1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!DOCTYPE sect2 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN"
3                       "http://www.docbook.org/xml/4.3/docbookx.dtd">
4<!-- section history:
5  2019-04-29 j.h: add "Open brush as image" option
7<sect2 id="gimp-brush-dialog">
8  <title>Brushes Dialog</title>
10  <indexterm>
11    <primary>Brushes</primary>
12  </indexterm>
13  <indexterm>
14    <primary>Dialogs</primary>
15    <secondary>Brushes</secondary>
16  </indexterm>
17  <indexterm>
18    <primary>Brushes</primary>
19    <secondary>Dialog</secondary>
20  </indexterm>
22  <figure>
23    <title>The Brushes dialog</title>
24    <mediaobject>
25      <imageobject>
26        <imagedata fileref="images/dialogs/brushes-dialog.png" format="PNG"/>
27      </imageobject>
28    </mediaobject>
29  </figure>
30  <para>
31    The <quote>Brushes</quote> dialog is used to select a brush, for use with
32    painting tools:
33    see the <link linkend="gimp-concepts-brushes">Brushes</link>
34    section for basic information on brushes and how they are used in GIMP.
35    The dialog also gives you access to several functions for manipulating
36    brushes. You can select a brush by clicking on it in the list: it will
37    then be shown in the Brush/Pattern/Gradient area of the Toolbox. GIMP
38    comes now with 56 brushes, different from each other, because the
39    size, the ratio and the angle of every brush can be set in the tool
40    options dialog. You can also create custom brushes using the Brush Editor,
41    or by saving images in a special brush file format.
42  </para>
44  <sect3 id="gimp-brush-dialog-activate">
45    <title>Activating the Dialog</title>
46    <para>
47      The <quote>Brushes</quote> dialog is a dockable dialog; see the
48      section <xref linkend="gimp-concepts-docks"/> for help on manipulating
49      it.
50    </para>
51    <para>
52      You can access it:
53    </para>
54    <itemizedlist>
55      <listitem>
56        <para>
57          from the Toolbox, by clicking on the brush symbol in the
58          Brush/Pattern/Gradient area (if you have checked the <quote>Show
59          active brush, pattern and gradient</quote> option in the toolbox
60          preferences).
61        </para>
62      </listitem>
63      <listitem>
64        <para>
65          From an image menu:
66          <menuchoice>
67            <guimenu>Windows</guimenu>
68            <guisubmenu>Dockable Dialogs</guisubmenu>
69            <guimenuitem>Brushes</guimenuitem>
70          </menuchoice>;
71        </para>
72      </listitem>
73      <listitem>
74        <para>
75          from the Tab menu in any dockable dialog by clicking on
76          <guiicon>
77            <inlinegraphic format="PNG"
78                fileref="images/dialogs/stock-menu-left-12.png"/>
79          </guiicon> and selecting
80          <menuchoice>
81            <guimenu>Add Tab</guimenu>
82            <guimenuitem>Brushes</guimenuitem>
83          </menuchoice>.
84        </para>
85      </listitem>
86      <listitem>
87        <para>
88          from the Tool Options dialog for any of the paint tools, by
89          clicking on the Brush icon button, you get a popup with similar
90          functionality that permits you to quickly choose a brush from the
91          list; if you click on the button present on the right bottom of
92          the popup, you open the real brush dialog.
93        </para>
94        <mediaobject>
95          <imageobject>
96            <imagedata fileref="images/dialogs/brushes-dialog-simple.png" format="PNG"/>
97          </imageobject>
98          <caption>
99            <para>The simplified <quote>Brushes</quote> dialog</para>
100          </caption>
101        </mediaobject>
102        <itemizedlist>
103          <para>
104            This window has five buttons, clearly explained by help pop-ups:
105          </para>
106          <listitem>
107            <para>Smaller previews</para>
108          </listitem>
109          <listitem>
110            <para>Larger previews</para>
111          </listitem>
112          <listitem>
113            <para>View as list</para>
114          </listitem>
115          <listitem>
116            <para>View as Grid</para>
117          </listitem>
118          <listitem>
119            <para>Open the brush selection dialog</para>
120          </listitem>
121        </itemizedlist>
122        <para>
123          Note that, depending on your Preferences, a brush selected with the
124          popup may only apply to the currently active tool, not to other
125          paint tools. See the <link linkend="gimp-prefs-tool-options">Tool
126          Option Preferences</link> section for more information.
127        </para>
128      </listitem>
129    </itemizedlist>
130  </sect3>
132  <sect3 id="gimp-brush-dialog-using">
133    <title>Using the <quote>Brushes</quote> dialog</title>
135    <sect4>
136      <title>Grid/List mode</title>
137      <para>
138        In the Tab menu, you can choose between <guimenuitem>View as
139        Grid</guimenuitem> and <guimenuitem>View as List</guimenuitem>. In
140        Grid mode, the brush shapes are laid out in a rectangular array,
141        making it easy to see many at once and find the one you are looking
142        for. In List mode, the shapes are lined up in a list, with the names
143        beside them.
