1 /***
3     Olive - Non-Linear Video Editor
4     Copyright (C) 2019  Olive Team
6     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
7     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
9     (at your option) any later version.
11     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14     GNU General Public License for more details.
16     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 ***/
21 #ifndef CACHER_H
22 #define CACHER_H
24 #define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS 1
25 #include <inttypes.h>
27 extern "C" {
28 #include <libavformat/avformat.h>
29 #include <libavcodec/avcodec.h>
30 #include <libswscale/swscale.h>
31 #include <libswresample/swresample.h>
32 #include <libavfilter/avfilter.h>
33 #include <libavfilter/buffersrc.h>
34 #include <libavfilter/buffersink.h>
35 #include <libavutil/opt.h>
36 #include <libavutil/pixdesc.h>
37 }
39 #include <memory>
40 #include <QThread>
41 #include <QVector>
42 #include <QWaitCondition>
43 #include <QMutex>
45 #include "rendering/clipqueue.h"
47 class Clip;
49 /**
50  * @brief The Cacher class
51  *
52  * For footage clips - usually the majority of clips - decoding can be strenuous on CPU and inconsistent in timing. As
53  * a result, we keep a memory cache of upcoming frames that we fill in a background thread so they can be retrieved from
54  * a rendering thread later. This class is the background thread filling up a clip's frame cache (also called a "queue"
55  * since video files are usually stored with frames in linear chronological order). It involves decoding routines to
56  * retrieve raw frames from the file (using libavformat/libavcodec), conversion routines to conform the raw frames to
57  * RGBA/S16LE for the rest of the workflow (using libavfilter/libswscale/libswresample), and memory handling routines
58  * for keeping the cache within limits defined by the user (see Config::upcoming_queue_type).
59  *
60  * Generally the Cacher workflow starts by calling Open() which will start the thread, open a file handle, and create a
61  * decoding instance. Open() is usually called directly from the parent Clip's Clip::Open() and thus expects the
62  * Clip::state_change_lock to be locked. It will unlock it when it's finished opening and is ready to start caching,
63  * meaning Clip::state_change_lock can be used to synchronize threads.
64  *
65  * ---
66  *
67  * **For video:**
68  *
69  * After the Cacher has finished opening, request a frame by calling Cache(). Cache() will tell the Cacher
70  * information about the current playback state, most importantly the current place in time according to the Sequence's
71  * playhead. Cache() determines whether the requested frame is already in the queue, and then signals the Cacher thread
72  * to cache ahead if there's room in the queue (and also remove old frames that are no longer necessary). To retrieve
73  * the requested frame, call Retrieve().
74  *
75  * If Cache() found the frame already in the queue, Retrieve() will return immediately with this frame. Otherwise
76  * Retrieve() may block while the cacher retrieves it. Therefore it is recommended never to call Retrieve() from
77  * the main thread. Retrieve() may also return `nullptr` if there was an issue, e.g. the cacher failed to retrieve
78  * the frame.
79  *
80  * **For audio:**
81  *
82  * After the Cacher has finished opening, calling Cache() will handle most of the work. It will decode the audio,
83  * convert to the correct sample rate and format, reverse or adjust speed if necessary, and send it to the audio
84  * buffer ready to be played by the output device. It is important to continually call Cache() as it doesn't get
85  * signalled when more samples are available in the audio buffer. Instead, it'll check every time it's called and
86  * fill as much of the buffer as it can.
87  *
88  * If the user seeks, ResetAudio() must be called to signal the Cacher to interrupt the current audio stream and
89  * move somewhere else before continuing.
90  *
91  * ---
92  *
93  * Finally, when the Cacher/parent Clip are no longer in use, call Close() to free all memory and file handling
94  * allocated for the cacher. You can choose whether to wait for Close() and all of its child processes to complete -
95  * e.g. if you need to change something with the Clip or attached Footage that changes how it opens and want to be
96  * thread-safe - or let the Close thread finish up on its own.
97  *
98  * Cacher expects to be multithreaded and all of its public functions are thread-safe.
