1 /*!
2  * \file        sccp_threadpool.h
3  * \brief       SCCP Threadpool Header
4  * \author      Diederik de Groot < ddegroot@users.sourceforge.net >
5  * \note        This program is free software and may be modified and distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License.
6  *              See the LICENSE file at the top of the source tree.
7  * \note        Based on the work of Johan Hanssen Seferidis
8  *              Library providing a threading pool where you can add work.
9  * \since       2009-01-16
10  */
11 #pragma once
12 //#include "config.h"
13 //#include "common.h"
16 /* Description:         Library providing a threading pool where you can add work on the fly. The number
17  *                      of threads in the pool is adjustable when creating the pool. In most cases
18  *                      this should equal the number of threads supported by your cpu.
19  *
20  *                      In this header file a detailed overview of the functions and the threadpool logical
21  *                      scheme is present in case tweaking of the pool is needed.
22  * */
24 /*
25  * Fast reminders:
26  *
27  * tp                   = threadpool
28  * sccp_threadpool      = threadpool
29  * sccp_threadpool_t    = threadpool type
30  * tp_p                 = threadpool pointer
31  * xN                   = x can be any string. N stands for amount
32  *
33  * */
35 /*                       _______________________________________________________
36  *                      /                                                       \
37  *                      |   JOB QUEUE        | job1 | job2 | job3 | job4 | ..   |
38  *                      |                                                       |
39  *                      |   threadpool      | thread1 | thread2 | ..            |
40  *                      \_______________________________________________________/
41  *
42  * Description:         Jobs are added to the job queue. Once a thread in the pool
43  *                      is idle, it is assigned with the first job from the queue(and
44  *                      erased from the queue). It's each thread's job to read from
45  *                      the queue serially(using lock) and executing each job
46  *                      until the queue is empty.
47  *
48  */
49 /* ================================= STRUCTURES ================================================ */
51 /* Individual job */
52 typedef struct sccp_threadpool_job sccp_threadpool_job_t;
54 struct sccp_threadpool_job {
55 	void *(*function) (void *arg);										/*!< function pointer         */
56 	void *arg;												/*!< function's argument      */
57 	SCCP_LIST_ENTRY (sccp_threadpool_job_t) list;
58 };
60 /* =========================== FUNCTIONS ================================================ */
62 /* ----------------------- Threadpool specific --------------------------- */
64 /*!
65  * \brief  Initialize threadpool
66  *
67  * Allocates memory for the threadpool, jobqueue, semaphore and fixes
68  * pointers in jobqueue.
69  *
70  * \param threadsN number of threads to be used
71  * \return threadpool struct on success,
72  *         NULL on error
73  */
74 SCCP_API sccp_threadpool_t * SCCP_CALL sccp_threadpool_init(int threadsN);
76 /*!
77  * \brief Add work to the job queue
78  *
79  * Takes an action and its argument and adds it to the threadpool's job queue.
80  * If you want to add to work a function with more than one arguments then
81  * a way to implement this is by passing a pointer to a structure.
82  *
83  * ATTENTION: You have to cast both the function and argument to not get warnings.
84  *
85  * \param tp_p threadpool to which the work will be added to
86  * \param function_p callback function to add as work
87  * \param arg_p argument to the above function
88  * \return int
89  */
90 SCCP_API int sccp_threadpool_add_work(sccp_threadpool_t * SCCP_CALL  tp_p, void *(*function_p) (void *), void *arg_p);
92 /*!
93  * \brief Destroy the threadpool
94  *
95  * This will 'kill' the threadpool and free up memory. If threads are active when this
96  * is called, they will finish what they are doing and then they will get destroyied.
97  *
98  * \param tp_p threadpool a pointer to the threadpool structure you want to destroy
99  */
100 SCCP_API boolean_t SCCP_CALL sccp_threadpool_destroy(sccp_threadpool_t * tp_p);
102 /*!
103  * \brief Return number of currently allocate threads in the threadpool
104  * \param tp_p threadpool a pointer to the threadpool structure for which we would like to know the number of workers
105  */
106 SCCP_API int __PURE__ SCCP_CALL sccp_threadpool_thread_count(sccp_threadpool_t * tp_p);
108 /* ------------------------- Queue specific ------------------------------ */
110 /*!
111  * \brief Initialize queue
112  * \param tp_p pointer to threadpool
113  * \return 0 on success,
114  *        -1 on memory allocation error
115  */
116 SCCP_API int SCCP_CALL sccp_threadpool_jobqueue_init(sccp_threadpool_t * tp_p);
118 /*!
119  * \brief Add job to queue
120  *
121  * A new job will be added to the queue. The new job MUST be allocated
122  * before passed to this function or else other functions like sccp_threadpool_jobqueue_empty()
123  * will be broken.
124  *
125  * \param tp_p pointer to threadpool
126  * \param newjob_p pointer to the new job(MUST BE ALLOCATED)
127  * \return nothing
128  */
129 SCCP_API void SCCP_CALL sccp_threadpool_jobqueue_add(sccp_threadpool_t * tp_p, sccp_threadpool_job_t * newjob_p);
131 /*!
132  * \brief Return Number of Jobs in the Queue
133  * \param tp_p pointer to threadpool
134  */
135 SCCP_API int SCCP_CALL sccp_threadpool_jobqueue_count(sccp_threadpool_t * tp_p);
136 __END_C_EXTERN__
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