1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT,
3  * Applied Mathematics, Norway.
4  *
5  * Contact information: E-mail: tor.dokken@sintef.no
6  * SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,
7  * P.O. Box 124 Blindern,
8  * 0314 Oslo, Norway.
9  *
10  * This file is part of SISL.
11  *
12  * SISL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
13  * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
14  * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
15  * License, or (at your option) any later version.
16  *
17  * SISL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20  * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
21  *
22  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
23  * License along with SISL. If not, see
24  * <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
25  *
26  * In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
27  * License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data
28  * file that is created or manipulated using SISL.
29  *
30  * Other Usage
31  * You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
32  * a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
33  * develop commercial activities involving the SISL library without
34  * disclosing the source code of your own applications.
35  *
36  * This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a
37  * written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT.
38  */
40 #include "sisl-copyright.h"
42 /*
43  *
44  * $Id: s6strider.c,v 1.3 2001-03-19 15:59:02 afr Exp $
45  *
46  */
49 #define S6STRIDER
51 #include "sislP.h"
54 void
s6strider(double eder[],int idim,int ider,double gder[],int * jstat)55 s6strider(double eder[],int idim,int ider,double gder[],int *jstat)
56 #else
57 void s6strider(eder,idim,ider,gder,jstat)
58      double eder[];
59      int    idim;
60      int    ider;
61      double gder[];
62      int    *jstat;
63 #endif
64 /*
65 *********************************************************************
66 *
67 * PURPOSE    : To calculate the value and ider*ider derivatives of
68 *              a rational B-spline surface.
69 *
70 * INPUT      : eder    - Double array of dimenson [(ider+1)*(ider+2)*(idim+1)/2]
71 *                        containing the position and the derivative vectors
72 *                        of the homogeneous surface at the point with parameter value
73 *                        (epar[0],epar[1]).
74 *                        (idim+1 is the number of components of each B-spline
75 *                        coefficient, i.e. the dimension of the homogemous
76 *                        space in which the surface lies.)
77 *                        These vectors are stored in the following order:
78 *                        First the idim+1 components of the position vector,
79 *                        then the idim+1 components of the D(1,0) vector,
80 *                        then the idim+1 components of the D(0,1) vector,
81 *                        then the idim+1 components of the D(2,0) vector,
82 *                        followed by D(1,1), D(0,2)
83 *                        and so on up to the idim+1 components of the D(0,ider).
84 *              idim    - The dimension of the non homogenous space
85 *              ider    - The number of input derivatives with respect
86 *                        to both parameter directions.
87 *
88 *
89 * OUTPUT     : jstat   - Status message
90 *                                        >0      : Warning
91 *                                        =0      : ok
92 *                                        <0      : Error
93 *              gder    - Double array of dimension [(ider+1)*(ider+2)*idim/2]
94 *                        containing the position and the derivative vectors
95 *                        of the surface at the point with parameter value
96 *                        (epar[0],epar[1]).
97 *                        (idim is the number of components of each B-spline
98 *                        coefficient, i.e. the dimension of the Euclidean
99 *                        space in which the surface lies.)
100 *                        These vectors are stored in the following order:
101 *                        First the idim components of the position vector,
102 *                        then the idim components of the D(1,0) vector,
103 *                        then the idim components of the D(0,1) vector,
104 *                        then the idim components of the D(2,0) vector,
105 *                        followed by D(1,1), D(0,2)
106 *                        and so on up to the idim components of the D(0,ider).
107 *
108 *
109 * METHOD     :  The surface P(u,v) can be written as the quotient
110 *               P(u,v) = T(u,v) / w(u,v) where T and w are ordinary splines.
111 *               The dimensions of T and w are idim and 1
112 *               respectively. The array eder contains position
113 *               and derivatives of the idim+1 dimensional surface
114 *               (T(u,v),w(u,v)).
115 *
116 *               Now, since wP = T, we find, by the Leibnitz formula,
117 *
118 *      k   l
119 *                  k!       l!     (k-i,l-j) (i,j)         (k,l)
120 *     sum sum   -------- -------- w         P         =   T       .
121 *               i!(k-i)! j!(l-j)!
