1 /*****************************************************************************\
2  *  slurm_xlator.h - Definitions required to translate Slurm function names
3  *  to aliases containing  a prefix of "slurm_".
4  *
5  *  This is required because some Slurm functions have common names
6  *  (e.g. "debug" and "info"). If a user application defines these functions
7  *  and uses Slurm APIs, they could link to the user function rather than
8  *  the Slurm function. By renaming the functions, inappropriate linking
9  *  should be avoided.
10  *
11  *  All Slurm functions referenced from the switch, auth, and mpi plugins should
12  *  have aliases established. Functions not referenced from the plugins
13  *  need not be aliased.
14  *
15  *  To use this header file:
16  *  1. In the module containing the exported function code, establish an
17  *     alias for each of the functions after they are defined.
18  *     #include "src/common/macros.h"
19  *     strong_alias(<name>, slurm_<name>);
20  *  2. For each function, change it's name then include the appropriate
21  *     header file with definitions.
22  *     #define <name> slurm_<name>
23  *  3. In the plugin modules using the functions, include this header file
24  *     and remove other slurm header files (they should all be in this header).
25  *     This logic will have the plugin link only to the function names with
26  *     the "slurm_" prefix.
27  *
28  *  NOTE: Not all operating systems support this function aliasing (e.g. AIX).
29  *****************************************************************************
30  *  Copyright (C) 2004 The Regents of the University of California.
31  *  Produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
32  *  Written by Mark Grondona <grondona1@llnl.gov>,
33  *             Morris Jette <jette1@llnl.gov>
34  *  CODE-OCEC-09-009. All rights reserved.
35  *
36  *  This file is part of Slurm, a resource management program.
37  *  For details, see <https://slurm.schedmd.com/>.
38  *  Please also read the included file: DISCLAIMER.
39  *
40  *  Slurm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
41  *  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
42  *  Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
43  *  any later version.
44  *
45  *  In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
46  *  to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under
47  *  certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and
48  *  distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU
49  *  General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
50  *  OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this
51  *  exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do
52  *  so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
53  *  version.  If you delete this exception statement from all source files in
54  *  the program, then also delete it here.
55  *
56  *  Slurm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
57  *  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
58  *  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
59  *  details.
60  *
61  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
62  *  with Slurm; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
63  *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA.
64 \*****************************************************************************/
66 #ifndef __SLURM_XLATOR_H__
67 #define __SLURM_XLATOR_H__
69 #include "config.h"
71 #if USE_ALIAS
73 /* bitstring.[ch] functions*/
74 #define	bit_alloc		slurm_bit_alloc
75 #define	bit_test		slurm_bit_test
76 #define	bit_set			slurm_bit_set
77 #define	bit_clear		slurm_bit_clear
