3require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/accesscheck.php';
5if (empty($id) && isset($_GET['id'])) {
6    $id = sprintf('%d', $_GET['id']);
7} elseif (!isset($id)) {
8    $id = 0;
11if (!$id && $_GET['page'] != 'import1') {
12    Fatal_Error('Invalid call');
13    exit;
15require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/date.php';
16$date = new Date();
18//# Check if input is complete
19$allthere = 1;
20$subscribepagedata = PageData($id);
21if (isset($subscribepagedata['language_file']) && is_file(dirname(__FILE__).'/../texts/'.basename($subscribepagedata['language_file']))) {
22    @include_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../texts/'.basename($subscribepagedata['language_file']);
24// Allow customisation per installation
25if (is_file($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.basename($GLOBALS['language_module']))) {
26    include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.basename($GLOBALS['language_module']);
28if (!empty($data['language_file']) && is_file($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.basename($data['language_file']))) {
29    include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.basename($data['language_file']);
32$required = array();   // id's of missing attribbutes '
33if (count($subscribepagedata)) {
34    $attributes = explode('+', $subscribepagedata['attributes']);
35    foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
36        if (isset($subscribepagedata[sprintf('attribute%03d',
37                    $attribute)]) && $subscribepagedata[sprintf('attribute%03d', $attribute)]
38        ) {
39            list($dummy, $dummy2, $dummy3, $req) = explode('###',
40                $subscribepagedata[sprintf('attribute%03d', $attribute)]);
41            if ($req) {
42                array_push($required, $attribute);
43            }
44        }
45    }
46} else {
47    $req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s', $GLOBALS['tables']['attribute']));
48    while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
49        if ($row['required']) {
50            array_push($required, $row['id']);
51        }
52    }
55if (count($required)) {
56    $required_ids = implode(',', $required);
57    // check if all required attributes have been entered;
58    if ($required_ids) {
59        $res = Sql_Query("select * from {$GLOBALS['tables']['attribute']} where id in ($required_ids)");
60        $allthere = 1;
61        $missing = '';
62        while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($res)) {
63            $fieldname = 'attribute'.$row['id'];
64            $thisonemissing = 0;
65            if ($row['type'] != 'hidden') {
66                $thisonemissing = empty($_POST[$fieldname]);
67                if ($thisonemissing) {
68                    $missing .= $row['name'].', ';
69                }
70                $allthere = $allthere && !$thisonemissing;
71            }
72        }
73        $missing = substr($missing, 0, -2);
74        if ($allthere) {
75            $missing = '';
76        }
77    }
78} else {
79    $missing = '';
82// If need to check for double entry of email address
84if (isset($subscribepagedata['emaildoubleentry']) && $subscribepagedata['emaildoubleentry'] == 'yes') {
85    if (!(isset($_POST['email']) && isset($_POST['emailconfirm']) && $_POST['email'] == $_POST['emailconfirm'])) {
86        $allthere = 0;
87        $missing = $GLOBALS['strEmailsNoMatch'];
88    }
91// check if the lists should be displayed by category
92if (isset($subscribepagedata['showcategories']) && $subscribepagedata['showcategories'] == 'yes') {
93    $GLOBALS['showCat'] = true;
96// anti spambot check
97if (!empty($_POST['VerificationCodeX'])) {
98    if (NOTIFY_SPAM) {
99        $msg = $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('
101    This is a notification of a possible spam attack to your phplist subscribe page.
102    The data submitted has been copied below, so you can check whether this was actually the case.
103    The submitted data has been converted into non-html characters, for security reasons.
104    If you want to stop receiving this message, set
106     define("NOTIFY_SPAM",0);
108     in your phplist config file.
110     This subscriber has NOT been added to the database.
111     If there is an error, you will need to  add them manually.
112--------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ');
113        foreach ($_REQUEST as $key => $val) {
114            $msg .= "\n".'Form field: '.htmlentities($key)."\n".'================='."\nSubmitted value: ".htmlentities($val)."\n".'=============='."\n\n";
115        }
116        foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $val) {
117            $msg .= "\n".'HTTP Server Data: '.htmlentities($key)."\n".'================='."\nValue: ".htmlentities($val)."\n".'=============='."\n\n";
118        }
119        sendAdminCopy(s('phplist Spam blocked'), "\n".$msg);
120    }
121    unset($msg);
123    return;
125$pluginErrors = array();
127foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $pluginname => $plugin) {
128    $pluginResult = $plugin->validateSubscriptionPage($subscribepagedata);
129    if (!empty($pluginResult)) {
130        $pluginErrors[] = $pluginResult;
131        $allthere = 0;
132    }
135if (!isset($_POST['passwordreq'])) {
136    $_POST['passwordreq'] = '';
138if (!isset($_POST['password'])) {
139    $_POST['password'] = '';
142if ($allthere && ASKFORPASSWORD && ($_POST['passwordreq'] || $_POST['password'])) {
143    if (empty($_POST['password']) || $_POST['password'] !== $_POST['password_check']) {
144        $allthere = 0;
145        $missing = $GLOBALS['strPasswordsNoMatch'];
146    }
147    if ($_POST['email']) {
148        $curpwd = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select password from %s where email = "%s"',
149            $GLOBALS['tables']['user'], sql_escape($_POST['email'])));
151        if ($curpwd[0] && $_POST['password'] !== $curpwd[0]) {
152            $missing = $GLOBALS['strInvalidPassword'];
153        }
154    }
157if (isset($_POST['email']) && !empty($GLOBALS['check_for_host'])) {
158    list($username, $domaincheck) = explode('@', $_POST['email']);
159//  $mxhosts = array();
160//  $validhost = getmxrr ($domaincheck,$mxhosts);
161    $validhost = checkdnsrr($domaincheck, 'MX') || checkdnsrr($domaincheck, 'A');
162} else {
163    $validhost = 1;
166$listsok = ((!ALLOW_NON_LIST_SUBSCRIBE && isset($_POST['list']) && is_array($_POST['list'])) || ALLOW_NON_LIST_SUBSCRIBE);
168if (isset($_POST['subscribe']) && is_email($_POST['email']) && $listsok && $allthere && $validhost) {
169    $history_entry = '';
170    // make sure to save the correct data
171    if ($subscribepagedata['htmlchoice'] == 'checkfortext' && empty($_POST['textemail'])) {
172        $htmlemail = 1;
173    } else {
174        $htmlemail = !empty($_POST['htmlemail']);
175    }
177    // now check whether this user already exists.
178    $email = $_POST['email'];
179    if (preg_match("/(.*)\n/U", $email, $regs)) {
180        $email = $regs[1];
181    }
182    $result = Sql_query(sprintf('select * from %s where email = "%s"', $GLOBALS['tables']['user'], sql_escape($email)));
183    if (!Sql_affected_rows()) {
184        // they do not exist, so add them
185        $query = sprintf('insert into %s (email,entered,uniqid,confirmed,htmlemail,subscribepage,uuid) values("%s",now(),"%s",0,%d,%d,"%s")',
186            $GLOBALS['tables']['user'], sql_escape($email), getUniqid(), $htmlemail, $id, (string) uuid::generate(4));
187        $result = Sql_query($query);
188        $userid = Sql_Insert_Id();
189        addSubscriberStatistics('total users', 1);
190    } else {
191        // they do exist, so update the existing record
192        // read the current values to compare changes
193        $old_data = Sql_fetch_array($result);
194        if (ASKFORPASSWORD && $old_data['password']) {
195            $encP = encryptPass($_POST['password']);
196            $canlogin = !empty($encP) && !empty($_POST['password']) && $encP == $old_data['password'];
197            //     print $canlogin.' '.$_POST['password'].' '.$encP.' '. $old_data["password"];
198            if (!$canlogin) {
199                $msg = '<p class="error">'.$GLOBALS['strUserExists'].'</p>';
200                $msg .= '<p class="information">'.$GLOBALS['strUserExistsExplanationStart'].
201                    sprintf('<a href="%s&amp;email=%s">%s</a>', getConfig('preferencesurl'), $email,
202                        $GLOBALS['strUserExistsExplanationLink']).
