1 /*****************************************************************************\
2  *  proc_args.h - helper functions for command argument processing
3  *****************************************************************************
4  *  Copyright (C) 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
5  *  Written by Christopher Holmes <cholmes@hp.com>, who borrowed heavily
6  *  from existing Slurm source code, particularly src/srun/opt.c
7  *
8  *  This file is part of Slurm, a resource management program.
9  *  For details, see <https://slurm.schedmd.com/>.
10  *  Please also read the included file: DISCLAIMER.
11  *
12  *  Slurm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
13  *  the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
14  *  Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
15  *  any later version.
16  *
17  *  In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission
18  *  to link the code of portions of this program with the OpenSSL library under
19  *  certain conditions as described in each individual source file, and
20  *  distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU
21  *  General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
22  *  OpenSSL. If you modify file(s) with this exception, you may extend this
23  *  exception to your version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do
24  *  so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
25  *  version.  If you delete this exception statement from all source files in
26  *  the program, then also delete it here.
27  *
28  *  Slurm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
29  *  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
30  *  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
31  *  details.
32  *
33  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
34  *  with Slurm; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
35  *  51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA.
36 \*****************************************************************************/
38 #ifndef _PROC_ARGS_H
39 #define _PROC_ARGS_H
41 #include <sys/types.h>
42 #include <unistd.h>
44 #include "src/common/macros.h" /* true and false */
45 #include "src/common/env.h"
47 /* convert task state ID to equivalent string */
48 extern char *format_task_dist_states(task_dist_states_t t);
50 /* print this version of Slurm */
51 void print_slurm_version(void);
53 /* print the available gres options */
54 void print_gres_help(void);
56 /* set distribution type strings from distribution type const */
57 void set_distribution(task_dist_states_t distribution,
58 		      char **dist, char **lllp_dist);
60 /* verify the requested distribution type */
61 task_dist_states_t verify_dist_type(const char *arg, uint32_t *plane_size);
63 /* return command name from its full path name */
64 char *base_name(const char *command);
66 /*
67  * str_to_mbytes(): verify that arg is numeric with optional "K", "M", "G"
68  * or "T" at end and return the number in mega-bytes. Default units are MB.
69  */
70 uint64_t str_to_mbytes(const char *arg);
72 /*
73  * str_to_mbytes2(): verify that arg is numeric with optional "K", "M", "G"
74  * or "T" at end and return the number in mega-bytes. Default units are GB
75  * if ???, otherwise MB.
76  */
77 uint64_t str_to_mbytes2(const char *arg);
79 /*
80  * Reverse the above conversion. Returns an xmalloc()'d string.
81  */
82 extern char *mbytes2_to_str(uint64_t mbytes);
84 /* verify that a node count in arg is of a known form (count or min-max) */
85 bool verify_node_count(const char *arg, int *min_nodes, int *max_nodes);
87 /* verify a node list is valid based on the dist and task count given */
88 bool verify_node_list(char **node_list_pptr, enum task_dist_states dist,
89 		      int task_count);
91 /*
92  * get either 1 or 2 integers for a resource count in the form of either
93  * (count, min-max, or '*')
94  * A partial error message is passed in via the 'what' param.
