1 unit SHA512;
3 {512 bit Secure Hash Function}
6 interface
8 (*************************************************************************
10  DESCRIPTION     :  SHA512 - 512 bit Secure Hash Function
12  REQUIREMENTS    :  TP5-7, D1-D7/D9-D10/D12/D17-D18/D25S, FPC, VP
14  EXTERNAL DATA   :  ---
16  MEMORY USAGE    :  ---
18  DISPLAY MODE    :  ---
20  REFERENCES      :  - Latest specification of Secure Hash Standard:
21                       http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips180-4/fips-180-4.pdf
22                     - Test vectors and intermediate values:
23                       http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/ST/toolkit/documents/Examples/SHA_All.pdf
24                     * http://disastry.dhs.org/pgp/pgp263iamulti06.zip
27  Version  Date      Author      Modification
28  -------  --------  -------     ------------------------------------------
29  0.10     19.11.02  W.Ehrhardt  Reference implementation (TP7, D1-D6, FPC, VP)
30  0.11     19.11.02  we          TP5/5.5/6
31  0.12     19.11.02  we          BASM: Add64
32  0.13     19.11.02  we          S[x] := S[x-1] with .L and .H
33  0.14     19.11.02  we          Maj/Ch inline
34  0.15     19.11.02  we          BASM: RR2
35  0.16     20.11.02  we          BIT32: RR2 inline
36  0.17     20.11.02  we          BASM16: Sum0/1, Sig0/1
37  0.18     20.11.02  we          BASM16: Add64 inline()
38  0.19     20.11.02  we          BIT16: $F-
39  0.20     20.11.02  we          128 bit UpdateLen, K array of TW64
40  0.21     20.11.02  we          Ref: Add64 opt, removd RR2 in Sum0/1, Sig0/1
41  0.22     21.11.02  we          Ref: Add64/RB more opt, interface SHA512UpdateXL
42  0.23     24.11.02  we          Opt. UpdateLen, BASM16: RA inline()
43  3.00     01.12.03  we          Common version 3.0
44  3.01     22.12.03  we          TP5/5.5: shl/shr inline
45  3.02     22.12.03  we          Changed Add64 def, TP5/5.5: Add64 inline
46  3.03     24.12.03  we          Changed Ch() and Maj()
47  3.04     14.01.04  we          Int64 support (default for D4+)
48  3.05     15.01.04  we          Bit32: inline Sum/Sig0/1
49  3.06     22.01.04  we          Inc64
50  3.07     05.03.04  we          Update fips180-2 URL, no Add64 for Int64
51  3.08     04.01.05  we          Bugfix SHA512Final
52  3.09     04.01.05  we          Bugfix Int64 version of SHA512Compress
53  3.10     26.02.05  we          With {$ifdef StrictLong}
54  3.11     05.05.05  we          $R- for StrictLong, D9: errors if $R+ even if warnings off
55  3.12     17.12.05  we          Force $I- in SHA512File
56  3.13     15.01.06  we          uses Hash unit and THashDesc
57  3.14     15.01.06  we          BugFix for UseInt64
58  3.15     18.01.06  we          Descriptor fields HAlgNum, HSig
59  3.16     22.01.06  we          Removed HSelfTest from descriptor
60  3.17     11.02.06  we          Descriptor as typed const
61  3.18     07.08.06  we          $ifdef BIT32: (const fname: shortstring...)
62  3.19     22.02.07  we          values for OID vector
63  3.20     30.06.07  we          Use conditional define FPC_ProcVar
64  3.21     29.09.07  we          Bugfix for message bit lengths >= 2^32
65  3.22     04.10.07  we          FPC: {$asmmode intel}
66  3.23     03.05.08  we          Bit-API: SHA512FinalBits/Ex
67  3.24     05.05.08  we          THashDesc constant with HFinalBit field
68  3.25     12.11.08  we          Uses BTypes, Ptr2Inc and/or Str255/Str127
69  3.26     11.03.12  we          Updated references
70  3.27     26.12.12  we          D17 and PurePascal
71  3.28     16.08.15  we          Removed $ifdef DLL / stdcall
72  3.29     15.05.17  we          adjust OID to new MaxOIDLen
73  3.30     29.11.17  we          SHA512File - fname: string
75 **************************************************************************)
78 (*-------------------------------------------------------------------------
79  (C) Copyright 2002-2017 Wolfgang Ehrhardt
81  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
82  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from
83  the use of this software.
85  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
86  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
87  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
89  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
90     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in
91     a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
92     appreciated but is not required.
94  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
95     misrepresented as being the original software.
97  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
98 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*)
101 { [*] Janis Jagars, known to the PGP community as "Disastry",
102       perished on October 31, 2002 while on vacation in Nepal. }
104 { NOTE: FIPS Ch and May functions can be optimized. Wei Dai (Crypto++ V 3.1)
105   credits Rich Schroeppel (rcs@cs.arizona.edu), V 5.1 does not!?}
108 {$i STD.INC}
110 {$ifdef BIT64}
111   {$ifndef PurePascal}
112     {$define PurePascal}
113   {$endif}
114 {$endif}
116 {$ifdef PurePascal}
117   {$define UseInt64}
118 {$else}
119   {$ifdef D4Plus}
120     {$define UseInt64}
121   {$endif}
122   {$ifdef FPC}
123     {$define UseInt64}
124   {$endif}
125 {$endif}
128 uses
129   BTypes,Hash;
132 procedure SHA512Init(var Context: THashContext);
133   {-initialize context}
135 procedure SHA512Update(var Context: THashContext; Msg: pointer; Len: word);
136   {-update context with Msg data}
138 procedure SHA512UpdateXL(var Context: THashContext; Msg: pointer; Len: longint);
139   {-update context with Msg data}
141 procedure SHA512Final(var Context: THashContext; var Digest: TSHA512Digest);
142   {-finalize SHA512 calculation, clear context}
144 procedure SHA512FinalEx(var Context: THashContext; var Digest: THashDigest);
145   {-finalize SHA512 calculation, clear context}
147 procedure SHA512FinalBitsEx(var Context: THashContext; var Digest: THashDigest; BData: byte; bitlen: integer);
148   {-finalize SHA512 calculation with bitlen bits from BData (big-endian), clear context}
150 procedure SHA512FinalBits(var Context: THashContext; var Digest: TSHA512Digest; BData: byte; bitlen: integer);
151   {-finalize SHA512 calculation with bitlen bits from BData (big-endian), clear context}
