2# postfix.conf / postfix-logwatch.conf
4# This is the postfix-logwatch configuration file.
6# Lines in this file are of the format:
8#     VAR = VALUE
9#    *VAR = VALUE
10#    $VAR = VALUE
12# Whitespace surrounding the = assignment character is removed.  Variable names
13# and values are case insensitive. Double quotes can be used to preserve case and
14# whitespace.
16# Variables beginning with a * are used only by logwatch.
17# Variables beginning with a $ are used only by the postfix-logwatch filter.
18# Variables beginning with neither * nor $ are used only by logwatch, with the
19# exception of the Detail variable which is passed via environment to the
20# postfix-logwatch filter.
22# Any of the equivalent boolean values below may be used where appropriate:
24#    1, Yes, True,  On
25#    0, No,  False, Off
27# Lines that begin with a # are comment lines.  Blank and whitespace lines
28# are ignored.  Whitespace at the beginning and end of a line is ignored.
31# Specifies the title used in the logwatch report
33Title = "Postfix"
35# Specifies the logwatch logfile group
37LogFile = maillog
39# Specifies the global, maximum detail level
41#Detail = 10
43# The *OnlyService selector is used solely by logwatch to select log lines
44# to pass to the postfix-logwatch filter.  And postfix-logwatch uses the
45# $postfix_Syslog_Name variable for log line selection.
47# When used in logwatch, both the *OnlyService and $postfix_Syslog_Name
48# variables below should contain essentially the same REs so that lines passed
49# by logwatch are also selected by postfix-logwatch.  Note that *OnlyService
50# also includes the /<postfix service name> (eg. postfix/smtpd).
52# If you change postfix's syslog_name for any postfix service, you will need to
53# replace "postfix" below with an appropriate RE to capture the desired log entries.
54# Do likewise for *OnlyService above when used under logwatch.  For example, the
55# settings:
57#       *OnlyService = "postfix\d?/[-a-zA-Z\d]*"
58#       $postfix_Syslog_Name = "postfix\d?"
60# will capture postfix/smtpd, postfix2/virtual, ..., postfix9/cleanup
62# Note: If you use parenthesis in your regular expression, be sure they
63# are cloistering and not capturing: use (?:pattern) instead of (pattern).
65# Performance Note:
66# If you do not wish to analyze any or all of postgrey, postfwd, or policyd-spf
67# consider simplifying $postfix_Syslog_Name to increase log scanning performance. The
68# more complex the RE, the longer the scan time to select/reject a log line.  The
69# difference in scan times between the simple string 'postfix' and the more complex
70# alternation RE that includes postfix, postgrey, postfwd and policyd-spf is about 40%.
72# Includes: postfix/smtpd, etc, postfix/policy-spf
73#*OnlyService = "postfix/[-\w]*"
74#$postfix_Syslog_Name = "postfix"
75# Includes: postfix/smtpd, etc, postfix/policy-spf, postgrey, postfwd, policyd-spf
76*OnlyService         = "(?:post(?:fix|grey|fwd)|policyd-spf)(?:/[-\w]*)?"
77$postfix_Syslog_Name = "(?:post(?:fix|grey|fwd)|policyd-spf)"
79# Ignored postfix services
81# Ignores postfix services postfix/SERVICE, where SERVICE is an RE
82# pattern.  The example below will ignore log lines whose syslog
83# name is "postfix/myservice".
84#$postfix_Ignore_Service = "myservice"
86# Specifies the maximum report width for Detail <= 10,
87# or when postfix_Line_Style is not set to Truncate
89$postfix_Max_Report_Width = 100
91# Specifies how to handle line lengths greater than Max_Report_Width.
92# Options are Truncate (default), Wrap, or Full.
93# for Detail <= 10
95$postfix_Line_Style = Truncate
97# Set the variable below to the value set for "recipient_delimiter"
98# in your postfix configuration, if you want your recipient email
99# addresses split into their user + extension.
101#$postfix_Recipient_Delimiter = "+"
103# Width of IP addresses for columnar output.  Change to 40 for IPv6 addresses
104#$postfix_ipaddr_width = 40
105$postfix_ipaddr_width = 15
107# Switch to use Postfix 2.8 long queue IDs:
108# Postfix option: enable_long_queue_ids
109$postfix_Enable_Long_Queue_Ids = No
111# Show delays percentiles report.  For command line, use --[no]delays,
112# without an argument.
