1#!/usr/bin/python3 -OO
2# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
3# Copyright 2012-2021 The SABnzbd-Team <team@sabnzbd.org>
5# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13# GNU General Public License for more details.
15# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
20sabnzbd.skintext - Language strings used in the templates
24    # Special texts
25    "stage-download": TT("Download"),  #: Queue status "download"
26    "stage-repair": TT("Repair"),  #: PP phase "repair"
27    "stage-filejoin": TT("Join files"),  #: PP phase "filejoin"
28    "stage-unpack": TT("Unpack"),  #: PP phase "unpack"
29    "stage-script": TT("Script"),  #: PP phase "script"
30    "stage-source": TT("Source"),  #: PP Source of the NZB (path or URL)
31    "stage-servers": TT("Servers"),  #: PP Distribution over servers
32    "stage-fail": TT("Failure"),  #: PP Failure message
33    "post-Completed": TT("Completed"),  #: PP status
34    "post-Failed": TT("Failed"),  #: PP status
35    "post-Queued": TT("Waiting"),  #: Queue and PP status
36    "post-Paused": TT("Paused"),  #: PP status
37    "post-Repairing": TT("Repairing..."),  #: PP status
38    "post-Extracting": TT("Extracting..."),  #: PP status
39    "post-Moving": TT("Moving..."),  #: PP status
40    "post-Running": TT("Running script..."),  #: PP status
41    "post-Fetching": TT("Fetching extra blocks..."),  #: PP status
42    "post-QuickCheck": TT("Quick Check..."),  #: PP status
43    "post-Verifying": TT("Verifying..."),  #: PP status
44    "post-Downloading": TT("Downloading"),  #: Pseudo-PP status, in reality used for Queue-status
45    "post-Propagating": TT("Propagation delay"),
46    "post-Checking": TT("Checking"),  #: PP status
47    "sch-task": TT("Task"),  #:  #: Config->Scheduler
48    "sch-disable_server": TT("disable server"),  #:  #: Config->Scheduler
49    "sch-enable_server": TT("enable server"),  #:  #: Config->Scheduler
50    "sch-speedlimit": TT("Speedlimit"),  #:  #: Config->Scheduler
51    "sch-pause_all": TT("Pause All"),  #:  #: Config->Scheduler
52    "sch-pause_post": TT("Pause post-processing"),  #:  #: Config->Scheduler
53    "sch-resume_post": TT("Resume post-processing"),  #:  #: Config->Scheduler
54    "sch-scan_folder": TT("Scan watched folder"),  #:  #: Config->Scheduler
55    "sch-rss_scan": TT("Read RSS feeds"),  #:  #: Config->Scheduler
56    "sch-remove_failed": TT("Remove failed jobs"),  #: Config->Scheduler
57    "sch-remove_completed": TT("Remove completed jobs"),  #: Config->Scheduler
58    "sch-pause_all_low": TT("Pause low prioirty jobs"),  #: Config->Scheduler
59    "sch-pause_all_normal": TT("Pause normal prioirty jobs"),  #: Config->Scheduler
60    "sch-pause_all_high": TT("Pause high prioirty jobs"),  #: Config->Scheduler
61    "sch-resume_all_low": TT("Resume low prioirty jobs"),  #: Config->Scheduler
62    "sch-resume_all_normal": TT("Resume normal prioirty jobs"),  #: Config->Scheduler
63    "sch-resume_all_high": TT("Resume high prioirty jobs"),  #: Config->Scheduler
64    "sch-enable_quota": TT("Enable quota management"),  #: Config->Scheduler
65    "sch-disable_quota": TT("Disable quota management"),  #: Config->Scheduler
66    "sch-pause_cat": TT("Pause jobs with category"),  #: Config->Scheduler
67    "sch-resume_cat": TT("Resume jobs with category"),  #: Config->Scheduler
68    "prowl-off": TT("Off"),  #: Prowl priority
69    "prowl-very-low": TT("Very Low"),  #: Prowl priority
70    "prowl-moderate": TT("Moderate"),  #: Prowl priority
71    "prowl-normal": TT("Normal"),  #: Prowl priority
72    "prowl-high": TT("High"),  #: Prowl priority
73    "prowl-emergency": TT("Emergency"),  #: Prowl priority
74    "pushover-off": TT("Off"),  #: Prowl priority
75    "pushover-low": TT("Low"),  #: Prowl priority
76    "pushover-high": TT("High"),  #: Prowl priority
77    # General texts
78    "default": TT("Default"),  #: Default value, used in dropdown menus
79    "none": TT("None"),  #: No value, used in dropdown menus
80    "MB": TT("MB"),  #: Megabytes
81    "GB": TT("GB"),  #: Gigabytes
82    "B": TT("B"),  #: Bytes (used as postfix, as in "GB", "TB")
83    "hour": TT("hour"),  #: One hour
84    "hours": TT("hours"),  #: Multiple hours
85    "minute": TT("min"),  #: One minute
86    "minutes": TT("mins"),  #: Multiple minutes
87    "second": TT("sec"),  #: One second
88    "seconds": TT("seconds"),  #: Multiple seconds
89    "day": TT("day"),
90    "days": TT("days"),
91    "week": TT("week"),
92    "month": TT("Month"),
93    "year": TT("Year"),
94    "January": TT("January"),
95    "February": TT("February"),
96    "March": TT("March"),
97    "April": TT("April"),
98    "May": TT("May"),
99    "June": TT("June"),
100    "July": TT("July"),
101    "August": TT("August"),
102    "September": TT("September"),
103    "October": TT("October"),
104    "November": TT("November"),
105    "December": TT("December"),
106    "monday": TT("Monday"),
107    "tuesday": TT("Tuesday"),
108    "wednesday": TT("Wednesday"),
109    "thursday": TT("Thursday"),
110    "friday": TT("Friday"),
111    "saturday": TT("Saturday"),
112    "sunday": TT("Sunday"),
113    "day-of-month": TT("Day of month"),
114    "thisWeek": TT("This week"),
115    "thisMonth": TT("This month"),
116    "selectedDates": TT("Selected date range"),
117    "today": TT("Today"),
118    "total": TT("Total"),
119    "custom": TT("Custom"),
120    "speed": TT("Speed"),
121    "on": TT("on"),
122    "off": TT("off"),
123    "parameters": TT("Parameters"),  #: Config: startup parameters of SABnzbd
124    "pythonVersion": TT("Python Version"),
125    "notAvailable": TT("Not available"),
126    "homePage": TT("Home page"),  #: Home page of the SABnzbd project
127    "source": TT("Source"),  #: Where to find the SABnzbd sourcecode
128    "or": TT("or"),  #: Used in "IRC or IRC-Webaccess"
129    "host": TT("Host"),
130    "comment": TT("Comment"),
131    "send": TT("Send"),
132    "cancel": TT("Cancel"),
133    "other": TT("Other"),
134    "report": TT("Report"),
135    "video": TT("Video"),
136    "audio": TT("Audio"),
137    "notUsed": TT("Not used"),
138    "orLess": TT("or less"),
139    "login": TT("Log in"),
140    "logout": TT("Log out"),
141    "rememberme": TT("Remember me"),
142    # General template elements
143    "signOn": TT("The automatic usenet download tool"),  #: SABnzbd's theme line
144    "button-save": TT("Save"),  #: "Save" button
145    "button-saving": TT("Saving.."),
146    "button-failed": TT("Failed"),
147    "confirm": TT("Are you sure?"),  #: Used in confirmation popups
148    "delFiles": TT("Delete all downloaded files?"),  #: Used in confirmation popups
149    # Header
150    "menu-home": TT("Home"),  #: Main menu item
151    "menu-queue": TT("Queue"),  #: Main menu item
152    "menu-history": TT("History"),  #: Main menu item
153    "menu-config": TT("Config"),  #: Main menu item
154    "menu-cons": TT("Status"),  #: Main menu item
155    "menu-help": TT("Help"),  #: Main menu item
156    "menu-wiki": TT("Wiki"),  #: Main menu item
157    "menu-forums": TT("Forum"),  #: Main menu item
158    "menu-irc": TT("IRC"),  #: Main menu item
159    "menu-issues": TT("Issues"),  #: Main menu item
160    "menu-donate": TT("Support the project, Donate!"),  #: Main menu item
161    "cmenu-general": TT("General"),  #: Main menu item
162    "cmenu-folders": TT("Folders"),  #: Main menu item
163    "cmenu-switches": TT("Switches"),  #: Main menu item
164    "cmenu-servers": TT("Servers"),  #: Main menu item
165    "cmenu-scheduling": TT("Scheduling"),  #: Main menu item
166    "cmenu-rss": TT("RSS"),  #: Main menu item
167    "cmenu-notif": TT("Notifications"),  #: Main menu item
168    "cmenu-email": TT("Email"),  #: Main menu item
169    "cmenu-cat": TT("Categories"),  #: Main menu item
170    "cmenu-sorting": TT("Sorting"),  #: Main menu item
171    "cmenu-special": TT("Special"),  #: Main menu item
172    "cmenu-search": TT("Search"),  #: Main menu item
173    # Footer
174    "ft-download": TT("Download Dir"),  # Used in Footer
175    "ft-paused": TT("PAUSED"),  # Used in Footer
176    "ft-buffer@2": TT("Cached %s articles (%s)"),  # Used in Footer