203                    $GLOBALS['strUserExistsExplanationEnd'].'</p>';
205                return;
206            }
207        }
209        // https://mantis.phplist.com/view.php?id=15557, disallow re-subscribing existing subscribers
210        if (!SILENT_RESUBSCRIBE) {
211            $msg = '<div class="error missing"><h4>'.$GLOBALS['strUserExistsResubscribe'].'</h4>';
212            $msg .= '<p>';
213            $msg .= sprintf($GLOBALS['strUserExistsResubscribeExplanation'], getConfig('preferencesurl'));
214            $msg .= '</p></div>';
216            return;
217        }
219        $userid = $old_data['id'];
220        $old_data = array_merge($old_data, getUserAttributeValues('', $userid));
221        $history_entry = ''; //http://'.getConfig("website").$GLOBALS["adminpages"].'/?page=user&amp;id='.$userid."\n\n";
223        $query = sprintf('update %s set email = "%s",htmlemail = %d,subscribepage = %d where id = %d',
224            $GLOBALS['tables']['user'], addslashes($email), $htmlemail, $id, $userid);
225        $result = Sql_query($query);
226    }
228    if (ASKFORPASSWORD && $_POST['password']) {
229        $newpassword = encryptPass($_POST['password']);
230        // see whether is has changed
231        $curpwd = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select password from {$GLOBALS['tables']['user']} where id = $userid");
232        if ($newpassword != $curpwd[0]) {
233            $storepassword = 'password = "'.$newpassword.'"';
234            Sql_query("update {$GLOBALS['tables']['user']} set passwordchanged = now(),$storepassword where id = $userid");
235        } else {
236            $storepassword = '';
237        }
238    } else {
239        $storepassword = '';
240    }
242    // subscribe to the lists
243    $lists = '';
244    $subscriptions = array(); //# used to keep track of which admins to alert
246    if (isset($_POST['list']) && is_array($_POST['list'])) {
247        foreach ($_POST['list'] as $key => $val) {
248            if ($val == 'signup' && !isPrivateList($key)) { // make sure that the list is not private
249                $key = sprintf('%d', $key);
250                if (!empty($key)) {
251                    $result = Sql_query(sprintf('replace into %s (userid,listid,entered) values(%d,%d,now())',
252                        $GLOBALS['tables']['listuser'], $userid, $key));
253                    $lists .= "\n  * ".listname($key);
254                    $subscriptions[] = $key;
256                    addSubscriberStatistics('subscribe', 1, $key);
257                } else {
258                    //# hack attempt...
259                    exit;
260                }
261            }
262        }
263    }
265    // remember the users attributes
266    // make sure to only remember the ones from this subscribe page
267    $history_entry .= 'Subscribe page: '.$id;
268    array_push($attributes, 0);
269    $attids = join_clean(',', $attributes);
270    if ($attids && $attids != '') {
271        $res = Sql_Query('select * from '.$GLOBALS['tables']['attribute']." where id in ($attids)");
272        while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($res)) {
273            $fieldname = 'attribute'.$row['id'];
274            if (!array_key_exists($fieldname, $_POST)) {
275                continue;
276            }
277            $value = $_POST[$fieldname];
278            //    if ($value != "") {
279            if ($row['type'] == 'date') {
280                $value = $date->getDate($fieldname);
281            } elseif (is_array($value)) {
282                $newval = array();
283                foreach ($value as $val) {
284                    array_push($newval, sprintf('%0'.$checkboxgroup_storesize.'d', $val));
285                }
286                $value = implode(',', $newval);
287            } elseif ($row['type'] != 'textarea') {
288                if (preg_match("/(.*)\n/U", $value, $regs)) {
289                    $value = $regs[1];
290                }
291            }
292            Sql_Query(sprintf('replace into %s (attributeid,userid,value) values("%s","%s","%s")',
293                $GLOBALS['tables']['user_attribute'], $row['id'], $userid, $value));
294            $history_entry .= "\n".$row['name'].' = '.UserAttributeValue($userid, $row['id']);
295            //    }
296        }
297    }
298    $information_changed = 0;
299    if (isset($old_data) && is_array($old_data)) {
300        $history_subject = 'Re-Subscription';
301        // when they submit a new subscribe
302        $current_data = Sql_Fetch_Array_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where id = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['user'],
303            $userid));
304        $current_data = array_merge($current_data, getUserAttributeValues('', $userid));
305        foreach ($current_data as $key => $val) {
306            if (!is_numeric($key)) {
307                if ($old_data[$key] != $val && $key != 'password' && $key != 'modified') {
308                    $information_changed = 1;
309                    $history_entry .= "\n$key = $val\n*changed* from $old_data[$key]";
310                }
311            }
312        }
313        if (!$information_changed) {
314            $history_entry .= "\nNo user details changed";
315        }
316    } else {
317        $history_subject = 'Subscription';
318    }
320    $history_entry .= "\n\nList Membership: \n$lists\n";
322    $subscribemessage = str_ireplace('[LISTS]', $lists, getUserConfig("subscribemessage:$id", $userid));
324    $blacklisted = isBlackListed($email);
326    echo '<title>'.$GLOBALS['strSubscribeTitle'].'</title>';
327    echo $subscribepagedata['header'];
329    if (isset($_SESSION['adminloggedin']) && $_SESSION['adminloggedin'] && !(isset($_GET['p']) && $_GET['p'] == 'asubscribe')) {
330        echo '<p class="information"><b>You are logged in as '.$_SESSION['logindetails']['adminname'].'</b></p>';
331        echo '<p><a href="'.$adminpages.'" class="button">Back to the main admin page</a></p>';
333        if ($_POST['makeconfirmed'] && !$blacklisted) {
334            $sendrequest = 0;
335            Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set confirmed = 1 where email = "%s"', $GLOBALS['tables']['user'], $email));
336            addUserHistory($email, $history_subject.' by '.$_SESSION['logindetails']['adminname'], $history_entry);
337        } elseif ($_POST['makeconfirmed']) {
338            echo '<p class="information">'.$GLOBALS['I18N']->get('Email is blacklisted, so request for confirmation has been sent.').'<br/>';
339            echo $GLOBALS['I18N']->get('If user confirms subscription, they will be removed from the blacklist.').'</p>';
341            $sendrequest = 1;
342        } else {
343            $sendrequest = 1;
344        }
345    } else {
346        $sendrequest = 1;
347    }
349    // personalise the thank you page
350    if ($subscribepagedata['thankyoupage']) {
351        $thankyoupage = $subscribepagedata['thankyoupage'];
352    } else {
353        $thankyoupage = '<h3>'.$strThanks.'</h3>'.'<p class="information">'.$strEmailConfirmation.'</p>';
354    }
356    $thankyoupage = str_ireplace('[email]', $email, $thankyoupage);
358    $user_att = getUserAttributeValues($email);
360    if (count($user_att)) {
361        foreach ($user_att as $att_name => $att_value) {
362            $thankyoupage = str_ireplace('['.$att_name.']', $att_value, $thankyoupage);
363        }
364    }
366    if (is_array($GLOBALS['plugins'])) {
367        reset($GLOBALS['plugins']);
368        foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $name => $plugin) {
369            $thankyoupage = $plugin->parseThankyou($id, $userid, $thankyoupage);
370        }
371    }
373    if ($sendrequest && $listsok) { //is_array($_POST["list"])) {
374        if (RFC_DIRECT_DELIVERY) {
375            $ok = sendMailDirect($email, getConfig("subscribesubject:$id"), $subscribemessage,
376                system_messageheaders($email), $envelope, 1);
377            if (!$ok) {
378                echo '<h3>'.$strEmailFailed.'</h3>';
379                echo '<p>'.$GLOBALS['smtpError'].'</p>';
380            } else {
381                sendAdminCopy('Lists subscription', "\n".$email." has subscribed\n\n$history_entry",
382                    $subscriptions);
383                addUserHistory($email, $history_subject, $history_entry);
384                echo $thankyoupage;
385            }
386        } elseif (sendMail($email, getConfig("subscribesubject:$id"), $subscribemessage, system_messageheaders($email),
387            $envelope, 1)) {
388            sendAdminCopy('Lists subscription', "\n".$email." has subscribed\n\n$history_entry", $subscriptions);
389            addUserHistory($email, $history_subject, $history_entry);
390            echo $thankyoupage;
391        } else {
392            echo '<h3>'.$strEmailFailed.'</h3>';
393            if ($blacklisted) {
394                echo '<p class="information">'.$GLOBALS['strYouAreBlacklisted'].'</p>';
395            }
396        }
397    } else {
398        echo $thankyoupage;
399        if ($_SESSION['adminloggedin']) {
400            echo '<p class="information">User has been added and confirmed</p>';
401        }
402    }
404    echo '<p class="information">'.$PoweredBy.'</p>';
405    echo $subscribepagedata['footer'];
406    //  exit;
407    // Instead of exiting here, we return 2. So in lists/index.php
408    // We can decide, whether to show subscribe page or not.