114$postfix_Show_Delays = Yes
116# Show names of detail section variables/command line options in
117# detail report titles.  For command line, use --[no]sect_vars,
118# without an argument.
120$postfix_Show_Sect_Vars = No
122# Show the postfix-reported hostname of 'unknown' in formatted
123# ip/hostname pairs.  For command line, use --[no]unknown,
124# without an argument.
126$postfix_Show_Unknown = Yes
128# Show the summary section.  For command line, use --[no]summary,
129# without an argument.
130$postfix_Show_Summary = Yes
132# Specifies the percentiles shown in the delivery delays report
133# Valid values are from 0 to 100, inclusive.
134$postfix_Delays_Percentiles = "0 25 50 75 90 95 98 100"
136# Specifies the list of reject sections that will be output in
137# reports (eg. 5xx permanent or 4xx temporary failures).
138# Each entry in the comma or whitespace separated list consists of 3
139# characters, where the first is either 4 or 5, and second and third
140# are a digit or a dot "." match-anything character.  Also allowed is
141# the keyword "Warn" (which is used for postfix "warn_if_reject" rejects).
142# In PCRE (perl regular expression) terms, any pattern that matches:
144#    ^([45][0-9.][0-9.]|Warn)$
146# is acceptable.
148# Typical reject codes:
150#   421 Service not available, closing transmission channel
151#   450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable
152#   451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing
153#   452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage
155#   500 Syntax error, command unrecognized
156#   501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments
157#   502 Command not implemented
158#   503 Bad sequence of commands
159#   504 Command parameter not implemented
160#   550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
161#   551 User not local; please try <forward-path>
162#   552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation
163#   553 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed
164#   554 Transaction failed
166# Specific codes take priority over wildcard patterns.  The default list
167# is: "5.. 4.. Warn".
169# See also the various Reject... level limiters below
171$postfix_Reject_Reply_Patterns = "5.. 4.. Warn"
173# Level Limiters
175# The variables below control the maximum output level for a given
176# category.  A level of 1 indicates only one level of detailed output in
177# the Detailed report section.  The Summary section is only available
178# at logwatch --Detail level >= 5.  Increasing the Detail level
179# by one adds one level of additional detail in the Summary section.
181# For example, Detail 5 would output one additional level of detail,
182# Detail 6 two levels, etc. all the way up to 10.  Finally, Detail
183# 11 yields uncropped lines of output.
185# You can control the maximum number of level 1 lines by appending
186# a period and a number. The value 2.10 would indicate 2 levels
187# of detail, but only 10 level-1 lines.  For example, setting
188# $postfix_Sent = 1.20 yields a top 20 list of Messages Sent.
190# A more  useful form of limiting uses triplets in the form l:n:t.
191# This  triplet specifies level l, top n, and minimum threshold t.
192# Each of the values are integers, with l being the level  limiter
193# as described above, n being a top n limiter for the level l, and
194# t being the threshold limiter for level l.  When both  n  and  t
195# are  specified, n has priority, allowing top n lists (regardless
196# of threshold value).  If the value of l is omitted,  the  speci-
197# fied  values for n and/or t are used for all levels available in
198# the sub-section.  This permits a simple form of wildcarding (eg.
199# place  minimum  threshold  limits on all levels).  However, spe-
200# cific limiters always override  wildcard  limiters.   The  first
201# form  of  level limiter may be included in levelspec to restrict
202# output, regardless of how many triplets are present.
