1;;; -*- Package: MAXIMA; Base: 10.; Syntax: Common-lisp -*-
3;;;                                                                    ;;;;;
4;;;     Copyright (c) 1984 by William Schelter,University of Texas     ;;;;;
5;;;     All rights reserved                                            ;;;;;
8(in-package :maxima)
11    #+gcl (compile load eval)
12    #-gcl (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
14    (defmacro p-cof (f)			;leading coefficient of f
15      `(third ,f))
17    (defmacro p-next-term (f)
18      `(cddr ,f))
20    (defmacro p-deg (f)
21      `(second ,f))
23    (defmacro term-cof (terms)
24      `(second ,terms))
26    (defmacro term-deg (terms)
27      `(first ,terms)))
29;;(make-poly var x)==> (list x 1 1)
31(defun make-polynomial (&key var terms)
32  (psimp var terms))
34(defun afc-quotient (f g)
35  (cquotient f g))
37(defun fsignal (&rest l)
38  (error (car l)))
40(defmacro working-modulo (list-of-monic-polynomials &body body &aux (old-tellrats (make-symbol "old-tellrats")))
41  "The computations in body are done modulo the list-of-monic-polynomials.  The
42   results of squareing,multiplication, and exponentiating should be of lower degree in each of the
43   monic polynomials than the degree of the monic polynomial"
44  `(let ((,old-tellrats (list-previous-tellrats ,list-of-monic-polynomials)))
45  (unwind-protect
46      (progn
47	(set-tellrats ,list-of-monic-polynomials)
48	,@body)
49     (undo-tellrats ,old-tellrats))))
51;;sample usage
52;;(working-modulo (st-rat #$[x^2+x+1,y^4+y]$) (ptimes ...))
54(defun list-previous-tellrats (new-tellrats)
55  (loop for v in new-tellrats
56	collecting (cons (car  v) (get (car v) 'tellrat))))
58(defun set-tellrats (new-tellrats)
59  (loop for v in new-tellrats
60	do (putprop (car v) (cdr v) 'tellrat)))
62(defun undo-tellrats (old-list)
63  (loop for v in old-list
64	when (null (cdr v))
65	  do (remprop (car v) 'tellrat)
66	else do (putprop (car v) (cdr v) 'tellrat)))
68;;version for possibly some zero terms resulting
69;;using nconc less space but slower since (list a b) is cdr coded and it has to fix up.
70(defmacro term-operation (f g operation-function &optional deg-shift-result)
71  "If f and g are polynomials this constructs polynomial whose main variable is the same as f  ~
72   with coefficients (operation-function f_i g)..[f_i means the i'th coefficient of f
73  degree (+ i deg-shift-result)"
74  (let ((cof (make-symbol "cof"))
75	(deg (make-symbol "deg"))
76	(tem (gensym)))
77    `(psimp  (p-var ,f)
78		      (loop for (,deg ,cof) on (cdr ,f) by #'cddr
79			    with ,tem
80			    do (setq ,tem (,operation-function ,cof ,g))
81			    when (not (pzerop ,tem))
82			    nconc (list , (cond (deg-shift-result `(+ ,deg ,deg-shift-result))
83					 (t  deg))
84					,tem)))))
86(defmacro plain-term-operation (terms-f terms-g operation-function &optional deg-shift-result)
87  "constructs terms of a polynomial with coefficients (operation-function f_i terms-g) in
88  degree (+ i deg-shift-result)"
89  (let ((cof (make-symbol "cof"))
90	(deg (make-symbol "deg"))
91	(tem (gensym)))
92    `(loop for (,deg ,cof) on ,terms-f by #'cddr
93	   with ,tem
94	   do (setq ,tem (,operation-function ,cof ,terms-g))
95	   when (not (pzerop ,tem))
96	     nconc (list ,(cond (deg-shift-result `(+ ,deg ,deg-shift-result))
97			  (t deg))
98			 ,tem))))
100(defmacro quotient-not-exact ()
101  `(cond ((and (boundp '*testing*)
102	     *testing*)
103	 (throw 'quotient-not-exact t))
104	(t (fsignal 'quotient-not-exact))))
108  (declare (special *testing*))
109       (COND ((EQl A 0) 0)
110	     ((NULL MODULUS)
111	       (let ((quot (quotient a b)))
112		     (cond ((eql (* quot b) a)
113			    quot)
114			   (t (quotient-not-exact)))))
115	     (t (ctimes a (crecip b)))))
118;;The following works to eliminate zero terms when using modulus etc.
119;;It is also faster than ptimes by a slight margin.
120;;unlike ptimes which may introduce zero terms eg:
121;;(let ((modulus 4))(ptimes (x+y+z)^4 (x+y+z)^4) gives a bad result
125(defun afp-terms-times (terms-f terms-g &aux answ (g-orig terms-g) prod-exp tail prod-cof)
126  "Returns the terms of the polynomial which is the product of the two polynomials ~
127   whose terms are terms-f and terms-g.  If modulus is in effect the the result will have its ~
128   coefficients reduced by modulus."
129  (cond
130    (terms-g (setq answ (plain-term-operation terms-g (term-cof terms-f) afp-times (term-deg terms-f)))
131       (loop for (f-exp f-cof ) on (cddr terms-f) by #'cddr
132	     do
133	 (setq terms-g g-orig)
134	 (prog ()
135	    first-product
136	       (cond ((null terms-g)(return nil)))
137	       (setq prod-exp (+ f-exp (term-deg terms-g)))
138	       (setq prod-cof (afp-times(term-cof terms-g) f-cof))
139	       (cond ((pzerop prod-cof) (setq terms-g (cddr terms-g)) (go first-product))
140		     ((or (null answ) (> prod-exp (term-deg answ)))
141		      (setq answ (cons prod-exp (cons prod-cof answ)))
142		      (setq tail (cdr answ))                   (go next-product))
143		     ((eql prod-exp (term-deg answ))
144		      (setq prod-cof (pplus (term-cof answ) prod-cof))
145		      (cond ((pzerop prod-cof) (setq answ (cddr answ))
146			     (setq terms-g (cddr terms-g))          (go first-product))
147			    (t (setf (term-cof answ) prod-cof)
148			       (setq tail (cdr answ))        (go next-product)))))
149	       ;;below here assume answ not empty and (term-deg answ)
150	       ;;greater any possible future prod-exp (until next
151	       ;;f-exp,f-cof)  Once below this point we stay below,
152	       ;;until next f-exp,f-cof .  Tail begins with the
153	       ;;coefficient whose corresponding degree is definitely
154	       ;;higher than any prod-exp to be encountered.
155	       (setq tail (cdr answ))
156	    tail-certain
157	       (cond ((and (cdr tail)(> (second tail) prod-exp))
158		      (setq tail (cddr tail))               (go tail-certain)))
159	       (cond ((or (null (cdr tail))(< (second tail) prod-exp))
160		      (setf (cdr tail) (cons prod-exp (cons prod-cof (cdr tail))))
161		      (setq tail (cddr tail))                (go next-product)))
162	       (cond ((pzerop (setq prod-cof (pplus (third tail) prod-cof)))
163		      (setf (cdr tail) (cdddr tail)))
164		     (t (setf (third tail) prod-cof) (setq  tail (cddr tail))))
165	    next-product
166	       (setq terms-g (cddr terms-g))
167	       (cond ((null terms-g) (return nil)))
168	       (setq prod-exp (+ f-exp (car terms-g)))
169	       (setq prod-cof (afp-times (second terms-g) f-cof))
170	       (cond ((pzerop prod-cof)                    (go next-product)))
171	       (go tail-certain)))))
172  answ)
174(defmacro afp-main-plus-non-main (constant  f-main)
175  "Adds a polynomial CONSTANT to a polynomial whose main variable is higher than
176   any in F-MAIN"
177  `(psimp (p-var ,f-main) (afp-constant-term-plus ,constant (cdr ,f-main))))
179(defmacro afp-number-plus (number poly)
180  "Adds a NUMBER to a polynomial POLY, returning the result"
181  `(cond ((numberp ,poly)(cplus ,number ,poly))
182	 (t (afp-main-plus-non-main ,number  ,poly))))
184(defun afp-plus (f g)
185  "Returns the sum of the two polynomials f and g"
186  (cond ((numberp f) (afp-number-plus f g))
187	((numberp g) (afp-number-plus g f))
188	((eq (p-var f) (p-var g))
189	 (psimp (p-var f)
190		    (afp-terms-plus (cdr f) (cdr g))))
191	((pointergp (p-var f) (p-var g)) (afp-main-plus-non-main g f))
192	(t  (afp-main-plus-non-main f g))))
194(defun afp-constant-term-plus (constant terms)
195  "Adds a polynomial (CONSTANT) not involving the main variable of a polynomial whose
196  terms are TERMS.  Naturally the main variable is assumed higher than any in the CONSTANT. ~
197  The result is the terms of the sum polynomial"
198  (cond ((pzerop constant) terms)
199	((null terms)
200	 (list  0 constant))
201	((zerop (car terms))(setq constant  (afp-plus constant (second terms)))
202	 (cond ((pzerop constant)nil)
203		(t (list 0 constant))))
204	(t (cons (car terms) (cons (second terms) (afp-constant-term-plus constant (cddr terms)))))))
207(defun afp-terms-plus (terms-f terms-g &aux e)
208  "Returns the terms of the polynomial which is the sum of f and g
209  if the terms of f and the terms of g are the two arguments."
