1 ///
2 /// Use this file from root. First compile it and then run showjets(...)
3 /// on a file produced by ClusterSequence::print_jets_for_root(...)
4 ///
5 /// root> .L jet-plots.C+
6 /// root> showjets(filename [, label])
7 ///
8 #include<vector>
9 #include<fstream>
10 #include<iostream>
11 #include<sstream>
12 #include<cstdlib>
13 #include "TLatex.h"
15 #include "TROOT.h"
16 #include "TCanvas.h"
17 #include "TH2.h"
18 #include "THStack.h"
19 #include "TStyle.h"
20 #include "TPaveLabel.h"
21 #include "TColor.h"
23 using namespace std;
26 class JetHist {
27 private:
28   vector<TH2D *> _jets;
29   TH2D * _background;
30   string _comment;
31 public:
32   static double default_etamax;
33   static int    default_nbins;
35   JetHist(const string & filename, double etamax=default_etamax, int nbins=default_nbins);
36   ~JetHist();
comment()37   string comment() {return _comment;}
38   THStack stack;
jet(int i)39   TH2D * jet(int i) {return i>= 0 ? _jets[i] : _background;}
41 };
43 double JetHist::default_etamax = 6.0;
44 int    JetHist::default_nbins  = 40; // y: 2*nbins; phi: nbins
46 // get jet "histograms" from filename which is expected to be made of repeated
47 // blocks as follows:
48 //       jet# eta phi pt ...
49 //        ipart eta phi pt
50 //        ipart eta phi pt
51 //        ...
52 //       #END
JetHist(const string & filename,double etamax,int nbins)53 JetHist::JetHist (const string & filename, double etamax, int nbins) {
54   ifstream file(filename.c_str());
55   string line;
56   //double etamax=6;
57   //double etamax=5;
58   double phimax = 2*3.14159265;
59   //int    nbins=40;
61   // construct a histogram for the background to the jets
62   ostringstream bname;
63   bname << filename <<"-background";
64   _background = new TH2D(bname.str().c_str(),bname.str().c_str(),
65   			 2*nbins,-etamax,etamax,nbins,0.0,phimax);
66   //_background = new TH2D(bname.str().c_str(),bname.str().c_str(),
67   //			 2*nbins,-etamax,etamax,2,0.0,phimax);
68   _background->SetFillColor(kWhite);
69   // these were supposed to have labelled the axes, but it doesn't work.
70   _background->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");
71   _background->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#phi");
72   _background->GetZaxis()->SetTitle("p_{#perp}");
73   stack.Add(_background);
75   while (getline(file,line)) {
76     if (line.substr(0,1) != " ") { // all interesting lines start with space?
77       // extract a comment if there is one
78       if (line.substr(0,2) == "# ") {
79 	_comment = line.substr(2,line.length()-2);
80       }
81       continue;
82     }
83     ostringstream name;
84     name << filename<<"-jet-"<< _jets.size();
85     TH2D * hist = new TH2D(name.str().c_str(),name.str().c_str(),
86 			   2*nbins,-etamax,etamax,nbins,0.0,phimax);
87     int    i;
88     double eta, phi, pt;
89     //cout << filename <<": jet "<<_jets.size()<<endl;
90     bool have_line = true;
91     while (have_line || getline(file,line)) {
92       have_line = false;
93       if (line.substr(0,4) == "#END") {break;}
94       istringstream sline(line);
95       sline >> i >> eta >> phi >> pt;
96       //cout << i << " "<<eta<<" "<<phi<<" "<<pt<<endl;
97       hist->Fill(eta,phi,pt); // fill at phi,eta with weight pt
99       // workaround for bug in stacks: fill all lower elements of the stack
100       // with a fake amount -- this, miraculously will lead to correct coloring
101       // of the top of the stack!
102       //for (unsigned int j = 0; j < _jets.size(); j++) {
103       //  _jets[j]->Fill(phi,eta,1e-7);
104       //}
105     }
106     // give it a colour (whatever that means...)
