1## Copyright (C) 2014-2020 Philip Nienhuis
3## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
4## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
6## (at your option) any later version.
8## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11## GNU General Public License for more details.
13## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14## along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
16## -*- texinfo -*-
17## @deftypefn {Function File} {@var{status} =} shapewrite (@var{shpstr}, @var{fname})
18## @deftypefnx {Function File} {@var{status} =} shapewrite (@var{shpstr}, @var{fname}, @var{atts})
19## Write contents of map- or geostruct to a GIS shape file.
21## @var{shpstr} must be a valid mapstruct or geostruct, a struct array with an
22## entry for each shape feature, with fields Geometry, BoundingBox, and X and Y
23## (mapstruct) or Lat and Lon (geostruct).  For geostructs, Lat and Lon field
24## data will be written as X and Y data.  Field Geometry can have data values
25## of "Point", "MultiPoint", "Line" or "Polygon", all case-insensitive.
26## For each shape feature, field BoundingBox should contain the minimum and
27## maximum (X,Y) coordinates in a 2x2 array [minX, minY; maxX, maxY].
28## The X and Y fields should contain X (or Latitude) and Y (or Longitude)
29## coordinates for each point or vertex as row vectors; for
30## poly(lines) and polygons vertices of each subfeature (if present) should be
31## separated by NaN entries.
33## <Geometry>M or <Geometry>Z types (e.g., PointM, PolygonZ) can also be
34## written; shapewrite.m just checks if fields "M" and/or "Z" are present in
35## input mapstruct.
37## @var{fname} should be a valid shape file name, optionally with a '.shp'
38## suffix.
40## Optional third input argument @var{atts} is one attribute name or a cellstr
41## array containing a list of attribute names; only those attributes will be
42## written to the .dbf file.  Alternatively a struct can be supplied with
43## attibute names contained in field "FieldName" (preferrably camelcased as
44## shown, but Octave treats this field's name as case-insensitive).  If
45## argument @var{atts} is omitted all attributes will be written to the
46## shapefile.
48## shapewrite produces 3 files, i.e. a .shp file (the actual shape file),
49## a .shx file (index file), and a .dbf file (dBase type 3) with the contents
50## of additional attribute fields other than Geometry, X/Y or Lat/Lon, M, Z,
51## and BoundingBox.  If no additional attributes are present, a .dbf file is
52## created with the shape feature numbers as contents of field "ID".
54## Return argument @var{status} is set to 1 if the complete shape file set was
55## written successfully, to 0 otherwise.
57## Ref: http://www.esri.com/library/whitepapers/pdfs/shapefile.pdf
59## @seealso{shapedraw, shapeinfo, shaperead}
60## @end deftypefn
62## Author: Philip Nienhuis <prnienhuis@users.sf.net>
63## Created: 2014-12-30
65function [status] = shapewrite (shp, fname="", atts=[])
67  persistent n_dbfspec = 0;
68  status = 0;
70  ## Input validation
71  if (nargin < 1)
72    print_usage;
73  endif
75  ## Assess shape variable type (oct or ml/geo ml/map)
76  if (! isstruct (shp))
77    error ("shapewrite: [map-, geo-] struct expected for argument #1");
78  else
79    ## Yep. Find out what type
80    fldn = fieldnames (shp);
81    if (ismember ("vals", fldn) && ismember ("shpbox", fldn))
82      ## Assume it is an Octave-style struct read by shaperead
83      otype = 0;
84      warning ("shapewrite: only Matlab-type map/geostructs can be written\n");
85      return;
86    elseif (ismember ("Geometry", fldn) && all (ismember ({"X", "Y"}, fldn)))
87      ## Assume it is a Matlab-style mapstruct
88      otype = 1;
89    elseif (ismember ("Geometry", fldn) && all (ismember ({"Lat", "Lon"}, fldn)))
90      ## Assume it is a Matlab-style geostruct
91      otype = 2;
92    else