177    "ft-sysload": TT("Sysload"),  # Used in Footer
178    "ft-newRelease@1": TT("New release %s available at"),  # Used in Footer
179    # Main page
180    "shutdownOK?": TT("Are you sure you want to shutdown SABnzbd?"),
181    "link-shutdown": TT("Shutdown"),  #: Shutdown SABnzbd
182    "link-pause": TT("Pause"),  #: Pause downloading
183    "link-resume": TT("Resume"),  #: Resume downloading
184    "button-add": TT("Add"),  #: Add NZB to queue (button)
185    "add": TT("Add"),  #: Add NZB to queue (header)
186    "addFile": TT("Add File"),  #: Add NZB file to queue (header
187    "category": TT("Category"),  #: Job category
188    "pp": TT("Processing"),
189    "script": TT("Script"),
190    "priority": TT("Priority"),
191    "pp-none": TT("Download"),  #: Post processing pick list
192    "pp-repair": TT("+Repair"),  #: Post processing pick list
193    "pp-unpack": TT("+Unpack"),  #: Post processing pick list
194    "pp-delete": TT("+Delete"),  #: Post processing pick list
195    "pp-r": TT("R"),  #: Post processing pick list: abbreviation for "+Repair"
196    "pp-u": TT("U"),  #: Post processing pick list: abbreviation for "+Unpack"
197    "pp-d": TT("D"),  #: Post processing pick list: abbreviation for "+Delete"
198    "pr-force": TT("Force"),  #: Priority pick list
199    "pr-normal": TT("Normal"),  #: Priority pick list
200    "pr-high": TT("High"),  #: Priority pick list
201    "pr-low": TT("Low"),  #: Priority pick list
202    "pr-paused": TT("Paused"),  #: Priority pick list
203    "pr-stop": TT("Stop"),  #: Priority pick list
204    "enterURL": TT("Enter URL"),  #: Add NZB Dialog
205    # Queue page
206    "onQueueFinish": TT("On queue finish"),  #: Queue page selection menu
207    "shutdownPc": TT("Shutdown PC"),  #: Queue page end-of-queue action
208    "standbyPc": TT("Standby PC"),  #: Queue page end-of-queue action
209    "hibernatePc": TT("Hibernate PC"),  #: Queue page end-of-queue action
210    "shutdownSab": TT("Shutdown SABnzbd"),  #: Queue page end-of-queue action
211    "speedLimit": TT("Speed Limit"),  #: Queue page selection menu or entry box
212    "pauseFor": TT("Pause for"),  #: Queue page button or entry box
213    "mode": TT("Processing"),  #: Queue page table column header
214    "order": TT("Order"),  #: Queue page table column header
215    "name": TT("Name"),  #: Queue page table column header
216    "eta": TT("ETA"),  #: Queue page table column header, "estimated time of arrival"
217    "age": TT("AGE"),  #: Queue page table column header, "age of the NZB"
218    "button-del": TT("Del"),  #: Queue page table, "Delete" button
219    "button-retry": TT("Retry"),  #: Queue page button
220    "eoq-actions": TT("Actions"),  #: Queue end-of-queue selection box
221    "eoq-scripts": TT("Scripts"),  #: Queue page table, script selection menu
222    "purgeQueue": TT("Purge Queue"),  #: Queue page button
223    "purgeQueueConf": TT("Delete all items from the queue?"),  #: Confirmation popup
224    "purgeNZBs": TT("Purge NZBs"),  #: Queue page button
225    "purgeNZBs-Files": TT("Purge NZBs & Delete Files"),  #: Queue page button
226    "retryQueue": TT("Retry all failed jobs"),  #: Retry all failed jobs dialog box
227    "removeNZB": TT("Remove NZB"),  #: Queue page button
228    "removeNZB-Files": TT("Remove NZB & Delete Files"),  #: Queue page button
229    "AofB": TT("of"),  #: Queue page, as in "4G *of* 10G"
230    "missingArt": TT("Missing articles"),  #: Caption for missing articles in Queue
231    "quota-left": TT("Quota left"),  #: Remaining quota (displayed in Queue)
232    "manual": TT("manual"),  #: Manual reset of quota
233    "link-resetQuota": TT("Reset Quota now"),
234    # History page
235    "purgeHist": TT("Purge History"),  #: History page button
236    "purgeHistConf": TT("Delete all completed items from History?"),  #: Confirmation popup
237    "hideDetails": TT("Hide details"),  #: Button/link hiding History job details
238    "showDetails": TT("Show details"),  #: Button/link showing History job details
239    "showFailedHis": TT("Show Failed"),  #: Button or link showing only failed History jobs. DON'T MAKE THIS VERY LONG!
240    "showAllHis": TT("Show All"),  #: Button or link showing all History jobs
241    "completed": TT("Completed"),  #: History: job status
242    "size": TT("Size"),  #: History table header
243    "status": TT("Status"),  #: History table header
244    "purgeFailed": TT("Purge Failed NZBs"),  #: Button to delete all failed jobs in History
245    "purgeFailed-Files": TT(
246        "Purge Failed NZBs & Delete Files"
247    ),  #: Button to delete all failed jobs in History, including files
248    "purgeCompl": TT("Purge Completed NZBs"),  #: Button to delete all completed jobs in History
249    "purgePage": TT("Purge NZBs on the current page"),  #: Button to delete jobs on current page in History
250    "opt-extra-NZB": TT("Optional Supplemental NZB"),  #: Button to add NZB to failed job in History
251    "msg-path": TT("Path"),  #: Path as displayed in History details
252    "link-retryAll": TT("Retry all failed"),  #: Retry all failed jobs in History
253    "retryNZBs": TT("Retry All"),  #: Retry all button for Retry All Failed Jobs
254    "spam": TT("Virus/spam"),
255    "encrypted": TT("Passworded"),
256    "expired": TT("Out of retention"),
257    "otherProblem": TT("Other problem"),
258    # Connections page
259    "link-forceDisc": TT("Force Disconnect"),  #: Status page button
260    "explain-forceDisc": TT(
261        "Disconnect all active connections to usenet servers. Connections will be reopened after a few seconds if there are items in the queue."
262    ),  #: Status page button text
263    "askTestEmail": TT("This will send a test email to your account."),
264    "link-showLog": TT("Show Logging"),  #: Status page button
265    "link-testEmail": TT("Test Email"),  #: Status page button
266    "logging": TT("Logging"),  #: Status page selection menu
267    "log-errWarn": TT("Errors/Warning"),  #: Status page table header
268    "log-info": TT("+ Info"),  #: Status page logging selection value
269    "log-debug": TT("+ Debug"),  #: Status page logging selection value
270    "connections": TT("Connections"),  #: Status page tab header
271    "lastWarnings": TT("Latest Warnings"),  #: Status page, table header
272    "clearWarnings": TT("clear"),  #: Status page button
273    "server-blocked": TT("Unblock"),  #: Status page button
274    "article-id": TT("Article identifier"),  #: Status page, article identifier
275    "file-set": TT("File set"),  #: Status page, par-set that article belongs to
276    "warn-when": TT("When"),  #: Status page, table column header, when error occured
277    "warn-type": TT("Type"),  #: Status page, table column header, type of message
278    "warning": TT("Warning"),  #: Status page, table column header, actual message
279    "warnings": TT("Warnings"),  #: Footer: indicator of warnings
280    "enabled": TT("Enabled"),  #: Status page, indicator that server is enabled
281    # Dashboard
282    "dashboard-title": TT("Dashboard"),
283    "dashboard-connectionError": TT("Connection failed!"),
284    "dashboard-localIP4": TT("Local IPv4 address"),
285    "dashboard-publicIP4": TT("Public IPv4 address"),
286    "dashboard-IP6": TT("IPv6 address"),
287    "dashboard-NameserverDNS": TT("Nameserver / DNS Lookup"),
288    "dashboard-cpuModel": TT("CPU Model"),
289    "dashboard-systemPerformance": TT("System Performance (Pystone)"),  #: Do not translate Pystone
290    "dashboard-downloadDirSpeed": TT("Download folder speed"),
291    "dashboard-completeDirSpeed": TT("Complete folder speed"),
292    "dashboard-writingSpeed": TT("Writing speed"),
293    "dashboard-speedTestFailed": TT("Could not write. Check that the directory is writable."),
294    "dashboard-internetBandwidth": TT("Internet Bandwidth"),
295    "dashboard-clickToStart": TT("Click on Repeat test button below to determine"),
296    "dashboard-repeatTest": TT("Repeat test"),
297    "dashboard-testDownload": TT("Test download"),
298    "dashboard-testDownload-explain": TT(
299        "Adds a verified test NZB of the specified size, filled with random data. Can be used to verify your setup."
