1 /*
3     This file is part of the Maude 2 interpreter.
5     Copyright 1997-2003 SRI International, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA.
7     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10     (at your option) any later version.
12     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15     GNU General Public License for more details.
17     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18     along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
21 */
23 //
24 //      Detailed analysis of a preregularity or constuctor consistancy issue to impress the user.
25 //
26 #include <gmpxx.h>
27 #include <map>
28 //#include <iterator>
30 struct SortTable::Node
31 {
32   mpz_class pathCount;
33   int parent;
34   int sortIndex;
35 };
37 void
sortErrorAnalysis(bool preregProblem,const set<int> & badTerminals)38 SortTable::sortErrorAnalysis(bool preregProblem,
39 			     const set<int>& badTerminals)
40 {
41   //copy(badTerminals.begin(), badTerminals.end(), ostream_iterator<const int>(cout, " "));
42   //cout << endl;
43   //
44   //	First we build a spanning tree with a path count, parent node and sort index
45   //	(from parent) for each node. Nonterminal nodes are named by their start index
46   //	in the diagram vector while terminals are named by the absolute index of the
47   //	terminal in the diagram vector.
48   //
49   const Vector<int>& diagram = preregProblem ? sortDiagram : ctorDiagram;
50   typedef map<int, Node> SpanningTree;
51   SpanningTree spanningTree;
52   spanningTree[0].pathCount = 1;
53   spanningTree[0].parent = NONE;
54   spanningTree[0].sortIndex = NONE;
55   mpz_class product = 1;
56   mpz_class badCount = 0;
57   Vector<int> firstBad(nrArgs);
59   set<int> currentNodes;
60   currentNodes.insert(0);
62   for (int i = 0; i < nrArgs; i++)
63     {
64       set<int> nextNodes;
65       const ConnectedComponent* component = componentVector[i];
66       int nrSorts = component->nrSorts();
67       product *= nrSorts;
69       FOR_EACH_CONST(j, set<int>, currentNodes)
70 	{
71 	  int parent = *j;
72 	  mpz_class& pathCount = spanningTree[parent].pathCount;
74 	  for (int k = 0; k < nrSorts; k++)
75 	    {
76 	      int index = parent + k;
77 	      if (i == nrArgs - 1)
78 		{
79 		  //
80 		  //	Terminal node - see if it is bad.
81 		  //
82 		  if (badTerminals.find(index) != badTerminals.end())
83 		    {
84 		      //cerr << " pathCount = " << pathCount << endl;
85 		      if (badCount == 0)
86 			{
87 			  badCount = pathCount;
88 			  firstBad[nrArgs - 1] = k;
89 			  int n = parent;
90 			  for (int l = nrArgs - 2; l >= 0; --l)
91 			    {
92 			      SpanningTree::const_iterator t = spanningTree.find(n);
93 			      Assert(t != spanningTree.end(), "missing node");
94 			      firstBad[l] = t->second.sortIndex;
95 			      n = t->second.parent;
96 			    }
97 			  //copy(firstBad.begin(), firstBad.end(), ostream_iterator<const int>(cout, " "));
98 			  //cout << endl;
100 			}
101 		      else
102 			badCount += pathCount;
103 		    }
104 		}
105 	      else
106 		{
107 		  //
108 		  //	Nonterminal node - generate next nodes.
109 		  //
110 		  int target = diagram[index];
111 		  pair<SpanningTree::iterator, bool> p =
112 		    spanningTree.insert(SpanningTree::value_type(target, Node()));
113 		  if (p.second)
114 		    {
115 		      p.first->second.pathCount = pathCount;
116 		      p.first->second.parent = parent;
117 		      p.first->second.sortIndex = k;
118 		      nextNodes.insert(target);
119 		    }
120 		  else
121 		    p.first->second.pathCount += pathCount;
122 		}
123 	    }
124 	}
125       currentNodes.swap(nextNodes);
126     }
128   ComplexWarning((preregProblem ? "sort" : "constructor") <<
129 	       " declarations for operator " <<
130 	       QUOTE(safeCast(Symbol*, this)) << " failed " <<
131 	       (preregProblem ? "preregularity" : "constructor consistency") <<
132 	       " check on " << badCount << " out of " << product <<
133 	       " sort tuples. First such tuple is (");
134   for (int i = 0; i < nrArgs; i++)
135     {
136       cerr << QUOTE(componentVector[i]->sort(firstBad[i]));
137       if (i != nrArgs - 1)
138 	cerr << ", ";
139     }
140   cerr << ")." << endl;
141 }