1 // XDrawChem
2 // Copyright (C) 2004-2005  Bryan Herger <bherger@users.sourceforge.net>
3 // Copyright (C) 2020  Yaman Qalieh <ybq987@gmail.com>
5 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8 // (at your option) any later version.
10 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 // GNU General Public License for more details.
15 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 // along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
18 // render2d.h -- class definition for XDrawChem render widget.
20 #ifndef RENDER2D_H
21 #define RENDER2D_H
23 #include <QPainterPath>
24 #include <QPrinter>
25 #include <QProcess>
26 #include <QTextCharFormat>
27 #include <QTextEdit>
29 #include "clipboard.h"
30 #include "dpoint.h"
31 #include "drawable.h"
32 #include "paintable.h"
33 #include "prefs.h"
34 #include "xdc_event.h"
36 class ChemData;
37 class Text;
38 class Molecule;
40 extern Preferences preferences;
42 class Render2D : public QWidget {
43     Q_OBJECT
45   public:
setChemData(ChemData * c1)46     void setChemData(ChemData *c1) { c = c1; }
47     // defined in render2d.cpp
48     Render2D(QWidget *parent = 0);
49     void CorrectEndpoint_arrow();
50     void CorrectEndpoint_bond();
51     void CleanUpAfterTextTool();
52     void setClipboard(Clipboard *);
53     Clipboard *getClipboard();
55   public slots:
56     // defined in render2d.cpp
57     void ReactionAnalysis(int);
58     void setMode_Select();
59     void setMode_Lasso();
60     void setMode_DrawLine();
61     void setMode_DrawDashLine();
62     void setMode_DrawChain();
63     void setMode_DrawUpLine();
64     void setMode_DrawDownLine();
65     void setMode_DrawWavyLine();
66     void setMode_DrawArrow(regularArrowType);
67     void setMode_DrawCurveArrow(curveArrowType);
68     void setMode_DrawBracket(bracketType);
69     void setMode_Erase();
70     void setMode_DrawText();
71     void setMode_DrawSymbol(const QString &);
72     void setMode_DrawGraphicObject(int, int param1 = 0);
73     void setMode_DrawRing(QString, QString, int sp = 0);
74     void setMode_DrawNewmanAnti();
75     void setMode_DrawNewmanGauche();
76     void Tool(int);
77     void SelectAll();
78     void DeselectAll();
79     void EraseSelected();
80     void Inserted();
81     void SetFont(QFont);
82     void SetColor(QColor);
83     QFont GetFont();
84     QColor GetColor();
85     void Cut();
86     void Copy();
87     void Paste();
88     void Undo();
89     void Redo();
90     void Rotate90();
91     void Rotate180();
92     void Rotate270();
93     void AutoLayout();
94     void Flip(int);
95     bool SaveEPS(QString);
96     bool SaveSVG(QString);
97     void clearAllGroups();
98     QPoint zoomCorrect(QPoint);
99     QPoint zoomCorrectReverse(QPoint);
100     // defined in render2d_draw.cpp
101     double getAngle(QPointF, QPointF);
102     void drawBezier(QVector<QPoint>, QColor, bool = false, int = 0);
103     void drawLine(QPointF, QPointF, int, QColor, int = 0);
104     void drawPolyline(QPainterPath, QColor);
105     void drawPolyline(QVector<QPoint> p, QColor c1);
106     void drawUpLine(QPointF, QPointF, QColor);
107     void drawDownLine(QPointF, QPointF, QColor);
108     void drawWavyLine(QPointF, QPointF, QColor);
109     void drawArrow(QPointF, QPointF, QColor, int, int);
110     void drawBracket(QPoint, QPoint, QColor, int, QColor);
111     void drawBox(QPoint, QPoint, QColor);
112     void drawFillBox(QPoint, QPoint, QColor);
113     void drawFillBox(QPoint, QPoint, QColor, bool, QColor, int);
114     void drawCircle(QPoint, int, QColor);
115     void drawEllipse(QPoint, QPoint, bool, QColor, bool, QColor);
116     void drawText(QChar, QPoint, QColor, QFont);
117     void drawString(QString, QPoint, QColor, QFont);
118     void drawTextReverse(QChar, QPoint, QColor, QFont);
119     void drawPixmap(QPoint, QPixmap);
120     void drawCurveArrow(QPointF, QPointF, QColor, QString);
121     QPixmap MakePixmap(bool transp = false);
122     QPixmap MakeFullPixmap();
123     // defined in render2d_text.cpp
124     void InsertSymbol();
125     void DrawText_returnPressed();
126     void DrawText_textChanged();
127     void DrawText_FinishText();
128     void DrawText_CVAchanged(QTextCharFormat::VerticalAlignment);
129     QString EditText(QPoint, QString, int, bool);
130     QRect GetTextDimensions(QString, QFont);
131     int GetTextHeight(QFont);
132     int GetTextFullHeight(QFont);