300    ),
301    # Configuration
302    "confgFile": TT("Config File"),
303    "cache": TT("Used cache"),  #: Main config page, how much cache is in use
304    "explain-Restart": TT(
305        "This will restart SABnzbd.<br />Use it when you think the program has a stability problem.<br />Downloading will be paused before the restart and resume afterwards."
306    ),
307    "explain-needNewLogin": TT("<br />If authentication is enabled, you will need to login again."),
308    "button-advanced": TT("Advanced"),
309    "button-restart": TT("Restart"),
310    "explain-orphans": TT(
311        "There are orphaned jobs in the download folder.<br />You can choose to delete them (including files) or send them back to the queue."
312    ),
313    "button-repair": TT("Repair"),
314    "explain-Repair": TT(
315        'The "Repair" button will restart SABnzbd and do a complete<br />reconstruction of the queue content, preserving already downloaded files.<br />This will modify the queue order.'
316    ),
317    "confirmWithoutSavingPrompt": TT("Changes have not been saved, and will be lost."),
318    "explain-sessionExpire": TT("When your IP address changes or SABnzbd is restarted the session will expire."),
319    "opt-enable_unzip": TT("Enable Unzip"),
320    "opt-enable_7zip": TT("Enable 7zip"),
321    "opt-multicore-par2": TT("Multicore Par2"),
322    "explain-nosslcontext": TT(
323        "Secure (SSL) connections from SABnzbd to newsservers and HTTPS websites will be encrypted, however, validating a server's identity using its certificates is not possible. OpenSSL 1.0.2 or above and up-to-date local CA certificates are required."
324    ),
325    "explain-getpar2mt": TT("Speed up repairs by installing multicore Par2, it is available for many platforms."),
326    "version": TT("Version"),
327    "uptime": TT("Uptime"),
328    "backup": TT("Backup"),  #: Indicates that server is Backup server in Status page
329    "readwiki": TT("Read the Wiki Help on this!"),
330    "restarting-sab": TT("Restarting SABnzbd..."),
331    # Config->General
332    "restartRequired": TT("Changes will require a SABnzbd restart!"),
333    "webServer": TT("SABnzbd Web Server"),
334    "opt-host": TT("SABnzbd Host"),
335    "explain-host": TT("Host SABnzbd should listen on."),
336    "opt-port": TT("SABnzbd Port"),
337    "explain-port": TT("Port SABnzbd should listen on."),
338    "opt-web_dir": TT("Web Interface"),
339    "explain-web_dir": TT("Choose a skin."),
340    "opt-web_username": TT("SABnzbd Username"),
341    "explain-web_username": TT("Optional authentication username."),
342    "opt-web_password": TT("SABnzbd Password"),
343    "explain-web_password": TT("Optional authentication password."),
344    "checkSafety": TT(
345        "If the SABnzbd Host or Port is exposed to the internet, your current settings allow full external access to the SABnzbd interface."
346    ),
347    "security": TT("Security"),
348    "opt-enable_https": TT("Enable HTTPS"),
349    "opt-notInstalled": TT("not installed"),
350    "explain-enable_https": TT("Enable accessing the interface from a HTTPS address."),
351    "explain-enable_https_warning": TT(
352        "Modern web browsers and other clients will not accept self-signed certificates and will give a warning and/or won't connect at all."
353    ),
354    "opt-https_port": TT("HTTPS Port"),
355    "explain-https_port": TT("If empty, the standard port will only listen to HTTPS."),
356    "opt-https_cert": TT("HTTPS Certificate"),
357    "explain-https_cert": TT("File name or path to HTTPS Certificate."),
358    "explain-new-cert": TT("Generate new self-signed certificate and key. Requires SABnzbd restart!"),
359    "opt-https_key": TT("HTTPS Key"),
360    "explain-https_key": TT("File name or path to HTTPS Key."),
361    "opt-https_chain": TT("HTTPS Chain Certifcates"),
362    "explain-https_chain": TT("File name or path to HTTPS Chain."),
363    "tuning": TT("Tuning"),
364    "opt-rss_rate": TT("RSS Checking Interval"),
365    "explain-rss_rate": TT("Checking interval (in minutes, at least 15). Not active when you use the Scheduler!"),
366    "opt-bandwidth_max": TT("Maximum line speed"),
367    "opt-bandwidth_perc": TT("Percentage of line speed"),
368    "explain-bandwidth_perc": TT("Which percentage of the linespeed should SABnzbd use, e.g. 50"),
369    "opt-cache_limitstr": TT("Article Cache Limit"),
370    "explain-cache_limitstr": TT(
371        'Cache articles in memory to reduce disk access.<br /><i>In bytes, optionally follow with K,M,G. For example: "64M" or "128M"</i>'
372    ),
373    "opt-cleanup_list": TT("Cleanup List"),
374    "explain-cleanup_list": TT(
375        "List of file extensions that should be deleted after download.<br />For example: <b>nfo</b> or <b>nfo, sfv</b>"
376    ),
377    "opt-history_retention": TT("History Retention"),
378    "explain-history_retention": TT(
379        "Automatically delete completed jobs from History. Beware that Duplicate Detection and some external tools rely on History information."
380    ),
381    "history_retention-all": TT("Keep all jobs"),
382    "history_retention-number": TT("Keep maximum number of completed jobs"),
383    "history_retention-days": TT("Keep completed jobs maximum number of days"),
384    "history_retention-none": TT("Do not keep any completed jobs"),
385    "history_retention-limit": TT("Jobs"),
386    "button-saveChanges": TT("Save Changes"),
387    "button-restoreDefaults": TT("Restore Defaults"),
388    "explain-restoreDefaults": TT("Reset"),
389    "opt-language": TT("Language"),
390    "explain-language": TT("Select a web interface language."),
391    "explain-ask-language": TT(
392        "Help us translate SABnzbd in your language! <br/>Add untranslated texts or improved existing translations here:"
393    ),  # Link to sabnzbd.org follows this text
394    "opt-apikey": TT("API Key"),
395    "explain-apikey": TT("This key will give 3rd party programs full access to SABnzbd."),
396    "opt-nzbkey": TT("NZB Key"),
397    "explain-nzbkey": TT("This key will allow 3rd party programs to add NZBs to SABnzbd."),
398    "button-apikey": TT("Generate New Key"),
399    "explain-qr-code": TT("API Key QR Code"),  #: Explanation for QR code of APIKEY
400    "opt-inet_exposure": TT("External internet access"),
401    "explain-inet_exposure": TT("You can set access rights for systems outside your local network."),
402    "inet-local": TT("No access"),  # Selection value for external access
403    "inet-nzb": TT("Add NZB files "),  # Selection value for external access
404    "inet-api": TT("API (no Config)"),  # Selection value for external access
405    "inet-fullapi": TT("Full API"),  # Selection value for external access
406    "inet-ui": TT("Full Web interface"),  # Selection value for external access
407    "inet-external_login": TT("Only external access requires login"),  # Selection value for external access
408    # Config->Folders
409    "explain-folderConfig": TT(
410        "<em>NOTE:</em> Folders will be created automatically when Saving. You may use absolute paths to save outside of the default folders."