78 #define	bit_nclear		slurm_bit_nclear
79 #define	bit_nset		slurm_bit_nset
80 #define	bit_set_all		slurm_bit_set_all
81 #define	bit_clear_all		slurm_bit_clear_all
82 #define	bit_ffc			slurm_bit_ffc
83 #define	bit_ffs			slurm_bit_ffs
84 #define	bit_free		slurm_bit_free
85 #define	bit_realloc		slurm_bit_realloc
86 #define	bit_size		slurm_bit_size
87 #define	bit_and			slurm_bit_and
88 #define	bit_not			slurm_bit_not
89 #define	bit_or			slurm_bit_or
90 #define	bit_set_count		slurm_bit_set_count
91 #define	bit_set_count_range	slurm_bit_set_count_range
92 #define	bit_clear_count		slurm_bit_clear_count
93 #define	bit_nset_max_count	slurm_bit_nset_max_count
94 #define	bit_rotate_copy		slurm_bit_rotate_copy
95 #define	bit_rotate		slurm_bit_rotate
96 #define	bit_fmt			slurm_bit_fmt
97 #define bit_unfmt		slurm_bit_unfmt
98 #define	bitfmt2int		slurm_bitfmt2int
99 #define	bit_fmt_hexmask		slurm_bit_fmt_hexmask
100 #define bit_unfmt_hexmask	slurm_bit_unfmt_hexmask
101 #define	bit_fmt_binmask		slurm_bit_fmt_binmask
102 #define bit_unfmt_binmask	slurm_bit_unfmt_binmask
103 #define	bit_fls			slurm_bit_fls
104 #define	bit_fill_gaps		slurm_bit_fill_gaps
105 #define	bit_super_set		slurm_bit_super_set
106 #define	bit_copy		slurm_bit_copy
107 #define	bit_pick_cnt		slurm_bit_pick_cnt
108 #define bit_nffc		slurm_bit_nffc
109 #define bit_noc			slurm_bit_noc
110 #define bit_nffs		slurm_bit_nffs
111 #define bit_copybits		slurm_bit_copybits
113 /* fd.[ch] functions */
114 #define fd_set_blocking		slurm_fd_set_blocking
115 #define fd_set_nonblocking	slurm_fd_set_nonblocking
116 #define send_fd_over_pipe	slurm_send_fd_over_pipe
117 #define receive_fd_over_pipe	slurm_receive_fd_over_pipe
119 /* hostlist.[ch] functions */
120 #define	hostlist_create		slurm_hostlist_create
121 #define	hostlist_copy		slurm_hostlist_copy
122 #define	hostlist_count		slurm_hostlist_count
123 #define	hostlist_delete		slurm_hostlist_delete
124 #define	hostlist_delete_host	slurm_hostlist_delete_host
125 #define	hostlist_delete_nth	slurm_hostlist_delete_nth
126 #define	hostlist_deranged_string slurm_hostlist_deranged_string
127 #define	hostlist_deranged_string_malloc \
128 				slurm_hostlist_deranged_string_malloc
129 #define	hostlist_deranged_string_xmalloc \
130 				slurm_hostlist_deranged_string_xmalloc
131 #define	hostlist_destroy	slurm_hostlist_destroy
132 #define	hostlist_find		slurm_hostlist_find
133 #define	hostlist_iterator_create  slurm_hostlist_iterator_create
134 #define	hostlist_iterator_destroy slurm_hostlist_iterator_destroy
135 #define	hostlist_iterator_reset	slurm_hostlist_iterator_reset
136 #define	hostlist_next		slurm_hostlist_next
137 #define	hostlist_next_range	slurm_hostlist_next_range
138 #define	hostlist_nth		slurm_hostlist_nth
139 #define	hostlist_pop            slurm_hostlist_pop
140 #define	hostlist_pop_range      slurm_hostlist_pop_range
141 #define	hostlist_push		slurm_hostlist_push
142 #define	hostlist_push_host	slurm_hostlist_push_host
143 #define	hostlist_push_list	slurm_hostlist_push_list
144 #define	hostlist_ranged_string	slurm_hostlist_ranged_string
145 #define	hostlist_ranged_string_malloc \
146 				slurm_hostlist_ranged_string_malloc
147 #define	hostlist_ranged_string_xmalloc \
148 				slurm_hostlist_ranged_string_xmalloc
149 #define	hostlist_remove		slurm_hostlist_remove
150 #define	hostlist_shift		slurm_hostlist_shift
151 #define	hostlist_shift_range	slurm_hostlist_shift_range
152 #define	hostlist_sort		slurm_hostlist_sort
153 #define	hostlist_uniq		slurm_hostlist_uniq
154 #define	hostset_copy		slurm_hostset_copy
155 #define	hostset_count		slurm_hostset_count
156 #define	hostset_create		slurm_hostset_create
157 #define	hostset_delete		slurm_hostset_delete
