2layout: "language"
3page_title: "References to Values - Configuration Language"
6# References to Named Values
8> **Hands-on:** Try the [Create Dynamic Expressions](https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/expressions?in=terraform/configuration-language&utm_source=WEBSITE&utm_medium=WEB_IO&utm_offer=ARTICLE_PAGE&utm_content=DOCS) tutorial on HashiCorp Learn.
10Terraform makes several kinds of named values available. Each of these names is
11an expression that references the associated value; you can use them as
12standalone expressions, or combine them with other expressions to compute new
15## Types of Named Values
17The main kinds of named values available in Terraform are:
19- Resources
20- Input variables
21- Local values
22- Child module outputs
23- Data sources
24- Filesystem and workspace info
25- Block-local values
27The sections below explain each kind of named value in detail.
29Although many of these names use dot-separated paths that resemble
30[attribute notation](./types.html#indices-and-attributes) for elements of object values, they are not
31implemented as real objects. This means you must use them exactly as written:
32you cannot use square-bracket notation to replace the dot-separated paths, and
33you cannot iterate over the "parent object" of a named entity; for example, you
34cannot use `aws_instance` in a `for` expression to iterate over every AWS
35instance resource.
37### Resources
39`<RESOURCE TYPE>.<NAME>` represents a [managed resource](/docs/language/resources/index.html) of
40the given type and name.
42The value of a resource reference can vary, depending on whether the resource
43uses `count` or `for_each`:
45- If the resource doesn't use `count` or `for_each`, the reference's value is an
46  object. The resource's attributes are elements of the object, and you can
47  access them using [dot or square bracket notation](./types.html#indices-and-attributes).
48- If the resource has the `count` argument set, the reference's value is a
49  _list_ of objects representing its instances.
50- If the resource has the `for_each` argument set, the reference's value is a
51  _map_ of objects representing its instances.
53Any named value that does not match another pattern listed below
54will be interpreted by Terraform as a reference to a managed resource.
56For more information about how to use resource references, see
57[references to resource attributes](#references-to-resource-attributes) below.
59### Input Variables
61`var.<NAME>` is the value of the [input variable](/docs/language/values/variables.html) of the given name.
63If the variable has a type constraint (`type` argument) as part of its
64declaration, Terraform will automatically convert the caller's given value
65to conform to the type constraint.
67For that reason, you can safely assume that a reference using `var.` will
68always produce a value that conforms to the type constraint, even if the caller
69provided a value of a different type that was automatically converted.
71In particular, note that if you define a variable as being of an object type
72with particular attributes then only _those specific attributes_ will be
73available in expressions elsewhere in the module, even if the caller actually
74passed in a value with additional attributes. You must define in the type
75constraint all of the attributes you intend to use elsewhere in your module.
77### Local Values
79`local.<NAME>` is the value of the [local value](/docs/language/values/locals.html) of the given name.
81Local values can refer to other local values, even within the same `locals`
82block, as long as you don't introduce circular dependencies.
84### Child Module Outputs
86`module.<MODULE NAME>` is an value representing the results of
87[a `module` block](/docs/language/modules/syntax.html).
89If the corresponding `module` block does not have either `count` nor `for_each`
90set then the value will be an object with one attribute for each output value
91defined in the child module. To access one of the module's
92[output values](/docs/language/values/outputs.html), use `module.<MODULE NAME>.<OUTPUT NAME>`.
94If the corresponding `module` uses `for_each` then the value will be a map
95of objects whose keys correspond with the keys in the `for_each` expression,
96and whose values are each objects with one attribute for each output value
97defined in the child module, each representing one module instance.
99If the corresponding module uses `count` then the result is similar to for
100`for_each` except that the value is a _list_ with the requested number of
101elements, each one representing one module instance.
103### Data Sources
105`data.<DATA TYPE>.<NAME>` is an object representing a
106[data resource](/docs/language/data-sources/index.html) of the given data
107source type and name. If the resource has the `count` argument set, the value
108is a list of objects representing its instances. If the resource has the `for_each`
109argument set, the value is a map of objects representing its instances.
111For more information, see
112[References to Resource Attributes](#references-to-resource-attributes), which
113also applies to data resources aside from the addition of the `data.` prefix
114to mark the reference as for a data resource.
116### Filesystem and Workspace Info
118* `path.module` is the filesystem path of the module where the expression
119  is placed.
120* `path.root` is the filesystem path of the root module of the configuration.