SHA512SelfTestnull153 function  SHA512SelfTest: boolean;
154   {-self test for string from SHA512 document}
156 procedure SHA512Full(var Digest: TSHA512Digest; Msg: pointer; Len: word);
157   {-SHA512 of Msg with init/update/final}
159 procedure SHA512FullXL(var Digest: TSHA512Digest; Msg: pointer; Len: longint);
160   {-SHA512 of Msg with init/update/final}
162 procedure SHA512File({$ifdef CONST} const {$endif} fname: string;
163                      var Digest: TSHA512Digest; var buf; bsize: word; var Err: word);
164   {-SHA512 of file, buf: buffer with at least bsize bytes}
168 implementation
172 {$ifdef BIT16}
173   {$F-}
174 {$endif}
176 const
177   SHA512_BlockLen = 128;
179 {Internal types for type casting}
180 type
181   TW64    = packed record
182               L,H: longint;
183             end;
186 {2.16.840.}
187 {joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16) us(840) organization(1) gov(101) csor(3) nistAlgorithm(4) hashAlgs(2) sha512(3)}
188 const
189   SHA512_OID : TOID_Vec = (2,16,840,1,101,3,4,2,3,-1,-1); {Len=9}
191 {$ifndef VER5X}
192 const
193   SHA512_Desc: THashDesc = (
194                HSig      : C_HashSig;
195                HDSize    : sizeof(THashDesc);
196                HDVersion : C_HashVers;
197                HBlockLen : SHA512_BlockLen;
198                HDigestlen: sizeof(TSHA512Digest);
199              {$ifdef FPC_ProcVar}
200                HInit     : @SHA512Init;
201                HFinal    : @SHA512FinalEx;
202                HUpdateXL : @SHA512UpdateXL;
203              {$else}
204                HInit     : SHA512Init;
205                HFinal    : SHA512FinalEx;
206                HUpdateXL : SHA512UpdateXL;
207              {$endif}
208                HAlgNum   : longint(_SHA512);
209                HName     : 'SHA512';
210                HPtrOID   : @SHA512_OID;
211                HLenOID   : 9;
212                HFill     : 0;
213              {$ifdef FPC_ProcVar}
214                HFinalBit : @SHA512FinalBitsEx;
215              {$else}
216                HFinalBit : SHA512FinalBitsEx;
217              {$endif}
218                HReserved : (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
219             );
220 {$else}
221 var
222   SHA512_Desc: THashDesc;
223 {$endif}
226 {$ifndef BIT16}
228 {$ifdef PurePascal}
229   {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
RBnull230   function RB(A: longint): longint;  {$ifdef HAS_INLINE} inline; {$endif}
231     {-reverse byte order in longint}
232   begin
233     RB := ((A and $FF) shl 24) or ((A and $FF00) shl 8) or ((A and $FF0000) shr 8) or ((A and longint($FF000000)) shr 24);
234   end;
235 {$else}
236   {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
RBnull237   function RB(A: longint): longint; assembler;
238     {-reverse byte order in longint}
239   asm
240     {$ifdef LoadArgs}
241       mov eax,[A]
242     {$endif}
243       xchg al,ah
244       rol  eax,16
245       xchg al,ah
246   end;
247   {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
248   procedure Inc64(var Z: TW64; const X: TW64); assembler;
249     {-Inc a 64 bit integer}
250   asm
251     {$ifdef LoadArgs}
252       mov eax,[Z]
253       mov edx,[X]
254     {$endif}
255     mov  ecx,    [edx]
256     add  [eax],  ecx
257     mov  ecx,    [edx+4]
258     adc  [eax+4],ecx
259   end;
260 {$endif}
263 {$ifndef UseInt64}
264 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
265 procedure Add64(var Z: TW64; const X,Y: TW64);
266   {-Add two 64 bit integers}
267 begin
268  asm
269     mov  ecx, [X]
270     mov  eax, [ecx]
271     mov  edx, [ecx+4]
272     mov  ecx, [Y]
273     add  eax, [ecx]
274     adc  edx, [ecx+4]
275     mov  ecx, [Z]
276     mov  [ecx], eax
277     mov  [ecx+4], edx
278   end;
279 end;
280 {$endif}
283 {$else}
285 {*** 16 bit ***}
287 (**** TP5-7/Delphi1 for 386+ *****)
289 {$ifndef BASM16}
291 (*** TP 5/5.5 ***)
293 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
RBnull294 function RB(A: longint): longint;
295   {-reverse byte order in longint}
296 inline(
297   $58/              {pop    ax   }
298   $5A/              {pop    dx   }
299   $86/$C6/          {xchg   dh,al}
300   $86/$E2);         {xchg   dl,ah}
303 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
ISHRnull304 function ISHR(x: longint; c: integer): longint;
305   {-Shift x right}
306 inline(
307   $59/          {  pop  cx   }
308   $58/          {  pop  ax   }
309   $5A/          {  pop  dx   }
310   $D1/$EA/      {L:shr  dx,1 }
311   $D1/$D8/      {  rcr  ax,1 }
312   $49/          {  dec  cx   }
313   $75/$F9);     {  jne  L    }
316 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
ISHR0null317 function ISHR0(x: longint; c: integer): longint;
318   {-Shift x right, c+16}
319 inline(
320   $59/          {  pop  cx   }
321   $58/          {  pop  ax   }
322   $58/          {  pop  ax   }
323   $33/$D2/      {  xor  dx,dx}
324   $D1/$EA/      {L:shr  dx,1 }
325   $D1/$D8/      {  rcr  ax,1 }
326   $49/          {  dec  cx   }
327   $75/$F9);     {  jne  L    }
330 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
ISHLnull331 function ISHL(x: longint; c: integer): longint;
332   {-Shift x left}
333 inline(
334   $59/          {  pop  cx   }
335   $58/          {  pop  ax   }
336   $5A/          {  pop  dx   }
337   $D1/$E0/      {L:shl  ax,1 }
338   $D1/$D2/      {  rcl  dx,1 }
339   $49/          {  dec  cx   }
340   $75/$F9);     {  jne  L    }
343 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
ISHL0null344 function ISHL0(x: longint; c: integer): longint;
345   {-Shift x left, c+16}
346 inline(
347   $59/          {  pop  cx   }
348   $5A/          {  pop  dx   }
349   $58/          {  pop  ax   }
350   $33/$C0/      {  xor  ax,ax}
351   $D1/$E0/      {L:shl  ax,1 }
352   $D1/$D2/      {  rcl  dx,1 }
353   $49/          {  dec  cx   }
354   $75/$F9);     {  jne  L    }
357 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
358 procedure Add64(var Z: TW64; var X,Y: TW64);
359   {-Add two 64 bit integers: Z:=X+Y}
360 inline(
361   $8C/$DF/      {mov   di,ds     }
362   $5E/          {pop   si        }
363   $1F/          {pop   ds        }
364   $8B/$04/      {mov   ax,[si]   }
365   $8B/$5C/$02/  {mov   bx,[si+02]}
366   $8B/$4C/$04/  {mov   cx,[si+04]}
367   $8B/$54/$06/  {mov   dx,[si+06]}
368   $5E/          {pop   si        }
