1 #ifndef SPYD2_H
3 /*
4  * Argyll Color Correction System
5  *
6  * ColorVision Spyder 2 & 3 related software.
7  *
8  * Author: Graeme W. Gill
9  * Date:   19/10/2006
10  *
11  * Copyright 2006 - 2013, Graeme W. Gill
12  * All rights reserved.
13  *
14  * (Based on i1disp.c)
15  *
16  * This material is licenced under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 or later :-
17  * see the License2.txt file for licencing details.
18  */
20 /*
21    If you make use of the instrument driver code here, please note
22    that it is the author(s) of the code who take responsibility
23    for its operation. Any problems or queries regarding driving
24    instruments with the Argyll drivers, should be directed to
25    the Argyll's author(s), and not to any other party.
27    If there is some instrument feature or function that you
28    would like supported here, it is recommended that you
29    contact Argyll's author(s) first, rather than attempt to
30    modify the software yourself, if you don't have firm knowledge
31    of the instrument communicate protocols. There is a chance
32    that an instrument could be damaged by an incautious command
33    sequence, and the instrument companies generally cannot and
34    will not support developers that they have not qualified
35    and agreed to support.
36  */
38 #include "inst.h"
40 #ifdef __cplusplus
41 	extern "C" {
42 #endif
44 /* Note: update spyd2_interp_error() and spyd2_interp_code() in spyd2.c */
45 /* if anything of these #defines are added or subtracted */
47 /* Fake Error codes */
48 #define SPYD2_INTERNAL_ERROR		0x61		/* Internal software error */
49 #define SPYD2_COMS_FAIL				0x62		/* Communication failure */
50 #define SPYD2_UNKNOWN_MODEL			0x63		/* Not an spyd2lay */
51 #define SPYD2_DATA_PARSE_ERROR  	0x64		/* Read data parsing error */
53 /* Real error code */
54 #define SPYD2_OK   					0x00
56 /* Sub codes for device specific reasoning */
57 #define SPYD2_BADSTATUS 			0x01
58 #define SPYD2_PLDLOAD_FAILED	 	0x02
59 #define SPYD2_BADREADSIZE           0x03
60 #define SPYD2_TRIGTIMEOUT           0x04
61 #define SPYD2_OVERALLTIMEOUT        0x05
62 #define SPYD2_BAD_EE_CRC	        0x06
63 #define SPYD2_TOOBRIGHT  	        0x07
65 /* Internal software errors */
66 #define SPYD2_BAD_EE_ADDRESS	    0x21
67 #define SPYD2_BAD_EE_SIZE		    0x22
68 #define SPYD2_NO_PLD_PATTERN	    0x23
69 #define SPYD2_NO_COMS  		        0x24
70 #define SPYD2_NOT_INITED  		    0x25
71 #define SPYD2_NOCRTCAL  		    0x26		/* No CRT calibration data */
72 #define SPYD2_NOLCDCAL  		    0x27		/* No LCD calibration data */
73 #define SPYD2_MALLOC     		    0x28
74 #define SPYD2_OBS_SELECT   		    0x29		/* Observer */
75 #define SPYD2_CAL_FAIL   		    0x2A
76 #define SPYD2_TOO_FEW_CALIBSAMP     0x2B
77 #define SPYD2_INT_CIECONVFAIL       0x2C
79 /* Configuration */
80 #define SPYD2_DISP_SEL_RANGE  	    0x40		/* Calibration selection is out of range */
82 /* User errors */
83 #define SPYD2_NO_REFRESH_DET  	    0x50		/* Calibration selection is out of range */
85 /* SPYD2/3 communication object */
86 struct _spyd2 {
89 	inst_mode mode;				/* Currently selected mode (emis/ambient/etc.) */
91 	inst_opt_type trig;			/* Reading trigger mode */
93 	/* Serial EEPROM registers */
94 								/* versioni & feature bits */
95 								/* Spyder2         = 0x0307 */
96 								/* Spyder3 Express = 0x040f */
97 								/* Spyder3 Pro     = 0x0407 */
98 								/* Spyder3 Elite   = 0x0407 */
99 								/* Spyder4 Pro     = 0x070F */
101 	unsigned int hwver;			/* 5:B	Harware version number */
102 								/* Spyder2 = 3 */
103 								/* Spyder3 = 4 */
104 								/* Spyder4 = 7 */
105 								/* Spyder5 = 10 */