93      ## Not a supported struct type
94      error ("shapewrite: unsupported struct type.\n")
95    endif
96  endif
98  ## FIXME struct field type validation
100  if (strcmpi (shp(1).Geometry, "MultiPatch"))
101    error ("shapewrite: MultiPatch type not supported");
102  endif
104  ## Check for dbfwrite function
105  if (isempty (which ("dbfwrite")))
106    error ("shapewrite: dbfwrite function not found. (io package installed \
107and loaded?)");
108    return;
109  endif
111  ## Check file name
112  if (isempty (fname))
113    error ("shapewrite: filename expected for input argument #2");
114  else
115    [pth, fnm, ext] = fileparts (fname);
116    if (isempty (ext))
117      bname = fname;
118      fname = [fname ".shp"];
119    ## Later on bname.shx and bname.dbf will be created
120    elseif (isempty (pth))
121      bname = fnm;
122    else
123      bname = [pth filesep fnm];
124    endif
125  endif
127  ## Check optional 3rd argument
128  if (nargin > 2)
129    if (isstruct (atts))
130      if (! n_dbfspec)
131        warning ("shapewrite: DbfSpec not implemented; including requested \
133        n_dbfspec = 1;
134      endif
135      ## Get attribute names from field "FieldName"; allow lowercase and camelcase
136      ## Index of case-insensitive matches of "FieldName"
137      fnidx = find (ismember ("fieldname", lower (fieldnames (atts))));
138      if (! isempty (fnidx))
139        ## Get fieldnames out of first match
140        atts = {atts.(fieldnames (atts (fnidx)){1})};
141      else
142        warning ("shapewrite: no field 'fieldname' (case-insensitive) found \
143in struct\n=> input arg. #3 ignored");
144      endif
145    elseif (! iscellstr (atts) && ! ischar (atts))
146      error ("shapewrite: arg.#3: attribute name or cellstr array of attribute names expected");
147    endif
148    ## Check if requested attributes exist at all in shapestruct
149    atts = unique (atts);
150    mtch = ! ismember (atts, fieldnames (shp));
151    if (any (mtch))
152      warning ("shapewrite: requested attribute(s) '%s' not in shapestruct\n", ...
153               strjoin (atts(find (mtch)), "', '"));
154      atts(mtch) = [];
155    endif
156  endif
158  ## Prepare a few things
159  numfeat = numel (shp);
160  if (abs (otype) >= 1)
161    stype = find (ismember ({"point", "multipoint", "line", "polygon"}, ...
162                            lower (shp(1).Geometry)));
163##    strmatch (lower (shp(1).Geometry), ...
164##                  {"point", "multipoint", "line", "polygon"});
165    if (isempty (stype))
166      ## Not a supported struct type
167      error ("shapewrite: unsupported struct type.\n")
168    else
169      stype = [1, 8, 3, 5](stype);
170    endif
172    ## Preprocess geostructs
173    if (abs (otype) == 2)
174      ## Change Lat/Lon fields into X/Y
175      [shp.X] = deal (shp.Lon);
176      [shp.Y] = deal (shp.Lat);
177    endif
178    ## "Point" need not have a BoundingBox field => add a dummy if not found
179    if (stype == 1 && ! ismember ("BoundingBox", fldn))
180      [shp.BoundingBox] = deal ([0, 0; 0, 0]);
181    endif
182    if (any (ismember ({"M", "Z"}, fldn)))
183      if (ismember ({"Z"}, fldn))
184        stype += 10;
185      else
186        stype += 20;
187      endif
188      otype = -otype;
189    endif
190  endif
192  ## Only now (after input checks) open .shp and .shx files & rewind just to be sure
193  fids = fopen (fname, "w");
194  if (fids < 0)
195    error ("shapewrite: shapefile %s can't be opened for writing\n", fname);
196  endif
197  fseek (fids, 0, "bof");
198  fidx = fopen ([ bname ".shx" ], "w");
199  if (fidx < 0)
200    error ("shapewrite: index file %s can't be opened for writing\n", fname);
201  endif
202  fseek (fidx, 0, "bof");
204  ## Write headers in .shp & .shx (identical). First magic number 9994 + six
205  ## zeros, the last zero in .shp is a placeholder for the yet unknown .shp
206  ## file length.
