1 /* <!-- copyright */
2 /*
3  * aria2 - The high speed download utility
4  *
5  * Copyright (C) 2006 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawa
6  * Copyright (C) 2008 Aurelien Lefebvre, Mandriva
7  *
8  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11  * (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * GNU General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
21  *
22  * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
23  * permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
24  * OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
25  * individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
26  * including the two.
27  * You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
28  * for all of the code used other than OpenSSL.  If you modify
29  * file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
30  * version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so.  If you
31  * do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
32  * version.  If you delete this exception statement from all source
33  * files in the program, then also delete it here.
34  */
35 /* copyright --> */
36 #include "AdaptiveURISelector.h"
38 #include <cstdlib>
39 #include <cmath>
40 #include <algorithm>
42 #include "DownloadCommand.h"
43 #include "DownloadContext.h"
44 #include "ServerStatMan.h"
45 #include "ServerStat.h"
46 #include "RequestGroup.h"
47 #include "Logger.h"
48 #include "LogFactory.h"
49 #include "A2STR.h"
50 #include "prefs.h"
51 #include "Option.h"
52 #include "SimpleRandomizer.h"
53 #include "SocketCore.h"
54 #include "FileEntry.h"
55 #include "uri.h"
56 #include "fmt.h"
57 #include "SocketRecvBuffer.h"
59 namespace aria2 {
61 /* In that URI Selector, select method returns one of the bests
62  * mirrors for first and reserved connections. For supplementary
63  * ones, it returns mirrors which has not been tested yet, and
64  * if each of them already tested, returns mirrors which has to
65  * be tested again. Otherwise, it doesn't return anymore mirrors.
66  */
AdaptiveURISelector(std::shared_ptr<ServerStatMan> serverStatMan,RequestGroup * requestGroup)68 AdaptiveURISelector::AdaptiveURISelector(
69     std::shared_ptr<ServerStatMan> serverStatMan, RequestGroup* requestGroup)
70     : serverStatMan_(std::move(serverStatMan)), requestGroup_(requestGroup)
71 {
72   resetCounters();
73 }
75 AdaptiveURISelector::~AdaptiveURISelector() = default;
select(FileEntry * fileEntry,const std::vector<std::pair<size_t,std::string>> & usedHosts)77 std::string AdaptiveURISelector::select(
78     FileEntry* fileEntry,
79     const std::vector<std::pair<size_t, std::string>>& usedHosts)
80 {
81   A2_LOG_DEBUG(
82       fmt("AdaptiveURISelector: called %d", requestGroup_->getNumConnection()));
83   std::deque<std::string>& uris = fileEntry->getRemainingUris();
84   if (uris.empty() && requestGroup_->getNumConnection() <= 1) {
85     // here we know the download will fail, trying to find previously
86     // failed uris that may succeed with more permissive values
87     mayRetryWithIncreasedTimeout(fileEntry);
88   }
90   std::string selected = selectOne(uris);
92   if (selected != A2STR::NIL) {
93     uris.erase(std::find(std::begin(uris), std::end(uris), selected));
94   }
95   return selected;
96 }
98 namespace {
99 constexpr auto MAX_TIMEOUT = 60_s;
100 } // namespace
mayRetryWithIncreasedTimeout(FileEntry * fileEntry)102 void AdaptiveURISelector::mayRetryWithIncreasedTimeout(FileEntry* fileEntry)
103 {
104   if (requestGroup_->getTimeout() * 2 >= MAX_TIMEOUT)
105     return;
106   requestGroup_->setTimeout(requestGroup_->getTimeout() * 2);
108   std::deque<std::string>& uris = fileEntry->getRemainingUris();
109   // looking for retries
110   std::deque<URIResult> timeouts;
111   fileEntry->extractURIResult(timeouts, error_code::TIME_OUT);
112   std::transform(std::begin(timeouts), std::end(timeouts),
113                  std::back_inserter(uris), std::mem_fn(&URIResult::getURI));
115   if (A2_LOG_DEBUG_ENABLED) {
116     for (const auto& uri : uris) {
117       A2_LOG_DEBUG(
118           fmt("AdaptiveURISelector: will retry server with increased"
119               " timeout (%ld s): %s",
120               static_cast<long int>(requestGroup_->getTimeout().count()),
121               uri.c_str()));
122     }
123   }
124 }
selectOne(const std::deque<std::string> & uris)126 std::string AdaptiveURISelector::selectOne(const std::deque<std::string>& uris)