409    //# issue 6508
410    return 2;
411} elseif (isset($_POST['update']) && $_POST['update'] && is_email($_POST['email']) && $allthere) {
412    $email = trim($_POST['email']);
413    if (preg_match("/(.*)\n/U", $email, $regs)) {
414        $email = $regs[1];
415    }
416    if ($_GET['uid']) {
417        $req = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select id from %s where uniqid = "%s"',
418            $GLOBALS['tables']['user'], $_GET['uid']));
419        $userid = $req[0];
420    } else {
421        // This could be abused and is not required
422        // $req = Sql_Fetch_Row_query("select id from {$GLOBALS['tables']['user']} where email = \"".sql_escape($_GET['email']).'"');
423        // $userid = $req[0];
424        $userid = false;
425    }
426    if (!$userid) {
427        Fatal_Error('Error, no such user');
428    }
429    // update the existing record, check whether the email has changed
430    $req = Sql_Query("select * from {$GLOBALS['tables']['user']} where id = $userid");
431    $data = Sql_fetch_array($req);
433    // check that the password was provided if required
434    // we only require a password if there is one, otherwise people are blocked out
435    // when switching to requiring passwords
436    if (ASKFORPASSWORD && $data['password']) {
437        // they need to be "logged in" for this
438        if (empty($_SESSION['userloggedin'])) {
439            Fatal_Error('Access Denied');
440            exit;
441        }
442        $checkpassword = '';
443        $allow = 0;
444        // either they have to give the current password, or given two new ones
445        if (ENCRYPTPASSWORD) {
446            $checkpassword = encryptPass($_POST['password']);
447        } else {
448            $checkpassword = sprintf('%s', $_POST['password']);
449        }
450        if (!empty($_POST['password_check'])) {
451            $allow = $_POST['password_check'] == $_POST['password'] && !empty($_POST['password']);
452        } else {
453            $allow = (!empty($_POST['password']) && $data['password'] == $checkpassword) || empty($_POST['password']);
454        }
456        if (!$allow) {
457            // @@@ this check should be done above, so the error can be embedded in the template
458            echo $GLOBALS['strPasswordsNoMatch'];
459            exit;
460        }
461    }
463    // check whether they are changing to an email that already exists, should not be possible
464    $req = Sql_Query("select uniqid from {$GLOBALS['tables']['user']} where email = \"$email\"");
465    if (Sql_Affected_Rows()) {
466        $row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req);
467        if ($row[0] != $_GET['uid']) {
468            Fatal_Error('Cannot change to that email address.
469      <br/>This email already exists.
470      <br/>Please use the preferences URL for this email to make updates.
471      <br/>Click <a href="' .getConfig('preferencesurl')."&amp;email=$email\">here</a> to request your personal location");
472            exit;
473        }
474    }
475    // read the current values to compare changes
476    $old_data = Sql_Fetch_Array_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where id = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['user'], $userid));
477    $old_data = array_merge($old_data, getUserAttributeValues('', $userid));
478    $history_entry = ''; //'http://'.getConfig("website").$GLOBALS["adminpages"].'/?page=user&amp;id='.$userid."\n\n";
480    if (ASKFORPASSWORD && $_POST['password']) {
481        if (ENCRYPTPASSWORD) {
482            $newpassword = encryptPass($_POST['password']);
483        } else {
484            $newpassword = sprintf('%s', $_POST['password']);
485        }
486        // see whether is has changed
487        $curpwd = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query("select password from {$GLOBALS['tables']['user']} where id = $userid");
488        if ($_POST['password'] != $curpwd[0]) {
489            $storepassword = 'password = "'.$newpassword.'",';
490            Sql_query("update {$GLOBALS['tables']['user']} set passwordchanged = now() where id = $userid");
491            $history_entry .= "\nUser has changed their password\n";
492            addSubscriberStatistics('password change', 1);
493        } else {
494            $storepassword = '';
495        }
496    } else {
497        $storepassword = '';
498    }
500    // We want all these to be set, albeit to empty string
501    foreach (array('htmlemail') as $sUnsubscribeFormVar) {
502        if (!isset($_POST[$sUnsubscribeFormVar])) {
503            $_POST[$sUnsubscribeFormVar] = '';
504        }
505    }
507    $query = sprintf('update %s set email = "%s", %s htmlemail = %d where id = %d',
508        $GLOBALS['tables']['user'], sql_escape($_POST['email']), $storepassword, $_POST['htmlemail'], $userid);
509    //print $query;
510    $result = Sql_query($query);
511    if (strtolower($data['email']) != strtolower($email)) {
512        $emailchanged = 1;
513        Sql_Query(sprintf('update %s set confirmed = 0 where id = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['user'], $userid));
514    }
516    // subscribe to the lists
517    // first take them off the ones, then re-subscribe
518    if ($subscribepagedata['lists']) {
519        $subscribepagedata['lists'] = preg_replace("/^\,/", '', $subscribepagedata['lists']);
520        Sql_query(sprintf('delete from %s where userid = %d and listid in (%s)', $GLOBALS['tables']['listuser'],
521            $userid, $subscribepagedata['lists']));
522        $liststat = explode(',', $subscribepagedata['lists']);
523    } else {
524        Sql_query(sprintf('delete from %s where userid = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['listuser'], $userid));
525    }
527    $lists = '';
528    if (is_array($_POST['list'])) {
529        foreach ($_POST['list'] as $key => $val) {
530            if ($val == 'signup' && !isPrivateList($key)) {
531                $result = Sql_query(sprintf('replace into %s (userid,listid,entered) values(%d,%d,now())',$GLOBALS['tables']['listuser'],$userid,$key));
532//        $lists .= "  * ".$_POST["listname"][$key]."\n";
533            }
534        }
535    }
536    // check list membership
537    $subscriptions = array();
538    $req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select * from %s listuser,%s list where listuser.userid = %d and listuser.listid = list.id and list.active',
539        $GLOBALS['tables']['listuser'], $GLOBALS['tables']['list'], $userid));
540    while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($req)) {
541        $lists .= '  * '.listName($row['listid'])."\n";
542        array_push($subscriptions, $row['listid']);
543    }
545    if ($lists == '') {
546        $lists = 'No Lists';
547    }
548    if ($lists == '') {
549        $lists = 'No Lists';
550    }
552    // We want all these to be set, albeit to empty string
553    foreach (array('datachange', 'htmlemail', 'information_changed', 'emailchanged') as $sUnsubscribeVar) {
554        if (!isset(${$sUnsubscribeVar})) {
555            ${$sUnsubscribeVar} = '';
556        }
557    }
559    $datachange .= "$strEmail : ".$email."\n";
560    if ($subscribepagedata['htmlchoice'] != 'textonly'
561        && $subscribepagedata['htmlchoice'] != 'htmlonly'
562    ) {
563        $datachange .= "$strSendHTML : ";
564        $datachange .= $_POST['htmlemail'] ? "$strYes\n" : "$strNo\n";
565    }
567    // remember the users attributes
568    $attids = join_clean(',', $attributes);
569    if ($attids && $attids != '') {
570        $res = Sql_Query('select * from '.$GLOBALS['tables']['attribute']." where id in ($attids)");
571        while ($attribute = Sql_Fetch_Array($res)) {
572            $fieldname = 'attribute'.$attribute['id'];
573            if (isset($_POST[$fieldname])) {
574                $value = $_POST[$fieldname]; //# is being sanitised below, depending on attribute type
575            } else {
576                $value = '';
577            }
578            $replace = 1; //isset($_POST[$fieldname]);
579            if ($attribute['type'] == 'date') {
580                $value = $date->getDate($fieldname);
581            } elseif (is_array($value)) {
582                $values = array();
583                foreach ($value as $val) {
584                    array_push($values, sprintf('%0'.$checkboxgroup_storesize.'d', $val));
585                }
586                $value = implode(',', $values);
587            } elseif ($attribute['type'] != 'textarea') {
588                if (preg_match("/(.*)\n/U", $value, $regs)) {
589                    $value = $regs[1];
590                }
591            }
592            if ($replace) {
593                Sql_query(sprintf('replace into %s (attributeid,userid,value) values("%s","%s","%s")',
594                    $GLOBALS['tables']['user_attribute'], $attribute['id'], $userid, $value));
595                if ($attribute['type'] != 'hidden') {
596                    $datachange .= strip_tags($attribute['name']).' : ';
597                    if ($attribute['type'] == 'checkbox') {
598                        $datachange .= $value ? $strYes : $strNo;
599                    } elseif ($attribute['type'] != 'date' && $attribute['type'] != 'textline' && $attribute['type'] != 'textarea') {
600                        $datachange .= AttributeValue($attribute['tablename'], $value);
601                    } else {
602                        $datachange .= stripslashes($value);
603                    }
604                    $datachange .= "\n";
605                }
606            }
607        }
608    }
609    $current_data = Sql_Fetch_Array_Query(sprintf('select * from %s where id = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['user'],
610        $userid));
611    $current_data = array_merge($current_data, getUserAttributeValues('', $userid));
612    foreach ($current_data as $key => $val) {
613        if (!is_numeric($key)) {
614            if ($old_data[$key] != $val && $key != 'password' && $key != 'modified') {
615                $information_changed = 1;