158 #define	hostset_destroy		slurm_hostset_destroy
159 #define	hostset_insert		slurm_hostset_insert
160 #define	hostset_shift		slurm_hostset_shift
161 #define	hostset_shift_range	slurm_hostset_shift_range
162 #define	hostset_within		slurm_hostset_within
164 /* gres.[ch] functions */
165 #define gres_gresid_to_gresname	slurm_gres_gresid_to_gresname
166 #define gres_get_node_used	slurm_gres_get_node_used
167 #define gres_get_system_cnt	slurm_gres_get_system_cnt
168 #define gres_get_value_by_type	slurm_gres_get_value_by_type
169 #define gres_get_job_info	slurm_gres_get_job_info
170 #define gres_build_job_details	slurm_gres_build_job_details
171 #define gres_get_step_info	slurm_gres_get_step_info
172 #define gres_get_step_state	slurm_gres_get_step_state
173 #define gres_get_job_state	slurm_gres_get_job_state
174 #define gres_2_tres_str		slurm_gres_2_tres_str
175 #define gres_set_job_tres_cnt	slurm_gres_set_job_tres_cnt
176 #define gres_set_node_tres_cnt	slurm_gres_set_node_tres_cnt
177 #define gres_device_major	slurm_gres_device_major
178 #define destroy_gres_device	slurm_destroy_gres_device
180 /* list.[ch] functions */
181 #define	list_create		slurm_list_create
182 #define	list_destroy		slurm_list_destroy
183 #define	list_is_empty		slurm_list_is_empty
184 #define	list_count		slurm_list_count
185 #define	list_append		slurm_list_append
186 #define	list_prepend		slurm_list_prepend
187 #define	list_find_first		slurm_list_find_first
188 #define	list_delete_all		slurm_list_delete_all
189 #define	list_for_each		slurm_list_for_each
190 #define	list_for_each_max	slurm_list_for_each_max
191 #define	list_sort		slurm_list_sort
192 #define	list_push		slurm_list_push
193 #define	list_pop		slurm_list_pop
194 #define	list_peek		slurm_list_peek
195 #define	list_enqueue		slurm_list_enqueue
196 #define	list_dequeue		slurm_list_dequeue
197 #define	list_iterator_create	slurm_list_iterator_create
198 #define	list_iterator_reset	slurm_list_iterator_reset
199 #define	list_iterator_destroy	slurm_list_iterator_destroy
200 #define	list_next		slurm_list_next
201 #define	list_insert		slurm_list_insert
202 #define	list_find		slurm_list_find
203 #define	list_remove		slurm_list_remove
204 #define	list_delete_item	slurm_list_delete_item
206 /* log.[ch] functions */
207 #define get_log_level		slurm_get_log_level
208 #define get_sched_log_level	slurm_get_sched_log_level
209 #define	log_init		slurm_log_init
210 #define	log_reinit		slurm_log_reinit
211 #define	log_fini		slurm_log_fini
212 #define	log_alter		slurm_log_alter
213 #define	log_alter_with_fp	slurm_log_alter_with_fp
214 #define	log_set_fpfx		slurm_log_set_fpfx
215 #define	log_fp			slurm_log_fp
216 #define	log_has_data		slurm_log_has_data
217 #define	log_flush		slurm_log_flush
218 #define log_var			slurm_log_var
219 #define	fatal_abort		slurm_fatal_abort
220 #define	fatal			slurm_fatal
221 #define	error			slurm_error
222 #define	info			slurm_info
223 #define	verbose			slurm_verbose
225 /* macros.h functions
226  * None exported today.
227  * The header file used only for #define values. */
229 /* net.[ch] functions */
230 #define net_stream_listen	slurm_net_stream_listen
231 #define net_set_low_water	slurm_net_set_low_water
233 /* node_conf.[ch] functions */
234 #define init_node_conf          slurm_init_node_conf
235 #define build_all_nodeline_info slurm_build_all_nodeline_info
236 #define rehash_node		slurm_rehash_node
237 #define hostlist2bitmap		slurm_hostlist2bitmap
239 /* pack.[ch] functions */
240 #define	create_buf		slurm_create_buf
241 #define	free_buf		slurm_free_buf
242 #define grow_buf		slurm_grow_buf
243 #define	init_buf		slurm_init_buf
244 #define	xfer_buf_data		slurm_xfer_buf_data
245 #define	pack_time		slurm_pack_time