207  fwrite (fids, [9994 0 0 0 0 0 0], "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
208  fwrite (fidx, [9994 0 0 0 0 0],   "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
209  ## For .shx the file length in 16-bit words (single) is known:
210  fwrite (fidx, ((numfeat * 4) + 50), "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
211  ## Next, shp file version
212  fwrite (fids, 1000, "int32");
213  fwrite (fidx, 1000, "int32");
214  ## Shape feature type
215  fwrite (fids, stype, "int32");
216  fwrite (fidx, stype, "int32");
217  ## Bounding box. Can be run later for ML type shape structs. Fill with zeros
218  fwrite (fids, [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], "double");
219  fwrite (fidx, [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0], "double");
220  ## Prepare BoundingBox limits
221  xMin = yMin = zMin = mMin =  Inf;
222  xMax = yMax = zMax = mMax = -Inf;
224  ## Skip to start of first record position
225%  fseek (fids, 100, "bof");
226%  fseek (fidx, 100, "bof");
228  ## Write shape features one by one
229  if (abs (otype) >= 1)
230    for ishp=1:numfeat
231      ## Write record start pos to .shx file
232      fwrite (fidx, ftell (fids) / 2, "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
234      ## Prepare multipart polygons/lines.
235      ## Find pointers to separators
236      idx = [ 0 find(isnan (shp(ishp).X)) ];
237      ## Eliminate trailing NaN rows
238      if (isnan (shp(ishp).X))
239        idx(end) = [];
240      endif
241      ## Augment idx for later on
242      idx = unique ([ idx (numel (shp(ishp).X)+1) ]);
243      ## Remove NaN separators
244      idn = find (! isfinite (shp(ishp).X));
245      shp(ishp).X(idn) = [];
246      shp(ishp).Y(idn) = [];
247      if (stype >= 10)
248        shp(ishp).Z(idn) = [];
249      endif
250      if (stype >= 10)
251        shp(ishp).M(idn) = [];
252        ## M as need not be present (we assume a NaN value then).
253        ## Set M to a value less than -1e39
254        idm = find (! isfinite (shp(ishp).M));
255        shp(ishp).M(idm) = -1.1e39;
256      endif
257      ## Nr. of vertices
258      npt = numel (shp(ishp).X);
259      ## Pointers to parts
260      nptr = idx(1:end-1) .- [0:numel(idx)-2];
262      ## Write record contents
263      switch (stype)
264        case 1                                                ## Point
265          reclen = 10;
266          ## Write record index number & content length (fixed)
267          fwrite (fids, [ishp reclen], "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
268          fwrite (fidx, reclen, "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
269          ## Write shape type
270          fwrite (fids, stype, "int32");
271          ## Simply write XY cordinates
272          fwrite (fids, [shp(ishp).X shp(ishp).Y], "double");
273          ## Update overall BoundingBox
274          xMin = min (xMin, shp(ishp).X);
275          xMax = max (xMax, shp(ishp).X);
276          yMin = min (yMin, shp(ishp).Y);
277          yMax = max (yMax, shp(ishp).Y);
279        case 11                                               ## PointZ
280          reclen = 18;
281          ## Write record index number & content length (fixed)
282          fwrite (fids, [ishp reclen], "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
283          fwrite (fidx, reclen, "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
284          ## Write shape type
285          fwrite (fids, stype, "int32");
286          ## Simply write XY coordinates & Z & M value
287          fwrite (fids, [shp(ishp).X shp(ishp).Y shp(ishp).Z shp(ishp).M], "double");
288          ## Update overall BoundingBox
289          xMin = min (xMin, shp(ishp).X);
290          xMax = max (xMax, shp(ishp).X);
291          yMin = min (yMin, shp(ishp).Y);
292          yMax = max (yMax, shp(ishp).Y);
293          zMin = min (zMin, shp(ishp).Z);
294          zMax = max (zMax, shp(ishp).Z);
295          mMin = min (mMin, shp(ishp).M);
296          mMax = max (mMax, shp(ishp).M);
298        case 21                                               ## PointM
299          reclen = 14;