204$postfix_Sent                       = "1:10:1 2::1"
205$postfix_SentLmtp                   = "1:10:1 2::1"
206$postfix_Delivered                  = "1:10:1"
207$postfix_Forwarded                  = "1 1:10:1"
208$postfix_ConnectionLostInbound      = 1
209$postfix_TimeoutInbound             = "2 :10:1"
210$postfix_ConnectToFailure           = 2
212$postfix_EnvelopeSenders            = "2 1:10:1"
213$postfix_EnvelopeSenderDomains      = "1 1:20:1"
214$postfix_ConnectionInbound          = "1 1:20:1"
216# Reject by IP report
217$postfix_ByIpRejects                = 0
219$postfix_PanicError                 = 10
220$postfix_FatalError                 = 10
221$postfix_Error                      = 10
222# warnings
223$postfix_Anvil                      = 2
224$postfix_AttrError                  = 10
225$postfix_CommunicationError         = 10
226$postfix_DatabaseGeneration         = 10
227$postfix_DNSError                   = 3
228$postfix_HeloError                  = 10
229$postfix_HostnameValidationError    = 10
230$postfix_HostnameVerification       = "2::1"
231$postfix_IllegalAddrSyntax          = 10
232$postfix_LdapError                  = 10
233$postfix_MailerLoop                 = 10
234$postfix_MapProblem                 = 10
235$postfix_MessageWriteError          = 10
236$postfix_NumericHostname            = 10
237$postfix_ProcessExit                = 10
238$postfix_ProcessLimit               = 10
239$postfix_QueueWriteError            = 10
240$postfix_RBLError                   = 10
241$postfix_SaslAuthFail               = 10
242$postfix_SmtpConversationError      = 10
243$postfix_StartupError               = 10
244$postfix_WarningsOther              = 10
246# Common access control actions
247$postfix_Bcced                      = 10
248$postfix_Discarded                  = 10
249$postfix_Filtered                   = 10
250$postfix_Hold                       = 10
251$postfix_Prepended                  = 10
252$postfix_Redirected                 = 10
253$postfix_Replaced                   = 10
254$postfix_Warned                     = 10
255# DUNNO  action not logged
256# IGNORE action not logged
257# REJECT actions are below
259# Rejects
260# The following are generic reject types, which are automatically
261# expanded into each reject variant, based on the reply patterns
262# listed in Reject_Reply_Patterns.  By default, each item in the
263# list below becomes 4xxReject..., 5xxReject..., and WarnReject...
264$postfix_RejectBody                 = "2 :10:1"
265$postfix_RejectClient               = "2 :10:1"
266$postfix_RejectConfigError          = "2 :10:1"
267$postfix_RejectContent              = "2 :10:1"
268$postfix_RejectData                 = "1 :10:1"
269$postfix_RejectEtrn                 = "2 :10:1"
270$postfix_RejectHeader               = "2 :10:1"
271$postfix_RejectHelo                 = "2 :10:1"
272$postfix_RejectInsufficientSpace    = "2 :10:1"
273$postfix_RejectLookupFailure        = "2 :10:1"
274$postfix_RejectMilter               = "2 :10:1"
275$postfix_RejectProxy                = "2 :10:1"
276$postfix_RejectRBL                  = "2 :10:1"
277$postfix_RejectRecip                = "2 :10:1"
278$postfix_RejectRelay                = "1 :10:1"
279$postfix_RejectSender               = "2 :10:1"
280$postfix_RejectSize                 = "2 :10:1"
281$postfix_RejectUnknownClient        = "2 :10:1"
282$postfix_RejectUnknownReverseClient = "2 :10:1"
283$postfix_RejectUnknownUser          = "2 :10:1"
284$postfix_RejectUnverifiedClient     = "2 :10:1"
285$postfix_RejectVerify               = "2 :10:1"
287# For more precise control, you can comment out any of the reject
288# types above and specify each variant manually, but the list must
289# be consistent with the values specified in Reject_Reply_Patterns.
291# For example, you could comment out $postfix_RejectHelo above, and
292# instead uncomment the three RejectHelo variants, allowing you to
293# specify different level limiters to each variant:
295# Permanent 5xx variant
296#    $postfix_5xxRejectHelo  = 1
297# Temporary 4xx variant
298#    $postfix_4xxRejectHelo  = 2
299# Warn_if_reject variant
300#    $postfix_WarnRejectHelo = 2
303$postfix_Deferred                   = 10
304$postfix_Deferrals                  = 10
305$postfix_BounceLocal                = 10
306$postfix_BounceRemote               = "4 ::1"
308$postfix_Discarded                  = 10
309$postfix_ReturnedToSender           = 10
310$postfix_NotificationSent           = 10
311$postfix_ConnectionLostOutbound     = 10
313$postfix_Deliverable                = 10
314$postfix_Undeliverable              = 10
315$postfix_PixWorkaround              = 10
316$postfix_SaslAuth                   = 10
317$postfix_TlsServerConnect           = 10
318$postfix_TlsClientConnect           = 10
319$postfix_TlsUnverified              = 10
320$postfix_TlsOffered                 = 10
321$postfix_SmtpProtocolViolation      = "2 :10:1"
323$postfix_Postscreen                 = 1
324$postfix_DNSBLog                    = 1
326$postfix_PolicySPF                  = "3::10 4::1"
327$postfix_PolicydWeight              = 10
328$postfix_Postgrey                   = "4 3::1"
331# vi: shiftwidth=3 tabstop=3 et