246 #define	unpack_time		slurm_unpack_time
247 #define	packdouble		slurm_packdouble
248 #define	unpackdouble		slurm_unpackdouble
249 #define	packlongdouble		slurm_packlongdouble
250 #define	unpacklongdouble	slurm_unpacklongdouble
251 #define	pack64			slurm_pack64
252 #define	unpack64		slurm_unpack64
253 #define	pack32			slurm_pack32
254 #define	unpack32		slurm_unpack32
255 #define	pack16			slurm_pack16
256 #define	unpack16		slurm_unpack16
257 #define	pack8			slurm_pack8
258 #define	unpack8			slurm_unpack8
259 #define	pack32_array		slurm_pack32_array
260 #define	unpack32_array		slurm_unpack32_array
261 #define	packmem			slurm_packmem
262 #define	unpackmem		slurm_unpackmem
263 #define	unpackmem_ptr		slurm_unpackmem_ptr
264 #define	unpackmem_xmalloc	slurm_unpackmem_xmalloc
265 #define	unpackmem_malloc	slurm_unpackmem_malloc
266 #define	unpackstr_xmalloc_escaped slurm_unpackstr_xmalloc_escaped
267 #define	unpackstr_xmalloc_chooser slurm_unpackstr_xmalloc_chooser
268 #define	packstr_array		slurm_packstr_array
269 #define	unpackstr_array		slurm_unpackstr_array
270 #define	packmem_array		slurm_packmem_array
271 #define	unpackmem_array		slurm_unpackmem_array
273 /* parse_time.[ch] functions */
274 #define parse_time              slurm_parse_time
275 #define time_str2mins           slurm_time_str2mins
276 #define time_str2secs           slurm_time_str2secs
277 #define secs2time_str           slurm_secs2time_str
278 #define mins2time_str           slurm_mins2time_str
279 #define mon_abbr                slurm_mon_abbr
281 /* env.[ch] functions */
282 #define	setenvf 		slurm_setenvpf
283 #define	unsetenvp		slurm_unsetenvp
284 #define	getenvp			slurm_getenvp
285 #define env_array_create	slurm_env_array_create
286 #define env_array_merge		slurm_env_array_merge
287 #define env_array_copy		slurm_env_array_copy
288 #define env_array_free		slurm_env_array_free
289 #define env_array_append	slurm_env_array_append
290 #define env_array_append_fmt	slurm_env_array_append_fmt
291 #define env_array_overwrite	slurm_env_array_overwrite
292 #define env_array_overwrite_fmt slurm_env_array_overwrite_fmt
293 #define env_array_overwrite_het_fmt  slurm_env_array_overwrite_het_fmt
295 /* read_config.[ch] functions */
296 #define destroy_config_key_pair	slurm_destroy_config_key_pair
297 #define get_extra_conf_path	slurm_get_extra_conf_path
298 #define sort_key_pairs		slurm_sort_key_pairs
300 /* run_in_daemon.[ch] functions */
301 #define run_in_daemon           slurm_run_in_daemon
302 #define running_in_slurmctld    slurm_running_in_slurmctld
303 #define running_in_slurmd       slurm_running_in_slurmd
304 #define running_in_slurmdbd     slurm_running_in_slurmdbd
305 #define running_in_slurmdstepd  slurm_running_in_slurmdstepd
306 #define running_in_slurmstepd   slurm_running_in_slurmstepd
308 /* slurm_auth.[ch] functions
309  * None exported today.
310  * The header file used only for #define values. */
312 /* strlcpy.[ch] functions */
313 #ifndef HAVE_STRLCPY
314 #define	strlcpy			slurm_strlcpy
315 #endif
317 /* switch.[ch] functions
318  * None exported today.
319  * The header file used only for #define values. */
321 /* xassert.[ch] functions */
322 #define	__xassert_failed	slurm_xassert_failed
324 /* xmalloc.[ch] functions */
325 #define xfree_ptr		slurm_xfree_ptr
327 /* xsignal.[ch] functions */
328 #define	xsignal			slurm_xsignal
329 #define	xsignal_save_mask	slurm_xsignal_save_mask
330 #define	xsignal_set_mask	slurm_xsignal_set_mask
331 #define	xsignal_block		slurm_xsignal_block
332 #define	xsignal_unblock		slurm_xsignal_unblock
333 #define	xsignal_sigset_create	slurm_xsignal_sigset_create
335 /* xstring.[ch] functions */
336 #define	_xstrcat		slurm_xstrcat
