1 /*****************************************************************************
2   FILE           : $Source: /projects/higgs1/SNNS/CVS/SNNS/tools/sources/snns2clib.h,v $
3   SHORTNAME      : snns2clib.h
4   SNNS VERSION   : 4.2
6   PURPOSE        : Headerfile for including the snns2c-library
8   AUTHOR         : Berward Kett
9   DATE           : 30.01.95
11   CHANGED BY     : Michael Vogt
12   RCS VERSION    : $Revision: 1.5 $
13   LAST CHANGE    : $Date: 1998/02/25 15:34:50 $
15     Copyright (c) 1990-1995  SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
16     Copyright (c) 1996-1998  SNNS Group, WSI, Univ. Tuebingen, FRG
18 ******************************************************************************/
20 /* Recordtype for Lists (Sets) */
22 typedef struct {
23   int place;			/* No of Elements wich can be hold in the list */
24   int no;			/* No of actual Elements in the list           */
25   int *values;			/* Pointer to the Elements                     */
26 } tList, *pList;
28 #define NoOf(list) list->no
29 #define element(list, no) list->values[no]
31 extern pList newList(void);                      /* creates a new set */
32 extern void  killList(pList list);               /* deletes a set     */
33 extern int   copyList(pList dest, pList source); /* copies a set      */
34 extern int   searchList(pList list, int member); /* searches for a member */
35 extern int   isMember(pList list, int member);   /* checks if member is element of list */
36 extern int   addList(pList list, int member);    /* adds a new element */
37 extern void  remList(pList list, int member);    /* removes an element */
38 extern void  intersectList(pList dest, pList source); /* calculates the intersection */
39 extern int   haveIntersection(pList list1, pList list2); /* does intersection exists */
40 extern int   mergeList(pList dest, pList source); /* calculates the union of two sets */
41 extern int   CompareSources( pList dest, pList source); /* compares two elements, wether their sources are the same */