3List of existing and planned features with links to description of each feature
4with relevant tickets and test cases to make sure the features are implemented correctly.
6= Features =
8 * multi-platform: [wiki:DownloadWindows Microsoft Windows], [wiki:Download Linux], [wiki:DownloadFreeBSD FreeBSD], [wiki:DownloadMacOSX Mac OS X], [wiki:DownloadNetBSD NetBSD]
9 * Free and Open Source Software under the Perl licensing terms: [http://svn.perlide.org/padre/trunk/Padre/COPYING GPL I] [http://svn.perlide.org/padre/trunk/Padre/Artistic Artistic I]
10 * Written in Perl. There are parts that rely on libraries written in C or C++ but they are all wrapped in CPAN packages and have an API in Perl 5.
11 * [wiki:Features/BasicEditorFeatures Basic Editor Features]
12 * [wiki:Features/VisualEditorEffects Visual Editor Effects]
13   * Line Numbers
14   * Code Folding
15   * Current Line
16   * Right Margin
17   * Newlines
18   * Whitespaces
19   * Indentation Guide
20 * [wiki:Features/SyntaxHighlighting Syntax Highlighting]
21 * [wiki:Features/Run Run a Script]
22 * [wiki:Features/TitleAndStatusBarPersonalization Title and Status Bar Personalization]
23 * [wiki:Features/CommandLineWindow Command Line Window]
24 * [wiki:Features/OpenResource Open Resource]
25 * [wiki:Features/QuickMenuAccess Quick Menu Access]
26 * [wiki:Features/SingleInstance Single Instance]
27 * [wiki:Features/AutoSave Automatic Save and Backup]
28 * [wiki:Features/RemoteEditing Remote Editing via FTP, HTTP, SSH]
29 * [wiki:Features/CooperativeEditing Cooperative Editing] (Swarm)
30 * [wiki:Features/SearchAndReplace Search and Replace]
31 * [wiki:Features/IncrementalSearch Incremental Search]
32 * [wiki:Features/FindInFiles Find In Files]
33 * [wiki:Features/TODOList TODO List]
34 * [wiki:Features/EditPatch Patch]
35 * [wiki:Features/AutoDiff Auto-Diff]
36 * [wiki:Features/CodeSnippets Code Snippets]
37 * [wiki:Features/CPANModuleInstaller CPAN Module Installer]
38 * [wiki:Features/SessionManagement Session Management]
39 * [wiki:Features/SplitView Split View]
40 * [wiki:Features/Bookmarks Bookmarks]
41 * [wiki:Features/RightClick Context Menu]
42 * [wiki:Features/ProjectManagement Project Management]
43 * [wiki:Features/ProjectSkeletonGeneration Project Skeleton Generation]
44 * [wiki:Features/Autocomplete Autocomplete]
45 * [wiki:Features/HelpViewer Help Viewer]
46 * [wiki:Features/ContextSensitiveHelp Context Sensitive Help]
47 * [wiki:Features/RectangularEditing Rectangular Selection and Editing]
48 * [wiki:Features/Autoindent Autoindent]
49 * [wiki:Features/Brackets Bracket Completition and Matching]
50 * [wiki:Features/Outline Code Browser and Var tree called Outline]
51 * [wiki:Features/Autocomplete Source code suggestions and Autocomplete]
52 * [wiki:Features/PreferenceSystem Configuration and Preference System]
53 * [wiki:Features/OpenSelection Open Selection]
54 * Multi-document editing - as far as we understand this only means you can edit several files at the same time
55 * Code-assist editor - What does this cover?
56 * IME - [wiki:Features/MultilingualInputMethodEditor Multilingual Input Method Editor]
57 * [wiki:Features/IntegratedWebServer Integrated Web Server] for web application development
58 * Call tips
59* [wiki:Features/ToolsPrefernces Tools Prefernces draft]
61== Perl-specific features ==
63 * [wiki:Features/SyntaxChecking Real Time Syntax Checking For Perl 5 and 6]
64 * [wiki:Features/Perl5Debugger Perl 5 Debugger] - perl debugging in Padre
65 * [wiki:Features/RefactoringPerl5 Refactoring Perl 5 code]
66 * [wiki:Features/AutomatedBuildAndTest Automated Build and Test]
67 * [wiki:Features/Perl6 Perl 6 features]
68 * [wiki:Features/RegexEditor Regex Editor]
69 * [wiki:PluginAPI Extendable in Perl 5] via a Powerful [wiki:PluginAPI Plugin API]
70 * [wiki:Features/PerlTidy] - automatic reformatting (tidying) of code
71 * [wiki:Features/REPL REPL]
72 * [wiki:Features/ProjectBrowser Project Browser] (Tree view of source files and resources)
73 * [wiki:Features/IdentifyCommonErrors Identify Common Errors]
74 * special features for beginners (we can create a page listing them)
75 * advanced features (we can create a page listing them)
77 * [wiki:Features/Extendable Extendable in Perl 6 and other languages]
78 * [wiki:Features/HandleMultipleLanguages]
81== Plugins ==
83 * [wiki:Plugins] generic plugins related tickets
84 * [wiki:Features/IntegratedVersionControl Integrated Version Control]
85 * [wiki:Features/SuperGrep Super Grep]
87= Feature requests and ideas from other sources =
89In this section we have lists of features taken from verious articles
90and web sites comparing tools and even from other IDEs.
92For each feature we first link it to a related ticket but later
93on we will point to the description of our implementation of
94that feature.