144      </para>
145      <para>
146        In the Tab menu, the option <guilabel>Preview Size</guilabel> allows
147        you to adapt the size of brush previews to your liking.
148      </para>
149      <figure>
150        <title>Grid/List view</title>
151        <mediaobject>
152          <imageobject>
153            <imagedata format="PNG"
154                       fileref="images/dialogs/brushes-grid-view.png"/>
155          </imageobject>
156          <caption>
157            <para>View as Grid</para>
158          </caption>
159        </mediaobject>
160        <mediaobject>
161          <imageobject>
162            <imagedata format="PNG"
163                       fileref="images/dialogs/brushes-list-view.png"/>
164          </imageobject>
165          <caption>
166            <para>View as List</para>
167          </caption>
168        </mediaobject>
169      </figure>
170      <variablelist>
171        <varlistentry>
172          <term>Grid mode</term>
173          <listitem>
174            <para>
175              At the top of the dialog appears the name of the currently
176              selected brush, and its size in pixels.
177            </para>
178            <para>
179              In the center a grid view of all available brushes appears, with
180              the currently selected one outlined.
181            </para>
182          </listitem>
183        </varlistentry>
184        <varlistentry>
185          <term>List mode</term>
186          <listitem>
187            <para>
188              For the most part, the dialog works the same way in List mode as
189              in Grid mode, with one exception:
190            </para>
191            <para>
192              If you double-click on the <emphasis>name</emphasis> of a
193              brush, you will be able to edit it. Note, however, that you
194              are only allowed to change the names of brushes that you have
195              created or installed yourself, not the ones that come
196              pre-installed with GIMP. If you try to rename a pre-installed
197              brush, you will be able to edit the name, but as soon as you
198              hit return or click somewhere else, the name will revert to
199              its original value. It is a general rule that you cannot
200              alter the resources that GIMP pre-installs for you: brushes,
201              patterns, gradients, etc; only ones that you create yourself.
202            </para>
203          </listitem>
204        </varlistentry>
205      </variablelist>
206    </sect4>
208    <sect4 id="gimp-brush-dialog-previews">
209      <title>Brush previews</title>
210      <figure>
211        <title>The <quote>Brushes</quote> dialog</title>
212        <mediaobject>
213          <imageobject>
214            <imagedata fileref="images/dialogs/brushes-dialog.png" format="PNG"/>
215          </imageobject>
216        </mediaobject>
217      </figure>
218      <para>
219      When you click on a brush preview, it becomes the current brush and
220      it gets selected in the brush area of Toolbox and the Brush option of
221      painting tools. When you double-click on a brush preview, you will
222      activate the
223      <link linkend="gimp-brush-editor-dialog">Brush Editor</link>. You can also
224      click on buttons at the bottom of the dialog to perform various actions.
225    </para>
226      <para>
227      Meaning of the small symbols at the bottom right corner of every brush
228      preview:
229    </para>
230      <itemizedlist>
231        <listitem>
232          <para>
233          A blue corner is for brushes in normal size. You can duplicate them.
234        </para>
235        </listitem>
236        <listitem>
237          <para>
238          A small cross means that the brush preview is in a reduced size. You
239          can get it in normal size by maintaining left click on it.
240        </para>
241        </listitem>
242        <listitem>
243          <para>
244          A red corner is for animated brushes. If you maintain left click on
245          the thumbnail, the animation is played.
246        </para>
247        </listitem>
248      </itemizedlist>
249    </sect4>
251    <sect4 id="gimp-brush-dialog-tags">
252      <title>Tagging</title>
253      <para>
254        You can use tags to reorganize the brushes display.
255        See <xref linkend="gimp-tagging"/>.
256      </para>
257    </sect4>
259    <sect4 id="gimp-brush-dialog-buttons">
260      <title>Buttons at the bottom</title>
261      <para>
262        At the bottom of the dialog you find a slider and some buttons:
263      </para>
264      <variablelist>
265        <mediaobject>
266          <imageobject>
267            <imagedata format="PNG"
268                       fileref="images/dialogs/brushes-buttons.png"/>
269          </imageobject>
270        </mediaobject>
271        <varlistentry>
272          <term>Spacing</term>
273          <listitem>
274            <para>
275              This slider lets you set the distance between consecutive brush
276              marks when you trace out a brushstroke with the mouse pointer.