616                $history_entry .= "$key = $val\n*changed* from $old_data[$key]\n";
617            }
618        }
619    }
620    if (!$information_changed) {
621        $history_entry .= "\nNo user system details changed";
622    }
623    $history_entry .= "\n\nList Membership: \n$lists\n";
625    $message = str_replace('[LISTS]', $lists, getUserConfig('updatemessage', $userid));
626    $message = str_replace('[USERDATA]', $datachange, $message);
627    if ($emailchanged) {
628        $newaddressmessage = str_replace('[CONFIRMATIONINFO]', getUserConfig('emailchanged_text', $userid), $message);
629        $oldaddressmessage = str_replace('[CONFIRMATIONINFO]', getUserConfig('emailchanged_text_oldaddress', $userid),
630            $message);
631    } else {
632        $message = str_replace('[CONFIRMATIONINFO]', '', $message);
633    }
635    echo '<title>'.$GLOBALS['strPreferencesTitle'].'</title>';
636    echo $subscribepagedata['header'];
637    if (!TEST) {
638        if ($emailchanged) {
639            if (sendMail($data['email'], getConfig('updatesubject'), $oldaddressmessage, system_messageheaders($email),
640                    $envelope) &&
641                sendMail($email, getConfig('updatesubject'), $newaddressmessage, system_messageheaders($email),
642                    $envelope)
643            ) {
644                $ok = 1;
645                sendAdminCopy('Lists information changed',
646                    "\n".$data['email']." has changed their information.\n\nThe email has changed to $email.\n\n$history_entry",
647                    $subscriptions);
648                addUserHistory($email, 'Change', $history_entry);
649            } else {
650                $ok = 0;
651            }
652        } else {
653            if (sendMail($email, getConfig('updatesubject'), $message, system_messageheaders($email), $envelope)) {
654                $ok = 1;
655                sendAdminCopy('Lists information changed',
656                    "\n".$data['email']." has changed their information\n\n$history_entry", $subscriptions);
657                addUserHistory($email, 'Change', $history_entry);
658            } else {
659                $ok = 0;
660            }
661        }
662    } else {
663        $ok = 1;
664    }
665    if ($ok) {
666        echo '<h3>'.$GLOBALS['strPreferencesUpdated'].'</h3>';
667        if ($emailchanged) {
668            echo $strPreferencesEmailChanged;
669        }
670        echo '<br/>';
671        if ($_GET['p'] == 'preferences') {
672            //0013134: turn off the confirmation email when an existing subscriber changes preference.
673            $ok = 1;
674        } else {
675            echo $strPreferencesNotificationSent;
676        }
677    } else {
678        $isThisBlacklisted = isBlackListed($email);
679        if ($isThisBlacklisted) {
680            echo '<p class="information">'.$GLOBALS['strYouAreBlacklisted'].'</p>';
681        } else {
682            echo '<h3>'.$strEmailFailed.'</h3>';
683        }
685    }
686    echo '<p class="information">'.$PoweredBy.'</p>';
687    echo $subscribepagedata['footer'];
688    // exit;
689    // Instead of exiting here, we return 3. So in lists/index.php
690    // We can decide, whether to show preferences page or not.
691    //# mantis issue 6508
692    return 3;
695if (isset($_POST['subscribe']) || isset($_POST['update'])) {
696    $format = '<div class="error missing">%s</div>'."\n";
697    $msg = '';
699    if (!is_email($_POST['email'])) {
700        $msg .= sprintf($format, $strEnterEmail);
701    }
702    if (!$validhost) {
703        $msg .= sprintf($format, $strInvalidHostInEmail);
704    }
705    if ($missing) {
706        $msg .= sprintf($format, "$strValuesMissing: $missing");
707    }
708    if (!isset($_POST['list']) && !ALLOW_NON_LIST_SUBSCRIBE) {
709        $msg .= sprintf($format, $strEnterList);
710    }
711    foreach ($pluginErrors as $pluginError) {
712        $msg .= sprintf($format, $pluginError);
713    }
717 * @param int $userid
718 * @param string $lists_to_show
719 * @return string
720 */
721function ListAvailableLists($userid = 0, $lists_to_show = '')
723    global $tables;
724    if (isset($_POST['list'])) {
725        $list = $_POST['list'];
726    } elseif (!isset($_POST["subscribe"]) && isset($_GET['list']) && preg_match("/^(\d+,)*\d+$/", $_GET['list'])) {
727        $list_value = "signup";
728        $list_values = explode(",", $_GET["list"]);
729        $list = array_fill_keys($list_values, $list_value);
730    } else {
731        $list = '';
732    }
733    $subselect = '';
734    $listset = array();
735    $subscribed = array();
737    $showlists = explode(',', $lists_to_show);
738    if (PREFERENCEPAGE_SHOW_PRIVATE_LISTS && !empty($userid)) {
739        //# merge with the subscribed lists, regardless of public state
740        $req = Sql_Query(sprintf('select listid from %s where userid = %d', $tables['listuser'], $userid));
741        while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Row($req)) {
742            $subscribed[] = $row[0];
743        }
744        $showlists = array_unique(array_merge($showlists, $subscribed));
745    }
748    foreach ($showlists as $listid) {
749        if (preg_match("/^\d+$/", $listid) && !isPrivateList($listid)) {
750            array_push($listset, $listid);
751        }
752    }
753    if (count($listset) >= 1) {
754        $subselect = 'where id in ('.implode(',', $listset).') ';
755    }
757    $some = 0;
760    if (isset($GLOBALS['showCat'])&& $GLOBALS['showCat']===true){
761        $listspercategory = array();
762        $categories = array();
763        $catresult = Sql_query(sprintf('select * from %s %s order by category, listorder, name',
764            $GLOBALS['tables']['list'], $subselect));
767        while ($row = Sql_fetch_array($catresult)) {
769            $listspercategory[] = array('id' => $row ['id'], 'name' => $row ['name'], 'description' => $row ['description'], 'active' => $row ['active'], 'category' => $row ['category']);
771        }
773        foreach ($listspercategory as $key => $value) {
775            if($value['active']) {
776                $categories[] = $value['category'];
777            }
778        }
779        $uniqueCat = array_unique($categories);
781        $html = '<div class="accordion allexpanded" >';
782        foreach ($uniqueCat as $key) {
784            if ($key !== '') {
785                $displayedCat = $key;
786            } else  $displayedCat = s('General');
788            $html .= '<h3 ><a name="general" >' . $displayedCat . '</a></h3>';
789            $html .= '<div>';
790            $html .= '<ul class="list" id="listcategory">';
791            $count = 0;
792            foreach ($listspercategory as $listelement)
793                if ($listelement['category'] === $key) {
794                    if ($listelement['active'] || in_array($listelement['id'], $subscribed) ) {
796                        $html .= '<li ><input type="checkbox" name="list[' . $listelement['id'] . ']" value="signup" ';
797                        if (isset($list[$listelement['id']]) && $list[$listelement['id']] === 'signup') {
798                            $html .= 'checked="checked"';
799                        }
800                        if ($userid) {
801                            $req = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select userid from %s where userid = %d and listid = %d',
802                                $GLOBALS['tables']['listuser'], $userid, $listelement['id']));
803                            if (Sql_Affected_Rows()) {
804                                $html .= 'checked="checked"';
805                            }
806                        }
809                        $html .= ' /><b>' . stripslashes($listelement['name']) . '</b><div class="listdescription">';
810                        $desc = nl2br(disableJavascript(stripslashes($listelement['description'])));
811                        //     $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="listname['.$row["id"] . ']" value="'.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($row["name"])).'"/>';
812                        $html .= $desc . '</div></li>';
813                        ++$some;
814                        if ($some == 1) {
815                            $singlelisthtml = sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="list[%d]" value="signup" />', $listelement['id']);
816                            $singlelisthtml .= '<input type="hidden" name="listname[' . $listelement['id'] . ']" value="' . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($listelement['name'])) . '"/>';
817                        }
819                    }
821                } $html .= '</ul>';
823            $html .= '</div>';
824        }
826        // end of row active
828        $html .= '</div>';
830    } else {
832        $html = '<ul class="list">';
833        $result = Sql_query("SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['tables']['list']} $subselect order by listorder, name");
834        while ($row = Sql_fetch_array($result)) {
835            if ($row['active'] || in_array($row['id'], $subscribed)) {
836                //  id required for label
837                $html .= '<li class="list"><input type="checkbox" name="list[' . $row['id'] . ']" id="list'.$row['id'].'" value="signup" ';
838                if (isset($list[$row['id']]) && $list[$row['id']] == 'signup') {
839                    $html .= 'checked="checked"';
840                }
841                if ($userid) {
842                    $req = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select userid from %s where userid = %d and listid = %d',
843                        $GLOBALS['tables']['listuser'], $userid, $row['id']));
844                    if (Sql_Affected_Rows()) {
845                        $html .= 'checked="checked"';
846                    }
847                }
848                $html .= " /> <label for=\"list$row[id]\"><b>".stripslashes($row['name']).'</b></label><div class="listdescription">';
