1 /*
2  * reader-tr03119.h: interface related to escape commands with pseudo APDUs
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2013-2018  Frank Morgner
5  *
6  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
19  */
21 #ifndef _READER_TR03119_H
22 #define _READER_TR03119_H
24 #include "libopensc/opensc.h"
25 #include "libopensc/pace.h"
27 #ifdef __cplusplus
28 extern "C" {
29 #endif
31 /** @brief NPA capabilities (TR-03119): PACE */
32 #define EAC_BITMAP_PACE  0x40
33 /** @brief NPA capabilities (TR-03119): EPA: eID */
34 #define EAC_BITMAP_EID   0x20
35 /** @brief NPA capabilities (TR-03119): EPA: eSign */
36 #define EAC_BITMAP_ESIGN 0x10
38 /**
39  * @brief Get the PACE capabilities
40  *
41  * @param[in,out] bitmap where to store capabilities bitmap
42  * @note Since this code offers no support for terminal certificate, the bitmap is always \c PACE_BITMAP_PACE|PACE_BITMAP_EID
43  *
44  * @return \c SC_SUCCESS or error code if an error occurred
45  */
46 int get_pace_capabilities(u8 *bitmap);
48 /** @brief NPA result (TR-03119): Kein Fehler */
49 #define EAC_SUCCESS                            0x00000000
50 /** @brief NPA result (TR-03119): Längen im Input sind inkonsistent */
51 #define EAC_ERROR_LENGTH_INCONSISTENT          0xD0000001
52 /** @brief NPA result (TR-03119): Unerwartete Daten im Input */
53 #define EAC_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_DATA              0xD0000002
54 /** @brief NPA result (TR-03119): Unerwartete Kombination von Daten im Input */
56 /** @brief NPA result (TR-03119): Die Karte unterstützt das PACE – Verfahren nicht.  (Unerwartete Struktur in Antwortdaten der Karte) */
57 #define EAC_ERROR_CARD_NOT_SUPPORTED           0xE0000001
58 /** @brief NPA result (TR-03119): Der Kartenleser unterstützt den angeforderten bzw. den ermittelten Algorithmus nicht.  */
59 #define EAC_ERROR_ALGORITH_NOT_SUPPORTED       0xE0000002
60 /** @brief NPA result (TR-03119): Der Kartenleser kennt die PIN – ID nicht. */
61 #define EAC_ERROR_PINID_NOT_SUPPORTED          0xE0000003
62 /** @brief NPA result (TR-03119): Negative Antwort der Karte auf Select EF_CardAccess (needs to be OR-ed with SW1|SW2) */
63 #define EAC_ERROR_SELECT_EF_CARDACCESS         0xF0000000
64 /** @brief NPA result (TR-03119): Negative Antwort der Karte auf Read Binary (needs to be OR-ed with SW1|SW2) */
65 #define EAC_ERROR_READ_BINARY                  0xF0010000
66 /** @brief NPA result (TR-03119): Negative Antwort der Karte auf MSE: Set AT (needs to be OR-ed with SW1|SW2) */
67 #define EAC_ERROR_MSE_SET_AT                   0xF0020000
68 /** @brief NPA result (TR-03119): Negative Antwort der Karte auf General Authenticate Step 1 (needs to be OR-ed with SW1|SW2) */
69 #define EAC_ERROR_GENERAL_AUTHENTICATE_1       0xF0030000
70 /** @brief NPA result (TR-03119): Negative Antwort der Karte auf General Authenticate Step 2 (needs to be OR-ed with SW1|SW2) */
71 #define EAC_ERROR_GENERAL_AUTHENTICATE_2       0xF0040000
72 /** @brief NPA result (TR-03119): Negative Antwort der Karte auf General Authenticate Step 3 (needs to be OR-ed with SW1|SW2) */
73 #define EAC_ERROR_GENERAL_AUTHENTICATE_3       0xF0050000
74 /** @brief NPA result (TR-03119): Negative Antwort der Karte auf General Authenticate Step 4 (needs to be OR-ed with SW1|SW2) */
75 #define EAC_ERROR_GENERAL_AUTHENTICATE_4       0xF0060000
76 /** @brief NPA result (TR-03119): Kommunikationsabbruch mit Karte. */
77 #define EAC_ERROR_COMMUNICATION                0xF0100001
78 /** @brief NPA result (TR-03119): Keine Karte im Feld. */
79 #define EAC_ERROR_NO_CARD                      0xF0100002
80 /** @brief NPA result (TR-03119): Benutzerabbruch. */
81 #define EAC_ERROR_ABORTED                      0xF0200001
82 /** @brief NPA result (TR-03119): Benutzer – Timeout */
83 #define EAC_ERROR_TIMEOUT                      0xF0200002
85 void sc_detect_escape_cmds(sc_reader_t *reader);
87 int escape_pace_input_to_buf(sc_context_t *ctx,
88 		const struct establish_pace_channel_input *input,
89 		unsigned char **asn1, size_t *asn1_len);
90 int escape_buf_to_pace_input(sc_context_t *ctx,
91 		const unsigned char *asn1, size_t asn1_len,
92 		struct establish_pace_channel_input *input);
93 int escape_pace_output_to_buf(sc_context_t *ctx,
94 		const struct establish_pace_channel_output *output,
95 		unsigned char **asn1, size_t *asn1_len);
96 int escape_buf_to_pace_output(sc_context_t *ctx,
97 		const unsigned char *asn1, size_t asn1_len,
98 		struct establish_pace_channel_output *output);
99 int escape_pace_capabilities_to_buf(sc_context_t *ctx,
100 		const unsigned long sc_reader_t_capabilities,
101 		unsigned char **asn1, size_t *asn1_len);
102 int escape_buf_to_pace_capabilities(sc_context_t *ctx,
103 		const unsigned char *asn1, size_t asn1_len,
104 		unsigned long *sc_reader_t_capabilities);
106 #ifdef __cplusplus
107 }
108 #endif
110 #endif