337 #define	_xstrncat		slurm_xstrncat
338 #define	_xstrcatchar		slurm_xstrcatchar
339 #define	_xstrftimecat		slurm_xstrftimecat
340 #define	_xiso8601timecat	slurm_xiso8601timecat
341 #define	_xrfc5424timecat	slurm_xrfc5424timecat
342 #define	_xstrfmtcat		slurm_xstrfmtcat
343 #define	_xmemcat		slurm_xmemcat
344 #define	xstrdup			slurm_xstrdup
345 #define	xstrdup_printf		slurm_xstrdup_printf
346 #define	xbasename		slurm_xbasename
347 #define	_xstrsubstitute		slurm_xstrsubstitute
348 #define	xshort_hostname		slurm_xshort_hostname
349 #define xstring_is_whitespace   slurm_xstring_is_whitespace
350 #define	xstrtolower		slurm_xstrtolower
351 #define xstrchr			slurm_xstrchr
352 #define xstrrchr		slurm_xstrrchr
353 #define xstrcmp			slurm_xstrcmp
354 #define xstrncmp		slurm_xstrncmp
355 #define xstrcasecmp		slurm_xstrcasecmp
356 #define xstrncasecmp		slurm_xstrncasecmp
357 #define xstrcasestr		slurm_xstrcasestr
359 /* slurm_protocol_api.[ch] functions */
360 #define convert_num_unit2       slurm_convert_num_unit2
361 #define convert_num_unit        slurm_convert_num_unit
362 #define revert_num_unit         slurm_revert_num_unit
363 #define get_convert_unit_val    slurm_get_convert_unit_val
364 #define get_unit_type           slurm_get_unit_type
366 /* slurm_protocol_defs.[ch] functions */
367 #define preempt_mode_string	slurm_preempt_mode_string
368 #define preempt_mode_num	slurm_preempt_mode_num
369 #define job_reason_string	slurm_job_reason_string
370 #define job_state_string	slurm_job_state_string
371 #define job_state_string_compact slurm_job_state_string_compact
372 #define job_state_num		slurm_job_state_num
373 #define node_state_string	slurm_node_state_string
374 #define node_state_string_compact slurm_node_state_string_compact
375 #define private_data_string	slurm_private_data_string
376 #define accounting_enforce_string slurm_accounting_enforce_string
377 #define reservation_flags_string slurm_reservation_flags_string
378 #define print_multi_line_string slurm_print_multi_line_string
380 /* slurmdbd_defs.[ch] functions */
381 #define slurmdbd_defs_init      slurm_slurmdbd_defs_init
382 #define slurmdbd_defs_fini      slurm_slurmdbd_defs_fini
383 #define slurmdbd_free_buffer	slurm_slurmdbd_free_buffer
384 #define slurmdbd_free_list_msg	slurm_slurmdbd_free_list_msg
385 #define slurmdbd_free_usage_msg slurm_slurmdbd_free_usage_msg
386 #define slurmdbd_free_id_rc_msg slurm_slurmdbd_free_id_rc_msg
388 /* slurmdbd_pack.[ch] functions */
389 #define pack_slurmdbd_msg	slurm_pack_slurmdbd_msg
390 #define unpack_slurmdbd_msg	slurm_unpack_slurmdbd_msg
391 #define slurmdbd_pack_fini_msg	slurm_slurmdbd_pack_fini_msg
393 /* plugin.[ch] functions */
394 #define plugin_get_syms         slurm_plugin_get_syms
395 #define plugin_load_and_link    slurm_plugin_load_and_link
396 #define plugin_strerror         slurm_plugin_strerror
397 #define plugin_unload           slurm_plugin_unload
399 /* plugrack.[ch] functions */
400 #define plugrack_create         slurm_plugrack_create
401 #define plugrack_destroy        slurm_plugrack_destroy
402 #define plugrack_read_dir       slurm_plugrack_read_dir
403 #define plugrack_set_major_type slurm_plugrack_set_major_type
404 #define plugrack_use_by_type    slurm_plugrack_use_by_type
406 #define jobacctinfo_pack	slurm_jobacctinfo_pack
407 #define jobacctinfo_unpack	slurm_jobacctinfo_unpack
408 #define jobacctinfo_create      slurm_jobacctinfo_create
409 #define jobacctinfo_destroy     slurm_jobacctinfo_destroy
411 /* parse_config.[ch] functions */
412 #define s_p_hashtbl_create	slurm_s_p_hashtbl_create
413 #define s_p_hashtbl_destroy	slurm_s_p_hashtbl_destroy
414 #define s_p_parse_file		slurm_s_p_parse_file
415 #define s_p_parse_pair		slurm_s_p_parse_pair