121* `path.cwd` is the filesystem path of the current working directory. In
122  normal use of Terraform this is the same as `path.root`, but some advanced
123  uses of Terraform run it from a directory other than the root module
124  directory, causing these paths to be different.
125* `terraform.workspace` is the name of the currently selected
126  [workspace](/docs/language/state/workspaces.html).
128Use the values in this section carefully, because they include information
129about the context in which a configuration is being applied and so may
130inadvertently hurt the portability or composability of a module.
132For example, if you use `path.cwd` directly to populate a path into a resource
133argument then later applying the same configuration from a different directory
134or on a different computer with a different directory structure will cause
135the provider to consider the change of path to be a change to be applied, even
136if the path still refers to the same file.
138Similarly, if you use any of these values as a form of namespacing in a shared
139module, such as using `terraform.workspace` as a prefix for globally-unique
140object names, it may not be possible to call your module more than once in
141the same configuration.
143Aside from `path.module`, we recommend using the values in this section only
144in the root module of your configuration. If you are writing a shared module
145which needs a prefix to help create unique names, define an input variable
146for your module and allow the calling module to define the prefix. The
147calling module can then use `terraform.workspace` to define it if appropriate,
148or some other value if not:
151module "example" {
152  # ...
154  name_prefix = "app-${terraform-workspace}"
158### Block-Local Values
160Within the bodies of certain blocks, or in some other specific contexts,
161there are other named values available beyond the global values listed above.
162These local names are described in the documentation for the specific contexts
163where they appear. Some of most common local names are:
165- `count.index`, in resources that use
166  [the `count` meta-argument](/docs/language/meta-arguments/count.html).
167- `each.key` / `each.value`, in resources that use
168  [the `for_each` meta-argument](/docs/language/meta-arguments/for_each.html).
169- `self`, in [provisioner](/docs/language/resources/provisioners/syntax.html) and
170  [connection](/docs/language/resources/provisioners/connection.html) blocks.
172-> **Note:** Local names are often referred to as _variables_ or
173_temporary variables_ in their documentation. These are not [input
174variables](/docs/language/values/variables.html); they are just arbitrary names
175that temporarily represent a value.
177The names in this section relate to top-level configuration blocks only.
178If you use [`dynamic` blocks](dynamic-blocks.html) to dynamically generate
179resource-type-specific _nested_ blocks within `resource` and `data` blocks then
180you'll refer to the key and value of each element differently. See the
181`dynamic` blocks documentation for details.
183## Named Values and Dependencies
185Constructs like resources and module calls often use references to named values
186in their block bodies, and Terraform analyzes these expressions to automatically
187infer dependencies between objects. For example, an expression in a resource
188argument that refers to another managed resource creates an implicit dependency
189between the two resources.
191## References to Resource Attributes
193The most common reference type is a reference to an attribute of a resource
194which has been declared either with a `resource` or `data` block. Because
195the contents of such blocks can be quite complicated themselves, expressions
196referring to these contents can also be complicated.
198Consider the following example resource block:
201resource "aws_instance" "example" {
202  ami           = "ami-abc123"
203  instance_type = "t2.micro"
205  ebs_block_device {
206    device_name = "sda2"
207    volume_size = 16
208  }
209  ebs_block_device {
210    device_name = "sda3"
211    volume_size = 20
212  }
216The documentation for [`aws_instance`](https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/instance)
217lists all of the arguments and nested blocks supported for this resource type,
218and also lists a number of attributes that are _exported_ by this resource
219type. All of these different resource type schema constructs are available
220for use in references, as follows:
222* The `ami` argument set in the configuration can be used elsewhere with
223  the reference expression `aws_instance.example.ami`.
224* The `id` attribute exported by this resource type can be read using the
225  same syntax, giving `aws_instance.example.id`.
226* The arguments of the `ebs_block_device` nested blocks can be accessed using
227  a [splat expression](./splat.html). For example, to obtain a list of
228  all of the `device_name` values, use
229  `aws_instance.example.ebs_block_device[*].device_name`.
230* The nested blocks in this particular resource type do not have any exported
231  attributes, but if `ebs_block_device` were to have a documented `id`
232  attribute then a list of them could be accessed similarly as
233  `aws_instance.example.ebs_block_device[*].id`.