369   $1F/          {pop   ds        }
370   $03/$04/      {add   ax,[si]   }
371   $13/$5C/$02/  {adc   bx,[si+02]}
372   $13/$4C/$04/  {adc   cx,[si+04]}
373   $13/$54/$06/  {adc   dx,[si+06]}
374   $5E/          {pop   si        }
375   $1F/          {pop   ds        }
376   $89/$04/      {mov   [si],ax   }
377   $89/$5C/$02/  {mov   [si+02],bx}
378   $89/$4C/$04/  {mov   [si+04],cx}
379   $89/$54/$06/  {mov   [si+06],dx}
380   $8E/$DF);     {mov   ds,di     }
383 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
384 procedure Inc64(var Z: TW64; var X: TW64);
385   {-Inc a 64 bit integer}
386 inline(
387   $8C/$DF/      {mov   di,ds     }
388   $5E/          {pop   si        }
389   $1F/          {pop   ds        }
390   $8B/$04/      {mov   ax,[si]   }
391   $8B/$5C/$02/  {mov   bx,[si+02]}
392   $8B/$4C/$04/  {mov   cx,[si+04]}
393   $8B/$54/$06/  {mov   dx,[si+06]}
394   $5E/          {pop   si        }
395   $1F/          {pop   ds        }
396   $01/$04/      {add   [si],ax   }
397   $11/$5C/$02/  {adc   [si+02],bx}
398   $11/$4C/$04/  {adc   [si+04],cx}
399   $11/$54/$06/  {adc   [si+06],dx}
400   $8E/$DF);     {mov   ds,di     }
403 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
404 procedure Sum0(var X: TW64; var R: TW64);
405   {-Big-Sigma-0 function, 'preproccessed' for shift counts > 16}
406 begin
407   R.L := (ISHR0(X.L,12) or ISHL(X.H,4)) xor (ISHR(X.H,2) or ISHL0(X.L,14)) xor (ISHR(X.H,7) or ISHL0(X.L,9));
408   R.H := (ISHR0(X.H,12) or ISHL(X.L,4)) xor (ISHR(X.L,2) or ISHL0(X.H,14)) xor (ISHR(X.L,7) or ISHL0(X.H,9));
409 end;
412 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
413 procedure Sum1(var X: TW64; var R: TW64);
414   {-Big-Sigma-1 function, 'preproccessed' for shift counts > 16}
415 begin
416   R.L := (ISHR(X.L,14) or ISHL0(X.H,2)) xor (ISHR0(X.L,2) or ISHL(X.H,14)) xor (ISHR(X.H,9) or ISHL0(X.L,7));
417   R.H := (ISHR(X.H,14) or ISHL0(X.L,2)) xor (ISHR0(X.H,2) or ISHL(X.L,14)) xor (ISHR(X.L,9) or ISHL0(X.H,7));
418 end;
421 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
422 procedure Sig0(var X: TW64; var R: TW64);
423   {-Small-Sigma-0 function, 'preproccessed' for shift counts > 16}
424 begin
425   R.L := (ISHR(X.L,1) or ISHL0(X.H,15)) xor (ISHR(X.L,8) or ISHL0(X.H,8)) xor (ISHR(X.L,7) or ISHL0(X.H,9));
426   R.H := (ISHR(X.H,1) or ISHL0(X.L,15)) xor (ISHR(X.H,8) or ISHL0(X.L,8)) xor ISHR(X.H,7);
427 end;
430 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
431 procedure Sig1(var X: TW64; var R: TW64);
432   {-Small-Sigma-1 function, 'preproccessed' for shift counts > 31}
433 begin
434   R.L := (ISHR0(X.L,3) or ISHL(X.H,13)) xor (ISHR0(X.H,13) or ISHL(X.L,3)) xor (ISHR(X.L,6) or ISHL0(X.H,10));
435   R.H := (ISHR0(X.H,3) or ISHL(X.L,13)) xor (ISHR0(X.L,13) or ISHL(X.H,3)) xor ISHR(X.H,6);
436 end;
439 {$else}
442 (**** TP 6/7/Delphi1 for 386+ *****)
445 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
RBnull446 function RB(A: longint): longint;
447   {-reverse byte order in longint}
448 inline(
449   $58/              {pop    ax   }
450   $5A/              {pop    dx   }
451   $86/$C6/          {xchg   dh,al}
452   $86/$E2);         {xchg   dl,ah}
455 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
456 procedure Add64(var Z: TW64; {$ifdef CONST} const {$else} var {$endif} X,Y: TW64);
457   {-Add two 64 bit integers}
458 inline(
459   $8C/$D9/             {mov  cx,ds      }
460   $5B/                 {pop  bx         }
461   $1F/                 {pop  ds         }
462   $66/$8B/$07/         {mov  eax,[bx]   }
463   $66/$8B/$57/$04/     {mov  edx,[bx+04]}
464   $5B/                 {pop  bx         }
465   $1F/                 {pop  ds         }
466   $66/$03/$07/         {add  eax,[bx]   }
467   $66/$13/$57/$04/     {adc  edx,[bx+04]}
468   $5B/                 {pop  bx         }
469   $1F/                 {pop  ds         }
470   $66/$89/$07/         {mov  [bx],eax   }
471   $66/$89/$57/$04/     {mov  [bx+04],edx}
472   $8E/$D9);            {mov  ds,cx      }
475 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
476 procedure Inc64(var Z: TW64; {$ifdef CONST} const {$else} var {$endif} X: TW64);
477   {-Inc a 64 bit integer}
478 inline(
480 (*
481   {slower on Pentium 4}
482   $8C/$D9/             {mov  cx,ds      }
483   $5B/                 {pop  bx         }
484   $1F/                 {pop  ds         }
485   $66/$8B/$07/         {mov  eax,[bx]   }
486   $66/$8B/$57/$04/     {mov  edx,[bx+04]}
487   $5B/                 {pop  bx         }
488   $1F/                 {pop  ds         }
489   $66/$01/$07/         {add  [bx],eax   }
490   $66/$11/$57/$04/     {adc  [bx+04],edx}
491   $8E/$D9);            {mov  ds,cx      }
492 *)
493   $8C/$D9/             {mov  cx,ds      }
494   $5B/                 {pop  bx         }
495   $1F/                 {pop  ds         }
496   $66/$8B/$07/         {mov  eax,[bx]   }
497   $66/$8B/$57/$04/     {mov  edx,[bx+04]}
498   $5B/                 {pop  bx         }
499   $1F/                 {pop  ds         }
500   $66/$03/$07/         {add  eax,[bx]   }
501   $66/$13/$57/$04/     {adc  edx,[bx+04]}
502   $66/$89/$07/         {mov  [bx],eax   }
503   $66/$89/$57/$04/     {mov  [bx+04],edx}
504   $8E/$D9);            {mov  ds,cx      }
507 {--------------------------------------------------------------------------}
508 procedure Sum0({$ifdef CONST} const {$else} var {$endif} X: TW64; var R: TW64); assembler;
509   {-Big-Sigma-0 function, 'preproccessed' for shift counts > 31}
510 asm
511 { R.L := ((X.L shr 28) or (X.H shl 4)) xor ((X.H shr 2) or (X.L shl 30)) xor ((X.H shr 7) or (X.L shl 25));
512   R.H := ((X.H shr 28) or (X.L shl 4)) xor ((X.L shr 2) or (X.H shl 30)) xor ((X.L shr 7) or (X.H shl 25));}
513           les  bx,[X]
514    db $66; mov  si,es:[bx]    {X.L}
515    db $66; mov  di,es:[bx+4]  {X.H}
517    db $66; mov  ax,si         {(X.L shr 28) or (X.H shl 4)}
518    db $66; mov  dx,di
519    db $66; shr  ax,28
520    db $66; shl  dx,4
521    db $66; or   ax,dx
522    db $66; mov  cx,ax
524    db $66; mov  ax,di         {(X.H shr 2) or (X.L shl 30)}
525    db $66; mov  dx,si
526    db $66; shr  ax,2
527    db $66; shl  dx,30
528    db $66; or   ax,dx
529    db $66; xor  cx,ax
531    db $66; mov  ax,di         {(X.H shr 7) or (X.L shl 25)}
532    db $66; mov  dx,si
533    db $66; shr  ax,7
534    db $66; shl  dx,25
535    db $66; or   ax,dx