411    ),
412    "userFolders": TT("User Folders"),
413    "browse-folder": TT("Browse"),
414    "in": TT("In"),
415    "opt-download_dir": TT("Temporary Download Folder"),
416    "explain-download_dir": TT(
417        "Location to store unprocessed downloads.<br /><i>Can only be changed when queue is empty.</i>"
418    ),
419    "opt-download_free": TT("Minimum Free Space for Temporary Download Folder"),
420    "explain-download_free": TT(
421        'Auto-pause when free space is beneath this value.<br /><i>In bytes, optionally follow with K,M,G,T. For example: "800M" or "8G"</i>'
422    ),
423    "opt-complete_dir": TT("Completed Download Folder"),
424    "explain-complete_dir": TT(
425        "Location to store finished, fully processed downloads.<br /><i>Can be overruled by user-defined categories.</i>"
426    ),
427    "opt-complete_free": TT("Minimum Free Space for Completed Download Folder"),
428    "explain-complete_free": TT("Will not work if a category folder is on a different disk."),
429    "opt-fulldisk_autoresume": TT("Auto resume"),
430    "explain-fulldisk_autoresume": TT(
431        "Downloading will automatically resume if the minimum free space is available again.<br />Applies to both the Temporary and Complete Download Folder.<br />Checked every few minutes."
432    ),
433    "opt-permissions": TT("Permissions for completed downloads"),
434    "explain-permissions": TT(
435        'Set permissions pattern for completed files/folders.<br /><i>In octal notation. For example: "755" or "777"</i>'
436    ),
437    "opt-dirscan_dir": TT("Watched Folder"),
438    "explain-dirscan_dir": TT(
439        "Folder to monitor for .nzb files.<br /><i>Also scans .zip .rar and .tar.gz archives for .nzb files.</i>"
440    ),
441    "opt-dirscan_speed": TT("Watched Folder Scan Speed"),
442    "explain-dirscan_speed": TT("Number of seconds between scans for .nzb files."),
443    "opt-script_dir": TT("Scripts Folder"),
444    "explain-script_dir": TT("Folder containing user scripts."),
445    "opt-email_dir": TT("Email Templates Folder"),
446    "explain-email_dir": TT("Folder containing user-defined email templates."),
447    "opt-password_file": TT("Password file"),
448    "explain-password_file": TT("File containing all passwords to be tried on encrypted RAR files."),
449    "systemFolders": TT("System Folders"),
450    "opt-admin_dir": TT("Administrative Folder"),
451    "explain-admin_dir1": TT(
452        "Location for queue admin and history database.<br /><i>Can only be changed when queue is empty.</i>"
453    ),
454    "explain-admin_dir2": TT("<i>Data will <b>not</b> be moved. Requires SABnzbd restart!</i>"),
455    "opt-log_dir": TT("Log Folder"),
456    "explain-log_dir": TT("Location of log files for SABnzbd.<br /><i>Requires SABnzbd restart!</i>"),
457    "opt-nzb_backup_dir": TT(".nzb Backup Folder"),
458    "explain-nzb_backup_dir": TT("Location where .nzb files will be stored."),
459    "base-folder": TT("Default Base Folder"),
460    # Config->Switches
461    "opt-enable_all_par": TT("Download all par2 files"),
462    "explain-enable_all_par": TT("This prevents multiple repair runs by downloading all par2 files when needed."),
463    "opt-enable_recursive": TT("Enable recursive unpacking"),
464    "explain-enable_recursive": TT("Unpack archives (rar, zip, 7z) within archives."),
465    "opt-flat_unpack": TT("Ignore any folders inside archives"),
466    "explain-flat_unpack": TT("All files will go into a single folder."),
467    "opt-top_only": TT("Only Get Articles for Top of Queue"),
468    "explain-top_only": TT("Enable for less memory usage. Disable to prevent slow jobs from blocking the queue."),
469    "opt-safe_postproc": TT("Post-Process Only Verified Jobs"),
470    "explain-safe_postproc": TT(
471        "Only unpack and run scripts on jobs that passed the verification stage. If turned off, all jobs will be marked as Completed even if they are incomplete."
472    ),
473    "opt-pause_on_pwrar": TT("Action when encrypted RAR is downloaded"),
474    "explain-pause_on_pwrar": TT('In case of "Pause", you\'ll need to set a password and resume the job.'),
475    "opt-no_dupes": TT("Detect Duplicate Downloads"),
476    "explain-no_dupes": TT(
477        "Detect identical NZB files (based on items in your History or files in .nzb Backup Folder)"
478    ),
479    "opt-no_series_dupes": TT("Detect duplicate episodes in series"),
480    "explain-no_series_dupes": TT(
481        'Detect identical episodes in series (based on "name/season/episode" of items in your History)'
482    ),
483    "opt-series_propercheck": TT("Allow proper releases"),
484    "explain-series_propercheck": TT(
485        "Bypass series duplicate detection if PROPER, REAL or REPACK is detected in the download name"
486    ),
487    "nodupes-off": TT("Off"),  #: Three way switch for duplicates
488    "nodupes-ignore": TT("Discard"),  #: Four way switch for duplicates
489    "nodupes-pause": TT("Pause"),  #: Four way switch for duplicates
490    "nodupes-fail": TT("Fail job (move to History)"),  #: Four way switch for duplicates
491    "nodupes-tag": TT("Tag job"),  #: Four way switch for duplicates
492    "abort": TT("Abort"),  #: Three way switch for encrypted posts
493    "opt-action_on_unwanted_extensions": TT("Action when unwanted extension detected"),
494    "explain-action_on_unwanted_extensions": TT("Action when an unwanted extension is detected"),
495    "opt-unwanted_extensions": TT("Unwanted extensions"),
496    "unwanted_extensions_blacklist": TT("Blacklist"),
497    "unwanted_extensions_whitelist": TT("Whitelist"),
498    "explain-unwanted_extensions": TT(
499        "Select a mode and list all (un)wanted extensions. For example: <b>exe</b> or <b>exe, com</b>"
500    ),
501    "opt-sfv_check": TT("Enable SFV-based checks"),
502    "explain-sfv_check": TT("Do an extra verification based on SFV files."),
503    "opt-script_can_fail": TT("User script can flag job as failed"),
504    "explain-script_can_fail": TT(
505        "When the user script returns a non-zero exit code, the job will be flagged as failed."
506    ),
507    "opt-new_nzb_on_failure": TT("On failure, try alternative NZB"),
508    "explain-new_nzb_on_failure": TT("Some servers provide an alternative NZB when a download fails."),
509    "opt-enable_meta": TT("Use tags from indexer"),
510    "explain-enable_meta": TT(
511        "When sorting, use tags from indexer for title, season, episode, etc. Otherwise all naming is derived from the NZB name."
512    ),
513    "opt-folder_rename": TT("Enable folder rename"),
514    "explain-folder_rename": TT(
515        "Use temporary names during post processing. Disable when your system doesn't handle that properly."
516    ),
517    "opt-pre_script": TT("Pre-queue user script"),
518    "explain-pre_script": TT("Used before an NZB enters the queue."),
519    "opt-par_option": TT("Extra PAR2 Parameters"),
520    "explain-par_option": TT("Read the Wiki Help on this!"),
521    "opt-nice": TT("Nice Parameters"),
522    "explain-nice": TT("Read the Wiki Help on this!"),
523    "opt-ionice": TT("IONice Parameters"),
524    "explain-ionice": TT("Read the Wiki Help on this!"),
525    "opt-win_process_prio": TT("External process priority"),
526    "explain-win_process_prio": TT("Read the Wiki Help on this!"),
527    "win_process_prio-high": TT("High"),
528    "win_process_prio-normal": TT("Normal"),
529    "win_process_prio-low": TT("Low"),
530    "win_process_prio-idle": TT("Idle"),
531    "opt-auto_disconnect": TT("Disconnect on Empty Queue"),
532    "explain-auto_disconnect": TT("Disconnect from Usenet server(s) when queue is empty or paused."),
533    "opt-auto_sort": TT("Automatically sort queue"),
534    "explain-auto_sort": TT("Automatically sort jobs in the queue when a new job is added."),
535    "opt-direct_unpack": TT("Direct Unpack"),
536    "explain-direct_unpack": TT(
537        "Jobs will start unpacking during the downloading to reduce post-processing time. Only works for jobs that do not need repair."
538    ),
539    "opt-propagation_delay": TT("Propagation delay"),
540    "explain-propagation_delay": TT(
541        "Posts will be paused untill they are at least this age. Setting job priority to Force will skip the delay."