133     int GetCharWidth(QChar, QFont);
134     int GetStringWidth(QString, QFont);
135     void DrawText_mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *, QPoint);
136     void DrawText_mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *, QPoint);
137     void DrawText_mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *);
138     void Superscript();
139     void Subscript();
140     void Bold();
141     void Italic();
142     void Underline();
143     void JustifyLeft();
144     void JustifyCenter();
145     void JustifyRight();
146     // defined in render2d_select.cpp
147     void Select_mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *);
148     double GetAngle(DPoint *, DPoint *, DPoint *);
149     // defined in render2d_print.cpp
150     void PrintSetup();
151     void Print(QString epsname = "");
152     void UpdatePageGeometry();
153     // defined in render2d_event.cpp:
154     QPoint GridLock(QPoint);
155     void createGrid();
156     void zoomEvent();
157     void molInfo();
158     void molSelect();
159     void molCut();
160     void molCopy();
161     void bondEdit();
162     void bondInfo();
163     void textShape();
164     void bracketFill();
165     void bracketFillOff();
167     // defined here:
setDirectDraw(bool dd1)168     void setDirectDraw(bool dd1) { directdraw = dd1; }
DistanceBetween(QPointF a,QPointF b)169     double DistanceBetween(QPointF a, QPointF b) {
170         double dx = a.x() - b.x();
171         double dy = a.y() - b.y();
172         return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
173     }
Midpoint(QPointF a,QPointF b)174     QPointF Midpoint(QPointF a, QPointF b) {
175         int ax = (a.x() + b.x()) / 2;
176         int ay = (a.y() + b.y()) / 2;
177         return QPointF(ax, ay);
178     }
RoundOff(double x)179     int RoundOff(double x) {
180         int x1 = (int)x;
181         double x2 = x - (double)x1;
182         if (x2 > 0.5)
183             return x1 + 1;
184         else
185             return x1;
186     }
SetOutputDevice(int x)187     void SetOutputDevice(int x) { outputDevice = x; }
SetThick(int t)188     void SetThick(int t) { thick = t; }
resetTextOrigin()189     void resetTextOrigin() {
190         if (mode > 127) {
191             rotateOrigin.setX(0);
192             rotateOrigin.setY(0);
193         }
194     }
195     // now done in prefs.h
196     // int getPageSize() { return page_size; }
197     // int getPageOrientation() { return page_orientation; }
setPageSizeAndOrientation()198     void setPageSizeAndOrientation() { UpdatePageGeometry(); }
setBGColor(QColor bc1)199     void setBGColor(QColor bc1) {
200         QPalette palette;
201         palette.setColor(backgroundRole(), bc1);
202         setPalette(palette);
203         bgcolor = bc1;
204     }
getBGColor()205     QColor getBGColor() { return bgcolor; }
setWaitCursor()206     void setWaitCursor() { setCursor(Qt::WaitCursor); }
setArrowCursor()207     void setArrowCursor() { setCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor); }
getFontKludge()208     bool getFontKludge() { return font_size_kludge; }
210   signals:
211     void SignalSetStatusBar(QString);
212     void SignalHelpTopic(QString);
213     void XDCEventSignal(XDC_Event *);
214     void textOn(QFont);
215     void TextOff();
217   protected:
218     // defined in render2d_event.cpp
219     void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *);
220     void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *);
221     void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *);
222     void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *);
223     void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *);
224     void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
225     // defined in render2d_text.cpp
226     void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *);
228   private slots:
229     void saveEPSFinished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus);
231   private:
232     // Qpixmap of double buffer
233     QPixmap dbuffer;
234     QPixmap grid;
235     // height and width of the drawing area
236     int renderHeight, renderWidth;
237     // zoom factor (actually held in prefs.h)
238     float zoomFactor;
239     // cursors
240     QCursor skullcursor, rotatecursor;
241     // the ChemData object this Render2D is linked with
242     ChemData *c;
243     // start and end points of object being drawn, or selection box...