536    db $66; xor  ax,cx
538            les  bx,[R]
539    db $66; mov  es:[bx],ax
541    db $66; mov  ax,di         {(X.H shr 28) or (X.L shl 4)}
542    db $66; mov  dx,si
543    db $66; shr  ax,28
544    db $66; shl  dx,4
545    db $66; or   ax,dx
546    db $66; mov  cx,ax
548    db $66; mov  ax,si         {(X.L shr 2) or (X.H shl 30)}
549    db $66; mov  dx,di
550    db $66; shr  ax,2
551    db $66; shl  dx,30
552    db $66; or   ax,dx
553    db $66; xor  cx,ax
555    db $66; mov  ax,si         {(X.L shr 7) or (X.H shl 25)}
556    db $66; mov  dx,di
557    db $66; shr  ax,7
558    db $66; shl  dx,25
559    db $66; or   ax,dx
560    db $66; xor  ax,cx
562    db $66; mov  es:[bx+4],ax
563 end;
566 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
567 procedure Sum1({$ifdef CONST} const {$else} var {$endif} X: TW64; var R: TW64); assembler;
568   {-Big-Sigma-1 function, 'preproccessed' for shift counts > 31}
569 asm
570 { R.L := ((X.L shr 14) or (X.H shl 18)) xor ((X.L shr 18) or (X.H shl 14)) xor ((X.H shr 9) or (X.L shl 23));
571   R.H := ((X.H shr 14) or (X.L shl 18)) xor ((X.H shr 18) or (X.L shl 14)) xor ((X.L shr 9) or (X.H shl 23));}
572            les  bx,[X]
573    db $66; mov  si,es:[bx]    {X.L}
574    db $66; mov  di,es:[bx+4]  {X.H}
576    db $66; mov  ax,si         {(X.L shr 14) or (X.H shl 18)}
577    db $66; mov  dx,di
578    db $66; shr  ax,14
579    db $66; shl  dx,18
580    db $66; or   ax,dx
581    db $66; mov  cx,ax
583    db $66; mov  ax,si         {(X.L shr 18) or (X.H shl 14)}
584    db $66; mov  dx,di
585    db $66; shr  ax,18
586    db $66; shl  dx,14
587    db $66; or   ax,dx
588    db $66; xor  cx,ax
590    db $66; mov  ax,di         {(X.H shr 9) or (X.L shl 23)}
591    db $66; mov  dx,si
592    db $66; shr  ax,9
593    db $66; shl  dx,23
594    db $66; or   ax,dx
595    db $66; xor  ax,cx
597            les  bx,[R]
598    db $66; mov  es:[bx],ax
600    db $66; mov  ax,di         {(X.H shr 14) or (X.L shl 18)}
601    db $66; mov  dx,si
602    db $66; shr  ax,14
603    db $66; shl  dx,18
604    db $66; or   ax,dx
605    db $66; mov  cx,ax
607    db $66; mov  ax,di         {(X.H shr 18) or (X.L shl 14)}
608    db $66; mov  dx,si
609    db $66; shr  ax,18
610    db $66; shl  dx,14
611    db $66; or   ax,dx
612    db $66; xor  cx,ax
614    db $66; mov  ax,si         {(X.L shr 9) or (X.H shl 23)}
615    db $66; mov  dx,di
616    db $66; shr  ax,9
617    db $66; shl  dx,23
618    db $66; or   ax,dx
619    db $66; xor  ax,cx
621    db $66; mov  es:[bx+4],ax
622 end;
625 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
626 procedure Sig0({$ifdef CONST} const {$else} var {$endif} X: TW64; var R: TW64); assembler;
627   {-Small-Sigma-0 function, 'preproccessed' for shift counts > 31}
628 asm
629 { R.L := ((X.L shr 1) or (X.H shl 31)) xor ((X.L shr 8) or (X.H shl 24)) xor ((X.L shr 7) or (X.H shl 25));
630   R.H := ((X.H shr 1) or (X.L shl 31)) xor ((X.H shr 8) or (X.L shl 24)) xor (X.H shr 7);}
631            les  bx,[X]
632    db $66; mov  si,es:[bx]    {X.L}
633    db $66; mov  di,es:[bx+4]  {X.H}
635    db $66; mov  ax,si         {(X.L shr 1) or (X.H shl 31)}
636    db $66; mov  dx,di
637    db $66; shr  ax,1
638    db $66; shl  dx,31
639    db $66; or   ax,dx
640    db $66; mov  cx,ax
642    db $66; mov  ax,si         {(X.L shr 8) or (X.H shl 24)}
643    db $66; mov  dx,di
644    db $66; shr  ax,8
645    db $66; shl  dx,24
646    db $66; or   ax,dx
647    db $66; xor  cx,ax
649    db $66; mov  ax,si         {(X.L shr 7) or (X.H shl 25)}
650    db $66; mov  dx,di
651    db $66; shr  ax,7
652    db $66; shl  dx,25
653    db $66; or   ax,dx
654    db $66; xor  ax,cx
656            les  bx,[R]
657    db $66; mov  es:[bx],ax
659    db $66; mov  ax,di         {(X.H shr 1) or (X.L shl 31)}
660    db $66; mov  dx,si
661    db $66; shr  ax,1
662    db $66; shl  dx,31
663    db $66; or   ax,dx
664    db $66; mov  cx,ax
666    db $66; mov  ax,di         {(X.H shr 8) or (X.L shl 24)}
667    db $66; mov  dx,si
668    db $66; shr  ax,8
669    db $66; shl  dx,24
670    db $66; or   ax,dx
671    db $66; xor  ax,cx
673    db $66; shr  di,7          {(X.H shr 7)}
674    db $66; xor  ax,di
676    db $66; mov  es:[bx+4],ax
677 end;
680 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
681 procedure Sig1({$ifdef CONST} const {$else} var {$endif} X: TW64; var R: TW64); assembler;
682   {-Small-Sigma-1 function, 'preproccessed' for shift counts > 31}
683 asm
684 { R.L := ((X.L shr 19) or (X.H shl 13)) xor ((X.H shr 29) or (X.L shl 3)) xor ((X.L shr 6) or (X.H shl 26));
685   R.H := ((X.H shr 19) or (X.L shl 13)) xor ((X.L shr 29) or (X.H shl 3)) xor (X.H shr 6);}
686            les  bx,[X]
687    db $66; mov  si,es:[bx]    {X.L}
688    db $66; mov  di,es:[bx+4]  {X.H}
690    db $66; mov  ax,si         {(X.L shr 19) or (X.H shl 13)}
691    db $66; mov  dx,di
692    db $66; shr  ax,19
693    db $66; shl  dx,13
694    db $66; or   ax,dx
695    db $66; mov  cx,ax
697    db $66; mov  ax,di         {(X.H shr 29) or (X.L shl 3)}
698    db $66; mov  dx,si
699    db $66; shr  ax,29
700    db $66; shl  dx,3
701    db $66; or   ax,dx
702    db $66; xor  cx,ax
704    db $66; mov  ax,si         {(X.L shr 6) or (X.H shl 26)}
705    db $66; mov  dx,di
706    db $66; shr  ax,6
707    db $66; shl  dx,26
708    db $66; or   ax,dx
709    db $66; xor  ax,cx
711            les  bx,[R]
712    db $66; mov  es:[bx],ax
714    db $66; mov  ax,di         {(X.H shr 19) or (X.L shl 13)}
715    db $66; mov  dx,si
716    db $66; shr  ax,19
717    db $66; shl  dx,13
718    db $66; or   ax,dx
719    db $66; mov  cx,ax
721    db $66; mov  ax,si         {(X.L shr 29) or (X.H shl 3)}
722    db $66; mov  dx,di
723    db $66; shr  ax,29
724    db $66; shl  dx,3
725    db $66; or   ax,dx
726    db $66; xor  ax,cx
728    db $66; shr  di,6          {(X.H shr 6)}
729    db $66; xor  ax,di
731    db $66; mov  es:[bx+4],ax
732 end;
735 {$endif BASM16}
737 {$endif BIT16}
740 {$ifdef UseInt64}
742 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
743 procedure SHA512Compress(var Data: THashContext);
744   {-Actual hashing function}
745 type
746   THash64 = array[0..7] of int64;
747   TBuf64  = array[0..79] of int64;
748   THLA64  = array[0..79] of TW64;
749 {$ifdef StrictLong}
750   {$warnings off}
751   {$R-} {avoid D9 errors!}
752 {$endif}
754 {Use the round constant construct from non-int64 because}