300          ## Write record index number & content length (fixed)
301          fwrite (fids, [ishp reclen], "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
302          fwrite (fidx, reclen, "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
303          ## Write shape type
304          fwrite (fids, stype, "int32");
305          ## Simply write XY coordinates & M-value
306          fwrite (fids, [shp(ishp).X shp(ishp).Y shp(ishp).M], "double");
307          ## Update overall BoundingBox
308          xMin = min (xMin, shp(ishp).X);
309          xMax = max (xMax, shp(ishp).X);
310          yMin = min (yMin, shp(ishp).Y);
311          yMax = max (yMax, shp(ishp).Y);
312          mMin = min (mMin, shp(ishp).M);
313          mMax = max (mMax, shp(ishp).M);
315        case 8                                                ## MultiPoint
316          reclen = (40 + 16 * numel (shp(ishp).X)) / 2;
317          ## Write record index number & content length (fixed)
318          fwrite (fids, [ishp reclen], "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
319          fwrite (fidx, reclen, "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
320          ## Write shape type (+4)
321          fwrite (fids, stype, "int32");
322          ## Write bounding box (+32 -> 36)
323          fwrite (fids, [shp(ishp).BoundingBox'(:)]', "double");
324          ## Update overall BoundingBox
325          xMin = min (xMin, min (shp(ishp).X));
326          xMax = max (xMax, max (shp(ishp).X));
327          yMin = min (yMin, min (shp(ishp).Y));
328          yMax = max (yMax, max (shp(ishp).Y));
329          ## Write nr of points and XY data (+4 -> 40 + Nx16)
330          fwrite (fids, numel (shp(ishp).X), "int32");
331          fwrite (fids, [shp(ishp).X' shp(ishp).Y']', "double");
333        case 18                                               ## MultiPointZ
334          reclen = (72 + 32 * numel (shp(ishp).X)) / 2;
335          ## Write record index number & content length (fixed)
336          fwrite (fids, [ishp reclen], "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
337          fwrite (fidx, reclen, "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
338          ## Write shape type
339          fwrite (fids, stype, "int32");
340          ## Write bounding box
341          fwrite (fids, [shp(ishp).BoundingBox'(:)]', "double");
342          ## Update overall BoundingBox
343          xMin = min (xMin, min (shp(ishp).X));
344          xMax = max (xMax, max (shp(ishp).X));
345          yMin = min (yMin, min (shp(ishp).Y));
346          yMax = max (yMax, max (shp(ishp).Y));
347          zMin = min (zMin, min (shp(ishp).Z));
348          zMax = max (zMax, max (shp(ishp).Z));
349          mMin = min (mMin, min (shp(ishp).M));
350          mMax = max (mMax, max (shp(ishp).M));
351          ## Write Nr of points and XY data
352          fwrite (fids, numel (shp(ishp).X), "int32");
353          fwrite (fids, [shp(ishp).X' shp(ishp).Y']', "double");
354          ## Write Z/M range and -data in turn
355          fwrite (fids, [min(shp(ishp).Z) max(shp(ishp).Z) shp(ishp).Z], "double");
356          fwrite (fids, [min(shp(ishp).M) max(shp(ishp).M) shp(ishp).M], "double");
358        case 28                                               ## MultiPointM
359          reclen = (56 + 24 * numel (shp(ishp).X)) / 2;
360          ## Write record index number & content length (fixed)
361          fwrite (fids, [ishp reclen], "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
362          fwrite (fidx, reclen, "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
363          ## Write shape type
364          fwrite (fids, stype, "int32");
365          ## Write bounding box
366          fwrite (fids, [shp(ishp).BoundingBox'(:)]', "double");
367          ## Update overall BoundingBox
368          xMin = min (xMin, min (shp(ishp).X));
369          xMax = max (xMax, max (shp(ishp).X));
370          yMin = min (yMin, min (shp(ishp).Y));
371          yMax = max (yMax, max (shp(ishp).Y));
372          mMin = min (mMin, min (shp(ishp).M));
373          mMax = max (mMax, max (shp(ishp).M));
374          ## Write Nr of points and XY data