277              Spacing is a percentage of the brush width.
278            </para>
279          </listitem>
280        </varlistentry>
282        <varlistentry>
283          <term>Edit Brush</term>
284          <listitem>
285            <para>
286              This activates the
287              <link linkend="gimp-brush-editor-dialog">Brush Editor</link>.
288              Pressing the button will open the Editor for any brush. It
289              only works, however, for parametric brushes: for any other type,
290              the Editor will show you the brush but not allow you to do
291              anything with it.
292            </para>
293          </listitem>
294        </varlistentry>
296        <varlistentry>
297          <term>New Brush</term>
298          <listitem>
299            <anchor id="gimp-brush-new"/>
300            <para>
301              This creates a new parametric brush, initializes it with a small
302              fuzzy round shape, and opens the Brush Editor so that you can
303              modify it. The new brush is automatically saved in your personal
304              <filename>brushes</filename> folder.
305            </para>
306          </listitem>
307        </varlistentry>
308        <varlistentry>
309          <term>Duplicate Brush</term>
310          <listitem>
311            <anchor id="gimp-brush-duplicate"/>
312            <para>
313              This button is only enabled if the currently selected brush is a
314              parametric brush. If so, the brush is duplicated, and the Brush
315              Editor is opened so that you can modify the copy. The result is
316              automatically saved in your personal
317              <filename>brushes</filename> folder.
318            </para>
319          </listitem>
320        </varlistentry>
321        <varlistentry>
322          <term>Delete Brush</term>
323          <listitem>
324            <anchor id="gimp-brush-delete"/>
325            <para>
326              This option is active for parametric brushes only.
327							This removes all traces of the brush, both from the dialog and
328              the folder where its file is stored, if you have permission to
329              do so. It asks for confirmation before doing anything.
330            </para>
331          </listitem>
332        </varlistentry>
333        <varlistentry>
334          <term>Refresh Brushes</term>
335          <listitem>
336            <anchor id="gimp-brush-refresh"/>
337            <para>
338              If you add brushes to your personal <filename>brushes</filename>
339              folder or any other folder in your brush search path, by some
340              means other than the Brush Editor, this button causes the list
341              to be reloaded, so that the new entries will be available in the
342              dialog.
343            </para>
344          </listitem>
345        </varlistentry>
346        <varlistentry>
347          <term>Open brush as image</term>
348          <listitem>
349            <anchor id="gimp-brush-as-image"/>
350            <para>
351              New option in GIMP-2.10.10: you can edit this image, copy it and
352              Edit>Paste as>New brush. This is different from
353              <xref linkend="gimp-brush-editor-dialog"/> that allows to
354              modify an existing brush.
355            </para>
356          </listitem>
357        </varlistentry>
358      </variablelist>
359      <para>
360        The functions performed by these buttons can also be accessed from the
361        dialog pop-up menu, activated by right-clicking anywhere in the brush
362        grid/list, or by choosing the top item,
363        <guisubmenu>Brushes menu</guisubmenu>, from the dialog Tab menu.
364      </para>
365    </sect4>
367    <sect4>
368      <title>The <quote>Brushes</quote> context menu</title>
369      <para>
370        <figure>
371          <title>The <quote>Brushes</quote> context menu</title>
372          <mediaobject>
373            <imageobject>
374              <imagedata format="PNG"
375                         fileref="images/dialogs/brushes-context-menu.png"/>
376            </imageobject>
377          </mediaobject>
378        </figure>
379      </para>
380      <para>
381        Right clicking on a brush preview opens a context menu. This menu
382        has now some options which let you create elliptical
383        and rectangular brushes. These brushes can be feathered, but they
384        are not parametric brushes.
385      </para>
386      <para>
387        The other commands of this submenu are described with the Buttons,
388        except for <guilabel>Copy Brush Location</guilabel> which allows to
389        copy brush path into clipboard. By using the
390        <menuchoice>
391          <guimenu>File</guimenu>
392          <guimenuitem>Open Location</guimenuitem>
393        </menuchoice>,
394        command, you can open the brush as a new image.