99  */
100 class Cacher : public QThread
101 {
102   Q_OBJECT
103 public:
104   /**
105    * @brief Cacher Constructor
106    *
107    * Create Cacher object. The thread is not started here. To start it, call Open().
108    *
109    * @param c
110    */
111   Cacher(Clip* c);
113   /**
114    * @brief The main QThread loop
115    *
116    * Once the thread has started, all Cacher functions will be called from here until the Cacher closes at which point
117    * it will close and exit gracefully.
118    */
119   void run();
121   /**
122    * @brief Open the cacher
123    *
124    * Starts the thread and all file/decode handlers. Really just sets some default values and starts the thread, which
125    * will in turn call OpenWorker() at the start of its functions.
126    *
127    * Make sure Clip::state_change_lock is LOCKED before calling this function as the opening process will try to unlock
128    * it when it's finished (leading to a crash if it's not already locked).
129    */
130   void Open();
132   /**
133    * @brief Request a frame to be cached
134    *
135    * For video, this function is part 1 of the Cache()/Retrieve() workflow. It signals the thread to start caching and
136    * provides a few other details about the playback state. For optimization it'll also check the frame queue if it
137    * already contains the requested frame and use it if so, potentially speeding up Retrieve() later on. Otherwise
138    * it'll interrupt any currently caching operation and signal it to start again.
139    * While Retrieve() will block until the correct frame is retrieved, this function will return fairly quickly (either
140    * immediately if the frame was found in the queue, or once the cacher has restarted caching if not). This means
141    * Cache() can be called from another thread and then that other thread can do other work while the cacher is
142    * retrieving the frame, finally calling Retrieve() once the frame is absolutely necessary.
143    *
144    * For audio, this function will do all the work of signalling the thread to start caching and sending samples to
145    * the output audio buffer. It's used in tandem with ResetAudio() when the Timeline header is changed abruptly.
146    *
147    * @param playhead
148    *
149    * The current Timeline played position in frames
150    *
151    * @param scrubbing
152    *
153    * **TRUE** if the user is currently scrubbing. **FALSE** if not.
154    *
155    * @param nests
156    *
157    * A hierarchy of nested sequences, if the playback traversed any to get to this clip.
158    *
159    * @param playback_speed
160    *
161    * The current playback speed (controlled by Shuttle Left/Stop/Right)
162    */
163   void Cache(long playhead, bool scrubbing, QVector<Clip*>& nests, int playback_speed);
165   /**
166    * @brief Retrieve frame requested by Cache()
167    *
168    * Part 2 of the Cache()/Retrieve() workflow, only used for video. Whichever frame was requested by Cache(), this
169    * function will try to retrieve it. In most cases, this function will be pretty quick as the frame will be available
170    * immediately from Cache()'s optimization or the cacher thread will be close to retrieving the correct frame anyway.
171    * However it does block for however long it takes to retrieve the correct frame (if the cacher is running) so it's
172    * not recommended to call this from any main/GUI thread.
173    *
174    * @return
175    *
176    * The frame requested by Cache(), or `nullptr` if there was an error (e.g. the cacher wasn't running and no frame was
177    * available).
178    */
179   AVFrame* Retrieve();
181   /**
182    * @brief Close the cacher and free any allocated memory
183    *
184    * When the Cacher thread is no longer needed, Close() should be called in order to free system resources. This will
185    * signal the thread to exit gracefully, but will not delete the thread object since the cacher may need to be
186    * re-opened later by Open().
187    *
188    * @param wait_for_finish
189    *
190    * **TRUE** if this function should block the calling thread until the Clip has finished closing. Often necessary if
191    * the Clip is being closed specifically to make changes to it.
192    */
193   void Close(bool wait_for_finish);
195   /**
196    * @brief Interrupt and reset audio state
197    *
198    * Used in tandem with Cache(), only for audio clips. Cache() will decode and send audio continually as it's
199    * repeatedly called. If the audio stream needs to be interrupted and moved somewhere else for any reason
200    * (e.g. the user seeked somewhere else), then it's necessary to call ResetAudio() to signal the cacher to
201    * seek to the next place indicated by Cache().