755 {Delphi 2 does not compile even though code is not used }
756 {and FPC does not know int64 constants                  }
758 const
759   KT: array[0..79] of TW64 = (
760       (L:$d728ae22; H:$428a2f98), (L:$23ef65cd; H:$71374491),
761       (L:$ec4d3b2f; H:$b5c0fbcf), (L:$8189dbbc; H:$e9b5dba5),
762       (L:$f348b538; H:$3956c25b), (L:$b605d019; H:$59f111f1),
763       (L:$af194f9b; H:$923f82a4), (L:$da6d8118; H:$ab1c5ed5),
764       (L:$a3030242; H:$d807aa98), (L:$45706fbe; H:$12835b01),
765       (L:$4ee4b28c; H:$243185be), (L:$d5ffb4e2; H:$550c7dc3),
766       (L:$f27b896f; H:$72be5d74), (L:$3b1696b1; H:$80deb1fe),
767       (L:$25c71235; H:$9bdc06a7), (L:$cf692694; H:$c19bf174),
768       (L:$9ef14ad2; H:$e49b69c1), (L:$384f25e3; H:$efbe4786),
769       (L:$8b8cd5b5; H:$0fc19dc6), (L:$77ac9c65; H:$240ca1cc),
770       (L:$592b0275; H:$2de92c6f), (L:$6ea6e483; H:$4a7484aa),
771       (L:$bd41fbd4; H:$5cb0a9dc), (L:$831153b5; H:$76f988da),
772       (L:$ee66dfab; H:$983e5152), (L:$2db43210; H:$a831c66d),
773       (L:$98fb213f; H:$b00327c8), (L:$beef0ee4; H:$bf597fc7),
774       (L:$3da88fc2; H:$c6e00bf3), (L:$930aa725; H:$d5a79147),
775       (L:$e003826f; H:$06ca6351), (L:$0a0e6e70; H:$14292967),
776       (L:$46d22ffc; H:$27b70a85), (L:$5c26c926; H:$2e1b2138),
777       (L:$5ac42aed; H:$4d2c6dfc), (L:$9d95b3df; H:$53380d13),
778       (L:$8baf63de; H:$650a7354), (L:$3c77b2a8; H:$766a0abb),
779       (L:$47edaee6; H:$81c2c92e), (L:$1482353b; H:$92722c85),
780       (L:$4cf10364; H:$a2bfe8a1), (L:$bc423001; H:$a81a664b),
781       (L:$d0f89791; H:$c24b8b70), (L:$0654be30; H:$c76c51a3),
782       (L:$d6ef5218; H:$d192e819), (L:$5565a910; H:$d6990624),
783       (L:$5771202a; H:$f40e3585), (L:$32bbd1b8; H:$106aa070),
784       (L:$b8d2d0c8; H:$19a4c116), (L:$5141ab53; H:$1e376c08),
785       (L:$df8eeb99; H:$2748774c), (L:$e19b48a8; H:$34b0bcb5),
786       (L:$c5c95a63; H:$391c0cb3), (L:$e3418acb; H:$4ed8aa4a),
787       (L:$7763e373; H:$5b9cca4f), (L:$d6b2b8a3; H:$682e6ff3),
788       (L:$5defb2fc; H:$748f82ee), (L:$43172f60; H:$78a5636f),
789       (L:$a1f0ab72; H:$84c87814), (L:$1a6439ec; H:$8cc70208),
790       (L:$23631e28; H:$90befffa), (L:$de82bde9; H:$a4506ceb),
791       (L:$b2c67915; H:$bef9a3f7), (L:$e372532b; H:$c67178f2),
792       (L:$ea26619c; H:$ca273ece), (L:$21c0c207; H:$d186b8c7),
793       (L:$cde0eb1e; H:$eada7dd6), (L:$ee6ed178; H:$f57d4f7f),
794       (L:$72176fba; H:$06f067aa), (L:$a2c898a6; H:$0a637dc5),
795       (L:$bef90dae; H:$113f9804), (L:$131c471b; H:$1b710b35),
796       (L:$23047d84; H:$28db77f5), (L:$40c72493; H:$32caab7b),
797       (L:$15c9bebc; H:$3c9ebe0a), (L:$9c100d4c; H:$431d67c4),
798       (L:$cb3e42b6; H:$4cc5d4be), (L:$fc657e2a; H:$597f299c),
799       (L:$3ad6faec; H:$5fcb6fab), (L:$4a475817; H:$6c44198c)
800     );
801 {$ifdef StrictLong}
802   {$warnings on}
803   {$ifdef RangeChecks_on}
804     {$R+}
805   {$endif}
806 {$endif}
808 var
809   i,j: integer;
810   t0,t1: int64;
811   A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H: int64;
812   W: TBuf64;
813   K: TBuf64 absolute KT;
814 begin
815   {Assign old working hash to variables a..h}
816   A := THash64(Data.Hash)[0];
817   B := THash64(Data.Hash)[1];
818   C := THash64(Data.Hash)[2];
819   D := THash64(Data.Hash)[3];
820   E := THash64(Data.Hash)[4];
821   F := THash64(Data.Hash)[5];
822   G := THash64(Data.Hash)[6];
823   H := THash64(Data.Hash)[7];
825   {Message schedule}
826   {Part 1: Transfer buffer with little -> big endian conversion}
827   j := 0;
828   for i:=0 to 15 do begin
829     {Old shl 32 version was buggy, use helper record}
830     THLA64(W)[i].H := RB(THashBuf32(Data.Buffer)[j]);
831     THLA64(W)[i].L := RB(THashBuf32(Data.Buffer)[j+1]);
832     inc(j,2);
833   end;
835   {Part 2: Calculate remaining "expanded message blocks"}
836   for i:=16 to 79 do begin
837     W[i] :=  (((W[i-2] shr 19) or (W[i-2] shl 45)) xor ((W[i-2] shr 61) or (W[i-2] shl 3)) xor (W[i-2] shr 6))
838            + W[i-7]
839            + (((W[i-15] shr 1) or (W[i-15] shl 63)) xor ((W[i-15] shr 8) or (W[i-15] shl 56)) xor (W[i-15] shr 7))
840            + W[i-16];
841   end;
843   {SHA512 compression function, partial unroll}
844   {line length must be < 128 for 16bit compilers even if code is not used}
846   i := 0;
847   while i<79 do begin
848     t0:=H+((E shr 14 or E shl 50)xor(E shr 18 or E shl 46)xor(E shr 41 or E shl 23))+((E and (F xor G)) xor G)+K[i  ]+W[i  ];
849     t1:=((A shr 28 or A shl 36)xor(A shr 34 or A shl 30)xor(A shr 39 or A shl 25))+((A or B) and C or A and B);
850     D :=D+t0;
851     H :=t0+t1;
852     t0:=G+((D shr 14 or D shl 50)xor(D shr 18 or D shl 46)xor(D shr 41 or D shl 23))+((D and (E xor F)) xor F)+K[i+1]+W[i+1];
853     t1:=((H shr 28 or H shl 36)xor(H shr 34 or H shl 30)xor(H shr 39 or H shl 25))+((H or A) and B or H and A);
854     C :=C+t0;
855     G :=t0+t1;
856     t0:=F+((C shr 14 or C shl 50)xor(C shr 18 or C shl 46)xor(C shr 41 or C shl 23))+((C and (D xor E)) xor E)+K[i+2]+W[i+2];
857     t1:=((G shr 28 or G shl 36)xor(G shr 34 or G shl 30)xor(G shr 39 or G shl 25))+((G or H) and A or G and H);
858     B :=B+t0;
859     F :=t0+t1;
860     t0:=E+((B shr 14 or B shl 50)xor(B shr 18 or B shl 46)xor(B shr 41 or B shl 23))+((B and (C xor D)) xor D)+K[i+3]+W[i+3];
861     t1:=((F shr 28 or F shl 36)xor(F shr 34 or F shl 30)xor(F shr 39 or F shl 25))+((F or G) and H or F and G);
862     A :=A+t0;
863     E :=t0+t1;
864     t0:=D+((A shr 14 or A shl 50)xor(A shr 18 or A shl 46)xor(A shr 41 or A shl 23))+((A and (B xor C)) xor C)+K[i+4]+W[i+4];
865     t1:=((E shr 28 or E shl 36)xor(E shr 34 or E shl 30)xor(E shr 39 or E shl 25))+((E or F) and G or E and F);
866     H :=H+t0;
867     D :=t0+t1;
868     t0:=C+((H shr 14 or H shl 50)xor(H shr 18 or H shl 46)xor(H shr 41 or H shl 23))+((H and (A xor B)) xor B)+K[i+5]+W[i+5];
869     t1:=((D shr 28 or D shl 36)xor(D shr 34 or D shl 30)xor(D shr 39 or D shl 25))+((D or E) and F or D and E);
870     G :=G+t0;
871     C :=t0+t1;
872     t0:=B+((G shr 14 or G shl 50)xor(G shr 18 or G shl 46)xor(G shr 41 or G shl 23))+((G and (H xor A)) xor A)+K[i+6]+W[i+6];
873     t1:=((C shr 28 or C shl 36)xor(C shr 34 or C shl 30)xor(C shr 39 or C shl 25))+((C or D) and E or C and D);
874     F :=F+t0;
875     B :=t0+t1;
