1Copy and paste are essential features in micro but can be
2confusing to get right especially when running micro over SSH
3because there are multiple methods. This help document will explain
4the various methods for copying and pasting, how they work,
5and the best methods for doing so over SSH.
7# OSC 52 (terminal clipboard)
9If possible, setting the `clipboard` option to `terminal` will give
10best results because it will work over SSH and locally. However, there
11is limited support among terminal emulators for the terminal clipboard
12(which uses the OSC 52 protocol to communicate clipboard contents).
13Here is a list of terminal emulators and their status:
15* Kitty: supported, but only writing is enabled by default. To enable
16  reading, add `read-primary` and `read-clipboard` to the
17  `clipboard_control` option.
19* iTerm2: only copying (writing to clipboard) is supported. Must be enabled in
20  `Preferences->General-> Selection->Applications in terminal may access clipboard`.
21  You can use Command-v to paste.
23* `st`: supported.
25* `rxvt-unicode`: not natively supported, but there is a Perl extension
26   [here](http://anti.teamidiot.de/static/nei/*/Code/urxvt/).
28* `xterm`: supported, but disabled by default. It can be enabled by putting
29   the following in `.Xresources` or `.Xdefaults`:
30   `XTerm*disallowedWindowOps: 20,21,SetXprop`.
32* `gnome-terminal`: does not support OSC 52.
34* `alacritty`: supported.
36* `foot`: supported.
38**Summary:** If you want copy and paste to work over SSH, then you
39should set `clipboard` to `terminal`, and make sure your terminal
40supports OSC 52.
42# Pasting
44## Recommendations (TL;DR)
46The recommended method of pasting is the following:
48* If you are not working over SSH, use the micro keybinding (Ctrl-v
49  by default) to perform pastes. If on Linux, install `xclip` or
50  `xsel` beforehand.
52* If you are working over SSH, use the terminal keybinding
53  (Ctrl-Shift-v or Command-v) to perform pastes. If your terminal
54  does not support bracketed paste, when performing a paste first
55  enable the `paste` option, and when finished disable the option.
57## Micro paste events
59Micro is an application that runs within the terminal. This means
60that the terminal sends micro events, such as key events, mouse
61events, resize events, and paste events. Micro's default keybinding
62for paste is Ctrl-v. This means that when micro receives the key
63event saying Ctrl-v has been pressed from the terminal, it will
64attempt to access the system clipboard and effect a paste. The
65system clipboard will be accessed through `pbpaste` on MacOS
66(installed by default), `xclip` or `xsel` on Linux (these
67applications must be installed by the user) or a system call on
70## Terminal paste events
72For certain keypresses, the terminal will not send an event to
73micro and will instead do something itself. In this document,
74such keypresses will be called "terminal keybindings." Often
75there will be a terminal keybinding for pasting and copying. On
76MacOS these are Command-v and Command-c and on Linux Ctrl-Shift-v
77and Ctrl-Shift-c. When the terminal keybinding for paste is
78executed, your terminal will access the system clipboard, and send
79micro either a paste event or a list of key events (one key for each
80character in the paste), depending on whether or not your terminal
81supports sending paste events (called bracketed paste).
83If your terminal supports bracketed paste, then it will send a paste
84event and everything will work well. However, if your terminal
85sends a list of key events, this can cause issues because micro
86will think you manually entered each character and may add closing
87brackets or automatic indentation, which will mess up the pasted
88text. To avoid this, you can temporarily enable the `paste` option
89while you perform the paste. When paste option is on, micro will
90aggregate lists of multiple key events into larger paste events.
91It is a good idea to disable the `paste` option during normal use
92as occasionally if you are typing quickly, the terminal will send
93the key events as lists of characters that were in fact manually
96## Pasting over SSH
98When working over SSH, micro is running on the remote machine and
99your terminal is running on your local machine. Therefore if you
100would like to paste, using Ctrl-v (micro's keybinding) will not
101work because when micro attempts to access the system clipboard,
102it will access the remote machine's clipboard rather than the local
103machine's clipboard. On the other hand, the terminal keybinding
104for paste will access your local clipboard and send the text over
105the network as a paste event, which is what you want.
107# Copying
109# Recommendations (TL;DR)
111The recommended method of copying is the following:
113* If you are not working over SSH, use the micro keybinding (Ctrl-c by
114  default) to perform copies. If on Linux, install `xclip` or `xsel`
115  beforehand.
117* If you are working over SSH, use the terminal keybinding
118  (Ctrl-Shift-c or Command-c) to perform copies. You must first disable
119  the `mouse` option to perform a terminal selection, and you may wish
120  to disable line numbers and diff indicators (`ruler` and `diffgutter`
121  options) and close other splits. This method will only be able to copy
122  characters that are displayed on the screen (you will not be able to
123  copy more than one page's worth of characters).
125Copying follows a similar discussion to the one above about pasting.
126The primary difference is before performing a copy, the application
127doing the copy must be told what text needs to be copied.
129Micro has a keybinding (Ctrl-c) for copying and will access the system
130clipboard to perform the copy. The text that micro will copy into is
131the text that is currently selected in micro (usually such text is
132displayed with a white background). When the `mouse` option is enabled,
133the mouse can be used to select text, as well as other keybindings,
134such as ShiftLeft, etc...
136The terminal also has a keybinding (Ctrl-Shift-c or Command-c) to perform
137a copy, and the text that it copies is the text selected by the terminal's
138selection (*not* micro's selection). To select text with the terminal
139selection, micro's mouse support must first be disabled by turning the
140`mouse` option off. The terminal, unlike micro, has no sense of different
141buffers/splits and what the different characters being displayed are. This
142means that for copying multiple lines using the terminal selection, you
143should first disable line numbers and diff indicators (turn off the `ruler`
144and `diffgutter` options), otherwise they might be part of your selection
145and copied.