202    */
203   void ResetAudio();
205   /**
206    * @brief Retrieve current media width
207    *
208    * In some situations, the actual media we're using may be a different resolution to how we're treating it (e.g.
209    * lower resolution proxies). While most functions will happily treat the media as its original resolution, some
210    * processes will need the absolute resolution from the file which can be acquired here.
211    *
212    * Only call after the thread has been opened by Open().
213    *
214    * @return
215    *
216    * The true width of the current video file.
217    */
218   int media_width();
220   /**
221    * @brief Retrieve current media height
222    *
223    * See media_width().
224    *
225    * Only call after the thread has been opened by Open().
226    *
227    * @return
228    *
229    * The true height of the current video file.
230    */
231   int media_height();
233   /**
234    * @brief Retrieve media time base
235    *
236    * For some timing operations, it's necessary to use the source media's timebase. Similar to media_width() and
237    * media_height(), we need the accurate timebase from the file as a proxy's timebase may or may not be the same
238    * as the source file.
239    *
240    * Only call after the thread has been opened by Open().
241    *
242    * @return
243    *
244    * The timebase of the file.
245    */
246   AVRational media_time_base();
248   /**
249    * @brief Get cacher queue object
250    *
251    * @return
252    *
253    * A pointer to the cacher's internal frame queue
254    */
255   ClipQueue* queue();
257 private:
258   /**
259    * @brief Reference to the parent clip. Set in the constructor and never changed during this object's lifetime.
260    */
261   Clip* clip;
263   /**
264    * @brief Frame queue
265    *
266    * Valid fames are cached into this, which also does memory handling when necessary.
267    */
268   ClipQueue queue_;
270   /**
271    * @brief Main wait condition
272    *
273    * Used with Clip::cache_lock as the main block while the the Cacher thread isn't running. Wake this condition
274    * to start caching.
275    */
276   QWaitCondition wait_cond_;
278   /**
279    * @brief Main thread wait condition
280    *
281    * Used with main_thread_lock_ to block Cache() while waiting for a response from the cacher thread.
282    */
283   QWaitCondition main_thread_wait_;
285   /**
286    * @brief Main thread mutex
287    *
288    * Used with main_thread_wait_ to block Cache() while waiting for a response from the cacher thread.
289    */
290   QMutex main_thread_lock_;
292   /**
293    * @brief Retrieve() wait condition
294    *
295    * Used with retrieve_lock_ to block Retrieve() if the cacher hasn't retrieved the correct frame yet.
296    */
297   QWaitCondition retrieve_wait_;
299   /**
300    * @brief Retrieve() mutex
301    *
302    * Used with retrieve_wait_ to block Retrieve() if the cacher hasn't retrieved the correct frame yet.
303    */
304   QMutex retrieve_lock_;
306   /**
307    * @brief Set and used by CacheAudioWorker if the decoder receives an EOF.
308    *
309    * Deprecated. CacheAudioWorker() is functional but probably should be rewritten.
310    */
311   bool reached_end;
313   /**
314    * @brief Current Sequence playhead set by Cache()
315    */
316   long playhead_;
318   /**
319    * @brief Current Sequence scrubbing state set by Cache()
320    */
321   bool scrubbing_;
323   /**
324    * @brief Current Sequence playback speed set by Cache()
325    */
326   int playback_speed_;
328   /**
329    * @brief Current nested Sequence hierarchy set by Cache()
330    */
331   QVector<Clip*> nests_;
333   /**
334    * @brief Signal cache to continue operation after one cycle rather than wait for another signal
335    *
336    * Each cycle of the cacher thread (see run()) will set this to false in the beginning. Each call of Cache() will set
337    * this to **TRUE**. If this variable is **TRUE**, the cacher won't wait for another signal before starting the next
338    * cache cycle, and will instead just start it.
339    *
340    * Used if Cache() is called and interrupts the cacher while it's already running so that the cacher will restart
341    * itself automatically rather than wait for the next cache signal.