375          fwrite (fids, numel (shp(ishp).X), "int32");
376          fwrite (fids, [shp(ishp).X' shp(ishp).Y']', "double");
377          ## Write M range and M data
378          fwrite (fids, [min(shp(ishp).M) max(shp(ishp).M) shp(ishp).M], "double");
380        case {3, 5}                                           ## Polyline/-gon
381          ## Content length
382          reclen = (44 + (numel(idx)-1)*4 + 2*8*npt) / 2;
383          ## Write record index number & content length (fixed)
384          fwrite (fids, [ishp reclen], "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
385          fwrite (fidx, reclen, "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
386          ## Write shape type
387          fwrite (fids, stype, "int32");
388          ## Write bounding box
389          fwrite (fids, [shp(ishp).BoundingBox'(:)]', "double");
390          ## Update overall BoundingBox
391          xMin = min (xMin, min (shp(ishp).X));
392          xMax = max (xMax, max (shp(ishp).X));
393          yMin = min (yMin, min (shp(ishp).Y));
394          yMax = max (yMax, max (shp(ishp).Y));
395          ## Write number of parts, number of points, part pointers
396          fwrite (fids, [(numel(idx)-1) npt nptr ], "int32");
397          fwrite (fids, [shp(ishp).X' shp(ishp).Y']'(:), "double");
399        case {13, 15}                                         ## Polyline/-gonZ
400          ## Content length
401          reclen = (76 + (numel(idx)-1)*4 + 4*8*npt) / 2;
402          ## Write record index number & content length (fixed)
403          fwrite (fids, [ishp reclen], "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
404          fwrite (fidx, reclen, "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
405          ## Shape type
406          fwrite (fids, stype, "int32");
407          ## Write bounding box
408          fwrite (fids, [shp(ishp).BoundingBox'(:)]', "double");
409          ## Update overall BoundingBox
410          xMin = min (xMin, min (shp(ishp).X));
411          xMax = max (xMax, max (shp(ishp).X));
412          yMin = min (yMin, min (shp(ishp).Y));
413          yMax = max (yMax, max (shp(ishp).Y));
414          zMin = min (zMin, min (shp(ishp).Z));
415          zMax = max (zMax, max (shp(ishp).Z));
416          mMin = min (mMin, min (shp(ishp).M));
417          mMax = max (mMax, max (shp(ishp).M));
418          ## Write number of parts, number of points, part pointers
419          fwrite (fids, [(numel(idx)-1) npt nptr ], "int32");
420          ## Write XY data
421          fwrite (fids, [shp(ishp).X' shp(ishp).Y']'(:), "double");
422          fwrite (fids, [min(shp(ishp).Z) max(shp(ishp).Z) ...
423                         shp(ishp).Z], "double");
424          fwrite (fids, [min(shp(ishp).M) max(shp(ishp).M) ...
425                         shp(ishp).M], "double");
427        case {23, 25}                                         ## Polyline/-gonM
428          ## Content length
429          reclen = (60 + (numel(idx)-1)*4 + 3*8*npt) / 2;
430          ## Write record index number & content length (fixed)
431          fwrite (fids, [ishp reclen], "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
432          fwrite (fidx, reclen, "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
433          ## Write shape type
434          fwrite (fids, stype, "int32");
435          ## Write bounding box
436          fwrite (fids, [shp(ishp).BoundingBox'(:)]', "double");
437          ## Update overall BoundingBox
438          xMin = min (xMin, min (shp(ishp).X));
439          xMax = max (xMax, max (shp(ishp).X));
440          yMin = min (yMin, min (shp(ishp).Y));
441          yMax = max (yMax, max (shp(ishp).Y));
442          mMin = min (mMin, min (shp(ishp).M));
443          mMax = max (mMax, max (shp(ishp).M));
444          ## Write number of parts, number of points, part pointers
445          fwrite (fids, [(numel(idx)-1) npt nptr ], "int32");
446          ## Write XY data
447          fwrite (fids, [shp(ishp).X' shp(ishp).Y']'(:), "double");
448          ## Write M range and M data
449          fwrite (fids, [min(shp(ishp).M) max(shp(ishp).M) ...