416 #define s_p_parse_line		slurm_s_p_parse_line
417 #define s_p_hashtbl_merge 	slurm_s_p_hashtbl_merge
418 #define s_p_get_string		slurm_s_p_get_string
419 #define s_p_get_long		slurm_s_p_get_long
420 #define s_p_get_uint16		slurm_s_p_get_uint16
421 #define s_p_get_uint32		slurm_s_p_get_uint32
422 #define s_p_get_uint64		slurm_s_p_get_uint64
423 #define s_p_get_pointer		slurm_s_p_get_pointer
424 #define s_p_get_array		slurm_s_p_get_array
425 #define s_p_get_boolean		slurm_s_p_get_boolean
426 #define s_p_dump_values		slurm_s_p_dump_values
427 #define transfer_s_p_options	slurm_transfer_s_p_options
429 /* slurm_step_layout.[ch] functions */
430 #define pack_slurm_step_layout          slurm_pack_slurm_step_layout
431 #define unpack_slurm_step_layout        slurm_unpack_slurm_step_layout
433 /* slurm_step_route.[ch] functions */
434 #define route_split_hostlist_treewidth	slurm_route_split_hostlist_treewidth
437 #define eio_handle_create		slurm_eio_handle_create
438 #define eio_handle_destroy		slurm_eio_handle_destroy
439 #define eio_handle_mainloop		slurm_eio_handle_mainloop
440 #define eio_message_socket_accept	slurm_eio_message_socket_accept
441 #define eio_message_socket_readable	slurm_eio_message_socket_readable
442 #define eio_new_obj			slurm_eio_new_obj
443 #define eio_new_initial_obj		slurm_eio_new_initial_obj
444 #define eio_obj_create			slurm_eio_obj_create
445 #define eio_obj_destroy			slurm_eio_obj_destroy
446 #define eio_remove_obj			slurm_eio_remove_obj
447 #define eio_signal_shutdown		slurm_eio_signal_shutdown
448 #define eio_signal_wakeup		slurm_eio_signal_wakeup
450 /* callerid.[ch] functions */
451 #define callerid_get_own_netinfo	slurm_callerid_get_own_netinfo
453 /* some stepd_api.[ch] functions */
454 #define stepd_available			slurm_stepd_available
455 #define stepd_connect			slurm_stepd_connect
456 #define stepd_connect_nss		slurm_stepd_connect_nss
457 #define stepd_get_uid			slurm_stepd_get_uid
458 #define stepd_add_extern_pid		slurm_stepd_add_extern_pid
459 #define stepd_get_x11_display		slurm_stepd_get_x11_display
460 #define stepd_get_info			slurm_stepd_get_info
461 #define stepd_getpw			slurm_stepd_getpw
462 #define xfree_struct_passwd		slurm_xfree_struct_passwd
463 #define stepd_getgr			slurm_stepd_getgr
464 #define xfree_struct_group_array	slurm_xfree_struct_group_array
466 /* xcgroup_read_config.[ch] */
467 #define xcgroup_config_read_mutex       slurm_xcgroup_config_read_mutex
468 #define xcgroup_get_slurm_cgroup_conf   slurm_xcgroup_get_slurm_cgroup_conf
469 #define xcgroup_fini_slurm_cgroup_conf  slurm_xcgroup_fini_slurm_cgroup_conf
471 #endif /* USE_ALIAS */
473 /* Include the function definitions after redefining their names. */
474 #include "src/common/bitstring.h"
475 #include "src/common/callerid.h"
476 #include "src/common/eio.h"
477 #include "src/common/env.h"
478 #include "src/common/hostlist.h"
479 #include "src/common/list.h"
480 #include "src/common/log.h"
481 #include "src/common/macros.h"
482 #include "src/common/node_select.h"
483 #include "src/common/pack.h"
484 #include "src/common/parse_config.h"
485 #include "src/common/read_config.h"
486 #include "src/common/slurm_auth.h"
487 #include "src/common/slurm_jobacct_gather.h"
488 #include "src/common/slurm_route.h"
489 #include "src/common/slurm_step_layout.h"
490 #include "src/common/strlcpy.h"
491 #include "src/common/stepd_api.h"
492 #include "src/common/switch.h"
493 #include "src/common/working_cluster.h"
494 #include "src/common/xassert.h"
495 #include "src/common/xcgroup_read_config.h"
496 #include "src/common/xmalloc.h"
497 #include "src/common/xsignal.h"
498 #include "src/common/xstring.h"
500 #endif /*__SLURM_XLATOR_H__*/