96== From Perlmonks ==
98Perlmonks has a table comparing features of IDEs and editors to be used for Perl
101The table can be found at [http://www.perlmonks.org/?node=Perl%20Development%20Tools Perl Development Tools]
103TODO: add links to the relevant Feature Pages
105|| '''Feature'''      || '''Status or link to ticket''' ||
106|| Perl Exclusive     || Why is yes considered good here? ||
107|| Free               || yes - Under the "perl" license. ||
108|| Perl Engine        || Any - Padre itself runs on 5.8.7 or higher but your code can run on any version of perl ||
109|| [wiki:Features/SyntaxChecking Syntax Checking]  || yes ||
110|| [wiki:Features/SyntaxHighlighting Syntax colouring]  || yes ||
111|| [wiki:Features/Autoindent Autoindent]    || yes ||
112|| [wiki:Features/IncrementalSearch Incremental search] || yes ||
113|| [wiki:Features/Brackets Bracket Completition and Matching] || yes ||
114|| Folding            || see under [wiki:Features/VisualEditorEffects Visual Editor Effects] ||
115|| Var tree           || see in [wiki:Features/Outline Outline] ||
116|| Code browser       || see in [wiki:Features/Outline Outline] ||
117|| Debugger           || [wiki:Features/Perl5Debugger Perl 5 Debugger] ||
118|| Stepping           || See Debugger ||
119|| Breakpoints        || See Debugger ||
120|| Watches            || See Debugger ||
121|| Var evaluation     || See Debugger ||
122|| Stack module       || See Debugger ||
123|| [wiki:Features/Bookmarks Bookmarks]    || yes ||
124|| Suggest & complete || see #67 but add more ||
125|| [wiki:Features/IdentifyCommonErrors Identify errors] || also [wiki:Features/SyntaxChecking Syntax Checking] ||
126|| [wiki:Features/REPL Interactive shell]  || ||
127|| [wiki:Features/CodeSnippets Code snippets]  || yes ||
128|| [wiki:Features/ProjectManagement Project] || ||
129|| Control version    ||  [wiki:Features/IntegratedVersionControl Integrated Version Control] ||
130|| Multi document     || yes ||
131|| [wiki:Features/SplitView Split View] || ||
132|| IME                || Multilingual Input Method Editor ||
133|| [wiki:Features/HelpViewer Docs & Help viewer] || yes ||
134|| [wiki:Features/CPANModuleInstaller Module installer]   || ||
135|| WEB                || [wiki:Features/IntegratedWebServer Integrated Web Server] ||
136|| FTP                || #12 Read and write over ftp protocol (modify the program at remote server) ||
137|| HTML export        || #112 To export the source of program with the syntax colouring. ||
138|| Linux              || [wiki:Download] ||
139|| BSD                || [wiki:DownloadFreeBSD] and [wiki:DownloadNetBSD] ||
140|| Mac OS X           || [wiki:DownloadMacOSX] ||
141|| Solaris            || ||
142|| Windows            || [wiki:DownloadWindows] ||
145== From Perl Needs Better Tools ==
147[http://www.eigenstate.net/perl_tools/ Perl Needs Better Tools] by Matisse Enzer
149||'''Feature'''                                                    || '''Status or link to ticket''' ||
150||[wiki:Features/SyntaxHighlighting Syntax coloring]               || ||
151||[wiki:Features/SyntaxChecking Real Time Syntax Checking] || ||
152||[wiki:Features/IntegratedVersionControl Version control integration] || ||
153||Code-assist editor                                               ||  ||
154||Excellent refactoring support                                    || [wiki:Features/RefactoringPerl5 Refactoring Perl 5 code] ||
155||Tree view of source files and resources                          ||  ||
156||Support for creating and running unit tests                      || [wiki:Features/AutomatedBuildAndTest Automated Build and Test] ||
157||Language-specific help                                           || [wiki:Features/ContextSensitiveHelp Context Sensitive Help] ||
158||Run your code under a debugger with real-time display of results ||  ||
159||Automatic reformatting of code.                                  ||  ||
160||handling of multiple languages                                   ||  ||
161||Automated build and test                                         ||  ||
164== From Enlightened Perl ==
166Work together with the folks at Enlightened Perl http://www.enlightenedperl.org/
167to see how Padre can provide a GUI for their efforts.
168Look at Kensho, http://search.cpan.org/dist/Task-Kensho/ a list of recommended module
169and see how Padre can provide a GUI (via a plugin or in core Padre) for them.
171== From Competitors ==
173See the [wiki:'Competitor Analysis']
175== From Eclipse EPIC ==
177[http://www.eclipse.org/cdt/ Eclipse CDT - C/C++ Development Tooling]
178[http://www.eclipse.org/jdt/ Eclipse Java development tools (JDT)]
180Some of these features are only relevant (or possible) for C/C++ or Java
182||'''Feature'''                                            || '''Status or link to ticket''' ||
183||Find all references                                      || ||
184||Find definition/declaration/usage                        || ||
185||Type Hierarchy                                           || ||
186||Call Hierarchy (or call graph)                           || ||
187||[wiki:Features/RefactoringPerl5 Refactoring]             || ||
188||[wiki:Features/SourceNavigation Source navigation]       || ||
189||[wiki:Features/SyntaxHighlighting Syntax highlighting]   || ||
190||Code folding                                             || under [wiki:Features/VisualEditorEffects Visual Editor Effects] ||
191||Hyperlink navigation                                     || ||
192||Include browser                                          || ||
193||Project creation                                         || [wiki:Features/ProjectSkeletonGeneration Project Skeleton Generation] ||
194||Managed build for various toolchains                     || ||
195||Standard make build                                      || Via Run menu ||
196||Macro definition browser                                 || ||
197||Code generation                                          || partly (File -> New...) ||
198||Visual debugging tools                                   || ||
199||Memory, registers, and disassembly viewers               || ||