542    ),
543    "opt-check_new_rel": TT("Check for New Release"),
544    "explain-check_new_rel": TT("Weekly check for new SABnzbd release."),
545    "also-test": TT("Also test releases"),  #: Pick list for weekly test for new releases
546    "opt-replace_spaces": TT("Replace Spaces in Foldername"),
547    "explain-replace_spaces": TT("Replace spaces with underscores in folder names."),
548    "opt-replace_dots": TT("Replace dots in Foldername"),
549    "explain-replace_dots": TT("Replace dots with spaces in folder names."),
550    "opt-sanitize_safe": TT("Make Windows compatible"),
551    "explain-sanitize_safe": TT("For servers: make sure names are compatible with Windows."),
552    "opt-auto_browser": TT("Launch Browser on Startup"),
553    "explain-auto_browser": TT("Launch the default web browser when starting SABnzbd."),
554    "opt-pause_on_post_processing": TT("Pause Downloading During Post-Processing"),
555    "explain-pause_on_post_processing": TT(
556        "Pauses downloading at the start of post processing and resumes when finished."
557    ),
558    "opt-ignore_samples": TT("Ignore Samples"),
559    "explain-ignore_samples": TT("Filter out sample files (e.g. video samples)."),
560    "igsam-del": TT("Delete after download"),
561    "opt-deobfuscate_final_filenames": TT("Deobfuscate final filenames"),
562    "explain-deobfuscate_final_filenames": TT(
563        "If filenames of (large) files in the final folder look obfuscated or meaningless they will be renamed to the job name."
564    ),
565    "opt-enable_https_verification": TT("HTTPS certificate verification"),
566    "explain-enable_https_verification": TT(
567        "Verify certificates when connecting to indexers and RSS-sources using HTTPS."
568    ),
569    "swtag-server": TT("Server"),
570    "swtag-queue": TT("Queue"),
571    "swtag-pp": TT("Post processing"),
572    "swtag-naming": TT("Naming"),
573    "swtag-quota": TT("Quota"),
574    "swtag-indexing": TT("Indexing"),
575    "opt-quota_size": TT("Size"),  #: Size of the download quota
576    "explain-quota_size": TT("How much can be downloaded this month (K/M/G)"),
577    "opt-quota_day": TT("Reset day"),  #: Reset day of the download quota
578    "explain-quota_day": TT(
579        "On which day of the month or week (1=Monday) does your ISP reset the quota? (Optionally with hh:mm)"
580    ),
581    "opt-quota_resume": TT("Auto resume"),  #: Auto-resume download on the reset day
582    "explain-quota_resume": TT("Should downloading resume after the quota is reset?"),
583    "opt-quota_period": TT("Quota period"),  #: Does the quota get reset every day, week or month?
584    "explain-quota_period": TT("Does the quota get reset each day, week or month?"),
585    "opt-pre_check": TT("Check before download"),
586    "explain-pre_check": TT("Try to predict successful completion before actual download (slower!)"),
587    "opt-ssl_ciphers": TT("SSL Ciphers"),
588    "explain-ssl_ciphers": TT("Increase performance by forcing a lower SSL encryption strength."),
589    "opt-max_art_tries": TT("Maximum retries"),
590    "explain-max_art_tries": TT("Maximum number of retries per server"),
591    "opt-fail_hopeless_jobs": TT("Abort jobs that cannot be completed"),
592    "explain-fail_hopeless_jobs": TT(
593        "When during download it becomes clear that too much data is missing, abort the job"
594    ),
595    "opt-rating_enable": TT("Enable Indexer Integration"),
596    "explain-rating_enable": TT(
597        "Indexers can supply rating information when a job is added and SABnzbd can report to the indexer if a job couldn't be completed."
598    ),
599    "opt-rating_api_key": TT("API Key"),
600    "explain-rating_api_key": TT("This key provides identity to indexer. Check your profile on the indexer's website."),
601    "opt-rating_filter_enable": TT("Enable Filtering"),
602    "explain-rating_filter_enable": TT("Action downloads according to filtering rules."),
603    "opt-rating_filter_abort_if": TT("Abort If"),
604    "opt-rating_filter_pause_if": TT("Else Pause If"),
605    "opt-rating_filter_video": TT("Video rating"),
606    "opt-rating_filter_audio": TT("Audio rating"),
607    "opt-rating_filter_passworded": TT("Passworded"),
608    "opt-rating_filter_spam": TT("Spam"),
609    "opt-rating_filter_confirmed": TT("Confirmed"),
610    "opt-rating_filter_downvoted": TT("More thumbs down than up"),
611    "opt-rating_filter_keywords": TT("Title keywords"),
612    "explain-rating_filter_keywords": TT("Comma separated list"),
613    "opt-load_balancing": TT("Server IP address selection"),
614    "no-load-balancing": TT("First IP address"),
615    "load-balancing": TT("Randomly selected IP address"),
616    "load-balancing-happy-eyeballs": TT("Quickest IP address, preferring IPv6"),
617    "explain-load_balancing": TT("Useful if a newsserver has more than one IPv4/IPv6 address"),
618    # Config->Server
619    "addServer": TT("Add Server"),  #: Caption
620    "srv-displayname": TT("Server description"),  #: User defined name for server
621    "srv-host": TT("Host"),  #: Server hostname or IP
622    "srv-port": TT("Port"),  #: Server port
623    "srv-username": TT("Username"),  #: Server username
624    "srv-password": TT("Password"),  #: Server password
625    "srv-timeout": TT("Timeout"),  #: Server timeout
626    "srv-connections": TT("Connections"),  #: Server: amount of connections
627    "srv-expire_date": TT("Account expiration date"),
628    "srv-explain-expire_date": TT("Warn 5 days in advance of account expiration date."),
629    "srv-explain-quota": TT(
630        "Quota for this account, counted from the time it is set. In bytes, optionally follow with K,M,G.<br />Warn when it reaches 0, checked every few minutes."
631    ),
632    "srv-retention": TT("Retention time"),  #: Server's retention time in days
633    "srv-ssl": TT("SSL"),  #: Server SSL tickbox
634    "explain-ssl": TT("Secure connection to server"),  #: Server SSL tickbox
635    "opt-ssl_verify": TT("Certificate verification"),
636    "explain-ssl_verify": TT(
637        "Minimal: when SSL is enabled, verify the identity of the server using its certificates. Strict: verify and enforce matching hostname."
638    ),
639    "ssl_verify-disabled": TT("Disabled"),
640    "ssl_verify-normal": TT("Minimal"),
641    "ssl_verify-strict": TT("Strict"),
642    "srv-priority": TT("Priority"),  #: Server priority
643    "explain-svrprio": TT("0 is highest priority, 100 is the lowest priority"),  #: Explain server priority
644    "srv-optional": TT("Optional"),  #: Server optional tickbox
645    "explain-optional": TT(
646        "For unreliable servers, will be ignored longer in case of failures"
647    ),  #: Explain server optional tickbox
648    "srv-enable": TT("Enable"),  #: Enable server tickbox
649    "button-addServer": TT("Add Server"),  #: Button: Add server
650    "button-delServer": TT("Remove Server"),  #: Button: Remove server
651    "button-testServer": TT("Test Server"),  #: Button: Test server
652    "button-clrServer": TT("Clear Counters"),  #: Button: Clear server's byte counters
653    "srv-testing": TT("Testing server details..."),
654    "srv-bandwidth": TT("Bandwidth"),
655    "srv-send_group": TT("Send Group"),
656    "srv-explain-send_group": TT("Send group command before requesting articles."),
657    "srv-notes": TT("Personal notes"),
658    "srv-article-availability": TT("Article availability"),
659    "srv-articles-tried": TT(
660        "%f% available of %d requested articles"
661    ),  #: Server article availability, %f=percentage, %d=number of articles
662    # Config->Scheduling
663    "addSchedule": TT("Add Schedule"),  #:Config->Scheduling
664    "sch-frequency": TT("Frequency"),  #:Config->Scheduling
665    "sch-action": TT("Action"),  #:Config->Scheduling
666    "sch-arguments": TT("Arguments"),  #:Config->Scheduling
667    "button-addSchedule": TT("Add Schedule"),  #:Config->Scheduling
668    "currentSchedules": TT("Current Schedules"),  #:Config->Scheduling
669    "sch-resume": TT("Resume"),  #:Config->Scheduling
670    "sch-pause": TT("Pause"),  #:Config->Scheduling
671    "sch-shutdown": TT("Shutdown"),  #:Config->Scheduling
672    "sch-restart": TT("Restart"),  #:Config->Scheduling
673    # Config->RSS
674    "explain-RSS": TT(
675        'The checkbox next to the feed name should be ticked for the feed to be enabled and be automatically checked for new items.<br />When a feed is added, it will only pick up new items and not anything already in the RSS feed unless you press "Force Download".'
