1= Instructions for the Installation from the Repository =
2 1. Make sure your cpan works - make, gcc, etc.
3 1. Make sure you remove all traces of wxWidgets 2.6 from your system
4 1. Install [wiki:wxWidgets] 2.8 or later - {{{cpan Alien::wxWidgets}}} will download and compile and install it for you
5 1. install (or upgrade) Wx - {{{cpan Wx}}}
6 1. install Module::Install (if its not already there)
7 1. add the following settings to cpan:
8   * {{{conf build_requires_install_policy yes}}}
9   * {{{conf prerequisites_policy follow }}}
10   * {{{ o conf commit}}}
11 1. {{{svn co  http://svn.perlide.org/padre/trunk/Padre Padre}}}
12 1. {{{cd Padre}}}
13 1. {{{sudo cpan}}}
14 1. {{{perl dev}}}
16For a complete checkout including all Padre plugins, branches and supporting stuff, use  {{{http://svn.perlide.org/padre/trunk}}} but be warned - this is a huge amount of source! If you're using git-svn , you can use the {{{--revision argument}}} to limit from where git-svn starts fetching revisions.