107 	unsigned int fbits;			/* 6:B Feature bits 0,1,2,3 correspond to calibration types */
108 								/* CRT/UNK, LCD/NORM, TOK, CRT/UNK  */
110 	char    serno[9];			/* 8:8xB  Serial number as zero terminated string */
112 								/* Spyder2: [0][][] = CRT, [1][][] = LCD */
113 								/* Spyder3: [0][][] = UNK, [1][][] = CRT & LCD */
115 	/* hwver 3..6 uses these calibrations */
116 	double  cal_A[2][3][9];		/* HW3..6: 16, 256  CRT/LCD A calibration matrix */
117 	double  cal_B[2][3][9];		/* HW3..6: 128, 384 CRT/LCD B calibration matrix */
119 								/* HW3 [0] = CRT/UNK, [1] = LCD/NORM */
120 								/* HW4..6 [0] = not used, [1] = LCD */
122 								/* HW7 [0] = No used */
123 								/* HW7: cal_A[1] computed from sensor spectral data. */
124 								/* HWy: cal_B[1] 60, 384 Linearity correction */
126 								/* The first (A) 3x9 is a sensor to XYZ transform. */
127 								/* cal[0] is an offset value, while the */
128 								/* remaining 8 entries are the sensor weightings. */
129 								/* Because there are only 7 real sensors, cal[1] */
130 								/* and sensor[0] are skipped. */
132 								/* The second (B) 3x9 is an additional non-linearity */
133 								/* correction matrix, applied to the XYZ created */
134 								/* from the first 3x9. The cooeficients consist */
135 								/* of the weights for each product, ie: */
136 								/* X, Y, Z, X*X, X*Z, Y*Z, X*X, Y*Y, Z*Z */
137 								/* for each corrected output XYZ */
139 	double cal_F[7];			/* 240:4, 364:3  F calibration vector */
140 								/* This might be Y only weightings for the 7 sensor values, */
141 								/* with no offset value (TOK type ?). */
143 	/* hwver 7 & 10 (Spyder 4/5) uses computed calibrations */
144 	xspect sens[7];				/* Sensor sensitivity curves in Hz per mW/nm/m^2 */
146 	/* Computed factors and state */
147 	inst_disptypesel *_dtlist;	/* Base list */
148 	inst_disptypesel *dtlist;	/* Display Type list */
149 	int ndtlist;				/* Number of valid dtlist entries */
151 	int refrmode;				/* 0 for constant, 1 for refresh display */
152 	int cbid;					/* current calibration base ID, 0 if not a base */
153 	int ucbid;					/* Underlying base ID if being used for matrix, 0 othewise */
154 	int	icx;					/* Bit 0: Cal table index, 0 = CRT, 1 = LCD/normal */
155 								/* Bits 31-1: Spyder 4 spectral cal index, 0..spyd4_nocals-1 */
156 	disptech dtech;				/* Display technology enum */
157 	int     rrset;				/* Flag, nz if the refresh rate has been determined */
158 	double  refrate;			/* Current refresh rate. Set to DEFREFR if not measurable */
159 	int     refrvalid;			/* nz if refrate was measured */
160 	double  gain;				/* hwver == 5 gain value (default 4) */
161 	icxObserverType obType;		/* ccss observer to use */
162 	xspect custObserver[3];		/* Custom ccss observer to use */
163 	double ccmat[3][3];			/* Colorimeter correction matrix, unity if none */
164 	xspect *samples;			/* Copy of current calibration spectral samples, NULL if none */
165 	int nsamp;					/* Number of samples, 0 if none */
167 	int prevraw[8];				/* Previous raw reading values */
168 	int prevrawinv;				/* Previous raw readings invalid flag - after an abort */
170 	/* Other state */
171 	int     led_state;			/* Spyder 3: Current LED state */
172 	double	led_period, led_on_time_prop, led_trans_time_prop;	/* Spyder 3: Pulse state */
174 }; typedef struct _spyd2 spyd2;
176 /* Constructor */
177 extern spyd2 *new_spyd2(icoms *icom, instType itype);
179 /* PLD pattern loader */
180 /* id = 0 for Spyder 1, 1 for Spyder 2 */
181 /* Return 0 if Spyder firmware is not available */
182 /* Return 1 if Spyder firmware is available */
183 extern int setup_spyd2(int id);
185 #ifdef __cplusplus
186 	}
187 #endif
189 #define SPYD2_H
190 #endif /* SPYD2_H */