849                $desc = nl2br(disableJavascript(stripslashes($row['description'])));
850                //     $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="listname['.$row["id"] . ']" value="'.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($row["name"])).'"/>';
851                $html .= $desc.'</div></li>';
852                ++$some;
853                if ($some == 1) {
854                    $singlelisthtml = sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="list[%d]" value="signup" />', $row['id']);
855                    $singlelisthtml .= '<input type="hidden" name="listname['.$row['id'].']" value="'.htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($row['name'])).'"/>';
856                }
858            }
859        }
860        $html .= '</ul>';
862    }
864    $hidesinglelist = getConfig('hide_single_list');
865    if (!$some) {
866        global $strNotAvailable;
868        return '<p class="information">'.$strNotAvailable.'</p>';
869    } elseif ($some == 1 && ($hidesinglelist == 'true' || $hidesinglelist === true || $hidesinglelist === '1')) {
870        return $singlelisthtml;
871    } else {
872        global $strPleaseSelect;
874        return '<p class="information">'.$strPleaseSelect.':</p>'.$html;
875    }
878function ListAttributes($attributes, $attributedata, $htmlchoice = 0, $userid = 0, $emaildoubleentry = 'no')
880    global $strPreferHTMLEmail, $strPreferTextEmail,
881           $strEmail, $tables, $table_prefix, $strPreferredFormat, $strText, $strHTML;
882    /*  if (!sizeof($attributes)) {
883        return "No attributes have been defined for this page";
884       }
885    */
886    if ($userid) {
887        $data = array();
888        $current = Sql_Fetch_array_Query("select * from {$GLOBALS['tables']['user']} where id = $userid");
889        $datareq = Sql_Query("select * from {$GLOBALS['tables']['user_attribute']} where userid = $userid");
890        while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($datareq)) {
891            $data[$row['attributeid']] = $row['value'];
892        }
894        $email = obfuscateEmailAddress($current['email']);
895        $htmlemail = $current['htmlemail'];
896        // override with posted info
897        foreach ($current as $key => $val) {
898            if (isset($_POST[$key]) && $key != 'password') {
899                $current[$key] = $val;
900            }
901        }
902    } else {
903        if (isset($_REQUEST['email'])) {
904            $email = stripslashes($_REQUEST['email']);
905        } else {
906            $email = '';
907        }
908        if (isset($_POST['htmlemail'])) {
909            $htmlemail = $_POST['htmlemail'];
910    	} elseif (!isset($_POST["subscribe"]) && isset($_GET['htmlemail']) && in_array($_GET['htmlemail'], [1,0])) {
911      		$htmlemail = $_GET["htmlemail"];
912        }
913        $data = array();
914        $current = array();
915    }
917    $textlinewidth = sprintf('%d', getConfig('textline_width'));
918    if (!$textlinewidth) {
919        $textlinewidth = 40;
920    }
921    list($textarearows, $textareacols) = explode(',', getConfig('textarea_dimensions'));
922    if (!$textarearows) {
923        $textarearows = 10;
924    }
925    if (!$textareacols) {
926        $textareacols = 40;
927    }
929    $html = '';
930    if (!isset($_GET['page']) || (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] != 'import1')) {
931        $html = sprintf('
932  <tr><td><div class="required"><label for="email">%s *</label></div></td>
933  <td class="attributeinput"><input type=text name=email required="required" placeholder="%s" size="%d" id="email" />
934  <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">addFieldToCheck("email","%s");</script></td></tr>',
935            $GLOBALS['strEmail'], htmlspecialchars($email), $textlinewidth, $GLOBALS['strEmail']);
936    }
938// BPM 12 May 2004 - Begin
939    if ($emaildoubleentry == 'yes') {
940        if (!isset($_REQUEST['emailconfirm'])) {
941            $_REQUEST['emailconfirm'] = '';
942        }
943        $html .= sprintf('
944  <tr><td><div class="required"><label for="confirm">%s *</label></div></td>
945  <td class="attributeinput"><input type=text name=emailconfirm required="required" value="%s" size="%d" id="confirm" />
946  <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">addFieldToCheck("emailconfirm","%s");</script></td></tr>',
947            $GLOBALS['strConfirmEmail'], htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['emailconfirm'])), $textlinewidth,
948            $GLOBALS['strConfirmEmail']);
949    }
950// BPM 12 May 2004 - Finish
952    if ((isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] != 'import1') || !isset($_GET['page'])) {
953        if (ASKFORPASSWORD) {
954            // we only require a password if there isnt one, so they can set it
955            // otherwise they can keep the existing, if they do not enter anything
956            if (!isset($current['password']) || !$current['password']) {
957                $pwdclass = 'required';
958                $js = sprintf('<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">addFieldToCheck("password","%s");</script>',
959                    $GLOBALS['strPassword']);
960                $js2 = sprintf('<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">addFieldToCheck("password_check","%s");</script>',
961                    $GLOBALS['strPassword2']);
962                $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="passwordreq" value="1" />';
963            } else {
964                $pwdclass = 'attributename';
965                $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="passwordreq" value="0" />';
966            }
968            $html .= sprintf('
969  <tr><td><div class="%s"><label for="pwd">%s</label></div></td>
970  <td class="attributeinput"><input type=password name=password value="" size="%d" id="pwd" />%s</td></tr>',
971                $pwdclass, $GLOBALS['strPassword'], $textlinewidth, $js);
972            $html .= sprintf('
973  <tr><td><div class="%s"><label for="pwd2">%s</label></div></td>
974  <td class="attributeinput"><input type="password" name="password_check" value="" size="%d" id="pwd2" />%s</td></tr>',
975                $pwdclass, $GLOBALS['strPassword2'], $textlinewidth, $js2);
976        }
977    }
979//# Write attribute fields
980    switch ($htmlchoice) {
981        case 'textonly':
982            if (!isset($htmlemail)) {
983                $htmlemail = 0;
984            }
985            $html .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="htmlemail" value="0" />');
986            break;
987        case 'htmlonly':
988            if (!isset($htmlemail)) {
989                $htmlemail = 1;
990            }
991            $html .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="htmlemail" value="1" />');
992            break;
993        case 'checkfortext':
994            if (!isset($htmlemail)) {
995                $htmlemail = 1;
996            }
997            $html .= sprintf('<tr><td colspan="2">
998      <span class="attributeinput">
999      <input type="checkbox" name="textemail" value="1" %s id="textemail" /></span>
1000      <span class="attributename"><label for="textemail">%s</label></span>
1001      </td></tr>', !$htmlemail ? 'checked="checked"' : '', $strPreferTextEmail);
1002            break;
1003        case 'radiotext':
1004            if (!isset($htmlemail)) {
1005                $htmlemail = 0;
1006            }
1007            $html .= sprintf('<tr><td colspan="2">
1008        <span class="attributename">%s<br/>
1009        <span class="attributeinput"><input type=radio name="htmlemail" value="0" %s id="htmlemail0" /></span>
1010        <span class="attributename"><label for="htmlemail0">%s</label></span>
1011        <span class="attributeinput"><input type=radio name="htmlemail" value="1" %s id="htmlemail1" /></span>
1012        <span class="attributename"><label for="htmlemail1">%s</label></span></td></tr>',
1013                $strPreferredFormat,
1014                !$htmlemail ? 'checked="checked"' : '', $strText,
1015                $htmlemail ? 'checked="checked"' : '', $strHTML);
1016            break;
1017        case 'radiohtml':
1018            if (!isset($htmlemail)) {
1019                $htmlemail = 1;
1020            }
1021            $html .= sprintf('<tr><td colspan="2">
1022        <span class="attributename">%s</span><br/>
1023        <span class="attributeinput"><input type="radio" name="htmlemail" value="0" %s id="htmlemail0" /></span>
1024        <span class="attributename"><label for="htmlemail0">%s</label></span>
1025        <span class="attributeinput"><input type="radio" name="htmlemail" value="1" %s id="htmlemail1" /></span>
1026        <span class="attributename"><label for="htmlemail1">%s</label></span></td></tr>',
1027                $strPreferredFormat,
1028                !$htmlemail ? 'checked="checked"' : '', $strText,
1029                $htmlemail ? 'checked="checked"' : '', $strHTML);
1030            break;
1031        case 'checkforhtml':
1032        default:
1033            if (!isset($htmlemail)) {
1034                $htmlemail = 1;
1035            }
1036            $html .= sprintf('<tr><td colspan="2">
1037        <span class="attributeinput"><input type="checkbox" name="htmlemail" value="1" %s id="htmlemail" /></span>
1038        <span class="attributename"><label for="htmlemail">%s</label></span></td></tr>', $htmlemail ? 'checked="checked"' : '', $strPreferHTMLEmail);
1039            break;
1040    }
1041    $html .= "\n";
1043    $attids = implode(',', array_keys($attributes));
1044    $output = array();
1045    if ($attids) {
1046        $res = Sql_Query("select * from {$GLOBALS['tables']['attribute']} where id in ($attids)");
1047        while ($attr = Sql_Fetch_Array($res)) {
1048            $output[$attr['id']] = '';
1049            if (!isset($data[$attr['id']])) {
1050                $data[$attr['id']] = '';
1051            }
1052            $attr['required'] = $attributedata[$attr['id']]['required'];