876     t0:=A+((F shr 14 or F shl 50)xor(F shr 18 or F shl 46)xor(F shr 41 or F shl 23))+((F and (G xor H)) xor H)+K[i+7]+W[i+7];
877     t1:=((B shr 28 or B shl 36)xor(B shr 34 or B shl 30)xor(B shr 39 or B shl 25))+((B or C) and D or B and C);
878     E :=E+t0;
879     A :=t0+t1;
880     inc(i,8);
881   end;
883   {Calculate new working hash}
884   inc(THash64(Data.Hash)[0], A);
885   inc(THash64(Data.Hash)[1], B);
886   inc(THash64(Data.Hash)[2], C);
887   inc(THash64(Data.Hash)[3], D);
888   inc(THash64(Data.Hash)[4], E);
889   inc(THash64(Data.Hash)[5], F);
890   inc(THash64(Data.Hash)[6], G);
891   inc(THash64(Data.Hash)[7], H);
892 end;
895 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
896 procedure UpdateLen(var Context: THashContext; Len: longint; IsByteLen: boolean);
897   {-Update 128 bit message bit length, Len = byte length if IsByteLen}
898 var
899   t0,t1: TW64;
900   i: integer;
901 begin
902   if IsByteLen then int64(t0) := 8*int64(Len)
903   else int64(t0) := int64(Len);
904   t1.L := Context.MLen[0];
905   t1.H := 0;
906   Inc(int64(t0),int64(t1));
907   Context.MLen[0] := t0.L;
908   for i:=1 to 3 do begin
909     if t0.H=0 then exit;
910     t1.L := Context.MLen[i];
911     t0.L := t0.H;
912     t0.H := 0;
913     Inc(int64(t0),int64(t1));
914     Context.MLen[i] := t0.L;
915   end;
916 end;
919 {$else}
921 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
922 procedure SHA512Compress(var Data: THashContext);
923   {-Actual hashing function}
924 type
925   THash64 = array[0..7] of TW64;
926   TBuf64  = array[0..79] of TW64;
927 var
928   i,j: integer;
929   t,t0,t1: TW64;
930   S: THash64;
931   W: TBuf64;
932 const
933 {$ifdef StrictLong}
934   {$warnings off}
935   {$R-} {avoid D9 errors!}
936 {$endif}
937   K: array[0..79] of TW64 = (
938       (L:$d728ae22; H:$428a2f98), (L:$23ef65cd; H:$71374491),
939       (L:$ec4d3b2f; H:$b5c0fbcf), (L:$8189dbbc; H:$e9b5dba5),
940       (L:$f348b538; H:$3956c25b), (L:$b605d019; H:$59f111f1),
941       (L:$af194f9b; H:$923f82a4), (L:$da6d8118; H:$ab1c5ed5),
942       (L:$a3030242; H:$d807aa98), (L:$45706fbe; H:$12835b01),
943       (L:$4ee4b28c; H:$243185be), (L:$d5ffb4e2; H:$550c7dc3),
944       (L:$f27b896f; H:$72be5d74), (L:$3b1696b1; H:$80deb1fe),
945       (L:$25c71235; H:$9bdc06a7), (L:$cf692694; H:$c19bf174),
946       (L:$9ef14ad2; H:$e49b69c1), (L:$384f25e3; H:$efbe4786),
947       (L:$8b8cd5b5; H:$0fc19dc6), (L:$77ac9c65; H:$240ca1cc),
948       (L:$592b0275; H:$2de92c6f), (L:$6ea6e483; H:$4a7484aa),
949       (L:$bd41fbd4; H:$5cb0a9dc), (L:$831153b5; H:$76f988da),
950       (L:$ee66dfab; H:$983e5152), (L:$2db43210; H:$a831c66d),
951       (L:$98fb213f; H:$b00327c8), (L:$beef0ee4; H:$bf597fc7),
952       (L:$3da88fc2; H:$c6e00bf3), (L:$930aa725; H:$d5a79147),
953       (L:$e003826f; H:$06ca6351), (L:$0a0e6e70; H:$14292967),
954       (L:$46d22ffc; H:$27b70a85), (L:$5c26c926; H:$2e1b2138),
955       (L:$5ac42aed; H:$4d2c6dfc), (L:$9d95b3df; H:$53380d13),
956       (L:$8baf63de; H:$650a7354), (L:$3c77b2a8; H:$766a0abb),
957       (L:$47edaee6; H:$81c2c92e), (L:$1482353b; H:$92722c85),
958       (L:$4cf10364; H:$a2bfe8a1), (L:$bc423001; H:$a81a664b),
959       (L:$d0f89791; H:$c24b8b70), (L:$0654be30; H:$c76c51a3),
960       (L:$d6ef5218; H:$d192e819), (L:$5565a910; H:$d6990624),
961       (L:$5771202a; H:$f40e3585), (L:$32bbd1b8; H:$106aa070),
962       (L:$b8d2d0c8; H:$19a4c116), (L:$5141ab53; H:$1e376c08),
963       (L:$df8eeb99; H:$2748774c), (L:$e19b48a8; H:$34b0bcb5),
964       (L:$c5c95a63; H:$391c0cb3), (L:$e3418acb; H:$4ed8aa4a),
965       (L:$7763e373; H:$5b9cca4f), (L:$d6b2b8a3; H:$682e6ff3),
966       (L:$5defb2fc; H:$748f82ee), (L:$43172f60; H:$78a5636f),
967       (L:$a1f0ab72; H:$84c87814), (L:$1a6439ec; H:$8cc70208),
968       (L:$23631e28; H:$90befffa), (L:$de82bde9; H:$a4506ceb),
969       (L:$b2c67915; H:$bef9a3f7), (L:$e372532b; H:$c67178f2),
970       (L:$ea26619c; H:$ca273ece), (L:$21c0c207; H:$d186b8c7),
971       (L:$cde0eb1e; H:$eada7dd6), (L:$ee6ed178; H:$f57d4f7f),
972       (L:$72176fba; H:$06f067aa), (L:$a2c898a6; H:$0a637dc5),
973       (L:$bef90dae; H:$113f9804), (L:$131c471b; H:$1b710b35),
974       (L:$23047d84; H:$28db77f5), (L:$40c72493; H:$32caab7b),
975       (L:$15c9bebc; H:$3c9ebe0a), (L:$9c100d4c; H:$431d67c4),
976       (L:$cb3e42b6; H:$4cc5d4be), (L:$fc657e2a; H:$597f299c),
977       (L:$3ad6faec; H:$5fcb6fab), (L:$4a475817; H:$6c44198c)
978     );
979 {$ifdef StrictLong}
980   {$warnings on}
981   {$ifdef RangeChecks_on}
982     {$R+}
983   {$endif}
984 {$endif}
985 begin
987   {Assign old working hash to variables a..h=S[0]..S[7]}
988   S := THash64(Data.Hash);
990   {Message schedule}
991   {Part 1: Transfer buffer with little -> big endian conversion}
992   j := 0;
993   for i:=0 to 15 do begin
994     W[i].H:= RB(THashBuf32(Data.Buffer)[j]);
995     W[i].L:= RB(THashBuf32(Data.Buffer)[j+1]);
996     inc(j,2);
997   end;
999   {Part 2: Calculate remaining "expanded message blocks"}
1000   for i:=16 to 79 do begin
1001     {W[i]:= Sig1(W[i-2]) + W[i-7] + Sig0(W[i-15]) + W[i-16];}
1002     {$ifndef BIT16}
1003       t.L := W[i-2].L;
1004       t.H := W[i-2].H;
1005       t0.L := ((t.L shr 19) or (t.H shl 13)) xor ((t.H shr 29) or (t.L shl 3)) xor ((t.L shr 6) or (t.H shl 26));
1006       t0.H := ((t.H shr 19) or (t.L shl 13)) xor ((t.L shr 29) or (t.H shl 3)) xor (t.H shr 6);
1007       Inc64(t0,W[i-7]);
1008       t.L := W[i-15].L;
1009       t.H := W[i-15].H;
1010       t1.L := ((t.L shr 1) or (t.H shl 31)) xor ((t.L shr 8) or (t.H shl 24)) xor ((t.L shr 7) or (t.H shl 25));
1011       t1.H := ((t.H shr 1) or (t.L shl 31)) xor ((t.H shr 8) or (t.L shl 24)) xor (t.H shr 7);
1012       Inc64(t0,t1);
1013       Add64(W[i], W[i-16], t0);
1014     {$else}
1015       Sig1(W[i-2], t0);
1016       Inc64(t0,W[i-7]);
1017       Sig0(W[i-15], t);
1018       Inc64(t0,t);
1019       Add64(W[i], W[i-16], t0);
1020     {$endif}
1021   end;
1023   {SHA512 compression function}
1024   for i:=0 to 79 do begin
1025     {t0:= S[7] + Sum1(S[4]) + Ch(S[4],S[5],S[6]) + K[i] + W[i];}
1026     {$ifndef BIT16}
1027       t0.L := (S[4].L shr 14 or S[4].H shl 18) xor (S[4].L shr 18 or S[4].H shl 14) xor (S[4].H shr 9 or S[4].L shl 23);
1028       t0.H := (S[4].H shr 14 or S[4].L shl 18) xor (S[4].H shr 18 or S[4].L shl 14) xor (S[4].L shr 9 or S[4].H shl 23);
1029     {$else}
1030       Sum1(S[4],t0);
1031     {$endif}