450                         shp(ishp).M], "double");
452        otherwise
453          ## Future shape types or types unsupported yet (MultiPatch)
455      endswitch
456    endfor
457  endif
459  ## Write file length and overall BoundingBox into .shp header
460  flen = ftell (fids);
461  fseek (fids, 24, "bof");
462  fwrite (fids, flen/2, "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
463  fseek (fids, 36, "bof");
464  fwrite (fids, [xMin yMin xMax yMax], "double");
465  ## Same for .shx header
466  xlen = ftell (fidx);
467  fseek (fidx, 24, "bof");
468  fwrite (fidx, xlen/2, "int32", 0, "ieee-be");
469  fseek (fidx, 36, "bof");
470  fwrite (fidx, [xMin yMin xMax yMax], "double");
471  if (stype > 10)
472    ## +-Inf & NaN not allowed in shapefiles
473    zm = [zMin zMax mMin mMax];
474    zm (! isfinite (zm)) = -1e-39;
475    fwrite (fids, zm, "double");
476    fwrite (fidx, zm, "double");
477  endif
479  ## Close files
480  fclose (fids);
481  fclose (fidx);
483  ## Write .dbf file.
484  ## Remove basic attributes
485  if (abs (otype) == 1)
486    ## Attributes + shp data in mapstruct
487    shp = rmfield (shp, {"Geometry", "BoundingBox", "X", "Y"});
488  elseif (abs (otype) == 2)
489    ## Attributes + shp data in geostruct
490    shp = rmfield (shp, {"Geometry", "BoundingBox", "Lat", "Lon", "X", "Y"});
491  endif
492  if (otype < 1)
493    shp = rmfield (shp, {"M"});
494    if (isfield (shp, "Z"))
495      shp = rmfield (shp, {"Z"});
496    endif
497  endif
499  ## Write rest of attributes
500  if (nargin == 3)
501    ## Only write user-specified attribute selection
502    fldn = fieldnames (shp);
503    ## First remove regular attributes (with a value for each vertex)
504    fldn (ismember (fldn, {"Geometry", "BoundingBox", "Lat", "Lon", "X", "Y", "M", "Z"})) = [];
505    ## Next, only retain user-specified attributes
506    shp = rmfield (shp, setdiff (fldn, atts));
507  endif
508  attribs = cell (numfeat + 1, numel (fieldnames (shp)));
509  if (! isempty (attribs))
510    attribs(1, :) = fieldnames (shp);
511    attribs(2:end, :) = (squeeze (struct2cell (shp)))';
512  else
513    ## Substitute ID attribute
514    attribs{1, 1} = "ID";
515    [attribs{2:end}] = deal (num2cell ([1:size(shp, 2)]){:});
516  endif
517  try
518    status = dbfwrite ([ bname ".dbf"], attribs);
519    status = 1;
520  catch
521    warning ("shapewrite: writing attributes to file %s failed\n", [bname ".dbf"]);
522  end_try_catch
527## Test various geometries: (1) Point
529%! shp.Geometry = "Point";
530%! shp.X = 10;
531%! shp.Y = 20;
532%! shp.Z = 30;
533%! shp.M = -1;
534%! shp.attr_1 = "Attribute1";
535%! shp.attr_Z = "AttributeA";
536%! shp(2).Geometry = "Point";
537%! shp(2).X = 11;
538%! shp(2).Y = 25;
539%! shp(2).Z = 32;
540%! shp(2).M = -2;
541%! shp(2).attr_1 = "Attribute2";
542%! shp(2).attr_Z = "AttributeB";
543%! fname = tempname ();
544%! sts = shapewrite (shp, fname);
545%! assert (sts, 1, eps);
546%! ## Check index file
547%%! fx = fopen ([fname ".shx"], "r");
548%%! fseek (fx, 100, "bof");
549%%! shxinfo = fread (fx, "*int32", 0, "ieee-be");
550%%! assert (shxinfo, int32 ([50; 36; 72; 36]));
551%%! fclose (fx);
552%! ## Check on filesizes, based on Esri shapewrite doc
553%! assert (stat ([fname ".shp"]).size, 188, 1e-10);
554%! assert (stat ([fname ".shx"]).size, 116, 1e-10);
555%! shp2 = shaperead ([fname ".shp"]);
556%! assert (size (shp2), [2 1]);
557%! flds = fieldnames (shp2);
558%! fields = {"Geometry", "X", "Y", "attr_1", "attr_Z"};
559%! ism = ismember (fields, flds);
560%! ## Do we have only those fields?