1053            $attr['default_value'] = $attributedata[$attr['id']]['default_value'];
1054            $fieldname = 'attribute'.$attr['id'];
1055            //  print "<tr><td>".$attr["id"]."</td></tr>";
1056            if ($userid && !isset($_POST[$fieldname])) {
1057                // post values take precedence
1058                $val = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select value from %s where
1059          attributeid = %d and userid = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['user_attribute'], $attr['id'], $userid));
1060                $_POST[$fieldname] = $val[0];
1061            } elseif (!isset($_POST[$fieldname])) {
1062                $_POST[$fieldname] = 0;
1063            }
1064            switch ($attr['type']) {
1065                case 'checkbox':
1066                    $output[$attr['id']] = '<tr><td colspan="2">';
1067                    // what they post takes precedence over the database information
1068                    if ($_POST[$fieldname]) {
1069                        $checked = $_POST[$fieldname] ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
1070                    } else {
1071                        $checked = $data[$attr['id']] ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
1072                    }
1073                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf("\n".'<input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="on" %s class="attributeinput" id="'.$fieldname.'" />',
1074                        $fieldname, $checked);
1075                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf("\n".'<span class="%s"><label for="'.$fieldname.'">%s</label></span>',
1076                        $attr['required'] ? 'required' : 'attributename', $attr['required'] ? stripslashes($attr['name']).' *' : stripslashes($attr['name']));
1077                    if ($attr['required']) {
1078                        $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">addFieldToCheck("%s","%s");</script>',
1079                            $fieldname, $attr['name']);
1080                    }
1081                    break;
1082                case 'radio':
1083                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf("\n".'<tr><td colspan="2"><div class="%s">%s</div>',
1084                        $attr['required'] ? 'required' : 'attributename', $attr['required'] ? stripslashes($attr['name']).' *' : stripslashes($attr['name']));
1085                    $values_request = Sql_Query("select * from $table_prefix".'listattr_'.$attr['tablename'].' order by listorder,name');
1086                    while ($value = Sql_Fetch_array($values_request)) {
1087                        if (!empty($_POST[$fieldname])) {
1088                            $checked = $_POST[$fieldname] == $value['id'] ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
1089                        } elseif ($data[$attr['id']]) {
1090                            $checked = $data[$attr['id']] == $value['id'] ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
1091                        } else {
1092                            $checked = $attr['default_value'] == $value['name'] ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
1093                        }
1094                        $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('<input type="radio"  class="attributeinput" name="%s" id="'.$fieldname.$value['id'].'" value="%s" %s />&nbsp;%s&nbsp;',
1095                            $fieldname, $value['id'], $checked, '<label for="'.$fieldname.$value['id'].'">'.$value['name'].'</label>');
1096                    }
1097                    if ($attr['required']) {
1098                        $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">addGroupToCheck("%s","%s");</script>',
1099                            $fieldname, $attr['name']);
1100                    }
1101                    break;
1102                case 'select':
1103                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf("\n".'<tr><td><div class="%s"><label for="'.$fieldname.'">%s</label></div>',
1104                        $attr['required'] ? 'required' : 'attributename', $attr['required'] ? stripslashes($attr['name']).' *' : stripslashes($attr['name']));
1105                    $values_request = Sql_Query("select * from $table_prefix".'listattr_'.$attr['tablename'].' order by listorder,name');
1106                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('</td><td class="attributeinput"><!--%d--><select name="%s" class="attributeinput" id="'.$fieldname.'">',
1107                        $data[$attr['id']], $fieldname);
1108                    while ($value = Sql_Fetch_array($values_request)) {
1109                        if (!empty($_POST[$fieldname])) {
1110                            $selected = $_POST[$fieldname] == $value['id'] ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
1111                        } elseif ($data[$attr['id']]) {
1112                            $selected = $data[$attr['id']] == $value['id'] ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
1113                        } elseif (!empty($attr['default_value'])) {
1114                            $selected = strtolower($attr['default_value']) == strtolower($value['name']) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
1115                        } elseif (strtolower($attr['name']) == 'country' && !empty($_SERVER['GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAME'])) {
1116                            $selected = strtolower($_SERVER['GEOIP_COUNTRY_NAME']) == strtolower($value['name']) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
1117                        } else {
1118                            $selected = '';
1119                        }
1120                        if (preg_match('/^'.preg_quote(EMPTY_VALUE_PREFIX).'/i', $value['name'])) {
1121                            $value['id'] = '';
1122                        }
1123                        $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('<option value="%s" %s>%s', $value['id'], $selected,
1124                            stripslashes($value['name']));
1125                    }
1126                    $output[$attr['id']] .= '</select>';
1127                    break;
1128                case 'checkboxgroup':
1129                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf("\n".'<tr><td><div class="%s">%s</div>',
1130                        $attr['required'] ? 'required' : 'attributename', $attr['required'] ? stripslashes($attr['name']).' *' : stripslashes($attr['name']));
1131                    $values_request = Sql_Query("select * from $table_prefix".'listattr_'.$attr['tablename'].' order by listorder,name');
1132                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('</td>');
1133                    $first_td = 0;
1134                    while ($value = Sql_Fetch_array($values_request)) {
1135                        $selected = '';
1136                        if (is_array($_POST[$fieldname])) {
1137                            $selected = in_array($value['id'], $_POST[$fieldname]) ? 'checked' : '';
1138                        } elseif ($data[$attr['id']]) {
1139                            $selection = explode(',', $data[$attr['id']]);
1140                            $selected = in_array($value['id'], $selection) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
1141                        }
1142                        if ($first_td == 0) {
1143                            $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('<td class="attributeinput"><input type="checkbox" name="%s[]"  class="attributeinput" value="%s" %s id="'.$fieldname.$value['id'].'" /> <label for="'.$fieldname.$value['id'].'">%s</label></td>',
1144                                $fieldname, $value['id'], $selected, stripslashes($value['name']));
1145                            $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('</tr>');
1146                        } else {
1147                            $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('<tr><td><div></div></td><td class="attributeinput"><input type="checkbox" name="%s[]"  class="attributeinput" value="%s" %s id="'.$fieldname.$value['id'].'" />  <label for="'.$fieldname.$value['id'].'">%s</label></td></tr>',
1148                                $fieldname, $value['id'], $selected, stripslashes($value['name']));
1149                        }
1150                        ++$first_td;
1151                    }
1152                    $first_td = 0;
1153                    break;
1154                case 'textline':
1155                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf("\n".'<tr><td><div class="%s"><label for="'.$fieldname.'">%s</label></div>',
1156                        $attr['required'] ? 'required' : 'attributename', $attr['required'] ? $attr['name'].' *' : $attr['name']);
1157                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('</td><td class="attributeinput">
1158            <input type="text" name="%s"  class="attributeinput" size="%d" value="%s" id="'.$fieldname.'" />', $fieldname,
1159                        $textlinewidth,
1160                        $_POST[$fieldname] ? str_replace('"', '&#x22;', stripslashes($_POST[$fieldname])) : ($data[$attr['id']] ? $data[$attr['id']] : $attr['default_value']));
1161                    if ($attr['required']) {
1162                        $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">addFieldToCheck("%s","%s");</script>',
1163                            $fieldname, $attr['name']);
1164                    }
1165                    break;
1166                case 'textarea':
1167                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf("\n".'<tr><td colspan="2">
1168            <div class="%s"><label for="'.$fieldname.'">%s</label></div></td></tr>', $attr['required'] ? 'required' : 'attributename',
1169                        $attr['required'] ? $attr['name'].' *' : $attr['name']);