95  * IN arg - argument
96  * IN what - variable name (for errors)
97  * OUT min - first number
98  * OUT max - maximum value if specified, NULL if don't care
99  * IN isFatal - if set, exit on error
100  * RET true if valid
101  */
102 bool get_resource_arg_range(const char *arg, const char *what, int* min,
103 			    int *max, bool isFatal);
105 /* verify resource counts from a complex form of: X, X:X, X:X:X or X:X:X:X */
106 bool verify_socket_core_thread_count(const char *arg, int *min_sockets,
107 				     int *min_cores, int *min_threads,
108 				     cpu_bind_type_t *cpu_bind_type);
110 /* verify a hint and convert it into the implied settings */
111 bool verify_hint(const char *arg, int *min_sockets, int *min_cores,
112 		 int *min_threads, int *ntasks_per_core,
113 		 cpu_bind_type_t *cpu_bind_type);
115 /* parse the mail type */
116 uint16_t parse_mail_type(const char *arg);
118 /* print the mail type */
119 char *print_mail_type(const uint16_t type);
121 /*
122  * search PATH to confirm the location and access mode of the given command
123  * IN cwd - current working directory
124  * IN cmd - command to execute
125  * IN check_cwd_last - if true, search cwd after PATH is checked
126  *                   - if false, search cwd for the command first
127  * IN access_mode - required access rights of cmd
128  * IN test_exec - if false, do not confirm access mode of cmd if full path
129  * RET full path of cmd or NULL if not found
130  */
131 char *search_path(char *cwd, char *cmd, bool check_cwd_last, int access_mode,
132 		  bool test_exec);
134 /* helper function for printing options */
135 char *print_commandline(const int script_argc, char **script_argv);
137 /* Translate a signal option string "--signal=<int>[@<time>]" into
138  * it's warn_signal and warn_time components.
139  * RET 0 on success, -1 on failure */
140 int get_signal_opts(char *optarg, uint16_t *warn_signal, uint16_t *warn_time,
141 		    uint16_t *warn_flags);
142 /* Return an xmalloc()'d string representing the original cmdline args */
143 extern char *signal_opts_to_cmdline(uint16_t warn_signal, uint16_t warn_time,
144 				    uint16_t warn_flags);
146 /* Convert a signal name to it's numeric equivalent.
147  * Return 0 on failure */
148 int sig_name2num(const char *signal_name);
149 /* Return an xmalloc()'d string reversing the above conversion */
150 extern char *sig_num2name(int signal);
152 /*
153  * parse_uint16/32/64 - Convert ascii string to a 16/32/64 bit unsigned int.
154  * IN      aval - ascii string.
155  * IN/OUT  ival - 16/32/64 bit pointer.
156  * RET     0 if no error, 1 otherwise.
157  */
158 extern int parse_uint16(char *aval, uint16_t *ival);
159 extern int parse_uint32(char *aval, uint32_t *ival);
160 extern int parse_uint64(char *aval, uint64_t *ival);
162 /* Get a decimal integer from arg
163  * IN      name - command line name
164  * IN      val - command line argument value
165  * IN      positive - true if number needs to be greater than 0
166  * RET     Returns the integer on success, exits program on failure.
167  */
168 extern int parse_int(const char *name, const char *val, bool positive);
171 /* print_db_notok() - Print an error message about slurmdbd
172  *                    is unreachable or wrong cluster name.
173  * IN  cname - char * cluster name
174  * IN  isenv - bool   cluster name from env or from command line option.
175  */
176 extern void print_db_notok(const char *cname, bool isenv);
178 /*
179  * parse_resv_flags() used to parse the Flags= option.  It handles
180  * daily, weekly, static_alloc, part_nodes, and maint, optionally
181  * preceded by + or -, separated by a comma but no spaces.
182  *
183  * flagstr IN - reservation flag string
184  * msg IN - string to append to error message (e.g. function name)
185  * resv_msg_ptr IN/OUT - sets flags and times in ptr.
186  * RET equivalent reservation flag bits
187  */
188 extern uint64_t parse_resv_flags(const char *flagstr, const char *msg,
189 				 resv_desc_msg_t  *resv_msg_ptr);
191 extern uint16_t parse_compress_type(const char *arg);
193 extern int validate_acctg_freq(char *acctg_freq);
195 /*
196  * Format a tres_per_* argument
197  * dest OUT - resulting string
198  * prefix IN - TRES type (e.g. "gpu")
199  * src IN - user input, can include multiple comma-separated specifications
200  */
201 extern void xfmt_tres(char **dest, char *prefix, char *src);
203 /*
204  * Format a tres_freq argument
205  * dest OUT - resulting string
206  * prefix IN - TRES type (e.g. "gpu")
207  * src IN - user input
208  */
209 extern void xfmt_tres_freq(char **dest, char *prefix, char *src);
211 #endif /* !_PROC_ARGS_H */