1<table id="data-table" class="table table-striped table-bordered" width="100%" cellspacing="0">
2  <thead>
3    <tr>
4      <th class="nd_center-cell">Device Name</th>
5      <th class="nd_center-cell">Device IP</th>
6      <th class="nd_center-cell">Number of Ports</th>
7      <th class="nd_center-cell">Services</th>
8      <th class="nd_center-cell">Action</th>
9    </tr>
10  </thead>
11  <tbody>
12    <tr>
13      <td class="nd_center-cell"><input data-form="add" name="dns" type="text"></td>
14      <td class="nd_center-cell"><input data-form="add" name="ip" type="text"></td>
15      <td class="nd_center-cell"><input data-form="add" name="ports" type="number" value="1"></td>
16      <td class="nd_center-cell">
17        <span class="badge">&nbsp;</span><span class="badge">&nbsp;</span>
18        <a class="nd_layer-three-link" href="#" rel="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" data-offset="3" data-title="Enable Arpnip"><span class="badge">3</span></a><span class="badge">&nbsp;</span><span class="badge">&nbsp;</span><span class="badge">&nbsp;</span><span class="badge">&nbsp;</span>
19        <input data-form="add" name="layers" type="hidden" value="00000000">
20      </td>
21      <td class="nd_center-cell">
22        <button class="btn btn-small nd_adminbutton" name="add" type="submit"><i class="icon-plus-sign"></i> Add</button>
23      </td>
24    </tr>
25    [% SET count = 0 %]
26    [% WHILE (row = results.next) %]
27    [% SET count = count + 1 %]
28    <tr>
29      <td class="nd_center-cell"><a class="nd_linkcell"
30        href="[% uri_for('/device') | none %]?q=[% row.ip | uri %]">[% row.dns | html_entity %]</a></td>
31      <td class="nd_center-cell">[% row.ip | html_entity %]</td>
32      <td class="nd_center-cell">
33        <input data-form="update" name="ports" type="number" value="[% row.port_count | html_entity %]">
34      </td>
35      <td class="nd_center-cell">
36        <span class="badge">&nbsp;</span><span class="badge">&nbsp;</span>
37        <a class="nd_layer-three-link" href="#" rel="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" data-offset="3" data-title="Enable Arpnip"><span class="badge[% ' badge-success' IF row.layers.substr(5,1) %]">3</span></a><span class="badge">&nbsp;</span><span class="badge">&nbsp;</span><span class="badge">&nbsp;</span><span class="badge">&nbsp;</span>
38        <input data-form="update" name="layers" type="hidden" value="[% row.layers | html_entity %]">
39      </td>
40      <td class="nd_center-cell">
41        <input data-form="update" name="dns" type="hidden" value="[% row.dns | html_entity %]">
42        <input data-form="update" name="ip" type="hidden" value="[% row.ip | html_entity %]">
43        <button class="btn nd_adminbutton" name="update" type="submit"><i class="icon-save text-warning"></i></button>
45        <button class="btn" data-toggle="modal"
46          data-target="#nd_devdel-[% count | html_entity %]" type="button"><i class="icon-trash text-error"></i></button>
48        <div id="nd_devdel-[% count | html_entity %]" class="nd_modal nd_deep-horizon modal hide fade" tabindex="-1"
49          role="dialog" aria-labelledby="nd_devdel-label-[% count | html_entity %]" aria-hidden="true">
50          <div class="modal-header">
51            <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">x</button>
52            <h3 id="nd_devdel-label-[% count | html_entity %]">Are you sure?</h3>
53          </div>
54          <div class="modal-body">
55            <blockquote>
56              <p class="text-info">
57                Pseudo-device &quot;[% row.dns | html_entity %] / [% row.ip | html_entity %]&quot; will be deleted.</p>
58            </blockquote>
59            <input data-form="delete" name="device" type="hidden" value="[% row.ip | html_entity %]">
60          </div>
61          <div class="modal-footer">
62            <button class="btn btn-success" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">Cancel</button>
63            <button class="btn btn-danger nd_adminbutton" name="delete" data-dismiss="modal">Confirm</button>
64          </div>
65        </div>
66      </td>
67    </tr>
68    [% END %]
69  </tbody>
73$(document).ready(function() {
74  $('#data-table').dataTable({
75    "columnDefs": [ {
76        "targets": [ 2, 3 ],
77        "orderable": false,
78        "searchable": false
79      } ],
80[% INCLUDE 'ajax/datatabledefaults.tt' -%]
81  } );
82  $('.nd_layer-three-link').click(function() {
83    var badge = $(this).children('span').first();
84    var layers = $(this).parent().children('input').first();
85    $(badge).toggleClass('badge-success');
86    if ($(badge).hasClass('badge-success')) {
87      $(layers).attr('value', '00000100');
88    }
89    else {
90      $(layers).attr('value', '00000000');
91    }
92  });
93} );