1032     Inc64(t0, S[7]);
1033     t.L := ((S[5].L xor S[6].L) and S[4].L) xor S[6].L;
1034     t.H := ((S[5].H xor S[6].H) and S[4].H) xor S[6].H;
1035     Inc64(t0, t);
1036     Inc64(t0, K[i]);
1037     Inc64(t0, W[i]);
1039     {t1:= Sum0(S[0]) + Maj(S[0],S[1],S[2]));}
1040     {$ifndef BIT16}
1041       t1.L := (S[0].L shr 28 or S[0].H shl 4) xor (S[0].H shr 2 or S[0].L shl 30) xor (S[0].H shr 7 or S[0].L shl 25);
1042       t1.H := (S[0].H shr 28 or S[0].L shl 4) xor (S[0].L shr 2 or S[0].H shl 30) xor (S[0].L shr 7 or S[0].H shl 25);
1043     {$else}
1044       Sum0(S[0],t1);
1045     {$endif}
1046     t.L := ((S[0].L or S[1].L) and S[2].L) or (S[0].L and S[1].L);
1047     t.h := ((S[0].H or S[1].H) and S[2].H) or (S[0].H and S[1].H);
1049     Inc64(t1, t);
1050     S[7].L := S[6].L;
1051     S[7].H := S[6].H;
1052     S[6].L := S[5].L;
1053     S[6].H := S[5].H;
1054     S[5].H := S[4].H;
1055     S[5].L := S[4].L;
1056     Add64(S[4],t0, S[3]);
1057     S[3].L := S[2].L;
1058     S[3].H := S[2].H;
1059     S[2].L := S[1].L;
1060     S[2].H := S[1].H;
1061     S[1].L := S[0].L;
1062     S[1].H := S[0].H;
1063     Add64(S[0],t0,t1);
1064   end;
1065   {Calculate new working hash}
1066   for i:=0 to 7 do Inc64(THash64(Data.Hash)[i], S[i]);
1067 end;
1070 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1071 procedure UpdateLen(var Context: THashContext; Len: longint; IsByteLen: boolean);
1072   {-Update 128 bit message bit length, Len = byte length if IsByteLen}
1073 var
1074   t0,t1: TW64;
1075   i: integer;
1076 begin
1077   if IsByteLen then begin
1078     {Calculate bit length increment = 8*Len}
1079     if Len<=$0FFFFFFF then begin
1080       {safe to multiply without overflow}
1081       t0.L := 8*Len;
1082       t0.H := 0;
1083     end
1084     else begin
1085       t0.L := Len;
1086       t0.H := 0;
1087       Inc64(t0,t0);
1088       Inc64(t0,t0);
1089       Inc64(t0,t0);
1090     end;
1091   end
1092   else begin
1093     t0.L := Len;
1094     t0.H := 0;
1095   end;
1096   {Update 128 bit length}
1097   t1.L := Context.MLen[0];
1098   t1.H := 0;
1099   Inc64(t0,t1);
1100   Context.MLen[0] := t0.L;
1101   for i:=1 to 3 do begin
1102     {propagate carry into higher bits}
1103     if t0.H=0 then exit;
1104     t1.L := Context.MLen[i];
1105     t0.L := t0.H;
1106     t0.H := 0;
1107     Inc64(t0,t1);
1108     Context.MLen[i] := t0.L;
1109   end;
1110 end;
1112 {$endif}
1115 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1116 procedure SHA512Init(var Context: THashContext);
1117   {-initialize context}
1118 {$ifdef StrictLong}
1119   {$warnings off}
1120   {$R-} {avoid D9 errors!}
1121 {$endif}
1122 const
1123   SIV: THashState = ($f3bcc908, $6a09e667, $84caa73b, $bb67ae85,
1124                      $fe94f82b, $3c6ef372, $5f1d36f1, $a54ff53a,
1125                      $ade682d1, $510e527f, $2b3e6c1f, $9b05688c,
1126                      $fb41bd6b, $1f83d9ab, $137e2179, $5be0cd19);
1127 {$ifdef StrictLong}
1128   {$warnings on}
1129   {$ifdef RangeChecks_on}
1130     {$R+}
1131   {$endif}
1132 {$endif}
1133 begin
1134   {Clear context, buffer=0!!}
1135   fillchar(Context,sizeof(Context),0);
1136   Context.Hash := SIV;
1137 end;
1140 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1141 procedure SHA512UpdateXL(var Context: THashContext; Msg: pointer; Len: longint);
1142    {-update context with Msg data}
1143 begin
1144   {Update message bit length}
1145   UpdateLen(Context, Len, true);
1147   while Len > 0 do begin
1148     {fill block with msg data}
1149     Context.Buffer[Context.Index]:= pByte(Msg)^;
1150     inc(Ptr2Inc(Msg));
1151     inc(Context.Index);
1152     dec(Len);
1153     if Context.Index=SHA512_BlockLen then begin
1154       {If 512 bit transferred, compress a block}
1155       Context.Index:= 0;
1156       SHA512Compress(Context);
1157       while Len>=SHA512_BlockLen do begin
1158         move(Msg^,Context.Buffer,SHA512_BlockLen);
1159         SHA512Compress(Context);
1160         inc(Ptr2Inc(Msg),SHA512_BlockLen);
1161         dec(Len,SHA512_BlockLen);
1162       end;
1163     end;
1164   end;
1165 end;
1168 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1169 procedure SHA512Update(var Context: THashContext; Msg: pointer; Len: word);
1170    {-update context with Msg data}
1171 begin
1172   SHA512UpdateXL(Context, Msg, Len);
1173 end;
1176 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1177 procedure SHA512FinalBitsEx(var Context: THashContext; var Digest: THashDigest; BData: byte; bitlen: integer);
1178   {-finalize SHA512 calculation with bitlen bits from BData (big-endian), clear context}
1179 var
1180   i: integer;
1181 begin
1182   {Message padding}
1183   {append bits from BData and a single '1' bit}
1184   if (bitlen>0) and (bitlen<=7) then begin
1185     Context.Buffer[Context.Index]:= (BData and BitAPI_Mask[bitlen]) or BitAPI_PBit[bitlen];
1186     UpdateLen(Context, bitlen, false);
1187   end
1188   else Context.Buffer[Context.Index]:= $80;
1190   for i:=Context.Index+1 to 127 do Context.Buffer[i] := 0;
1191   {2. Compress if more than 448 bits, (no room for 64 bit length}
1192   if Context.Index>= 112 then begin
1193     SHA512Compress(Context);
1194     fillchar(Context.Buffer,sizeof(Context.Buffer),0);
1195   end;
1196   {Write 128 bit msg length into the last bits of the last block}
1197   {(in big endian format) and do a final compress}
1198   THashBuf32(Context.Buffer)[28]:= RB(Context.MLen[3]);
1199   THashBuf32(Context.Buffer)[29]:= RB(Context.MLen[2]);
1200   THashBuf32(Context.Buffer)[30]:= RB(Context.MLen[1]);
1201   THashBuf32(Context.Buffer)[31]:= RB(Context.MLen[0]);
1202   SHA512Compress(Context);
1203   {Hash -> Digest to little endian format}
1204   for i:=0 to 15 do THashDig32(Digest)[i]:= RB(Context.Hash[i xor 1]);
1205   {Clear context}
1206   fillchar(Context,sizeof(Context),0);
1207 end;
1210 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1211 procedure SHA512FinalBits(var Context: THashContext; var Digest: TSHA512Digest; BData: byte; bitlen: integer);
1212   {-finalize SHA512 calculation with bitlen bits from BData (big-endian), clear context}
1213 var
1214   tmp: THashDigest;
1215 begin
1216   SHA512FinalBitsEx(Context, tmp, BData, bitlen);
1217   move(tmp, Digest, sizeof(Digest));
1218 end;
1221 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1222 procedure SHA512FinalEx(var Context: THashContext; var Digest: THashDigest);