1170                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('<tr><td class="attributeinput" colspan="2">
1171            <textarea name="%s" rows="%d"  class="attributeinput" cols="%d" wrap="virtual" id="'.$fieldname.'">%s</textarea>',
1172                        $fieldname, $textarearows, $textareacols,
1173                        $_POST[$fieldname] ? str_replace(array('>', '<'), array('&gt;', '&lt;'),stripslashes($_POST[$fieldname])) : ($data[$attr['id']] ? str_replace(array('>', '<'), array('&gt;', '&lt;'),stripslashes($data[$attr['id']])) : $attr['default_value']));
1174                    if ($attr['required']) {
1175                        $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('<script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript">addFieldToCheck("%s","%s");</script>',
1176                            $fieldname, $attr['name']);
1177                    }
1178                    break;
1179                case 'hidden':
1180                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" size="40" value="%s" />',
1181                        $fieldname, $data[$attr['id']] ? $data[$attr['id']] : $attr['default_value']);
1182                    break;
1183                case 'date':
1184                    require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/date.php';
1185                    $date = new Date();
1186                    $postval = $date->getDate($fieldname);
1187                    if ($data[$attr['id']]) {
1188                        $val = $data[$attr['id']];
1189                    } else {
1190                        $val = $postval;
1191                    }
1193                    $output[$attr['id']] = sprintf("\n".'<tr><td><div class="%s">%s</div>',
1194                        $attr['required'] ? 'required' : 'attributename', $attr['required'] ? $attr['name'].' *' : $attr['name']);
1195                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('</td><td class="attributeinput">
1196            %s</td></tr>', $date->showInput($fieldname, '', $val));
1197                    break;
1198                default:
1199                    print '<!-- error: huh, invalid attribute type -->';
1200            }
1201            $output[$attr['id']] .= "</td></tr>\n";
1202        }
1203    }
1205    // make sure the order is correct
1206    foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $listorder) {
1207        if (isset($output[$attribute])) {
1208            $html .= $output[$attribute];
1209        }
1210    }
1212    return $html;
1215/* same as the above, with minimal markup and no JS */
1216function ListAttributes2011($attributes, $attributedata, $htmlchoice = 0, $userid = 0, $emaildoubleentry = 'no')
1218    global $strPreferHTMLEmail, $strPreferTextEmail,
1219           $strEmail, $tables, $table_prefix, $strPreferredFormat, $strText, $strHTML;
1221    if ($userid) {
1222        $data = array();
1223        $current = Sql_Fetch_array_Query("select * from {$GLOBALS['tables']['user']} where id = $userid");
1224        $datareq = Sql_Query("select * from {$GLOBALS['tables']['user_attribute']} where userid = $userid");
1225        while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($datareq)) {
1226            $data[$row['attributeid']] = $row['value'];
1227        }
1229        $email = $current['email'];
1230        $htmlemail = $current['htmlemail'];
1231        // override with posted info
1232        foreach ($current as $key => $val) {
1233            if (isset($_POST[$key]) && $key != 'password') {
1234                $current[$key] = $val;
1235            }
1236        }
1237    } else {
1238        if (isset($_REQUEST['email'])) {
1239            $email = stripslashes($_REQUEST['email']);
1240        } else {
1241            $email = '';
1242        }
1243        if (isset($_POST['htmlemail'])) {
1244            $htmlemail = $_POST['htmlemail'];
1245        }
1246        $data = array();
1247        $current = array();
1248    }
1250    $textlinewidth = sprintf('%d', getConfig('textline_width'));
1251    if (!$textlinewidth) {
1252        $textlinewidth = 40;
1253    }
1254    list($textarearows, $textareacols) = explode(',', getConfig('textarea_dimensions'));
1255    if (!$textarearows) {
1256        $textarearows = 10;
1257    }
1258    if (!$textareacols) {
1259        $textareacols = 40;
1260    }
1262    $html = '';
1263    $html .= '<fieldset class="subscriberdetails">';
1264    $html .= sprintf('<div class="required"><label for="email">%s *</label>
1265    <input type="text" name="email" value="%s" class="input email required" />', $GLOBALS['strEmail'],
1266        htmlspecialchars($email));
1268    if ($emaildoubleentry == 'yes') {
1269        if (!isset($_REQUEST['emailconfirm'])) {
1270            $_REQUEST['emailconfirm'] = '';
1271        }
1272        $html .= sprintf('<label for="emailconfirm">%s</label>
1273      <input type="text" name="emailconfirm" value="%s" class="input emailconfirm required" />',
1274            $GLOBALS['strConfirmEmail'], htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_REQUEST['emailconfirm'])),
1275            $GLOBALS['strConfirmEmail']);
1276    }
1278    if (ASKFORPASSWORD) {
1279        // we only require a password if there isnt one, so they can set it
1280        // otherwise they can keep the existing, if they do not enter anything
1281        if (!isset($current['password']) || !$current['password']) {
1282            $pwdclass = 'required';
1283            //  $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="passwordreq" value="1" />';
1284        } else {
1285            $pwdclass = 'attributename';
1286            //  $html .= '<input type="hidden" name="passwordreq" value="0" />';
1287        }
1289        $html .= sprintf('
1290      <label for="password">%s</label><input type="password" id="password" name="password" value="" class="input password required" />',
1291            $GLOBALS['strPassword']);
1292        $html .= sprintf('
1293      <label for="password_check">%s</label><input type="password" name="password_check" id="password_check" value="" class="input password required" />',
1294            $GLOBALS['strPassword2']);
1295    }
1296    $html .= '</div>'; //# class=required
1298    $htmlchoice = 'checkforhtml';
1299//# Write attribute fields
1300    switch ($htmlchoice) {
1301        case 'textonly':
1302            if (!isset($htmlemail)) {
1303                $htmlemail = 0;
1304            }
1305            $html .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="htmlemail" value="0" />');
1306            break;
1307        case 'htmlonly':
1308            if (!isset($htmlemail)) {
1309                $htmlemail = 1;
1310            }
1311            $html .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="htmlemail" value="1" />');
1312            break;
1313        case 'checkfortext':
1314            if (!isset($htmlemail)) {
1315                $htmlemail = 0;
1316            }
1317            $html .= sprintf('<fieldset class="htmlchoice"><div><input type="checkbox" name="textemail" id="textemail" value="1" %s /><label for="textemail">%s</label></div></fieldset>',
1318                empty($htmlemail) ? 'checked="checked"' : '', $GLOBALS['strPreferTextEmail']);
1319            break;
1320        case 'radiotext':
1321            if (!isset($htmlemail)) {
1322                $htmlemail = 0;
1323            }
1324        case 'radiohtml':
1325            if (!isset($htmlemail)) {
1326                $htmlemail = 1;
1327            }
1328            $html .= sprintf('<fieldset class="htmlchoice">
1329        <legend>%s</legend>
1330        <div><input type="radio" id="choicetext" name="htmlemail" value="0" %s /><label for="choicetext" class="htmlchoice">%s</label></div>
1331        <div><input type="radio" id="choicehtml" name="htmlemail" value="1" %s /><label for="choicehtml" class="htmlchoice">%s</label></div>
1332        </fieldset>',
1333                $GLOBALS['strPreferredFormat'],
1334                empty($htmlemail) ? 'checked="checked"' : '', $GLOBALS['strText'],
1335                !empty($htmlemail) ? 'checked="checked"' : '', $GLOBALS['strHTML']);
1336            break;
1337        case 'checkforhtml':
1338        default:
1339            if (!isset($htmlemail)) {
1340                $htmlemail = 0;
1341            }
1342            $html .= sprintf('<fieldset class="htmlchoice"><div><input type="checkbox" name="htmlemail" id="htmlemail" value="1" %s />
1343        <label for="htmlemail">%s</label></div></fieldset>', !empty($htmlemail) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
1344                $GLOBALS['strPreferHTMLEmail']);
1345            break;
1346    }
1347    $html .= "</fieldset>\n";
1349    $html .= '<fieldset class="attributes">'."\n";
1351    $attids = implode(',', array_keys($attributes));
1352    $output = array();
1353    if ($attids) {
1354        $res = Sql_Query("select * from {$GLOBALS['tables']['attribute']} where id in ($attids)");
1355        while ($attr = Sql_Fetch_Array($res)) {
1356            $output[$attr['id']] = '';
1357            if (!isset($data[$attr['id']])) {
1358                $data[$attr['id']] = '';
1359            }
1360            $attr['required'] = $attributedata[$attr['id']]['required'];
1361            $attr['default_value'] = $attributedata[$attr['id']]['default_value'];
1362            $fieldname = 'attribute'.$attr['id'];
1363            //  print "<tr><td>".$attr["id"]."</td></tr>";
1364            if ($userid && !isset($_POST[$fieldname])) {
1365                // post values take precedence
1366                $val = Sql_Fetch_Row_Query(sprintf('select value from %s where
1367          attributeid = %d and userid = %d', $GLOBALS['tables']['user_attribute'], $attr['id'], $userid));
1368                $_POST[$fieldname] = $val[0];
1369            } elseif (!isset($_POST[$fieldname])) {
1370                $_POST[$fieldname] = 0;
1371            }
1372            switch ($attr['type']) {
1373                case 'checkbox':