244     DPoint *startpoint, *endpoint;
245     // current drawing font
246     QFont currentFont;
247     // current drawing color
248     QColor currentColor;
249     // current background color
250     QColor bgcolor;
251     // Positions to remember for multiple selection
252     QPoint selectOrigin, selectPrev;
253     // Rotate and resize handles (used in MODE_SELECT_MULTIPLE_SELECTED)
254     QRect selectionBox;
255     QPoint rotateHandle, resizeHandle;
256     // rotate origin
257     QPoint rotateOrigin;
258     // previous angle (for rotating)
259     double prevangle;
260     // previous position (of mouse, usually)
261     DPoint *prevpos;
262     // highlighted point, if any
263     DPoint *highlightpoint;
264     // highlighted object, if any
265     Drawable *highlightobject;
266     // current input/output/drawing mode
267     int mode, prev_mode;
268     // temporary Bezier curve
269     QVector<QPoint> tmp_bezier;
270     int bezier_count;
271     // current button state
272     bool mouse1down, mouse3down, doubleClickFlag;
273     bool moved; // to check validity of points, see render2d_event.cpp
274     // direct drawing flag
275     bool directdraw;
276     // fixed length/angle (now controlled by Preferences class, see prefs.h)
277     // bool fixed_bond, fixed_arrow;
278     // double fixedlength_bond, fixedangle_bond;
279     // double fixedlength_arrow, fixedangle_arrow;
280     // current line thickness and old bond order (for edit)
281     int thick, savedBondOrder;
282     // chain length
283     double chainlength;
284     // Output device (screen, printer, image)
285     int outputDevice;
286     // Output file/textstream
287     QFile output_file;
288     QTextStream output_ts;
289     // Output printer and related classes
290     QList<Paintable *> paintqueue;
291     QPrinter *printer;
292     QPainter *painter;
293     // Text object, temp string to use when creating/editing text
294     Text *localtext;
295     QTextEdit *localtexteditor;
296     QString localstring;
297     bool text_exists; // does this text object exist?
298     bool text_drag, super_set, sub_set;
299     DPoint *start_drag;
300     // Symbol object, which file to use (or ring, if MODE_RING)
301     QString symbolfile;
302     int smartplace; // able to attach ring to a point (e.g., benzene, Fmoc)
303     // Bracket object, which bracket
304     int bracket_type;
305     // page setup options (NOW HELD IN PREFS...)
306     // int page_size;
307     // int page_orientation;
308     // drag object
309     bool dragging;
310     // finished rendering?
311     bool finishedPainting;
312     // set in render2d.cpp::SaveEPS()
313     double eps_dx, eps_dy;
314     // data for lasso
315     QVector<QPoint> curr_lasso;
316     QPoint lasso1, lasso2;
317     // QPopupMenu for right clicks
318     QMenu *rtclickpopup;
319     Molecule *targetmol;
320     // current/temporary Molecule
321     Molecule *tmp_molecule;
322     // kludge for PNG/BMP generation
323     bool font_size_kludge;
324     // track last known pointer position
325     QPoint lastmouse;
326     // remember mode if using "hot key"
327     QString tmpEpsFile;
329     bool hotkeymode;
330     int hkprevmode;
331     QPoint startPoint, endPoint;
332     QVector<QPoint> chainPoints;
333 };
335 #endif