4 #include <fontforge-config.h>
6 #include "splinefont.h"
8 typedef struct sfd_getfontmetadatadata {
9 	// these indicate if we saw some metadata or not.
10 	// perhaps the caller wants to do something special
11 	// if the metadata was present/missing.
12 	int hadtimes;
13 	int had_layer_cnt;
15 	// state that is mostly interesting to SFD_GetFontMetaData() only
16 	struct Base*            last_base;
17 	struct basescript*      last_base_script;
18 	OTLookup*               lastpotl;
19 	OTLookup*               lastsotl;
20 	KernClass*              lastkc;
21 	KernClass*              lastvkc;
22 	struct ff_glyphclasses* lastgroup;
23 	struct ff_rawoffsets*   lastgroupkern;
24 	struct ff_rawoffsets*   lastgroupvkern;
25 	FPST*                   lastfp;
26 	ASM*                    lastsm;
27 	struct ttf_table*       lastttf[2];
28 } SFD_GetFontMetaDataData;
30 extern void SFD_GetFontMetaDataData_Init(SFD_GetFontMetaDataData* d);
31 extern bool SFD_GetFontMetaData(FILE *sfd, char *tok, SplineFont *sf, SFD_GetFontMetaDataData* d);
32 extern void SFD_GetFontMetaDataVoid(FILE *sfd, char *tok, SplineFont *sf, void* d);
34 /**
35  * Create, open and unlink a new temporary file. This allows the
36  * caller to write to and read from the file without needing to worry
37  * about cleaning up the filesystem at all.
38  *
39  * On Linux, this will create a new file in /tmp with a secure name,
40  * open it, and delete the file from the filesystem. The application
41  * can still happily use the file as it has it open, but once it is
42  * closed or the application itself closes (or crashes) then the file
43  * will be expunged for you by the kernel.
44  *
45  * The caller can fclose() the returned file. Other applications will
46  * not be able to find the file by name anymore when this call
47  * returns.
48  *
49  * This function returns 0 if error encountered.
50  */
51 extern FILE* MakeTemporaryFile(void);
53 /*
54  * Convert the contents of a File* to a newly allocated string
55  * The caller needs to free the returned string.
56  */
57 extern char* FileToAllocatedString(FILE *f);
58 extern char *getquotedeol(FILE *sfd);
59 extern int getname(FILE *sfd, char *tokbuf);
60 extern void SFDGetKerns(FILE *sfd, SplineChar *sc, char* ttok);
61 extern void SFDGetPSTs(FILE *sfd, SplineChar *sc, char* ttok);
63 /**
64  * Move the sfd file pointer to the start of the next glyph. Return 0
65  * if there is no next glyph. Otherwise, a copy of the string on the
66  * line of the SFD file that starts the glyph is returned. The caller
67  * should return the return value of this function.
68  *
69  * If the glyph starts with:
70  * StartChar: a
71  * The the return value with be "a" (sans the quotes).
72  *
73  * This is handy if the caller is done with a glyph and just wants to
74  * skip to the start of the next one.
75  */
76 extern char* SFDMoveToNextStartChar(FILE* sfd);
78 /**
79  * Some references in the SFD file are to a numeric glyph ID. As a
80  * sneaky method to handle that, fontforge will load these glyph
81  * numbers into the pointers which should refer to the glyph. For
82  * example, in kerning, instead of pointing to the splinechar for the
83  * "v" glyph, the ID might be stored there, say the number 143. This
84  * fixup function will convert such 143 references to being pointers
85  * to the splinechar with a numeric ID of 143. It is generally a good
86  * idea to do this, as some fontforge code will of course assume a
87  * pointer to a splinechar is a pointer to a splinechar and not just
88  * the glyph index of that splinechar.
89  *
90  * MIQ updated this in Oct 2012 to be more forgiving when called twice
91  * or on a splinefont which has some of it's references already fixed.
92  * This was to allow partial updates of data structures from SFD
93  * fragments and the fixup to operate just on those references which
94  * need to be fixed.
95  */
96 extern void SFDFixupRefs(SplineFont *sf);
98 /**
99  * Dump a single undo for the given splinechar to the file at "sfd".
100  * The keyPrefix can be either Undo or Redo to generate the correct XML
101  * element, and idx is the index into the undoes list that 'u' was found at
102  * so that a stream of single undo/redo elements can be saved and reloaded
103  * in the correct order.
104  */
105 extern void SFDDumpUndo(FILE *sfd, SplineChar *sc, Undoes *u, const char* keyPrefix, int idx);
107 extern char **NamesReadSFD(char *filename);
108 extern char *utf7toutf8_copy(const char *_str);
109 extern char *utf8toutf7_copy(const char *_str);
110 extern const char *EncName(Encoding *encname);
111 extern int SFDDoesAnyBackupExist(char* filename);
112 extern int SFD_DumpSplineFontMetadata(FILE *sfd, SplineFont *sf);
113 extern int SFDWriteBak(char *filename, SplineFont *sf, EncMap *map, EncMap *normal);
114 extern int SFDWriteBakExtended(char* locfilename, SplineFont *sf, EncMap *map, EncMap *normal, int s2d, int localPrefMaxBackupsToKeep);
115 extern MacFeat *SFDParseMacFeatures(FILE *sfd, char *tok);
116 extern SplineChar *SFDReadOneChar(SplineFont *cur_sf, const char *name);
117 extern SplineFont *SFDirRead(char *filename);
118 extern SplineFont *_SFDRead(char *filename, FILE *sfd);
119 extern SplineFont *SFRecoverFile(char *autosavename, int inquire, int *state);
120 extern Undoes *SFDGetUndo(FILE *sfd, SplineChar *sc, const char* startTag, int current_layer);
121 extern void SFAutoSave(SplineFont *sf, EncMap *map);
122 extern void SFClearAutoSave(SplineFont *sf);
123 extern void SFDDumpCharStartingMarker(FILE *sfd, SplineChar *sc);
124 extern void SFD_DumpKerns(FILE *sfd, SplineChar *sc, int *newgids);
125 extern void SFD_DumpLookup(FILE *sfd, SplineFont *sf);
126 extern void SFDDumpMacFeat(FILE *sfd, MacFeat *mf);
127 extern void SFD_DumpPST(FILE *sfd, SplineChar *sc);
128 extern void SFTimesFromFile(SplineFont *sf, FILE *file);
129 extern SplineFont *SFDRead(char *filename);
130 extern int SFDWrite(char *filename,SplineFont *sf,EncMap *map,EncMap *normal, int todir);
132 typedef void (*visitSFDFragmentFunc)(FILE *sfd, char *tokbuf, SplineFont *sf, void* udata);
133 extern void visitSFDFragment(FILE *sfd, SplineFont *sf, visitSFDFragmentFunc ufunc, void* udata);
135 #endif /* FONTFORGE_SFD_H */