342    */
343   bool queued_;
345   /**
346    * @brief Interrupt the current cache cycle
347    *
348    * A cache cycle will cache several frames at a time. Since decoding can be strenuous and time consuming, the
349    * cycle can be interrupted if it needs to abruptly start caching somewhere else. Best used in tandem with
350    * queued_ to automatically start the next cache cycle.
351    */
352   bool interrupt_;
354   // ffmpeg media handling
355   /**
356    * @brief FFmpeg format/file context - used for media decoding
357    */
358   AVFormatContext* formatCtx;
360   /**
361    * @brief FFmpeg decoder context - used for media decoding
362    */
363   AVCodecContext* codecCtx;
365   /**
366    * @brief FFmpeg stream - used for media decoding
367    */
368   AVStream* stream;
370   /**
371    * @brief FFmpeg packet - used for media decoding
372    */
373   AVPacket* pkt;
375   /**
376    * @brief FFmpeg frame - used for media decoding
377    *
378    * This is usually used as a raw decoded frame before the RGBA conversion/AVFilter stack. Converted/filtered frames go
379    * into Cacher::queue.
380    */
381   AVFrame* frame_;
383   /**
384    * @brief Retrieved frame reference for Retrieve()
385    *
386    * If a frame was found by either Cache() or CacheVideoWorker(), it's set here. If no frame is ready yet, this is set
387    * to `nullptr`.
388    */
389   AVFrame* retrieved_frame = nullptr;
391   // converters/filters
392   /**
393    * @brief FFmpeg filter stack
394    *
395    * Used for conversion from the media's pixel format to RGBA for OpenGL. Also any other FFmpeg filters are implemented
396    * here if necessary (e.g. yadif for deinterlacing). GLSL effects are preferred when available since FFmpeg filters
397    * aren't always fast enough for realtime playback.
398    */
399   AVFilterGraph* filter_graph;
401   /**
402    * @brief FFmpeg buffer source
403    *
404    * Raw decoded frames are added to this for conversion/filtering
405    */
406   AVFilterContext* buffersrc_ctx;
408   /**
409    * @brief FFmpeg buffer sink
410    *
411    * Converted/filtered frames are retrieved from here and sent to Cacher::queue.
412    */
413   AVFilterContext* buffersink_ctx;
415   /**
416    * @brief FFmpeg codec reference
417    */
418   AVCodec* codec;
420   /**
421    * @brief Options set by the cacher for FFmpeg's decoders (settings like multithreading or other optimizations)
422    */
423   AVDictionary* opts;
425   // audio playback variables
426   /**
427    * @brief Internal audio reset variable
428    *
429    * Set by AudioReset() and read by CacheAudioWorker() when the audio state needs to be interrupted and reset.
430    */
431   bool audio_reset_;
433   /**
434    * @brief Internal reverse target variable
435    *
436    * Used by CacheAudioWorker() to stitch audio frames together when reversing. Stores the current frame's timestamp
437    * so it knows how much to decode up to when it backtracks and decodes the next samples.
438    */
439   int64_t reverse_target_;
441   /**
442    * @brief Internal frame sample index variable
443    *
444    * Used by CacheAudioWorker() to mark which part of the audio frame to read from
445    */
446   int frame_sample_index_;
448   /**
449    * @brief Internal audio buffer write variable
450    *
451    * Used by CacheAudioWorker() to mark which part of the audio buffer to write to
452    */
453   qint64 audio_buffer_write;
455   /**
456    * @brief Internal variable that holds the playhead the last time the audio state was reset
457    */
458   long audio_target_frame;
460   /**
461    * @brief Main while loop condition to determine whether thread should continue looping
462    *
463    * Open() sets this to **TRUE**, Close() sets this to **FALSE**. If it's false, the main loop in run() will exit and
464    * the thread will exit cleanly. It's not recommended to set this variable directly, use Open() and Close() instead.
465    */
466   bool caching_;
468   /**
469    * @brief Internal variable for whether the current Cacher state is valid or not
470    *
471    * If there was an error opening the Cacher for any reason, this will be false.