210    (cond ((null terms-f) terms-g)
211	  ((null terms-g) terms-f)
212	  ((eql (car terms-f) (car terms-g))
213	   (setq e (afp-plus (second terms-f) (second terms-g)))
214	   (cond ((pzerop e)(afp-terms-plus (cddr terms-f) (cddr terms-g)))
215		 (t (cons (car terms-f) (cons e (afp-terms-plus (cddr terms-f) (cddr terms-g)))))))
216	  ((> (car terms-f) (car terms-g ))(cons (car terms-f) (cons (second terms-f)
217				    (afp-terms-plus terms-g (cddr terms-f)))))
218	  (t(cons (car terms-g) (cons (second terms-g)
219				    (afp-terms-plus terms-f (cddr terms-g)))))))
222(defmacro qfirstn (n l)
223  (case n
224    (1 `(list (car ,l)))
225    (2 `(list (car ,l) (second ,l)))
226    (t `(subseq ,l 0 ,n))))
228(defun afp-minus (f)
229  "makes no check that keeping in the modulus range nor that the result is reduced,
230   but the result g will satisfy (afp-plus f g) ==> 0"
231  (cond ((numberp f) (cminus f))
232	(t (cons (car f) (afp-terms-minus (cdr f))))))
234(defun afp-terms-minus (terms-f)
235  (loop for (deg pol) on terms-f by #'cddr nconc (list deg (afp-minus pol))))
237(defmacro add-one-term (deg cof terms)
238  (cond ((symbolp cof)
239	 `(cond ((pzerop ,cof) ,terms)
240		(t (cons ,deg (cons ,cof ,terms)))))
241	(t
242	`(let ((.cof. ,cof))
243	   (cond ((pzerop .cof.) ,terms)
244		 (t (cons ,deg (cons .cof. ,terms))))))))
246(defun afp-difference (f g)
247  (cond ((numberp f)
248	 (cond ((numberp g)(cdifference f g))
249	       (t (psimp (p-var g) (afp-terms-constant-main-differ f (cdr g))))))
250	((numberp g)
251	 (psimp (p-var f) (afp-terms-main-constant-differ (cdr f)  g)))
252	((eq (p-var f) (p-var g))
253	 (psimp (p-var f) (afp-terms-differ (p-terms f) (p-terms g))))
254	((pointergp (p-var f) (p-var g))
255	 (psimp (p-var f) (afp-terms-main-constant-differ
256				   (cdr f) g)))
257	(t(psimp (p-var g) (afp-terms-main-constant-differ
258				 f (cdr g))))))
262(defun afp-terms-differ (terms-f terms-g)
263  (cond ((null terms-f) (afp-terms-minus terms-g))
264	((null terms-g) terms-f)
265	((eql (term-deg terms-f) (term-deg terms-g))
266	 (add-one-term (term-deg terms-f) (afp-difference (term-cof terms-f) (term-cof terms-g))
267		       (afp-terms-differ (cddr terms-f) (cddr terms-g))))
268	((> (term-deg terms-f) (term-deg terms-g))
269	 (cons (term-deg terms-f) (cons  (term-cof terms-f) (afp-terms-differ (p-next-term terms-f) terms-g))))
270	(t
271	 (cons (term-deg terms-g) (cons  (afp-minus (term-cof terms-g)) (afp-terms-differ  terms-f (p-next-term terms-g)))))))
273(defun afp-terms-constant-main-differ (const main)
274  "main is terms const is a polynomial"
275  (cond ((null main)(cond ((pzerop const) nil)
276			  (t (list 0 const))))
277	((zerop  (car main))
278	 (add-one-term 0 (afp-difference (second main) const) nil))
279	(t (cons (car main) (cons  (afp-minus (second main)) (afp-terms-constant-main-differ const (cddr main)))))))
281(defun afp-terms-main-constant-differ (main const)
282  (cond ((null main)(cond ((pzerop const) nil)
283			  (t (list 0 (afp-minus const)))))
284	((zerop (car main))
285	 (add-one-term 0 (afp-difference (second main) const) nil))
286	(t (cons (car main) (cons (second main) (afp-terms-main-constant-differ (cddr main) const))))))
288;;assumes divides evenly, integer coefficients.
289;;signal error otherwise the flavor of the error should be specified.
290(defun afp-quotient (f g)
291  "Tries to divide the polynomial f by g. One has result*g=f, or else ~
292  it signals an error."
293  (declare (special *testing*))
294  (cond ((numberp f)
295	 (cond ((numberp g)
296		(afp-cquotient f g))
297	       ((zerop f) 0)
298	       (t (quotient-not-exact))))
299	((numberp g)
300	 (term-operation f g afp-quotient))
301	((pointergp (p-var f) (p-var g))
302	 (term-operation f g afp-quotient))
303	((eq (p-var f) (p-var g))
304	 (loop
305	       with quot with deg-dif with main-var = (p-var f) with minus-quot
306	       do
307	       (setq  deg-dif (- (p-deg f) (p-deg g)))
308	       while (>= deg-dif 0)
309       	       collecting deg-dif into q
310	       collecting  (setq quot (afp-quotient (p-cof f) (p-cof g)))
311	       into q
312	       do (setq minus-quot (pminus quot))
313	       (setq f (pplus
314			f
315			(term-operation g
316					;;-fn/gm
317					minus-quot
318					ptimes
319					deg-dif)))
320	       while (not (and (numberp f) (zerop f)))
321	       when (or (numberp f) (not (eq main-var (p-var f)))
322			(< (p-deg f) (p-deg g)))
323		 do (quotient-not-exact)
324	       finally (return (make-polynomial :terms q :var main-var))))
325	(t (quotient-not-exact))))
328(defun afp-test-divide (f g &aux ( *testing* t) quot)
329  (declare (special *testing*))
330  (catch 'quotient-not-exact (setq quot (afp-quotient f g)))
331  (cond (quot quot)
332	(t nil)))
334(defun afc-remainder (n divisor)
335  (multiple-value-bind (q r) (truncate n divisor) (values r q)))
337;;pseudo division as in Knuth's book.
339(defun afp-pseudo-quotient (f g &aux (creqd 1))
340  "This function returns the values: quotient, remainder and creqd ~
341   so that creqd*f=g*quotient+remainder.  Creqd  does not involve the
342   main variable of f.  The remainder has degree lower than g with respect
343   to the main variable of f."
344  (cond ((numberp f)
345	 (cond ((numberp g)
346		(apply #'values (append '(1) (multiple-value-list (afc-remainder f g)))))
347	       (t (values 0 f 1))))
348	((numberp g)
349	 (values f 0 g))
350	((pointergp (p-var f) (p-var g))
351	 (values f 0 g))
352	((eq (p-var f) (p-var g))
353	 (loop with quot with deg-dif with main-var = (p-var f)
354	    with remainder =
355	      (cond ((and (numberp (p-cof g)) modulus) f)
356		    ((and (numberp (p-cof g))
357			  (eql (abs (p-cof g)) 1)) f)
358		    (t 	(ptimes f (setq creqd (pexpt (p-cof g)
359						     (+ 1 (- (p-deg f) (p-deg g))))))))
360	    do
361	      (setq deg-dif (- (p-deg remainder) (p-deg g)))
362	    while (>= deg-dif 0)
363	    collecting deg-dif into q
364	    collecting  (setq quot (afp-quotient (p-cof remainder) (p-cof g)))
365	    into q
366	    do
367	      (setq remainder (pplus
368			       remainder
369			       (term-operation g
370					       ;;-fn/gm
371					       (pminus quot)
372					       ptimes deg-dif)))
373	    while (and (not (numberp remainder))
374		       (eql (p-var remainder) main-var))
375	    finally
376	      (setq quot (make-polynomial :terms q :var main-var))
377					;		 (iassert (eql 0 (pdifference  (ptimes f creqd ) (Pplus remainder (ptimes quot g)))))
378	      (return (values quot remainder creqd))))
379	(t (values 0 f 1))))
381(defmacro assume-pointerg-or-equal-p (f g &optional reverse-flag)
382  `(cond (( gen-pointergp ,f ,g) nil)
383	 (t
384	  ,@ (cond (reverse-flag (list `(setq ,reverse-flag (null ,reverse-flag)))))
385	  (rotatef ,f ,g))))
387(defun gen-pointergp (f g)
388   (cond ((numberp g) t)
389	 ((numberp f) nil)
390	 (t (pointergp (p-var f) (p-var g)))))
392(defun gen-degree (f)
393  (cond ((numberp f) 0)
394	(t (p-deg f))))
396(defmacro assume-greater-equal-degree (f g &optional reverse-flag)
397     `(cond ((>= (gen-degree ,f) (gen-degree ,g)) nil)
398	    (t
399	    	  ,@ (cond (reverse-flag (list `(setq (,reverse-flag (null ,reverse-flag))))))
400	     (rotatef ,f ,g))))
403(defun afp-content (f )
404  "Returns the gcd of the coefficients of f (with respect to the main variable) ~
405   if f is a polynomial"
406  (cond ((numberp f) f)
407	(t (loop for (deg cof) on (cdddr f) by #'cddr
408		 with cont = (p-cof f)
409		 do (setq cont (afp-gcd cont cof))
410		 finally (return cont)))))
412(defun principal-part (f)
413  (afp-quotient f (afp-content f)))
415(defvar *afp-gcd* 'subresultant)
417(defun afp-gcd (f g  &aux answer)
418    "Returns the gcd of its two arguments which may be any polynomial ~
419   with integer coefficients. "
420   (setq answer
421   (case *afp-gcd*
422	    (euclidean (afp-euclidean-gcd f g))
423	    (subresultant (afp-subresultant-gcd f g))
424	    (t (merror "~%The value of the switch *afp-gcd* ~A is not legal." *afp-gcd*))))
425   (cond (modulus (afp-try-make-monic answer))
426	 (t answer)))
428;;This is the Euclidean gcd algorithm, as in Knuth.
429(defun afp-euclidean-gcd (f g &aux u v r d  contf contg)
430    "Returns the gcd of its two arguments which may be any polynomial ~
431   with integer coefficients.  Currently uses the Euclidean algorithm, but should
432   have a switch"
433  (assume-pointerg-or-equal-p f g)
434  (cond ((numberp f)(gcd f g))
435	((gen-pointergp f g)
436	 (afp-gcd (afp-content f) g))
437;	 (loop for (deg cof) on (p-terms f) by #'cddr
438;			with gcd = g
439;			do (setq gcd (afp-gcd cof gcd))
440;			   finally (return gcd)))
441	((eq (p-var f) (p-var g))
442 	 (setq d (afp-gcd
443		   (setq contf (afp-content f))(setq contg (afp-content g))))
444	 (setq u (afp-quotient f contf))
445	 (setq v (afp-quotient g contg))
446	 (assume-greater-equal-degree u v)
447	 (loop with unused
448	    do (multiple-value-setq (unused  r) (afp-pseudo-quotient u v))
449	    when (pzerop r)
450	      do (return (ptimes d v))
451	    when (gen-pointergp f r)
452	      do (return  d)
453	    do (setq u v)
454	       (setq v (afp-quotient r (afp-content r)))))
455	(t (fsignal 'should-not-get-here))))
458;;This was about twice as fast as the regular maxima pgcd on
459;;some simple functions: 121 msec. as opposed to 250 msec.
460;;this was with the afp-content in terms of the old afp-gcd.