676    ),
677    "feed": TT("Feed"),  #: Config->RSS, tab header
678    "addMultipleFeeds": TT("Seperate multiple URLs by a comma"),  #: Config->RSS, placeholder (cannot be too long)
679    "button-preFeed": TT("Read Feed"),  #: Config->RSS button
680    "button-forceFeed": TT("Force Download"),  #: Config->RSS button
681    "rss-edit": TT("Edit"),  #: Config->RSS edit button
682    "rss-nextscan": TT("Next scan at"),  #: Config->RSS when will be the next RSS scan
683    "rss-order": TT("Order"),  #: Config->RSS table column header
684    "rss-type": TT("Type"),  #: Config->RSS table column header
685    "rss-filter": TT("Filter"),  #: Config->RSS table column header
686    "rss-accept": TT("Accept"),  #: Config->RSS filter-type selection menu
687    "rss-reject": TT("Reject"),  #: Config->RSS filter-type selection menu
688    "rss-must": TT("Requires"),  #: Config->RSS filter-type selection menu
689    "rss-mustcat": TT("RequiresCat"),  #: Config->RSS filter-type selection menu
690    "rss-atleast": TT("At least"),  #: Config->RSS filter-type selection menu
691    "rss-atmost": TT("At most"),  #: Config->RSS filter-type selection menu
692    "rss-from": TT("From SxxEyy"),  #: Config->RSS filter-type selection menu "From Season/Episode"
693    "rss-from-show": TT("From Show SxxEyy"),  #: Config->RSS filter-type selection menu "From Show Season/Episode"
694    "rss-matched": TT("Matched"),  #: Config->RSS section header
695    "rss-notMatched": TT("Not Matched"),  #: Config->RSS section header
696    "rss-done": TT("Downloaded"),  #: Config->RSS section header
697    "rss-added": TT("Added NZB"),  #: Config->RSS after adding to queue
698    "link-download": TT("Download"),  #: Config->RSS button "download item"
699    "button-rssNow": TT("Read All Feeds Now"),  #: Config->RSS button
700    # Config->Notifications
701    "opt-email_endjob": TT("Email Notification On Job Completion"),
702    "email-never": TT("Never"),  #: When to send email
703    "email-always": TT("Always"),  #: When to send email
704    "email-errorOnly": TT("Error-only"),  #: When to send email
705    "opt-email_full": TT("Disk Full Notifications"),
706    "explain-email_full": TT("Send email when disk is full and SABnzbd is paused."),
707    "opt-email_rss": TT("Send RSS notifications"),
708    "explain-email_rss": TT("Send email when an RSS feed adds jobs to the queue."),
709    "opt-email_server": TT("SMTP Server"),
710    "explain-email_server": TT("Set your ISP's server for outgoing email."),
711    "opt-email_to": TT("Email Recipient"),
712    "explain-email_to": TT("Email address to send the email to."),
713    "opt-email_from": TT("Email Sender"),
714    "explain-email_from": TT("Who should we say sent the email?"),
715    "opt-email_account": TT("OPTIONAL Account Username"),
716    "explain-email_account": TT("For authenticated email, account name."),
717    "opt-email_pwd": TT("OPTIONAL Account Password"),
718    "explain-email_pwd": TT("For authenticated email, password."),
719    "notifications-notesent": TT("Notification Sent!"),
720    "opt-ntfosd_enable": TT("Enable NotifyOSD"),  #: Don't translate "NotifyOSD"
721    "opt-ncenter_enable": TT("Notification Center"),
722    "opt-acenter_enable": TT("Enable Windows Notifications"),
723    "testNotify": TT("Test Notification"),
724    "section-NC": TT("Notification Center"),  #: Header for macOS Notfication Center section
725    "section-AC": TT("Windows Notifications"),
726    "section-OSD": TT("NotifyOSD"),  #: Header for Ubuntu's NotifyOSD notifications section
727    "section-Prowl": TT("Prowl"),  #: Header for Prowl notification section
728    "opt-prowl_enable": TT("Enable Prowl notifications"),  #: Prowl settings
729    "explain-prowl_enable": TT("Requires a Prowl account"),  #: Prowl settings
730    "opt-prowl_apikey": TT("API key for Prowl"),  #: Prowl settings
731    "explain-prowl_apikey": TT("Personal API key for Prowl (required)"),  #: Prowl settings
732    "section-Pushover": TT("Pushover"),  #: Header for Pushover notification section
733    "opt-pushover_enable": TT("Enable Pushover notifications"),  #: Pushover settings
734    "explain-pushover_enable": TT("Requires a Pushover account"),  #: Pushoversettings
735    "opt-pushover_token": TT("Application Token"),  #: Pushover settings
736    "explain-pushover_token": TT("Application token (required)"),  #: Pushover settings
737    "opt-pushover_userkey": TT("User Key"),  #: Pushover settings
738    "explain-pushover_userkey": TT("User Key (required)"),  #: Pushover settings
739    "opt-pushover_device": TT("Device(s)"),  #: Pushover settings
740    "explain-pushover_device": TT("Device(s) to which message should be sent"),  #: Pushover settings
741    "opt-pushover_emergency_retry": TT("Emergency retry"),  #: Pushover settings
742    "explain-pushover_emergency_retry": TT(
743        "How often (in seconds) the same notification will be sent"
744    ),  #: Pushover settings
745    "opt-pushover_emergency_expire": TT("Emergency expire"),  #: Pushover settings
746    "explain-pushover_emergency_expire": TT(
747        "How many seconds your notification will continue to be retried"
748    ),  #: Pushover settings
749    "section-Pushbullet": TT("Pushbullet"),  #: Header for Pushbullet notification section
750    "opt-pushbullet_enable": TT("Enable Pushbullet notifications"),  #: Pushbullet settings
751    "explain-pushbullet_enable": TT("Requires a Pushbullet account"),  #: Pushbulletsettings
752    "opt-pushbullet_apikey": TT("Personal API key"),  #: Pushbullet settings
753    "explain-pushbullet_apikey": TT("Your personal Pushbullet API key (required)"),  #: Pushbullet settings
754    "opt-pushbullet_device": TT("Device"),  #: Pushbullet settings
755    "explain-pushbullet_device": TT("Device to which message should be sent"),  #: Pushbullet settings
756    "section-NScript": TT("Notification Script"),  #: Header for Notification Script notification section
757    "opt-nscript_enable": TT("Enable notification script"),  #: Notification Script settings
758    "opt-nscript_script": TT("Script"),  #: Notification Script settings
759    "opt-nscript_parameters": TT("Parameters"),  #: Notification Script settings
760    "explain-nscript_enable": TT("Executes a custom script"),  #: Notification Scriptsettings
761    "explain-nscript_script": TT("Which script should we execute for notification?"),  #: Notification Scriptsettings
762    "explain-nscript_parameters": TT("Read the Wiki Help on this!"),  #: Notification Script settings
763    # Config->Cat
764    "explain-catTags": TT(
765        'Indexers can supply a category inside the NZB which SABnzbd will try to match to the categories defined below. Additionally, you can add terms to "Indexer Categories / Groups" to match more categories. Use commas to separate terms. Wildcards in the terms are supported. <br>More information can be found on the Wiki.'