1374                    $output[$attr['id']] = '';
1375                    // what they post takes precedence over the database information
1376                    if (isset($_POST[$fieldname])) {
1377                        $checked = !empty($_POST[$fieldname]) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
1378                    } else {
1379                        $checked = !empty($data[$attr['id']]) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
1380                    }
1381                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf("\n".'<input type="checkbox" name="%s" value="on" %s class="input%s" />',
1382                        $fieldname, $checked, $attr['required'] ? ' required' : '');
1383                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf("\n".'<label for="%s" class="%s">%s</label>', $fieldname,
1384                        $attr['required'] ? 'required' : '', stripslashes($attr['name']));
1385                    break;
1386                case 'radio':
1387                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf("\n".'<fieldset class="radiogroup %s"><legend>%s</legend>',
1388                        $attr['required'] ? 'required' : '', stripslashes($attr['name']));
1389                    $values_request = Sql_Query("select * from $table_prefix".'listattr_'.$attr['tablename'].' order by listorder,name');
1390                    while ($value = Sql_Fetch_array($values_request)) {
1391                        if (!empty($_POST[$fieldname])) {
1392                            $checked = $_POST[$fieldname] == $value['id'] ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
1393                        } elseif ($data[$attr['id']]) {
1394                            $checked = $data[$attr['id']] == $value['id'] ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
1395                        } else {
1396                            $checked = $attr['default_value'] == $value['name'] ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
1397                        }
1398                        $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('<input type="radio" class="input%s" name="%s" value="%s" %s /><label for="%s">%s</label>',
1399                            $attr['required'] ? ' required' : '', $fieldname, $value['id'], $checked, $fieldname,
1400                            $value['name']);
1401                    }
1402                    $output[$attr['id']].'</fieldset>';
1403                    break;
1404                case 'select':
1405                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf("\n".'<fieldset class="selectgroup %s"><label for="%s">%s</label>',
1406                        $attr['required'] ? 'required' : '', $fieldname, stripslashes($attr['name']));
1407                    $values_request = Sql_Query("select * from $table_prefix".'listattr_'.$attr['tablename'].' order by listorder,name');
1408                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('<select name="%s" class="input%s">', $fieldname,
1409                        $attr['required'] ? 'required' : '');
1410                    while ($value = Sql_Fetch_array($values_request)) {
1411                        if (!empty($_POST[$fieldname])) {
1412                            $selected = $_POST[$fieldname] == $value['id'] ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
1413                        } elseif ($data[$attr['id']]) {
1414                            $selected = $data[$attr['id']] == $value['id'] ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
1415                        } else {
1416                            $selected = $attr['default_value'] == $value['name'] ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
1417                        }
1418                        if (preg_match('/^'.preg_quote(EMPTY_VALUE_PREFIX).'/i', $value['name'])) {
1419                            $value['id'] = '';
1420                        }
1421                        $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('<option value="%s" %s>%s</option>', $value['id'], $selected,
1422                            stripslashes($value['name']));
1423                    }
1424                    $output[$attr['id']] .= '</select>';
1425                    $output[$attr['id']] .= '</fieldset>';
1426                    break;
1427                case 'checkboxgroup':
1428                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf("\n".'<fieldset class="checkboxgroup %s"><label for="%s">%s</label>',
1429                        $attr['required'] ? 'required' : '', $fieldname, stripslashes($attr['name']));
1430                    $values_request = Sql_Query("select * from $table_prefix".'listattr_'.$attr['tablename'].' order by listorder,name');
1431                    $cbCounter = 0;
1432                    while ($value = Sql_Fetch_array($values_request)) {
1433                        ++$cbCounter;
1434                        $selected = '';
1435                        if (is_array($_POST[$fieldname])) {
1436                            $selected = in_array($value['id'], $_POST[$fieldname]) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
1437                        } elseif ($data[$attr['id']]) {
1438                            $selection = explode(',', $data[$attr['id']]);
1439                            $selected = in_array($value['id'], $selection) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
1440                        }
1441                        $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('<input type="checkbox" name="%s[]" id="%s%d" class="input%s" value="%s" %s /><label for="%s%d">%s</label>',
1442                            $fieldname, $fieldname, $cbCounter, $attr['required'] ? ' required' : '', $value['id'],
1443                            $selected, $fieldname, $cbCounter, stripslashes($value['name']));
1444                    }
1445                    $output[$attr['id']] .= '</fieldset>';
1446                    break;
1447                case 'textline':
1448                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf("\n".'<label for="%s" class="input %s">%s</label>', $fieldname,
1449                        $attr['required'] ? ' required' : '', $attr['name']);
1450                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('<input type="text" name="%s" class="input%s" value="%s" />',
1451                        $fieldname, $attr['required'] ? ' required' : '',
1452                        isset($_POST[$fieldname]) ? htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_POST[$fieldname])) : (isset($data[$attr['id']]) ? $data[$attr['id']] : $attr['default_value']));
1453                    break;
1454                case 'textarea':
1455                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf("\n".'<label for="%s" class="input %s">%s</label>', $fieldname,
1456                        $attr['required'] ? ' required' : '', $attr['name']);
1457                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('<textarea name="%s" rows="%d" cols="%d" class="input%s" wrap="virtual">%s</textarea>',
1458                        $fieldname, $textarearows, $textareacols, $attr['required'] ? ' required' : '',
1459                        isset($_POST[$fieldname]) ? htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($_POST[$fieldname])) : (isset($data[$attr['id']]) ? htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($data[$attr['id']])) : $attr['default_value']));
1460                    break;
1461                case 'hidden':
1462                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />', $fieldname,
1463                        $data[$attr['id']] ? $data[$attr['id']] : $attr['default_value']);
1464                    break;
1465                case 'date':
1466                    require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/date.php';
1467                    $date = new Date();
1468                    $postval = $date->getDate($fieldname);
1469                    if ($data[$attr['id']]) {
1470                        $val = $data[$attr['id']];
1471                    } else {
1472                        $val = $postval;
1473                    }
1475                    $output[$attr['id']] = sprintf("\n".'<fieldset class="date%s"><label for="%s">%s</label>',
1476                        $attr['required'] ? ' required' : '', $fieldname, $attr['name']);
1477                    $output[$attr['id']] .= sprintf('%s', $date->showInput($fieldname, '', $val));
1478                    $output[$attr['id']] .= '</fieldset>';
1479                    break;
1480                default:
1481                    print '<!-- error: huh, invalid attribute type -->';
1482            }
1483            $output[$attr['id']] .= "\n";
1484        }
1485    }
1487    // make sure the order is correct
1488    foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $listorder) {
1489        if (isset($output[$attribute])) {
1490            $html .= $output[$attribute];
1491        }
1492    }
1494    $html .= '</fieldset>'."\n"; //# class=attributes
1496//  print htmlspecialchars( '<fieldset class="phplist">'.$html.'</fieldset>');exit;
1497    return $html;
1500function ListAllAttributes()
1502    global $tables;
1503    $attributes = array();
1504    $attributedata = array();
1505    $res = Sql_Query("select * from {$GLOBALS['tables']['attribute']} order by listorder");
1506    while ($row = Sql_Fetch_Array($res)) {
1507        //   print $row["id"]. " ".$row["name"];
1508        $attributes[$row['id']] = $row['listorder'];
1509        $attributedata[$row['id']]['id'] = $row['id'];
1510        $attributedata[$row['id']]['default_value'] = $row['default_value'];
1511        $attributedata[$row['id']]['listorder'] = $row['listorder'];
1512        $attributedata[$row['id']]['required'] = $row['required'];
1513        $attributedata[$row['id']]['default_value'] = $row['default_value'];
1514    }
1516    return ListAttributes($attributes, $attributedata, 'checkforhtml');