461;; (afp-subresultant-gcd-compare (st-rat #$8*3*(x^2+1)*(x+1)*(z^2+2)*(x+2)$)(st-rat #$15*(x^2-1)*(x^2+1)*(y^2+4)*(z^4+2*z+1)$))
463(defun afp-subresultant-gcd (f g &aux delta u v r d contf contg  answ)
464  "Returns the gcd of its two arguments which may be any polynomial ~
465   with integer coefficients.  It uses the subresultant algorithm"
466  (assume-pointerg-or-equal-p f g)
467  (cond ((numberp f)(gcd f g))
468	((gen-pointergp f g)
469	 (cond ((pzerop g) f)
470	       (t
471		(afp-subresultant-gcd (afp-content f) g))))
472	((eq (p-var f) (p-var g))
473	 (setq d (afp-subresultant-gcd
474		   (setq contf (afp-content f))
475		   (setq contg (afp-content g))))
476	 (setq u (afp-quotient f contf))
477	 (setq v (afp-quotient g contg))
478	 (assume-greater-equal-degree u v)
479	 (setq answ (loop with gg = 1 with h = 1 with g^delta with unused
480			  do
481		      (setq delta (- (p-deg u) (p-deg v)))
482		      (multiple-value-setq (unused  r) (afp-pseudo-quotient u v))
483			  when (pzerop r)
484			    do (return (ptimes d (principal-part v)))
485			  when (gen-pointergp f r)
486			    do (return  d)
487			  do (setq u v)
488			     (setq v (afp-quotient r (ptimes gg (pexpt h delta))))
489			     (setq gg (p-cof u))
490			     (setq g^delta (pexpt gg delta))
491			     (setq h (cond ((eql delta 1)  g^delta)
492					   ((> delta 1) (afp-quotient g^delta
493								      (pexpt h (- delta 1))))
494					   ;;here delta=0
495					   (t (ptimes g^delta h))))))
496	 (afp-try-make-monic answ))))
499(defun one-ptimes (f g)
500  (cond ((eql f 1) g)
501	((eql g 1) f)
502	(t (ptimes f g))))
504(defun exponent-product (&rest alternating-factor-exponent-list)
505  "Exponents may be positive or negative, but assumes result is poly"
506  (loop for (fact deg) on alternating-factor-exponent-list by #'cddr
507	with numer = 1 with  denom = 1
508	when (= deg 1)
509	do (setq numer (one-ptimes numer fact))
510	else
511	when (> deg 1)
512	do (setq numer (one-ptimes numer (pexpt fact deg)))
513	else
514	when (= deg -1)
515	do (setq denom (one-ptimes denom fact))
516	else
517	when (< deg -1)
518	do (setq denom (one-ptimes denom (pexpt fact (- deg))))
519	finally (return (afp-quotient numer denom))))
521(defun same-main-and-degree (f g)
522  (cond ((numberp f)(numberp g))
523	((numberp g)(numberp f))
524	(t
525	 (and (eq (car f) (car g))
526	      (eq (second f) (second g))))))
528;(defun afp-sqfr (f &aux deriv d)
529;  (cond ((numberp f) f)
530;        (t
531;         (loop
532;	 do
533;         (setq deriv (pderivative f (p-var f)))
534;        (setq d (afp-gcd f deriv))
535;           (cond ((numberp d ) f)
536;               ((same-main-and-degree d f)
537;                (make-polynomial :var (p-var f)
538;                                 :teerms
539;                                 (loop for (deg cof) on (cdr f) by #'cddr
540;                                       collecting (quotient deg modulus)
541;                                       collecting cof)))
542;               (t (setq f (afp-quotient f d))))))))
544(defun afp-big-gcd (f g &aux tem)
545  "The arguments may be polynomials with integer coefficients. ~
546   Three values are returned:  gcd , f/gcd,  and g/gcd."
547  (values (setq tem (afp-subresultant-gcd f g)) (afp-quotient f tem) (afp-quotient g tem)))
549(defun afp-pgcdcofacts (f g)
550  (multiple-value-list (afp-big-gcd f g)))
551;;this used 3 times the space and was much slower for the (x+y+z)^10
552;;problem but if I put z=1 then it went much faster, and used less
553;;space, but still not as good as the subresultant algorithm.  It was
554;;about as fast as my subresultant algorithm.
555;(defun afp-big-gcd (f g)
556;  (declare (values gcd-of-f-g f-over-gcd g-over-gcd))
557;  (apply 'values (pgcdcofacts f g)))
560(defun test (f g)
561  (multiple-value-bind (d qf qg)
562      (afp-big-gcd f g)
563    (iassert (equal f (ptimes d qf)))    (iassert (equal g (ptimes d qg)))))
565(defun afp-square-free-with-modulus (u &aux (vari (list-variables u)) root deriv  quot agcd)
566  (check-arg vari (null (cdr vari)) "univariate when modulus")
567  (check-arg modulus (primep modulus) "prime")
568  (cond ((numberp u) u)
569	(t (setq agcd (afp-gcd u (setq deriv (pderivative u (p-var u)))))
570	   (cond ((numberp agcd) (list u 1))
571		 ((> (p-deg u) (p-deg agcd))
572		  (setq quot (afp-quotient u agcd))
573		  (append (afp-square-free-with-modulus quot) (afp-square-free-with-modulus
574								agcd)))
575		 ;;deriv is 0
576		 (t (check-arg deriv (eql 0 deriv) "zero")
577		    (setq root (psimp (p-var u)
578				      (loop for (deg cof) on (cdr u) by #'cddr
579					    collecting (quotient deg modulus)
580					    collecting cof)))
581		    (loop for (pol deg) on  (afp-square-free-with-modulus root) by #'cddr
582			  collecting pol collecting (* deg modulus)))))))
584;;timing on factoring the (x+y+z)^10 2.6 sec 10,047 words
585;;timing on factoring the (x+y+z)^20 20.2 sec 37,697 words
587(defun afp-square-free-factorization (u &aux d tx v1 w1 some-factors unit)
588  "returns an alternating list of factors and exponents. In the characteristic 0 case each factor is ~
589  guaranteed square free and relatively prime to the other factors. Note that if
590  modulus is not zero then u should be univariate.  Otherwise for eg mod 3, x^3-t
591  is not square free in the field with cube root of t adjoined, and it can't be factored
592  in Z/3Z[x,t]."
593  (cond (modulus
594	 (afp-square-free-with-modulus u))
595	(t
596	 (cond ((numberp u)
597		u)
598	       (t
599		(setq d (afp-content u))
600		(setq u (term-operation u d afp-quotient))
601		(multiple-value-setq (tx v1 w1)
602		  (afp-big-gcd u (pderivative u (p-var u))))
603					;       (show tx v1 w1)
604		(setq some-factors
605		      (cond ((eql tx 1)
606			     (list u 1))
607			    ((numberp tx)
608			     (fsignal 'how-did-this-happen))
609			    (t
610			     (loop for i from 1
611				with vi = v1 with wi = w1 with videriv with vi+1 with ui with wi+1
612				with main-var = (p-var u)
613				do	; (show i)
614				(setq videriv (pderivative vi main-var))
615					;			  (show factor-list)
616				when (equal wi videriv)
617				do
618				(return (append factor-list (list vi i)))
619				do
620				(multiple-value-setq (ui vi+1 wi+1)
621				  (afp-big-gcd vi (pdifference wi
622							       videriv)))
623					;		   (show vi wi ui  vi+1 wi+1)
624				when (not (eql ui 1))
625				nconc (list ui i) into factor-list
626				do
627				(setq vi vi+1)
628				(setq wi wi+1)
629				))))
630					;       (show some-factors)
631		;;this is all to collect some numbers and fix the unit multiple.
632		(loop for (pol deg) on some-factors by #'cddr
633		   with answ = d
634		   do (setq answ (ptimes answ (pexpt (p-cof pol) deg)))
635		   finally
636		     (setq unit (afp-quotient (p-cof u) answ))
637		     (cond ((eql unit 1) nil)
638			   ((eql unit -1) (loop for (pol1 deg1) on some-factors by #'cddr
639					     for i from 0 by 2
640					     when (oddp deg1) do (setf (nth i some-factors)
641								       (pminus pol1))
642					       (return 'done)
643					     finally (merror "no odd factors yet differs by minus ")))
644			   (t (fsignal "not handled yet"))))
645		(cond ((eql d 1) some-factors)
646		      (t (append (afp-square-free-factorization d) some-factors))))))))
650;;tested on (x+y+z)^10 times itself and got about
651;;the same time as ptimes 3100 milliseconds. in temporary area.
652;;It used 10% more space. 205,000 for (x+y+z)^20*(x+y+z)^10 for ptimes.
653;;note on the st-rat form it only takes 510 msec. for (x+y+z)^10  and
654;;2.00 sec for (x+y+z)^20  as opposed to 3 sec and 15 sec resp with
656;                         afp-square-free-factorization   pfactor
657;  poly (x+y+z)^10 cre       .51   7,887                     3.0       17000
658;  poly (x+y+z)^10 general   1.8   28,00                     4.5       68,000
659;  poly (x+y+z)^20 cre       2.0   28,000                   15.       252,000
660;  poly (x+y+z)^20 general   7.2   105,000                  20.8      325,000
664;(defun af-fake-times (f g)
665; (user:tim (progn (afp-times f g) nil)))
666;(defun reg-fake-times (f g)
667; (user:tim   (progn (ptimes f g) nil)))
671;;essentially same speed as regualar ptimes or maybe 5 %faster
672;;does (afp-times (x+y+z)^10 times itself in 2530 msec. and 2640 for ptimes.
675(defun afp-times (f g)
676  "The two arguments are polynomials and the result is the product polynomial"
677  (cond ((numberp f)
678	 (cond ((zerop f) 0)
679	       (t (afp-pctimes g f ))))
680	((numberp g)
681	 (cond ((zerop g) 0)
682	       (t(afp-pctimes f g))))
683	((eq (p-var f) (p-var g))
684	 (palgsimp (p-var f) (afp-terms-times (cdr f)(cdr g)) (alg f)))
685	((pointergp (p-var f) (p-var g))
686	 (psimp (p-var f) (plain-term-operation (cdr f)  g afp-times)))
687	(t(psimp (p-var g) (plain-term-operation (cdr g)  f afp-times)))))
690;;;the following shuffles the terms together and is about the same speed as the
691;;;corresponding maxima function ptimes1
692;(defun afp-terms-times (terms-f terms-g &aux prev to-add repl new-deg one-product)
693;  "assumes same main variable"
694;  (loop while terms-f
695;	do
696;    (setq one-product
697;	  (plain-term-operation terms-g (term-cof terms-f) afp-times (term-deg terms-f)))
698;	until one-product
699;	do (setq terms-f (cddr terms-f)))
700;  (cond ((null one-product) nil)
701;	(t
702;	 (loop for (deg-f cof-f) on (cddr terms-f) by 'cddr
703;	       do
704;	   (loop for (deg cof) on terms-g by #'cddr     ;;sue
705;		 ;;computes the coeff of x^deg+deg-g and adds it in to
706;		 ;;the terms of one-product.  Prev stands for the terms beginning
707;		 ;;with where the previous one was added on, or
708;		 initially
709;		   (setq prev one-product)
710;		 do (setq new-deg (+ deg deg-f))
711;		    (setq to-add (afp-times cof-f cof))
712;		    (cond ((pzerop to-add))
713;			  ;;you should only get here when not in an integral domain
714;			  ((>= new-deg(car prev))
715;			   (cond ((> new-deg (car prev))
716;				  (setq one-product (setq prev	(cons new-deg (cons to-add prev)))))
717;				 (t
718;				  ;;claim this can't happen unless prev = one-product
719;				  ;;Since otherwise have had a non-trivial to-add already in the sue
720;				  ;;loop and this would have added something in degree new-deg, but back
721;				  ;;one step, and prev  would have that new-deg as its first element.