122 *     i=0 j=0
123 *
124 *               Therefore
125 *
126 *
127 *              --            k   l                                     --
128 *      (k,l)   |   (k,l)                k!       l!     (k-i,l-j) (i,j) |
129 *     P      = |  T      -  sum sum  -------- -------- w         P      | / w .
130 *              |                     i!(k-i)! j!(l-j)!                  |
131 *              --           i=0 j=0                                    --
132 *                               i+j<k+l
133 *
134 *               This formula is applied recursively to evaluate P's derivatives.
135 *
136 *                                                          MF.
137 *
138 *
139 *
140 * CALLS      :
141 *
142 * WRITTEN BY : Michael Floater, SI, 3.9.92.
143 *                Essentially the same as s6sratder
144 *                except that we work with triangular matrices
145 *                ((0,0), (1,0), (0,1), (2,0), (1,1), ...)
146 *                instead of rectangular ones.
147 * Revised by : Christophe Rene Birkeland, SINTEF Oslo, May 1993.
148 *              Error message corrected
149 *
150 *********************************************************************
151 */
152 {
153   int kpos=0;          /* Position of error.                     */
154   double w0;           /* The denominator.                       */
155   int ki;              /* Count through dimensions.              */
156   int idu;             /* Count through derivatives in u.        */
157   int idv;             /* Count through derivatives in v.        */
158   int *binom=SISL_NULL;     /* Array for binomial coefficients.       */
159   int *binomu=SISL_NULL;    /* Pointer to binomial coefficients in u. */
160   int *binomv=SISL_NULL;    /* Pointer to binomial coefficients in v. */
161   double *sum1=SISL_NULL;   /* Leibnitz expansion in u                */
162   double *sum2=SISL_NULL;   /* Leibnitz expansion in u and v.         */
163   double sumdum1[4];   /* Fixed space for sum1.                  */
164   double sumdum2[4];   /* Fixed space for sum2.                  */
165   int idimp1;          /* idim + 1.                              */
166   int iw;              /* Pointer to a weight.                   */
167   int igder;           /* Pointer to already calculated derivs.  */
168   int i,iu,iv,j,k;     /* Counters.                              */
169   int iderp1;          /* ider + 1.                              */
170   int igrow;           /* (ider+1) * idim.                       */
171   int iwrow;           /* (ider+1) * idimp1.                     */
172   int iutemp,ivtemp;   /* Used to find next weight in the sum.   */
173   int tot,temp1;       /* Temporary variables.                   */
174   int bidum[10];       /* Array for storing binomial coeffs.     */
175   double temp;         /* Temporary multiple.                    */
177   if (ider<0) goto err178;
178   if (idim<1) goto err102;
180   *jstat = 0;
182   /* Find denominator. */
184   w0 = eder[idim];
185   if (DEQUAL(w0,DZERO)) w0 = (double)1.0;
187   /* If we're only asked for position, we'll do it
188      now and exit for the sake of speed. */
190   if(ider == 0)
191   {
192     for(ki=0; ki<idim; ki++)
193       gder[ki] = eder[ki] / w0;
195     goto out;
196   }
198   /* Set up some constants. */
200   idimp1  = idim + 1;
201   iderp1 = ider + 1;
202   igrow   = iderp1 * idim;
203   iwrow   = igrow + iderp1;  /* = iderp1 * idimp1 */
205   /* Set up  binomial coefficients.
206      Use new array only when ider > 3. */
208   if (ider > 3)
209   {
210     binom = newarray((iderp1*(iderp1+1)) >> 1, INT);
211     if(binom == SISL_NULL) goto err179;
212   }
213   else
214   {
215     binom = bidum;
216   }
218   for(j=0,k=0; j<=ider; j++,k+=j)
219   {
220       /* Calculate the new row of binomial coefficients. */
222       binom[k] = 1;
224       for(i=k+1; i<k+j; i++)
225       {
226           binom[i] = binom[i-j-1] + binom[i-j];
227       }
229       binom[k+j] = 1;
230   }
232   /* Set up space for sum1 and sum2 if necessary.