766    ),
767    "explain-catTags2": TT("Ending the path with an asterisk * will prevent creation of job folders."),
768    "explain-relFolder": TT("Relative folders are based on"),
769    "catFolderPath": TT("Folder/Path"),
770    "catTags": TT("Indexer Categories / Groups"),
771    "button-delCat": TT("X"),  #: Small delete button
772    # Config->Sorting
773    "seriesSorting": TT("Series Sorting"),
774    "opt-tvsort": TT("Enable TV Sorting"),
775    "sort-legenda": TT("Pattern Key"),
776    "button-clear": TT("Clear"),
777    "button-evalFeed": TT("Apply filters"),
778    "presetSort": TT("Presets"),
779    "example": TT("Example"),
780    "movieSort": TT("Movie Sorting"),
781    "opt-movieSort": TT("Enable Movie Sorting"),
782    "opt-movieExtra": TT("Keep loose downloads in extra folders"),
783    "affectedCat": TT("Affected Categories"),
784    "sort-meaning": TT("Meaning"),
785    "sort-pattern": TT("Pattern"),
786    "sort-result": TT("Result"),
787    "button-Season1x05": TT("1x05 Season Folder"),
788    "button-SeasonS01E05": TT("S01E05 Season Folder"),
789    "button-Ep1x05": TT("1x05 Episode Folder"),
790    "button-EpS01E05": TT("S01E05 Episode Folder"),
791    "button-FileLikeFolder": TT("Job Name as Filename"),
792    "sort-title": TT("Title"),
793    "movie-sp-name": TT("Movie Name"),
794    "movie-dot-name": TT("Movie.Name"),
795    "movie-us-name": TT("Movie_Name"),
796    "show-name": TT("Show Name"),
797    "show-sp-name": TT("Show Name"),
798    "show-dot-name": TT("Show.Name"),
799    "show-us-name": TT("Show_Name"),
800    "show-seasonNum": TT("Season Number"),
801    "show-epNum": TT("Episode Number"),
802    "ep-name": TT("Episode Name"),
803    "ep-sp-name": TT("Episode Name"),
804    "ep-dot-name": TT("Episode.Name"),
805    "ep-us-name": TT("Episode_Name"),
806    "fileExt": TT("File Extension"),
807    "extension": TT("Extension"),
808    "partNumber": TT("Part Number"),
809    "decade": TT("Decade"),
810    "orgFilename": TT("Original Filename"),
811    "orgJobname": TT("Original Job Name"),
812    "lowercase": TT("Lower Case"),
813    "TEXT": TT("TEXT"),
814    "text": TT("text"),
815    "sort-File": TT("file"),
816    "sortString": TT("Sort String"),
817    "multiPartLabel": TT("Multi-part label"),
818    "button-inFolders": TT("In folders"),
819    "button-noFolders": TT("No folders"),
820    "dateSorting": TT("Date Sorting"),
821    "opt-dateSort": TT("Enable Date Sorting"),
822    "button-ShowNameF": TT("Show Name folder"),
823    "button-YMF": TT("Year-Month Folders"),
824    "button-DailyF": TT("Daily Folders"),
825    "case-adjusted": TT("case-adjusted"),  #: Note for title expression in Sorting that does case adjustment
826    "sortResult": TT("Processed Result"),
827    # Config->Special
828    "explain-special": TT(
829        "Rarely used options. For their meaning and explanation, click on the Help button to go to the Wiki page.<br>"
830        "Don't change these without checking the Wiki first, as some have serious side-effects.<br>"
831        "The default values are between parentheses."
832    ),
833    "sptag-boolean": TT("Switches"),
834    "sptag-entries": TT("Values"),
835    # NZO
836    "nzoDetails": TT("Edit NZB Details"),  #: Job details page
837    "nzoName": TT("Name"),  #: Job details page
838    "nzo-delete": TT("Delete"),  #: Job details page, delete button
839    "nzo-top": TT("Top"),  #: Job details page, move file to top
840    "nzo-up": TT("Up"),  #: Job details page, move file one place up
841    "nzo-down": TT("Down"),  #: Job details page, move file one place down
842    "nzo-bottom": TT("Bottom"),  #: Job details page, move file to bottom
843    "nzo-all": TT("All"),  #: Job details page, select all files
844    "nzo-none": TT("None"),  #: Job details page, select no files
845    "nzo-invert": TT("Invert"),  #: Job details page, invert file selection
846    "nzo-filename": TT("Filename"),  #: Job details page, filename column header
847    "nzo-subject": TT("Subject"),  #: Job details page, subject column header
848    "nzo-age": TT("Age"),  #: Job details page, file age column header
849    "nzo-selection": TT("Selection"),  #: Job details page, section header
850    "nzo-action": TT("Action"),  #: Job details page, section header
851    # Glitter skin
852    "Glitter-addNZB": TT("Add NZB"),
853    "Glitter-pause5m": TT("Pause for 5 minutes"),
854    "Glitter-pause15m": TT("Pause for 15 minutes"),
855    "Glitter-pause30m": TT("Pause for 30 minutes"),
856    "Glitter-pause1h": TT("Pause for 1 hour"),
857    "Glitter-pause3h": TT("Pause for 3 hours"),
858    "Glitter-pause6h": TT("Pause for 6 hours"),
859    "Glitter-setMaxLinespeed": TT("You must set a maximum bandwidth before you can set a bandwidth limit"),
860    "Glitter-left": TT("left"),
861    "Glitter-free": TT("Free Space"),
862    "Glitter-freeTemp": TT("Temp Folder"),
863    "Glitter-search": TT("Search"),
864    "Glitter-multiOperations": TT("Multi-Operations"),
865    "Glitter-multiSelect": TT("Hold shift key to select a range"),
866    "Glitter-checkAll": TT("Check all"),
867    "Glitter-restartSab": TT("Restart SABnzbd"),
868    "Glitter-onFinish": TT("On queue finish"),
869    "Glitter-statusInterfaceOptions": TT("Status and interface options"),
870    "Glitter-dragAndDrop": TT("Or drag and drop files in the window!"),
871    "Glitter-today": TT("Today"),
872    "Glitter-thisMonth": TT("This month"),
873    "Glitter-total": TT("Total"),
874    "Glitter-lostConnection": TT("Lost connection to SABnzbd.."),
875    "Glitter-afterRestart": TT("In case of SABnzbd restart this screen will disappear automatically!"),
876    "Glitter-disabled": TT("Disabled"),
877    "Glitter-warning": TT("WARNING:"),
878    "Glitter-encrypted": TT("ENCRYPTED"),
879    "Glitter-incomplete": TT("INCOMPLETE"),
880    "Glitter-duplicate": TT("DUPLICATE"),
881    "Glitter-unwanted": TT("UNWANTED"),
882    "Glitter-tooLarge": TT("TOO LARGE"),
883    "Glitter-filtered": TT("FILTERED"),
884    "Glitter-waitSec": TT("WAIT %s sec"),
885    "Glitter-error": TT("ERROR:"),
886    "Glitter-fetch": TT("Fetch"),
887    "Glitter-interfaceOptions": TT("Web Interface"),
888    "Glitter-interfaceRefresh": TT("Refresh rate"),
889    "Glitter-useGlobalOptions": TT("Use global interface settings"),
890    "Glitter-queueItemLimit": TT("Queue item limit"),
891    "Glitter-historyItemLimit": TT("History item limit"),
892    "Glitter-dateFormat": TT("Date format"),
893    "Glitter-showExtraQueueColumn": TT("Extra queue columns"),
894    "Glitter-showExtraHistoryColumn": TT("Extra history columns"),
895    "Glitter-page": TT("page"),
896    "Glitter-loading": TT("Loading"),
897    "Glitter-articles": TT("articles"),
898    "Glitter-rename": TT("Rename"),
899    "Glitter-repairQueue": TT("Queue repair"),
900    "Glitter-showActiveConnections": TT("Show active connections"),
901    "Glitter-unblockServer": TT("Unblock"),
902    "Glitter-orphanedJobs": TT("Orphaned jobs"),
903    "Glitter-backToQueue": TT("Send back to queue"),
904    "Glitter-purgeOrphaned": TT("Delete All"),
905    "Glitter-retryAllOrphaned": TT("Retry all"),
906    "Glitter-deleteJobAndFolders": TT("Remove NZB & Delete Files"),
907    "Glitter-addFromURL": TT("Fetch NZB from URL"),
908    "Glitter-addFromFile": TT("Upload NZB"),
909    "Glitter-chooseFile": TT("Browse"),
910    "Glitter-addnzbFilename": TT("Optionally specify a filename"),
911    "Glitter-submit": TT("Submit"),
912    "Glitter-openInfoURL": TT("Open Informational URL"),
913    "Glitter-sendThanks": TT("Submitted. Thank you!"),
914    "Glitter-noSelect": TT("Nothing selected!"),
915    "Glitter-removeSelected": TT("Remove all selected files"),
916    "Glitter-toggleCompletedFiles": TT("Hide/show completed files"),
917    "Glitter-top": TT("Top"),
918    "Glitter-bottom": TT("Bottom"),
919    "Glitter-retryJob": TT("Retry"),
920    "Glitter-more": TT("More"),
921    "Glitter-scriptLog": TT("View Script Log"),
922    "Glitter-clearHistory": TT("Purge History"),
923    "Glitter-confirmAbortDirectUnpack": TT("Renaming the job will abort Direct Unpack."),
924    "Glitter-updateAvailable": TT("Update Available!"),
925    "Glitter-noLocalStorage": TT(
926        "LocalStorage (cookies) are disabled in your browser, interface settings will be lost after you close the browser!"