561%! assert (numel (ism), numel (fields));
562%! ## Do we have only those fields?
563%! assert (sum (ism), numel (ism));
564%! unlink ([fname ".shp"]);
565%! unlink ([fname ".shx"]);
566%! assert ([shp2.X shp2.Y], [10 11 20 25], 1e-10);
567%! assert ({shp2.Geometry}, {"Point", "Point"});
568%! assert ({shp2.attr_1}, {"Attribute1", "Attribute2"});
570## Test various geometries: (2) Line & Polygon
572%! shp.Geometry = "Line";
573%! shp.BoundingBox = [9 110; 19 120];
574%! shp.X = [10 110 NaN   9 109];
575%! shp.Y = [20 120 NaN  19 119];
576%! shp.Z = [30 130 NaN  29 129];
577%! shp.M = [-1   1 NaN -11  11];
578%! shp.attr_1 = "Attribute1";
579%! shp.attr_Z = "AttributeA";
580%! shp(2).Geometry = "Line";
581%! shp(2).BoundingBox = [11 211; 24 225];
582%! shp(2).X = [11 111 211 NaN  11 110 NaN  12  200];
583%! shp(2).Y = [25 125 225 NaN  24 124 NaN  26  200];
584%! shp(2).Z = [32 132 232 NaN  31 131 NaN  33  200];
585%! shp(2).M = [-2 NaN  -3 NaN -22  22 NaN -33   33];
586%! shp(2).attr_1 = "Attribute2";
587%! shp(2).attr_Z = "AttributeB";
588%! fname = tempname ();
589%! sts = shapewrite (shp, fname);
590%! assert (sts, 1, eps);
591%! ## Check index file
592%%! fx = fopen ([fname ".shx"], "r");
593%%! fseek (fx, 100, "bof");
594%%! shxinfo = fread (fx, "*int32", 0, "ieee-be");
595%%! assert (shxinfo, int32 ([50; 106; 160; 156]));
596%%! fclose (fx);
597%! ## Check on filesizes, based on Esri shapewrite doc
598%! assert (stat ([fname ".shp"]).size, 640, 1e-10);
599%! assert (stat ([fname ".shx"]).size, 116, 1e-10);
601%! ## Check Matlab-style reading
602%! shp2 = shaperead ([fname ".shp"]);
603%! assert (size (shp2), [2 1]);
604%! flds = fieldnames (shp2);
605%! fields = {"Geometry", "BoundingBox", "X", "Y", "attr_1", "attr_Z"};
606%! ism = ismember (fields, flds);
607%! ## Do we have only those fields?
608%! assert (numel (ism), numel (fields));
609%! ## Do we have only those fields?
610%! assert (sum (ism), numel (ism));
611%! assert ([shp2.BoundingBox], [9 110 11 211; 19 120 24 225], 1e-10);
612%! assert ({shp2.attr_Z}, {"AttributeA", "AttributeB"});
614%! ## Re-read using M & Z values, read only 2nd feature
615%! shp2 = shaperead ([fname ".shp"], "e", "rec", 2);
616%! assert (size (shp2), [1 1]);
617%! flds = fieldnames (shp2);
618%! fields = {"Geometry", "BoundingBox", "X", "Y", "Z", "M", "attr_1", "attr_Z"};
619%! ism = ismember (fields, flds);
620%! ## Do we have only those fields?
621%! assert (numel (ism), numel (fields));
622%! ## Do we have only those fields?
623%! assert (sum (ism), numel (ism));
624%! ## Check regular numerical values
625%! assert ([shp2.X; shp2.Y; shp2.Z], ...
626%!         [11, 111, 211, NaN, 11, 110, NaN, 12, 200; ...
627%!          25, 125, 225, NaN, 24, 124, NaN, 26, 200; ...
628%!          32, 132, 232, NaN, 31, 131, NaN, 33, 200], 1e-10);
629%! ## Check missing M value
630%! assert (shp2.M, [-2, NaN, -3, NaN, -22, 22, NaN, -33, 33], 1e-10);
631%! assert ({shp2.attr_1, shp2.attr_Z}, {"Attribute2", "AttributeB"});
633%! unlink ([fname ".shp"]);
634%! unlink ([fname ".shx"]);