233      Use new arrays only when idim > 4. */
235   if (idim > 4)
236   {
237     sum1 = newarray(idim, DOUBLE);
238     if(sum1 == SISL_NULL) goto err179;
239     sum2 = newarray(idim, DOUBLE);
240     if(sum2 == SISL_NULL) goto err179;
241   }
242   else
243   {
244     sum1=sumdum1;
245     sum2=sumdum2;
246   }
248   /* Loop through derivatives in u and v. */
250   for(idv=0,binomv=binom; idv<=ider; idv++,binomv+=idv)
251   {
252     for(idu=0,binomu=binom; idu<=ider-idv; idu++,binomu+=idu)
253     {
254       if(idu == 0 && idv == 0)
255       {
256           /* Position is a special case. */
258           for(ki=0; ki<idim; ki++)
259             gder[ki] = eder[ki] / w0;
260       }
261       else
262       {
263           /* Calculate indices in eder and gder. */
265           tot = idu + idv;
266           temp1 = ((tot * (tot+1)) >> 1) + idv;
268           j = temp1 * idim;
269           k = j + temp1;
271           /* Calculating each coefficient of the (idu,idv)'th
272 	     derivative of the rational surface (in gder).
274   	     This requires calculating the Liebnitz sum from
275   	     the subarray of gder (0,..,idu, 0,...,idv) and
276              the subarray of eder (0,..,idu, 0,...,idv). */
278           /* Calculate the Leibnitz sum. */
280           for(ki=0; ki<idim; ki++)
281             sum2[ki] = (double)0.0;
283           for(iv=0; iv<=idv; iv++)
284           {
285             for(ki=0; ki<idim; ki++)
286                sum1[ki] = (double)0.0;
287             ivtemp = idv-iv;
289             for(iu=0; iu<=idu; iu++)
290             {
291                 tot = iu + iv;
292                 temp1 = ((tot * (tot+1)) >> 1) + iv;
294 	        igder = temp1 * idim;
295                 iutemp = idu-iu;
297                 tot = iutemp + ivtemp;
298 	        temp1 = ((tot * (tot+1)) >> 1) + ivtemp;
300                 iw   = temp1 * idimp1 + idim;
302      	      /* Add the next Leibnitz term unless we
303        		 have reached the last one (the unknown). */
305                 if(iu<idu || iv<idv)
306   	        {
307   	       	  /* If iu=0 or iu=idu, the u binomial
308   	       	     coefficient is 1 so don't multiply. */
310   	            if(iu>0 && iu<idu)
311   	       	    {
312   		      temp = (double)binomu[iu] * eder[iw];
313                       for(ki=0; ki<idim; ki++,igder++)
314   	       	         sum1[ki] += temp * gder[igder];
315   		     }
316   		     else
317                        for(ki=0; ki<idim; ki++,igder++)
318   		         sum1[ki] += eder[iw] * gder[igder];
319                 }
320             }
322   	    /* If iv=0 or iv=idv, the v binomial
323   	       coefficient is 1 so don't multiply. */
325   	    if(iv>0 && iv<idv)
326               for(ki=0; ki<idim; ki++)
327   	          sum2[ki] += (double)binomv[iv] * sum1[ki];
328   	    else
329               for(ki=0; ki<idim; ki++)
330 		 sum2[ki] += sum1[ki];
331           }
332           for(ki=0; ki<idim; ki++,j++,k++)
333             gder[j] = (eder[k] - sum2[ki]) / w0;
334       }
335     }
336   }
338   /* Free arrays. */
340   if (ider > 3 && binom != SISL_NULL)
341      freearray(binom);
343   if (idim > 4)
344   {
345      if(sum1 != SISL_NULL) freearray(sum1);
346      if(sum2 != SISL_NULL) freearray(sum2);
347   }
349   /* Done. */
351   goto out;
353   /* idim less than 1. */
355   err102:
356     *jstat = -102;
357     s6err("s6strider",*jstat,kpos);
358     goto out;
360   /* Derivative negative */
362   err178:
363     *jstat = -178;
364     s6err("s6strider",*jstat,kpos);
365     goto out;
367   /* Not enough memory */
369   err179:
370     *jstat = -179;
371     s6err("s6strider",*jstat,kpos);
372     goto out;
374   out:
375     return;
376 }