722;				  ;;That new-deg must be bigger than the current new-deg.
723;				  (iassert (eq prev one-product))
724;				  (cond ((pzerop (setq repl (afp-plus (term-cof prev) to-add)))
725;					 (setq prev (setq one-product (cddr prev))))
726;					(t(setf (second prev) repl))))))
727;			  (t ;;each to-add term has lower new-deg than the previous (or to-add=0)
728;			   (loop for vvv on  (cddr prev) by #'cddr
729;				   do
730;			       (cond ((> (term-deg vvv) new-deg) (setq prev vvv))
731;				     ((eql (term-deg vvv) new-deg)
732;				      (cond ((pzerop (setq repl (afp-plus (term-cof vvv) to-add)))
733;					     (setf (cddr prev)(cddr vvv)))
734;					    (t (setf (term-cof vvv) repl)
735;					       	  (setq prev (cddr prev))))
736;				      (return nil))
737;				     (t (setf (cddr prev) (cons new-deg (cons to-add vvv)))
738;					(setq prev (cddr prev))
739;					(return nil)))
740;				   finally (setf (cddr prev)(list new-deg to-add))))))
741;	       finally (return one-product)))))
744(defun test-decrease (terms)
745  (loop for (deg cof) on terms by #'cddr
746	with d0 = 1000
747	when (not (> d0 deg)) do (fsignal 'bad-order)
748				 else do (setq d0 deg)))
750(defun afp-pctimes (poly number)
751  "Its first argument must be a polynomial and second argument a number,~
752    and it returns the product"
753  (cond ((atom poly)(ctimes poly number))
754	(t (term-operation poly number afp-pctimes))))
756(defmacro butlastn (n list)
757  "knocks off the last n items of a list"
758  `(setf ,list  (cond ((< ,n (length ,list))
759		       (setf (cdr (lastn (1+ ,n) ,list)) nil) ,list)
760		      (t nil))))
762(defun test-times (f g &key empty)
763  (cond (modulus (iassert (equal (tim (afp-times f g))
764				 (remove-zero-coefficients (tim (ptimes f g))))))
765	(empty (tim (progn
766		      (afp-times f g)
767		      nil))
768	       (tim (progn
769		      (ptimes f g)
770		      nil)))
771	(t	     (iassert (equal (tim (afp-times f g))
772				     (tim (ptimes f g)))))))
775(defun remove-zero-coefficients (poly)
776  (cond ((numberp poly)poly)
777	(t (loop with v = poly
778		 while (cdr v)
779		 do  (setf (third v) (remove-zero-coefficients (third v)))
780		 when (pzerop (third v))
781		     do(setf (cdr v) (cdddr v))
782		     else
783		 do (setq v (cddr v))
784		 finally (return  (cond ((null (cdr poly)) 0)
785					((zerop (second poly))(third poly))
786					(t poly)))))))
789(defmacro with-area-used (&rest body)
790  `(progn
791     (prog1
792	 (progn ,@body))))
794(defun recursive-ideal-gcd1 (f g )
795   "assumes that f and g are polynomials of one variable and that modulus is non trivial
796   and that deg f >= deg g   gcd = a*f +b*g , and deg a < deg g, deg b < deg f"
797  (cond ((numberp g)(setq g (cmod g))
798	 (cond ((zerop g)(values f 1 0))
799	       (t (values 1 0  (crecip g)))))
800	((not (eql (p-var g) (p-var f)))(merror 'not-function-of-one-variable))
801	(t(multiple-value-bind (quot zl-rem creqd)
802	      (afp-pseudo-quotient f g)
803	    creqd ;;ignore
804	    (multiple-value-bind (gcd a b)
805		(recursive-ideal-gcd1 g zl-rem)
806	      (values gcd b (pdifference a (ptimes quot b))))))))
810(defun recursive-ideal-gcd (f g &aux rev? fact)
811  "assumes that f and g are polynomials of one variable and that modulus is non trivial
812   It returns (gcd a b) such that gcd = a*f +b*g , and deg a < deg g, deg b < deg f where
813   gcd is the gcd of f and g in the polynomial ring modulo modulus."
814  (cond ((null modulus) (merror "polynomials over the integers are not a PID")))
815   (assume-pointerg-or-equal-p f g rev?)
816   (cond ((numberp f)(values 1 (crecip f) 0))
817	 (t (multiple-value-bind (gcd a b)
818		(recursive-ideal-gcd1 f g)
819;	       (iassert (zerop (pdifference gcd (pplus  (ptimes f a)  (ptimes g b)))))
820;	      (iassert (numberp (afp-quotient gcd (pgcd f g))))
821	      (cond ((numberp gcd)
822		     (cond ((not(equal gcd 1))(setq fact (crecip gcd)))))
823		    (t (cond ((not(equal (p-cof gcd) 1))(setq fact (crecip (p-cof gcd)))))))
824	      (cond (fact (setq gcd (ptimes fact gcd))
825			  (setq a (ptimes a fact))
826			  (setq b (ptimes b fact))))
827	      (cond (rev? (values gcd b a))
828		    (t (values gcd a b)))))))
832(defvar $e_poles nil)
834;;;do the following at macsyma level to specify which poles you want:
835;;;    e_poles:[e^-2,e^-1]$
837(defun $list_poles_of_sum (sum)
838  (cond ((numberp sum) '((mlist simp) 0 0))
839	(t
840  (check-arg sum (and (consp sum)(eql (caar sum) 'mplus)) "macsyma sum")
841	 (let ((pol   $e_poles))
842	  (cons (car pol)  (loop for u in (cdr pol)
843		 collecting
844	   (loop for v in (cdr sum)
845		 when (equal u v)
846		   collecting 1 into cof
847		 else
848		 when (and (listp v) (member u  (cdr v) :test 'equal))
849		  collecting
850		    (cond ((eql (length v) 3)
851			   (loop for vv in (cdr v )
852				   when (not (equal vv u))
853				     do (return vv)))
854			  (t (loop for vv in v
855				   when (not (equal vv u))
856				     collecting vv)))
857		    into cof
858		 finally (return  (cond ((null cof) 0)
859			       ((eql (length cof) 1) (car cof))
860			       (t (apply 'add* cof)))))))))))
862(defun constant-psublis (alist polynomial)
863  (setq alist (sort alist #'pointergp :key #'car))
864  (constant-psublis1 alist polynomial))
866(defun constant-psublis1 (alist polynomial)
867  (cond ((numberp polynomial) polynomial)
868	((null alist) polynomial)
869	(t
870	 (block sue
871	   (prog
872	       (main-var tem)
873	      (setq main-var (p-var polynomial))
874	      reduce-subs
875	      (cond ((and alist (pointergp (caar alist) main-var))
876		     (setq alist (cdr alist)) (go reduce-subs)))
877	      (cond ((null alist) (return polynomial))
878		    ((eql (caar alist) main-var)
879		     (loop for (deg cof) on (p-next-term (p-terms polynomial))
880			by #'p-next-term
881			with repl = (cdr (car alist))
882			with answ =  (afp-pctimes
883				      (constant-psublis1
884				       (cdr alist) (p-cof polynomial))
885				      (cexpt repl (p-deg polynomial)))
886			do (setq answ
887				 (pplus answ
888					(cond ((zerop deg)
889					       (constant-psublis1 (cdr alist) cof))
890					      (t  (afp-pctimes (constant-psublis1
891								(cdr alist) cof)
892							       (cexpt repl deg))))))
893			finally (return-from sue  answ)))
894		    (t (return
895			 (psimp main-var
896				    (loop for (deg cof)
897				       on (p-terms polynomial) by #'p-next-term
898				       unless (pzerop (setq tem (constant-psublis1 alist cof)))
899				       nconc (list deg tem)))))))))))
901;;afp-pcsubsty used 1/2 space and was twice as fast as pcsubsty on substituting for one variable y
902;;in (x+y+z)^10  (33.5 msec. and 70 msec respect).
905;(defun afp-pcsubsty (vals vars pol)
906;  (constant-psublis (subs-for-psublis vars vals) pol))
907;(defun reg-pcsubsty (vals vars pol)
908;  (pcsubsty vals vars pol)))
910(defun my-evenp (n &aux nn)
911   (setq nn (ash n -1))
912   (and (equal (ash nn 1) n) nn))
914;;On symbolics the regular gcd is only 40% of the speed of fast-gcd.
915;;and I compared the values on several hundred random
916;;m n and it was correct.
917;;on (test 896745600000 7890012  1000) of 1000 repeats
918;;the fast-gcd was .725 sec and the regualar gcd was 5.6 sec. using 0 and 23000 words resp.
919;;On Explorer: Release 1.0)the fast-gcd was 1.9 sec and the regualar gcd was .102 sec. using 0 and 0 words resp.
920;(defun test (m n rep &aux a b)
921;  (tim (loop for i below rep
922;	do (setq a (fast-gcd m n))))
923;  (tim (loop for i below rep
924;	      do (setq b (\\\\ m n))))
925;  (assert (equal a b)))
926;;for testing two gcd's give same results.