127 {
129   if (uris.empty()) {
130     return A2STR::NIL;
131   }
132   else {
133     const size_t numPieces =
134         requestGroup_->getDownloadContext()->getNumPieces();
136     bool reservedContext =
137         numPieces > 0 &&
138         static_cast<size_t>(nbConnections_) >
139             std::min(numPieces, static_cast<size_t>(
140                                     requestGroup_->getNumConcurrentCommand()));
141     bool selectBest = numPieces == 0 || reservedContext;
143     if (numPieces > 0)
144       ++nbConnections_;
146     /* At least, 3 mirrors must be tested */
147     if (getNbTestedServers(uris) < 3) {
148       std::string notTested = getFirstNotTestedUri(uris);
149       if (notTested != A2STR::NIL) {
150         A2_LOG_DEBUG(fmt("AdaptiveURISelector: choosing the first non tested"
151                          " mirror: %s",
152                          notTested.c_str()));
153         --nbServerToEvaluate_;
154         return notTested;
155       }
156     }
158     if (!selectBest && nbConnections_ > 1 && nbServerToEvaluate_ > 0) {
159       nbServerToEvaluate_--;
160       std::string notTested = getFirstNotTestedUri(uris);
161       if (notTested != A2STR::NIL) {
162         /* Here we return the first untested mirror */
163         A2_LOG_DEBUG(fmt("AdaptiveURISelector: choosing non tested mirror %s"
164                          " for connection #%d",
165                          notTested.c_str(), nbConnections_));
166         return notTested;
167       }
168       else {
169         /* Here we return a mirror which need to be tested again */
170         std::string toReTest = getFirstToTestUri(uris);
171         if (toReTest != A2STR::NIL) {
172           A2_LOG_DEBUG(fmt("AdaptiveURISelector: choosing mirror %s which has"
173                            " not been tested recently for connection #%d",
174                            toReTest.c_str(), nbConnections_));
175           return toReTest;
176         }
177         else {
178           return getBestMirror(uris);
179         }
180       }
181     }
182     else {
183       return getBestMirror(uris);
184     }
185   }
186 }
188 std::string
getBestMirror(const std::deque<std::string> & uris) const189 AdaptiveURISelector::getBestMirror(const std::deque<std::string>& uris) const
190 {
191   /* Here we return one of the bests mirrors */
192   int max = getMaxDownloadSpeed(uris);
193   int min = max - (int)(max * 0.25);
194   std::deque<std::string> bests = getUrisBySpeed(uris, min);
196   if (bests.size() < 2) {
197     std::string uri = getMaxDownloadSpeedUri(uris);
198     A2_LOG_DEBUG(fmt("AdaptiveURISelector: choosing the best mirror :"
199                      " %.2fKB/s %s (other mirrors are at least 25%% slower)",
200                      (float)max / 1024, uri.c_str()));
201     return uri;
202   }
203   else {
204     std::string uri = selectRandomUri(bests);
205     A2_LOG_DEBUG(fmt("AdaptiveURISelector: choosing randomly one of the best"
206                      " mirrors (range [%.2fKB/s, %.2fKB/s]): %s",
207                      (float)min / 1024, (float)max / 1024, uri.c_str()));
208     return uri;
209   }
210 }
resetCounters()212 void AdaptiveURISelector::resetCounters()
213 {
214   nbConnections_ = 1;
215   nbServerToEvaluate_ = requestGroup_->getOption()->getAsInt(PREF_SPLIT) - 1;
216 }
tuneDownloadCommand(const std::deque<std::string> & uris,DownloadCommand * command)218 void AdaptiveURISelector::tuneDownloadCommand(
219     const std::deque<std::string>& uris, DownloadCommand* command)
220 {
221   adjustLowestSpeedLimit(uris, command);
222 }
adjustLowestSpeedLimit(const std::deque<std::string> & uris,DownloadCommand * command) const224 void AdaptiveURISelector::adjustLowestSpeedLimit(
225     const std::deque<std::string>& uris, DownloadCommand* command) const
226 {
227   int lowest = requestGroup_->getOption()->getAsInt(PREF_LOWEST_SPEED_LIMIT);
228   if (lowest > 0) {
229     int low_lowest = 4_k;
230     int max = getMaxDownloadSpeed(uris);
231     if (max > 0 && lowest > max / 4) {
232       A2_LOG_NOTICE(fmt(_("Lowering lowest-speed-limit since known max speed is"
233                           " too near (new:%d was:%d max:%d)"),
234                         max / 4, lowest, max));
235       command->setLowestDownloadSpeedLimit(max / 4);
236     }
237     else if (max == 0 && lowest > low_lowest) {