927    ),  #: Don't translate LocalStorage
928    "Glitter-glitterTips": TT("Glitter has some (new) features you might like!"),
929    "Glitter-custom": TT("Custom"),
930    "Glitter-displayCompact": TT("Compact layout"),
931    "Glitter-displayFullWidth": TT("Always use full screen width"),
932    "Glitter-displayTabbed": TT("Tabbed layout <br/>(separate queue and history)"),
933    "Glitter-speed": TT("Speed"),
934    "Glitter-confirmDeleteQueue": TT("Confirm Queue Deletions"),
935    "Glitter-confirmDeleteHistory": TT("Confirm History Deletions"),
936    "Glitter-pausePrompt": TT("How long or untill when do you want to pause? (in English!)"),
937    "Glitter-pausePromptFail": TT("Sorry, we could not interpret that. Try again."),
938    "Glitter-pauseFor": TT("Pause for..."),
939    "Glitter-refresh": TT("Refresh"),
940    "Glitter-logText": TT(
941        "All usernames, passwords and API-keys are automatically removed from the log and the included copy of your settings."
942    ),
943    "Glitter-sortAgeAsc": TT("Sort by Age <small>Oldest&rarr;Newest</small>"),
944    "Glitter-sortAgeDesc": TT("Sort by Age <small>Newest&rarr;Oldest</small>"),
945    "Glitter-sortNameAsc": TT("Sort by Name <small>A&rarr;Z</small>"),
946    "Glitter-sortNameDesc": TT("Sort by Name <small>Z&rarr;A</small>"),
947    "Glitter-sortSizeAsc": TT("Sort by Size <small>Smallest&rarr;Largest</small>"),
948    "Glitter-sortSizeDesc": TT("Sort by Size <small>Largest&rarr;Smallest</small>"),
949    "Glitter-notification-uploading": TT("Uploading"),  # Notification window
950    "Glitter-notification-disconnect": TT("Forcing disconnect"),  # Notification window
951    "Glitter-notification-removing1": TT("Removing job"),  # Notification window
952    "Glitter-notification-removing": TT("Removing jobs"),  # Notification window
953    "Glitter-notification-shutdown": TT("Shutting down"),  # Notification window
954    # Plush skin
955    "Plush-confirmWithoutSavingPrompt": TT("Changes have not been saved, and will be lost."),
956    "Plush-confirm": TT("Are you sure?"),
957    "Plush-openInfoURL": TT("Open Informational URL"),
958    "Plush-viewScriptLog": TT("View Script Log"),
959    "Plush-prev": TT("Prev"),
960    "Plush-next": TT("Next"),
961    "Plush-confirmPurgeH": TT("Purge the History?"),
962    "Plush-enableJavascript": TT("You must enable JavaScript for Plush to function!"),
963    "Plush-addnzb": TT("Add NZB"),
964    "Plush-button-refresh": TT("Refresh"),
965    "Plush-options": TT("Options"),
966    "Plush-updateAvailable": TT("Update Available!"),
967    "Plush-pause5m": TT("Pause for 5 minutes"),
968    "Plush-pause15m": TT("Pause for 15 minutes"),
969    "Plush-pause30m": TT("Pause for 30 minutes"),
970    "Plush-pause1h": TT("Pause for 1 hour"),
971    "Plush-pause3h": TT("Pause for 3 hours"),
972    "Plush-pause6h": TT("Pause for 6 hours"),
973    "Plush-pauseForPrompt": TT("Pause for how many minutes?"),
974    "Plush-pauseFor": TT("Pause for..."),
975    "Plush-multiOperations": TT("Multi-Operations"),
976    "Plush-topMenu": TT("Top Menu"),
977    "Plush-onQueueFinish": TT("On Finish"),
978    "Plush-sort": TT("Sort"),
979    "Plush-sortAgeAsc": TT("Sort by Age <small>(Oldest&rarr;Newest)</small>"),
980    "Plush-sortAgeDesc": TT("Sort by Age <small>(Newest&rarr;Oldest)</small>"),
981    "Plush-sortNameAsc": TT("Sort by Name <small>(A&rarr;Z)</small>"),
982    "Plush-sortNameDesc": TT("Sort by Name <small>(Z&rarr;A)</small>"),
983    "Plush-sortSizeAsc": TT("Sort by Size <small>(Smallest&rarr;Largest)</small>"),
984    "Plush-sortSizeDesc": TT("Sort by Size <small>(Largest&rarr;Smallest)</small>"),
985    "Plush-confirmPurgeQ": TT("Purge the Queue?"),
986    "Plush-confirmRetryQ": TT("Retry all failed jobs in History?"),
987    "Plush-purge": TT("Purge"),
988    "Plush-left": TT("left"),
989    "Plush-maxSpeed": TT("Max Speed"),  #: Used in speed menu. Split in two lines if too long.
990    "Plush-nzo-range": TT("Range"),
991    "Plush-reset": TT("Reset"),
992    "Plush-applySelected": TT("Apply to Selected"),
993    "Plush-page": TT("page"),
994    "Plush-everything": TT("Everything"),
995    "Plush-disabled": TT("Disabled"),
996    "Plush-refreshRate": TT("Refresh Rate"),
997    "Plush-containerWidth": TT("Container Width"),
998    "Plush-confirmDeleteQueue": TT("Confirm Queue Deletions"),
999    "Plush-confirmDeleteHistory": TT("Confirm History Deletions"),
1000    "Plush-explain-blockRefresh": TT(
1001        "This will prevent refreshing content when your mouse cursor is hovering over the queue."
1002    ),
1003    "Plush-blockRefresh": TT("Block Refreshes on Hover"),
1004    "Plush-fetch": TT("Fetch"),  #: Fetch from URL button in "Add NZB" dialog box
1005    "Plush-upload": TT("Upload"),  #: Upload button in "Add NZB" dialog box
1006    "Plush-uploadTip": TT("Upload: .nzb .rar .zip .gz, .bz2"),
1007    "Plush-addnzb-filename": TT("Optionally specify a filename"),
1008    "Plush-progress": TT("Progress"),
1009    "Plush-remaining": TT("Remaining"),
1010    "Plush-notEnoughSpace": TT("Not enough disk space to complete downloads!"),
1011    "Plush-freeSpace": TT("Free Space"),
1012    "Plush-freeSpaceTemp": TT("Free (Temp)"),
1013    "Plush-idle": TT("IDLE"),
1014    "Plush-downloads": TT("Downloads"),
1015    "Plush-tab-repair": TT("Queue repair"),
1016    # Wizard
1017    "wizard-quickstart": TT("SABnzbd Quick-Start Wizard"),
1018    "wizard-version": TT("SABnzbd Version"),
1019    "wizard-previous": TT("Previous"),  #: Button to go to previous Wizard page
1020    "wizard-next": TT("Next"),  #: Button to go to next Wizard page
1021    "wizard-server": TT("Server Details"),
1022    "wizard-explain-server": TT("Please enter in the details of your primary usenet provider."),
1023    "wizard-server-con-explain": TT("The number of connections allowed by your provider"),
1024    "wizard-server-con-eg": TT("E.g. 8 or 20"),  #: Wizard: examples of amount of connections
1025    "wizard-server-ssl-explain": TT("Select only if your provider allows SSL connections."),
1026    "wizard-server-text": TT("Click to test the entered details."),
1027    "wizard-example": TT("E.g."),  #: Abbreviation for "for example"
1028    "wizard-button-testServer": TT("Test Server"),  #: Wizard step
1029    "wizard-complete": TT("Setup is now complete!"),  #: Wizard step
1030    "wizard-tip1": TT("SABnzbd will now be running in the background."),  #: Wizard tip
1031    "wizard-tip2": TT("Closing any browser windows/tabs will NOT close SABnzbd."),  #: Wizard tip
1032    "wizard-tip4": TT(
1033        "It is recommended you right click and bookmark this location and use this bookmark to access SABnzbd when it is running in the background."
1034    ),  #: Wizard tip
1035    "wizard-tip-wiki": TT(
1036        "Further help can be found on our"
1037    ),  #: Will be appended with a wiki-link, adjust word order accordingly
1038    "wizard-goto": TT("Go to SABnzbd"),  #: Wizard step
1039    "wizard-exit": TT("Exit SABnzbd"),  #: Wizard EXIT button on first page
1040    "wizard-start": TT("Start Wizard"),  #: Wizard START button on first page
1041    # Special
1042    "yourRights": TT(
1043        """
1044SABnzbd comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
1045This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
1046It is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
1048    ),
1049    "wizard-ad-1": TT(
1050        "In order to download from usenet you will require access to a provider. Your ISP may provide you with access, however a premium provider is recommended."
1051    ),
1052    "wizard-ad-2": TT("Don't have a usenet provider? We recommend trying %s."),