107     //hist->SetFillColor(_jets.size());
108     int njet = _jets.size();
109     //hist->SetFillColor(njet+2);
110     hist->SetFillColor(njet%50+2); // %50 seems tomake to diff to many-jet case
111     //if (njet == 0) hist->SetFillColor(kRed);
112     //else if (njet == 1) hist->SetFillColor(kBlue);
113     //else  hist->SetFillColor(kGreen);
115     // add it to the list of jets (so we can delete it later...)
116     _jets.push_back(hist);
118     // put it onto the stack
119     stack.Add(hist);
120     //if (njet == 2) break;
121     //break;
122   }
123 }
125 // clean up --------------
~JetHist()126 JetHist::~JetHist () {
127   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _jets.size(); i++) {
128     delete _jets[i];
129   }
130   delete _background;
131 }
133 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
134 /// set up a reasonable bunch of colours
set_default_colours(TCanvas * lego)135 void set_default_colours(TCanvas * lego) {
136   gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
137   gStyle->SetPalette(1);
138   gStyle->SetCanvasColor(1);
139   gStyle->SetFrameFillColor(0);
141   Int_t cancolor = 0;
142   lego->SetFillColor(cancolor);
144   int ngrey = 3;
145   for (int ir = 0; ir < ngrey; ir++) {
146     for (int ig = 0; ig < ngrey; ig++) {
147       for (int ib = 0; ib < ngrey; ib++) {
148         int icol = 7+ir + ngrey *ig + ngrey*ngrey * ib;
149         TColor * color=(TColor*)(gROOT->GetListOfColors()->At(icol));
150         if (icol == 7) {
151           // avoid white -- put grey instead
152           color->SetRGB(0.5,0.5,0.5);
153         } else {
154           color->SetRGB(1-ir*1.0/ngrey,1-ig*1.0/ngrey,1-ib*1.0/ngrey);
155         }
156       }
157     }
158   }
159 }
161 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
162 /// show the jets contained in filename (as produced by
163 /// ClusterSequence::print_jets_for_root()), with an optional label
164 TCanvas * showjets (const char * filename, const char * label = 0) {
166   // display the various 2-d drawing options
167   gROOT->Reset();
169   // set up canvas
170   TCanvas * lego = new TCanvas("lego","lego options",400,50,800,600);
171   lego->SetTheta(30.0);
172   lego->SetPhi(20.0);
174   // orientation used for plots in subtraction paper
175   //lego->SetTheta(62.15);
176   //lego->SetPhi(9.15);
178   ////vector<double> col
180   set_default_colours(lego);
182   TPaveLabel pl;
184   JetHist * jets = new JetHist(filename);
185   jets->stack.Draw("lego1"); // cyl does not work with 5.16
186   if (label != 0) {
187     Float_t x1=0.63, y1=0.875, x2=0.95, y2=0.925;
188     pl.DrawPaveLabel(x1,y1,x2,y2,label,"brNDC");
189   } else if (jets->comment() != "") {
190     Float_t x1=0.15, y1=0.875, x2=0.95, y2=0.925;
191     pl.DrawPaveLabel(x1,y1,x2,y2,jets->comment().c_str(),"brNDC");
192   }
194   // normal histogram labels not working, so draw them by hand
195   TLatex l;
196   l.SetTextAlign(22);
197   l.SetTextSize(0.05);
198   //l.DrawLatex(0.0,0.85,"anti-k_{t}, R=1");
200   l.SetTextSize(0.04);
201   l.DrawLatex(0.20,-0.98,"y");
202   l.SetTextAlign(32);
203   l.DrawLatex(-0.7,0.8,"p_{t} [GeV]");
204   l.DrawLatex(-0.6,-0.78,"#phi");
206   // do not delete jets -- otherwise you lose everything!;
208   return lego;
209   ///
210   lego->Update();
211 }