238       A2_LOG_NOTICE(fmt(_("Lowering lowest-speed-limit since we have no clue"
239                           " about available speed (now:%d was:%d)"),
240                         low_lowest, lowest));
241       command->setLowestDownloadSpeedLimit(low_lowest);
242     }
243   }
244 }
246 namespace {
getUriMaxSpeed(std::shared_ptr<ServerStat> ss)247 int getUriMaxSpeed(std::shared_ptr<ServerStat> ss)
248 {
249   return std::max(ss->getSingleConnectionAvgSpeed(),
250                   ss->getMultiConnectionAvgSpeed());
251 }
252 } // namespace
getMaxDownloadSpeed(const std::deque<std::string> & uris) const254 int AdaptiveURISelector::getMaxDownloadSpeed(
255     const std::deque<std::string>& uris) const
256 {
257   std::string uri = getMaxDownloadSpeedUri(uris);
258   if (uri == A2STR::NIL)
259     return 0;
260   return getUriMaxSpeed(getServerStats(uri));
261 }
getMaxDownloadSpeedUri(const std::deque<std::string> & uris) const263 std::string AdaptiveURISelector::getMaxDownloadSpeedUri(
264     const std::deque<std::string>& uris) const
265 {
266   int max = -1;
267   std::string uri = A2STR::NIL;
268   for (auto& u : uris) {
269     std::shared_ptr<ServerStat> ss = getServerStats(u);
270     if (!ss)
271       continue;
273     if ((int)ss->getSingleConnectionAvgSpeed() > max) {
274       max = ss->getSingleConnectionAvgSpeed();
275       uri = u;
276     }
277     if ((int)ss->getMultiConnectionAvgSpeed() > max) {
278       max = ss->getMultiConnectionAvgSpeed();
279       uri = u;
280     }
281   }
282   return uri;
283 }
285 std::deque<std::string>
getUrisBySpeed(const std::deque<std::string> & uris,int min) const286 AdaptiveURISelector::getUrisBySpeed(const std::deque<std::string>& uris,
287                                     int min) const
288 {
289   std::deque<std::string> bests;
290   for (auto& uri : uris) {
291     std::shared_ptr<ServerStat> ss = getServerStats(uri);
292     if (!ss)
293       continue;
294     if (ss->getSingleConnectionAvgSpeed() > min ||
295         ss->getMultiConnectionAvgSpeed() > min) {
296       bests.push_back(uri);
297     }
298   }
299   return bests;
300 }
302 std::string
selectRandomUri(const std::deque<std::string> & uris) const303 AdaptiveURISelector::selectRandomUri(const std::deque<std::string>& uris) const
304 {
305   int pos = SimpleRandomizer::getInstance()->getRandomNumber(uris.size());
306   auto i = std::begin(uris);
307   i = i + pos;
308   return *i;
309 }
getFirstNotTestedUri(const std::deque<std::string> & uris) const311 std::string AdaptiveURISelector::getFirstNotTestedUri(
312     const std::deque<std::string>& uris) const
313 {
314   for (const auto& i : uris) {
315     std::shared_ptr<ServerStat> ss = getServerStats(i);
316     if (!ss)
317       return i;
318   }
319   return A2STR::NIL;
320 }
getFirstToTestUri(const std::deque<std::string> & uris) const322 std::string AdaptiveURISelector::getFirstToTestUri(
323     const std::deque<std::string>& uris) const
324 {
325   int counter;
326   int power;
327   for (const auto& u : uris) {
328     std::shared_ptr<ServerStat> ss = getServerStats(u);
329     if (!ss)
330       continue;
331     counter = ss->getCounter();
332     if (counter > 8)
333       continue;
334     power = (int)pow(2.0, (float)counter);
335     /* We test the mirror another time if it has not been
336      * tested since 2^counter days */
337     if (ss->getLastUpdated().difference() > std::chrono::hours(power * 24)) {
338       return u;
339     }
340   }
341   return A2STR::NIL;
342 }
344 std::shared_ptr<ServerStat>
getServerStats(const std::string & uri) const345 AdaptiveURISelector::getServerStats(const std::string& uri) const
346 {
347   uri_split_result us;
348   if (uri_split(&us, uri.c_str()) == 0) {
349     std::string host = uri::getFieldString(us, USR_HOST, uri.c_str());
350     std::string protocol = uri::getFieldString(us, USR_SCHEME, uri.c_str());
351     return serverStatMan_->find(host, protocol);
352   }
353   else {
354     return nullptr;
355   }
356 }
getNbTestedServers(const std::deque<std::string> & uris) const358 int AdaptiveURISelector::getNbTestedServers(
359     const std::deque<std::string>& uris) const
360 {
361   int counter = 0;
362   for (const auto& u : uris) {
363     std::shared_ptr<ServerStat> ss = getServerStats(u);
364     if (!ss)
365       ++counter;
366   }
367   return uris.size() - counter;
368 }
370 } // namespace aria2