927;(defun test ( rep &aux m n a b)
928;  (loop for i below rep
929;	do (setq m (* (random (expt2 32))(setq n (random (^ 2 32)))))
930;	when (oddp i) do(setq n (- n))
931;	do
932;	(setq n (* n (random (^ 2 32))))
933;	do (setq a (gcd m n))
934;	do (setq b (\\\\ m n))
935;	(show (list m n a))
936;	(assert (equal a b))))
939(defun fast-gcd (m n)
940  (setq m (abs m) n (abs n))
941  (cond ((< n m)nil)
942	(t (rotatef m n)))
943  (cond ((zerop n) m)
944	((fixnump n)
945	 (setq m (mod m n))
946	 (cond ((zerop m) n)
947	       (t (bin-gcd m n))))
948	(t (gcd  n (mod m n)))))
951(defun bin-gcd (u v &aux (k 0)u2 v2 t2 tt)
952  (loop
953	do (setq u2 (ash u -1))
954	when (not (eql (ash u2 1) u))
955	  do (return k)
956	do (setq v2 (ash v -1))
957	when (not (eql (ash v2 1) v))
958	  do (return k)
959       do (setq u u2 v v2 k (1+ k)))
960  (prog ()
961     b2
962	(cond ((oddp u) (setq tt (- v)))
963	      (t (setq tt (ash u -1))))
964     b3b4
965	(loop  do (setq t2 (ash tt -1))
966	       when  (eql (ash t2 1) tt)
967	       do (setq tt t2)
968		  else do (return nil))
969	(cond ((> tt 0) (setq u tt))
970	      (t (setq v (- tt))))
971	(setq tt (- u v))
972	(cond ((zerop tt)(return (ash u k)))
973	      (t (go b3b4)))))
975(defun poly-length (poly)
976  (cond ((numberp poly ) 0)
977	(t (length (cdr poly)))))
979(defun poly-to-row (poly &optional row &aux leng)
980  (cond (row
981	 (cond ((< (array-total-size row) (length poly))
982		(setq row (adjust-array row (+ 10 (poly-length poly)) :fill-pointer (fill-pointer row))))))
983	(t
984	 (setq row (make-array (+ 10 (setq leng (poly-length poly))) :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))))
985  (cond ((numberp poly)
986	 (vector-push 0 row)
987	 (vector-push poly row))
988	(t
989	 (loop for u in (cdr poly) do
990	      (vector-push u row))))
991  row)
993(defun row-to-terms (row)
994  (listarray (sort-grouped-array row 2 '>)))
996;;seems afp-square is roughly twice as fast on univariate.
999(defun afp-square (poly)
1000  (cond ((numberp poly)(ctimes poly poly))
1001	(t (palgsimp (p-var poly) (afp-terms-square (p-terms poly)) (alg poly)))))
1003;;comparison for squaring (x+y+z)^10 and (x+y+z)^4 (x+1)^10
1004;;;done in temp area:
1005;             afp-square (time space)  pexpt (time space)
1006;(x+y+z)^10   1450 ms.  25,305           1780ms 32,270
1007;(x+y+z)^4      80 ms.   1,443            111ms  2,099
1008;(x+1)^10       82 ms.     527            190ms  2,911
1010;; (defun test-square (f &key empty)
1011;;   (cond (modulus
1012;; 	 (iassert (equal (tim (afp-square f)) (remove-zero-coefficients (tim (pexpt f 2 ))))))
1013;; 	(empty
1014;; 	 (tim (progn
1015;; 		(afp-square f)
1016;; 		nil))
1017;; 	       (tim (progn
1018;; 		      (pexpt f 2)
1019;; 		      nil)))
1020;; 	(t
1021;; 	 (iassert (equal (tim (afp-square f)) (tim (pexpt f 2)))))))
1023;; (defun test-square (f &key empty)
1024;;   (cond (modulus
1025;; 	 (iassert (equal (tim (afp-square f)) (remove-zero-coefficients (tim (ptimes f f))))))
1026;; 	(empty
1027;; 	 (tim (progn
1028;; 		(afp-square f)
1029;; 		nil))
1030;; 	       (tim (progn
1031;; 		      (pexpt f 2)
1032;; 		      nil)))
1033;; 	(t
1034;; 	 (iassert (equal (tim (afp-square f)) (tim (ptimes f f)))))))
1036;;pexpt is not accurate for modulus=9
1037;;note example set al:(x+y+z)^4 in polynomial form.
1038;;then (let ((modulus 9))  (equal (ptimes al al)  (pexpt al 2))) ==> nil
1039;;but afp-square does work.
1041(defun afp-terms-square (p-terms)
1042  (prog (lead orig-p2-terms p2-terms prod-exp prod-cof tail answ)
1043     begin
1044	(cond (p-terms (setq answ (afp-square (term-cof p-terms)))
1045		       (setq orig-p2-terms(setq p2-terms (plain-term-operation (cddr p-terms) 2 afp-pctimes)))
1046		       (setq answ (plain-term-operation p2-terms (term-cof p-terms) afp-times (term-deg p-terms)))
1047		       (setq lead (afp-square (term-cof p-terms)))
1048		       (cond ((pzerop lead) nil)
1049			     (t (setq answ (cons (* 2 (term-deg p-terms))
1050						 (cons lead
1051						       answ)))))
1052		       (cond ((null answ)
1053			      (setq p-terms (cddr p-terms))
1054			      (setq p2-terms (cddr p2-terms))
1055			      (go begin))
1056			     (t (go second-leading-square))))
1057	      (t (return nil)))
1058     tail-certain ;;add in term to tail
1059	(cond ((and (cdr tail)(> (second tail) prod-exp))
1060	       (setq tail (cddr tail))               (go tail-certain)))
1061	(cond ((or (null (cdr tail))(< (second tail) prod-exp))
1062	       (setf (cdr tail) (cons prod-exp (cons prod-cof (cdr tail))))
1063	       (setq tail (cddr tail))                (go next-double-product)))
1064	(cond ((pzerop (setq prod-cof (pplus (third tail) prod-cof)))
1065	       (setf (cdr tail) (cdddr tail)))
1066	      (t (setf (third tail) prod-cof) (setq  tail (cddr tail))))
1067     next-double-product
1068	(setq p2-terms (cddr p2-terms))
1069	(cond ((null p2-terms)(go next-leading-square)))
1070	(setq prod-cof (afp-times (term-cof p-terms) (term-cof p2-terms)))
1071	(cond ((pzerop prod-cof) (go next-double-product)))
1072	(setq prod-exp (+ (term-deg p-terms) (term-deg p2-terms)))
1073	(go tail-certain)
1074     next-leading-square
1075	(setq orig-p2-terms (cddr orig-p2-terms))
1076     second-leading-square
1077	(setq p-terms (cddr p-terms))
1078	(cond ((null p-terms)(return answ)))
1079	(setq prod-cof (afp-square (term-cof p-terms)))
1080	(setq p2-terms orig-p2-terms)
1081	(setq tail (cdr answ))
1082	(cond ((pzerop prod-cof) (go next-double-product)))
1083	(setq prod-exp (* 2 (term-deg p-terms)))
1084	(go tail-certain)))
1087(defmacro def-test (f1 f2)
1088  `(defun ,(intern (format nil "~A-~A" '#:test f1)) (&rest rest-args)
1089     (let (empty (*print-level* 2)(*print-length* 3) ansa ansb)
1092       (cond ((member ':empty rest-args :test #'eq)
1093	      (setq rest-args (subseq rest-args 0 (- (length rest-args)
1094						     (length (member ':empty rest-args :test #'eq)))))
1095	      (setq empty t)))
1096       (format t "~%For functions ~A and ~A respectively, ~%with argument list being ~A" ',f1 ',f2 rest-args)
1097       (cond (empty (format t  "~%All computations done in a temporary area:")))
1098       (cond ((and (null empty)modulus)
1099	      (progn
1100		(iassert (equal (setq ansa(tim (apply ',f1 rest-args)))
1101				(setq ansb (remove-zero-coefficients (tim (apply ',f2 rest-args ))))))))
1102	     (empty (tim (progn
1103			   (apply ',f1 rest-args )
1104			   nil))
1105		    (tim (progn
1106			   (apply ',f2 rest-args)
1107			   nil)))
1108	     (t (progn
1109		  (iassert (equal (setq ansa (tim (apply ',f1 rest-args )))
1110				  (setq ansb(tim (apply ',f2 rest-args)))))))))))
1112;;timings for afp-expt and pexpt respectively with 5 th power
1114;For functions AFP-EXPT and PEXPT respectively,
1115;with argument list (POLY EXPONENT) being ((Z 4 1 ...) 5)
1116;All computations done in a temporary area:
1117;2223.207 msec. at priority 1
1118;Reclaiming 39,793 in polynomial space (total 4,176,070).14:20:53
1119;3029.429 msec. at priority 1
1120;Reclaiming 50,579 in polynomial space (total 4,226,649).14:20:56"
1123;For functions AFP-EXPT and PEXPT respectively,
1124;with argument list (POLY EXPONENT) being ((X 10 1 ...) 10)
1125;All computations done in a temporary area:
1126;1972.551 msec. at priority 1
1127;Reclaiming 17,220 in polynomial space (total 3,825,741).14:19:00
1128;3312.806 msec. at priority 1
1129;Reclaiming 28,634 in polynomial space (total 3,854,375).14:19:03"
1131;;note ( pexpt (x+y+z)^4 5) yields false result.. if modulus is 4.
1132;;I checked that afp-expt was ok, by comparing to  the following
1133;;simple exponent function.
1134;(def-test afp-expt pexpt-simple)
1135;(defun pexpt-simple (u n)
1136;		       (loop for i from 1 to n
1137;			     with answ = 1
1138;			     do (setq answ (ptimes answ u))
1139;				finally (return answ)))
1140(defun afp-expt-modulo (poly exponent &rest work-modulo)
1141  (working-modulo work-modulo
1142    (afp-expt poly exponent)))
1144(defun afp-expt (poly exponent)
1145  "Raises the polynomial POLY to EXPONENT.  It never performs more
1146  than a squaring before simplifying, so that if modulus or tellrat are
1147  in effect, it will still be reasonable."
1148  (cond ((eql exponent 1) poly)
1149	((eql exponent 0) poly)
1150	((< exponent 0) (merror "Use positive exponents"))
1151	(t (cond ((numberp poly)(cexpt poly exponent))
1152		 ((or (cdddr poly) (alg poly))
1153		  ;;main case
1154		  (loop for i from 0
1155			with  2^i-power-poly =  poly
1156			with answer = 1
1157			do
1158		    (cond ((oddp exponent)
1159			   (cond ((eql answer 1)
1160				  (setq answer  2^i-power-poly))
1161				 (t
1162			   (setq answer (afp-times answer 2^i-power-poly))))))
1164		    (setq exponent (ash exponent -1))
1165		    (cond ((zerop exponent)(return answer)))
1166		    (setq 2^i-power-poly (afp-square 2^i-power-poly))))
1167		 (t ;;monomial of variable not tellrated
1168		  (let ((pow (afp-expt (p-cof poly) exponent)))
1169		    (cond ((pzerop pow) 0)
1170			  (t
1171			   (psimp (p-var poly)
1172				     (list (* (p-deg poly) exponent)
1173				      pow))))))))))
1174(defmacro push-poly-number-deg-cof (rows poly-number deg cof &aux (row (make-symbol "row")))
1175  `(let ((,row (aref ,rows ,deg)))
1176     (vector-push-extend  ,poly-number ,row)
1177     (vector-push-extend  ,cof ,row)))
1179  ;;want to find sol'ns of v^p-v=0 (mod u)
1180(defun berlekamp-set-up-and-reduce-matrix ( u p &aux rows powers estimated-size  sp)
1181  (setq rows (make-array (p-deg u) :fill-pointer (p-deg u)))
1182  (let ((modulus p)(tellratlist (list u)))
1183    (working-modulo (list u)
1184		    (setq powers
1185			  (loop for i from 0
1186			     with pol = (afp-expt (list (p-var u) 1 1) p)
1187			     with pow = 1 with belo =  (1- (p-deg u))
1188			     collecting pow
1189			     while (< i belo)
1190			     when (eql pow 1)
1191			     do (setq pow pol)
1192			     else do (setq pow (afp-times pol pow)))))
1193    (loop for i below (max 5 (length powers))
1194       for vv in powers
1195       summing (or (and (atom vv) 0) (length vv)) into count
1196       finally (setq estimated-size (+ 10 (quotient count 5))))
1197    (loop for i below (fill-pointer rows)
1198       do (setf (aref rows i) (make-array estimated-size :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
1199    ;;putting the entries in the sparse matrix.  Each polynomial is a column.