234* Sometimes nested blocks are defined as taking a logical key to identify each
235  block, which serves a similar purpose as the resource's own name by providing
236  a convenient way to refer to that single block in expressions. If `aws_instance`
237  had a hypothetical nested block type `device` that accepted such a key, it
238  would look like this in configuration:
240    ```hcl
241      device "foo" {
242        size = 2
243      }
244      device "bar" {
245        size = 4
246      }
247    ```
249    Arguments inside blocks with _keys_ can be accessed using index syntax, such
250    as `aws_instance.example.device["foo"].size`.
252    To obtain a map of values of a particular argument for _labelled_ nested
253    block types, use a [`for` expression](./for.html):
254    `{for k, device in aws_instance.example.device : k => device.size}`.
256When a resource has the
258argument set, the resource itself becomes a _list_ of instance objects rather than
259a single object. In that case, access the attributes of the instances using
260either [splat expressions](./splat.html) or index syntax:
262* `aws_instance.example[*].id` returns a list of all of the ids of each of the
263  instances.
264* `aws_instance.example[0].id` returns just the id of the first instance.
266When a resource has the
268argument set, the resource itself becomes a _map_ of instance objects rather than
269a single object, and attributes of instances must be specified by key, or can
270be accessed using a [`for` expression](./for.html).
272* `aws_instance.example["a"].id` returns the id of the "a"-keyed resource.
273* `[for value in aws_instance.example: value.id]` returns a list of all of the ids
274  of each of the instances.
276Note that unlike `count`, splat expressions are _not_ directly applicable to resources managed with `for_each`, as splat expressions must act on a list value. However, you can use the `values()` function to extract the instances as a list and use that list value in a splat expression:
278* `values(aws_instance.example)[*].id`
280### Sensitive Resource Attributes
282When defining the schema for a resource type, a provider developer can mark
283certain attributes as _sensitive_, in which case Terraform will show a
284placeholder marker `(sensitive)` instead of the actual value when rendering
285a plan involving that attribute.
287A provider attribute marked as sensitive behaves similarly to an
288[an input variable declared as sensitive](/docs/language/values/variables.html#suppressing-values-in-cli-output),
289where Terraform will hide the value in the plan and apply messages and will
290also hide any other values you derive from it as sensitive.
291However, there are some limitations to that behavior as described in
292[Cases where Terraform may disclose a sensitive variable](/docs/language/values/variables.html#cases-where-terraform-may-disclose-a-sensitive-variable).
294If you use a sensitive value from a resource attribute as part of an
295[output value](/docs/language/values/outputs.html) then Terraform will require
296you to also mark the output value itself as sensitive, to confirm that you
297intended to export it.
299Terraform will still record sensitive values in the [state](/docs/language/state/index.html),
300and so anyone who can access the state data will have access to the sensitive
301values in cleartext. For more information, see
302[_Sensitive Data in State_](/docs/language/state/sensitive-data.html).
304-> **Note:** Treating values derived from a sensitive resource attribute as
305sensitive themselves was introduced in Terraform v0.15. Earlier versions of
306Terraform will obscure the direct value of a sensitive resource attribute,
307but will _not_ automatically obscure other values derived from sensitive
308resource attributes.
310### Values Not Yet Known
312When Terraform is planning a set of changes that will apply your configuration,
313some resource attribute values cannot be populated immediately because their
314values are decided dynamically by the remote system. For example, if a
315particular remote object type is assigned a generated unique id on creation,
316Terraform cannot predict the value of this id until the object has been created.
318To allow expressions to still be evaluated during the plan phase, Terraform
319uses special "unknown value" placeholders for these results. In most cases you
320don't need to do anything special to deal with these, since the Terraform
321language automatically handles unknown values during expressions, so that
322for example adding a known value to an unknown value automatically produces
323an unknown value as the result.
325However, there are some situations where unknown values _do_ have a significant
328* The `count` meta-argument for resources cannot be unknown, since it must
329  be evaluated during the plan phase to determine how many instances are to
330  be created.
332* If unknown values are used in the configuration of a data resource, that
333  data resource cannot be read during the plan phase and so it will be deferred
334  until the apply phase. In this case, the results of the data resource will
335  _also_ be unknown values.
337* If an unknown value is assigned to an argument inside a `module` block,
338  any references to the corresponding input variable within the child module
339  will use that unknown value.
341* If an unknown value is used in the `value` argument of an output value,
342  any references to that output value in the parent module will use that
343  unknown value.
345* Terraform will attempt to validate that unknown values are of suitable
346  types where possible, but incorrect use of such values may not be detected
347  until the apply phase, causing the apply to fail.
349Unknown values appear in the `terraform plan` output as `(not yet known)`.