> </span>
9                <t t-if="props.line.get_product().tracking!=='none' &amp;&amp; (env.pos.picking_type.use_create_lots || env.pos.picking_type.use_existing_lots)">
10                    <t t-if="props.line.has_valid_product_lot()">
11                        <i  t-on-click.stop="lotIconClicked"
12                            class="oe_link_icon fa fa-list oe_icon line-lot-icon oe_green"
13                            aria-label="Valid product lot"
14                            role="img"
15                            title="Valid product lot"
16                        />
17                    </t>
18                    <t t-else="">
19                        <i  t-on-click.stop="lotIconClicked"
20                            class="oe_link_icon fa fa-list oe_icon line-lot-icon oe_red"
21                            aria-label="Invalid product lot"
22                            role="img"
23                            title="Invalid product lot"
24                        />
25                    </t>
26                </t>
27            </span>
28            <span class="price">
29                <t t-esc="env.pos.format_currency(props.line.get_display_price())"/>
30            </span>
31            <ul class="info-list">
32                <t t-if="props.line.get_quantity_str() !== '1' || props.line.selected ">
33                    <li class="info">
34                        <em>
35                            <t t-esc="props.line.get_quantity_str()" />
36                        </em>
37                        <span> </span><t t-esc="props.line.get_unit().name" />
38                        at
39                        <t t-if="props.line.display_discount_policy() == 'without_discount' and
40                            props.line.get_unit_display_price() &lt; props.line.get_lst_price()">
41                            <s>
42                                <t t-esc="env.pos.format_currency(props.line.get_fixed_lst_price(),'Product Price')" />
43                            </s>
44                            <t t-esc="env.pos.format_currency(props.line.get_unit_display_price(),'Product Price')" />
45                        </t>
46                        <t t-else="">
47                            <t t-esc="env.pos.format_currency(props.line.get_unit_display_price(),'Product Price')" />
48                        </t>
49                        /
50                        <t t-esc="props.line.get_unit().name" />
51                    </li>
52                </t>
53                <t t-if="props.line.get_discount_str() !== '0'">
54                    <li class="info">
55                        With a
56                        <em>
57                            <t t-esc="props.line.get_discount_str()" />%
58                        </em>
59                        discount
60                    </li>
61                </t>
62            </ul>
63            <t t-if="props.line.get_lot_lines()">
64                <ul class="info-list">
65                    <t t-foreach="props.line.get_lot_lines()" t-as="lot" t-key="lot.cid">
66                        <li>
67                            SN <t t-esc="lot.attributes['lot_name']"/>
68                        </li>
69                    </t>
70                </ul>
71            </t>
72        </li>
73    </t>