395      </para>
396    </sect4>
397  </sect3>
399  <sect3 id="gimp-brush-editor-dialog">
400    <title>Brush Editor</title>
401    <figure>
402      <title>The <quote>Brushes</quote> Editor dialog</title>
403      <mediaobject>
404        <imageobject>
405          <imagedata format="PNG"
406                     fileref="images/dialogs/brushes-editor-dialog.png"/>
407        </imageobject>
408        <caption>
409          <para>
410            The Brush Editor, activated for a new brush.
411          </para>
412        </caption>
413      </mediaobject>
414    </figure>
415    <para>
416      The Brush Editor allows you to view the brush parameters of a
417      brush supplied by GIMP, and you can't change them. You can also create
418      a custom brush: click on the <guilabel>New Brush</guilabel> button to
419      activate the functions of the brush editor; you can select a
420      geometrical shape, a circle, a square or a diamond. This editor has
421      several elements:
422    </para>
423    <para><emphasis>The dialog bar</emphasis>:
424      As with all dialog windows, a click on the small triangle prompts a
425      menu allowing you to set the aspect of the Brush Editor.
426    </para>
427    <para><emphasis>The title bar</emphasis>: To give a name to your brush.
428    </para>
429    <para><emphasis>The preview area</emphasis>: Brush changes appear in real
430      time in this preview.
431    </para>
432    <variablelist>
433      <para><emphasis>Settings</emphasis>:</para>
434      <varlistentry>
435        <term>Shape</term>
436        <listitem>
437          <para>
438            A circle, a square and a diamond are available. You will modify
439            them by using the following options:
440          </para>
441        </listitem>
442      </varlistentry>
443      <varlistentry>
444        <term>Radius</term>
445        <listitem>
446          <para>
447            Distance between brush center and edge, in the width direction. A
448            square with a 10 pixels radius will have a 20 pixels side. A
449            diamond with a 5 pixels radius will have a 10 pixels width.
450          </para>
451        </listitem>
452      </varlistentry>
453      <varlistentry>
454        <term>Spikes</term>
455        <listitem>
456          <para>
457            This parameter is useful only for square and diamond. With a
458            square, increasing spikes results in a polygon. With a diamond,
459            you get a star.
460          </para>
461        </listitem>
462      </varlistentry>
463      <varlistentry>
464        <term>Hardness</term>
465        <listitem>
466          <para>
467            This parameter controls the feathering of the brush border. Value
468            = 1.00 gives a brush with a sharp border (0.00-1.00).
469          </para>
470        </listitem>
471      </varlistentry>
472      <varlistentry>
473        <term>Aspect ratio</term>
474        <listitem>
475          <para>
476            This parameter controls the brush Width/Height ratio. A diamond
477            with a 5 pixels radius and an Aspect Ratio = 2, will be flattened
478            with a 10 pixels width and a 5 pixels height (1.0-20.0).
479          </para>
480        </listitem>
481      </varlistentry>
482      <varlistentry>
483        <term>Angle</term>
484        <listitem>
485          <para>
486            This angle is the angle between the brush width direction, which
487            is normally horizontal, and the horizontal direction,
488            counter-clock-wise. When this value increases, the brush width
489            turns counter-clock-wise (0° to 180°).
490          </para>
491        </listitem>
492      </varlistentry>
493      <varlistentry>
494        <term>Spacing</term>
495        <listitem>
496          <para>
497            When the brush draws a line, it actually stamps the brush icon
498            repeatedly. If brush stamps are very close, you get the impression
499            of a solid line: you get that with Spacing = 1. (1.00 to 200.0).
500          </para>
501        </listitem>
502      </varlistentry>
503    </variablelist>
504  </sect3>
506  <sect3 id="clipboard-brush">
507    <title>The Clipboard Brush</title>
508    <indexterm>
509      <primary>Clipboard Brush</primary>
510    </indexterm>
511    <indexterm>
512      <primary>Brushes</primary>
513      <secondary>Clipboard brush</secondary>
514    </indexterm>
515    <para>
516      When you use the Copy or Cut command on an image or a selection of it,
517      a copy appears as a new brush in the upper left corner of the
518      <quote>Brushes</quote> dialog. This brush will persist until you use
519      the Copy command again. It disappears when you close GIMP.
520    </para>
521    <figure>
522      <title>A new <quote>Clipboard Brush</quote></title>
523      <mediaobject>
524        <imageobject>
525          <imagedata format="PNG"
526            fileref="images/dialogs/brushes-dialog-clipboard.png" />
527        </imageobject>
528      </mediaobject>
529    </figure>
530    <note>
531      <para>
532        You can save this clipboard brush by using the
533        <menuchoice>
534          <guimenu>Edit</guimenu>
535          <guisubmenu>Paste as</guisubmenu>
536          <guimenuitem>New brush</guimenuitem>
537        </menuchoice>
538        as soon as it appears in the <quote>Brushes</quote> dialog. (See
539        <xref linkend="script-fu-paste-as-brush"/>.)
540      </para>
541    </note>
542  </sect3>