1200    (loop for vv  in (cdr powers)
1201       for i from 1
1202       when (numberp vv)
1203       do
1204	 (push-poly-number-deg-cof rows i 0 vv)
1205	 (push-poly-number-deg-cof rows i i -1)
1206       else
1207       do
1208	 (loop for (deg cof) on (p-terms vv) by #'p-next-term
1209	    with subtracted-it
1210	    when (eql i deg)
1211	    do
1212	      (setq cof (- cof 1))
1213	      (setq subtracted-it t)
1214	    do
1215	      (cond ((not (zerop cof))
1216		     (push-poly-number-deg-cof rows i deg cof)))
1217	    finally (cond ((null subtracted-it)
1218			   (push-poly-number-deg-cof rows i i -1))))
1219	 )
1220    (setq sp (make-sparse-matrix :rows rows
1221				 :type-of-entries p
1222				 :columns-used-to-pivot (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
1223    (sp-set-rows sp rows (loop for i from 1 below (p-deg u) collecting i))
1224    (sp-reduce sp)
1225    sp))
1227(defun berlekamp-polynomial-solutions (sp polynomial &aux sp-sols)
1228   (sp-solve sp )
1229    (setq sp-sols (sp-solutions sp))
1230    (loop for i below (row-length (sp-rows sp-sols))
1231	  collecting (psimp (p-var polynomial)(listarray (sort-grouped-array (sp-row sp-sols i) 2 '>)))))
1234(defun berlekamp-get-factors-little-prime (u reduced-sparse-matrix prime &aux number-of-factors b-polys poly tem
1235					   			      (factor-list (list u)))
1236  (setq number-of-factors   (- (p-deg u) (sp-number-of-pivots reduced-sparse-matrix)  ))
1237  (show number-of-factors)
1238  (sp-show-matrix reduced-sparse-matrix)
1239  (cond ((eql 1 number-of-factors) ;;irreducible
1240	 factor-list)
1241	(t (setq b-polys (berlekamp-polynomial-solutions
1242			   reduced-sparse-matrix u))
1243	   (loop named sue
1244		 for v in b-polys
1245		 with half-p = (ash prime -1)
1246		 do
1247	     (loop for j from (- half-p) to half-p
1248		   do
1249	       (loop for u-fact in factor-list
1250		     do
1251	       ;;make more efficient.
1252	       (setq poly (pplus v j))
1253	       (setq tem   (afp-gcd poly  u-fact))
1254		   when (not (or (numberp tem)
1255				     (eql (p-deg tem) (p-deg u-fact))))
1256		     do (setq tem (afp-make-monic tem))
1257			(setq factor-list (cons tem
1258						(cons (afp-quotient u-fact
1259								    tem)
1260						      (delete u-fact factor-list :test #'equal))))
1261			when (eql (length factor-list) number-of-factors)
1262			  do (return-from sue factor-list)))))))
1264(defun berlekamp-get-factors-big-prime (u reduced-sparse-matrix prime &aux number-of-factors b-polys
1265			      (factor-list (list u)))
1266  (setq number-of-factors   (- (p-deg u) (sp-number-of-pivots reduced-sparse-matrix)  ))
1267  	(show number-of-factors)
1269  (cond ((eql 1 number-of-factors) ;;irreducible
1270	 factor-list)
1271	(t (setq b-polys (berlekamp-polynomial-solutions
1272			   reduced-sparse-matrix u))
1273	   (prog (half-p  tem pow v)
1274		 (setq half-p (ash prime -1))
1275	      added-factor
1276		 (cond ((>= (length factor-list) number-of-factors)(return factor-list)))
1277		 (setq v (loop for vv in (cdr b-polys)
1278			       with answ = (afp-pctimes (car b-polys) (random (max 500 prime)))
1279			       do (setq answ (pplus answ (afp-pctimes vv (random prime))))
1280			       finally (return answ)))
1281		 (working-modulo
1282		   (list u)
1283		   (setq pow (pdifference (afp-expt v half-p) 1)))
1284		 (setq factor-list
1285		       (loop for w in factor-list
1286		       do (setq tem (afp-make-monic  (afp-gcd pow w)))
1287		       when (not (or (numberp tem)
1288				     (eql (p-deg tem) (p-deg w))))
1289			 collecting tem
1290		       and
1291		       collecting (afp-quotient w tem)
1292		       else collecting w))
1293		 (go added-factor)))))
1295(defun afp-make-monic (poly)
1296  (cond ((numberp poly) 1)
1297	((not (or modulus (eql (abs (p-cof poly)) 1)))
1298	 (merror "not finite modulus or unit coefficient"))
1299	(t (let ((inv (crecip (p-cof poly ))))
1300	      (afp-pctimes poly inv)))))
1304(defun afp-try-make-monic (poly)
1305  (cond ((numberp poly) 1)
1306	((eql (p-cof poly) 1) poly)
1307	((eql (p-cof poly) -1)
1308	 (pminus poly))
1309	(modulus
1310	   (cond ((numberp (p-cof poly))
1311		  (afp-pctimes poly (crecip (p-cof poly))))
1312		 (t poly)))
1313	(t poly)))
1315(defun afp-berlekamp-factor (pol)
1316  (afp-berlekamp-factor1 pol modulus :use-little (<= modulus 13)))
1318(defun afp-berlekamp-factor1 (pol p &key use-little use-big &aux sp (modulus p) answ)
1319  (setq sp  (berlekamp-set-up-and-reduce-matrix pol p) )
1320 (cond ((and (null use-big)(or use-little (< p 13))) (setq answ  (berlekamp-get-factors-little-prime pol sp p)))
1321       (t  (setq answ  (berlekamp-get-factors-big-prime pol sp p))))
1322 (loop for v in answ
1323       with ans = 1
1324       do (setq ans (ptimes ans v))
1325      finally (show ans) (iassert (equal (afp-mod pol) ans)))
1326 (show answ)
1327 (mapcar #'afp-mod answ))
1329(defvar *mod-p-factor* 'afp-berlekamp-factor)
1330;(defvar *mod-p-factor* 'afp-distinct-degree-factor)
1332(defvar *sort-factors* t)
1334(defun afp-factor (pol &key square-free-arg &aux factor-function facts vars    lead  answ)
1335  (cond (modulus  (setq lead (p-cof pol))
1336		  (setq pol (afp-try-make-monic pol))))
1337  (cond (square-free-arg (setq facts (list pol 1)))
1338	(t(setq facts (afp-square-free-factorization pol))))
1339  (setq vars (list-variables pol))
1340  (setq answ (cond (modulus
1341		    (cond ((cdr vars) (fsignal 'not-univariate))
1342			  (t (setq factor-function  *mod-p-factor* )
1343			     (setq answ
1344				   (loop for (pol deg)  on facts by #'cddr
1345					 with const = 1
1346					 when (consp pol)
1347					   appending
1348					     (loop for fa in (funcall factor-function pol)
1349						   collecting fa
1350						   collecting deg) into all
1351					 else do (setq const  (ctimes const pol))
1352						 (iassert (eql deg 1))
1353					 finally (setq const (* lead const))
1354						 (return(cond ((not (eql const 1))
1355							(cons const (cons 1 all)))
1356						       (t all))))))))
1357		   (t (fsignal 'not-yet-without-modulus))))
1358  (cond (*sort-factors* (sort-grouped-list answ 2 'alphagreatp))
1359	(t answ)))
1361(defun afp-mod (pol)
1362  (afp-pctimes pol 1))
1364(defun get-factors (u use-for-gcd p &aux tem)
1365  (let ((modulus p))
1366    (loop for w in use-for-gcd
1367	  appending
1368	    (loop for i below p
1369		  when (not (numberp (setq tem (afp-gcd (pplus w i) u))))
1370		    do (show i) and
1371		  collecting (monize tem)))))
1374(defun afp-distinct-degree-factor (u &optional ( prime modulus) &aux (v u )(ww (list (p-var u) 1 1)) (d 0) gd
1375				   mon (modulus prime) answer)
1376  "U should be univariate and square free.  Calculations are done modulo PRIME.  It
1377  returns an alternating list of factors"
1378  (setq mon ww)
1379  (setq answer
1380	(loop do (cond ((numberp v) (return answ))
1381		       ((> (* 2 (1+ d)) (p-deg v))(return (cons v answ))))
1382	     (incf d)
1383	     (working-modulo (list v) (setq ww(afp-expt ww prime)))
1384	     (setq gd (afp-gcd (pdifference ww mon) v))
1385	     (cond ((and (consp gd) (> d (p-deg gd)))(fsignal 'big)))
1386	   when (not (numberp gd))
1387	   do
1388	     (setq v (afp-quotient v gd))
1389	     (and (consp v) (consp ww) (setq ww (palgsimp (p-var v) (cdr ww) (cdr v))))
1390	   when (not (numberp gd))
1391	   appending (one-degree-factors (afp-try-make-monic gd) d prime) into answ))
1392  (iassert (eql (p-deg  u)
1393		(loop for v in answer
1394		       summing (p-deg v) )))
1395  answer)
1398(defun tel (u n p &aux (modulus p))
1399  (check-arg p (oddp p) "odd")
1400    (iassert (eql (p-deg  u)
1401		(loop for v in answ
1402		 summing (p-deg v) )))
1404  (eql (p-deg u) n))
1405(defun one-degree-factors (u deg p &aux pow tt tem facts used-tt answ (modulus p))