1223   {-finalize SHA512 calculation, clear context}
1224 begin
1225   SHA512FinalBitsEx(Context,Digest,0,0);
1226 end;
1229 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1230 procedure SHA512Final(var Context: THashContext; var Digest: TSHA512Digest);
1231   {-finalize SHA512 calculation, clear context}
1232 var
1233   tmp: THashDigest;
1234 begin
1235   SHA512FinalBitsEx(Context, tmp, 0, 0);
1236   move(tmp,Digest,sizeof(Digest));
1237 end;
1240 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
SHA512SelfTestnull1241 function SHA512SelfTest: boolean;
1242   {-self test for string from SHA512 document}
1243 const
1244   s1: string[3] = 'abc';
1245   s2: string[112] = 'abcdefghbcdefghicdefghijdefghijkefghijklfghijklmghijklmn'
1246                    +'hijklmnoijklmnopjklmnopqklmnopqrlmnopqrsmnopqrstnopqrstu';
1248   D1: TSHA512Digest = ($dd, $af, $35, $a1, $93, $61, $7a, $ba,
1249                        $cc, $41, $73, $49, $ae, $20, $41, $31,
1250                        $12, $e6, $fa, $4e, $89, $a9, $7e, $a2,
1251                        $0a, $9e, $ee, $e6, $4b, $55, $d3, $9a,
1252                        $21, $92, $99, $2a, $27, $4f, $c1, $a8,
1253                        $36, $ba, $3c, $23, $a3, $fe, $eb, $bd,
1254                        $45, $4d, $44, $23, $64, $3c, $e8, $0e,
1255                        $2a, $9a, $c9, $4f, $a5, $4c, $a4, $9f );
1257   D2: TSHA512Digest = ($8e, $95, $9b, $75, $da, $e3, $13, $da,
1258                        $8c, $f4, $f7, $28, $14, $fc, $14, $3f,
1259                        $8f, $77, $79, $c6, $eb, $9f, $7f, $a1,
1260                        $72, $99, $ae, $ad, $b6, $88, $90, $18,
1261                        $50, $1d, $28, $9e, $49, $00, $f7, $e4,
1262                        $33, $1b, $99, $de, $c4, $b5, $43, $3a,
1263                        $c7, $d3, $29, $ee, $b6, $dd, $26, $54,
1264                        $5e, $96, $e5, $5b, $87, $4b, $e9, $09 );
1266   D3: TSHA512Digest = ($b4, $59, $4e, $b1, $29, $59, $fc, $2e,
1267                        $69, $79, $b6, $78, $35, $54, $29, $9c,
1268                        $c0, $36, $9f, $44, $08, $3a, $8b, $09,
1269                        $55, $ba, $ef, $d8, $83, $0c, $da, $22,
1270                        $89, $4b, $0b, $46, $c0, $ed, $49, $49,
1271                        $0e, $39, $1a, $d9, $9a, $f8, $56, $cc,
1272                        $1b, $d9, $6f, $23, $8c, $7f, $2a, $17,
1273                        $cf, $37, $ae, $b7, $e7, $93, $39, $5a);
1275   D4: TSHA512Digest = ($46, $4a, $e5, $27, $7a, $3d, $9e, $35,
1276                        $14, $46, $90, $ac, $ef, $57, $18, $f2,
1277                        $17, $e3, $28, $56, $27, $26, $20, $8f,
1278                        $b1, $53, $bd, $31, $64, $1a, $fa, $9e,
1279                        $ab, $d6, $44, $90, $8d, $18, $b1, $86,
1280                        $68, $20, $ed, $a6, $14, $2e, $98, $37,
1281                        $2e, $ca, $db, $bd, $15, $53, $51, $c9,
1282                        $af, $c1, $8b, $17, $8f, $58, $4b, $82);
1283 var
1284   Context: THashContext;
1285   Digest : TSHA512Digest;
SingleTestnull1287   function SingleTest(s: Str127; TDig: TSHA512Digest): boolean;
1288     {-do a single test, const not allowed for VER<7}
1289     { Two sub tests: 1. whole string, 2. one update per char}
1290   var
1291     i: integer;
1292   begin
1293     SingleTest := false;
1294     {1. Hash complete string}
1295     SHA512Full(Digest, @s[1],length(s));
1296     {Compare with known value}
1297     if not HashSameDigest(@SHA512_Desc, PHashDigest(@Digest), PHashDigest(@TDig)) then exit;
1298     {2. one update call for all chars}
1299     SHA512Init(Context);
1300     for i:=1 to length(s) do SHA512Update(Context,@s[i],1);
1301     SHA512Final(Context,Digest);
1302     {Compare with known value}
1303     if not HashSameDigest(@SHA512_Desc, PHashDigest(@Digest), PHashDigest(@TDig)) then exit;
1304     SingleTest := true;
1305   end;
1307 begin
1308   SHA512SelfTest := false;
1309   {1 Zero bit from NESSIE test vectors}
1310   SHA512Init(Context);
1311   SHA512FinalBits(Context,Digest,0,1);
1312   if not HashSameDigest(@SHA512_Desc, PHashDigest(@Digest), PHashDigest(@D3)) then exit;
1313   {4 highest bits of $50, D4 calculated with program shatest from RFC 4634}
1314   SHA512Init(Context);
1315   SHA512FinalBits(Context,Digest,$50,4);
1316   if not HashSameDigest(@SHA512_Desc, PHashDigest(@Digest), PHashDigest(@D4)) then exit;
1317   {strings from SHA512 document}
1318   SHA512SelfTest := SingleTest(s1, D1) and SingleTest(s2, D2)
1319 end;
1322 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1323 procedure SHA512FullXL(var Digest: TSHA512Digest; Msg: pointer; Len: longint);
1324   {-SHA512 of Msg with init/update/final}
1325 var
1326   Context: THashContext;
1327 begin
1328   SHA512Init(Context);
1329   SHA512UpdateXL(Context, Msg, Len);
1330   SHA512Final(Context, Digest);
1331 end;
1334 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1335 procedure SHA512Full(var Digest: TSHA512Digest; Msg: pointer; Len: word);
1336   {-SHA512 of Msg with init/update/final}
1337 begin
1338   SHA512FullXL(Digest, Msg, Len);
1339 end;
1342 {---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
1343 procedure SHA512File({$ifdef CONST} const {$endif} fname: string;
1344                      var Digest: TSHA512Digest; var buf; bsize: word; var Err: word);
1345   {-SHA512 of file, buf: buffer with at least bsize bytes}
1346 var
1347   tmp: THashDigest;
1348 begin
1349   HashFile(fname, @SHA512_Desc, tmp, buf, bsize, Err);
1350   move(tmp,Digest,sizeof(Digest));
1351 end;
1354 begin
1355   {$ifdef VER5X}
1356     fillchar(SHA512_Desc, sizeof(SHA512_Desc), 0);
1357     with SHA512_Desc do begin
1358        HSig      := C_HashSig;
1359        HDSize    := sizeof(THashDesc);
1360        HDVersion := C_HashVers;
1361        HBlockLen := SHA512_BlockLen;
1362        HDigestlen:= sizeof(TSHA512Digest);
1363        HInit     := SHA512Init;
1364        HFinal    := SHA512FinalEx;
1365        HUpdateXL := SHA512UpdateXL;
1366        HAlgNum   := longint(_SHA512);
1367        HName     := 'SHA512';
1368        HPtrOID   := @SHA512_OID;
1369        HLenOID   := 9;
1370        HFinalBit := SHA512FinalBitsEx;
1371     end;
1372   {$endif}
1373   RegisterHash(_SHA512, @SHA512_Desc);
1374 end.