472    */
473   bool is_valid_state_;
475   /**
476    * @brief Internal function for opening the file handles and decoder
477    *
478    * After the thread has started, it'll call this function to start all resources necessary for caching. Any
479    * FFmpeg decoding variables and filters are set up here.
480    *
481    * This is
482    * fundamentally different from Open(), this is only meant to be called within the cacher thread and never from
483    * outside and doesn't start the thread like Open() does.
484    */
485   void OpenWorker();
487   /**
488    * @brief Internal function for starting a cache cycle
489    *
490    * This used to have more function, but now just differentiates between CacheVideoWorker() for video clips and
491    * CacheAudioWorker() for audio clips.
492    */
493   void CacheWorker();
495   /**
496    * @brief Internal function for closing cacher
497    *
498    * Called if the main thread loop in run() exits by setting caching_ to **FALSE**. Free's up handles and memory
499    * allocated by OpenWorker().
500    */
501   void CloseWorker();
503   /**
504    * @brief Internal function for resetting audio state
505    *
506    * This used to be a common function, but is now simply a legacy function for CacheAudioWorker(). Resets and
507    * flushes decoders and seeks to the correct timestamp.
508    */
509   void Reset();
511   /**
512    * @brief Internal function for setting retrieved_frame and waking up any threads waiting for it
513    *
514    * @param f
515    *
516    * The frame to set as the retrieved frame.
517    */
518   void SetRetrievedFrame(AVFrame* f);
520   /**
521    * @brief Internal function to wake an external calling thread
522    *
523    * In some situations, Cache() may wait for the cacher to respond before returning. This is to assist in thread
524    * synchronization, making sure the cacher has started working and has locked any resources it needs before any
525    * other threads can access them (e.g. with a function like Retrieve() ). This must be called at the start of
526    * any CacheVideoWorker() or CacheAudioWorker() control paths to ensure the render thread doesn't get stuck.
527    */
528   void WakeMainThread();
530   /**
531    * @brief Retrieve frame from decoder
532    *
533    * Retrieves the next decoded frame from the decoder. Depending on the source media, this frame may or may not be
534    * suitable for usage later in the pipeline as it may or may not be the correct pixel/sample format. For a suitable
535    * frame for the pipeline, use RetrieveFrameAndProcess() instead (which in turn uses this function anyway).
536    *
537    * @param f
538    *
539    * Frame buffer to decode frame into
540    *
541    * @return
542    *
543    * FFmpeg error code (>= 0 on success, a negative error code on failure)
544    */
545   int RetrieveFrameFromDecoder(AVFrame* f);
547   /**
548    * @brief Retrieve frame from decoder and run it through filter stack
549    *
550    * Retrieves the next decoded frame and runs it through the AVFilter stack to create an RGBA frame compatible with
551    * the rest of the pipeline and OpenGL. Use this function if you need a ready-made frame.
552    *
553    * @param f
554    *
555    * A pointer to an AVFrame object. It does not need to be allocated, as this function allocates an AVFrame itself.
556    * You'll also need to free it later with av_frame_free() (though ClipQueue will do this automatically if the frame is
557    * added to it).
558    *
559    * @return
560    *
561    * FFmpeg error code (>= 0 on success, a negative error code on failure)
562    */
563   int RetrieveFrameAndProcess(AVFrame **f);
565   /**
566    * @brief Internal video caching function
567    *
568    * Performs one video cache cycle. Seeks the media and cleans old frames from the queue if necessary. Decodes frames
569    * and adds them to the queue (after calculating whether they're necessary).
570    */
571   void CacheVideoWorker();
573   /**
574    * @brief Internal audio caching function
575    *
576    * Perform one audio cache cycle. Retrieves audio from decoder, reverses and changes speed if necessary, and sends
577    * audio to the audio buffer which will later be sent to the audio output device.
578    */
579   void CacheAudioWorker();
581   /**
582    * @brief Internal function using the Cacher's known information to determine whether this media is playing in reverse
583    */
584   bool IsReversed();
585 };
587 #endif // CACHER_H