1406  "assumes u has its irreducible factors of degree DEG and works modulo P.  U should
1407   be univariate and square free.  The result is thus just a list of the factors (powers
1408    are unnecessary"
1409  (check-arg p (oddp p) "odd")
1410  (cond((eql (p-deg u) deg)(setq answ (list u )))
1411       (t (setq pow (quotient  (- (expt  p deg) 1) 2))
1412	  (setq facts (list u))
1413	  (loop named sue for i from 1
1414		do
1415	    (loop  do (setq tt (generate-t-for-one-degree-factors u deg p i))
1416		   unless (or  (numberp tt) (member tt used-tt :test #'equal))
1417		     do (push tt used-tt) (return tt))
1418	    (working-modulo (list u)
1419	      (setq tt  (afp-expt tt pow) ))
1420	    (loop for v in facts
1421		  do
1422	      (setq  tem (afp-gcd v (pplus tt 1)))
1423	      (cond ((not (or (numberp tem) (eql (p-deg tem) (p-deg v))))
1424		     (cond ((eql (p-deg tem) deg)(push (afp-make-monic tem) answ))
1425			   (t (push tem facts)))
1426		     (cond ((eql (p-deg (setq tem (afp-quotient v tem))) deg)
1427			    (push (afp-make-monic tem) answ))
1428;			   ((numberp tem))
1429			   (t (push tem facts)))
1430		     (setq facts (delete v facts :test #'equal))))
1431		  when (null facts) do (return-from sue answ)))))
1432  (cond ((member 1 answ) (fsignal 'bad)))
1433  (iassert (eql (p-deg  u)
1434		(loop for pol  in answ
1435		      when (and (consp pol))
1436		 summing  (p-deg pol) )))
1437   answ)
1439(defun generate-t-for-one-degree-factors (u deg p i &aux tem)
1440  (cond ((< i 5)
1441	 (list (p-var u) 1 1 0 (random p)))
1442	((psimp (p-var u) (loop for j downfrom (setq tem (+ 1 (random (- (* 2 deg) 1)))) to 0
1443				   ;;make semi sparse
1444			       	       when (evenp (random 2))
1445				   collecting j and collecting (1+ (random (1- p))))))))
1447(defun ff (u &optional ( prime modulus) &aux fact1 facts)
1448  (let ((modulus prime))
1449    (setq facts (afp-square-free-factorization u))
1450    (sort-grouped-list
1451     (loop for (pol pow) on facts by #'cddr
1452	do (show pol pow)
1453	  (setq fact1 (afp-distinct-degree-factor pol prime))
1454	appending
1455	  (loop for ww in fact1
1456		 collecting ww collecting pow))
1457     2
1458     'alphagreatp)))
1460(defun nnpfactor (pol)
1461  (sort-grouped-list (npfactor pol) 2 'alphagreatp))
1463(def-test nnpfactor afp-factor)
1465;(setq w2 (st-rat  #$x^2+91*x+11$))
1466;(setq v2 (st-rat  #$x^2+19*x+11$))
1467;(setq v1 (let ((modulus 7)) (afp-mod v2)))
1468;(setq w1 (let ((modulus 7)) (afp-mod w2)))
1469;(setq prod (ptimes v2 w2))
1471(defun hensel-lift (product v w prime up-to-size &aux a b gcd
1472			    (facts (list v w)))
1473  "Lifts v and w which satisfy product=v*w mod(prime) to a list FACTS = (uu vv)
1474   satisfying product = uu*vv mod (up-to-size).  Product, v, and w are assumed to
1475   have leading coefficient 1"
1476;  (declare (values fact-pair power))
1477  (let ((modulus prime)) (multiple-value-setq (gcd a b)
1478					      (recursive-ideal-gcd v w))
1479       (cond ((not (numberp gcd))(fsignal "must have gcd of factors a unit")))
1480       (check-arg v (eql 1 (afp-mod (p-cof v))) "monic"))
1481  (loop	with power = 1
1482	do (setq power (* power prime))
1483	while (< power up-to-size)
1484	do
1485    (setq v (car facts) ) (setq w (second facts))
1486			  (setq facts (hensel-lift1 product v w power prime a b))
1487	finally (return (values facts power))))
1490(defun gen-afp-times (&rest lis)
1491  (setq lis (delete 1 (copy-list lis) :test #'equal))
1492  (cond ((null lis) 1)
1493	((null (cdr lis))(car lis))
1494	(t (afp-times (car lis) (cond ((cddr lis)
1495				       (apply 'gen-afp-times1 (cdr lis)))
1496				      (t (second lis)))))))
1498(defun gen-afp-times1 (&rest lis)
1499  (cond ((null lis) 1)
1500	((null (cdr lis))(car lis))
1501	(t (afp-times (car lis) (cond ((cddr lis)
1502				       (apply 'gen-afp-times (cdr lis)))
1503				      (t (second lis)))))))
1505(defun smallest-power-bigger (p up-to)
1506  (loop	with pow = p
1507	 while (< pow up-to)
1508	do (setq pow (* p pow))
1509	finally (return pow)))
1511(defun hensel-lift-list (product factor-list prime up-to-size &aux lift )
1512  (cond ((eql (length factor-list)1 ) (list product))
1513	((eql (length factor-list) 2) (hensel-lift product (first factor-list)
1514						   (second factor-list) prime up-to-size))
1515	(t  (setq lift (hensel-lift product (first factor-list) (let((modulus prime))(apply 'gen-afp-times (cdr factor-list)))
1516				    prime up-to-size))
1517	    (cons (car lift) (hensel-lift-list (second lift) (cdr factor-list) prime up-to-size)))))
1519(defun hensel-lift1 (product ve we prev-modulus prime  &optional a b &aux dif h kk   quot zl-rem creqd new-modulus gcd)
1520  "lifts u=ve*we mod (p^e) to u=ve+1*we+1 mod (p^e+1) with ve=ve+1 and we=we+1 mod (p^e+1)
1521  and deg(ve+1)<=deg(ve) deg(we+1)<=deg(we)  and returns the list of  ve+1 and we+1"
1522;  (declare (values (list ve+1 we+1)))
1523  (setq new-modulus   (* prime prev-modulus))
1524  (let ((modulus new-modulus)) (setq dif (pdifference product (ptimes ve we))))
1525  (cond ((pzerop dif)(list ve we))
1526	(t
1527  (let ((modulus prime) )
1528    (cond ((null a)
1529	   (multiple-value-setq (gcd a b)
1530	     (recursive-ideal-gcd ve we)))))
1531  (let ((modulus new-modulus))
1532    (setq h (ptimes b dif))
1533    (setq kk (ptimes a dif))
1534    (let ((modulus new-modulus))
1535      (multiple-value-setq ( quot zl-rem creqd)
1536			   (afp-pseudo-quotient h ve)))
1537    (setq h zl-rem)
1538    (setq kk (pplus kk (ptimes quot we)))
1539    (list (pplus ve h) (pplus we kk))))))
1540   ;(let ((modulus (expt  prime (1+ e)))) (values (pplus ve h) (pplus we kk))))
1543(defun collect-number-factors (fact-list &aux answ)
1544  "Makes sure there are no factors with leading cof = -1 and collects all constants together
1545   and puts them first"
1546  (loop for (pol deg) on fact-list by #'cddr
1547	with constant = 1
1548	do
1549	(cond ((numberp pol)
1550		(setq constant (ctimes constant (cexpt pol deg))))
1551	      ((eql (p-cof pol) -1)
1552	       (setq constant (ctimes constant (cexpt (p-cof pol) deg)))
1553	       (setq pol (pminus pol))
1554	       (setq answ (nconc answ (list pol deg))))
1555	      (t(setq answ (nconc answ (list pol deg)))))
1556	finally (return
1557		  (cond ((eql 1 constant) answ)
1558			(t (cons constant (cons 1 answ)))))))
1560(defun integer-univariate-factor (poly &aux facts)
1561  "returns an alternating list of irreducible polynomials and their powers in the factorization over the integers
1562   there will be at most one factor which is a number and it will be to the first power.  The other irreducible
1563   polynomials will be relatively prime"
1564  (setq facts (afp-square-free-factorization poly))
1565  (show facts)
1566  (collect-number-factors (loop for (pol deg) on facts by #'cddr
1567				appending (loop for pol1 in  (integer-univariate-factor1 pol)
1568					       collecting pol1 collecting deg))))
1570;;(defvar *small-primes* '(3 5 7 11 13 17 19)) ; overrides *small-primes* in src/ifactor.lisp; not used
1572(defun find-small-prime-so-square-free (poly &optional (variable (p-var poly)) (prime-start 13)&aux deriv cof the-gcd)
1573  "finds a small prime P so that the roots of poly with respect to variable VARIABLE are distinct and so
1574    that poly has the same degree reduced modulo P.  It will continue for ever if the input is not square free over
1575    the integers."
1576   (setq deriv (pderivative poly variable))
1577  (setq cof (pcoeff poly (list variable (pdegree poly variable) 1)))
1578  (cond ( (eql *mod-p-factor* 'afp-distinct-degree-factor)
1579	(setq prime-start (max prime-start 3))))
1580  (loop for p from prime-start
1581	when  (> (- p prime-start) 500) do (format t "~%I hope you have given me a square free polynomial!!")
1582	when (and (q-primep p)
1583		  (let ((modulus p))(and (not (pzerop (afp-mod cof)))
1584					 (or (numberp (setq the-gcd (afp-gcd (afp-mod poly) (afp-mod deriv))))
1585					     (not (member variable (list-variables the-gcd) :test #'eq))))))
1586	  do (return p)))
1587(defun integer-univariate-factor1 (pol &aux p ( up-to 1000) facts lifts mod)
1588  "Argument pol is square free"
1589  (setq p (find-small-prime-so-square-free pol ))
1590  (let ((modulus p)) (setq facts (afp-factor pol :square-free-arg t)))
1591  (setq mod  (smallest-power-bigger p up-to))
1592  (setq facts (loop for (pol deg) on facts by #'cddr
1593		    when (not (eql deg 1)) do (fsignal "bad-degree-for-square-free")
1594		    collecting pol))
1595  (setq lifts (hensel-lift-list pol facts p up-to))
1596  (correct-factors pol lifts p mod))
1598(defun sub-lists (leng list)
1599  "Returns list of ordered sublists of LIST of length LENG"
1600  (cond ((zerop leng) nil)
1601	((eql 1 leng)(mapcar 'list list))
1602	(t
1603	 (loop for v on list
1604	       appending (loop for w in (sub-lists (1- leng) (cdr v))
1605			       collecting (cons (car v) w))))))
1607(defun correct-factors (pol factors p mod &aux tried  d answ quot prod)
1608  "Given the factors FACTORS of polynomial POL modulo MOD, we determine
1609   what the factors are over the integers.  It is assumed that MOD is sufficiently
1610   large so that any real factors of POL lie in the range -MOD/2 to MOD/2.  Also
1611   POL is assumed square free so that the factors are listed without their multiplicities"
1612  p
1613  (prog ()
1614	(setq d 1)
1615     look-for-factors
1616	(cond ((> (* d 2) (length factors))
1617	       (push pol answ) (return answ)))
1618	(loop for v in (sub-lists d factors)
1619	      when (member v tried :test #'equal)
1620		nconc nil
1621	      else
1622		do (push v tried)
1623		   (let ((modulus mod)) (setq prod (apply 'gen-ptimes v)))
1624;		   (setq prod (gen-afp-times (p-cof pol) prod))
1625		   (cond ((setq quot (afp-test-divide pol prod))
1626			  (setq pol quot)
1627			  (push prod answ)
1628			  (loop for vv in v
1629				do (setq factors (delete vv factors :count 1 :test #'equal)))
1630			  (go look-for-factors)))
1631	      finally (incf d)
1632		      (go look-for-factors))))
1635(defun q-primep (i &aux lis)
1636  (cond ((car (member i (setq lis '(2 3 5 7 11 13)))))
1637	((evenp i) nil)
1638	((loop for v in (cdr lis)
1639			 when  (zerop (mod i v))
1640			   do (return t))
1641	 nil)
1642	(t (primep i))))
1645(defun test-integer-factor (pol &aux facts)
1646  (setq facts (integer-univariate-factor pol))
1647  (iassert (equal pol (apply 'exponent-product facts)))
1648  facts)
1650(defun subs-translate-sublis ( point &optional inv)
1651  (cond (inv  (loop for v in point
1652		    when (not (pzerop (cdr v)))
1653		    collecting (cons (car v)
1654				     (pplus (list (car v) 1 1) (cdr v)))))
1655	(t
1656	 (loop for v in point
1657	       when (not (pzerop (cdr v)))
1658	       collecting (cons (car v)
1659				(pdifference (list (car v) 1 1) (cdr v)))))))
1661;;change to a defremember. and then clear it when starting new problem.
1662;;or alternately don't really need to clear since the modulus is stored.
1663(defun express-x^i (f g k &optional (modulus modulus) &aux a b  zl-REM quot gc mon case0 cre)
1664  "f and g should be univariate and the leading coefficient of g invertible modulo modulus.
1665   A list of two coefficients (a b) are returned such that x^i= a*f + b*g and deg(a)< deg (g)"
1666  (check-arg modulus (not (null modulus)) "non-trivial")
1667  (cond ((eql k 0) (multiple-value-setq (gc a b)
1668		       (recursive-ideal-gcd f g))
1669	 (list a b))
1670	(t  (setq case0 (express-x^i f g 0))
1671	    (setq a (ptimes (car case0) (setq mon (list (car f) k 1))))
1672	    (setq b (ptimes (second case0) mon))
1673	    (multiple-value-setq (quot zl-rem cre) (afp-pseudo-quotient a g))
1674	    (setq a zl-rem)
1675	    (setq b (pplus b
1676			   (ptimes quot f)))
1677	    ;;(iassert (equal mon (afp-plus (afp-times f a) (afp-times g b))))
1678	    (list a b))))
1680;(setq point (rerat '((z . 0) (y . 0) )))
1681;(setq u (st-rat #$zzx^4+zzx^3*(3-z)+zzx^2*((y-3)*z-y^2-13)
1682;		+zzx*((y^2+3*y+15)*z +6)
1683;		+(-y^3-15*y)*z-2*y^2-30$))
1684;(setq f (st-rat #$ (zzx^2+2)$))
1685;(setq g (st-rat #$zzx^2+3*zzx-15$))
1686;;the wr-lift worked for the above data
1688;;speed hacks: The following has two areas which can be improved
1689;; 1.  should not truncate the polynomial, should multiply with truncation.
1690;; 2.  should make express-x^i a defremember.
1691(defun wr-lift (u fi gi up-to-k big-mod  point
1692		&aux (modulus big-mod) (main-var (p-var u)) tem fi+1 gi+1 v f0 g0 varl w aw bw)
1693  (setq v (psublis (subs-translate-sublis point) 1  u))
1694  (setq varl (delete (car u) (list-variables u) :test #'equal))
1695  (setq f0 fi)
1696  (setq g0 gi)
1697  (loop for i from 1 to up-to-k
1698     do
1699       (setq w (pdifference  (afp-times fi gi) u))
1700       (setq w (afp-truncate-powers w varl i))
1701       (mshow  w)
1702       (cond ((pzerop w) 'nothing-to-do)
1703	     (t
1704	      (cond ((or (numberp w) (not (eql (p-var w) main-var)))
1705		     (setq aw (afp-times w (first (setq tem (express-x^i f0 g0 0)))))
1706		     (setq aw (afp-times w (second tem))))
1707		    (t
1708		     (loop for (deg cof) on (cdr w) by #'cddr
1709			initially  (setq aw 0 bw 0)
1710			do
1711			  (setq aw (afp-plus aw (afp-times (first (setq tem (express-x^i f0 g0 deg))) cof)))
1712			  (setq bw (afp-plus bw (afp-times (second tem) cof))))
1714		     (setq fi+1 (pdifference fi bw))
1715		     (setq gi+1 (pdifference gi aw))
1717		     (setq fi fi+1 gi gi+1)
1718		     (mshow aw bw fi gi)))))
1719     finally
1720       (show (pdifference v (ptimes fi gi)))
1721       (return (list fi gi))))
1723(defun afp-truncate-powers (pol varl deg)
1724  (setq varl  (sort varl 'pointergp))
1725  ( afp-truncate-powers1 pol varl deg))
1727(defun afp-truncate-powers1 (pol varl above-deg &aux new-cof tem)
1728  (cond ((< above-deg 0) 0)
1729	((numberp pol) pol)
1730	((null varl) pol)
1731	((member (p-var pol) varl :test #'eq)
1732	 (psimp (p-var pol)
1733		(loop for (exp cof) on (cdr pol) by #'cddr
1734		      do (setq tem (- above-deg exp))
1735		      when (< tem 0)
1736			nconc nil
1737		      else
1738			do (setq new-cof (afp-truncate-powers1 cof (cdr varl) tem))
1739			and when (not(pzerop new-cof))
1740			      nconc (list exp new-cof))))
1741	(t(psimp (p-var pol)
1742		 (loop for (exp cof) on (cdr pol) by #'cddr
1743		       when(not (pzerop (setq new-cof (afp-truncate-powers1 cof varl above-deg))))
1744			 nconc (list exp new-cof))))))
1748(defun normalize-factor-list (factor-list &aux tot-deg)
1749  "checks factor-list and eliminates repeats.  All integer factors are grouped at the beginning if any"
1750  (let (numerical-factor(facts (collect-number-factors factor-list)))
1751    (cond ((numberp (car facts))
1752	   (setq numerical-factor (subseq facts 0 2))
1753	   (setq facts (cddr facts))))
1754    (nconc numerical-factor
1755	   (loop for (pol deg) on facts by #'cddr
1756		 for rest-facts on facts by #'cddr
1757		 do (show facts deg)
1758		 when deg
1759		 do (setq tot-deg
1760			  (+ deg
1761			     (loop for v on (cddr rest-facts) by #'cddr
1762				   when (and (second v) (equal pol (car v)))
1763				   summing (second v)
1764				   and do (setf (second v) nil))))
1765		 and
1766		 collecting pol and collecting tot-deg))))
1768;; (defmacro while (test &body body)
1769;;   `(loop (cond ((null ,test) (return)))
1770;; 	 ,@ body))
1772(defun find-factor-list-given-irreducible-factors (pol fact-list &aux deg divisor answ final-answ)
1773  (while (setq divisor (car fact-list))
1774    (setq deg 1)
1775    (while (setq answ (test-divide pol divisor))
1776      (setq pol answ)
1777      (incf deg))
1778    (setq final-answ (cons deg final-answ))
1779    (setq final-answ (cons pol final-answ)))
1780  (unless (equal final-answ 1)
1781    (fsignal "bad factorization"))
1782  final-answ)
1784;(defun afp-multi-factor (pol)
1785;  (let ((content (afp-content pol)))
1786;    (cond (content (normalize-factorlist
1787;		     (append (afp-multi-factor content)
1788;			     (afp-multi-factor (afp-quotient pol content )))))
1789;	  (t (afp-)))))
1791(defun try-multi-factor0 (pol &aux facs fac deg)
1792  "input may be non square free"
1793  (setq facs (afp-square-free-factorization pol))
1794  (prog (result)
1795    next-factor
1796      (setq fac (car facs) deg (second facs) facs (cddr facs))
1797      (prog
1798	((newfacs (try-multi-factor1 fac)))
1799	next-factor
1800	   (push (* (second newfacs) deg) result)
1801	   (push (car newfacs) result)
1802	   (setq newfacs (cddr newfacs))
1803	   (and newfacs (go next-factor)))
1804      (and facs (go next-factor))
1805      (return result)))
1808(defun afp-degvector (pol vars &aux (result (make-list (length vars))))
1809  (do  ((v vars (cdr v))
1810	(w result (cdr result)))
1811       ((null v) result)
1812    (setf (car w) (pdegree pol (car v)))))
1814(defun afp-smallest-var (degvector list-variables &aux (best (expt  2 20)) best-variable )
1815  (do ((v degvector (cdr v))
1816       (w list-variables (cdr w)))
1817      ((null v) best-variable)
1818    (cond ((< (car v) best)
1819	   (setq best-variable (car w))))))
1821;;description of eez algorithm with enhancements:
1823;1) make U squarefree and content 1
1824;2) make main variable be smallest degree variable
1825;3) factor leading coefficient into F1,f2,..fk,fk+1 (fk+1 = content)
1826;4) find a point in x2,...,xn space such that
1827;there exist p1,..,pk+1, pi|fj iff i = j
1829;such that we have the right number of factors of U mod (point, B) (B big bound).
1830;5) Match up pi, and the univariate factors.
1833;(defun try-multi-factor1 (pol)
1834;  "Pol is square free multivariate"
1835;  (let* ((list-variables (list-variables pol))
1836;	 (degvector (afp-degvector pol list-variables))
1837;	 (best-variable (afp-smallest-var degvector list-variables))
1838;	 (leading-cof (pcoeff pol best-variable))
1839;	 (point (delq best-variable (copy-list list-variables))))
1840;    (do ((v point (cdr v)))
1841;	(null v)
1842;      (setf (car v (cons (car v) (nth (random 5) *small-primes*)))))
1843;    (let* ((lead-cof-at-point (psublis point 1 leading-cof)))
1844;      (cond ((eql 0